path: root/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fe56861992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+use dbt3_s001;
+--source include/
+create index i_n_name on nation(n_name);
+analyze table nation;
+--echo # Pullout
+--echo # =======
+let $c1=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+explain format=json
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+explain format=json
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice= o_totalprice+50 where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+let $c2=
+ (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-2 where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+let $c3=
+ ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+ where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-10 where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+let $c4=
+ l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+ where o_custkey in
+ (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in
+ (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'))
+ and
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+ and
+ (l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100-1)/100 where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+--echo # FirstMatch
+--echo # ==========
+let $c5=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-10 where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+let $c6=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-20 where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+--echo # Materialization
+--echo # ===============
+let $c7=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+let $c8=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+--echo # Materialization SJM
+--echo # ===================
+let $c9=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+let $c10=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+--echo # Pullout PS
+--echo # ==========
+prepare stmt from "
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+? where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+set @a1=-20;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+set @a2=-10;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # FirstMatch PS
+--echo # =============
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+set @a1=15;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+set @a2=5;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization PS
+--echo # ==================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a1=7;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a2=3;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization SJM PS
+--echo # ======================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a1=-2;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a2=-1;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Pullout SP
+--echo # ==========
+create procedure p(d int)
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+d where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(-10);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(-20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(10+20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # FirstMatch SP
+--echo # =============
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(15);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(-(5+15));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SP
+--echo # ==================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(3);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(7);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(-(3+7));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SJM SP
+--echo # ======================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(-1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(-2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(1+2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Checking limitations
+--echo # ====================
+let $c11=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+--echo # Should not use semi-join conversion because has ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+--echo # Should use semi-join converion
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001;