path: root/bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl
diff options
authorunknown <tim@threads.polyesthetic.msg>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
committerunknown <tim@threads.polyesthetic.msg>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
commit07dc15a5b0fafaf0a0bcde2768b34aad2f3825fa (patch)
tree9dd732e08dba156ee3d7635caedc0dc3107ecac6 /bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl
parent542e1c18dc5bf80665df55ffa04a48d986945259 (diff)
Import changeset
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl b/bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8695254c257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/test/mpoolscript.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: mpoolscript.tcl,v 11.12 2000/05/05 15:23:47 sue Exp $
+# Random multiple process mpool tester.
+# Usage: mpoolscript dir id numiters numfiles numpages sleepint
+# dir: lock directory.
+# id: Unique identifier for this process.
+# maxprocs: Number of procs in this test.
+# numiters: Total number of iterations.
+# pgsizes: Pagesizes for the different files. Length of this item indicates
+# how many files to use.
+# numpages: Number of pages per file.
+# sleepint: Maximum sleep interval.
+# flags: Flags for env open
+source ./include.tcl
+source $test_path/test.tcl
+source $test_path/testutils.tcl
+set usage \
+ "mpoolscript dir id maxprocs numiters pgsizes numpages sleepint flags"
+# Verify usage
+if { $argc != 8 } {
+ puts stderr "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: $usage"
+ puts $argc
+ exit
+# Initialize arguments
+set dir [lindex $argv 0]
+set id [lindex $argv 1]
+set maxprocs [lindex $argv 2]
+set numiters [ lindex $argv 3 ]
+set pgsizes [ lindex $argv 4 ]
+set numpages [ lindex $argv 5 ]
+set sleepint [ lindex $argv 6 ]
+set flags [ lindex $argv 7]
+# Initialize seed
+global rand_init
+berkdb srand $rand_init
+# Give time for all processes to start up.
+tclsleep 10
+puts -nonewline "Beginning execution for $id: $maxprocs $dir $numiters"
+puts " $pgsizes $numpages $sleepint"
+flush stdout
+# Figure out how small/large to make the cache
+set max 0
+foreach i $pgsizes {
+ if { $i > $max } {
+ set max $i
+ }
+set cache [list 0 [expr $maxprocs * ([lindex $pgsizes 0] + $max)] 1]
+set env_cmd {berkdb env -lock -cachesize $cache -home $dir}
+set e [eval $env_cmd $flags]
+error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $e] TRUE
+# Now open files
+set mpools {}
+set nfiles 0
+foreach psize $pgsizes {
+ set mp [$e mpool -create -mode 0644 -pagesize $psize file$nfiles]
+ error_check_good memp_fopen:$nfiles [is_valid_mpool $mp $e] TRUE
+ lappend mpools $mp
+ incr nfiles
+puts "Establishing long-term pin on file 0 page $id for process $id"
+# Set up the long-pin page
+set lock [$e lock_get write $id 0:$id]
+error_check_good lock_get [is_valid_lock $lock $e] TRUE
+set mp [lindex $mpools 0]
+set master_page [$mp get -create $id]
+error_check_good mp_get:$master_page [is_valid_page $master_page $mp] TRUE
+set r [$master_page init MASTER$id]
+error_check_good page_init $r 0
+# Release the lock but keep the page pinned
+set r [$lock put]
+error_check_good lock_put $r 0
+# Main loop. On each iteration, we'll check every page in each of
+# of the files. On any file, if we see the appropriate tag in the
+# field, we'll rewrite the page, else we won't. Keep track of
+# how many pages we actually process.
+set pages 0
+for { set iter 0 } { $iter < $numiters } { incr iter } {
+ puts "[timestamp]: iteration $iter, $pages pages set so far"
+ flush stdout
+ for { set fnum 1 } { $fnum < $nfiles } { incr fnum } {
+ if { [expr $fnum % 2 ] == 0 } {
+ set pred [expr ($id + $maxprocs - 1) % $maxprocs]
+ } else {
+ set pred [expr ($id + $maxprocs + 1) % $maxprocs]
+ }
+ set mpf [lindex $mpools $fnum]
+ for { set p 0 } { $p < $numpages } { incr p } {
+ set lock [$e lock_get write $id $fnum:$p]
+ error_check_good lock_get:$fnum:$p \
+ [is_valid_lock $lock $e] TRUE
+ # Now, get the page
+ set pp [$mpf get -create $p]
+ error_check_good page_get:$fnum:$p \
+ [is_valid_page $pp $mpf] TRUE
+ if { [$pp is_setto $pred] == 0 || [$pp is_setto 0] == 0 } {
+ # Set page to self.
+ set r [$pp init $id]
+ error_check_good page_init:$fnum:$p $r 0
+ incr pages
+ set r [$pp put -dirty]
+ error_check_good page_put:$fnum:$p $r 0
+ } else {
+ error_check_good page_put:$fnum:$p [$pp put] 0
+ }
+ error_check_good lock_put:$fnum:$p [$lock put] 0
+ }
+ }
+ tclsleep [berkdb random_int 1 $sleepint]
+# Now verify your master page, release its pin, then verify everyone else's
+puts "$id: End of run verification of master page"
+set r [$master_page is_setto MASTER$id]
+error_check_good page_check $r 1
+set r [$master_page put -dirty]
+error_check_good page_put $r 0
+set i [expr ($id + 1) % $maxprocs]
+set mpf [lindex $mpools 0]
+while { $i != $id } {
+ set p [$mpf get -create $i]
+ error_check_good mp_get [is_valid_page $p $mpf] TRUE
+ if { [$p is_setto MASTER$i] != 1 } {
+ puts "Warning: Master page $i not set."
+ }
+ error_check_good page_put:$p [$p put] 0
+ set i [expr ($i + 1) % $maxprocs]
+# Close files
+foreach i $mpools {
+ set r [$i close]
+ error_check_good mpf_close $r 0
+# Close environment system
+set r [$e close]
+error_check_good env_close $r 0
+puts "[timestamp] $id Complete"
+flush stdout