path: root/storage/xtradb/btr
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/xtradb/btr')
4 files changed, 11683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0btr.c b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0btr.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff047095aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0btr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3789 @@
+Copyright (c) 1994, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+@file btr/btr0btr.c
+The B-tree
+Created 6/2/1994 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "btr0btr.h"
+#include "btr0btr.ic"
+#include "fsp0fsp.h"
+#include "page0page.h"
+#include "page0zip.h"
+#include "btr0cur.h"
+#include "btr0sea.h"
+#include "btr0pcur.h"
+#include "rem0cmp.h"
+#include "lock0lock.h"
+#include "ibuf0ibuf.h"
+#include "trx0trx.h"
+Latching strategy of the InnoDB B-tree
+A tree latch protects all non-leaf nodes of the tree. Each node of a tree
+also has a latch of its own.
+A B-tree operation normally first acquires an S-latch on the tree. It
+searches down the tree and releases the tree latch when it has the
+leaf node latch. To save CPU time we do not acquire any latch on
+non-leaf nodes of the tree during a search, those pages are only bufferfixed.
+If an operation needs to restructure the tree, it acquires an X-latch on
+the tree before searching to a leaf node. If it needs, for example, to
+split a leaf,
+(1) InnoDB decides the split point in the leaf,
+(2) allocates a new page,
+(3) inserts the appropriate node pointer to the first non-leaf level,
+(4) releases the tree X-latch,
+(5) and then moves records from the leaf to the new allocated page.
+Node pointers
+Leaf pages of a B-tree contain the index records stored in the
+tree. On levels n > 0 we store 'node pointers' to pages on level
+n - 1. For each page there is exactly one node pointer stored:
+thus the our tree is an ordinary B-tree, not a B-link tree.
+A node pointer contains a prefix P of an index record. The prefix
+is long enough so that it determines an index record uniquely.
+The file page number of the child page is added as the last
+field. To the child page we can store node pointers or index records
+which are >= P in the alphabetical order, but < P1 if there is
+a next node pointer on the level, and P1 is its prefix.
+If a node pointer with a prefix P points to a non-leaf child,
+then the leftmost record in the child must have the same
+prefix P. If it points to a leaf node, the child is not required
+to contain any record with a prefix equal to P. The leaf case
+is decided this way to allow arbitrary deletions in a leaf node
+without touching upper levels of the tree.
+We have predefined a special minimum record which we
+define as the smallest record in any alphabetical order.
+A minimum record is denoted by setting a bit in the record
+header. A minimum record acts as the prefix of a node pointer
+which points to a leftmost node on any level of the tree.
+File page allocation
+In the root node of a B-tree there are two file segment headers.
+The leaf pages of a tree are allocated from one file segment, to
+make them consecutive on disk if possible. From the other file segment
+we allocate pages for the non-leaf levels of the tree.
+Checks a file segment header within a B-tree root page.
+@return TRUE if valid */
+ const fseg_header_t* seg_header, /*!< in: segment header */
+ ulint space) /*!< in: tablespace identifier */
+ ulint offset = mach_read_from_2(seg_header + FSEG_HDR_OFFSET);
+ ut_a(mach_read_from_4(seg_header + FSEG_HDR_SPACE) == space);
+ ut_a(offset >= FIL_PAGE_DATA);
+ ut_a(offset <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_DATA_END);
+ return(TRUE);
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+Gets the root node of a tree and x-latches it.
+@return root page, x-latched */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint root_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ root_page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, root_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ ut_a((ibool)!!page_is_comp(buf_block_get_frame(block))
+ == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ if (!dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ const page_t* root = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF
+ + root, space));
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP
+ + root, space));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ return(block);
+Gets the root node of a tree and x-latches it.
+@return root page, x-latched */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ return(buf_block_get_frame(btr_root_block_get(index, mtr)));
+Gets pointer to the previous user record in the tree. It is assumed that
+the caller has appropriate latches on the page and its neighbor.
+@return previous user record, NULL if there is none */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record on leaf level */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr holding a latch on the page, and if
+ needed, also to the previous page */
+ page_t* page;
+ page_t* prev_page;
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ if (!page_rec_is_infimum(rec)) {
+ rec_t* prev_rec = page_rec_get_prev(rec);
+ if (!page_rec_is_infimum(prev_rec)) {
+ return(prev_rec);
+ }
+ }
+ page = page_align(rec);
+ prev_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ if (prev_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ buf_block_t* prev_block;
+ space = page_get_space_id(page);
+ zip_size = fil_space_get_zip_size(space);
+ prev_block = buf_page_get_with_no_latch(space, zip_size,
+ prev_page_no, mtr);
+ prev_page = buf_block_get_frame(prev_block);
+ /* The caller must already have a latch to the brother */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, prev_block,
+ || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, prev_block,
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(prev_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(prev_page, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ return(page_rec_get_prev(page_get_supremum_rec(prev_page)));
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+Gets pointer to the next user record in the tree. It is assumed that the
+caller has appropriate latches on the page and its neighbor.
+@return next user record, NULL if there is none */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record on leaf level */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr holding a latch on the page, and if
+ needed, also to the next page */
+ page_t* page;
+ page_t* next_page;
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ if (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
+ rec_t* next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ if (!page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ return(next_rec);
+ }
+ }
+ page = page_align(rec);
+ next_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+ if (next_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ buf_block_t* next_block;
+ space = page_get_space_id(page);
+ zip_size = fil_space_get_zip_size(space);
+ next_block = buf_page_get_with_no_latch(space, zip_size,
+ next_page_no, mtr);
+ next_page = buf_block_get_frame(next_block);
+ /* The caller must already have a latch to the brother */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, next_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX)
+ || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, next_block,
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(next_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(next_page, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ return(page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(next_page)));
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+Creates a new index page (not the root, and also not
+used in page reorganization). @see btr_page_empty(). */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in/out: page to be created */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page, or NULL */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: the B-tree level of the page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ page_create_zip(block, index, level, mtr);
+ } else {
+ page_create(block, mtr, dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ /* Set the level of the new index page */
+ btr_page_set_level(page, NULL, level, mtr);
+ }
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ btr_page_set_index_id(page, page_zip, index->id, mtr);
+Allocates a new file page to be used in an ibuf tree. Takes the page from
+the free list of the tree, which must contain pages!
+@return new allocated block, x-latched */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ fil_addr_t node_addr;
+ page_t* root;
+ page_t* new_page;
+ buf_block_t* new_block;
+ root = btr_root_get(index, mtr);
+ node_addr = flst_get_first(root + PAGE_HEADER
+ ut_a( != FIL_NULL);
+ new_block = buf_page_get(dict_index_get_space(index),
+ dict_table_zip_size(index->table),
+, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ new_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(new_block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
+ flst_remove(root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_IBUF_FREE_LIST,
+ mtr);
+ ut_ad(flst_validate(root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_IBUF_FREE_LIST,
+ mtr));
+ return(new_block);
+Allocates a new file page to be used in an index tree. NOTE: we assume
+that the caller has made the reservation for free extents!
+@return new allocated block, x-latched; NULL if out of space */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint hint_page_no, /*!< in: hint of a good page */
+ byte file_direction, /*!< in: direction where a possible
+ page split is made */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: level where the page is placed
+ in the tree */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ fseg_header_t* seg_header;
+ page_t* root;
+ buf_block_t* new_block;
+ ulint new_page_no;
+ if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ return(btr_page_alloc_for_ibuf(index, mtr));
+ }
+ root = btr_root_get(index, mtr);
+ if (level == 0) {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF;
+ } else {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP;
+ }
+ /* Parameter TRUE below states that the caller has made the
+ reservation for free extents, and thus we know that a page can
+ be allocated: */
+ new_page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page_general(seg_header, hint_page_no,
+ file_direction, TRUE, mtr);
+ if (new_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ new_block = buf_page_get(dict_index_get_space(index),
+ dict_table_zip_size(index->table),
+ new_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(new_block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
+ return(new_block);
+Gets the number of pages in a B-tree.
+@return number of pages */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint flag) /*!< in: BTR_N_LEAF_PAGES or BTR_TOTAL_SIZE */
+ fseg_header_t* seg_header;
+ page_t* root;
+ ulint n;
+ ulint dummy;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr);
+ root = btr_root_get(index, &mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !root) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ ut_a(root);
+ if (flag == BTR_N_LEAF_PAGES) {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF;
+ fseg_n_reserved_pages(seg_header, &n, &mtr);
+ } else if (flag == BTR_TOTAL_SIZE) {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP;
+ n = fseg_n_reserved_pages(seg_header, &dummy, &mtr);
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF;
+ n += fseg_n_reserved_pages(seg_header, &dummy, &mtr);
+ } else {
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return(n);
+Frees a page used in an ibuf tree. Puts the page to the free list of the
+ibuf tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block to be freed, x-latched */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_t* root;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ root = btr_root_get(index, mtr);
+ flst_add_first(root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_IBUF_FREE_LIST,
+ buf_block_get_frame(block)
+ ut_ad(flst_validate(root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_IBUF_FREE_LIST,
+ mtr));
+Frees a file page used in an index tree. Can be used also to (BLOB)
+external storage pages, because the page level 0 can be given as an
+argument. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block to be freed, x-latched */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: page level */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ fseg_header_t* seg_header;
+ page_t* root;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* The page gets invalid for optimistic searches: increment the frame
+ modify clock */
+ buf_block_modify_clock_inc(block);
+ if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ btr_page_free_for_ibuf(index, block, mtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ root = btr_root_get(index, mtr);
+ if (level == 0) {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF;
+ } else {
+ seg_header = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP;
+ }
+ fseg_free_page(seg_header,
+ buf_block_get_space(block),
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block), mtr);
+Frees a file page used in an index tree. NOTE: cannot free field external
+storage pages because the page must contain info on its level. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block to be freed, x-latched */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint level;
+ level = btr_page_get_level(buf_block_get_frame(block), mtr);
+ btr_page_free_low(index, block, level, mtr);
+Sets the child node file address in a node pointer. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: node pointer record */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ ulint page_no,/*!< in: child node address */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ byte* field;
+ ulint len;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, NULL, offsets));
+ ut_ad(!page_is_leaf(page_align(rec)));
+ ut_ad(!rec_offs_comp(offsets) || rec_get_node_ptr_flag(rec));
+ /* The child address is in the last field */
+ field = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets,
+ rec_offs_n_fields(offsets) - 1, &len);
+ ut_ad(len == REC_NODE_PTR_SIZE);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ page_zip_write_node_ptr(page_zip, rec,
+ rec_offs_data_size(offsets),
+ page_no, mtr);
+ } else {
+ mlog_write_ulint(field, page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr);
+ }
+Returns the child page of a node pointer and x-latches it.
+@return child page, x-latched */
+ const rec_t* node_ptr,/*!< in: node pointer */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(node_ptr, index, offsets));
+ space = page_get_space_id(page_align(node_ptr));
+ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets);
+ return(btr_block_get(space, dict_table_zip_size(index->table),
+ page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr));
+Returns the upper level node pointer to a page. It is assumed that mtr holds
+an x-latch on the tree.
+@return rec_get_offsets() of the node pointer record */
+ ulint* offsets,/*!< in: work area for the return value */
+ mem_heap_t* heap, /*!< in: memory heap to use */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor pointing to user record,
+ out: cursor on node pointer record,
+ its page x-latched */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dtuple_t* tuple;
+ rec_t* user_rec;
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ ulint level;
+ ulint page_no;
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(btr_cur_get_block(cursor));
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(dict_index_get_page(index) != page_no);
+ level = btr_page_get_level(btr_cur_get_page(cursor), mtr);
+ user_rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ ut_a(page_rec_is_user_rec(user_rec));
+ tuple = dict_index_build_node_ptr(index, user_rec, 0, heap, level);
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, level + 1, tuple, PAGE_CUR_LE,
+ BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE, cursor, 0,
+ file, line, mtr);
+ node_ptr = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ ut_ad(!page_rec_is_comp(node_ptr)
+ || rec_get_status(node_ptr) == REC_STATUS_NODE_PTR);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets,
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets)
+ != page_no)) {
+ rec_t* print_rec;
+ fputs("InnoDB: Dump of the child page:\n", stderr);
+ buf_page_print(page_align(user_rec), 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Dump of the parent page:\n", stderr);
+ buf_page_print(page_align(node_ptr), 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Corruption of an index tree: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, NULL, TRUE, index->table_name);
+ fputs(", index ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, NULL, FALSE, index->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ",\n"
+ "InnoDB: father ptr page no %lu, child page no %lu\n",
+ (ulong)
+ btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets),
+ (ulong) page_no);
+ print_rec = page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page_align(user_rec)));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(print_rec, index,
+ offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ page_rec_print(print_rec, offsets);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets,
+ page_rec_print(node_ptr, offsets);
+ fputs("InnoDB: You should dump + drop + reimport the table"
+ " to fix the\n"
+ "InnoDB: corruption. If the crash happens at "
+ "the database startup, see\n"
+ "InnoDB: " REFMAN "forcing-recovery.html about\n"
+ "InnoDB: forcing recovery. "
+ "Then dump + drop + reimport.\n", stderr);
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ return(offsets);
+#define btr_page_get_father_node_ptr(of,heap,cur,mtr) \
+ btr_page_get_father_node_ptr_func(of,heap,cur,__FILE__,__LINE__,mtr)
+Returns the upper level node pointer to a page. It is assumed that mtr holds
+an x-latch on the tree.
+@return rec_get_offsets() of the node pointer record */
+ ulint* offsets,/*!< in: work area for the return value */
+ mem_heap_t* heap, /*!< in: memory heap to use */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: b-tree index */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: child page in the index */
+ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in: mtr */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< out: cursor on node pointer record,
+ its page x-latched */
+ rec_t* rec
+ = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(buf_block_get_frame(
+ block)));
+ btr_cur_position(index, rec, block, cursor);
+ return(btr_page_get_father_node_ptr(offsets, heap, cursor, mtr));
+Seeks to the upper level node pointer to a page.
+It is assumed that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: b-tree index */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: child page in the index */
+ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in: mtr */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< out: cursor on node pointer record,
+ its page x-latched */
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ rec_t* rec
+ = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(buf_block_get_frame(
+ block)));
+ btr_cur_position(index, rec, block, cursor);
+ heap = mem_heap_create(100);
+ btr_page_get_father_node_ptr(NULL, heap, cursor, mtr);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+Creates the root node for a new index tree.
+@return page number of the created root, FIL_NULL if did not succeed */
+ ulint type, /*!< in: type of the index */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space where created */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ dulint index_id,/*!< in: index id */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction handle */
+ ulint page_no;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ buf_frame_t* frame;
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ /* Create the two new segments (one, in the case of an ibuf tree) for
+ the index tree; the segment headers are put on the allocated root page
+ (for an ibuf tree, not in the root, but on a separate ibuf header
+ page) */
+ if (type & DICT_IBUF) {
+ /* Allocate first the ibuf header page */
+ buf_block_t* ibuf_hdr_block = fseg_create(
+ space, 0,
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(ibuf_hdr_block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
+ ut_ad(buf_block_get_page_no(ibuf_hdr_block)
+ /* Allocate then the next page to the segment: it will be the
+ tree root page */
+ page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page(buf_block_get_frame(
+ ibuf_hdr_block)
+ FSP_UP, mtr);
+ ut_ad(page_no == IBUF_TREE_ROOT_PAGE_NO);
+ block = buf_page_get(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ } else {
+ block = fseg_create(space, 0,
+ }
+ if (block == NULL) {
+ return(FIL_NULL);
+ }
+ page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ frame = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
+ if (type & DICT_IBUF) {
+ /* It is an insert buffer tree: initialize the free list */
+ ut_ad(page_no == IBUF_TREE_ROOT_PAGE_NO);
+ flst_init(frame + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_IBUF_FREE_LIST, mtr);
+ } else {
+ /* It is a non-ibuf tree: create a file segment for leaf
+ pages */
+ if (!fseg_create(space, page_no,
+ /* Not enough space for new segment, free root
+ segment before return. */
+ btr_free_root(space, zip_size, page_no, mtr);
+ return(FIL_NULL);
+ }
+ /* The fseg create acquires a second latch on the page,
+ therefore we must declare it: */
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_NEW);
+ }
+ /* Create a new index page on the allocated segment page */
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ page = page_create_zip(block, index, 0, mtr);
+ } else {
+ page = page_create(block, mtr,
+ dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ /* Set the level of the new index page */
+ btr_page_set_level(page, NULL, 0, mtr);
+ }
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ /* Set the index id of the page */
+ btr_page_set_index_id(page, page_zip, index_id, mtr);
+ /* Set the next node and previous node fields */
+ btr_page_set_next(page, page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_prev(page, page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ /* We reset the free bits for the page to allow creation of several
+ trees in the same mtr, otherwise the latch on a bitmap page would
+ prevent it because of the latching order */
+ if (!(type & DICT_CLUSTERED)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(block);
+ }
+ /* In the following assertion we test that two records of maximum
+ allowed size fit on the root page: this fact is needed to ensure
+ correctness of split algorithms */
+ ut_ad(page_get_max_insert_size(page, 2) > 2 * BTR_PAGE_MAX_REC_SIZE);
+ return(page_no);
+Frees a B-tree except the root page, which MUST be freed after this
+by calling btr_free_root. */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space where created */
+ ulint zip_size, /*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ ulint root_page_no) /*!< in: root page number */
+ ibool finished;
+ page_t* root;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ root = btr_page_get(space, zip_size, root_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !root) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(root);
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF
+ + root, space));
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP
+ + root, space));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ /* NOTE: page hash indexes are dropped when a page is freed inside
+ fsp0fsp. */
+ finished = fseg_free_step(root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF,
+ &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (!finished) {
+ goto leaf_loop;
+ }
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ root = btr_page_get(space, zip_size, root_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !root) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(root);
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP
+ + root, space));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ finished = fseg_free_step_not_header(
+ root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP, &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (!finished) {
+ goto top_loop;
+ }
+Frees the B-tree root page. Other tree MUST already have been freed. */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space where created */
+ ulint zip_size, /*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ ulint root_page_no, /*!< in: root page number */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: a mini-transaction which has already
+ been started */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ fseg_header_t* header;
+ block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, root_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ header = buf_block_get_frame(block) + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP;
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(header, space));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ while (!fseg_free_step(header, mtr));
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Reorganizes an index page. */
+ ibool recovery,/*!< in: TRUE if called in recovery:
+ locks should not be updated, i.e.,
+ there cannot exist locks on the
+ page, and a hash index should not be
+ dropped: it cannot exist */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page to be reorganized */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: record descriptor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ buf_block_t* temp_block;
+ page_t* temp_page;
+ ulint log_mode;
+ ulint data_size1;
+ ulint data_size2;
+ ulint max_ins_size1;
+ ulint max_ins_size2;
+ ibool success = FALSE;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(!!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ data_size1 = page_get_data_size(page);
+ max_ins_size1 = page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(page, 1);
+ /* Write the log record */
+ mlog_open_and_write_index(mtr, page, index, page_is_comp(page)
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ /* Turn logging off */
+ log_mode = mtr_set_log_mode(mtr, MTR_LOG_NONE);
+ temp_block = buf_block_alloc(0);
+#else /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ ut_ad(block == back_block1);
+ temp_block = back_block2;
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ temp_page = temp_block->frame;
+ /* Copy the old page to temporary space */
+ buf_frame_copy(temp_page, page);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!recovery)) {
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ }
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ /* Recreate the page: note that global data on page (possible
+ segment headers, next page-field, etc.) is preserved intact */
+ page_create(block, mtr, dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ /* Copy the records from the temporary space to the recreated page;
+ do not copy the lock bits yet */
+ page_copy_rec_list_end_no_locks(block, temp_block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(temp_page),
+ index, mtr);
+ if (dict_index_is_sec_or_ibuf(index) && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* Copy max trx id to recreated page */
+ trx_id_t max_trx_id = page_get_max_trx_id(temp_page);
+ page_set_max_trx_id(block, NULL, max_trx_id, mtr);
+ /* In crash recovery, dict_index_is_sec_or_ibuf() always
+ returns TRUE, even for clustered indexes. max_trx_id is
+ unused in clustered index pages. */
+ ut_ad(!ut_dulint_is_zero(max_trx_id) || recovery);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)
+ (!page_zip_compress(page_zip, page, index, NULL))) {
+ /* Restore the old page and exit. */
+#if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG
+ /* Check that the bytes that we skip are identical. */
+ ut_a(!memcmp(page, temp_page, PAGE_HEADER));
+ ut_a(!memcmp(PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_N_RECS + page,
+ PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_N_RECS + temp_page,
+ ut_a(!memcmp(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_DATA_END + page,
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ memcpy(PAGE_HEADER + page, PAGE_HEADER + temp_page,
+ memcpy(PAGE_DATA + page, PAGE_DATA + temp_page,
+#if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG
+ ut_a(!memcmp(page, temp_page, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!recovery)) {
+ /* Update the record lock bitmaps */
+ lock_move_reorganize_page(block, temp_block);
+ }
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ data_size2 = page_get_data_size(page);
+ max_ins_size2 = page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(page, 1);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(data_size1 != data_size2)
+ || UNIV_UNLIKELY(max_ins_size1 != max_ins_size2)) {
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(temp_page, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "InnoDB: Error: page old data size %lu"
+ " new data size %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: Error: page old max ins size %lu"
+ " new max ins size %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report"
+ " to\n",
+ (unsigned long) data_size1, (unsigned long) data_size2,
+ (unsigned long) max_ins_size1,
+ (unsigned long) max_ins_size2);
+ } else {
+ success = TRUE;
+ }
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ buf_block_free(temp_block);
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+ /* Restore logging mode */
+ mtr_set_log_mode(mtr, log_mode);
+ return(success);
+Reorganizes an index page.
+IMPORTANT: if btr_page_reorganize() is invoked on a compressed leaf
+page of a non-clustered index, the caller must update the insert
+buffer free bits in the same mini-transaction in such a way that the
+modification will be redo-logged.
+@return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page to be reorganized */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: record descriptor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ return(btr_page_reorganize_low(FALSE, block, index, mtr));
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Parses a redo log record of reorganizing a page.
+@return end of log record or NULL */
+ byte* ptr, /*!< in: buffer */
+ byte* end_ptr __attribute__((unused)),
+ /*!< in: buffer end */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: record descriptor */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page to be reorganized, or NULL */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr or NULL */
+ ut_ad(ptr && end_ptr);
+ /* The record is empty, except for the record initial part */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(block != NULL)) {
+ btr_page_reorganize_low(TRUE, block, index, mtr);
+ }
+ return(ptr);
+Empties an index page. @see btr_page_create(). */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page to be emptied */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< out: compressed page, or NULL */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the page */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: the B-tree level of the page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(page_zip == buf_block_get_page_zip(block));
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ /* Recreate the page: note that global data on page (possible
+ segment headers, next page-field, etc.) is preserved intact */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ page_create_zip(block, index, level, mtr);
+ } else {
+ page_create(block, mtr, dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ btr_page_set_level(page, NULL, level, mtr);
+ }
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+Makes tree one level higher by splitting the root, and inserts
+the tuple. It is assumed that mtr contains an x-latch on the tree.
+NOTE that the operation of this function must always succeed,
+we cannot reverse it: therefore enough free disk space must be
+guaranteed to be available before this function is called.
+@return inserted record */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which to insert: must be
+ on the root page; when the function returns,
+ the cursor is positioned on the predecessor
+ of the inserted record */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to insert */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ page_t* root;
+ page_t* new_page;
+ ulint new_page_no;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ dtuple_t* node_ptr;
+ ulint level;
+ rec_t* node_ptr_rec;
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ page_zip_des_t* root_page_zip;
+ page_zip_des_t* new_page_zip;
+ buf_block_t* root_block;
+ buf_block_t* new_block;
+ root = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ root_block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ root_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(root_block);
+ ut_a(!root_page_zip || page_zip_validate(root_page_zip, root));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor);
+ if (!dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ ulint space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF
+ + root, space));
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP
+ + root, space));
+ }
+ ut_a(dict_index_get_page(index) == page_get_page_no(root));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, root_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* Allocate a new page to the tree. Root splitting is done by first
+ moving the root records to the new page, emptying the root, putting
+ a node pointer to the new page, and then splitting the new page. */
+ level = btr_page_get_level(root, mtr);
+ new_block = btr_page_alloc(index, 0, FSP_NO_DIR, level, mtr);
+ new_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
+ new_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
+ ut_a(!new_page_zip == !root_page_zip);
+ ut_a(!new_page_zip
+ || page_zip_get_size(new_page_zip)
+ == page_zip_get_size(root_page_zip));
+ btr_page_create(new_block, new_page_zip, index, level, mtr);
+ /* Set the next node and previous node fields of new page */
+ btr_page_set_next(new_page, new_page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_prev(new_page, new_page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ /* Copy the records from root to the new page one by one. */
+ if (0
+ || new_page_zip
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_COPY */
+ (!page_copy_rec_list_end(new_block, root_block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(root),
+ index, mtr))) {
+ ut_a(new_page_zip);
+ /* Copy the page byte for byte. */
+ page_zip_copy_recs(new_page_zip, new_page,
+ root_page_zip, root, index, mtr);
+ /* Update the lock table and possible hash index. */
+ lock_move_rec_list_end(new_block, root_block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(root));
+ btr_search_move_or_delete_hash_entries(new_block, root_block,
+ index);
+ }
+ /* If this is a pessimistic insert which is actually done to
+ perform a pessimistic update then we have stored the lock
+ information of the record to be inserted on the infimum of the
+ root page: we cannot discard the lock structs on the root page */
+ lock_update_root_raise(new_block, root_block);
+ /* Create a memory heap where the node pointer is stored */
+ heap = mem_heap_create(100);
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(new_page));
+ new_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(new_block);
+ /* Build the node pointer (= node key and page address) for the
+ child */
+ node_ptr = dict_index_build_node_ptr(index, rec, new_page_no, heap,
+ level);
+ /* The node pointer must be marked as the predefined minimum record,
+ as there is no lower alphabetical limit to records in the leftmost
+ node of a level: */
+ dtuple_set_info_bits(node_ptr,
+ dtuple_get_info_bits(node_ptr)
+ /* Rebuild the root page to get free space */
+ btr_page_empty(root_block, root_page_zip, index, level + 1, mtr);
+ /* Set the next node and previous node fields, although
+ they should already have been set. The previous node field
+ must be FIL_NULL if root_page_zip != NULL, because the
+ REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG (of the first user record) will be
+ set if and only if btr_page_get_prev() == FIL_NULL. */
+ btr_page_set_next(root, root_page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_prev(root, root_page_zip, FIL_NULL, mtr);
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ /* Insert node pointer to the root */
+ page_cur_set_before_first(root_block, page_cursor);
+ node_ptr_rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, node_ptr,
+ index, 0, mtr);
+ /* The root page should only contain the node pointer
+ to new_page at this point. Thus, the data should fit. */
+ ut_a(node_ptr_rec);
+ /* Free the memory heap */
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ /* We play safe and reset the free bits for the new page */
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "Root raise new page no %lu\n", new_page_no);
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(new_block);
+ }
+ /* Reposition the cursor to the child node */
+ page_cur_search(new_block, index, tuple,
+ PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor);
+ /* Split the child and insert tuple */
+ return(btr_page_split_and_insert(cursor, tuple, n_ext, mtr));
+Decides if the page should be split at the convergence point of inserts
+converging to the left.
+@return TRUE if split recommended */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which to insert */
+ rec_t** split_rec) /*!< out: if split recommended,
+ the first record on upper half page,
+ or NULL if tuple to be inserted should
+ be first */
+ page_t* page;
+ rec_t* insert_point;
+ rec_t* infimum;
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ insert_point = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ if (page_header_get_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT)
+ == page_rec_get_next(insert_point)) {
+ infimum = page_get_infimum_rec(page);
+ /* If the convergence is in the middle of a page, include also
+ the record immediately before the new insert to the upper
+ page. Otherwise, we could repeatedly move from page to page
+ lots of records smaller than the convergence point. */
+ if (infimum != insert_point
+ && page_rec_get_next(infimum) != insert_point) {
+ *split_rec = insert_point;
+ } else {
+ *split_rec = page_rec_get_next(insert_point);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Decides if the page should be split at the convergence point of inserts
+converging to the right.
+@return TRUE if split recommended */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which to insert */
+ rec_t** split_rec) /*!< out: if split recommended,
+ the first record on upper half page,
+ or NULL if tuple to be inserted should
+ be first */
+ page_t* page;
+ rec_t* insert_point;
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ insert_point = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ /* We use eager heuristics: if the new insert would be right after
+ the previous insert on the same page, we assume that there is a
+ pattern of sequential inserts here. */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(page_header_get_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT)
+ == insert_point)) {
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(insert_point);
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ /* Split at the new record to insert */
+ *split_rec = NULL;
+ } else {
+ rec_t* next_next_rec = page_rec_get_next(next_rec);
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum(next_next_rec)) {
+ goto split_at_new;
+ }
+ /* If there are >= 2 user records up from the insert
+ point, split all but 1 off. We want to keep one because
+ then sequential inserts can use the adaptive hash
+ index, as they can do the necessary checks of the right
+ search position just by looking at the records on this
+ page. */
+ *split_rec = next_next_rec;
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Calculates a split record such that the tuple will certainly fit on
+its half-page when the split is performed. We assume in this function
+only that the cursor page has at least one user record.
