path: root/
diff options
authorJohn Malmberg <>2014-07-07 02:47:30 -0400
committerPaul Smith <>2014-07-07 02:47:30 -0400
commitf38679121f5133c204caaa785b6023a876393df1 (patch)
treef81a956a7b7395a82a62824ab538ae1f489dfa02 /
parent475d52f2c41761349963683ab61eea4eef7a4915 (diff)
Update the regression test harness to support VMS.
*, set up and run the regression test environment on VMS. * tests/ [VMS]: Use an alternate rmdir() implementation on VMS. (run_make_with_options) [VMS]: Provide VMS-specific quoting and shell invocations. (set_more_defaults) [VMS]: Set default values when running on VMS. * tests/ (vms_get_process_logicals) [VMS]: Retrieve the proper values from %ENV on VMS. (resetENV) [VMS]: Use it. (toplevel) [VMS]: Fix a bug with opendir() on some logical_devices. (compare_output) [VMS]: Convert VMS test output to a "standard" format. (_run_command) [VMS]: Handle signals and exit codes the VMS way. (remove_directory_tree_inner) [VMS]: Unlink all versions of the file.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..257e863b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+$! This is a wrapper for the GNU make perl test programs on VMS.
+$! Parameter "-help" for description on how to use described below.
+$! Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+$! This file is part of GNU Make.
+$! GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+$! the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+$! Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+$! version.
+$! GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+$! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+$! FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+$! details.
+$! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+$! this program. If not, see <>.
+$! Allow more than 8 paramters with using commas as a delimiter.
+$ params = "''p1',''p2',''p3',''p4',''p5',''p6',''p7',''p8'"
+$ test_flags = ",verbose,detail,keep,usage,help,debug,"
+$ test_flags_len = f$length(test_flags)
+$ verbose_flag = ""
+$ detail_flag = ""
+$ keep_flag = ""
+$ usage_flag = ""
+$ help_flag = ""
+$ debug_flag = ""
+$ ignored_options = "profile,make,srcdir,valgrind,memcheck,massif,"
+$ ignored_option_len = f$length(ignored_options)
+$ testname = ""
+$ make :== $bin:make.exe"
+$ i = 0
+$ param = f$element(i, ",", params)
+$ i = i + 1
+$ if param .eqs. "" then goto param_loop
+$ if param .eqs. "," then goto param_loop_end
+$ param_len = f$length(param)
+$ if f$locate("/", param) .lt. param_len
+$ then
+$ if testname .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Only the last test name specified will be run!"
+$ endif
+$ testname = param
+$ goto param_loop
+$ endif
+$ lc_param = f$edit(param,"LOWERCASE") - "-"
+$ if f$locate(",''lc_param',", ignored_options) .lt. ignored_option_len
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "parameter ''param' is ignored on VMS for now."
+$ goto param_loop
+$ endif
+$ if f$locate(",''lc_param',", test_flags) .lt. test_flags_len
+$ then
+$ 'lc_param'_flag = "-" + lc_param
+$ goto param_loop
+$ endif
+$ write sys$output "parameter ''param' is not known to VMS."
+$ goto param_loop
+$no_gnv = 1
+$no_perl = 1
+$! Find GNV 2.1.3 + manditory updates
+$! If properly updated, the GNV$GNU logical name is present.
+$! Updated GNV utilities have a gnv$ prefix on them.
+$ gnv_root = f$trnlnm("GNV$GNU", "LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE")
+$ if gnv_root .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ no_gnv = 0
+$ ! Check for update ar utility.
+$ new_ar = "gnv$gnu:[usr.bin]gnv$ar.exe"
+$ if f$search(new_ar) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ ! See if a new port of ar exists.
+$ ar :== $'new_ar'
+$ else
+$ ! Fall back to legacy GNV AR wrapper.
+$ old_ar = "gnv$gnu:[bin]ar.exe"
+$ if f$search(old_ar) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ ar :== $'old_ar'
+$ else
+$ no_gnv = 1
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ ! Check for updated bash
+$ if no_gnv .eq. 0
+$ then
+$ new_bash = "gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$bash.exe"
+$ if f$search(new_bash) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ bash :== $'new_bash'
+$ sh :== $'new_bash'
+$ else
+$ no_gnv = 1
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ ! Check for updated coreutils
+$ if no_gnv .eq. 0
+$ then
+$ new_cat = "gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$cat.exe"
+$ if f$search(new_cat) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ cat :== $'new_cat'
+$ cp :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$cp.exe
+$ echo :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$echo.exe
+$ false :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$false.exe
+$ true :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$true.exe
+$ touch :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$touch.exe
+$ mkdir :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$mkdir.exe
+$ rm :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$rm.exe
+$ sleep :== $gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$sleep.exe
+$ else
+$ no_gnv = 1
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ ! Check for updated diff utility.
