path: root/pcre/ucp.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/pcre/ucp.h b/pcre/ucp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa00296e42..00000000000
--- a/pcre/ucp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-* Unicode Property Table handler *
-#ifndef _UCP_H
-#define _UCP_H
-/* This file contains definitions of the property values that are returned by
-the UCD access macros. New values that are added for new releases of Unicode
-should always be at the end of each enum, for backwards compatibility.
-IMPORTANT: Note also that the specific numeric values of the enums have to be
-the same as the values that are generated by the maint/ script,
-where the equivalent property descriptive names are listed in vectors.
-ALSO: The specific values of the first two enums are assumed for the table
-called catposstab in pcre_compile.c. */
-/* These are the general character categories. */
-enum {
- ucp_C, /* Other */
- ucp_L, /* Letter */
- ucp_M, /* Mark */
- ucp_N, /* Number */
- ucp_P, /* Punctuation */
- ucp_S, /* Symbol */
- ucp_Z /* Separator */
-/* These are the particular character categories. */
-enum {
- ucp_Cc, /* Control */
- ucp_Cf, /* Format */
- ucp_Cn, /* Unassigned */
- ucp_Co, /* Private use */
- ucp_Cs, /* Surrogate */
- ucp_Ll, /* Lower case letter */
- ucp_Lm, /* Modifier letter */
- ucp_Lo, /* Other letter */
- ucp_Lt, /* Title case letter */
- ucp_Lu, /* Upper case letter */
- ucp_Mc, /* Spacing mark */
- ucp_Me, /* Enclosing mark */
- ucp_Mn, /* Non-spacing mark */
- ucp_Nd, /* Decimal number */
- ucp_Nl, /* Letter number */
- ucp_No, /* Other number */
- ucp_Pc, /* Connector punctuation */
- ucp_Pd, /* Dash punctuation */
- ucp_Pe, /* Close punctuation */
- ucp_Pf, /* Final punctuation */
- ucp_Pi, /* Initial punctuation */
- ucp_Po, /* Other punctuation */
- ucp_Ps, /* Open punctuation */
- ucp_Sc, /* Currency symbol */
- ucp_Sk, /* Modifier symbol */
- ucp_Sm, /* Mathematical symbol */
- ucp_So, /* Other symbol */
- ucp_Zl, /* Line separator */
- ucp_Zp, /* Paragraph separator */
- ucp_Zs /* Space separator */
-/* These are grapheme break properties. Note that the code for processing them
-assumes that the values are less than 16. If more values are added that take
-the number to 16 or more, the code will have to be rewritten. */
-enum {
- ucp_gbCR, /* 0 */
- ucp_gbLF, /* 1 */
- ucp_gbControl, /* 2 */
- ucp_gbExtend, /* 3 */
- ucp_gbPrepend, /* 4 */
- ucp_gbSpacingMark, /* 5 */
- ucp_gbL, /* 6 Hangul syllable type L */
- ucp_gbV, /* 7 Hangul syllable type V */
- ucp_gbT, /* 8 Hangul syllable type T */
- ucp_gbLV, /* 9 Hangul syllable type LV */
- ucp_gbLVT, /* 10 Hangul syllable type LVT */
- ucp_gbRegionalIndicator, /* 11 */
- ucp_gbOther /* 12 */
-/* These are the script identifications. */
-enum {
- ucp_Arabic,
- ucp_Armenian,
- ucp_Bengali,
- ucp_Bopomofo,
- ucp_Braille,
- ucp_Buginese,
- ucp_Buhid,
- ucp_Canadian_Aboriginal,
- ucp_Cherokee,
- ucp_Common,
- ucp_Coptic,
- ucp_Cypriot,
- ucp_Cyrillic,
- ucp_Deseret,
- ucp_Devanagari,
- ucp_Ethiopic,
- ucp_Georgian,
- ucp_Glagolitic,
- ucp_Gothic,
- ucp_Greek,
- ucp_Gujarati,
- ucp_Gurmukhi,
- ucp_Han,
- ucp_Hangul,
- ucp_Hanunoo,
- ucp_Hebrew,
- ucp_Hiragana,
- ucp_Inherited,
- ucp_Kannada,
- ucp_Katakana,
- ucp_Kharoshthi,
- ucp_Khmer,
- ucp_Lao,
- ucp_Latin,
- ucp_Limbu,
- ucp_Linear_B,
- ucp_Malayalam,
- ucp_Mongolian,
- ucp_Myanmar,
- ucp_New_Tai_Lue,
- ucp_Ogham,
- ucp_Old_Italic,
- ucp_Old_Persian,
- ucp_Oriya,
- ucp_Osmanya,
- ucp_Runic,
- ucp_Shavian,
- ucp_Sinhala,
- ucp_Syloti_Nagri,
- ucp_Syriac,
- ucp_Tagalog,
- ucp_Tagbanwa,
- ucp_Tai_Le,
- ucp_Tamil,
- ucp_Telugu,
- ucp_Thaana,
- ucp_Thai,
- ucp_Tibetan,
- ucp_Tifinagh,
- ucp_Ugaritic,
- ucp_Yi,
- /* New for Unicode 5.0: */
- ucp_Balinese,
- ucp_Cuneiform,
- ucp_Nko,
- ucp_Phags_Pa,
- ucp_Phoenician,
- /* New for Unicode 5.1: */
- ucp_Carian,
- ucp_Cham,
- ucp_Kayah_Li,
- ucp_Lepcha,
- ucp_Lycian,
- ucp_Lydian,
- ucp_Ol_Chiki,
- ucp_Rejang,
- ucp_Saurashtra,
- ucp_Sundanese,
- ucp_Vai,
- /* New for Unicode 5.2: */
- ucp_Avestan,
- ucp_Bamum,
- ucp_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs,
- ucp_Imperial_Aramaic,
- ucp_Inscriptional_Pahlavi,
- ucp_Inscriptional_Parthian,
- ucp_Javanese,
- ucp_Kaithi,
- ucp_Lisu,
- ucp_Meetei_Mayek,
- ucp_Old_South_Arabian,
- ucp_Old_Turkic,
- ucp_Samaritan,
- ucp_Tai_Tham,
- ucp_Tai_Viet,
- /* New for Unicode 6.0.0: */
- ucp_Batak,
- ucp_Brahmi,
- ucp_Mandaic,
- /* New for Unicode 6.1.0: */
- ucp_Chakma,
- ucp_Meroitic_Cursive,
- ucp_Meroitic_Hieroglyphs,
- ucp_Miao,
- ucp_Sharada,
- ucp_Sora_Sompeng,
- ucp_Takri,
- /* New for Unicode 7.0.0: */
- ucp_Bassa_Vah,
- ucp_Caucasian_Albanian,
- ucp_Duployan,
- ucp_Elbasan,
- ucp_Grantha,
- ucp_Khojki,
- ucp_Khudawadi,
- ucp_Linear_A,
- ucp_Mahajani,
- ucp_Manichaean,
- ucp_Mende_Kikakui,
- ucp_Modi,
- ucp_Mro,
- ucp_Nabataean,
- ucp_Old_North_Arabian,
- ucp_Old_Permic,
- ucp_Pahawh_Hmong,
- ucp_Palmyrene,
- ucp_Psalter_Pahlavi,
- ucp_Pau_Cin_Hau,
- ucp_Siddham,
- ucp_Tirhuta,
- ucp_Warang_Citi
-/* End of ucp.h */