path: root/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/flexBench/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/flexBench/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/flexBench/ b/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/flexBench/
deleted file mode 100755
index b16f6d5897d..00000000000
--- a/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/old_dirs/flexBench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Symbol;
-use Socket;
-my $progname = $0;
-$progname =~ s!^.*/|\.pl$!!g;
-my $defaultport = 27127;
-my $defaulttotal = 120;
-my $defaultsample = 5;
-my $defaultrange = 5000;
-sub printhelp {
- print <<END;
-$progname -- plot ndb operation counts in X11 window
-usage: $progname [options]
---help print this summary and exit
---debug print lots of debug information
---port N port number to listen on, default $defaultport
---total N total time interval shown, default $defaulttotal seconds
---sample N sample interval, default $defaultsample seconds
---range N range (max ops per second), default $defaultrange
---nopct show no percentages in graph titles
---z "..." add X11/gnuplot options, for example:
- --z "-bg grey80 -geometry 500x300" --z "-persist"
- exit(0);
-# get options
-use vars qw(
- $helpflag $debug $serverport $totaltime $sampletime $range $nopct
- @zopts
-$helpflag = 0;
-$debug = 0;
-$serverport = $defaultport;
-$totaltime = $defaulttotal;
-$sampletime = $defaultsample;
-$range = $defaultrange;
-$nopct = 0;
-@zopts = ();
- 'help' => \$helpflag,
- 'debug' => \$debug,
- 'port=i' => \$serverport,
- 'total=i' => \$totaltime,
- 'sample=i' => \$sampletime,
- 'range=i' => \$range,
- 'nopct' => \$nopct,
- 'z=s' => \@zopts,
-) or die "try: $progname -h\n";
-$helpflag && printhelp();
-# calculate number of data points
-my $samplecnt;
-$samplecnt = int($totaltime / $sampletime) + 1;
-$totaltime = ($samplecnt - 1) * $sampletime;
-warn "total time = $totaltime sec, sample time = $sampletime sec\n";
-# open gnuplot
-my $plotfile;
-sub openplot {
- $plotfile = gensym();
- if (! open($plotfile, "| gnuplot @zopts")) {
- die "open plot: $!\n";
- }
- my $sav = select($plotfile);
- $| = 1;
- select($sav);
- print $plotfile "clear\n";
-# samples
-my @sample; # samples 0..$samplecnt in time order
-my $sampleready = 0; # samples 1..$samplecnt are ready (true/false)
-@sample = map({ start => 0 }, 0..$samplecnt);
-sub adddata {
- my($node, $type, $value) = @_;
- my $now = time;
- my $s = $sample[0];
- if ($now - $s->{start} >= $sampletime) {
- unshift(@sample, {
- start => $now,
- total => 0,
- });
- $s = $sample[0];
- pop(@sample); # delete oldest
- $sampleready = 1;
- }
- # if no type then this is just a time tick
- if ($type) {
- $s->{$type} += $value;
- $s->{total} += $value;
- }
-# data file name
-my $datadir;
-if ($ENV{NDB_BASE}) {
- $datadir = "$ENV{NDB_BASE}/var/plot";
-} else {
- $datadir = "/var/tmp";
-(-d $datadir || mkdir($datadir, 0777))
- or die "mkdir $datadir failed: $!\n";
-my $datafile = "$datadir/plot$$.dat";
-warn "writing plot data to $datafile\n";
-# refresh the plot
-sub plotsample {
- my $fh = gensym();
- if (! open($fh, ">$datafile")) {
- die "$datafile: $!\n";
- }
- # sample 0 is never ready
- my $currops = "";
- my $currpct = {};
- for (my $i = @sample; $i >= 1; $i--) {
- my $s = $sample[$i];
- if (! $s->{start}) { # initial empty sample
- next;
- }
- printf $fh "%d", -($i - 1) * $sampletime;
- printf $fh " %.0f", 1.01 * $s->{"total"} / $sampletime;
- for my $k (qw(insert update select delete)) {
- printf $fh " %.0f", $s->{$k} / $sampletime;
- }
- printf $fh "\n";
- if ($i == 1) {
- $currops = sprintf("%.0f", $s->{"total"} / $sampletime);