+$ if no_gnv .eq. 0
+$ then
+$ new_diff = "gnv$gnu:[usr.bin]gnv$diff.exe"
+$ if f$search(new_diff) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ ! See if a new port of diff exists.
+$ diff :== $'new_diff'
+$ else
+$ ! Fall back to legacy GNV diff
+$ old_diff = "gnv$gnu:[bin]diff.exe"
+$ if f$search(old_diff) .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ diff :== $'old_diff'
+$ else
+$ no_gnv = 1
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$if no_gnv
+$ write sys$output "Could not find an up to date GNV installed!"
+$ help_flag = 1
+$! Find perl 5.18.1 or later.
+$! look in perl_root:[000000]
+$ perl_root = f$trnlnm("perl_root")
+$ ! This works with known perl installed from PCSI kits.
+$ if perl_root .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ perl_ver = f$element(1, ".", perl_root)
+$ if f$locate("-", perl_ver) .lt. f$length(perl_ver)
+$ then
+$ no_perl = 0
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if no_perl
+$ then
+$! look for sys$common:[perl-*]
+$ perl_setup = f$search("sys$common:[perl-*]")
+$ if perl_setup .eqs. ""
+$ then
+$ if gnv_root .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ gnv_device = f$parse(gnv_root,,,"DEVICE")
+$ perl_templ = "[vms$common.perl-*]"
+$ perl_search = f$parse(perl_templ, gnv_device)
+$ perl_setup = f$search(perl_search)
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if perl_setup .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ @'perl_setup'
+$ no_perl = 0
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if no_perl
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Could not find an up to date Perl installed!"
+$ help_flag = "-help"
+$ endif
+$ if help_flag .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ type sys$input
+This is a test script wrapper for the [.tests] script.
+This wrapper makes sure that the DCL symbols and logical names needed to
+run the perl script are in place.
+The test wrapper currently requires that the DCL symbols be global symbols.
+Those symbols will be left behind after the procedure is run.
+The PERL_ROOT will be set to a compatible perl if such a perl is found and
+is not the default PERL_ROOT:. This setting will persist after the test.
+This wrapper should be run with the default set to the base directory
+of the make source.
+The HELP parameter will bring up this text and then run the help script
+for the Perl wrapper. Not all options for the perl script have been
+implemented, such as valgrind or specifying the make path or source path.
+Running the wrapper script requires:
+ Perl 5.18 or later.
+ PCSI kits available from
+ GNV 2.1.3 or later. GNV 3.0.1 has not tested with this script.
+ Bash 4.2.47 or later.
+ Coreutils 8.21 or later.
+ Read before installing:
+ As updates for other GNV components get posted, those updates should
+ be used.
+$ endif
+$ if no_gnv .or. no_perl then exit 44
+$ make := $bin:make.exe
+$! Need to make sure that the exists.
+$ if f$search("[.tests]") .eqs. ""
+$ then
+$ endif
+$ default = f$environment("DEFAULT")
+$ on error then goto all_error
+$ set def [.tests]
+$ define/user bin 'default',gnv$gnu:[bin]
+$ define/user decc$filename_unix_noversion enable
+$ define/user decc$filename_unix_report enable
+$ define/user decc$readdir_dropdotnotype enable
+$ flags = ""
+$ if verbose_flag .nes. "" then flags = verbose_flag
+$ if detail_flag .nes. "" then flags = flags + " " + detail_flag
+$ if keep_flag .nes. "" then flags = flags + " " + keep_flag
+$ if usage_flag .nes. "" then flags = flags + " " + usage_flag
+$ if help_flag .nes. "" then flags = flags + " " + help_flag
+$ if debug_flag .nes. "" then flags = flags + " " + debug_flag
+$ flags = f$edit(flags, "TRIM, COMPRESS")
+$ if testname .nes. ""
+$ then
+$ perl "''testname'" 'flags'
+$ else
+$ perl 'flags'
+$ endif
+$ set default 'default'