+@return split record, or NULL if tuple will be the first record on
+the lower or upper half-page (determined by btr_page_tuple_smaller()) */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which insert should be made */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to insert */
+ ulint n_ext) /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ ulint insert_size;
+ ulint free_space;
+ ulint total_data;
+ ulint total_n_recs;
+ ulint total_space;
+ ulint incl_data;
+ rec_t* ins_rec;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ ulint n;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ insert_size = rec_get_converted_size(cursor->index, tuple, n_ext);
+ free_space = page_get_free_space_of_empty(page_is_comp(page));
+ page_zip = btr_cur_get_page_zip(cursor);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ /* Estimate the free space of an empty compressed page. */
+ ulint free_space_zip = page_zip_empty_size(
+ cursor->index->n_fields,
+ page_zip_get_size(page_zip));
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(free_space > (ulint) free_space_zip)) {
+ free_space = (ulint) free_space_zip;
+ }
+ }
+ /* free_space is now the free space of a created new page */
+ total_data = page_get_data_size(page) + insert_size;
+ total_n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page) + 1;
+ ut_ad(total_n_recs >= 2);
+ total_space = total_data + page_dir_calc_reserved_space(total_n_recs);
+ n = 0;
+ incl_data = 0;
+ ins_rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ rec = page_get_infimum_rec(page);
+ heap = NULL;
+ offsets = NULL;
+ /* We start to include records to the left half, and when the
+ space reserved by them exceeds half of total_space, then if
+ the included records fit on the left page, they will be put there
+ if something was left over also for the right page,
+ otherwise the last included record will be the first on the right
+ half page */
+ do {
+ /* Decide the next record to include */
+ if (rec == ins_rec) {
+ rec = NULL; /* NULL denotes that tuple is
+ now included */
+ } else if (rec == NULL) {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(ins_rec);
+ } else {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ }
+ if (rec == NULL) {
+ /* Include tuple */
+ incl_data += insert_size;
+ } else {
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index,
+ &heap);
+ incl_data += rec_offs_size(offsets);
+ }
+ n++;
+ } while (incl_data + page_dir_calc_reserved_space(n)
+ < total_space / 2);
+ if (incl_data + page_dir_calc_reserved_space(n) <= free_space) {
+ /* The next record will be the first on
+ the right half page if it is not the
+ supremum record of page */
+ if (rec == ins_rec) {
+ rec = NULL;
+ goto func_exit;
+ } else if (rec == NULL) {
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(ins_rec);
+ } else {
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ }
+ ut_ad(next_rec);
+ if (!page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ rec = next_rec;
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(rec);
+Returns TRUE if the insert fits on the appropriate half-page with the
+chosen split_rec.
+@return TRUE if fits */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which insert
+ should be made */
+ const rec_t* split_rec,/*!< in: suggestion for first record
+ on upper half-page, or NULL if
+ tuple to be inserted should be first */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(
+ split_rec, cursor->index) */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to insert */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /*!< in: temporary memory heap */
+ page_t* page;
+ ulint insert_size;
+ ulint free_space;
+ ulint total_data;
+ ulint total_n_recs;
+ const rec_t* rec;
+ const rec_t* end_rec;
+ ulint* offs;
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ ut_ad(!split_rec == !offsets);
+ ut_ad(!offsets
+ || !page_is_comp(page) == !rec_offs_comp(offsets));
+ ut_ad(!offsets
+ || rec_offs_validate(split_rec, cursor->index, offsets));
+ insert_size = rec_get_converted_size(cursor->index, tuple, n_ext);
+ free_space = page_get_free_space_of_empty(page_is_comp(page));
+ /* free_space is now the free space of a created new page */
+ total_data = page_get_data_size(page) + insert_size;
+ total_n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page) + 1;
+ /* We determine which records (from rec to end_rec, not including
+ end_rec) will end up on the other half page from tuple when it is
+ inserted. */
+ if (split_rec == NULL) {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ end_rec = page_rec_get_next(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor));
+ } else if (cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, split_rec, offsets) >= 0) {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ end_rec = split_rec;
+ } else {
+ rec = split_rec;
+ end_rec = page_get_supremum_rec(page);
+ }
+ if (total_data + page_dir_calc_reserved_space(total_n_recs)
+ <= free_space) {
+ /* Ok, there will be enough available space on the
+ half page where the tuple is inserted */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ offs = NULL;
+ while (rec != end_rec) {
+ /* In this loop we calculate the amount of reserved
+ space after rec is removed from page. */
+ offs = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offs,
+ total_data -= rec_offs_size(offs);
+ total_n_recs--;
+ if (total_data + page_dir_calc_reserved_space(total_n_recs)
+ <= free_space) {
+ /* Ok, there will be enough available space on the
+ half page where the tuple is inserted */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ rec = page_rec_get_next_const(rec);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Inserts a data tuple to a tree on a non-leaf level. It is assumed
+that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: level, must be > 0 */
+ dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: the record to be inserted */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ big_rec_t* dummy_big_rec;
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ ulint err;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ut_ad(level > 0);
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, level, tuple, PAGE_CUR_LE,
+ &cursor, 0, file, line, mtr);
+ err = btr_cur_pessimistic_insert(BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
+ &cursor, tuple, &rec,
+ &dummy_big_rec, 0, NULL, mtr);
+ ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
+Attaches the halves of an index page on the appropriate level in an
+index tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: the index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in/out: page to be split */
+ rec_t* split_rec, /*!< in: first record on upper
+ half page */
+ buf_block_t* new_block, /*!< in/out: the new half page */
+ ulint direction, /*!< in: FSP_UP or FSP_DOWN */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ ulint level;
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_t* lower_page;
+ page_t* upper_page;
+ ulint lower_page_no;
+ ulint upper_page_no;
+ page_zip_des_t* lower_page_zip;
+ page_zip_des_t* upper_page_zip;
+ dtuple_t* node_ptr_upper;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, new_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* Create a memory heap where the data tuple is stored */
+ heap = mem_heap_create(1024);
+ /* Based on split direction, decide upper and lower pages */
+ if (direction == FSP_DOWN) {
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ lower_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
+ lower_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(new_block);
+ lower_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
+ upper_page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ upper_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ upper_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ /* Look up the index for the node pointer to page */
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(NULL, heap, index,
+ block, mtr, &cursor);
+ /* Replace the address of the old child node (= page) with the
+ address of the new lower half */
+ btr_node_ptr_set_child_page_no(
+ btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor),
+ btr_cur_get_page_zip(&cursor),
+ offsets, lower_page_no, mtr);
+ mem_heap_empty(heap);
+ } else {
+ lower_page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ lower_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ lower_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ upper_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
+ upper_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(new_block);
+ upper_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
+ }
+ /* Get the level of the split pages */
+ level = btr_page_get_level(buf_block_get_frame(block), mtr);
+ ut_ad(level
+ == btr_page_get_level(buf_block_get_frame(new_block), mtr));
+ /* Build the node pointer (= node key and page address) for the upper
+ half */
+ node_ptr_upper = dict_index_build_node_ptr(index, split_rec,
+ upper_page_no, heap, level);
+ /* Insert it next to the pointer to the lower half. Note that this
+ may generate recursion leading to a split on the higher level. */
+ btr_insert_on_non_leaf_level(index, level + 1, node_ptr_upper, mtr);
+ /* Free the memory heap */
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ /* Get the previous and next pages of page */
+ prev_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ next_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+ space = buf_block_get_space(block);
+ zip_size = buf_block_get_zip_size(block);
+ /* Update page links of the level */
+ if (prev_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* prev_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size,
+ prev_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(prev_block->frame) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(prev_block->frame, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ btr_page_set_next(buf_block_get_frame(prev_block),
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(prev_block),
+ lower_page_no, mtr);
+ }
+ if (next_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* next_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size,
+ next_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(next_block->frame) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(next_block->frame, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ btr_page_set_prev(buf_block_get_frame(next_block),
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(next_block),
+ upper_page_no, mtr);
+ }
+ btr_page_set_prev(lower_page, lower_page_zip, prev_page_no, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_next(lower_page, lower_page_zip, upper_page_no, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_prev(upper_page, upper_page_zip, lower_page_no, mtr);
+ btr_page_set_next(upper_page, upper_page_zip, next_page_no, mtr);
+Determine if a tuple is smaller than any record on the page.
+@return TRUE if smaller */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: b-tree cursor */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to consider */
+ ulint* offsets,/*!< in/out: temporary storage */
+ ulint n_uniq, /*!< in: number of unique fields
+ in the index page records */
+ mem_heap_t** heap) /*!< in/out: heap for offsets */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ const rec_t* first_rec;
+ page_cur_t pcur;
+ /* Read the first user record in the page. */
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page_cur_set_before_first(block, &pcur);
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&pcur);
+ first_rec = page_cur_get_rec(&pcur);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(
+ first_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_uniq, heap);
+ return(cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, first_rec, offsets) < 0);
+Splits an index page to halves and inserts the tuple. It is assumed
+that mtr holds an x-latch to the index tree. NOTE: the tree x-latch is
+released within this function! NOTE that the operation of this
+function must always succeed, we cannot reverse it: therefore enough
+free disk space (2 pages) must be guaranteed to be available before
+this function is called.
+@return inserted record */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor at which to insert; when the
+ function returns, the cursor is positioned
+ on the predecessor of the inserted record */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to insert */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ ulint page_no;
+ byte direction;
+ ulint hint_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* new_block;
+ page_t* new_page;
+ page_zip_des_t* new_page_zip;
+ rec_t* split_rec;
+ buf_block_t* left_block;
+ buf_block_t* right_block;
+ buf_block_t* insert_block;
+ page_t* insert_page;
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ rec_t* first_rec;
+ byte* buf = 0; /* remove warning */
+ rec_t* move_limit;
+ ibool insert_will_fit;
+ ibool insert_left;
+ ulint n_iterations = 0;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint n_uniq;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ heap = mem_heap_create(1024);
+ n_uniq = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(cursor->index);
+ mem_heap_empty(heap);
+ offsets = NULL;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(cursor->index),
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(dict_index_get_lock(cursor->index), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(page_get_n_recs(page) >= 1);
+ page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ /* 1. Decide the split record; split_rec == NULL means that the
+ tuple to be inserted should be the first record on the upper
+ half-page */
+ insert_left = FALSE;
+ if (n_iterations > 0) {
+ direction = FSP_UP;
+ hint_page_no = page_no + 1;
+ split_rec = btr_page_get_split_rec(cursor, tuple, n_ext);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(split_rec == NULL)) {
+ insert_left = btr_page_tuple_smaller(
+ cursor, tuple, offsets, n_uniq, &heap);
+ }
+ } else if (btr_page_get_split_rec_to_right(cursor, &split_rec)) {
+ direction = FSP_UP;
+ hint_page_no = page_no + 1;
+ } else if (btr_page_get_split_rec_to_left(cursor, &split_rec)) {
+ direction = FSP_DOWN;
+ hint_page_no = page_no - 1;
+ ut_ad(split_rec);
+ } else {
+ direction = FSP_UP;
+ hint_page_no = page_no + 1;
+ /* If there is only one record in the index page, we
+ can't split the node in the middle by default. We need
+ to determine whether the new record will be inserted
+ to the left or right. */
+ if (page_get_n_recs(page) > 1) {
+ split_rec = page_get_middle_rec(page);
+ } else if (btr_page_tuple_smaller(cursor, tuple,
+ offsets, n_uniq, &heap)) {
+ split_rec = page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ } else {
+ split_rec = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 2. Allocate a new page to the index */
+ new_block = btr_page_alloc(cursor->index, hint_page_no, direction,
+ btr_page_get_level(page, mtr), mtr);
+ new_page = buf_block_get_frame(new_block);
+ new_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(new_block);
+ btr_page_create(new_block, new_page_zip, cursor->index,
+ btr_page_get_level(page, mtr), mtr);
+ /* 3. Calculate the first record on the upper half-page, and the
+ first record (move_limit) on original page which ends up on the
+ upper half */
+ if (split_rec) {
+ first_rec = move_limit = split_rec;
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(split_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_uniq, &heap);
+ insert_left = cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, split_rec, offsets) < 0;
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!insert_left && new_page_zip
+ && n_iterations > 0)) {
+ /* If a compressed page has already been split,
+ avoid further splits by inserting the record
+ to an empty page. */
+ split_rec = NULL;
+ goto insert_empty;
+ }
+ } else if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(insert_left)) {
+ ut_a(n_iterations > 0);
+ first_rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ move_limit = page_rec_get_next(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor));
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(!split_rec);
+ ut_ad(!insert_left);
+ buf = mem_alloc(rec_get_converted_size(cursor->index,
+ tuple, n_ext));
+ first_rec = rec_convert_dtuple_to_rec(buf, cursor->index,
+ tuple, n_ext);
+ move_limit = page_rec_get_next(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor));
+ }
+ /* 4. Do first the modifications in the tree structure */
+ btr_attach_half_pages(cursor->index, block,
+ first_rec, new_block, direction, mtr);
+ /* If the split is made on the leaf level and the insert will fit
+ on the appropriate half-page, we may release the tree x-latch.
+ We can then move the records after releasing the tree latch,
+ thus reducing the tree latch contention. */
+ if (split_rec) {
+ insert_will_fit = !new_page_zip
+ && btr_page_insert_fits(cursor, split_rec,
+ offsets, tuple, n_ext, heap);
+ } else {
+ if (!insert_left) {
+ mem_free(buf);
+ buf = NULL;
+ }
+ insert_will_fit = !new_page_zip
+ && btr_page_insert_fits(cursor, NULL,
+ NULL, tuple, n_ext, heap);
+ }
+ if (insert_will_fit && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ mtr_memo_release(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(cursor->index),
+ }
+ /* 5. Move then the records to the new page */
+ if (direction == FSP_DOWN) {
+ /* fputs("Split left\n", stderr); */
+ if (0
+ || page_zip
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_COPY */
+ (!page_move_rec_list_start(new_block, block, move_limit,
+ cursor->index, mtr))) {
+ /* For some reason, compressing new_page failed,
+ even though it should contain fewer records than
+ the original page. Copy the page byte for byte
+ and then delete the records from both pages
+ as appropriate. Deleting will always succeed. */
+ ut_a(new_page_zip);
+ page_zip_copy_recs(new_page_zip, new_page,
+ page_zip, page, cursor->index, mtr);
+ page_delete_rec_list_end(move_limit - page + new_page,
+ new_block, cursor->index,
+ /* Update the lock table and possible hash index. */
+ lock_move_rec_list_start(
+ new_block, block, move_limit,
+ new_page + PAGE_NEW_INFIMUM);
+ btr_search_move_or_delete_hash_entries(
+ new_block, block, cursor->index);
+ /* Delete the records from the source page. */
+ page_delete_rec_list_start(move_limit, block,
+ cursor->index, mtr);
+ }
+ left_block = new_block;
+ right_block = block;
+ lock_update_split_left(right_block, left_block);
+ } else {
+ /* fputs("Split right\n", stderr); */
+ if (0
+ || page_zip
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_COPY */
+ (!page_move_rec_list_end(new_block, block, move_limit,
+ cursor->index, mtr))) {
+ /* For some reason, compressing new_page failed,
+ even though it should contain fewer records than
+ the original page. Copy the page byte for byte
+ and then delete the records from both pages
+ as appropriate. Deleting will always succeed. */
+ ut_a(new_page_zip);
+ page_zip_copy_recs(new_page_zip, new_page,
+ page_zip, page, cursor->index, mtr);
+ page_delete_rec_list_start(move_limit - page
+ + new_page, new_block,
+ cursor->index, mtr);
+ /* Update the lock table and possible hash index. */
+ lock_move_rec_list_end(new_block, block, move_limit);
+ btr_search_move_or_delete_hash_entries(
+ new_block, block, cursor->index);
+ /* Delete the records from the source page. */
+ page_delete_rec_list_end(move_limit, block,
+ cursor->index,
+ }
+ left_block = block;
+ right_block = new_block;
+ lock_update_split_right(right_block, left_block);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ ut_a(page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+ ut_a(page_zip_validate(new_page_zip, new_page));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ /* At this point, split_rec, move_limit and first_rec may point
+ to garbage on the old page. */
+ /* 6. The split and the tree modification is now completed. Decide the
+ page where the tuple should be inserted */
+ if (insert_left) {
+ insert_block = left_block;
+ } else {
+ insert_block = right_block;
+ }
+ insert_page = buf_block_get_frame(insert_block);
+ /* 7. Reposition the cursor for insert and try insertion */
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ page_cur_search(insert_block, cursor->index, tuple,
+ PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor);
+ rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, tuple,
+ cursor->index, n_ext, mtr);
+ {
+ page_zip_des_t* insert_page_zip
+ = buf_block_get_page_zip(insert_block);
+ ut_a(!insert_page_zip
+ || page_zip_validate(insert_page_zip, insert_page));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(rec != NULL)) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* 8. If insert did not fit, try page reorganization */
+ (!btr_page_reorganize(insert_block, cursor->index, mtr))) {
+ goto insert_failed;
+ }
+ page_cur_search(insert_block, cursor->index, tuple,
+ PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor);
+ rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, tuple, cursor->index,
+ n_ext, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(rec == NULL)) {
+ /* The insert did not fit on the page: loop back to the
+ start of the function for a new split */
+ /* We play safe and reset the free bits for new_page */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(cursor->index)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(new_block);
+ }
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "Split second round %lu\n",
+ page_get_page_no(page)); */
+ n_iterations++;
+ ut_ad(n_iterations < 2
+ || buf_block_get_page_zip(insert_block));
+ ut_ad(!insert_will_fit);
+ goto func_start;
+ }
+ /* Insert fit on the page: update the free bits for the
+ left and right pages in the same mtr */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(cursor->index) && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_for_two_pages_low(
+ buf_block_get_zip_size(left_block),
+ left_block, right_block, mtr);
+ }
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "Split and insert done %lu %lu\n",
+ buf_block_get_page_no(left_block),
+ buf_block_get_page_no(right_block));
+ ut_ad(page_validate(buf_block_get_frame(left_block), cursor->index));
+ ut_ad(page_validate(buf_block_get_frame(right_block), cursor->index));
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(rec);
+Removes a page from the level list of pages. */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space where removed */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in: page to remove */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ ut_ad(page && mtr);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, page, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(space == page_get_space_id(page));
+ /* Get the previous and next page numbers of page */
+ prev_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ next_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+ /* Update page links of the level */
+ if (prev_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* prev_block
+ = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, prev_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ page_t* prev_page
+ = buf_block_get_frame(prev_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(prev_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(prev_page, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ btr_page_set_next(prev_page,
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(prev_block),
+ next_page_no, mtr);
+ }
+ if (next_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* next_block
+ = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, next_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ page_t* next_page
+ = buf_block_get_frame(next_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(next_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(next_page, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ btr_page_set_prev(next_page,
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(next_block),
+ prev_page_no, mtr);
+ }
+Writes the redo log record for setting an index record as the predefined
+minimum record. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ byte type, /*!< in: MLOG_COMP_REC_MIN_MARK or MLOG_REC_MIN_MARK */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ mlog_write_initial_log_record(rec, type, mtr);
+ /* Write rec offset as a 2-byte ulint */
+ mlog_catenate_ulint(mtr, page_offset(rec), MLOG_2BYTES);
+#else /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+# define btr_set_min_rec_mark_log(rec,comp,mtr) ((void) 0)
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Parses the redo log record for setting an index record as the predefined
+minimum record.
+@return end of log record or NULL */
+ byte* ptr, /*!< in: buffer */
+ byte* end_ptr,/*!< in: buffer end */
+ ulint comp, /*!< in: nonzero=compact page format */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in: page or NULL */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr or NULL */
+ rec_t* rec;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (page) {
+ ut_a(!page_is_comp(page) == !comp);
+ rec = page + mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ btr_set_min_rec_mark(rec, mtr);
+ }
+ return(ptr + 2);
+Sets a record as the predefined minimum record. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint info_bits;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(page_rec_is_comp(rec))) {
+ info_bits = rec_get_info_bits(rec, TRUE);
+ rec_set_info_bits_new(rec, info_bits | REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG);
+ btr_set_min_rec_mark_log(rec, MLOG_COMP_REC_MIN_MARK, mtr);
+ } else {
+ info_bits = rec_get_info_bits(rec, FALSE);
+ rec_set_info_bits_old(rec, info_bits | REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG);
+ btr_set_min_rec_mark_log(rec, MLOG_REC_MIN_MARK, mtr);
+ }
+Deletes on the upper level the node pointer to a page. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page whose node pointer is deleted */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ ibool compressed;
+ ulint err;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* Delete node pointer on father page */
+ btr_page_get_father(index, block, mtr, &cursor);
+ compressed = btr_cur_pessimistic_delete(&err, TRUE, &cursor, RB_NONE,
+ mtr);
+ ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
+ if (!compressed) {
+ btr_cur_compress_if_useful(&cursor, mtr);
+ }
+If page is the only on its level, this function moves its records to the
+father page, thus reducing the tree height. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page which is the only on its level;
+ must not be empty: use
+ btr_discard_only_page_on_level if the last
+ record from the page should be removed */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* father_block;
+ page_t* father_page;
+ ulint page_level;
+ page_zip_des_t* father_page_zip;
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ulint root_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* blocks[BTR_MAX_LEVELS];
+ ulint n_blocks; /*!< last used index in blocks[] */
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ ut_ad(btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ page_level = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ root_page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ {
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = mem_heap_create(100);
+ ulint* offsets;
+ buf_block_t* b;
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(NULL, heap, index,
+ block, mtr, &cursor);
+ father_block = btr_cur_get_block(&cursor);
+ father_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(father_block);
+ father_page = buf_block_get_frame(father_block);
+ n_blocks = 0;
+ /* Store all ancestor pages so we can reset their
+ levels later on. We have to do all the searches on
+ the tree now because later on, after we've replaced
+ the first level, the tree is in an inconsistent state
+ and can not be searched. */
+ for (b = father_block;
+ buf_block_get_page_no(b) != root_page_no; ) {
+ ut_a(n_blocks < BTR_MAX_LEVELS);
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(offsets, heap,
+ index, b,
+ mtr, &cursor);
+ blocks[n_blocks++] = b = btr_cur_get_block(&cursor);
+ }
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ /* Make the father empty */
+ btr_page_empty(father_block, father_page_zip, index, page_level, mtr);
+ /* Copy the records to the father page one by one. */
+ if (0
+ || father_page_zip
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_COPY */
+ (!page_copy_rec_list_end(father_block, block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page),
+ index, mtr))) {
+ const page_zip_des_t* page_zip
+ = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(father_page_zip);
+ ut_a(page_zip);
+ /* Copy the page byte for byte. */
+ page_zip_copy_recs(father_page_zip, father_page,
+ page_zip, page, index, mtr);
+ /* Update the lock table and possible hash index. */
+ lock_move_rec_list_end(father_block, block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ btr_search_move_or_delete_hash_entries(father_block, block,
+ index);
+ }
+ lock_update_copy_and_discard(father_block, block);
+ /* Go upward to root page, decrementing levels by one. */
+ for (i = 0; i < n_blocks; i++, page_level++) {
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(blocks[i]);
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip= buf_block_get_page_zip(blocks[i]);
+ ut_ad(btr_page_get_level(page, mtr) == page_level + 1);
+ btr_page_set_level(page, page_zip, page_level, mtr);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ }
+ /* Free the file page */
+ btr_page_free(index, block, mtr);
+ /* We play it safe and reset the free bits for the father */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(father_block);
+ }
+ ut_ad(page_validate(father_page, index));
+ ut_ad(btr_check_node_ptr(index, father_block, mtr));
+Tries to merge the page first to the left immediate brother if such a
+brother exists, and the node pointers to the current page and to the brother
+reside on the same page. If the left brother does not satisfy these
+conditions, looks at the right brother. If the page is the only one on that
+level lifts the records of the page to the father page, thus reducing the
+tree height. It is assumed that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree and on the
+page. If cursor is on the leaf level, mtr must also hold x-latches to the
+brothers, if they exist.
+@return TRUE on success */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the page to merge or lift;
+ the page must not be empty: in record delete
+ use btr_discard_page if the page would become
+ empty */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint left_page_no;
+ ulint right_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* merge_block;
+ page_t* merge_page;
+ page_zip_des_t* merge_page_zip;
+ ibool is_left;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ btr_cur_t father_cursor;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ ulint data_size;
+ ulint n_recs;
+ ulint max_ins_size;
+ ulint max_ins_size_reorg;
+ ulint level;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor);
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor);
+ ut_a((ibool) !!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ level = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ left_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ right_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "Merge left page %lu right %lu \n",
+ left_page_no, right_page_no);
+ heap = mem_heap_create(100);
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(NULL, heap, index, block, mtr,
+ &father_cursor);
+ /* Decide the page to which we try to merge and which will inherit
+ the locks */
+ is_left = left_page_no != FIL_NULL;
+ if (is_left) {
+ merge_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, left_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ merge_page = buf_block_get_frame(merge_block);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(merge_page, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ } else if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ merge_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, right_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ merge_page = buf_block_get_frame(merge_block);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(merge_page, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ } else {
+ /* The page is the only one on the level, lift the records
+ to the father */
+ btr_lift_page_up(index, block, mtr);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page);
+ data_size = page_get_data_size(page);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(merge_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ max_ins_size_reorg = page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(
+ merge_page, n_recs);
+ if (data_size > max_ins_size_reorg) {
+ /* No space for merge */
+ /* We play it safe and reset the free bits. */
+ if (zip_size
+ && page_is_leaf(merge_page)
+ && !dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(merge_block);
+ }
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ ut_ad(page_validate(merge_page, index));
+ max_ins_size = page_get_max_insert_size(merge_page, n_recs);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(data_size > max_ins_size)) {
+ /* We have to reorganize merge_page */
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!btr_page_reorganize(merge_block,
+ index, mtr))) {
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ max_ins_size = page_get_max_insert_size(merge_page, n_recs);
+ ut_ad(page_validate(merge_page, index));
+ ut_ad(max_ins_size == max_ins_size_reorg);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(data_size > max_ins_size)) {
+ /* Add fault tolerance, though this should
+ never happen */
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ merge_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(merge_block);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(merge_page_zip)) {
+ const page_zip_des_t* page_zip
+ = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(page_zip);
+ ut_a(page_zip_validate(merge_page_zip, merge_page));
+ ut_a(page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ /* Move records to the merge page */
+ if (is_left) {
+ rec_t* orig_pred = page_copy_rec_list_start(
+ merge_block, block, page_get_supremum_rec(page),
+ index, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!orig_pred)) {
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ /* Remove the page from the level list */
+ btr_level_list_remove(space, zip_size, page, mtr);
+ btr_node_ptr_delete(index, block, mtr);
+ lock_update_merge_left(merge_block, orig_pred, block);
+ } else {
+ rec_t* orig_succ;
+ byte fil_page_prev[4];
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(merge_page_zip)) {
+ /* The function page_zip_compress(), which will be
+ invoked by page_copy_rec_list_end() below,
+ requires that FIL_PAGE_PREV be FIL_NULL.