- if (! $nopct && $currops > 0) {
- $currpct->{"total"} = sprintf("%5s", "");
- for my $k (qw(insert update select delete)) {
- $currpct->{$k} = sprintf(" %3.0f%%",
- 100.0 * $s->{$k} / $s->{"total"});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close($fh);
- print $plotfile <<END;
-set title "ops/sec [ $currops ]"
-set xrange [@{[ -($totaltime-1) ]}:0]
-set yrange [0:$range]
-plot \\
- '$datafile' \\
- using 1:3 \\
- title "insert$currpct->{insert}" \\
- with lines lt 2, \\
- '$datafile' \\
- using 1:4 \\
- title "update$currpct->{update}" \\
- with lines lt 3, \\
- '$datafile' \\
- using 1:5 \\
- title "select$currpct->{select}" \\
- with lines lt 4, \\
- '$datafile' \\
- using 1:6 \\
- title "delete$currpct->{delete}" \\
- with lines lt 5, \\
- '$datafile' \\
- using 1:2 \\
- title "total$currpct->{total}" \\
- with lines lt 1 lw 2
-# set up server socket
-my $sock = gensym();
-if (! socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp"))) {
- die "socket: $!\n";
-if (! setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l*", 1))) {
- die "setsockopt: $!\n";
-if (! bind($sock, pack_sockaddr_in($serverport, INADDR_ANY))) {
- die "bind: $!\n";
-if (! listen($sock, SOMAXCONN)) {
- die "listen: $!\n";
-# bit vectors for select on server socket and clients
-my $readin = '';
-vec($readin, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
-# clients
-my @client = ();
-my $clientid = 0;
-sub addclient {
- my($conn) = @_;
- my $c = {
- conn => $conn,
- data => "",
- name => "client " . ++$clientid,
- };
- push(@client, $c);
- vec($readin, fileno($c->{conn}), 1) = 1;
- if (1 || $debug) {
- warn "added $c->{name}\n";
- }
-sub deleteclient {
- my($c) = @_;
- @client = grep($_ ne $c, @client);
- vec($readin, fileno($c->{conn}), 1) = 0;
- shutdown($c->{conn}, 2);
- if (1 || $debug) {
- warn "deleted $c->{name}\n";
- }
-sub readclient {
- my($c) = @_;
- my $data;
- my $n;
- eval {
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
- alarm(5);
- $n = sysread($c->{conn}, $data, 512);
- alarm(0);
- };
- if ($@) {
- chomp($@);
- warn "$c->{name}: read: $@\n";
- return undef;
- }
- if (!defined($n)) {
- warn "$c->{name}: read: $!\n";
- return undef;
- }
- $c->{data} .= $data;
- if ($debug) {
- warn "$c->{name}: read @{[ length($data) ]} bytes\n";
- }
- return $n;
-sub processclient {
- my($c) = @_;
- my $i;
- while (($i = index($c->{data}, "\n")) >= 0) {
- my $line = substr($c->{data}, 0, $i);
- $c->{data} = substr($c->{data}, $i+1);
- my($node, $type, $value) = split(' ', $line);
- if ($node !~ /^\d+$/) {
- warn "$c->{name}: $line: bad node id\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($type !~ /^(insert|update|read|delete|verify|verifydelete)$/) {
- warn "$c->{name}: $line: bad type\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($value !~ /^\d+$/) {
- warn "$c->{name}: $line: bad value\n";
- next;
- }
- if ($type eq "read") {
- $type = "select";
- }
- adddata($node, $type, $value);
- }
-# main loop
-while (1) {
- my $readout = '';
- my $ret = select($readout = $readin, undef, undef, 1.0);
- if (vec($readout, fileno($sock), 1)) {
- my $conn = gensym();
- if (! accept($conn, $sock)) {
- warn "accept failed: $!\n";
- } else {
- addclient($conn);
- }
- }
- for my $c (@client) {
- if (vec($readout, fileno($c->{conn}), 1)) {
- my $n = readclient($c);
- if (! defined($n)) {
- deleteclient($c);
- } else {
- processclient($c);
- if ($n == 0) { # end of file
- deleteclient($c);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- adddata(); # keep clock ticking
- if ($sampleready) {
- if ($debug) {
- warn "sample ready\n";
- }
- plotsample();
- $sampleready = 0;
- }
-# vim: set sw=4: