path: root/support-files/MacOSX
diff options
authorunknown <>2005-10-27 18:32:14 +0200
committerunknown <>2005-10-27 18:32:14 +0200
commitac22cdc57745fe810546b4929d096019aaba00e2 (patch)
treed14440209a4b760dff3a26263a84e1dec2162fc6 /support-files/MacOSX
parent0ffe070cee102534e59be45edffb92de0dd73acc (diff)
- cleanup: removed the empty NEW-RPMS directory and all references
- cleanup: removed obsolete support-files/MacOSX/ script (we now use Do-pkg for building OS X packages) BitKeeper/deleted/.del-.cvsignore~4c7a1f88a5a62a24: Delete: NEW-RPMS/.cvsignore BitKeeper/deleted/ Delete: support-files/MacOSX/ netware/BUILD/compile-linux-tools: - removed reference to the NEW-RPMS directory netware/BUILD/compile-netware-END: - removed reference to the NEW-RPMS directory netware/BUILD/compile-netware-src: - removed reference to the NEW-RPMS directory
Diffstat (limited to 'support-files/MacOSX')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/support-files/MacOSX/ b/support-files/MacOSX/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22283d57098..00000000000
--- a/support-files/MacOSX/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This script creates a Mac OS X installation package
-# of MySQL for Apple's Installer application.
-# To use it:
-# 1.) Unpack the mysql source tarball and cd into the directory
-# 2.) execute this script
-# Written by Marc Liyanage (
-# History:
-# When Who What
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# 2001-09-16 Marc Liyanage First version
-# 2001-11-18 Marc Liyanage Improved configure directory options
-use strict;
-use DirHandle;
-my $data = {};
-$data->{PREFIX_DIR} = "/usr/local/mysql";
-$data->{CONFIG} = join(" ",
- "--prefix=$data->{PREFIX_DIR}",
- "--localstatedir=$data->{PREFIX_DIR}/data",
- "--libdir=$data->{PREFIX_DIR}/lib",
- "--includedir=$data->{PREFIX_DIR}/include",
- "--with-named-z-libs=/usr/local/libz.a",
- "--with-innodb",
- "--with-server-suffix=''",
- "--with-comment=''",
- "--with-mysqld-user=mysql",
- "--enable-assembler",
-print "Package $data->{PACKAGE_TARBALL_FILENAME} created\n";
-# Subroutines follow here...
-# Prepares data in the global $data hash, like version numbers,
-# directory names etc. Also makes sure that no old stuff
-# is in our way.
-sub prepare {
- my ($data) = @_;
- # Keep the current wd for reference
- #
- $data->{OLDWD} = `pwd`;
- chomp($data->{OLDWD});
- # Look for configure script
- #
- unless (-f "configure") {
- abort($data, "Unable to find 'configure', make sure you're in the MySQL source toplevel directory!");
- }
- # Try to find version number there
- #
- my $mysql_version_h = `cat configure`;
- ($data->{VERSION}) = $mysql_version_h =~ /^VERSION=(.+?)$/m;
- unless ($data->{VERSION} =~ /\d+/) {
- abort($data, "Unable to find MySQL version number!");
- }
- debug($data, "found MySQL version number $data->{VERSION}");
- # PAXROOT_DIR is where we will build our own little
- # fake /usr/local directory. Make sure it doesn't exist,
- # then try to create it.
- #
- $data->{PAXROOT_DIR} = "/tmp/mysql-$data->{VERSION}-paxroot";
- if (-e $data->{PAXROOT_DIR}) {
- abort($data, "$data->{PAXROOT_DIR} exists, please remove first");
- }
- if (system("mkdir $data->{PAXROOT_DIR}")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to mkdir $data->{PAXROOT_DIR}, please make sure you have the right permissions!");
- }
- # PACKAGE_DIR is where we will build the package directory
- # hierarchy, according to the standard .pkg layout.
- #
- $data->{PACKAGE_NAME} = "mysql-$data->{VERSION}.pkg";
- $data->{PACKAGE_DIR} = "/tmp/$data->{PACKAGE_NAME}";
- if (-e $data->{PACKAGE_DIR}) {
- abort($data, "$data->{PACKAGE_DIR} exists, please remove first");
- }
- if (system("mkdir $data->{PACKAGE_DIR}")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to mkdir $data->{PACKAGE_DIR}, please make sure you have the right permissions!");
- }
-# Configure the MySQL source with our options
-sub configure_source {
- my ($data) = @_;
- if (system("./configure $data->{CONFIG}")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to configure!");
- }
-# Build the software
-sub make {
- my ($data) = @_;
- if (system("make")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to make!");
- }
-# We don't ever install the software, but instead we use an
-# included script to create a binary distribution
-# tarball.