+ Clear the field, but prepare to restore it. */
+ memcpy(fil_page_prev, merge_page + FIL_PAGE_PREV, 4);
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+#if FIL_NULL != 0xffffffff
+# error "FIL_NULL != 0xffffffff"
+ memset(merge_page + FIL_PAGE_PREV, 0xff, 4);
+ }
+ orig_succ = page_copy_rec_list_end(merge_block, block,
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page),
+ cursor->index, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!orig_succ)) {
+ ut_a(merge_page_zip);
+ /* FIL_PAGE_PREV was restored from merge_page_zip. */
+ ut_a(!memcmp(fil_page_prev,
+ merge_page + FIL_PAGE_PREV, 4));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(merge_page_zip)) {
+ /* Restore FIL_PAGE_PREV in order to avoid an assertion
+ failure in btr_level_list_remove(), which will set
+ the field again to FIL_NULL. Even though this makes
+ merge_page and merge_page_zip inconsistent for a
+ split second, it is harmless, because the pages
+ are X-latched. */
+ memcpy(merge_page + FIL_PAGE_PREV, fil_page_prev, 4);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ /* Remove the page from the level list */
+ btr_level_list_remove(space, zip_size, page, mtr);
+ /* Replace the address of the old child node (= page) with the
+ address of the merge page to the right */
+ btr_node_ptr_set_child_page_no(
+ btr_cur_get_rec(&father_cursor),
+ btr_cur_get_page_zip(&father_cursor),
+ offsets, right_page_no, mtr);
+ btr_node_ptr_delete(index, merge_block, mtr);
+ lock_update_merge_right(merge_block, orig_succ, block);
+ }
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index) && page_is_leaf(merge_page)) {
+ /* Update the free bits of the B-tree page in the
+ insert buffer bitmap. This has to be done in a
+ separate mini-transaction that is committed before the
+ main mini-transaction. We cannot update the insert
+ buffer bitmap in this mini-transaction, because
+ btr_compress() can be invoked recursively without
+ committing the mini-transaction in between. Since
+ insert buffer bitmap pages have a lower rank than
+ B-tree pages, we must not access other pages in the
+ same mini-transaction after accessing an insert buffer
+ bitmap page. */
+ /* The free bits in the insert buffer bitmap must
+ never exceed the free space on a page. It is safe to
+ decrement or reset the bits in the bitmap in a
+ mini-transaction that is committed before the
+ mini-transaction that affects the free space. */
+ /* It is unsafe to increment the bits in a separately
+ committed mini-transaction, because in crash recovery,
+ the free bits could momentarily be set too high. */
+ if (zip_size) {
+ /* Because the free bits may be incremented
+ and we cannot update the insert buffer bitmap
+ in the same mini-transaction, the only safe
+ thing we can do here is the pessimistic
+ approach: reset the free bits. */
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(merge_block);
+ } else {
+ /* On uncompressed pages, the free bits will
+ never increase here. Thus, it is safe to
+ write the bits accurately in a separate
+ mini-transaction. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_if_full(merge_block,
+ }
+ }
+ ut_ad(page_validate(merge_page, index));
+ ut_a(!merge_page_zip || page_zip_validate(merge_page_zip, merge_page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ /* Free the file page */
+ btr_page_free(index, block, mtr);
+ ut_ad(btr_check_node_ptr(index, merge_block, mtr));
+ return(TRUE);
+Discards a page that is the only page on its level. This will empty
+the whole B-tree, leaving just an empty root page. This function
+should never be reached, because btr_compress(), which is invoked in
+delete operations, calls btr_lift_page_up() to flatten the B-tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: page which is the only on its level */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint page_level = 0;
+ trx_id_t max_trx_id;
+ /* Save the PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID from the leaf page. */
+ max_trx_id = page_get_max_trx_id(buf_block_get_frame(block));
+ while (buf_block_get_page_no(block) != dict_index_get_page(index)) {
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ buf_block_t* father;
+ const page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_a(page_get_n_recs(page) == 1);
+ ut_a(page_level == btr_page_get_level(page, mtr));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ btr_page_get_father(index, block, mtr, &cursor);
+ father = btr_cur_get_block(&cursor);
+ lock_update_discard(father, PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM, block);
+ /* Free the file page */
+ btr_page_free(index, block, mtr);
+ block = father;
+ page_level++;
+ }
+ /* block is the root page, which must be empty, except
+ for the node pointer to the (now discarded) block(s). */
+ if (!dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ const page_t* root = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ const ulint space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_LEAF
+ + root, space));
+ ut_a(btr_root_fseg_validate(FIL_PAGE_DATA + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP
+ + root, space));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ btr_page_empty(block, buf_block_get_page_zip(block), index, 0, mtr);
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ /* We play it safe and reset the free bits for the root */
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(block);
+ if (page_is_leaf(buf_block_get_frame(block))) {
+ ut_a(!ut_dulint_is_zero(max_trx_id));
+ page_set_max_trx_id(block,
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(block),
+ max_trx_id, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+Discards a page from a B-tree. This is used to remove the last record from
+a B-tree page: the whole page must be removed at the same time. This cannot
+be used for the root page, which is allowed to be empty. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the page to discard: not on
+ the root page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint left_page_no;
+ ulint right_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* merge_block;
+ page_t* merge_page;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor);
+ ut_ad(dict_index_get_page(index) != buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ /* Decide the page which will inherit the locks */
+ left_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(buf_block_get_frame(block), mtr);
+ right_page_no = btr_page_get_next(buf_block_get_frame(block), mtr);
+ if (left_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ merge_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, left_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ merge_page = buf_block_get_frame(merge_block);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(merge_page, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ } else if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ merge_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, right_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ merge_page = buf_block_get_frame(merge_block);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(merge_page, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ } else {
+ btr_discard_only_page_on_level(index, block, mtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(merge_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ if (left_page_no == FIL_NULL && !page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* We have to mark the leftmost node pointer on the right
+ side page as the predefined minimum record */
+ node_ptr = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(merge_page));
+ ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(node_ptr));
+ /* This will make page_zip_validate() fail on merge_page
+ until btr_level_list_remove() completes. This is harmless,
+ because everything will take place within a single
+ mini-transaction and because writing to the redo log
+ is an atomic operation (performed by mtr_commit()). */
+ btr_set_min_rec_mark(node_ptr, mtr);
+ }
+ btr_node_ptr_delete(index, block, mtr);
+ /* Remove the page from the level list */
+ btr_level_list_remove(space, zip_size, page, mtr);
+ {
+ page_zip_des_t* merge_page_zip
+ = buf_block_get_page_zip(merge_block);
+ ut_a(!merge_page_zip
+ || page_zip_validate(merge_page_zip, merge_page));
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ if (left_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ lock_update_discard(merge_block, PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM,
+ block);
+ } else {
+ lock_update_discard(merge_block,
+ lock_get_min_heap_no(merge_block),
+ block);
+ }
+ /* Free the file page */
+ btr_page_free(index, block, mtr);
+ ut_ad(btr_check_node_ptr(index, merge_block, mtr));
+Prints size info of a B-tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index tree */
+ page_t* root;
+ fseg_header_t* seg;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ fputs("Sorry, cannot print info of an ibuf tree:"
+ " use ibuf functions\n", stderr);
+ return;
+ }
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ root = btr_root_get(index, &mtr);
+ seg = root + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_BTR_SEG_TOP;
+ fputs("INFO OF THE NON-LEAF PAGE SEGMENT\n", stderr);
+ fseg_print(seg, &mtr);
+ if (!(index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL)) {
+ fputs("INFO OF THE LEAF PAGE SEGMENT\n", stderr);
+ fseg_print(seg, &mtr);
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+Prints recursively index tree pages. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page */
+ ulint width, /*!< in: print this many entries from start
+ and end */
+ mem_heap_t** heap, /*!< in/out: heap for rec_get_offsets() */
+ ulint** offsets,/*!< in/out: buffer for rec_get_offsets() */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ const page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_cur_t cursor;
+ ulint n_recs;
+ ulint i = 0;
+ mtr_t mtr2;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ fprintf(stderr, "NODE ON LEVEL %lu page number %lu\n",
+ (ulong) btr_page_get_level(page, mtr),
+ (ulong) buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+ page_print(block, index, width, width);
+ n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page);
+ page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cursor);
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&cursor);
+ while (!page_cur_is_after_last(&cursor)) {
+ if (page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* If this is the leaf level, do nothing */
+ } else if ((i <= width) || (i >= n_recs - width)) {
+ const rec_t* node_ptr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr2);
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(&cursor);
+ *offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, *offsets,
+ btr_print_recursive(index,
+ btr_node_ptr_get_child(node_ptr,
+ index,
+ *offsets,
+ &mtr2),
+ width, heap, offsets, &mtr2);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr2);
+ }
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&cursor);
+ i++;
+ }
+Prints directories and other info of all nodes in the tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint width) /*!< in: print this many entries from start
+ and end */
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ buf_block_t* root;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ fputs("--------------------------\n"
+ "INDEX TREE PRINT\n", stderr);
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ root = btr_root_block_get(index, &mtr);
+ btr_print_recursive(index, root, width, &heap, &offsets, &mtr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ btr_validate_index(index, NULL);
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_PRINT */
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+Checks that the node pointer to a page is appropriate.
+@return TRUE */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ dtuple_t* tuple;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ if (dict_index_get_page(index) == buf_block_get_page_no(block)) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ heap = mem_heap_create(256);
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(NULL, heap, index, block, mtr,
+ &cursor);
+ if (page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ tuple = dict_index_build_node_ptr(
+ index, page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page)), 0, heap,
+ btr_page_get_level(page, mtr));
+ ut_a(!cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor), offsets));
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(TRUE);
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+Display identification information for a record. */
+ const page_t* page, /*!< in: index page */
+ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: index record */
+ const dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index */
+ fputs("InnoDB: Record in ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, NULL, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, ", page %lu, at offset %lu\n",
+ page_get_page_no(page), (ulint) page_offset(rec));
+Checks the size and number of fields in a record based on the definition of
+the index.
+@return TRUE if ok */
+ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: index record */
+ const dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ibool dump_on_error) /*!< in: TRUE if the function
+ should print hex dump of record
+ and page on error */
+ ulint len;
+ ulint n;
+ ulint i;
+ const page_t* page;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ page = page_align(rec);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL)) {
+ /* The insert buffer index tree can contain records from any
+ other index: we cannot check the number of fields or
+ their length */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY((ibool)!!page_is_comp(page)
+ != dict_table_is_comp(index->table))) {
+ btr_index_rec_validate_report(page, rec, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: compact flag=%lu, should be %lu\n",
+ (ulong) !!page_is_comp(page),
+ (ulong) dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ n = dict_index_get_n_fields(index);
+ if (!page_is_comp(page)
+ && UNIV_UNLIKELY(rec_get_n_fields_old(rec) != n)) {
+ btr_index_rec_validate_report(page, rec, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: has %lu fields, should have %lu\n",
+ (ulong) rec_get_n_fields_old(rec), (ulong) n);
+ if (dump_on_error) {
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: corrupt record ", stderr);
+ rec_print_old(stderr, rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ ulint fixed_size = dict_col_get_fixed_size(
+ dict_index_get_nth_col(index, i), page_is_comp(page));
+ rec_get_nth_field_offs(offsets, i, &len);
+ /* Note that if fixed_size != 0, it equals the
+ length of a fixed-size column in the clustered index.
+ A prefix index of the column is of fixed, but different
+ length. When fixed_size == 0, prefix_len is the maximum
+ length of the prefix index column. */
+ if ((dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)->prefix_len == 0
+ && len != UNIV_SQL_NULL && fixed_size
+ && len != fixed_size)
+ || (dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)->prefix_len > 0
+ && len != UNIV_SQL_NULL
+ && len
+ > dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)->prefix_len)) {
+ btr_index_rec_validate_report(page, rec, index);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "InnoDB: field %lu len is %lu,"
+ " should be %lu\n",
+ (ulong) i, (ulong) len, (ulong) fixed_size);
+ if (dump_on_error) {
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: corrupt record ", stderr);
+ rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Checks the size and number of fields in records based on the definition of
+the index.
+@return TRUE if ok */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index */
+ page_cur_t cur;
+ ibool ret = TRUE;
+ page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cur);
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&cur);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (page_cur_is_after_last(&cur)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!btr_index_rec_validate(cur.rec, index, TRUE)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&cur);
+ }
+ return(ret);
+Report an error on one page of an index tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: B-tree level */
+ const buf_block_t* block) /*!< in: index page */
+ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in page %lu of ",
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, NULL, index);
+ if (level) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ", index tree level %lu", level);
+ }
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+Report an error on two pages of an index tree. */
+ const dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: B-tree level */
+ const buf_block_t* block1, /*!< in: first index page */
+ const buf_block_t* block2) /*!< in: second index page */
+ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in pages %lu and %lu of ",
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block1),
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block2));
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, NULL, index);
+ if (level) {
+ fprintf(stderr, ", index tree level %lu", level);
+ }
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+Validates index tree level.
+@return TRUE if ok */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index tree */
+ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction or NULL */
+ ulint level) /*!< in: level number */
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ buf_block_t* right_block = 0; /* remove warning */
+ page_t* right_page = 0; /* remove warning */
+ page_t* father_page;
+ btr_cur_t node_cur;
+ btr_cur_t right_node_cur;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint right_page_no;
+ ulint left_page_no;
+ page_cur_t cursor;
+ dtuple_t* node_ptr_tuple;
+ ibool ret = TRUE;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = mem_heap_create(256);
+ ulint* offsets = NULL;
+ ulint* offsets2= NULL;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr);
+ block = btr_root_block_get(index, &mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ while (level != btr_page_get_level(page, &mtr)) {
+ const rec_t* node_ptr;
+ ut_a(space == buf_block_get_space(block));
+ ut_a(space == page_get_space_id(page));
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(!page_is_leaf(page));
+ page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cursor);
+ page_cur_move_to_next(&cursor);
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(&cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets,
+ block = btr_node_ptr_get_child(node_ptr, index, offsets, &mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ }
+ /* Now we are on the desired level. Loop through the pages on that
+ level. */
+ if (trx_is_interrupted(trx)) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ mem_heap_empty(heap);
+ offsets = offsets2 = NULL;
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ /* Check ordering etc. of records */
+ if (!page_validate(page, index)) {
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level, block);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ } else if (level == 0) {
+ /* We are on level 0. Check that the records have the right
+ number of fields, and field lengths are right. */
+ if (!btr_index_page_validate(block, index)) {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_level(page, &mtr) == level);
+ right_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, &mtr);
+ left_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, &mtr);
+ ut_a(page_get_n_recs(page) > 0 || (level == 0
+ && page_get_page_no(page)
+ == dict_index_get_page(index)));
+ if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ const rec_t* right_rec;
+ right_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, right_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ right_page = buf_block_get_frame(right_block);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(btr_page_get_prev(right_page, &mtr)
+ != page_get_page_no(page))) {
+ btr_validate_report2(index, level, block, right_block);
+ fputs("InnoDB: broken FIL_PAGE_NEXT"
+ " or FIL_PAGE_PREV links\n", stderr);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(page_is_comp(right_page)
+ != page_is_comp(page))) {
+ btr_validate_report2(index, level, block, right_block);
+ fputs("InnoDB: 'compact' flag mismatch\n", stderr);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ goto node_ptr_fails;
+ }
+ rec = page_rec_get_prev(page_get_supremum_rec(page));
+ right_rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(
+ right_page));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index,
+ offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ offsets2 = rec_get_offsets(right_rec, index,
+ offsets2, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(cmp_rec_rec(rec, right_rec,
+ offsets, offsets2,
+ index) >= 0)) {
+ btr_validate_report2(index, level, block, right_block);
+ fputs("InnoDB: records in wrong order"
+ " on adjacent pages\n", stderr);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec = page_rec_get_prev(page_get_supremum_rec(page));
+ rec_print(stderr, rec, index);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ fputs("InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(right_page));
+ rec_print(stderr, rec, index);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (level > 0 && left_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ ut_a(REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG & rec_get_info_bits(
+ page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page)),
+ page_is_comp(page)));
+ }
+ if (buf_block_get_page_no(block) != dict_index_get_page(index)) {
+ /* Check father node pointers */
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(offsets, heap, index,
+ block, &mtr, &node_cur);
+ father_page = btr_cur_get_page(&node_cur);
+ node_ptr = btr_cur_get_rec(&node_cur);
+ btr_cur_position(
+ index, page_rec_get_prev(page_get_supremum_rec(page)),
+ block, &node_cur);
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_node_ptr(offsets, heap,
+ &node_cur, &mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(node_ptr != btr_cur_get_rec(&node_cur))
+ || UNIV_UNLIKELY(btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr,
+ offsets)
+ != buf_block_get_page_no(block))) {
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level, block);
+ fputs("InnoDB: node pointer to the page is wrong\n",
+ stderr);
+ buf_page_print(father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: node ptr ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, node_ptr, index);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(&node_cur);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+ "InnoDB: node ptr child page n:o %lu\n",
+ (ulong) btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(
+ rec, offsets));
+ fputs("InnoDB: record on page ", stderr);
+ rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ goto node_ptr_fails;
+ }
+ if (!page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ node_ptr_tuple = dict_index_build_node_ptr(
+ index,
+ page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page)),
+ 0, heap, btr_page_get_level(page, &mtr));
+ if (cmp_dtuple_rec(node_ptr_tuple, node_ptr,
+ offsets)) {
+ const rec_t* first_rec = page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level, block);
+ buf_page_print(father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: node ptrs differ"
+ " on levels > 0\n"
+ "InnoDB: node ptr ", stderr);
+ rec_print_new(stderr, node_ptr, offsets);
+ fputs("InnoDB: first rec ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, first_rec, index);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ goto node_ptr_fails;
+ }
+ }
+ if (left_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ ut_a(node_ptr == page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(father_page)));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(father_page, &mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ }
+ if (right_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ ut_a(node_ptr == page_rec_get_prev(
+ page_get_supremum_rec(father_page)));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(father_page, &mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ } else {
+ const rec_t* right_node_ptr
+ = page_rec_get_next(node_ptr);
+ offsets = btr_page_get_father_block(
+ offsets, heap, index, right_block,
+ &mtr, &right_node_cur);
+ if (right_node_ptr
+ != page_get_supremum_rec(father_page)) {
+ if (btr_cur_get_rec(&right_node_cur)
+ != right_node_ptr) {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ fputs("InnoDB: node pointer to"
+ " the right page is wrong\n",
+ stderr);
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level,
+ block);
+ buf_page_print(father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ page_t* right_father_page
+ = btr_cur_get_page(&right_node_cur);
+ if (btr_cur_get_rec(&right_node_cur)
+ != page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(
+ right_father_page))) {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ fputs("InnoDB: node pointer 2 to"
+ " the right page is wrong\n",
+ stderr);
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level,
+ block);
+ buf_page_print(father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ }
+ if (page_get_page_no(right_father_page)
+ != btr_page_get_next(father_page, &mtr)) {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ fputs("InnoDB: node pointer 3 to"
+ " the right page is wrong\n",
+ stderr);
+ btr_validate_report1(index, level,
+ block);
+ buf_page_print(father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_father_page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ buf_page_print(right_page, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Commit the mini-transaction to release the latch on 'page'.
+ Re-acquire the latch on right_page, which will become 'page'
+ on the next loop. The page has already been checked. */
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, right_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(ret);
+Checks the consistency of an index tree.
+@return TRUE if ok */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ trx_t* trx) /*!< in: transaction or NULL */
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ page_t* root;
+ ulint i;
+ ulint n;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr);
+ root = btr_root_get(index, &mtr);
+ n = btr_page_get_level(root, &mtr);
+ for (i = 0; i <= n && !trx_is_interrupted(trx); i++) {
+ if (!btr_validate_level(index, trx, n - i)) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return(TRUE);
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
diff --git a/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0cur.c b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0cur.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3fc2b48162a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0cur.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5256 @@
+Copyright (c) 1994, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2008, Google Inc.
+Portions of this file contain modifications contributed and copyrighted by
+Google, Inc. Those modifications are gratefully acknowledged and are described
+briefly in the InnoDB documentation. The contributions by Google are
+incorporated with their permission, and subject to the conditions contained in
+the file COPYING.Google.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+@file btr/btr0cur.c
+The index tree cursor
+All changes that row operations make to a B-tree or the records
+there must go through this module! Undo log records are written here
+of every modify or insert of a clustered index record.
+ NOTE!!!
+To make sure we do not run out of disk space during a pessimistic
+insert or update, we have to reserve 2 x the height of the index tree
+many pages in the tablespace before we start the operation, because
+if leaf splitting has been started, it is difficult to undo, except
+by crashing the database and doing a roll-forward.
+Created 10/16/1994 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "btr0cur.h"
+#include "btr0cur.ic"
+#include "row0upd.h"
+#include "mtr0log.h"
+#include "page0page.h"
+#include "page0zip.h"
+#include "rem0rec.h"
+#include "rem0cmp.h"
+#include "buf0lru.h"
+#include "btr0btr.h"
+#include "btr0sea.h"
+#include "trx0rec.h"
+#include "trx0roll.h" /* trx_is_recv() */
+#include "que0que.h"
+#include "row0row.h"
+#include "srv0srv.h"
+#include "ibuf0ibuf.h"
+#include "lock0lock.h"
+#include "zlib.h"
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+/** If the following is set to TRUE, this module prints a lot of
+trace information of individual record operations */
+UNIV_INTERN ibool btr_cur_print_record_ops = FALSE;
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+/** Number of searches down the B-tree in btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(). */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_cur_n_non_sea = 0;
+/** Number of successful adaptive hash index lookups in
+btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(). */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_cur_n_sea = 0;
+/** Old value of btr_cur_n_non_sea. Copied by
+srv_refresh_innodb_monitor_stats(). Referenced by
+srv_printf_innodb_monitor(). */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_cur_n_non_sea_old = 0;
+/** Old value of btr_cur_n_sea. Copied by
+srv_refresh_innodb_monitor_stats(). Referenced by
+srv_printf_innodb_monitor(). */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_cur_n_sea_old = 0;
+/** In the optimistic insert, if the insert does not fit, but this much space
+can be released by page reorganize, then it is reorganized */
+/** The structure of a BLOB part header */
+/* @{ */
+#define BTR_BLOB_HDR_PART_LEN 0 /*!< BLOB part len on this
+ page */
+#define BTR_BLOB_HDR_NEXT_PAGE_NO 4 /*!< next BLOB part page no,
+ FIL_NULL if none */
+#define BTR_BLOB_HDR_SIZE 8 /*!< Size of a BLOB
+ part header, in bytes */
+/* @} */
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+/** A BLOB field reference full of zero, for use in assertions and tests.
+Initially, BLOB field references are set to zero, in
+dtuple_convert_big_rec(). */
+UNIV_INTERN const byte field_ref_zero[BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE];
+Marks all extern fields in a record as owned by the record. This function
+should be called if the delete mark of a record is removed: a not delete
+marked record always owns all its extern fields. */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record in a clustered index */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the page */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr, or NULL if not logged */
+Adds path information to the cursor for the current page, for which
+the binary search has been performed. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor positioned on a page */
+ ulint height, /*!< in: height of the page in tree;
+ 0 means leaf node */
+ ulint root_height); /*!< in: root node height in tree */
+Frees the externally stored fields for a record, if the field is mentioned
+in the update vector. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of rec; the index tree MUST be
+ X-latched */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mini-transaction handle which contains
+ an X-latch to record page and to the tree */
+Frees the externally stored fields for a record. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the data, the index
+ tree MUST be X-latched */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mini-transaction handle which contains
+ an X-latch to record page and to the index
+ tree */
+Gets the externally stored size of a record, in units of a database page.
+@return externally stored part, in units of a database page */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ const ulint* offsets);/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+The following function is used to set the deleted bit of a record. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: physical record */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page (or NULL) */
+ ulint flag) /*!< in: nonzero if delete marked */
+ if (page_rec_is_comp(rec)) {
+ rec_set_deleted_flag_new(rec, page_zip, flag);
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(!page_zip);
+ rec_set_deleted_flag_old(rec, flag);
+ }
+/*==================== B-TREE SEARCH =========================*/
+Latches the leaf page or pages requested. */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in: leaf page where the search
+ converged */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
+ ulint zip_size, /*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ ulint page_no, /*!< in: page number of the leaf */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint mode;
+ ulint left_page_no;
+ ulint right_page_no;
+ buf_block_t* get_block;
+ ut_ad(page && mtr);
+ switch (latch_mode) {
+ mode = latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF ? RW_S_LATCH : RW_X_LATCH;
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, page_no, mode, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame) == page_is_comp(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ return;
+ /* x-latch also brothers from left to right */
+ left_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ if (left_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size,
+ left_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame)
+ == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(get_block->frame, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame) == page_is_comp(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ right_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+ if (right_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size,
+ right_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame)
+ == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(get_block->frame, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ return;
+ mode = latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_PREV ? RW_S_LATCH : RW_X_LATCH;
+ /* latch also left brother */
+ left_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ if (left_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size,
+ left_page_no, mode, mtr);
+ cursor->left_block = get_block;
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame)
+ == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(get_block->frame, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ get_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, page_no, mode, mtr);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !get_block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(get_block);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(get_block->frame) == page_is_comp(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ get_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_error;
+Searches an index tree and positions a tree cursor on a given level.
+NOTE: n_fields_cmp in tuple must be set so that it cannot be compared
+to node pointer page number fields on the upper levels of the tree!
+Note that if mode is PAGE_CUR_LE, which is used in inserts, then
+cursor->up_match and cursor->low_match both will have sensible values.
+If mode is PAGE_CUR_GE, then up_match will a have a sensible value.
+If mode is PAGE_CUR_LE , cursor is left at the place where an insert of the
+search tuple should be performed in the B-tree. InnoDB does an insert
+immediately after the cursor. Thus, the cursor may end up on a user record,
+or on a page infimum record. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint level, /*!< in: the tree level of search */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple; NOTE: n_fields_cmp in
+ tuple must be set so that it cannot get
+ compared to the node ptr page number field! */
+ ulint mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_L, ...;
+ Inserts should always be made using
+ PAGE_CUR_LE to search the position! */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ..., ORed with
+ cursor->left_block is used to store a pointer
+ to the left neighbor page, in the cases
+ NOTE that if has_search_latch
+ is != 0, we maybe do not have a latch set
+ on the cursor page, we assume
+ the caller uses his search latch
+ to protect the record! */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in/out: tree cursor; the cursor page is
+ s- or x-latched, but see also above! */
+ ulint has_search_latch,/*!< in: info on the latch mode the
+ caller currently has on btr_search_latch:
+ RW_S_LATCH, or 0 */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ page_t* page;
+ buf_block_t* guess;
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint up_match;
+ ulint up_bytes;
+ ulint low_match;
+ ulint low_bytes;
+ ulint height;
+ ulint savepoint;
+ ulint page_mode;
+ ulint insert_planned;
+ ulint estimate;
+ ulint ignore_sec_unique;
+ ulint root_height = 0; /* remove warning */
+ btr_search_t* info;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ /* Currently, PAGE_CUR_LE is the only search mode used for searches
+ ending to upper levels */
+ ut_ad(level == 0 || mode == PAGE_CUR_LE);
+ ut_ad(dict_index_check_search_tuple(index, tuple));
+ ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index) || ibuf_inside());
+ ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(tuple));
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ cursor->up_match = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ cursor->low_match = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ insert_planned = latch_mode & BTR_INSERT;
+ estimate = latch_mode & BTR_ESTIMATE;
+ ignore_sec_unique = latch_mode & BTR_IGNORE_SEC_UNIQUE;
+ latch_mode = latch_mode & ~(BTR_INSERT | BTR_ESTIMATE
+ ut_ad(!insert_planned || (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE));
+ cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_BINARY;
+ cursor->index = index;
+#ifndef BTR_CUR_ADAPT
+ guess = NULL;
+ info = btr_search_get_info(index);
+ guess = info->root_guess;
+ info->n_searches++;
+ if (rw_lock_get_writer(&btr_search_latch) == RW_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED
+ && latch_mode <= BTR_MODIFY_LEAF && info->last_hash_succ
+ && !estimate
+#endif /* PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS */
+ /* If !has_search_latch, we do a dirty read of
+ btr_search_enabled below, and btr_search_guess_on_hash()
+ will have to check it again. */
+ && UNIV_LIKELY(btr_search_enabled)
+ && btr_search_guess_on_hash(index, info, tuple, mode,
+ latch_mode, cursor,
+ has_search_latch, mtr)) {
+ /* Search using the hash index succeeded */
+ ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_GE);
+ ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_LE);
+ ut_ad(cursor->low_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_LE);
+ btr_cur_n_sea++;
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT */
+#endif /* BTR_CUR_ADAPT */
+ btr_cur_n_non_sea++;
+ /* If the hash search did not succeed, do binary search down the
+ tree */
+ if (has_search_latch) {
+ /* Release possible search latch to obey latching order */
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ /* Store the position of the tree latch we push to mtr so that we
+ know how to release it when we have latched leaf node(s) */
+ savepoint = mtr_set_savepoint(mtr);
+ if (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE) {
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ } else if (latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ } else {
+ mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ up_match = 0;
+ up_bytes = 0;
+ low_match = 0;
+ low_bytes = 0;
+ /* We use these modified search modes on non-leaf levels of the
+ B-tree. These let us end up in the right B-tree leaf. In that leaf
+ we use the original search mode. */
+ switch (mode) {
+ case PAGE_CUR_GE:
+ page_mode = PAGE_CUR_L;
+ break;
+ case PAGE_CUR_G:
+ page_mode = PAGE_CUR_LE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ut_ad(mode == PAGE_CUR_L || mode == PAGE_CUR_LE
+ || mode == PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS);
+ ut_ad(mode == PAGE_CUR_L || mode == PAGE_CUR_LE);
+#endif /* PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS */
+ page_mode = mode;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Loop and search until we arrive at the desired level */
+ for (;;) {
+ ulint zip_size;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ulint rw_latch;
+ ulint buf_mode;
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ rw_latch = RW_NO_LATCH;
+ buf_mode = BUF_GET;
+ if (height == 0 && latch_mode <= BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) {
+ rw_latch = latch_mode;
+ if (insert_planned
+ && ibuf_should_try(index, ignore_sec_unique)) {
+ /* Try insert to the insert buffer if the
+ page is not in the buffer pool */
+ buf_mode = BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL;
+ }
+ }
+ block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ rw_latch, guess, buf_mode,
+ file, line, mtr);
+ if (block == NULL) {
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && buf_mode != BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL) {
+ page_cursor->block = 0;
+ page_cursor->rec = 0;
+ if (estimate) {
+ cursor->path_arr->nth_rec = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_a(buf_mode == BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL);
+ /* This must be a search to perform an insert;
+ try insert to the insert buffer */
+ ut_ad(buf_mode == BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL);
+ ut_ad(insert_planned);
+ ut_ad(cursor->thr);
+ if (ibuf_insert(tuple, index, space, zip_size,
+ page_no, cursor->thr)) {
+ /* Insertion to the insert buffer succeeded */
+ cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_INSERT_TO_IBUF;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* Insert to the insert buffer did not succeed:
+ retry page get */
+ buf_mode = BUF_GET;
+ goto retry_page_get;
+ }
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !page) {
+ page_cursor->block = 0;
+ page_cursor->rec = 0;
+ if (estimate) {
+ cursor->path_arr->nth_rec = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_a(page);
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ if (rw_latch != RW_NO_LATCH) {
+ const page_zip_des_t* page_zip
+ = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE);
+ }
+ ut_ad(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index->id,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)));
+ /* We are in the root node */
+ height = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ root_height = height;
+ cursor->tree_height = root_height + 1;
+ if (block != guess) {
+ info->root_guess = block;
+ }
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ if (rw_latch == RW_NO_LATCH) {
+ btr_cur_latch_leaves(page, space, zip_size,
+ page_no, latch_mode,
+ cursor, mtr);
+ }
+ if ((latch_mode != BTR_MODIFY_TREE)
+ && (latch_mode != BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE)) {
+ /* Release the tree s-latch */
+ mtr_release_s_latch_at_savepoint(
+ mtr, savepoint,
+ dict_index_get_lock(index));
+ }
+ page_mode = mode;
+ }
+ page_cur_search_with_match(block, index, tuple, page_mode,
+ &up_match, &up_bytes,
+ &low_match, &low_bytes,
+ page_cursor);
+ if (estimate) {
+ btr_cur_add_path_info(cursor, height, root_height);
+ }
+ /* If this is the desired level, leave the loop */
+ ut_ad(height == btr_page_get_level(
+ page_cur_get_page(page_cursor), mtr));
+ if (level == height) {
+ if (level > 0) {
+ /* x-latch the page */
+ page = btr_page_get(space, zip_size,
+ page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr);
+ ut_a((ibool)!!page_is_comp(page)
+ == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_ad(height > 0);
+ height--;
+ guess = NULL;
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, cursor->index, offsets,
+ /* Go to the child node */
+ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ if (level == 0) {
+ cursor->low_match = low_match;
+ cursor->low_bytes = low_bytes;
+ cursor->up_match = up_match;
+ cursor->up_bytes = up_bytes;
+ /* We do a dirty read of btr_search_enabled here. We
+ will properly check btr_search_enabled again in
+ btr_search_build_page_hash_index() before building a
+ page hash index, while holding btr_search_latch. */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(btr_search_enabled)) {
+ btr_search_info_update(index, cursor);
+ }
+ ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_GE);
+ ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_LE);
+ ut_ad(cursor->low_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || mode != PAGE_CUR_LE);
+ }
+ if (has_search_latch) {
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+Opens a cursor at either end of an index. */
+ ibool from_left, /*!< in: TRUE if open to the low end,
+ FALSE if to the high end */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: latch mode */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint height;
+ ulint root_height = 0; /* remove warning */
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ ulint estimate;
+ ulint savepoint;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ estimate = latch_mode & BTR_ESTIMATE;
+ latch_mode = latch_mode & ~BTR_ESTIMATE;
+ /* Store the position of the tree latch we push to mtr so that we
+ know how to release it when we have latched the leaf node */
+ savepoint = mtr_set_savepoint(mtr);
+ if (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE) {
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ } else {
+ mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ cursor->index = index;
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ file, line, mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !page) {
+ page_cursor->block = 0;
+ page_cursor->rec = 0;
+ if (estimate) {
+ cursor->path_arr->nth_rec = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_a(page);
+ ut_ad(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index->id,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)));
+ block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ if (height == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ /* We are in the root node */
+ height = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ root_height = height;
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ btr_cur_latch_leaves(page, space, zip_size, page_no,
+ latch_mode, cursor, mtr);
+ /* In versions <= 3.23.52 we had forgotten to
+ release the tree latch here. If in an index scan
+ we had to scan far to find a record visible to the
+ current transaction, that could starve others
+ waiting for the tree latch. */
+ if ((latch_mode != BTR_MODIFY_TREE)
+ && (latch_mode != BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE)) {
+ /* Release the tree s-latch */
+ mtr_release_s_latch_at_savepoint(
+ mtr, savepoint,
+ dict_index_get_lock(index));
+ }
+ }
+ if (from_left) {
+ page_cur_set_before_first(block, page_cursor);
+ } else {
+ page_cur_set_after_last(block, page_cursor);
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ if (estimate) {
+ btr_cur_add_path_info(cursor, height,
+ root_height);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_ad(height > 0);
+ if (from_left) {
+ page_cur_move_to_next(page_cursor);
+ } else {
+ page_cur_move_to_prev(page_cursor);
+ }
+ if (estimate) {
+ btr_cur_add_path_info(cursor, height, root_height);
+ }
+ height--;
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, cursor->index, offsets,
+ /* Go to the child node */
+ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+Positions a cursor at a randomly chosen position within a B-tree. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in/out: B-tree cursor */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint height;
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ if (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE) {
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ } else {
+ mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ cursor->index = index;
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ file, line, mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !page) {
+ page_cursor->block = 0;
+ page_cursor->rec = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_a(page);
+ ut_ad(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index->id,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)));
+ if (height == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ /* We are in the root node */
+ height = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ btr_cur_latch_leaves(page, space, zip_size, page_no,
+ latch_mode, cursor, mtr);
+ }
+ page_cur_open_on_rnd_user_rec(block, page_cursor);
+ if (height == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_ad(height > 0);
+ height--;
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, cursor->index, offsets,
+ /* Go to the child node */
+ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+Positions a cursor at a randomly chosen position within a B-tree
+after the given path
+@return TRUE if the position is at the first page, and cursor must point
+ the first record for used by the caller.*/
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */
+ btr_path_t* first_rec_path,
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in/out: B-tree cursor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ btr_path_t* slot;
+ ibool is_first_rec = TRUE;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint height;
+ rec_t* node_ptr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ if (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE) {
+ mtr_x_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ } else {
+ mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr);
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ cursor->index = index;
+ space = dict_index_get_space(index);
+ zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ page_no = dict_index_get_page(index);
+ slot = first_rec_path;
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_ad(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index->id,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)));
+ if (height == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ /* We are in the root node */
+ height = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ btr_cur_latch_leaves(page, space, zip_size, page_no,
+ latch_mode, cursor, mtr);
+ }
+ if (is_first_rec && slot->nth_rec != ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ if (height == 0) {
+ /* must open the first rec */
+ page_cur_open_on_nth_user_rec(block, page_cursor, slot->nth_rec);
+ } else {
+ is_first_rec = page_cur_open_on_rnd_user_rec_after_nth(block,
+ page_cursor, slot->nth_rec);
+ }
+ } else {
+ is_first_rec = FALSE;
+ page_cur_open_on_rnd_user_rec(block, page_cursor);
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_ad(height > 0);
+ height--;
+ slot++;
+ node_ptr = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, cursor->index, offsets,
+ /* Go to the child node */
+ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return (is_first_rec);
+/*==================== B-TREE INSERT =========================*/
+Inserts a record if there is enough space, or if enough space can
+be freed by reorganizing. Differs from btr_cur_optimistic_insert because
+no heuristics is applied to whether it pays to use CPU time for
+reorganizing the page or not.
+@return pointer to inserted record if succeed, else NULL */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on page after which to insert;
+ cursor stays valid */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple to insert; the size info need not
+ have been stored to tuple */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(tuple));
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ /* Now, try the insert */
+ rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, tuple,
+ cursor->index, n_ext, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!rec)) {
+ /* If record did not fit, reorganize */
+ if (btr_page_reorganize(block, cursor->index, mtr)) {
+ page_cur_search(block, cursor->index, tuple,
+ PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor);
+ rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, tuple,
+ cursor->index, n_ext, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+ return(rec);
+For an insert, checks the locks and does the undo logging if desired.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_WAIT_LOCK, DB_FAIL, or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags: if
+ not zero, the parameters index and thr
+ should be specified */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on page after which to insert */
+ const dtuple_t* entry, /*!< in: entry to insert */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread or NULL */
+ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
+ ibool* inherit)/*!< out: TRUE if the inserted new record maybe
+ should inherit LOCK_GAP type locks from the
+ successor record */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ ulint err;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ /* Check if we have to wait for a lock: enqueue an explicit lock
+ request if yes */
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ err = lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock(flags, rec,
+ btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ index, thr, mtr, inherit);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ if (dict_index_is_clust(index) && !dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ err = trx_undo_report_row_operation(flags, TRX_UNDO_INSERT_OP,
+ thr, index, entry,
+ NULL, 0, NULL,
+ &roll_ptr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ /* Now we can fill in the roll ptr field in entry */
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_index_entry_sys_field(entry, index,
+ DATA_ROLL_PTR, roll_ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+Report information about a transaction. */
+ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction */
+ const dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ const char* op) /*!< in: operation */
+ fprintf(stderr, "Trx with id " TRX_ID_FMT " going to ",
+ TRX_ID_PREP_PRINTF(trx->id));
+ fputs(op, stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, trx, index);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+Tries to perform an insert to a page in an index tree, next to cursor.
+It is assumed that mtr holds an x-latch on the page. The operation does
+not succeed if there is too little space on the page. If there is just
+one record on the page, the insert will always succeed; this is to
+prevent trying to split a page with just one record.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_WAIT_LOCK, DB_FAIL, or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags: if not
+ zero, the parameters index and thr should be
+ specified */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on page after which to insert;
+ cursor stays valid */
+ dtuple_t* entry, /*!< in/out: entry to insert */
+ rec_t** rec, /*!< out: pointer to inserted record if
+ succeed */
+ big_rec_t** big_rec,/*!< out: big rec vector whose fields have to
+ be stored externally by the caller, or
+ NULL */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread or NULL */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr; if this function returns
+ DB_SUCCESS on a leaf page of a secondary
+ index in a compressed tablespace, the
+ mtr must be committed before latching
+ any further pages */
+ big_rec_t* big_rec_vec = NULL;
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ ulint max_size;
+ rec_t* dummy_rec;
+ ibool leaf;
+ ibool reorg;
+ ibool inherit;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint rec_size;
+ ulint err;
+ *big_rec = NULL;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return(DB_CORRUPTION);
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ zip_size = buf_block_get_zip_size(block);
+ if (zip_size) {
+ UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW(block->, zip_size);
+ }
+ if (!dtuple_check_typed_no_assert(entry)) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error in a tuple to insert into ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, thr_get_trx(thr), index);
+ }
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (btr_cur_print_record_ops && thr) {
+ btr_cur_trx_report(thr_get_trx(thr), index, "insert into ");
+ dtuple_print(stderr, entry);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ max_size = page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(page, 1);
+ leaf = page_is_leaf(page);
+ /* Calculate the record size when entry is converted to a record */
+ rec_size = rec_get_converted_size(index, entry, n_ext);
+ if (page_zip_rec_needs_ext(rec_size, page_is_comp(page),
+ dtuple_get_n_fields(entry), zip_size)) {
+ /* The record is so big that we have to store some fields
+ externally on separate database pages */
+ big_rec_vec = dtuple_convert_big_rec(index, entry, &n_ext);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(big_rec_vec == NULL)) {
+ return(DB_TOO_BIG_RECORD);
+ }
+ rec_size = rec_get_converted_size(index, entry, n_ext);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(zip_size)) {
+ /* Estimate the free space of an empty compressed page.
+ Subtract one byte for the encoded heap_no in the
+ modification log. */
+ ulint free_space_zip = page_zip_empty_size(
+ cursor->index->n_fields, zip_size) - 1;
+ ulint n_uniq = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index);
+ ut_ad(dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ /* There should be enough room for two node pointer
+ records on an empty non-leaf page. This prevents
+ infinite page splits. */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(entry->n_fields >= n_uniq)
+ + rec_get_converted_size_comp_prefix(
+ index, entry->fields, n_uniq,
+ /* On a compressed page, there is
+ a two-byte entry in the dense
+ page directory for every record.
+ But there is no record header. */
+ > free_space_zip / 2)) {
+ if (big_rec_vec) {
+ dtuple_convert_back_big_rec(
+ index, entry, big_rec_vec);
+ }
+ return(DB_TOO_BIG_RECORD);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there have been many consecutive inserts, and we are on the leaf
+ level, check if we have to split the page to reserve enough free space
+ for future updates of records. */
+ if (dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && (page_get_n_recs(page) >= 2)
+ && UNIV_LIKELY(leaf)
+ && (dict_index_get_space_reserve() + rec_size > max_size)
+ && (btr_page_get_split_rec_to_right(cursor, &dummy_rec)
+ || btr_page_get_split_rec_to_left(cursor, &dummy_rec))) {
+ err = DB_FAIL;
+ if (big_rec_vec) {
+ dtuple_convert_back_big_rec(index, entry, big_rec_vec);
+ }
+ return(err);
+ }
+ || max_size < rec_size)
+ && UNIV_LIKELY(page_get_n_recs(page) > 1)
+ && page_get_max_insert_size(page, 1) < rec_size) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* Check locks and write to the undo log, if specified */
+ err = btr_cur_ins_lock_and_undo(flags, cursor, entry,
+ thr, mtr, &inherit);
+ goto fail_err;
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ /* Now, try the insert */
+ {
+ const rec_t* page_cursor_rec = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ *rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, entry, index,
+ n_ext, mtr);
+ reorg = page_cursor_rec != page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(reorg)) {
+ ut_a(zip_size);
+ ut_a(*rec);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!*rec) && UNIV_LIKELY(!reorg)) {
+ /* If the record did not fit, reorganize */
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!btr_page_reorganize(block, index, mtr))) {
+ ut_a(zip_size);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ut_ad(zip_size
+ || page_get_max_insert_size(page, 1) == max_size);
+ reorg = TRUE;
+ page_cur_search(block, index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor);
+ *rec = page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cursor, entry, index,
+ n_ext, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!*rec)) {
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(zip_size != 0)) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: cannot insert tuple ", stderr);
+ dtuple_print(stderr, entry);
+ fputs(" into ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, thr_get_trx(thr), index);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nInnoDB: max insert size %lu\n",
+ (ulong) max_size);
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!reorg && leaf && (cursor->flag == BTR_CUR_HASH)) {
+ btr_search_update_hash_node_on_insert(cursor);
+ } else {
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_insert(cursor);
+ }
+ if (!(flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) && inherit) {
+ lock_update_insert(block, *rec);
+ }
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "Insert into page %lu, max ins size %lu,"
+ " rec %lu ind type %lu\n",
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block), max_size,
+ rec_size + PAGE_DIR_SLOT_SIZE, index->type);
+ if (leaf && !dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ /* Update the free bits of the B-tree page in the
+ insert buffer bitmap. */
+ /* The free bits in the insert buffer bitmap must
+ never exceed the free space on a page. It is safe to
+ decrement or reset the bits in the bitmap in a
+ mini-transaction that is committed before the
+ mini-transaction that affects the free space. */
+ /* It is unsafe to increment the bits in a separately
+ committed mini-transaction, because in crash recovery,
+ the free bits could momentarily be set too high. */
+ if (zip_size) {
+ /* Update the bits in the same mini-transaction. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_zip(block, mtr);
+ } else {
+ /* Decrement the bits in a separate
+ mini-transaction. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_if_full(
+ block, max_size,
+ rec_size + PAGE_DIR_SLOT_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ *big_rec = big_rec_vec;
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+Performs an insert on a page of an index tree. It is assumed that mtr
+holds an x-latch on the tree and on the cursor page. If the insert is
+made on the leaf level, to avoid deadlocks, mtr must also own x-latches
+to brothers of page, if those brothers exist.
+@return DB_SUCCESS or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags: if not
+ zero, the parameter thr should be
+ specified; if no undo logging is specified,
+ then the caller must have reserved enough
+ free extents in the file space so that the
+ insertion will certainly succeed */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor after which to insert;
+ cursor stays valid */
+ dtuple_t* entry, /*!< in/out: entry to insert */
+ rec_t** rec, /*!< out: pointer to inserted record if
+ succeed */
+ big_rec_t** big_rec,/*!< out: big rec vector whose fields have to
+ be stored externally by the caller, or
+ NULL */
+ ulint n_ext, /*!< in: number of externally stored columns */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread or NULL */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index = cursor->index;
+ ulint zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ big_rec_t* big_rec_vec = NULL;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint err;
+ ibool dummy_inh;
+ ibool success;
+ ulint n_extents = 0;
+ ulint n_reserved;
+ ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(entry));
+ *big_rec = NULL;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr,
+ dict_index_get_lock(btr_cur_get_index(cursor)),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ /* Try first an optimistic insert; reset the cursor flag: we do not
+ assume anything of how it was positioned */
+ cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_BINARY;
+ err = btr_cur_optimistic_insert(flags, cursor, entry, rec,
+ big_rec, n_ext, thr, mtr);
+ if (err != DB_FAIL) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ /* Retry with a pessimistic insert. Check locks and write to undo log,
+ if specified */
+ err = btr_cur_ins_lock_and_undo(flags, cursor, entry,
+ thr, mtr, &dummy_inh);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ if (!(flags & BTR_NO_UNDO_LOG_FLAG)) {
+ /* First reserve enough free space for the file segments
+ of the index tree, so that the insert will not fail because
+ of lack of space */
+ n_extents = cursor->tree_height / 16 + 3;
+ success = fsp_reserve_free_extents(&n_reserved, index->space,
+ n_extents, FSP_NORMAL, mtr);
+ if (!success) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (page_zip_rec_needs_ext(rec_get_converted_size(index, entry, n_ext),
+ dict_table_is_comp(index->table),
+ dict_index_get_n_fields(index),
+ zip_size)) {
+ /* The record is so big that we have to store some fields
+ externally on separate database pages */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(big_rec_vec)) {
+ /* This should never happen, but we handle
+ the situation in a robust manner. */
+ ut_ad(0);
+ dtuple_convert_back_big_rec(index, entry, big_rec_vec);
+ }
+ big_rec_vec = dtuple_convert_big_rec(index, entry, &n_ext);
+ if (big_rec_vec == NULL) {
+ if (n_extents > 0) {
+ fil_space_release_free_extents(index->space,
+ n_reserved);
+ }
+ return(DB_TOO_BIG_RECORD);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dict_index_get_page(index)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(btr_cur_get_block(cursor))) {
+ /* The page is the root page */
+ *rec = btr_root_raise_and_insert(cursor, entry, n_ext, mtr);
+ } else {
+ *rec = btr_page_split_and_insert(cursor, entry, n_ext, mtr);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ ut_ad(page_rec_get_next(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor)) == *rec);
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_insert(cursor);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG)) {
+ lock_update_insert(btr_cur_get_block(cursor), *rec);
+ }
+ if (n_extents > 0) {
+ fil_space_release_free_extents(index->space, n_reserved);
+ }
+ *big_rec = big_rec_vec;
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+/*==================== B-TREE UPDATE =========================*/
+For an update, checks the locks and does the undo logging.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_WAIT_LOCK, or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on record to update */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ ulint cmpl_info,/*!< in: compiler info on secondary index
+ updates */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
+ roll_ptr_t* roll_ptr)/*!< out: roll pointer */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint err;
+ ut_ad(cursor && update && thr && roll_ptr);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
+ /* We do undo logging only when we update a clustered index
+ record */
+ return(lock_sec_rec_modify_check_and_lock(
+ flags, btr_cur_get_block(cursor), rec,
+ index, thr, mtr));
+ }
+ /* Check if we have to wait for a lock: enqueue an explicit lock
+ request if yes */
+ err = DB_SUCCESS;
+ if (!(flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG)) {
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ err = lock_clust_rec_modify_check_and_lock(
+ flags, btr_cur_get_block(cursor), rec, index,
+ rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_,
+ ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap), thr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Append the info about the update in the undo log */
+ err = trx_undo_report_row_operation(flags, TRX_UNDO_MODIFY_OP, thr,
+ index, NULL, update,
+ cmpl_info, rec, roll_ptr);
+ return(err);
+Writes a redo log record of updating a record in-place. */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: flags */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index where cursor positioned */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction */
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr, /*!< in: roll ptr */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ byte* log_ptr;
+ page_t* page = page_align(rec);
+ ut_ad(flags < 256);
+ ut_ad(!!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ log_ptr = mlog_open_and_write_index(mtr, rec, index, page_is_comp(page)
+ 1 + DATA_ROLL_PTR_LEN + 14 + 2
+ if (!log_ptr) {
+ /* Logging in mtr is switched off during crash recovery */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The code below assumes index is a clustered index: change index to
+ the clustered index if we are updating a secondary index record (or we
+ could as well skip writing the sys col values to the log in this case
+ because they are not needed for a secondary index record update) */
+ index = dict_table_get_first_index(index->table);
+ mach_write_to_1(log_ptr, flags);
+ log_ptr++;
+ log_ptr = row_upd_write_sys_vals_to_log(index, trx, roll_ptr, log_ptr,
+ mtr);
+ mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, page_offset(rec));
+ log_ptr += 2;
+ row_upd_index_write_log(update, log_ptr, mtr);
+#endif /* UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Parses a redo log record of updating a record in-place.
+@return end of log record or NULL */
+ byte* ptr, /*!< in: buffer */
+ byte* end_ptr,/*!< in: buffer end */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in/out: page or NULL */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page, or NULL */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index corresponding to page */
+ ulint flags;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ upd_t* update;
+ ulint pos;
+ trx_id_t trx_id;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ ulint rec_offset;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 1) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ flags = mach_read_from_1(ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ ptr = row_upd_parse_sys_vals(ptr, end_ptr, &pos, &trx_id, &roll_ptr);
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ rec_offset = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ ptr += 2;
+ ut_a(rec_offset <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ heap = mem_heap_create(256);
+ ptr = row_upd_index_parse(ptr, end_ptr, heap, &update);
+ if (!ptr || !page) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ ut_a((ibool)!!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ rec = page + rec_offset;
+ /* We do not need to reserve btr_search_latch, as the page is only
+ being recovered, and there cannot be a hash index to it. */
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, NULL, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_rec_sys_fields_in_recovery(rec, page_zip, offsets,
+ pos, trx_id, roll_ptr);
+ }
+ row_upd_rec_in_place(rec, index, offsets, update, page_zip);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(ptr);
+See if there is enough place in the page modification log to log
+an update-in-place.
+@return TRUE if enough place */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in/out: buffer page */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: the index corresponding to the block */
+ ulint length, /*!< in: size needed */
+ ibool create, /*!< in: TRUE=delete-and-insert,
+ FALSE=update-in-place */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction */
+ ut_a(page_zip == buf_block_get_page_zip(block));
+ ut_ad(page_zip);
+ ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ if (page_zip_available(page_zip, dict_index_is_clust(index),
+ length, create)) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (!page_zip->m_nonempty) {
+ /* The page has been freshly compressed, so
+ recompressing it will not help. */
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (!page_zip_compress(page_zip, buf_block_get_frame(block),
+ index, mtr)) {
+ /* Unable to compress the page */
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ /* After recompressing a page, we must make sure that the free
+ bits in the insert buffer bitmap will not exceed the free
+ space on the page. Because this function will not attempt
+ recompression unless page_zip_available() fails above, it is
+ safe to reset the free bits if page_zip_available() fails
+ again, below. The free bits can safely be reset in a separate
+ mini-transaction. If page_zip_available() succeeds below, we
+ can be sure that the page_zip_compress() above did not reduce
+ the free space available on the page. */
+ if (!page_zip_available(page_zip, dict_index_is_clust(index),
+ length, create)) {
+ /* Out of space: reset the free bits. */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && page_is_leaf(buf_block_get_frame(block))) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(block);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Updates a record when the update causes no size changes in its fields.
+We assume here that the ordering fields of the record do not change.
+@return DB_SUCCESS or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the record to update;
+ cursor stays valid and positioned on the
+ same record */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ ulint cmpl_info,/*!< in: compiler info on secondary index
+ updates */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr; must be committed before
+ latching any further pages */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ ulint err;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr = ut_dulint_zero;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ ulint was_delete_marked;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ ut_ad(!!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ /* The insert buffer tree should never be updated in place. */
+ ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (btr_cur_print_record_ops && thr) {
+ btr_cur_trx_report(trx, index, "update ");
+ rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ /* Check that enough space is available on the compressed page. */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)
+ && !btr_cur_update_alloc_zip(page_zip, block, index,
+ rec_offs_size(offsets), FALSE, mtr)) {
+ return(DB_ZIP_OVERFLOW);
+ }
+ /* Do lock checking and undo logging */
+ err = btr_cur_upd_lock_and_undo(flags, cursor, update, cmpl_info,
+ thr, mtr, &roll_ptr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(err);
+ }
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ /* The function row_upd_changes_ord_field_binary works only
+ if the update vector was built for a clustered index, we must
+ NOT call it if index is secondary */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ || row_upd_changes_ord_field_binary(NULL, index, update)) {
+ /* Remove possible hash index pointer to this record */
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_delete(cursor);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_rec_sys_fields(rec, NULL,
+ index, offsets, trx, roll_ptr);
+ }
+ was_delete_marked = rec_get_deleted_flag(
+ rec, page_is_comp(buf_block_get_frame(block)));
+ row_upd_rec_in_place(rec, index, offsets, update, page_zip);
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ if (page_zip && !dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && page_is_leaf(buf_block_get_frame(block))) {
+ /* Update the free bits in the insert buffer. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_zip(block, mtr);
+ }
+ btr_cur_update_in_place_log(flags, rec, index, update,
+ trx, roll_ptr, mtr);
+ if (was_delete_marked
+ && !rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, page_is_comp(
+ buf_block_get_frame(block)))) {
+ /* The new updated record owns its possible externally
+ stored fields */
+ btr_cur_unmark_extern_fields(page_zip,
+ rec, index, offsets, mtr);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+Tries to update a record on a page in an index tree. It is assumed that mtr
+holds an x-latch on the page. The operation does not succeed if there is too
+little space on the page or if the update would result in too empty a page,
+so that tree compression is recommended. We assume here that the ordering
+fields of the record do not change.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, or DB_OVERFLOW if the updated record does not fit,
+DB_UNDERFLOW if the page would become too empty, or DB_ZIP_OVERFLOW if
+there is not enough space left on the compressed page */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the record to update;
+ cursor stays valid and positioned on the
+ same record */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector; this must also
+ contain trx id and roll ptr fields */
+ ulint cmpl_info,/*!< in: compiler info on secondary index
+ updates */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr; must be committed before
+ latching any further pages */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ ulint err;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ rec_t* orig_rec;
+ ulint max_size;
+ ulint new_rec_size;
+ ulint old_rec_size;
+ dtuple_t* new_entry;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint i;
+ ulint n_ext;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ orig_rec = rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ ut_ad(!!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* The insert buffer tree should never be updated in place. */
+ ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ heap = mem_heap_create(1024);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, NULL, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (btr_cur_print_record_ops && thr) {
+ btr_cur_trx_report(thr_get_trx(thr), index, "update ");
+ rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ if (!row_upd_changes_field_size_or_external(index, offsets, update)) {
+ /* The simplest and the most common case: the update does not
+ change the size of any field and none of the updated fields is
+ externally stored in rec or update, and there is enough space
+ on the compressed page to log the update. */
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(btr_cur_update_in_place(flags, cursor, update,
+ cmpl_info, thr, mtr));
+ }
+ if (rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)) {
+ /* Externally stored fields are treated in pessimistic
+ update */
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(DB_OVERFLOW);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < upd_get_n_fields(update); i++) {
+ if (dfield_is_ext(&upd_get_nth_field(update, i)->new_val)) {
+ goto any_extern;
+ }
+ }
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ new_entry = row_rec_to_index_entry(ROW_COPY_DATA, rec, index, offsets,
+ &n_ext, heap);
+ /* We checked above that there are no externally stored fields. */
+ ut_a(!n_ext);
+ /* The page containing the clustered index record
+ corresponding to new_entry is latched in mtr.
+ Thus the following call is safe. */
+ row_upd_index_replace_new_col_vals_index_pos(new_entry, index, update,
+ FALSE, heap);
+ old_rec_size = rec_offs_size(offsets);
+ new_rec_size = rec_get_converted_size(index, new_entry, 0);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)
+ && !btr_cur_update_alloc_zip(page_zip, block, index,
+ new_rec_size, TRUE, mtr)) {
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(new_rec_size
+ >= (page_get_free_space_of_empty(page_is_comp(page))
+ / 2))) {
+ err = DB_OVERFLOW;
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(page_get_data_size(page)
+ - old_rec_size + new_rec_size
+ /* The page would become too empty */
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ max_size = old_rec_size
+ + page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(page, 1);
+ if (!(((max_size >= BTR_CUR_PAGE_REORGANIZE_LIMIT)
+ && (max_size >= new_rec_size))
+ || (page_get_n_recs(page) <= 1))) {
+ /* There was not enough space, or it did not pay to
+ reorganize: for simplicity, we decide what to do assuming a
+ reorganization is needed, though it might not be necessary */
+ err = DB_OVERFLOW;
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ /* Do lock checking and undo logging */
+ err = btr_cur_upd_lock_and_undo(flags, cursor, update, cmpl_info,
+ thr, mtr, &roll_ptr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ goto err_exit;
+ }
+ /* Ok, we may do the replacement. Store on the page infimum the
+ explicit locks on rec, before deleting rec (see the comment in
+ btr_cur_pessimistic_update). */
+ lock_rec_store_on_page_infimum(block, rec);
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_delete(cursor);
+ /* The call to row_rec_to_index_entry(ROW_COPY_DATA, ...) above
+ invokes rec_offs_make_valid() to point to the copied record that
+ the fields of new_entry point to. We have to undo it here. */
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(NULL, index, offsets));
+ rec_offs_make_valid(page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor), index, offsets);
+ page_cur_delete_rec(page_cursor, index, offsets, mtr);
+ page_cur_move_to_prev(page_cursor);
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_index_entry_sys_field(new_entry, index, DATA_ROLL_PTR,
+ roll_ptr);
+ row_upd_index_entry_sys_field(new_entry, index, DATA_TRX_ID,
+ trx->id);
+ }
+ /* There are no externally stored columns in new_entry */
+ rec = btr_cur_insert_if_possible(cursor, new_entry, 0/*n_ext*/, mtr);
+ ut_a(rec); /* <- We calculated above the insert would fit */
+ if (page_zip && !dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* Update the free bits in the insert buffer. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_zip(block, mtr);
+ }
+ /* Restore the old explicit lock state on the record */
+ lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(block, rec, block);
+ page_cur_move_to_next(page_cursor);
+ err = DB_SUCCESS;
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(err);
+If, in a split, a new supremum record was created as the predecessor of the
+updated record, the supremum record must inherit exactly the locks on the
+updated record. In the split it may have inherited locks from the successor
+of the updated record, which is not correct. This function restores the
+right locks for the new supremum. */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */
+ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: updated record */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_t* page;
+ buf_block_t* prev_block;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ if (page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page)) != rec) {
+ /* Updated record is not the first user record on its page */
+ return;
+ }
+ space = buf_block_get_space(block);
+ zip_size = buf_block_get_zip_size(block);
+ prev_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ ut_ad(prev_page_no != FIL_NULL);
+ prev_block = buf_page_get_with_no_latch(space, zip_size,
+ prev_page_no, mtr);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(prev_block->frame, mtr)
+ == page_get_page_no(page));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ /* We must already have an x-latch on prev_block! */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, prev_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ lock_rec_reset_and_inherit_gap_locks(prev_block, block,
+ page_rec_get_heap_no(rec));
+Performs an update of a record on a page of a tree. It is assumed
+that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree and on the cursor page. If the
+update is made on the leaf level, to avoid deadlocks, mtr must also
+own x-latches to brothers of page, if those brothers exist. We assume
+here that the ordering fields of the record do not change.
+@return DB_SUCCESS or error code */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging, locking, and rollback
+ flags */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the record to update */
+ mem_heap_t** heap, /*!< in/out: pointer to memory heap, or NULL */
+ big_rec_t** big_rec,/*!< out: big rec vector whose fields have to
+ be stored externally by the caller, or NULL */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector; this is allowed also
+ contain trx id and roll ptr fields, but
+ the values in update vector have no effect */
+ ulint cmpl_info,/*!< in: compiler info on secondary index
+ updates */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr; must be committed before
+ latching any further pages */
+ big_rec_t* big_rec_vec = NULL;
+ big_rec_t* dummy_big_rec;
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ dtuple_t* new_entry;
+ ulint err;
+ ulint optim_err;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ ibool was_first;
+ ulint n_extents = 0;
+ ulint n_reserved;
+ ulint n_ext;
+ ulint* offsets = NULL;
+ *big_rec = NULL;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ /* The insert buffer tree should never be updated in place. */
+ ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ optim_err = btr_cur_optimistic_update(flags, cursor, update,
+ cmpl_info, thr, mtr);
+ switch (optim_err) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ return(optim_err);
+ }
+ /* Do lock checking and undo logging */
+ err = btr_cur_upd_lock_and_undo(flags, cursor, update, cmpl_info,
+ thr, mtr, &roll_ptr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ if (optim_err == DB_OVERFLOW) {
+ ulint reserve_flag;
+ /* First reserve enough free space for the file segments
+ of the index tree, so that the update will not fail because
+ of lack of space */
+ n_extents = cursor->tree_height / 16 + 3;
+ if (flags & BTR_NO_UNDO_LOG_FLAG) {
+ reserve_flag = FSP_CLEANING;
+ } else {
+ reserve_flag = FSP_NORMAL;
+ }
+ if (!fsp_reserve_free_extents(&n_reserved, index->space,
+ n_extents, reserve_flag, mtr)) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*heap) {
+ *heap = mem_heap_create(1024);
+ }
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, NULL, ULINT_UNDEFINED, heap);
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ new_entry = row_rec_to_index_entry(ROW_COPY_DATA, rec, index, offsets,
+ &n_ext, *heap);
+ /* The call to row_rec_to_index_entry(ROW_COPY_DATA, ...) above
+ invokes rec_offs_make_valid() to point to the copied record that
+ the fields of new_entry point to. We have to undo it here. */
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(NULL, index, offsets));
+ rec_offs_make_valid(rec, index, offsets);
+ /* The page containing the clustered index record
+ corresponding to new_entry is latched in mtr. If the
+ clustered index record is delete-marked, then its externally
+ stored fields cannot have been purged yet, because then the
+ purge would also have removed the clustered index record
+ itself. Thus the following call is safe. */
+ row_upd_index_replace_new_col_vals_index_pos(new_entry, index, update,
+ FALSE, *heap);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_index_entry_sys_field(new_entry, index, DATA_ROLL_PTR,
+ roll_ptr);
+ row_upd_index_entry_sys_field(new_entry, index, DATA_TRX_ID,
+ trx->id);
+ }
+ if ((flags & BTR_NO_UNDO_LOG_FLAG) && rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)) {
+ /* We are in a transaction rollback undoing a row
+ update: we must free possible externally stored fields
+ which got new values in the update, if they are not
+ inherited values. They can be inherited if we have
+ updated the primary key to another value, and then
+ update it back again. */
+ ut_ad(big_rec_vec == NULL);
+ btr_rec_free_updated_extern_fields(
+ index, rec, page_zip, offsets, update,
+ trx_is_recv(trx) ? RB_RECOVERY : RB_NORMAL, mtr);
+ }
+ /* We have to set appropriate extern storage bits in the new
+ record to be inserted: we have to remember which fields were such */
+ ut_ad(!page_is_comp(page) || !rec_get_node_ptr_flag(rec));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, heap);
+ n_ext += btr_push_update_extern_fields(new_entry, update, *heap);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ ut_ad(page_is_comp(page));
+ if (page_zip_rec_needs_ext(
+ rec_get_converted_size(index, new_entry, n_ext),
+ dict_index_get_n_fields(index),
+ page_zip_get_size(page_zip))) {
+ goto make_external;
+ }
+ } else if (page_zip_rec_needs_ext(
+ rec_get_converted_size(index, new_entry, n_ext),
+ page_is_comp(page), 0, 0)) {
+ big_rec_vec = dtuple_convert_big_rec(index, new_entry, &n_ext);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(big_rec_vec == NULL)) {
+ goto return_after_reservations;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Store state of explicit locks on rec on the page infimum record,
+ before deleting rec. The page infimum acts as a dummy carrier of the
+ locks, taking care also of lock releases, before we can move the locks
+ back on the actual record. There is a special case: if we are
+ inserting on the root page and the insert causes a call of
+ btr_root_raise_and_insert. Therefore we cannot in the lock system
+ delete the lock structs set on the root page even if the root
+ page carries just node pointers. */
+ lock_rec_store_on_page_infimum(block, rec);
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_delete(cursor);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ page_cur_delete_rec(page_cursor, index, offsets, mtr);
+ page_cur_move_to_prev(page_cursor);
+ rec = btr_cur_insert_if_possible(cursor, new_entry, n_ext, mtr);
+ if (rec) {
+ lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ rec, block);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
+ if (!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, rec_offs_comp(offsets))) {
+ /* The new inserted record owns its possible externally
+ stored fields */
+ btr_cur_unmark_extern_fields(page_zip,
+ rec, index, offsets, mtr);
+ }
+ btr_cur_compress_if_useful(cursor, mtr);
+ if (page_zip && !dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* Update the free bits in the insert buffer. */
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_zip(block, mtr);
+ }
+ err = DB_SUCCESS;
+ goto return_after_reservations;
+ } else {
+ ut_a(optim_err != DB_UNDERFLOW);
+ /* Out of space: reset the free bits. */
+ if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)
+ && page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ ibuf_reset_free_bits(block);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Was the record to be updated positioned as the first user
+ record on its page? */
+ was_first = page_cur_is_before_first(page_cursor);
+ /* The first parameter means that no lock checking and undo logging
+ is made in the insert */
+ err = btr_cur_pessimistic_insert(BTR_NO_UNDO_LOG_FLAG
+ cursor, new_entry, &rec,
+ &dummy_big_rec, n_ext, NULL, mtr);
+ ut_a(rec);
+ ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS);
+ ut_a(dummy_big_rec == NULL);
+ if (dict_index_is_sec_or_ibuf(index)) {
+ /* Update PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID in the index page header.
+ It was not updated by btr_cur_pessimistic_insert()
+ because of BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG. */
+ buf_block_t* rec_block;
+ rec_block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page_update_max_trx_id(rec_block,
+ buf_block_get_page_zip(rec_block),
+ trx->id, mtr);
+ }
+ if (!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, rec_offs_comp(offsets))) {
+ /* The new inserted record owns its possible externally
+ stored fields */
+ buf_block_t* rec_block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(rec_block);
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(rec_block);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
+ btr_cur_unmark_extern_fields(page_zip,
+ rec, index, offsets, mtr);
+ }
+ lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ rec, block);
+ /* If necessary, restore also the correct lock state for a new,
+ preceding supremum record created in a page split. While the old
+ record was nonexistent, the supremum might have inherited its locks
+ from a wrong record. */
+ if (!was_first) {
+ btr_cur_pess_upd_restore_supremum(btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ rec, mtr);
+ }
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ if (n_extents > 0) {
+ fil_space_release_free_extents(index->space, n_reserved);
+ }
+ *big_rec = big_rec_vec;
+ return(err);
+/*==================== B-TREE DELETE MARK AND UNMARK ===============*/
+Writes the redo log record for delete marking or unmarking of an index
+record. */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: flags */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the record */
+ ibool val, /*!< in: value to set */
+ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: deleting transaction */
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr,/*!< in: roll ptr to the undo log record */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ byte* log_ptr;
+ ut_ad(flags < 256);
+ ut_ad(val <= 1);
+ ut_ad(!!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ log_ptr = mlog_open_and_write_index(mtr, rec, index,
+ page_rec_is_comp(rec)
+ + 14 + 2);
+ if (!log_ptr) {
+ /* Logging in mtr is switched off during crash recovery */
+ return;
+ }
+ mach_write_to_1(log_ptr, flags);
+ log_ptr++;
+ mach_write_to_1(log_ptr, val);
+ log_ptr++;
+ log_ptr = row_upd_write_sys_vals_to_log(index, trx, roll_ptr, log_ptr,
+ mtr);
+ mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, page_offset(rec));
+ log_ptr += 2;
+ mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr);
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Parses the redo log record for delete marking or unmarking of a clustered
+index record.
+@return end of log record or NULL */
+ byte* ptr, /*!< in: buffer */
+ byte* end_ptr,/*!< in: buffer end */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in/out: page or NULL */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page, or NULL */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index corresponding to page */
+ ulint flags;
+ ulint val;
+ ulint pos;
+ trx_id_t trx_id;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ ulint offset;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ut_ad(!page
+ || !!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ flags = mach_read_from_1(ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ val = mach_read_from_1(ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ ptr = row_upd_parse_sys_vals(ptr, end_ptr, &pos, &trx_id, &roll_ptr);
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ offset = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ ptr += 2;
+ ut_a(offset <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (page) {
+ rec = page + offset;
+ /* We do not need to reserve btr_search_latch, as the page
+ is only being recovered, and there cannot be a hash index to
+ it. */
+ btr_rec_set_deleted_flag(rec, page_zip, val);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ row_upd_rec_sys_fields_in_recovery(
+ rec, page_zip,
+ rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_,
+ pos, trx_id, roll_ptr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(ptr);
+Marks a clustered index record deleted. Writes an undo log record to
+undo log on this delete marking. Writes in the trx id field the id
+of the deleting transaction, and in the roll ptr field pointer to the
+undo log record created.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: undo logging and locking flags */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
+ ibool val, /*!< in: value to set */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ roll_ptr_t roll_ptr;
+ ulint err;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ trx_t* trx;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ index = cursor->index;
+ ut_ad(!!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (btr_cur_print_record_ops && thr) {
+ btr_cur_trx_report(thr_get_trx(thr), index, "del mark ");
+ rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(dict_index_is_clust(index));
+ ut_ad(!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, rec_offs_comp(offsets)));
+ err = lock_clust_rec_modify_check_and_lock(flags,
+ btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ rec, index, offsets, thr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ err = trx_undo_report_row_operation(flags, TRX_UNDO_MODIFY_OP, thr,
+ index, NULL, NULL, 0, rec,
+ &roll_ptr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ btr_rec_set_deleted_flag(rec, page_zip, val);
+ trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
+ if (!(flags & BTR_KEEP_SYS_FLAG)) {
+ row_upd_rec_sys_fields(rec, page_zip,
+ index, offsets, trx, roll_ptr);
+ }
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ btr_cur_del_mark_set_clust_rec_log(flags, rec, index, val, trx,
+ roll_ptr, mtr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(err);
+Writes the redo log record for a delete mark setting of a secondary
+index record. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ ibool val, /*!< in: value to set */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ byte* log_ptr;
+ ut_ad(val <= 1);
+ log_ptr = mlog_open(mtr, 11 + 1 + 2);
+ if (!log_ptr) {
+ /* Logging in mtr is switched off during crash recovery:
+ in that case mlog_open returns NULL */
+ return;
+ }
+ log_ptr = mlog_write_initial_log_record_fast(
+ rec, MLOG_REC_SEC_DELETE_MARK, log_ptr, mtr);
+ mach_write_to_1(log_ptr, val);
+ log_ptr++;
+ mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, page_offset(rec));
+ log_ptr += 2;
+ mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr);
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Parses the redo log record for delete marking or unmarking of a secondary
+index record.
+@return end of log record or NULL */
+ byte* ptr, /*!< in: buffer */
+ byte* end_ptr,/*!< in: buffer end */
+ page_t* page, /*!< in/out: page or NULL */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip)/*!< in/out: compressed page, or NULL */
+ ulint val;
+ ulint offset;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 3) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ val = mach_read_from_1(ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ offset = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ ptr += 2;
+ ut_a(offset <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (page) {
+ rec = page + offset;
+ /* We do not need to reserve btr_search_latch, as the page
+ is only being recovered, and there cannot be a hash index to
+ it. */
+ btr_rec_set_deleted_flag(rec, page_zip, val);
+ }
+ return(ptr);
+Sets a secondary index record delete mark to TRUE or FALSE.
+@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, or error number */
+ ulint flags, /*!< in: locking flag */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor */
+ ibool val, /*!< in: value to set */
+ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint err;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (btr_cur_print_record_ops && thr) {
+ btr_cur_trx_report(thr_get_trx(thr), cursor->index,
+ "del mark ");
+ rec_print(stderr, rec, cursor->index);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ err = lock_sec_rec_modify_check_and_lock(flags,
+ btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ rec, cursor->index, thr, mtr);
+ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ return(err);
+ }
+ ut_ad(!!page_rec_is_comp(rec)
+ == dict_table_is_comp(cursor->index->table));
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ btr_rec_set_deleted_flag(rec, buf_block_get_page_zip(block), val);
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ btr_cur_del_mark_set_sec_rec_log(rec, val, mtr);
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+Clear a secondary index record's delete mark. This function is only
+used by the insert buffer insert merge mechanism. */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record to delete unmark */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip, /*!< in/out: compressed page
+ corresponding to rec, or NULL
+ when the tablespace is
+ uncompressed */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ /* We do not need to reserve btr_search_latch, as the page has just
+ been read to the buffer pool and there cannot be a hash index to it. */
+ btr_rec_set_deleted_flag(rec, page_zip, FALSE);
+ btr_cur_del_mark_set_sec_rec_log(rec, FALSE, mtr);
+/*==================== B-TREE RECORD REMOVE =========================*/
+Tries to compress a page of the tree if it seems useful. It is assumed
+that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree and on the cursor page. To avoid
+deadlocks, mtr must also own x-latches to brothers of page, if those
+brothers exist. NOTE: it is assumed that the caller has reserved enough
+free extents so that the compression will always succeed if done!
+@return TRUE if compression occurred */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the page to compress;
+ cursor does not stay valid if compression
+ occurs */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr,
+ dict_index_get_lock(btr_cur_get_index(cursor)),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ return(btr_cur_compress_recommendation(cursor, mtr)
+ && btr_compress(cursor, mtr));
+Removes the record on which the tree cursor is positioned on a leaf page.
+It is assumed that the mtr has an x-latch on the page where the cursor is
+positioned, but no latch on the whole tree.
+@return TRUE if success, i.e., the page did not become too empty */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on leaf page, on the record to
+ delete; cursor stays valid: if deletion
+ succeeds, on function exit it points to the
+ successor of the deleted record */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr; if this function returns
+ TRUE on a leaf page of a secondary
+ index, the mtr must be committed
+ before latching any further pages */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ ibool no_compress_needed;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, btr_cur_get_block(cursor),
+ /* This is intended only for leaf page deletions */
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return(DB_CORRUPTION);
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ ut_ad(page_is_leaf(buf_block_get_frame(block)));
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ no_compress_needed = !rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)
+ && btr_cur_can_delete_without_compress(
+ cursor, rec_offs_size(offsets), mtr);
+ if (no_compress_needed) {
+ page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip= buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ulint max_ins = 0;
+ lock_update_delete(block, rec);
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_delete(cursor);
+ if (!page_zip) {
+ max_ins = page_get_max_insert_size_after_reorganize(
+ page, 1);
+ }
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ page_cur_delete_rec(btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor),
+ cursor->index, offsets, mtr);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ if (dict_index_is_clust(cursor->index)
+ || dict_index_is_ibuf(cursor->index)
+ || !page_is_leaf(page)) {
+ /* The insert buffer does not handle
+ inserts to clustered indexes, to
+ non-leaf pages of secondary index B-trees,
+ or to the insert buffer. */
+ } else if (page_zip) {
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_zip(block, mtr);
+ } else {
+ ibuf_update_free_bits_low(block, max_ins, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(no_compress_needed);
+Removes the record on which the tree cursor is positioned. Tries
+to compress the page if its fillfactor drops below a threshold
+or if it is the only page on the level. It is assumed that mtr holds
+an x-latch on the tree and on the cursor page. To avoid deadlocks,
+mtr must also own x-latches to brothers of page, if those brothers
+@return TRUE if compression occurred */
+ ulint* err, /*!< out: DB_SUCCESS or DB_OUT_OF_FILE_SPACE;
+ the latter may occur because we may have
+ to update node pointers on upper levels,
+ and in the case of variable length keys
+ these may actually grow in size */
+ ibool has_reserved_extents, /*!< in: TRUE if the
+ caller has already reserved enough free
+ extents so that he knows that the operation
+ will succeed */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the record to delete;
+ if compression does not occur, the cursor
+ stays valid: it points to successor of
+ deleted record on function exit */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ dtuple_t* node_ptr;
+ ulint n_extents = 0;
+ ulint n_reserved;
+ ibool success;
+ ibool ret = FALSE;
+ ulint level;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ if (!has_reserved_extents) {
+ /* First reserve enough free space for the file segments
+ of the index tree, so that the node pointer updates will
+ not fail because of lack of space */
+ n_extents = cursor->tree_height / 32 + 1;
+ success = fsp_reserve_free_extents(&n_reserved,
+ index->space,
+ n_extents,
+ if (!success) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ heap = mem_heap_create(1024);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, NULL, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap);
+ if (rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)) {
+ btr_rec_free_externally_stored_fields(index,
+ rec, offsets, page_zip,
+ rb_ctx, mtr);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(page_get_n_recs(page) < 2)
+ && UNIV_UNLIKELY(dict_index_get_page(index)
+ != buf_block_get_page_no(block))) {
+ /* If there is only one record, drop the whole page in
+ btr_discard_page, if this is not the root page */
+ btr_discard_page(cursor, mtr);
+ *err = DB_SUCCESS;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ goto return_after_reservations;
+ }
+ lock_update_delete(block, rec);
+ level = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr);
+ if (level > 0
+ && UNIV_UNLIKELY(rec == page_rec_get_next(
+ page_get_infimum_rec(page)))) {
+ rec_t* next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ if (btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL) {
+ /* If we delete the leftmost node pointer on a
+ non-leaf level, we must mark the new leftmost node
+ pointer as the predefined minimum record */
+ /* This will make page_zip_validate() fail until
+ page_cur_delete_rec() completes. This is harmless,
+ because everything will take place within a single
+ mini-transaction and because writing to the redo log
+ is an atomic operation (performed by mtr_commit()). */
+ btr_set_min_rec_mark(next_rec, mtr);
+ } else {
+ /* Otherwise, if we delete the leftmost node pointer
+ on a page, we have to change the father node pointer
+ so that it is equal to the new leftmost node pointer
+ on the page */
+ btr_node_ptr_delete(index, block, mtr);
+ node_ptr = dict_index_build_node_ptr(
+ index, next_rec, buf_block_get_page_no(block),
+ heap, level);
+ btr_insert_on_non_leaf_level(index,
+ level + 1, node_ptr, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_delete(cursor);
+ page_cur_delete_rec(btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor), index, offsets, mtr);
+ ut_a(!page_zip || page_zip_validate(page_zip, page));
+#endif /* UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(btr_check_node_ptr(index, block, mtr));
+ *err = DB_SUCCESS;
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ if (ret == FALSE) {
+ ret = btr_cur_compress_if_useful(cursor, mtr);
+ }
+ if (n_extents > 0) {
+ fil_space_release_free_extents(index->space, n_reserved);
+ }
+ return(ret);
+Adds path information to the cursor for the current page, for which
+the binary search has been performed. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor positioned on a page */
+ ulint height, /*!< in: height of the page in tree;
+ 0 means leaf node */
+ ulint root_height) /*!< in: root node height in tree */
+ btr_path_t* slot;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ut_a(cursor->path_arr);
+ if (root_height >= BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS - 1) {
+ /* Do nothing; return empty path */
+ slot = cursor->path_arr;
+ slot->nth_rec = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (height == 0) {
+ /* Mark end of slots for path */
+ slot = cursor->path_arr + root_height + 1;
+ slot->nth_rec = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ }
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ slot = cursor->path_arr + (root_height - height);
+ slot->nth_rec = page_rec_get_n_recs_before(rec);
+ slot->n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page_align(rec));
+Estimates the number of rows in a given index range.
+@return estimated number of rows */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple1, /*!< in: range start, may also be empty tuple */
+ ulint mode1, /*!< in: search mode for range start */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple2, /*!< in: range end, may also be empty tuple */
+ ulint mode2) /*!< in: search mode for range end */
+ btr_path_t path1[BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS];
+ btr_path_t path2[BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS];
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ btr_path_t* slot1;
+ btr_path_t* slot2;
+ ibool diverged;
+ ibool diverged_lot;
+ ulint divergence_level;
+ ib_int64_t n_rows;
+ ulint i;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ cursor.path_arr = path1;
+ if (dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple1) > 0) {
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, 0, tuple1, mode1,
+ &cursor, 0,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr);
+ } else {
+ btr_cur_open_at_index_side(TRUE, index,
+ &cursor, &mtr);
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ cursor.path_arr = path2;
+ if (dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple2) > 0) {
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, 0, tuple2, mode2,
+ &cursor, 0,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr);
+ } else {
+ btr_cur_open_at_index_side(FALSE, index,
+ &cursor, &mtr);
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ /* We have the path information for the range in path1 and path2 */
+ n_rows = 1;
+ diverged = FALSE; /* This becomes true when the path is not
+ the same any more */
+ diverged_lot = FALSE; /* This becomes true when the paths are
+ not the same or adjacent any more */
+ divergence_level = 1000000; /* This is the level where paths diverged
+ a lot */
+ for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+ ut_ad(i < BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS);
+ slot1 = path1 + i;
+ slot2 = path2 + i;
+ if (slot1->nth_rec == ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || slot2->nth_rec == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ if (i > divergence_level + 1) {
+ /* In trees whose height is > 1 our algorithm
+ tends to underestimate: multiply the estimate
+ by 2: */
+ n_rows = n_rows * 2;
+ }
+ /* Do not estimate the number of rows in the range
+ to over 1 / 2 of the estimated rows in the whole
+ table */
+ if (n_rows > index->table->stat_n_rows / 2) {
+ n_rows = index->table->stat_n_rows / 2;
+ /* If there are just 0 or 1 rows in the table,
+ then we estimate all rows are in the range */
+ if (n_rows == 0) {
+ n_rows = index->table->stat_n_rows;
+ }
+ }
+ return(n_rows);
+ }
+ if (!diverged && slot1->nth_rec != slot2->nth_rec) {
+ diverged = TRUE;
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot2->nth_rec) {
+ n_rows = slot2->nth_rec - slot1->nth_rec;
+ if (n_rows > 1) {
+ diverged_lot = TRUE;
+ divergence_level = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Maybe the tree has changed between
+ searches */
+ return(10);
+ }
+ } else if (diverged && !diverged_lot) {
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot1->n_recs
+ || slot2->nth_rec > 1) {
+ diverged_lot = TRUE;
+ divergence_level = i;
+ n_rows = 0;
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot1->n_recs) {
+ n_rows += slot1->n_recs
+ - slot1->nth_rec;
+ }
+ if (slot2->nth_rec > 1) {
+ n_rows += slot2->nth_rec - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (diverged_lot) {
+ n_rows = (n_rows * (slot1->n_recs + slot2->n_recs))
+ / 2;
+ }
+ }
+Estimates the number of pages which have not null value of the key of n_cols.
+@return estimated number of pages */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ ulint n_cols, /*!< in: The cols should be not null */
+ btr_path_t* path1) /*!< in: path1[BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS] */
+ dtuple_t* tuple1;
+ btr_path_t path2[BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS];
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ btr_path_t* slot1;
+ btr_path_t* slot2;
+ ibool diverged;
+ ibool diverged_lot;
+ ulint divergence_level;
+ ulint n_pages;
+ ulint i;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ heap = mem_heap_create(n_cols * sizeof(dfield_t)
+ + sizeof(dtuple_t));
+ /* make tuple1 (NULL,NULL,,,) from n_cols */
+ tuple1 = dtuple_create(heap, n_cols);
+ dict_index_copy_types(tuple1, index, n_cols);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_cols; i++) {
+ dfield_set_null(dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple1, i));
+ }
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ cursor.path_arr = path1;
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, 0, tuple1, PAGE_CUR_G,
+ &cursor, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ cursor.path_arr = path2;
+ btr_cur_open_at_index_side(FALSE, index,
+ &cursor, &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ /* We have the path information for the range in path1 and path2 */
+ n_pages = 1;
+ diverged = FALSE; /* This becomes true when the path is not
+ the same any more */
+ diverged_lot = FALSE; /* This becomes true when the paths are
+ not the same or adjacent any more */
+ divergence_level = 1000000; /* This is the level where paths diverged
+ a lot */
+ for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+ ut_ad(i < BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS);
+ slot1 = path1 + i;
+ slot2 = path2 + i;
+ if ((slot1 + 1)->nth_rec == ULINT_UNDEFINED
+ || (slot2 + 1)->nth_rec == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ if (i > divergence_level + 1) {
+ /* In trees whose height is > 1 our algorithm
+ tends to underestimate: multiply the estimate
+ by 2: */
+ n_pages = n_pages * 2;
+ }
+ /* Do not estimate the number of rows in the range
+ to over 1 / 2 of the estimated rows in the whole
+ table */
+ if (n_pages > index->stat_n_leaf_pages / 2) {
+ n_pages = index->stat_n_leaf_pages / 2;
+ /* If there are just 0 or 1 rows in the table,
+ then we estimate all rows are in the range */
+ if (n_pages == 0) {
+ n_pages = index->stat_n_leaf_pages;
+ }
+ }
+ return(n_pages);
+ }
+ if (!diverged && slot1->nth_rec != slot2->nth_rec) {
+ diverged = TRUE;
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot2->nth_rec) {
+ n_pages = slot2->nth_rec - slot1->nth_rec;
+ if (n_pages > 1) {
+ diverged_lot = TRUE;
+ divergence_level = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Maybe the tree has changed between
+ searches */
+ return(10);
+ }
+ } else if (diverged && !diverged_lot) {
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot1->n_recs
+ || slot2->nth_rec > 1) {
+ diverged_lot = TRUE;
+ divergence_level = i;
+ n_pages = 0;
+ if (slot1->nth_rec < slot1->n_recs) {
+ n_pages += slot1->n_recs
+ - slot1->nth_rec;
+ }
+ if (slot2->nth_rec > 1) {
+ n_pages += slot2->nth_rec - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (diverged_lot) {
+ n_pages = (n_pages * (slot1->n_recs + slot2->n_recs))
+ / 2;
+ }
+ }
+Estimates the number of different key values in a given index, for
+each n-column prefix of the index where n <= dict_index_get_n_unique(index).
