path: root/tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t
diff options
authorLorry <>2012-08-22 14:49:51 +0100
committerLorry <>2012-08-22 14:49:51 +0100
commita498da43c7fdb9f24b73680c02a4a3588cc62d9a (patch)
treedaf8119dae1749b5165b68033a1b23a7375ce9ce /tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t
Tarball conversion
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t b/tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62ca47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-bookmarks-pushpull.t
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ $ "$TESTDIR/hghave" serve || exit 80
+ $ hg init a
+ $ cd a
+ $ echo 'test' > test
+ $ hg commit -Am'test'
+ adding test
+set bookmarks
+ $ hg bookmark X
+ $ hg bookmark Y
+ $ hg bookmark Z
+import bookmark by name
+ $ hg init ../b
+ $ cd ../b
+ $ hg book Y
+ $ hg book
+ * Y -1:000000000000
+ $ hg pull ../a
+ pulling from ../a
+ requesting all changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+ updating bookmark Y
+ adding remote bookmark X
+ adding remote bookmark Z
+ (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
+ $ hg bookmarks
+ X 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 0:4e3505fd9583
+ $ hg debugpushkey ../a namespaces
+ bookmarks
+ phases
+ namespaces
+ $ hg debugpushkey ../a bookmarks
+ Y 4e3505fd95835d721066b76e75dbb8cc554d7f77
+ X 4e3505fd95835d721066b76e75dbb8cc554d7f77
+ Z 4e3505fd95835d721066b76e75dbb8cc554d7f77
+ $ hg pull -B X ../a
+ pulling from ../a
+ no changes found
+ importing bookmark X
+ $ hg bookmark
+ X 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 0:4e3505fd9583
+export bookmark by name
+ $ hg bookmark W
+ $ hg bookmark foo
+ $ hg bookmark foobar
+ $ hg push -B W ../a
+ pushing to ../a
+ searching for changes
+ no changes found
+ exporting bookmark W
+ [1]
+ $ hg -R ../a bookmarks
+ W -1:000000000000
+ X 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ * Z 0:4e3505fd9583
+delete a remote bookmark
+ $ hg book -d W
+ $ hg push -B W ../a
+ pushing to ../a
+ searching for changes
+ no changes found
+ deleting remote bookmark W
+ [1]
+push/pull name that doesn't exist
+ $ hg push -B badname ../a
+ pushing to ../a
+ searching for changes
+ no changes found
+ bookmark badname does not exist on the local or remote repository!
+ [2]
+ $ hg pull -B anotherbadname ../a
+ pulling from ../a
+ abort: remote bookmark anotherbadname not found!
+ [255]
+divergent bookmarks
+ $ cd ../a
+ $ echo c1 > f1
+ $ hg ci -Am1
+ adding f1
+ $ hg book -f X
+ $ hg book
+ * X 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ $ cd ../b
+ $ hg up
+ 1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+ updating bookmark foobar
+ $ echo c2 > f2
+ $ hg ci -Am2
+ adding f2
+ $ hg book -f X
+ $ hg book
+ * X 1:9b140be10808
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 0:4e3505fd9583
+ foo -1:000000000000
+ foobar 1:9b140be10808
+ $ hg pull --config foo
+ pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
+ searching for changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+ divergent bookmark X stored as X@foo
+ updating bookmark Z
+ (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
+ $ hg book
+ * X 1:9b140be10808
+ X@foo 2:0d2164f0ce0d
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 2:0d2164f0ce0d
+ foo -1:000000000000
+ foobar 1:9b140be10808
+ $ hg push -f ../a
+ pushing to ../a
+ searching for changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+ $ hg -R ../a book
+ * X 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ Y 0:4e3505fd9583
+ Z 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+update a remote bookmark from a non-head to a head
+ $ hg up -q Y
+ $ echo c3 > f2
+ $ hg ci -Am3
+ adding f2
+ created new head
+ $ hg push ../a
+ pushing to ../a
+ searching for changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
+ updating bookmark Y
+ $ hg -R ../a book
+ * X 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ Y 3:f6fc62dde3c0
+ Z 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+diverging a remote bookmark fails
+ $ hg up -q 4e3505fd9583
+ $ echo c4 > f2
+ $ hg ci -Am4
+ adding f2
+ created new head
+ $ hg book -f Y
+ $ cat <<EOF > ../a/.hg/hgrc
+ > [web]
+ > push_ssl = false
+ > allow_push = *
+ > EOF
+ $ hg -R ../a serve -p $HGPORT2 -d --pid-file=../
+ $ cat ../ >> $DAEMON_PIDS
+ $ hg push http://localhost:$HGPORT2/
+ pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT2/
+ searching for changes
+ abort: push creates new remote head 4efff6d98829!
+ (did you forget to merge? use push -f to force)
+ [255]
+ $ hg -R ../a book
+ * X 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ Y 3:f6fc62dde3c0
+ Z 1:0d2164f0ce0d
+ $ cat <<EOF > .hg/hgrc
+ > [web]
+ > push_ssl = false
+ > allow_push = *
+ > EOF
+ $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=../ -E errors.log
+ $ cat ../ >> $DAEMON_PIDS
+ $ cd ../a
+ $ hg debugpushkey http://localhost:$HGPORT/ namespaces
+ bookmarks
+ phases
+ namespaces
+ $ hg debugpushkey http://localhost:$HGPORT/ bookmarks
+ Y 4efff6d98829d9c824c621afd6e3f01865f5439f
+ foobar 9b140be1080824d768c5a4691a564088eede71f9
+ Z 0d2164f0ce0d8f1d6f94351eba04b794909be66c
+ foo 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+ X 9b140be1080824d768c5a4691a564088eede71f9
+ $ hg out -B http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ comparing with http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ searching for changed bookmarks
+ no changed bookmarks found
+ [1]
+ $ hg push -B Z http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ searching for changes
+ no changes found
+ exporting bookmark Z
+ [1]
+ $ hg book -d Z
+ $ hg in -B http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ comparing with http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ searching for changed bookmarks
+ Z 0d2164f0ce0d
+ foo 000000000000
+ foobar 9b140be10808
+ $ hg pull -B Z http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ no changes found
+ adding remote bookmark foobar
+ adding remote bookmark Z
+ adding remote bookmark foo
+ divergent bookmark X stored as X@1
+ importing bookmark Z
+ $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT/ cloned-bookmarks
+ requesting all changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 5 changesets with 5 changes to 3 files (+3 heads)
+ updating to branch default
+ 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+ $ hg -R cloned-bookmarks bookmarks
+ X 1:9b140be10808
+ Y 4:4efff6d98829
+ Z 2:0d2164f0ce0d
+ foo -1:000000000000
+ foobar 1:9b140be10808
+ $ cd ..
+Pushing a bookmark should only push the changes required by that
+bookmark, not all outgoing changes:
+ $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT/ addmarks
+ requesting all changes
+ adding changesets
+ adding manifests
+ adding file changes
+ added 5 changesets with 5 changes to 3 files (+3 heads)
+ updating to branch default
+ 2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+ $ cd addmarks
+ $ echo foo > foo
+ $ hg add foo
+ $ hg commit -m 'add foo'
+ $ echo bar > bar
+ $ hg add bar
+ $ hg commit -m 'add bar'
+ $ hg co "tip^"
+ 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+ $ hg book add-foo
+ $ hg book -r tip add-bar
+Note: this push *must* push only a single changeset, as that's the point
+of this test.
+ $ hg push -B add-foo
+ pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
+ searching for changes
+ remote: adding changesets
+ remote: adding manifests
+ remote: adding file changes
+ remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
+ exporting bookmark add-foo
+ $ cd ..