-sub make_binary_distribution {
- my ($data) = @_;
- if (system("./scripts/make_binary_distribution > make_binary_distribution.out")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to make_binary_distribution!");
- }
- my @output = `cat make_binary_distribution.out`;
- my $last_line = $output[-1];
- unlink("make_binary_distribution.out");
- my ($tarball_filename, $tarball_directory) = $last_line =~ /^((.+)\.tar\.gz) created/i;
- unless ($tarball_filename and -f $tarball_filename) {
- abort($data, "Unable determine the output filename of scripts/make_binary_distribution!");
- }
- $data->{BINARY_TARBALL_FILENAME} = $tarball_filename;
- $data->{BINARY_TARBALL_DIRECTORY} = $tarball_directory;
-# Now we build a fake /usr/local directory hierarchy.
-# This will be fed to the pax tool to create the archive.
-sub create_pax_root {
- my ($data) = @_;
- # Go there and try to extract the binary distribution
- # tarball which we created in the previous step.
- #
- chdir($data->{PAXROOT_DIR});
- my $tarfile = "$data->{OLDWD}/$data->{BINARY_TARBALL_FILENAME}";
- if (system("tar -xzf $tarfile")) {
- abort($data, "Unable to extract $tarfile inside $data->{PAXROOT_DIR}");
- }
- # Rename it to what we want it to be in the
- # installed /usr/local directory later on, i.e.
- # mysql-<version>. Then create a symlink from
- # mysql to mysql-<version>
- #
- rename($data->{BINARY_TARBALL_DIRECTORY}, "mysql-$data->{VERSION}");
- symlink("mysql-$data->{VERSION}", "mysql");
- # We create a bunch of symlinks in /usr/local/bin and
- # /usr/local/share/man so that the end-user will not
- # have to adjust PATH and MANPATH to include the
- # /usr/local/mysql/bin and man directories.
- #
- system("mkdir -p $_") foreach qw(bin share/man);
- # First create the symlinks in the bin directory
- #
- # 2001-02-13: we no longer use symlinks for the binaries, we
- # use small dummy scripts instead because the
- # mysql scripts do a lot of guesswork with their
- # own path and that will not work when called via the symlink
- #
-# symlink("../mysql/bin/$_", "$_") foreach (grep {$_ !~ /^\.+$/} DirHandle->new("../mysql/bin")->read());
- chdir("bin");
- foreach my $command (grep {$_ !~ /^\.+$/} DirHandle->new("../mysql/bin")->read()) {
- my $scriptcode = qq+#!/bin/sh\n# Part of the mysql package\ncd /usr/local/mysql/\nexec ./bin/$command "\$\@"\n+;
- open(SCRIPTFILE, ">$command") or die "Unable to write open $command\n";
- print SCRIPTFILE $scriptcode;
- close(SCRIPTFILE);
- chmod(0755, $command);
- }
- # Now include the man pages. Two problems here:
- # 1.) the make_binary_distribution script does not seem
- # to include the man pages, so we have to copy them over
- # now. [outdated, was fixed by MySQL!]
- # 2.) The man pages could be in different sections, so
- # we have to recursively copy *and* symlink them.
- #
- # First find out what's there in the source distribution.
- # Store the names of the manpages in anonymous
- # arrays which in turn will be stored in a hash, using
- # the section numbers as hash keys.
- #
- chdir("$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql");
- my %man_sections;
- foreach my $manpage (grep {$_ =~ /^.+\.(\d+)$/} DirHandle->new("man")->read()) {
- my ($section) = $manpage =~ /\.(\d+)$/;
- $man_sections{$section} ||= [];
- push @{$man_sections{$section}}, "$manpage";
- }
- # Now iterate through the sections and man pages,
- # and copy/symlink the man pages
- #
- chdir("$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/share/man/");
- foreach my $section (keys(%man_sections)) {
- system("mkdir -p man$section");
- chdir("man$section");
- foreach my $manpage (@{$man_sections{$section}}) {
- symlink("../../../mysql/man/$manpage", $manpage)
- }
- chdir("..");
- }
- # Fix up the library and lib directories. They are packed up wrong in the
- # binary distribution tarball.
- #
- # (no longer needed as of 3.23.47)
- # (oops, still needed because 3.23.47 is broken...)
- #
-# if (-d "$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/lib/mysql") {
-# abort($data, "$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/lib/mysql exists, layout has changed!");
-# }
-# chdir("$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/lib/");
-# system("mkdir -p mysql");
-# system("mv * mysql");
-# if (-d "$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/include/mysql") {
-# abort($data, "$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/include/mysql exists, layout has changed!");
-# }
-# chdir("$data->{PAXROOT_DIR}/mysql/include/");
-# system("mkdir -p mysql");
-# system("mv * mysql");
-# Take the pax root directory, create a few auxiliary
-# files and then pack everything up into a tarball
-sub create_package {
- my ($data) = @_;
- # Create the resources directory in which all
- # interesting files for this package will be stored
- #
- $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR} = "$data->{PACKAGE_DIR}/Contents/Resources";
- if (system("mkdir -p $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}")) {
- abort("Unable to create package resources dir $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}");
- }
- # Create the big archive with all the files using
- # the pax tool
- #
- chdir($data->{PAXROOT_DIR});
- if(system("pax -w . | gzip -c > $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.pax.gz")) {
- abort("Unable to create package pax file");
- }
- # Create the "Bill Of Materials" (bom) file.
- #
- if(system("mkbom . $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.bom")) {
- abort("Unable to create package bom file");
- }
- # Create the ".sizes" file with some information about the package
- #
- my $size_uncompressed = `du -sk $data->{PAXROOT_DIR} | cut -f 1`;
- chomp($size_uncompressed);
- my $size_compressed = `du -sk $data->{PACKAGE_DIR} | cut -f 1`;
- chomp($size_compressed);
- my $numfiles = `find /tmp/mysql-$data->{VERSION}-paxroot | wc -l`;
- $numfiles--;
- open(SIZESFILE, ">$data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.sizes") or abort("Unable to write open sizes file $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.sizes");
- print SIZESFILE "NumFiles $numfiles\n";
- print SIZESFILE "InstalledSize $size_uncompressed\n";
- print SIZESFILE "CompressedSize $size_compressed\n";
- close(SIZESFILE);
- # Create the ".info" file with more information abou the package.
- #
- open(INFOFILE, ">$data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.info") or abort("Unable to write open sizes file $data->{PKG_RESOURCES_DIR}/mysql-$data->{VERSION}.info");
- my $infodata = join("", <DATA>);
- $infodata =~ s/<%(.+?)%>/$data->{$1}/eg;
- abort("Unable to get info file data from __DATA__!") unless ($infodata =~ /\w+/);
- print INFOFILE $infodata;
- close(INFOFILE);
- # Finally, create the .tar.gz file for the package,
- # this is our end result
- #
- chdir($data->{PACKAGE_DIR});
- chdir("..");
- $data->{PACKAGE_TARBALL_FILENAME} = "$data->{PACKAGE_NAME}.tar.gz";
- if(system("tar -czf $data->{OLDWD}/$data->{PACKAGE_TARBALL_FILENAME} $data->{PACKAGE_NAME}")) {
- abort("Unable to create package tar file $data->{OLDWD}/$data->{PACKAGE_TARBALL_FILENAME}");
- }
-# Abort with an error message
-sub abort {
- my ($data, $errormessage) = @_;
- my ($caller) = (caller(1))[3];
- $caller =~ s/^main:://;
- print "*** Error: $caller(): $errormessage\n";
- exit 1;
-# Output informative messages
-sub debug {
- my ($data, $message) = @_;
- my ($caller) = (caller(1))[3];
- $caller =~ s/^main:://;
- print "*** Info: $caller(): $message\n";
-# Remove temporary items
-sub cleanup {
- my ($data) = @_;
- chdir($data->{OLDWD});
- system("rm -rf $data->{PACKAGE_DIR}");
- system("rm -rf $data->{PAXROOT_DIR}");
- system("rm $data->{BINARY_TARBALL_FILENAME}");
-Title MySQL
-Version <%VERSION%>
-Description The MySQL database server in a convenient Mac OS X package. Some additional configuration is necessary, please see
-DefaultLocation /usr/local
-Diskname (null)
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-DisableStop NO
-UseUserMask NO
-Application NO
-Relocatable NO
-Required NO
-InstallOnly NO
-RequiresReboot NO
-InstallFat NO