+The estimates are stored in the array index->stat_n_diff_key_vals. */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index */
+ btr_cur_t cursor;
+ page_t* page;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint n_cols;
+ ulint matched_fields;
+ ulint matched_bytes;
+ ib_int64_t* n_diff;
+ ullint n_sample_pages; /* number of pages to sample */
+ ulint not_empty_flag = 0;
+ ulint total_external_size = 0;
+ ulint i;
+ ulint j;
+ ullint add_on;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_rec_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint offsets_next_rec_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets_rec = offsets_rec_;
+ ulint* offsets_next_rec= offsets_next_rec_;
+ ulint stats_method = srv_stats_method;
+ btr_path_t first_rec_path[BTR_PATH_ARRAY_N_SLOTS];
+ ulint effective_pages; /* effective leaf pages */
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_rec_);
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_next_rec_);
+ n_cols = dict_index_get_n_unique(index);
+ if (stats_method == SRV_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS) {
+ /* estimate effective pages and path for the first effective record */
+ /* TODO: make it work also for n_cols > 1. */
+ effective_pages = btr_estimate_n_pages_not_null(index, 1 /*k*/, first_rec_path);
+ if (!effective_pages) {
+ dict_index_stat_mutex_enter(index);
+ for (j = 0; j <= n_cols; j++) {
+ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[j] = (ib_int64_t)index->stat_n_leaf_pages;
+ }
+ dict_index_stat_mutex_exit(index);
+ return;
+ } else if (effective_pages > index->stat_n_leaf_pages) {
+ effective_pages = index->stat_n_leaf_pages;
+ }
+ } else {
+ effective_pages = index->stat_n_leaf_pages;
+ }
+ n_diff = mem_zalloc((n_cols + 1) * sizeof(ib_int64_t));
+ /* It makes no sense to test more pages than are contained
+ in the index, thus we lower the number if it is too high */
+ if (srv_stats_sample_pages > effective_pages) {
+ if (effective_pages > 0) {
+ n_sample_pages = effective_pages;
+ } else {
+ n_sample_pages = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ n_sample_pages = srv_stats_sample_pages;
+ }
+ /* We sample some pages in the index to get an estimate */
+ for (i = 0; i < n_sample_pages; i++) {
+ rec_t* supremum;
+ ibool is_first_page = TRUE;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ if (stats_method == SRV_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS) {
+ is_first_page = btr_cur_open_at_rnd_pos_after_path(index, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF,
+ first_rec_path, &cursor, &mtr);
+ } else {
+ btr_cur_open_at_rnd_pos(index, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &cursor, &mtr);
+ }
+ /* Count the number of different key values for each prefix of
+ the key on this index page. If the prefix does not determine
+ the index record uniquely in the B-tree, then we subtract one
+ because otherwise our algorithm would give a wrong estimate
+ for an index where there is just one key value. */
+ page = btr_cur_get_page(&cursor);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !page) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ut_a(page);
+ supremum = page_get_supremum_rec(page);
+ if (stats_method == SRV_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS && is_first_page) {
+ /* the cursor should be the first record of the page. */
+ /* Counting should be started from here. */
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor);
+ } else {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ }
+ if (rec != supremum) {
+ not_empty_flag = 1;
+ offsets_rec = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_rec,
+ }
+ while (rec != supremum) {
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ if (next_rec == supremum) {
+ break;
+ }
+ matched_fields = 0;
+ matched_bytes = 0;
+ offsets_next_rec = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, index,
+ offsets_next_rec,
+ n_cols, &heap);
+ cmp_rec_rec_with_match(rec, next_rec,
+ offsets_rec, offsets_next_rec,
+ index, &matched_fields,
+ &matched_bytes,
+ for (j = matched_fields + 1; j <= n_cols; j++) {
+ /* We add one if this index record has
+ a different prefix from the previous */
+ n_diff[j]++;
+ }
+ total_external_size
+ += btr_rec_get_externally_stored_len(
+ rec, offsets_rec);
+ rec = next_rec;
+ /* Initialize offsets_rec for the next round
+ and assign the old offsets_rec buffer to
+ offsets_next_rec. */
+ {
+ ulint* offsets_tmp = offsets_rec;
+ offsets_rec = offsets_next_rec;
+ offsets_next_rec = offsets_tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n_cols == dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index)) {
+ /* If there is more than one leaf page in the tree,
+ we add one because we know that the first record
+ on the page certainly had a different prefix than the
+ last record on the previous index page in the
+ alphabetical order. Before this fix, if there was
+ just one big record on each clustered index page, the
+ algorithm grossly underestimated the number of rows
+ in the table. */
+ if (btr_page_get_prev(page, &mtr) != FIL_NULL
+ || btr_page_get_next(page, &mtr) != FIL_NULL) {
+ n_diff[n_cols]++;
+ }
+ }
+ offsets_rec = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_rec,
+ total_external_size += btr_rec_get_externally_stored_len(
+ rec, offsets_rec);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ }
+ /* If we saw k borders between different key values on
+ n_sample_pages leaf pages, we can estimate how many
+ there will be in index->stat_n_leaf_pages */
+ /* We must take into account that our sample actually represents
+ also the pages used for external storage of fields (those pages are
+ included in index->stat_n_leaf_pages) */
+ dict_index_stat_mutex_enter(index);
+ for (j = 0; j <= n_cols; j++) {
+ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[j]
+ = ((n_diff[j]
+ * (ib_int64_t)effective_pages
+ + n_sample_pages - 1
+ + total_external_size
+ + not_empty_flag)
+ / (n_sample_pages
+ + total_external_size));
+ /* If the tree is small, smaller than
+ 10 * n_sample_pages + total_external_size, then
+ the above estimate is ok. For bigger trees it is common that we
+ do not see any borders between key values in the few pages
+ we pick. But still there may be n_sample_pages
+ different key values, or even more. Let us try to approximate
+ that: */
+ add_on = effective_pages
+ / (10 * (n_sample_pages
+ + total_external_size));
+ if (add_on > n_sample_pages) {
+ add_on = n_sample_pages;
+ }
+ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[j] += add_on;
+ if (stats_method == SRV_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS) {
+ /* index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[k] is used for calc rec_per_key,
+ as "stats.records / index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[x]".
+ So it should be adjusted to the value which is based on whole of the index. */
+ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[j] =
+ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[j] * (ib_int64_t)index->stat_n_leaf_pages
+ / (ib_int64_t)effective_pages;
+ }
+ }
+ dict_index_stat_mutex_exit(index);
+ mem_free(n_diff);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+/*================== EXTERNAL STORAGE OF BIG FIELDS ===================*/
+Gets the externally stored size of a record, in units of a database page.
+@return externally stored part, in units of a database page */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
+ const ulint* offsets)/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ ulint n_fields;
+ byte* data;
+ ulint local_len;
+ ulint extern_len;
+ ulint total_extern_len = 0;
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(!rec_offs_comp(offsets) || !rec_get_node_ptr_flag(rec));
+ n_fields = rec_offs_n_fields(offsets);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
+ if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, i)) {
+ data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, i, &local_len);
+ extern_len = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len
+ + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4);
+ total_extern_len += ut_calc_align(extern_len,
+ }
+ }
+ return(total_extern_len / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+Sets the ownership bit of an externally stored field in a record. */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: clustered index record */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the page */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ ulint i, /*!< in: field number */
+ ibool val, /*!< in: value to set */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr, or NULL if not logged */
+ byte* data;
+ ulint local_len;
+ ulint byte_val;
+ data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, i, &local_len);
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ byte_val = mach_read_from_1(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN);
+ if (val) {
+ byte_val = byte_val & (~BTR_EXTERN_OWNER_FLAG);
+ } else {
+ byte_val = byte_val | BTR_EXTERN_OWNER_FLAG;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ mach_write_to_1(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN, byte_val);
+ page_zip_write_blob_ptr(page_zip, rec, index, offsets, i, mtr);
+ } else if (UNIV_LIKELY(mtr != NULL)) {
+ mlog_write_ulint(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN, byte_val,
+ MLOG_1BYTE, mtr);
+ } else {
+ mach_write_to_1(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN, byte_val);
+ }
+Marks not updated extern fields as not-owned by this record. The ownership
+is transferred to the updated record which is inserted elsewhere in the
+index tree. In purge only the owner of externally stored field is allowed
+to free the field.
+@return TRUE if BLOB ownership was transferred */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record in a clustered index */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the page */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr, or NULL if not logged */
+ ulint n;
+ ulint j;
+ ulint i;
+ ibool change_ownership = FALSE;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, NULL, offsets));
+ ut_ad(!rec_offs_comp(offsets) || !rec_get_node_ptr_flag(rec));
+ if (!rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ n = rec_offs_n_fields(offsets);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, i)) {
+ /* Check it is not in updated fields */
+ if (update) {
+ for (j = 0; j < upd_get_n_fields(update);
+ j++) {
+ if (upd_get_nth_field(update, j)
+ ->field_no == i) {
+ goto updated;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ btr_cur_set_ownership_of_extern_field(
+ page_zip, rec, index, offsets, i, FALSE, mtr);
+ change_ownership = TRUE;
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ return(change_ownership);
+The complement of the previous function: in an update entry may inherit
+some externally stored fields from a record. We must mark them as inherited
+in entry, so that they are not freed in a rollback. */
+ dtuple_t* entry, /*!< in/out: updated entry to be
+ inserted to clustered index */
+ const upd_t* update) /*!< in: update vector */
+ ulint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < dtuple_get_n_fields(entry); i++) {
+ dfield_t* dfield = dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, i);
+ byte* data;
+ ulint len;
+ ulint j;
+ if (!dfield_is_ext(dfield)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check if it is in updated fields */
+ for (j = 0; j < upd_get_n_fields(update); j++) {
+ if (upd_get_nth_field(update, j)->field_no == i) {
+ goto is_updated;
+ }
+ }
+ data = dfield_get_data(dfield);
+ len = dfield_get_len(dfield);
+ ;
+ }
+Marks all extern fields in a record as owned by the record. This function
+should be called if the delete mark of a record is removed: a not delete
+marked record always owns all its extern fields. */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record in a clustered index */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the page */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr, or NULL if not logged */
+ ulint n;
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(!rec_offs_comp(offsets) || !rec_get_node_ptr_flag(rec));
+ n = rec_offs_n_fields(offsets);
+ if (!rec_offs_any_extern(offsets)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, i)) {
+ btr_cur_set_ownership_of_extern_field(
+ page_zip, rec, index, offsets, i, TRUE, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+Marks all extern fields in a dtuple as owned by the record. */
+ dtuple_t* entry) /*!< in/out: clustered index entry */
+ ulint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < dtuple_get_n_fields(entry); i++) {
+ dfield_t* dfield = dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, i);
+ if (dfield_is_ext(dfield)) {
+ byte* data = dfield_get_data(dfield);
+ ulint len = dfield_get_len(dfield);
+ }
+ }
+Flags the data tuple fields that are marked as extern storage in the
+update vector. We use this function to remember which fields we must
+mark as extern storage in a record inserted for an update.
+@return number of flagged external columns */
+ dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in/out: data tuple */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /*!< in: memory heap */
+ ulint n_pushed = 0;
+ ulint n;
+ const upd_field_t* uf;
+ ut_ad(tuple);
+ ut_ad(update);
+ uf = update->fields;
+ n = upd_get_n_fields(update);
+ for (; n--; uf++) {
+ if (dfield_is_ext(&uf->new_val)) {
+ dfield_t* field
+ = dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple, uf->field_no);
+ if (!dfield_is_ext(field)) {
+ dfield_set_ext(field);
+ n_pushed++;
+ }
+ switch (uf->orig_len) {
+ byte* data;
+ ulint len;
+ byte* buf;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ /* Restore the original locally stored
+ part of the column. In the undo log,
+ InnoDB writes a longer prefix of externally
+ stored columns, so that column prefixes
+ in secondary indexes can be reconstructed. */
+ dfield_set_data(field, (byte*) dfield_get_data(field)
+ + dfield_get_len(field)
+ dfield_set_ext(field);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Reconstruct the original locally
+ stored part of the column. The data
+ will have to be copied. */
+ ut_a(uf->orig_len > BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ data = dfield_get_data(field);
+ len = dfield_get_len(field);
+ buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, uf->orig_len);
+ /* Copy the locally stored prefix. */
+ memcpy(buf, data,
+ uf->orig_len
+ /* Copy the BLOB pointer. */
+ memcpy(buf + uf->orig_len
+ dfield_set_data(field, buf, uf->orig_len);
+ dfield_set_ext(field);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(n_pushed);
+Returns the length of a BLOB part stored on the header page.
+@return part length */
+ const byte* blob_header) /*!< in: blob header */
+ return(mach_read_from_4(blob_header + BTR_BLOB_HDR_PART_LEN));
+Returns the page number where the next BLOB part is stored.
+@return page number or FIL_NULL if no more pages */
+ const byte* blob_header) /*!< in: blob header */
+ return(mach_read_from_4(blob_header + BTR_BLOB_HDR_NEXT_PAGE_NO));
+Deallocate a buffer block that was reserved for a BLOB part. */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block */
+ ibool all, /*!< in: TRUE=remove also the compressed page
+ if there is one */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction to commit */
+ ulint space = buf_block_get_space(block);
+ ulint page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ mtr_commit(mtr);
+ //buf_pool_mutex_enter();
+ mutex_enter(&LRU_list_mutex);
+ mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
+ /* Only free the block if it is still allocated to
+ the same file page. */
+ if (buf_block_get_state(block)
+ && buf_block_get_space(block) == space
+ && buf_block_get_page_no(block) == page_no) {
+ if (buf_LRU_free_block(&block->page, all, NULL, TRUE)
+ && all && block->
+ /* Now, buf_LRU_free_block() may release mutex temporarily */
+ && buf_block_get_state(block) == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE
+ && buf_block_get_space(block) == space
+ && buf_block_get_page_no(block) == page_no) {
+ /* Attempt to deallocate the uncompressed page
+ if the whole block cannot be deallocted. */
+ buf_LRU_free_block(&block->page, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ //buf_pool_mutex_exit();
+ mutex_exit(&LRU_list_mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+Stores the fields in big_rec_vec to the tablespace and puts pointers to
+them in rec. The extern flags in rec will have to be set beforehand.
+The fields are stored on pages allocated from leaf node
+file segment of the index tree.
+@return DB_SUCCESS or error */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of rec; the index tree
+ MUST be X-latched */
+ buf_block_t* rec_block, /*!< in/out: block containing rec */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record */
+ const ulint* offsets, /*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index);
+ the "external storage" flags in offsets
+ will not correspond to rec when
+ this function returns */
+ big_rec_t* big_rec_vec, /*!< in: vector containing fields
+ to be stored externally */
+ mtr_t* local_mtr __attribute__((unused))) /*!< in: mtr
+ containing the latch to rec and to the
+ tree */
+ ulint rec_page_no;
+ byte* field_ref;
+ ulint extern_len;
+ ulint store_len;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ ulint hint_page_no;
+ ulint i;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip;
+ z_stream c_stream;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(local_mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(local_mtr, rec_block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_ad(buf_block_get_frame(rec_block) == page_align(rec));
+ ut_a(dict_index_is_clust(index));
+ page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(rec_block);
+ ut_a(dict_table_zip_size(index->table)
+ == buf_block_get_zip_size(rec_block));
+ space_id = buf_block_get_space(rec_block);
+ zip_size = buf_block_get_zip_size(rec_block);
+ rec_page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(rec_block);
+ ut_a(fil_page_get_type(page_align(rec)) == FIL_PAGE_INDEX);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ int err;
+ /* Zlib deflate needs 128 kilobytes for the default
+ window size, plus 512 << memLevel, plus a few
+ kilobytes for small objects. We use reduced memLevel
+ to limit the memory consumption, and preallocate the
+ heap, hoping to avoid memory fragmentation. */
+ heap = mem_heap_create(250000);
+ page_zip_set_alloc(&c_stream, heap);
+ err = deflateInit2(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
+ ut_a(err == Z_OK);
+ }
+ /* We have to create a file segment to the tablespace
+ for each field and put the pointer to the field in rec */
+ for (i = 0; i < big_rec_vec->n_fields; i++) {
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets,
+ big_rec_vec->fields[i].field_no));
+ {
+ ulint local_len;
+ field_ref = rec_get_nth_field(
+ rec, offsets, big_rec_vec->fields[i].field_no,
+ &local_len);
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ field_ref += local_len;
+ }
+ extern_len = big_rec_vec->fields[i].len;
+ UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW(big_rec_vec->fields[i].data,
+ extern_len);
+ ut_a(extern_len > 0);
+ prev_page_no = FIL_NULL;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ int err = deflateReset(&c_stream);
+ ut_a(err == Z_OK);
+ c_stream.next_in = (void*) big_rec_vec->fields[i].data;
+ c_stream.avail_in = extern_len;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ page_t* page;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ if (prev_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ hint_page_no = 1 + rec_page_no;
+ } else {
+ hint_page_no = prev_page_no + 1;
+ }
+ block = btr_page_alloc(index, hint_page_no,
+ FSP_NO_DIR, 0, &mtr);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block == NULL)) {
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ deflateEnd(&c_stream);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ }
+ page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ if (prev_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* prev_block;
+ page_t* prev_page;
+ prev_block = buf_page_get(space_id, zip_size,
+ prev_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(prev_block,
+ prev_page = buf_block_get_frame(prev_block);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ mlog_write_ulint(
+ prev_page + FIL_PAGE_NEXT,
+ page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ memcpy(buf_block_get_page_zip(
+ prev_block)
+ ->data + FIL_PAGE_NEXT,
+ prev_page + FIL_PAGE_NEXT, 4);
+ } else {
+ mlog_write_ulint(
+ prev_page + FIL_PAGE_DATA
+ page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ int err;
+ page_zip_des_t* blob_page_zip;
+ /* Write FIL_PAGE_TYPE to the redo log
+ separately, before logging any other
+ changes to the page, so that the debug
+ assertions in
+ recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body() can
+ be made simpler. Before InnoDB Plugin
+ 1.0.4, the initialization of
+ FIL_PAGE_TYPE was logged as part of
+ the mlog_log_string() below. */
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE,
+ prev_page_no == FIL_NULL
+ MLOG_2BYTES, &mtr);
+ c_stream.next_out = page
+ c_stream.avail_out
+ = page_zip_get_size(page_zip)
+ err = deflate(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
+ ut_a(err == Z_OK || err == Z_STREAM_END);
+ ut_a(err == Z_STREAM_END
+ || c_stream.avail_out == 0);
+ /* Write the "next BLOB page" pointer */
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_NEXT,
+ /* Initialize the unused "prev page" pointer */
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_PREV,
+ /* Write a back pointer to the record
+ into the otherwise unused area. This
+ information could be useful in
+ debugging. Later, we might want to
+ implement the possibility to relocate
+ BLOB pages. Then, we would need to be
+ able to adjust the BLOB pointer in the
+ record. We do not store the heap
+ number of the record, because it can
+ change in page_zip_reorganize() or
+ btr_page_reorganize(). However, also
+ the page number of the record may
+ change when B-tree nodes are split or
+ merged. */
+ mlog_write_ulint(page
+ space_id,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(page
+ rec_page_no,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ /* Zero out the unused part of the page. */
+ memset(page + page_zip_get_size(page_zip)
+ - c_stream.avail_out,
+ 0, c_stream.avail_out);
+ mlog_log_string(page + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN,
+ page_zip_get_size(page_zip)
+ &mtr);
+ /* Copy the page to compressed storage,
+ because it will be flushed to disk
+ from there. */
+ blob_page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block);
+ ut_ad(blob_page_zip);
+ ut_ad(page_zip_get_size(blob_page_zip)
+ == page_zip_get_size(page_zip));
+ memcpy(blob_page_zip->data, page,
+ page_zip_get_size(page_zip));
+ if (err == Z_OK && prev_page_no != FIL_NULL) {
+ goto next_zip_page;
+ }
+ rec_block = buf_page_get(space_id, zip_size,
+ rec_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(rec_block,
+ if (err == Z_STREAM_END) {
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref
+ c_stream.total_in);
+ } else {
+ memset(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN,
+ 0, 8);
+ }
+ if (prev_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref
+ space_id);
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref
+ page_no);
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref
+ }
+ page_zip_write_blob_ptr(
+ page_zip, rec, index, offsets,
+ big_rec_vec->fields[i].field_no, &mtr);
+ prev_page_no = page_no;
+ /* Commit mtr and release the
+ uncompressed page frame to save memory. */
+ btr_blob_free(block, FALSE, &mtr);
+ if (err == Z_STREAM_END) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE,
+ MLOG_2BYTES, &mtr);
+ if (extern_len > (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
+ store_len = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
+ } else {
+ store_len = extern_len;
+ }
+ mlog_write_string(page + FIL_PAGE_DATA
+ (const byte*)
+ big_rec_vec->fields[i].data
+ + big_rec_vec->fields[i].len
+ - extern_len,
+ store_len, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_DATA
+ store_len, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_DATA
+ extern_len -= store_len;
+ rec_block = buf_page_get(space_id, zip_size,
+ rec_page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(rec_block,
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN, 0,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ big_rec_vec->fields[i].len
+ - extern_len,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ if (prev_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ space_id,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ page_no,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ }
+ prev_page_no = page_no;
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (extern_len == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) {
+ deflateEnd(&c_stream);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+Check the FIL_PAGE_TYPE on an uncompressed BLOB page. */
+ ulint space_id, /*!< in: space id */
+ ulint page_no, /*!< in: page number */
+ const page_t* page, /*!< in: page */
+ ibool read) /*!< in: TRUE=read, FALSE=purge */
+ ulint type = fil_page_get_type(page);
+ ut_a(space_id == page_get_space_id(page));
+ ut_a(page_no == page_get_page_no(page));
+ ulint flags = fil_space_get_flags(space_id);
+ ((flags & DICT_TF_FORMAT_MASK) == DICT_TF_FORMAT_51)) {
+ /* Old versions of InnoDB did not initialize
+ FIL_PAGE_TYPE on BLOB pages. Do not print
+ anything about the type mismatch when reading
+ a BLOB page that is in Antelope format.*/
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: FIL_PAGE_TYPE=%lu"
+ " on BLOB %s space %lu page %lu flags %lx\n",
+ (ulong) type, read ? "read" : "purge",
+ (ulong) space_id, (ulong) page_no, (ulong) flags);
+ ut_error;
+ }
+Frees the space in an externally stored field to the file space
+management if the field in data is owned by the externally stored field,
+in a rollback we may have the additional condition that the field must
+not be inherited. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the data, the index
+ tree MUST be X-latched; if the tree
+ height is 1, then also the root page
+ must be X-latched! (this is relevant
+ in the case this function is called
+ from purge where 'data' is located on
+ an undo log page, not an index
+ page) */
+ byte* field_ref, /*!< in/out: field reference */
+ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record containing field_ref, for
+ page_zip_write_blob_ptr(), or NULL */
+ const ulint* offsets, /*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index),
+ or NULL */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip, /*!< in: compressed page corresponding
+ to rec, or NULL if rec == NULL */
+ ulint i, /*!< in: field number of field_ref;
+ ignored if rec == NULL */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* local_mtr __attribute__((unused))) /*!< in: mtr
+ containing the latch to data an an
+ X-latch to the index tree */
+ page_t* page;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ulint rec_zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table);
+ ulint ext_zip_size;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(local_mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index),
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(local_mtr, field_ref,
+ ut_ad(!rec || rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
+ if (rec) {
+ ulint local_len;
+ const byte* f = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets,
+ i, &local_len);
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ f += local_len;
+ ut_ad(f == field_ref);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!memcmp(field_ref, field_ref_zero,
+ /* In the rollback of uncommitted transactions, we may
+ encounter a clustered index record whose BLOBs have
+ not been written. There is nothing to free then. */
+ ut_a(rb_ctx == RB_RECOVERY || rb_ctx == RB_RECOVERY_PURGE_REC);
+ return;
+ }
+ space_id = mach_read_from_4(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_SPACE_ID);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(space_id != dict_index_get_space(index))) {
+ ext_zip_size = fil_space_get_zip_size(space_id);
+ /* This must be an undo log record in the system tablespace,
+ that is, in row_purge_upd_exist_or_extern().
+ Currently, externally stored records are stored in the
+ same tablespace as the referring records. */
+ ut_ad(!page_get_space_id(page_align(field_ref)));
+ ut_ad(!rec);
+ ut_ad(!page_zip);
+ } else {
+ ext_zip_size = rec_zip_size;
+ }
+ if (!rec) {
+ /* This is a call from row_purge_upd_exist_or_extern(). */
+ ut_ad(!page_zip);
+ rec_zip_size = 0;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_block_t* rec_block;
+ buf_block_t* ext_block;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ rec_block = buf_page_get(page_get_space_id(
+ page_align(field_ref)),
+ rec_zip_size,
+ page_get_page_no(
+ page_align(field_ref)),
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(rec_block, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK);
+ page_no = mach_read_from_4(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO);
+ if (/* There is no external storage data */
+ page_no == FIL_NULL
+ /* This field does not own the externally stored field */
+ || (mach_read_from_1(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN)
+ /* Rollback and inherited field */
+ || ((rb_ctx == RB_NORMAL || rb_ctx == RB_RECOVERY)
+ && (mach_read_from_1(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN)
+ /* Do not free */
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ ext_block = buf_page_get(space_id, ext_zip_size, page_no,
+ RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(ext_block, SYNC_EXTERN_STORAGE);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(ext_block);
+ if (ext_zip_size) {
+ /* Note that page_zip will be NULL
+ in row_purge_upd_exist_or_extern(). */
+ switch (fil_page_get_type(page)) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ next_page_no = mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_NEXT);
+ btr_page_free_low(index, ext_block, 0, &mtr);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(page_zip != NULL)) {
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO,
+ next_page_no);
+ mach_write_to_4(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4,
+ 0);
+ page_zip_write_blob_ptr(page_zip, rec, index,
+ offsets, i, &mtr);
+ } else {
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ next_page_no,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref
+ + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4, 0,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ut_a(!page_zip);
+ btr_check_blob_fil_page_type(space_id, page_no, page,
+ next_page_no = mach_read_from_4(
+ page + FIL_PAGE_DATA
+ /* We must supply the page level (= 0) as an argument
+ because we did not store it on the page (we save the
+ space overhead from an index page header. */
+ btr_page_free_low(index, ext_block, 0, &mtr);
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO,
+ next_page_no,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ /* Zero out the BLOB length. If the server
+ crashes during the execution of this function,
+ trx_rollback_or_clean_all_recovered() could
+ dereference the half-deleted BLOB, fetching a
+ wrong prefix for the BLOB. */
+ mlog_write_ulint(field_ref + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4,
+ 0,
+ MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr);
+ }
+ /* Commit mtr and release the BLOB block to save memory. */
+ btr_blob_free(ext_block, TRUE, &mtr);
+ }
+Frees the externally stored fields for a record. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of the data, the index
+ tree MUST be X-latched */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction handle which contains
+ an X-latch to record page and to the index
+ tree */
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, rec, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* Free possible externally stored fields in the record */
+ ut_ad(dict_table_is_comp(index->table) == !!rec_offs_comp(offsets));
+ n_fields = rec_offs_n_fields(offsets);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
+ if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, i)) {
+ ulint len;
+ byte* data
+ = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, i, &len);
+ btr_free_externally_stored_field(
+ index, data + len - BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE,
+ rec, offsets, page_zip, i, rb_ctx, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+Frees the externally stored fields for a record, if the field is mentioned
+in the update vector. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index of rec; the index tree MUST be
+ X-latched */
+ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: record */
+ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in: compressed page whose uncompressed
+ part will be updated, or NULL */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
+ const upd_t* update, /*!< in: update vector */
+ enum trx_rb_ctx rb_ctx, /*!< in: rollback context */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mini-transaction handle which contains
+ an X-latch to record page and to the tree */
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_page(mtr, rec, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ /* Free possible externally stored fields in the record */
+ n_fields = upd_get_n_fields(update);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
+ const upd_field_t* ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, i);
+ if (rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, ufield->field_no)) {
+ ulint len;
+ byte* data = rec_get_nth_field(
+ rec, offsets, ufield->field_no, &len);
+ btr_free_externally_stored_field(
+ index, data + len - BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE,
+ rec, offsets, page_zip,
+ ufield->field_no, rb_ctx, mtr);
+ }
+ }
+Copies the prefix of an uncompressed BLOB. The clustered index record
+that points to this BLOB must be protected by a lock or a page latch.
+@return number of bytes written to buf */
+ byte* buf, /*!< out: the externally stored part of
+ the field, or a prefix of it */
+ ulint len, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */
+ ulint space_id,/*!< in: space id of the BLOB pages */
+ ulint page_no,/*!< in: page number of the first BLOB page */
+ ulint offset) /*!< in: offset on the first BLOB page */
+ ulint copied_len = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ const page_t* page;
+ const byte* blob_header;
+ ulint part_len;
+ ulint copy_len;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ block = buf_page_get(space_id, 0, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, &mtr);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_EXTERN_STORAGE);
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ btr_check_blob_fil_page_type(space_id, page_no, page, TRUE);
+ blob_header = page + offset;
+ part_len = btr_blob_get_part_len(blob_header);
+ copy_len = ut_min(part_len, len - copied_len);
+ memcpy(buf + copied_len,
+ blob_header + BTR_BLOB_HDR_SIZE, copy_len);
+ copied_len += copy_len;
+ page_no = btr_blob_get_next_page_no(blob_header);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ if (page_no == FIL_NULL || copy_len != part_len) {
+ UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW(buf, copied_len);
+ return(copied_len);
+ }
+ /* On other BLOB pages except the first the BLOB header
+ always is at the page data start: */
+ offset = FIL_PAGE_DATA;
+ ut_ad(copied_len <= len);
+ }
+Copies the prefix of a compressed BLOB. The clustered index record
+that points to this BLOB must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
+ z_stream* d_stream,/*!< in/out: the decompressing stream */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: compressed BLOB page size */
+ ulint space_id,/*!< in: space id of the BLOB pages */
+ ulint page_no,/*!< in: page number of the first BLOB page */
+ ulint offset) /*!< in: offset on the first BLOB page */
+ ulint page_type = FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB;
+ ut_ad(ut_is_2pow(zip_size));
+ ut_ad(zip_size >= PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE);
+ ut_ad(zip_size <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ ut_ad(space_id);
+ for (;;) {
+ buf_page_t* bpage;
+ int err;
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ /* There is no latch on bpage directly. Instead,
+ bpage is protected by the B-tree page latch that
+ is being held on the clustered index record, or,
+ in row_merge_copy_blobs(), by an exclusive table lock. */
+ bpage = buf_page_get_zip(space_id, zip_size, page_no);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!bpage)) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Cannot load"
+ " compressed BLOB"
+ " page %lu space %lu\n",
+ (ulong) page_no, (ulong) space_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ (fil_page_get_type(bpage-> != page_type)) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Unexpected type %lu of"
+ " compressed BLOB"
+ " page %lu space %lu\n",
+ (ulong) fil_page_get_type(bpage->,
+ (ulong) page_no, (ulong) space_id);
+ goto end_of_blob;
+ }
+ next_page_no = mach_read_from_4(bpage-> + offset);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(offset == FIL_PAGE_NEXT)) {
+ /* When the BLOB begins at page header,
+ the compressed data payload does not
+ immediately follow the next page pointer. */
+ offset = FIL_PAGE_DATA;
+ } else {
+ offset += 4;
+ }
+ d_stream->next_in = bpage-> + offset;
+ d_stream->avail_in = zip_size - offset;
+ err = inflate(d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ switch (err) {
+ case Z_OK:
+ if (!d_stream->avail_out) {
+ goto end_of_blob;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Z_STREAM_END:
+ if (next_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ goto end_of_blob;
+ }
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: inflate() of"
+ " compressed BLOB"
+ " page %lu space %lu returned %d (%s)\n",
+ (ulong) page_no, (ulong) space_id,
+ err, d_stream->msg);
+ case Z_BUF_ERROR:
+ goto end_of_blob;
+ }
+ if (next_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ if (!d_stream->avail_in) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: unexpected end of"
+ " compressed BLOB"
+ " page %lu space %lu\n",
+ (ulong) page_no,
+ (ulong) space_id);
+ } else {
+ err = inflate(d_stream, Z_FINISH);
+ switch (err) {
+ case Z_STREAM_END:
+ case Z_BUF_ERROR:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto inflate_error;
+ }
+ }
+ buf_page_release_zip(bpage);
+ return;
+ }
+ buf_page_release_zip(bpage);
+ /* On other BLOB pages except the first
+ the BLOB header always is at the page header: */
+ page_no = next_page_no;
+ offset = FIL_PAGE_NEXT;
+ page_type = FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB2;
+ }
+Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. The
+clustered index record that points to this BLOB must be protected by a
+lock or a page latch.
+@return number of bytes written to buf */
+ byte* buf, /*!< out: the externally stored part of
+ the field, or a prefix of it */
+ ulint len, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
+ zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
+ ulint space_id,/*!< in: space id of the first BLOB page */
+ ulint page_no,/*!< in: page number of the first BLOB page */
+ ulint offset) /*!< in: offset on the first BLOB page */
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(len == 0)) {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(zip_size)) {
+ int err;
+ z_stream d_stream;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ /* Zlib inflate needs 32 kilobytes for the default
+ window size, plus a few kilobytes for small objects. */
+ heap = mem_heap_create(40000);
+ page_zip_set_alloc(&d_stream, heap);
+ err = inflateInit(&d_stream);
+ ut_a(err == Z_OK);
+ d_stream.next_out = buf;
+ d_stream.avail_out = len;
+ d_stream.avail_in = 0;
+ btr_copy_zblob_prefix(&d_stream, zip_size,
+ space_id, page_no, offset);
+ inflateEnd(&d_stream);
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW(buf, d_stream.total_out);
+ return(d_stream.total_out);
+ } else {
+ return(btr_copy_blob_prefix(buf, len, space_id,
+ page_no, offset));
+ }
+Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. The
+clustered index record must be protected by a lock or a page latch.
+@return the length of the copied field, or 0 if the column was being
+or has been deleted */
+ byte* buf, /*!< out: the field, or a prefix of it */
+ ulint len, /*!< in: length of buf, in bytes */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
+ zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
+ const byte* data, /*!< in: 'internally' stored part of the
+ field containing also the reference to
+ the external part; must be protected by
+ a lock or a page latch */
+ ulint local_len)/*!< in: length of data, in bytes */
+ ulint space_id;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint offset;
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(local_len >= len)) {
+ memcpy(buf, data, len);
+ return(len);
+ }
+ memcpy(buf, data, local_len);
+ data += local_len;
+ ut_a(memcmp(data, field_ref_zero, BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE));
+ if (!mach_read_from_4(data + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4)) {
+ /* The externally stored part of the column has been
+ (partially) deleted. Signal the half-deleted BLOB
+ to the caller. */
+ return(0);
+ }
+ space_id = mach_read_from_4(data + BTR_EXTERN_SPACE_ID);
+ page_no = mach_read_from_4(data + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO);
+ offset = mach_read_from_4(data + BTR_EXTERN_OFFSET);
+ return(local_len
+ + btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix_low(buf + local_len,
+ len - local_len,
+ zip_size,
+ space_id, page_no,
+ offset));
+Copies an externally stored field of a record to mem heap. The
+clustered index record must be protected by a lock or a page latch.
+@return the whole field copied to heap */
+ ulint* len, /*!< out: length of the whole field */
+ const byte* data, /*!< in: 'internally' stored part of the
+ field containing also the reference to
+ the external part; must be protected by
+ a lock or a page latch */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
+ zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
+ ulint local_len,/*!< in: length of data */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /*!< in: mem heap */
+ ulint space_id;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ulint offset;
+ ulint extern_len;
+ byte* buf;
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ space_id = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_SPACE_ID);
+ page_no = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO);
+ offset = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_OFFSET);
+ /* Currently a BLOB cannot be bigger than 4 GB; we
+ leave the 4 upper bytes in the length field unused */
+ extern_len = mach_read_from_4(data + local_len + BTR_EXTERN_LEN + 4);
+ buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, local_len + extern_len);
+ memcpy(buf, data, local_len);
+ *len = local_len
+ + btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix_low(buf + local_len,
+ extern_len,
+ zip_size,
+ space_id,
+ page_no, offset);
+ return(buf);
+Copies an externally stored field of a record to mem heap.
+@return the field copied to heap, or NULL if the field is incomplete */
+ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record in a clustered index;
+ must be protected by a lock or a page latch */
+ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
+ ulint zip_size,/*!< in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
+ zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
+ ulint no, /*!< in: field number */
+ ulint* len, /*!< out: length of the field */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /*!< in: mem heap */
+ ulint local_len;
+ const byte* data;
+ ut_a(rec_offs_nth_extern(offsets, no));
+ /* An externally stored field can contain some initial
+ data from the field, and in the last 20 bytes it has the
+ space id, page number, and offset where the rest of the
+ field data is stored, and the data length in addition to
+ the data stored locally. We may need to store some data
+ locally to get the local record length above the 128 byte
+ limit so that field offsets are stored in two bytes, and
+ the extern bit is available in those two bytes. */
+ data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, no, &local_len);
+ ut_a(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
+ (!memcmp(data + local_len - BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE,
+ field_ref_zero, BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE))) {
+ /* The externally stored field was not written yet.
+ This record should only be seen by
+ recv_recovery_rollback_active() or any
+ TRX_ISO_READ_UNCOMMITTED transactions. */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ return(btr_copy_externally_stored_field(len, data,
+ zip_size, local_len, heap));
+#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
diff --git a/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0pcur.c b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0pcur.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..537c26f6bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0pcur.c
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+Copyright (c) 1996, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+@file btr/btr0pcur.c
+The index tree persistent cursor
+Created 2/23/1996 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "btr0pcur.h"
+#include "btr0pcur.ic"
+#include "ut0byte.h"
+#include "rem0cmp.h"
+#include "trx0trx.h"
+#include "srv0srv.h"
+Allocates memory for a persistent cursor object and initializes the cursor.
+@return own: persistent cursor */
+ btr_pcur_t* pcur;
+ pcur = mem_alloc(sizeof(btr_pcur_t));
+ pcur->btr_cur.index = NULL;
+ btr_pcur_init(pcur);
+ return(pcur);
+Frees the memory for a persistent cursor object. */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor) /*!< in, own: persistent cursor */
+ if (cursor->old_rec_buf != NULL) {
+ mem_free(cursor->old_rec_buf);
+ cursor->old_rec_buf = NULL;
+ }
+ cursor->btr_cur.page_cur.rec = NULL;
+ cursor->old_rec = NULL;
+ cursor->old_n_fields = 0;
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_NOT_STORED;
+ cursor->latch_mode = BTR_NO_LATCHES;
+ cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_NOT_POSITIONED;
+ mem_free(cursor);
+The position of the cursor is stored by taking an initial segment of the
+record the cursor is positioned on, before, or after, and copying it to the
+cursor data structure, or just setting a flag if the cursor id before the
+first in an EMPTY tree, or after the last in an EMPTY tree. NOTE that the
+page where the cursor is positioned must not be empty if the index tree is
+not totally empty! */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ page_cur_t* page_cursor;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ page_t* page;
+ ulint offs;
+ ut_a(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED);
+ ut_ad(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ block = btr_pcur_get_block(cursor);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor));
+ page_cursor = btr_pcur_get_page_cur(cursor);
+ rec = page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor);
+ page = page_align(rec);
+ offs = page_offset(rec);
+ ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX)
+ || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, block, MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX));
+ ut_a(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(page_get_n_recs(page) == 0)) {
+ /* It must be an empty index tree; NOTE that in this case
+ we do not store the modify_clock, but always do a search
+ if we restore the cursor position */
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum_low(offs)) {
+ cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_AFTER_LAST_IN_TREE;
+ } else {
+ cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum_low(offs)) {
+ rec = page_rec_get_prev(rec);
+ cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_AFTER;
+ } else if (page_rec_is_infimum_low(offs)) {
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_BEFORE;
+ } else {
+ cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_ON;
+ }
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
+ cursor->old_rec = dict_index_copy_rec_order_prefix(
+ index, rec, &cursor->old_n_fields,
+ &cursor->old_rec_buf, &cursor->buf_size);
+ cursor->block_when_stored = block;
+ cursor->modify_clock = buf_block_get_modify_clock(block);
+Copies the stored position of a pcur to another pcur. */
+ btr_pcur_t* pcur_receive, /*!< in: pcur which will receive the
+ position info */
+ btr_pcur_t* pcur_donate) /*!< in: pcur from which the info is
+ copied */
+ if (pcur_receive->old_rec_buf) {
+ mem_free(pcur_receive->old_rec_buf);
+ }
+ ut_memcpy(pcur_receive, pcur_donate, sizeof(btr_pcur_t));
+ if (pcur_donate->old_rec_buf) {
+ pcur_receive->old_rec_buf = mem_alloc(pcur_donate->buf_size);
+ ut_memcpy(pcur_receive->old_rec_buf, pcur_donate->old_rec_buf,
+ pcur_donate->buf_size);
+ pcur_receive->old_rec = pcur_receive->old_rec_buf
+ + (pcur_donate->old_rec - pcur_donate->old_rec_buf);
+ }
+ pcur_receive->old_n_fields = pcur_donate->old_n_fields;
+Restores the stored position of a persistent cursor bufferfixing the page and
+obtaining the specified latches. If the cursor position was saved when the
+(1) cursor was positioned on a user record: this function restores the position
+to the last record LESS OR EQUAL to the stored record;
+(2) cursor was positioned on a page infimum record: restores the position to
+the last record LESS than the user record which was the successor of the page
+(3) cursor was positioned on the page supremum: restores to the first record
+GREATER than the user record which was the predecessor of the supremum.
+(4) cursor was positioned before the first or after the last in an empty tree:
+restores to before first or after the last in the tree.
+@return TRUE if the cursor position was stored when it was on a user
+record and it can be restored on a user record whose ordering fields
+are identical to the ones of the original user record */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: detached persistent cursor */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ dtuple_t* tuple;
+ ulint mode;
+ ulint old_mode;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ut_ad(mtr);
+ ut_ad(mtr->state == MTR_ACTIVE);
+ index = btr_cur_get_index(btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor));
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(cursor->old_stored != BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED)
+ && cursor->pos_state != BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED)) {
+ ut_print_buf(stderr, cursor, sizeof(btr_pcur_t));
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ if (cursor->trx_if_known) {
+ trx_print(stderr, cursor->trx_if_known, 0);
+ }
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_AFTER_LAST_IN_TREE
+ || cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE)) {
+ /* In these cases we do not try an optimistic restoration,
+ but always do a search */
+ btr_cur_open_at_index_side(
+ cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE,
+ index, latch_mode, btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor), mtr);
+ cursor->block_when_stored = btr_pcur_get_block(cursor);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ ut_a(cursor->old_rec);
+ ut_a(cursor->old_n_fields);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF)
+ || UNIV_LIKELY(latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF)) {
+ /* Try optimistic restoration */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(buf_page_optimistic_get(
+ latch_mode,
+ cursor->block_when_stored,
+ cursor->modify_clock,
+ file, line, mtr))) {
+ cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED;
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor),
+ if (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON) {
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ const rec_t* rec;
+ const ulint* offsets1;
+ const ulint* offsets2;
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ cursor->latch_mode = latch_mode;
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(cursor);
+ heap = mem_heap_create(256);
+ offsets1 = rec_get_offsets(
+ cursor->old_rec, index, NULL,
+ cursor->old_n_fields, &heap);
+ offsets2 = rec_get_offsets(
+ rec, index, NULL,
+ cursor->old_n_fields, &heap);
+ ut_ad(!cmp_rec_rec(cursor->old_rec,
+ rec, offsets1, offsets2,
+ index));
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If optimistic restoration did not succeed, open the cursor anew */
+ heap = mem_heap_create(256);
+ tuple = dict_index_build_data_tuple(index, cursor->old_rec,
+ cursor->old_n_fields, heap);
+ /* Save the old search mode of the cursor */
+ old_mode = cursor->search_mode;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON)) {
+ mode = PAGE_CUR_LE;
+ } else if (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_AFTER) {
+ mode = PAGE_CUR_G;
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE);
+ mode = PAGE_CUR_L;
+ }
+ btr_pcur_open_with_no_init_func(index, tuple, mode, latch_mode,
+ cursor, 0, file, line, mtr);
+ /* Restore the old search mode */
+ cursor->search_mode = old_mode;
+ if (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON
+ && btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(cursor)
+ && 0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, btr_pcur_get_rec(cursor),
+ rec_get_offsets(
+ btr_pcur_get_rec(cursor), index,
+ /* We have to store the NEW value for the modify clock, since
+ the cursor can now be on a different page! But we can retain
+ the value of old_rec */
+ cursor->block_when_stored = btr_pcur_get_block(cursor);
+ cursor->modify_clock = buf_block_get_modify_clock(
+ cursor->block_when_stored);
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ /* We have to store new position information, modify_clock etc.,
+ to the cursor because it can now be on a different page, the record
+ under it may have been removed, etc. */
+ btr_pcur_store_position(cursor, mtr);
+ return(FALSE);
+If the latch mode of the cursor is BTR_LEAF_SEARCH or BTR_LEAF_MODIFY,
+releases the page latch and bufferfix reserved by the cursor.
+NOTE! In the case of BTR_LEAF_MODIFY, there should not exist changes
+made by the current mini-transaction to the data protected by the
+cursor latch, as then the latch must not be released until mtr_commit. */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ut_a(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED);
+ ut_ad(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ block = btr_pcur_get_block(cursor);
+ btr_leaf_page_release(block, cursor->latch_mode, mtr);
+ cursor->latch_mode = BTR_NO_LATCHES;
+ cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_WAS_POSITIONED;
+Moves the persistent cursor to the first record on the next page. Releases the
+latch on the current page, and bufferunfixes it. Note that there must not be
+modifications on the current page, as then the x-latch can be released only in
+mtr_commit. */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor; must be on the
+ last record of the current page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint next_page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint zip_size;
+ page_t* page;
+ buf_block_t* next_block;
+ page_t* next_page;
+ ut_a(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED);
+ ut_ad(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ ut_ad(btr_pcur_is_after_last_on_page(cursor));
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_NOT_STORED;
+ page = btr_pcur_get_page(cursor);
+ next_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr);
+ space = buf_block_get_space(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor));
+ zip_size = buf_block_get_zip_size(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor));
+ ut_ad(next_page_no != FIL_NULL);
+ next_block = btr_block_get(space, zip_size, next_page_no,
+ cursor->latch_mode, mtr);
+ next_page = buf_block_get_frame(next_block);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !next_page) {
+ btr_leaf_page_release(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor),
+ cursor->latch_mode, mtr);
+ btr_pcur_get_page_cur(cursor)->block = 0;
+ btr_pcur_get_page_cur(cursor)->rec = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(next_page);
+ ut_a(page_is_comp(next_page) == page_is_comp(page));
+ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(next_page, mtr)
+ == buf_block_get_page_no(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor)));
+#endif /* UNIV_BTR_DEBUG */
+ next_block->check_index_page_at_flush = TRUE;
+ btr_leaf_page_release(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor),
+ cursor->latch_mode, mtr);
+ page_cur_set_before_first(next_block, btr_pcur_get_page_cur(cursor));
+ page_check_dir(next_page);
+Moves the persistent cursor backward if it is on the first record of the page.
+Commits mtr. Note that to prevent a possible deadlock, the operation
+first stores the position of the cursor, commits mtr, acquires the necessary
+latches and restores the cursor position again before returning. The
+alphabetical position of the cursor is guaranteed to be sensible on
+return, but it may happen that the cursor is not positioned on the last
+record of any page, because the structure of the tree may have changed
+during the time when the cursor had no latches. */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor, must be on the first
+ record of the current page */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ulint prev_page_no;
+ ulint space;
+ page_t* page;
+ buf_block_t* prev_block;
+ ulint latch_mode;
+ ulint latch_mode2;
+ ut_a(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED);
+ ut_ad(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ ut_ad(btr_pcur_is_before_first_on_page(cursor));
+ ut_ad(!btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(cursor, mtr));
+ latch_mode = cursor->latch_mode;
+ if (latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF) {
+ latch_mode2 = BTR_SEARCH_PREV;
+ } else if (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) {
+ latch_mode2 = BTR_MODIFY_PREV;
+ } else {
+ latch_mode2 = 0; /* To eliminate compiler warning */
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ btr_pcur_store_position(cursor, mtr);
+ mtr_commit(mtr);
+ mtr_start(mtr);
+ btr_pcur_restore_position(latch_mode2, cursor, mtr);
+ page = btr_pcur_get_page(cursor);
+ prev_page_no = btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr);
+ space = buf_block_get_space(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor));
+ if (prev_page_no == FIL_NULL) {
+ } else if (btr_pcur_is_before_first_on_page(cursor)) {
+ prev_block = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor)->left_block;
+ btr_leaf_page_release(btr_pcur_get_block(cursor),
+ latch_mode, mtr);
+ page_cur_set_after_last(prev_block,
+ btr_pcur_get_page_cur(cursor));
+ } else {
+ /* The repositioned cursor did not end on an infimum record on
+ a page. Cursor repositioning acquired a latch also on the
+ previous page, but we do not need the latch: release it. */
+ prev_block = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor)->left_block;
+ btr_leaf_page_release(prev_block, latch_mode, mtr);
+ }
+ cursor->latch_mode = latch_mode;
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_NOT_STORED;
+Moves the persistent cursor to the previous record in the tree. If no records
+are left, the cursor stays 'before first in tree'.
+@return TRUE if the cursor was not before first in tree */
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor; NOTE that the
+ function may release the page latch */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ ut_ad(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED);
+ ut_ad(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
+ cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_NOT_STORED;
+ if (btr_pcur_is_before_first_on_page(cursor)) {
+ if (btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(cursor, mtr)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ btr_pcur_move_backward_from_page(cursor, mtr);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ btr_pcur_move_to_prev_on_page(cursor);
+ return(TRUE);
+If mode is PAGE_CUR_G or PAGE_CUR_GE, opens a persistent cursor on the first
+user record satisfying the search condition, in the case PAGE_CUR_L or
+PAGE_CUR_LE, on the last user record. If no such user record exists, then
+in the first case sets the cursor after last in tree, and in the latter case
+before first in tree. The latching mode must be BTR_SEARCH_LEAF or
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple on which search done */
+ ulint mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_L, ... */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF or
+ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: memory buffer for persistent
+ cursor */
+ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */
+ ulint line, /*!< in: line where called */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ btr_pcur_open_func(index, tuple, mode, latch_mode, cursor,
+ file, line, mtr);
+ if ((mode == PAGE_CUR_GE) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_G)) {
+ if (btr_pcur_is_after_last_on_page(cursor)) {
+ btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec(cursor, mtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ut_ad((mode == PAGE_CUR_LE) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_L));
+ /* Not implemented yet */
+ ut_error;
+ }
diff --git a/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0sea.c b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0sea.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6628333d32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/xtradb/btr/btr0sea.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2032 @@
+Copyright (c) 1996, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2008, Google Inc.
+Portions of this file contain modifications contributed and copyrighted by
+Google, Inc. Those modifications are gratefully acknowledged and are described
+briefly in the InnoDB documentation. The contributions by Google are
+incorporated with their permission, and subject to the conditions contained in
+the file COPYING.Google.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+@file btr/btr0sea.c
+The index tree adaptive search
+Created 2/17/1996 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "btr0sea.h"
+#include "btr0sea.ic"
+#include "buf0buf.h"
+#include "page0page.h"
+#include "page0cur.h"
+#include "btr0cur.h"
+#include "btr0pcur.h"
+#include "btr0btr.h"
+#include "ha0ha.h"
+#include "srv0srv.h"
+/** Flag: has the search system been enabled?
+Protected by btr_search_latch and btr_search_enabled_mutex. */
+UNIV_INTERN char btr_search_enabled = TRUE;
+UNIV_INTERN ibool btr_search_fully_disabled = FALSE;
+/** Mutex protecting btr_search_enabled */
+static mutex_t btr_search_enabled_mutex;
+/** A dummy variable to fool the compiler */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_search_this_is_zero = 0;
+/** Number of successful adaptive hash index lookups */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_search_n_succ = 0;
+/** Number of failed adaptive hash index lookups */
+UNIV_INTERN ulint btr_search_n_hash_fail = 0;
+/** padding to prevent other memory update
+hotspots from residing on the same memory
+cache line as btr_search_latch */
+UNIV_INTERN byte btr_sea_pad1[64];
+/** The latch protecting the adaptive search system: this latch protects the
+(1) positions of records on those pages where a hash index has been built.
+NOTE: It does not protect values of non-ordering fields within a record from
+being updated in-place! We can use fact (1) to perform unique searches to
+indexes. */
+/* We will allocate the latch from dynamic memory to get it to the
+same DRAM page as other hotspot semaphores */
+UNIV_INTERN rw_lock_t* btr_search_latch_temp;
+/** padding to prevent other memory update hotspots from residing on
+the same memory cache line */
+UNIV_INTERN byte btr_sea_pad2[64];
+/** The adaptive hash index */
+UNIV_INTERN btr_search_sys_t* btr_search_sys;
+/** If the number of records on the page divided by this parameter
+would have been successfully accessed using a hash index, the index
+is then built on the page, assuming the global limit has been reached */
+/** The global limit for consecutive potentially successful hash searches,
+before hash index building is started */
+Builds a hash index on a page with the given parameters. If the page already
+has a hash index with different parameters, the old hash index is removed.
+If index is non-NULL, this function checks if n_fields and n_bytes are
+sensible values, and does not build a hash index if not. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index for which to build, or NULL if
+ not known */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page, s- or x-latched */
+ ulint n_fields,/*!< in: hash this many full fields */
+ ulint n_bytes,/*!< in: hash this many bytes from the next
+ field */
+ ibool left_side);/*!< in: hash for searches from left side? */
+This function should be called before reserving any btr search mutex, if
+the intended operation might add nodes to the search system hash table.
+Because of the latching order, once we have reserved the btr search system
+latch, we cannot allocate a free frame from the buffer pool. Checks that
+there is a free buffer frame allocated for hash table heap in the btr search
+system. If not, allocates a free frames for the heap. This check makes it
+probable that, when have reserved the btr search system latch and we need to
+allocate a new node to the hash table, it will succeed. However, the check
+will not guarantee success. */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ heap = table->heap;
+ /* Note that we peek the value of heap->free_block without reserving
+ the latch: this is ok, because we will not guarantee that there will
+ be enough free space in the hash table. */
+ if (heap->free_block == NULL) {
+ buf_block_t* block = buf_block_alloc(0);
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (heap->free_block == NULL) {
+ heap->free_block = block;
+ } else {
+ buf_block_free(block);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+Creates and initializes the adaptive search system at a database start. */
+ ulint hash_size) /*!< in: hash index hash table size */
+ /* We allocate the search latch from dynamic memory:
+ see above at the global variable definition */
+ btr_search_latch_temp = mem_alloc(sizeof(rw_lock_t));
+ rw_lock_create(&btr_search_latch, SYNC_SEARCH_SYS);
+ mutex_create(&btr_search_enabled_mutex, SYNC_SEARCH_SYS_CONF);
+ btr_search_sys = mem_alloc(sizeof(btr_search_sys_t));
+ btr_search_sys->hash_index = ha_create(hash_size, 0, 0);
+Frees the adaptive search system at a database shutdown. */
+ rw_lock_free(&btr_search_latch);
+ mem_free(btr_search_latch_temp);
+ btr_search_latch_temp = NULL;
+ mem_heap_free(btr_search_sys->hash_index->heap);
+ hash_table_free(btr_search_sys->hash_index);
+ mem_free(btr_search_sys);
+ btr_search_sys = NULL;
+Disable the adaptive hash search system and empty the index. */
+ mutex_enter(&btr_search_enabled_mutex);
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ /* Disable access to hash index, also tell ha_insert_for_fold()
+ stop adding new nodes to hash index, but still allow updating
+ existing nodes */
+ btr_search_enabled = FALSE;
+ /* Clear all block->is_hashed flags and remove all entries
+ from btr_search_sys->hash_index. */
+ buf_pool_drop_hash_index();
+ /* hash index has been cleaned up, disallow any operation to
+ the hash index */
+ btr_search_fully_disabled = TRUE;
+ /* btr_search_enabled_mutex should guarantee this. */
+ ut_ad(!btr_search_enabled);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ mutex_exit(&btr_search_enabled_mutex);
+Enable the adaptive hash search system. */
+ mutex_enter(&btr_search_enabled_mutex);
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_enabled = TRUE;
+ btr_search_fully_disabled = FALSE;
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ mutex_exit(&btr_search_enabled_mutex);
+Creates and initializes a search info struct.
+@return own: search info struct */
+ mem_heap_t* heap) /*!< in: heap where created */
+ btr_search_t* info;
+ info = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(btr_search_t));
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ info->magic_n = BTR_SEARCH_MAGIC_N;
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ info->ref_count = 0;
+ info->root_guess = NULL;
+ info->hash_analysis = 0;
+ info->n_hash_potential = 0;
+ info->last_hash_succ = FALSE;
+ info->n_hash_succ = 0;
+ info->n_hash_fail = 0;
+ info->n_patt_succ = 0;
+ info->n_searches = 0;
+ /* Set some sensible values */
+ info->n_fields = 1;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ info->left_side = TRUE;
+ return(info);
+Returns the value of ref_count. The value is protected by
+@return ref_count value. */
+ btr_search_t* info) /*!< in: search info. */
+ ulint ret;
+ ut_ad(info);
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ ret = info->ref_count;
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ return(ret);
+Updates the search info of an index about hash successes. NOTE that info
+is NOT protected by any semaphore, to save CPU time! Do not assume its fields
+are consistent. */
+ btr_search_t* info, /*!< in/out: search info */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor which was just positioned */
+ dict_index_t* index;
+ ulint n_unique;
+ int cmp;
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ index = cursor->index;
+ if (dict_index_is_ibuf(index)) {
+ /* So many deletes are performed on an insert buffer tree
+ that we do not consider a hash index useful on it: */
+ return;
+ }
+ n_unique = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index);
+ if (info->n_hash_potential == 0) {
+ goto set_new_recomm;
+ }
+ /* Test if the search would have succeeded using the recommended
+ hash prefix */
+ if (info->n_fields >= n_unique && cursor->up_match >= n_unique) {
+ info->n_hash_potential++;
+ return;
+ }
+ cmp = ut_pair_cmp(info->n_fields, info->n_bytes,
+ cursor->low_match, cursor->low_bytes);
+ if (info->left_side ? cmp <= 0 : cmp > 0) {
+ goto set_new_recomm;
+ }
+ cmp = ut_pair_cmp(info->n_fields, info->n_bytes,
+ cursor->up_match, cursor->up_bytes);
+ if (info->left_side ? cmp <= 0 : cmp > 0) {
+ goto increment_potential;
+ }
+ /* We have to set a new recommendation; skip the hash analysis
+ for a while to avoid unnecessary CPU time usage when there is no
+ chance for success */
+ info->hash_analysis = 0;
+ cmp = ut_pair_cmp(cursor->up_match, cursor->up_bytes,
+ cursor->low_match, cursor->low_bytes);
+ if (cmp == 0) {
+ info->n_hash_potential = 0;
+ /* For extra safety, we set some sensible values here */
+ info->n_fields = 1;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ info->left_side = TRUE;
+ } else if (cmp > 0) {
+ info->n_hash_potential = 1;
+ if (cursor->up_match >= n_unique) {
+ info->n_fields = n_unique;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ } else if (cursor->low_match < cursor->up_match) {
+ info->n_fields = cursor->low_match + 1;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ } else {
+ info->n_fields = cursor->low_match;
+ info->n_bytes = cursor->low_bytes + 1;
+ }
+ info->left_side = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ info->n_hash_potential = 1;
+ if (cursor->low_match >= n_unique) {
+ info->n_fields = n_unique;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ } else if (cursor->low_match > cursor->up_match) {
+ info->n_fields = cursor->up_match + 1;
+ info->n_bytes = 0;
+ } else {
+ info->n_fields = cursor->up_match;
+ info->n_bytes = cursor->up_bytes + 1;
+ }
+ info->left_side = FALSE;
+ }
+Updates the block search info on hash successes. NOTE that info and
+block->n_hash_helps, n_fields, n_bytes, side are NOT protected by any
+semaphore, to save CPU time! Do not assume the fields are consistent.
+@return TRUE if building a (new) hash index on the block is recommended */
+ btr_search_t* info, /*!< in: search info */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor __attribute__((unused)))
+ /*!< in: cursor */
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&block->lock, RW_LOCK_SHARED)
+ || rw_lock_own(&block->lock, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(cursor);
+ info->last_hash_succ = FALSE;
+ ut_a(buf_block_state_valid(block));
+ ut_ad(info->magic_n == BTR_SEARCH_MAGIC_N);
+ if ((block->n_hash_helps > 0)
+ && (info->n_hash_potential > 0)
+ && (block->n_fields == info->n_fields)
+ && (block->n_bytes == info->n_bytes)
+ && (block->left_side == info->left_side)) {
+ if ((block->is_hashed)
+ && (block->curr_n_fields == info->n_fields)
+ && (block->curr_n_bytes == info->n_bytes)
+ && (block->curr_left_side == info->left_side)) {
+ /* The search would presumably have succeeded using
+ the hash index */
+ info->last_hash_succ = TRUE;
+ }
+ block->n_hash_helps++;
+ } else {
+ block->n_hash_helps = 1;
+ block->n_fields = info->n_fields;
+ block->n_bytes = info->n_bytes;
+ block->left_side = info->left_side;
+ }
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (cursor->index->table->does_not_fit_in_memory) {
+ block->n_hash_helps = 0;
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ if ((block->n_hash_helps > page_get_n_recs(block->frame)
+ && (info->n_hash_potential >= BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT)) {
+ if ((!block->is_hashed)
+ || (block->n_hash_helps
+ > 2 * page_get_n_recs(block->frame))
+ || (block->n_fields != block->curr_n_fields)
+ || (block->n_bytes != block->curr_n_bytes)
+ || (block->left_side != block->curr_left_side)) {
+ /* Build a new hash index on the page */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Updates a hash node reference when it has been unsuccessfully used in a
+search which could have succeeded with the used hash parameters. This can
+happen because when building a hash index for a page, we do not check
+what happens at page boundaries, and therefore there can be misleading
+hash nodes. Also, collisions in the fold value can lead to misleading
+references. This function lazily fixes these imperfections in the hash
+index. */
+ btr_search_t* info, /*!< in: search info */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block where cursor positioned */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor */
+ ulint fold;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ut_ad(cursor->flag == BTR_CUR_HASH_FAIL);
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_SHARED)
+ || rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_ad(page_align(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor))
+ == buf_block_get_frame(block));
+ if (!block->is_hashed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block->index == cursor->index);
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(cursor->index));
+ if ((info->n_hash_potential > 0)
+ && (block->curr_n_fields == info->n_fields)
+ && (block->curr_n_bytes == info->n_bytes)
+ && (block->curr_left_side == info->left_side)) {
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ if (!page_rec_is_user_rec(rec)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ index_id = cursor->index->id;
+ fold = rec_fold(rec,
+ rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets_,
+ block->curr_n_fields,
+ block->curr_n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ha_insert_for_fold(btr_search_sys->hash_index, fold,
+ block, rec);
+ }
+Updates the search info. */
+ btr_search_t* info, /*!< in/out: search info */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor which was just positioned */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ibool build_index;
+ ulint* params;
+ ulint* params2;
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ if (srv_pass_corrupt_table && !block) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block);
+ /* NOTE that the following two function calls do NOT protect
+ info or block->n_fields etc. with any semaphore, to save CPU time!
+ We cannot assume the fields are consistent when we return from
+ those functions! */
+ btr_search_info_update_hash(info, cursor);
+ build_index = btr_search_update_block_hash_info(info, block, cursor);
+ if (build_index || (cursor->flag == BTR_CUR_HASH_FAIL)) {
+ btr_search_check_free_space_in_heap();
+ }
+ if (cursor->flag == BTR_CUR_HASH_FAIL) {
+ /* Update the hash node reference, if appropriate */
+ btr_search_n_hash_fail++;
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_update_hash_ref(info, block, cursor);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ if (build_index) {
+ /* Note that since we did not protect block->n_fields etc.
+ with any semaphore, the values can be inconsistent. We have
+ to check inside the function call that they make sense. We
+ also malloc an array and store the values there to make sure
+ the compiler does not let the function call parameters change
+ inside the called function. It might be that the compiler
+ would optimize the call just to pass pointers to block. */
+ params = mem_alloc(3 * sizeof(ulint));
+ params[0] = block->n_fields;
+ params[1] = block->n_bytes;
+ params[2] = block->left_side;
+ /* Make sure the compiler cannot deduce the values and do
+ optimizations */
+ params2 = params + btr_search_this_is_zero;
+ btr_search_build_page_hash_index(cursor->index,
+ block,
+ params2[0],
+ params2[1],
+ params2[2]);
+ mem_free(params);
+ }
+Checks if a guessed position for a tree cursor is right. Note that if
+mode is PAGE_CUR_LE, which is used in inserts, and the function returns
+TRUE, then cursor->up_match and cursor->low_match both have sensible values.
+@return TRUE if success */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: guessed cursor position */
+ ibool can_only_compare_to_cursor_rec,
+ /*!< in: if we do not have a latch on the page
+ of cursor, but only a latch on
+ btr_search_latch, then ONLY the columns
+ of the record UNDER the cursor are
+ protected, not the next or previous record
+ in the chain: we cannot look at the next or
+ previous record to check our guess! */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple */
+ ulint mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_L, PAGE_CUR_LE, PAGE_CUR_G,
+ or PAGE_CUR_GE */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint n_unique;
+ ulint match;
+ ulint bytes;
+ int cmp;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ ibool success = FALSE;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ n_unique = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(cursor->index);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec));
+ match = 0;
+ bytes = 0;
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_unique, &heap);
+ cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, rec,
+ offsets, &match, &bytes);
+ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE) {
+ if (cmp == 1) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ cursor->up_match = match;
+ if (match >= n_unique) {
+ success = TRUE;
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ } else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE) {
+ if (cmp == -1) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ cursor->low_match = match;
+ } else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_G) {
+ if (cmp != -1) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ } else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_L) {
+ if (cmp != 1) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ }
+ if (can_only_compare_to_cursor_rec) {
+ /* Since we could not determine if our guess is right just by
+ looking at the record under the cursor, return FALSE */
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ match = 0;
+ bytes = 0;
+ if ((mode == PAGE_CUR_G) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE)) {
+ rec_t* prev_rec;
+ ut_ad(!page_rec_is_infimum(rec));
+ prev_rec = page_rec_get_prev(rec);
+ if (page_rec_is_infimum(prev_rec)) {
+ success = btr_page_get_prev(page_align(prev_rec), mtr)
+ == FIL_NULL;
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(prev_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_unique, &heap);
+ cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, prev_rec,
+ offsets, &match, &bytes);
+ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE) {
+ success = cmp == 1;
+ } else {
+ success = cmp != -1;
+ }
+ goto exit_func;
+ } else {
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ ut_ad(!page_rec_is_supremum(rec));
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ if (btr_page_get_next(page_align(next_rec), mtr)
+ == FIL_NULL) {
+ cursor->up_match = 0;
+ success = TRUE;
+ }
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_unique, &heap);
+ cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, next_rec,
+ offsets, &match, &bytes);
+ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE) {
+ success = cmp == -1;
+ cursor->up_match = match;
+ } else {
+ success = cmp != 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(success);
+Tries to guess the right search position based on the hash search info
+of the index. Note that if mode is PAGE_CUR_LE, which is used in inserts,
+and the function returns TRUE, then cursor->up_match and cursor->low_match
+both have sensible values.
+@return TRUE if succeeded */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */
+ btr_search_t* info, /*!< in: index search info */
+ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: logical record */
+ ulint mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_L, ... */
+ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ...;
+ NOTE that only if has_search_latch
+ is 0, we will have a latch set on
+ the cursor page, otherwise we assume
+ the caller uses his search latch
+ to protect the record! */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< out: tree cursor */
+ ulint has_search_latch,/*!< in: latch mode the caller
+ currently has on btr_search_latch:
+ RW_S_LATCH, RW_X_LATCH, or 0 */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint fold;
+ dulint index_id;
+#ifdef notdefined
+ btr_cur_t cursor2;
+ btr_pcur_t pcur;
+ ut_ad(index && info && tuple && cursor && mtr);
+ ut_ad((latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF)
+ || (latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF));
+ /* Note that, for efficiency, the struct info may not be protected by
+ any latch here! */
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(info->n_hash_potential == 0)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ cursor->n_fields = info->n_fields;
+ cursor->n_bytes = info->n_bytes;
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple)
+ < cursor->n_fields + (cursor->n_bytes > 0))) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ index_id = index->id;
+ info->n_hash_succ++;
+ fold = dtuple_fold(tuple, cursor->n_fields, cursor->n_bytes, index_id);
+ cursor->fold = fold;
+ cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_HASH;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) {
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!btr_search_enabled)) {
+ goto failure_unlock;
+ }
+ }
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_get_writer(&btr_search_latch) != RW_LOCK_EX);
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_get_reader_count(&btr_search_latch) > 0);
+ rec = ha_search_and_get_data(btr_search_sys->hash_index, fold);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!rec)) {
+ goto failure_unlock;
+ }
+ block = buf_block_align(rec);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) {
+ !buf_page_get_known_nowait(latch_mode, block,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
+ mtr))) {
+ goto failure_unlock;
+ }
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_FROM_HASH);
+ }
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(buf_block_get_state(block) != BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE)) {
+ ut_ad(buf_block_get_state(block) == BUF_BLOCK_REMOVE_HASH);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) {
+ btr_leaf_page_release(block, latch_mode, mtr);
+ }
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec));
+ btr_cur_position(index, rec, block, cursor);
+ /* Check the validity of the guess within the page */
+ /* If we only have the latch on btr_search_latch, not on the
+ page, it only protects the columns of the record the cursor
+ is positioned on. We cannot look at the next of the previous
+ record to determine if our guess for the cursor position is
+ right. */
+ (ut_dulint_cmp(index_id, btr_page_get_index_id(block->frame)), 0)
+ || !btr_search_check_guess(cursor,
+ has_search_latch,
+ tuple, mode, mtr)) {
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) {
+ btr_leaf_page_release(block, latch_mode, mtr);
+ }
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(info->n_hash_potential < BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT + 5)) {
+ info->n_hash_potential++;
+ }
+#ifdef notdefined
+ /* These lines of code can be used in a debug version to check
+ the correctness of the searched cursor position: */
+ info->last_hash_succ = FALSE;
+ /* Currently, does not work if the following fails: */
+ ut_ad(!has_search_latch);
+ btr_leaf_page_release(block, latch_mode, mtr);
+ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, 0, tuple, mode, latch_mode,
+ &cursor2, 0, mtr);
+ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE
+ && page_rec_is_supremum(btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor2))) {
+ /* If mode is PAGE_CUR_GE, then the binary search
+ in the index tree may actually take us to the supremum
+ of the previous page */
+ info->last_hash_succ = FALSE;
+ btr_pcur_open_on_user_rec(index, tuple, mode, latch_mode,
+ &pcur, mtr);
+ ut_ad(btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur) == btr_cur_get_rec(cursor));
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(btr_cur_get_rec(&cursor2) == btr_cur_get_rec(cursor));
+ }
+ /* NOTE that it is theoretically possible that the above assertions
+ fail if the page of the cursor gets removed from the buffer pool
+ meanwhile! Thus it might not be a bug. */
+ info->last_hash_succ = TRUE;
+ btr_search_n_succ++;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)
+ && buf_page_peek_if_too_old(&block->page)) {
+ buf_page_make_young(&block->page);
+ }
+ /* Increment the page get statistics though we did not really
+ fix the page: for user info only */
+ buf_pool->stat.n_page_gets++;
+ return(TRUE);
+ /*-------------------------------------------*/
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) {
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_HASH_FAIL;
+ info->n_hash_fail++;
+ if (info->n_hash_succ > 0) {
+ info->n_hash_succ--;
+ }
+ info->last_hash_succ = FALSE;
+ return(FALSE);
+Drops a page hash index. */
+ buf_block_t* block) /*!< in: block containing index page,
+ s- or x-latched, or an index page
+ for which we know that
+ block->buf_fix_count == 0 */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint n_bytes;
+ const page_t* page;
+ const rec_t* rec;
+ ulint fold;
+ ulint prev_fold;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ulint n_cached;
+ ulint n_recs;
+ ulint* folds;
+ ulint i;
+ mem_heap_t* heap;
+ const dict_index_t* index;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_SHARED));
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ page = block->frame;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(!block->is_hashed)) {
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ return;
+ }
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_SHARED)
+ || rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX)
+ || (block->page.buf_fix_count == 0));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ n_fields = block->curr_n_fields;
+ n_bytes = block->curr_n_bytes;
+ index = block->index;
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ /* NOTE: The fields of block must not be accessed after
+ releasing btr_search_latch, as the index page might only
+ be s-latched! */
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ ut_a(n_fields + n_bytes > 0);
+ n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page);
+ /* Calculate and cache fold values into an array for fast deletion
+ from the hash index */
+ folds = mem_alloc(n_recs * sizeof(ulint));
+ n_cached = 0;
+ rec = page_get_infimum_rec(page);
+ rec = page_rec_get_next_low(rec, page_is_comp(page));
+ index_id = btr_page_get_index_id(page);
+ ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index_id, index->id));
+ prev_fold = 0;
+ heap = NULL;
+ offsets = NULL;
+ while (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ ut_a(rec_offs_n_fields(offsets) == n_fields + (n_bytes > 0));
+ fold = rec_fold(rec, offsets, n_fields, n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (fold == prev_fold && prev_fold != 0) {
+ goto next_rec;
+ }
+ /* Remove all hash nodes pointing to this page from the
+ hash chain */
+ folds[n_cached] = fold;
+ n_cached++;
+ rec = page_rec_get_next_low(rec, page_rec_is_comp(rec));
+ prev_fold = fold;
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!block->is_hashed)) {
+ /* Someone else has meanwhile dropped the hash index */
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ ut_a(block->index == index);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block->curr_n_fields != n_fields)
+ || UNIV_UNLIKELY(block->curr_n_bytes != n_bytes)) {
+ /* Someone else has meanwhile built a new hash index on the
+ page, with different parameters */
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ mem_free(folds);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_cached; i++) {
+ ha_remove_all_nodes_to_page(table, folds[i], page);
+ }
+ ut_a(index->search_info->ref_count > 0);
+ index->search_info->ref_count--;
+ block->is_hashed = FALSE;
+ block->index = NULL;
+#if defined UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || defined UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block->n_pointers)) {
+ /* Corruption */
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Corruption of adaptive hash index."
+ " After dropping\n"
+ "InnoDB: the hash index to a page of %s,"
+ " still %lu hash nodes remain.\n",
+ index->name, (ulong) block->n_pointers);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_validate();
+ } else {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+#endif /* UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || UNIV_DEBUG */
+ mem_free(folds);
+Drops a page hash index based on index */
+ dict_index_t* index) /* in: record descriptor */
+ buf_page_t* bpage;
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint n_bytes;
+ const page_t* page;
+ const rec_t* rec;
+ ulint fold;
+ ulint prev_fold;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ulint n_cached;
+ ulint n_recs;
+ ulint* folds;
+ ulint i;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint* offsets;
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ mutex_enter(&LRU_list_mutex);
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ bpage = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
+ while (bpage != NULL) {
+ block = (buf_block_t*) bpage;
+ if (block->index == index && block->is_hashed) {
+ page = block->frame;
+ /* from btr_search_drop_page_hash_index() */
+ n_fields = block->curr_n_fields;
+ n_bytes = block->curr_n_bytes;
+ ut_a(n_fields + n_bytes > 0);
+ n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page);
+ /* Calculate and cache fold values into an array for fast deletion
+ from the hash index */
+ folds = mem_alloc(n_recs * sizeof(ulint));
+ n_cached = 0;
+ rec = page_get_infimum_rec(page);
+ rec = page_rec_get_next_low(rec, page_is_comp(page));
+ index_id = btr_page_get_index_id(page);
+ ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index_id, index->id));
+ prev_fold = 0;
+ offsets = NULL;
+ while (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ ut_a(rec_offs_n_fields(offsets) == n_fields + (n_bytes > 0));
+ fold = rec_fold(rec, offsets, n_fields, n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (fold == prev_fold && prev_fold != 0) {
+ goto next_rec;
+ }
+ /* Remove all hash nodes pointing to this page from the
+ hash chain */
+ folds[n_cached] = fold;
+ n_cached++;
+ rec = page_rec_get_next_low(rec, page_rec_is_comp(rec));
+ prev_fold = fold;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_cached; i++) {
+ ha_remove_all_nodes_to_page(table, folds[i], page);
+ }
+ ut_a(index->search_info->ref_count > 0);
+ index->search_info->ref_count--;
+ block->is_hashed = FALSE;
+ block->index = NULL;
+#if defined UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || defined UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(block->n_pointers)) {
+ /* Corruption */
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Corruption of adaptive hash index. After dropping\n"
+"InnoDB: the hash index to a page of %s, still %lu hash nodes remain.\n",
+ index->name, (ulong) block->n_pointers);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || UNIV_DEBUG */
+ mem_free(folds);
+ }
+ bpage = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, bpage);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&LRU_list_mutex);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+Drops a page hash index when a page is freed from a fseg to the file system.
+Drops possible hash index if the page happens to be in the buffer pool. */
+ ulint space, /*!< in: space id */
+ ulint zip_size, /*!< in: compressed page size in bytes
+ or 0 for uncompressed pages */
+ ulint page_no) /*!< in: page number */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ if (!buf_page_peek_if_search_hashed(space, page_no)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ /* We assume that if the caller has a latch on the page, then the
+ caller has already dropped the hash index for the page, and we never
+ get here. Therefore we can acquire the s-latch to the page without
+ having to fear a deadlock. */
+ block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, NULL,
+ &mtr);
+ /* Because the buffer pool mutex was released by
+ buf_page_peek_if_search_hashed(), it is possible that the
+ block was removed from the buffer pool by another thread
+ before buf_page_get_gen() got a chance to acquire the buffer
+ pool mutex again. Thus, we must check for a NULL return. */
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(block != NULL)) {
+ buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE_FROM_HASH);
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ }
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+Builds a hash index on a page with the given parameters. If the page already
+has a hash index with different parameters, the old hash index is removed.
+If index is non-NULL, this function checks if n_fields and n_bytes are
+sensible values, and does not build a hash index if not. */
+ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index for which to build */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page, s- or x-latched */
+ ulint n_fields,/*!< in: hash this many full fields */
+ ulint n_bytes,/*!< in: hash this many bytes from the next
+ field */
+ ibool left_side)/*!< in: hash for searches from left side? */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ page_t* page;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ ulint fold;
+ ulint next_fold;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ulint n_cached;
+ ulint n_recs;
+ ulint* folds;
+ rec_t** recs;
+ ulint i;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ ut_ad(index);
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ page = buf_block_get_frame(block);
+ ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&btr_search_latch, RW_LOCK_EX));
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_SHARED)
+ || rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (block->is_hashed && ((block->curr_n_fields != n_fields)
+ || (block->curr_n_bytes != n_bytes)
+ || (block->curr_left_side != left_side))) {
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ } else {
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+ n_recs = page_get_n_recs(page);
+ if (n_recs == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check that the values for hash index build are sensible */
+ if (n_fields + n_bytes == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index) < n_fields
+ || (dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index) == n_fields
+ && n_bytes > 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Calculate and cache fold values and corresponding records into
+ an array for fast insertion to the hash index */
+ folds = mem_alloc(n_recs * sizeof(ulint));
+ recs = mem_alloc(n_recs * sizeof(rec_t*));
+ n_cached = 0;
+ index_id = btr_page_get_index_id(page);
+ rec = page_rec_get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ if (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
+ ut_a(n_fields <= rec_offs_n_fields(offsets));
+ if (n_bytes > 0) {
+ ut_a(n_fields < rec_offs_n_fields(offsets));
+ }
+ }
+ fold = rec_fold(rec, offsets, n_fields, n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (left_side) {
+ folds[n_cached] = fold;
+ recs[n_cached] = rec;
+ n_cached++;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ if (!left_side) {
+ folds[n_cached] = fold;
+ recs[n_cached] = rec;
+ n_cached++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ next_fold = rec_fold(next_rec, offsets, n_fields,
+ n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (fold != next_fold) {
+ /* Insert an entry into the hash index */
+ if (left_side) {
+ folds[n_cached] = next_fold;
+ recs[n_cached] = next_rec;
+ n_cached++;
+ } else {
+ folds[n_cached] = fold;
+ recs[n_cached] = rec;
+ n_cached++;
+ }
+ }
+ rec = next_rec;
+ fold = next_fold;
+ }
+ btr_search_check_free_space_in_heap();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(btr_search_fully_disabled)) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ if (block->is_hashed && ((block->curr_n_fields != n_fields)
+ || (block->curr_n_bytes != n_bytes)
+ || (block->curr_left_side != left_side))) {
+ goto exit_func;
+ }
+ /* This counter is decremented every time we drop page
+ hash index entries and is incremented here. Since we can
+ rebuild hash index for a page that is already hashed, we
+ have to take care not to increment the counter in that
+ case. */
+ if (!block->is_hashed) {
+ index->search_info->ref_count++;
+ }
+ block->is_hashed = TRUE;
+ block->n_hash_helps = 0;
+ block->curr_n_fields = n_fields;
+ block->curr_n_bytes = n_bytes;
+ block->curr_left_side = left_side;
+ block->index = index;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_cached; i++) {
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, folds[i], block, recs[i]);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ mem_free(folds);
+ mem_free(recs);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+Moves or deletes hash entries for moved records. If new_page is already hashed,
+then the hash index for page, if any, is dropped. If new_page is not hashed,
+and page is hashed, then a new hash index is built to new_page with the same
+parameters as page (this often happens when a page is split). */
+ buf_block_t* new_block, /*!< in: records are copied
+ to this page */
+ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page from which
+ records were copied, and the
+ copied records will be deleted
+ from this page */
+ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: record descriptor */
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint n_bytes;
+ ibool left_side;
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(new_block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(!new_block->is_hashed || new_block->index == index);
+ ut_a(!block->is_hashed || block->index == index);
+ ut_a(!(new_block->is_hashed || block->is_hashed)
+ || !dict_index_is_ibuf(index));
+ rw_lock_s_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (new_block->is_hashed) {
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (block->is_hashed) {
+ n_fields = block->curr_n_fields;
+ n_bytes = block->curr_n_bytes;
+ left_side = block->curr_left_side;
+ new_block->n_fields = block->curr_n_fields;
+ new_block->n_bytes = block->curr_n_bytes;
+ new_block->left_side = left_side;
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ ut_a(n_fields + n_bytes > 0);
+ btr_search_build_page_hash_index(index, new_block, n_fields,
+ n_bytes, left_side);
+ ut_ad(n_fields == block->curr_n_fields);
+ ut_ad(n_bytes == block->curr_n_bytes);
+ ut_ad(left_side == block->curr_left_side);
+ return;
+ }
+ rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+Updates the page hash index when a single record is deleted from a page. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor which was positioned on the
+ record to delete using btr_cur_search_...,
+ the record is not yet deleted */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ ulint fold;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ibool found;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (!block->is_hashed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block->index == cursor->index);
+ ut_a(block->curr_n_fields + block->curr_n_bytes > 0);
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(cursor->index));
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ index_id = cursor->index->id;
+ fold = rec_fold(rec, rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets_,
+ block->curr_n_fields, block->curr_n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ found = ha_search_and_delete_if_found(table, fold, rec);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+Updates the page hash index when a single record is inserted on a page. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor which was positioned to the
+ place to insert using btr_cur_search_...,
+ and the new record has been inserted next
+ to the cursor */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (!block->is_hashed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block->index == cursor->index);
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(cursor->index));
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if ((cursor->flag == BTR_CUR_HASH)
+ && (cursor->n_fields == block->curr_n_fields)
+ && (cursor->n_bytes == block->curr_n_bytes)
+ && !block->curr_left_side) {
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ ha_search_and_update_if_found(table, cursor->fold, rec,
+ block, page_rec_get_next(rec));
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ } else {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ btr_search_update_hash_on_insert(cursor);
+ }
+Updates the page hash index when a single record is inserted on a page. */
+ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: cursor which was positioned to the
+ place to insert using btr_cur_search_...,
+ and the new record has been inserted next
+ to the cursor */
+ hash_table_t* table;
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ rec_t* rec;
+ rec_t* ins_rec;
+ rec_t* next_rec;
+ dulint index_id;
+ ulint fold;
+ ulint ins_fold;
+ ulint next_fold = 0; /* remove warning (??? bug ???) */
+ ulint n_fields;
+ ulint n_bytes;
+ ibool left_side;
+ ibool locked = FALSE;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ table = btr_search_sys->hash_index;
+ btr_search_check_free_space_in_heap();
+ rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor);
+ block = btr_cur_get_block(cursor);
+ ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EX));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (!block->is_hashed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ut_a(block->index == cursor->index);
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(cursor->index));
+ index_id = cursor->index->id;
+ n_fields = block->curr_n_fields;
+ n_bytes = block->curr_n_bytes;
+ left_side = block->curr_left_side;
+ ins_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
+ next_rec = page_rec_get_next(ins_rec);
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(ins_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ ins_fold = rec_fold(ins_rec, offsets, n_fields, n_bytes, index_id);
+ if (!page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ next_fold = rec_fold(next_rec, offsets, n_fields,
+ n_bytes, index_id);
+ }
+ if (!page_rec_is_infimum(rec)) {
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets,
+ n_fields + (n_bytes > 0), &heap);
+ fold = rec_fold(rec, offsets, n_fields, n_bytes, index_id);
+ } else {
+ if (left_side) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ locked = TRUE;
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, ins_fold, block, ins_rec);
+ }
+ goto check_next_rec;
+ }
+ if (fold != ins_fold) {
+ if (!locked) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ locked = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!left_side) {
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, fold, block, rec);
+ } else {
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, ins_fold, block, ins_rec);
+ }
+ }
+ if (page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) {
+ if (!left_side) {
+ if (!locked) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ locked = TRUE;
+ }
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, ins_fold, block, ins_rec);
+ }
+ goto function_exit;
+ }
+ if (ins_fold != next_fold) {
+ if (!locked) {
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ locked = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!left_side) {
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, ins_fold, block, ins_rec);
+ /*
+ fputs("Hash insert for ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, cursor->index);
+ fprintf(stderr, " fold %lu\n", ins_fold);
+ */
+ } else {
+ ha_insert_for_fold(table, next_fold, block, next_rec);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ if (locked) {
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ }
+#if defined UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || defined UNIV_DEBUG
+Validates the search system.
+@return TRUE if ok */
+ ha_node_t* node;
+ ulint n_page_dumps = 0;
+ ibool ok = TRUE;
+ ulint i;
+ ulint cell_count;
+ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
+ ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
+ ulint* offsets = offsets_;
+ /* How many cells to check before temporarily releasing
+ btr_search_latch. */
+ ulint chunk_size = 10000;
+ rec_offs_init(offsets_);
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ //buf_pool_mutex_enter();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&page_hash_latch);
+ cell_count = hash_get_n_cells(btr_search_sys->hash_index);
+ for (i = 0; i < cell_count; i++) {
+ /* We release btr_search_latch every once in a while to
+ give other queries a chance to run. */
+ if ((i != 0) && ((i % chunk_size) == 0)) {
+ //buf_pool_mutex_exit();
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&page_hash_latch);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ os_thread_yield();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ //buf_pool_mutex_enter();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&page_hash_latch);
+ }
+ node = hash_get_nth_cell(btr_search_sys->hash_index, i)->node;
+ for (; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+ const buf_block_t* block
+ = buf_block_align(node->data);
+ const buf_block_t* hash_block;
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY(buf_block_get_state(block)
+ /* The space and offset are only valid
+ for file blocks. It is possible that
+ the block is being freed
+ assertion and the comment below) */
+ hash_block = buf_block_hash_get(
+ buf_block_get_space(block),
+ buf_block_get_page_no(block));
+ } else {
+ hash_block = NULL;
+ }
+ if (hash_block) {
+ ut_a(hash_block == block);
+ } else {
+ /* When a block is being freed,
+ buf_LRU_search_and_free_block() first
+ removes the block from
+ buf_pool->page_hash by calling
+ buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page().
+ After that, it invokes
+ btr_search_drop_page_hash_index() to
+ remove the block from
+ btr_search_sys->hash_index. */
+ ut_a(buf_block_get_state(block)
+ }
+ ut_a(!dict_index_is_ibuf(block->index));
+ offsets = rec_get_offsets((const rec_t*) node->data,
+ block->index, offsets,
+ block->curr_n_fields
+ + (block->curr_n_bytes > 0),
+ &heap);
+ if (!block->is_hashed || node->fold
+ != rec_fold((rec_t*)(node->data),
+ offsets,
+ block->curr_n_fields,
+ block->curr_n_bytes,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(block->frame))) {
+ const page_t* page = block->frame;
+ ok = FALSE;
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Error in an adaptive hash"
+ " index pointer to page %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: ptr mem address %p"
+ " index id %lu %lu,"
+ " node fold %lu, rec fold %lu\n",
+ (ulong) page_get_page_no(page),
+ node->data,
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)),
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(
+ btr_page_get_index_id(page)),
+ (ulong) node->fold,
+ (ulong) rec_fold((rec_t*)(node->data),
+ offsets,
+ block->curr_n_fields,
+ block->curr_n_bytes,
+ btr_page_get_index_id(
+ page)));
+ fputs("InnoDB: Record ", stderr);
+ rec_print_new(stderr, (rec_t*)node->data,
+ offsets);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nInnoDB: on that page."
+ " Page mem address %p, is hashed %lu,"
+ " n fields %lu, n bytes %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: side %lu\n",
+ (void*) page, (ulong) block->is_hashed,
+ (ulong) block->curr_n_fields,
+ (ulong) block->curr_n_bytes,
+ (ulong) block->curr_left_side);
+ if (n_page_dumps < 20) {
+ buf_page_print(page, 0);
+ n_page_dumps++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cell_count; i += chunk_size) {
+ ulint end_index = ut_min(i + chunk_size - 1, cell_count - 1);
+ /* We release btr_search_latch every once in a while to
+ give other queries a chance to run. */
+ if (i != 0) {
+ //buf_pool_mutex_exit();
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&page_hash_latch);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ os_thread_yield();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&btr_search_latch);
+ //buf_pool_mutex_enter();
+ rw_lock_x_lock(&page_hash_latch);
+ }
+ if (!ha_validate(btr_search_sys->hash_index, i, end_index)) {
+ ok = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ //buf_pool_mutex_exit();
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&page_hash_latch);
+ rw_lock_x_unlock(&btr_search_latch);
+ if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
+ mem_heap_free(heap);
+ }
+ return(ok);
+#endif /* defined UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || defined UNIV_DEBUG */