path: root/tests/
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1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fefb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# - tests for transparent command batching
+# Copyright 2011 Peter Arrenbrecht <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from mercurial.wireproto import localbatch, remotebatch, batchable, future
+# equivalent of repo.repository
+class thing(object):
+ def hello(self):
+ return "Ready."
+# equivalent of localrepo.localrepository
+class localthing(thing):
+ def foo(self, one, two=None):
+ if one:
+ return "%s and %s" % (one, two,)
+ return "Nope"
+ def bar(self, b, a):
+ return "%s und %s" % (b, a,)
+ def greet(self, name=None):
+ return "Hello, %s" % name
+ def batch(self):
+ '''Support for local batching.'''
+ return localbatch(self)
+# usage of "thing" interface
+def use(it):
+ # Direct call to base method shared between client and server.
+ print it.hello()
+ # Direct calls to proxied methods. They cause individual roundtrips.
+ print"Un", two="Deux")
+ print"Eins", "Zwei")
+ # Batched call to a couple of (possibly proxied) methods.
+ batch = it.batch()
+ # The calls return futures to eventually hold results.
+ foo ="One", two="Two")
+ foo2 =
+ bar ="Eins", "Zwei")
+ # We can call non-batchable proxy methods, but the break the current batch
+ # request and cause additional roundtrips.
+ greet = batch.greet(name="John Smith")
+ # We can also add local methods into the mix, but they break the batch too.
+ hello = batch.hello()
+ bar2 ="Uno", a="Due")
+ # Only now are all the calls executed in sequence, with as few roundtrips
+ # as possible.
+ batch.submit()
+ # After the call to submit, the futures actually contain values.
+ print foo.value
+ print foo2.value
+ print bar.value
+ print greet.value
+ print hello.value
+ print bar2.value
+# local usage
+mylocal = localthing()
+print "== Local"
+# demo remoting; mimicks what wireproto and HTTP/SSH do
+# shared
+def escapearg(plain):
+ return (plain
+ .replace(':', '::')
+ .replace(',', ':,')
+ .replace(';', ':;')
+ .replace('=', ':='))
+def unescapearg(escaped):
+ return (escaped
+ .replace(':=', '=')
+ .replace(':;', ';')
+ .replace(':,', ',')
+ .replace('::', ':'))
+# server side
+# equivalent of wireproto's global functions
+class server(object):
+ def __init__(self, local):
+ self.local = local
+ def _call(self, name, args):
+ args = dict(arg.split('=', 1) for arg in args)
+ return getattr(self, name)(**args)
+ def perform(self, req):
+ print "REQ:", req
+ name, args = req.split('?', 1)
+ args = args.split('&')
+ vals = dict(arg.split('=', 1) for arg in args)
+ res = getattr(self, name)(**vals)
+ print " ->", res
+ return res
+ def batch(self, cmds):
+ res = []
+ for pair in cmds.split(';'):
+ name, args = pair.split(':', 1)
+ vals = {}
+ for a in args.split(','):
+ if a:
+ n, v = a.split('=')
+ vals[n] = unescapearg(v)
+ res.append(escapearg(getattr(self, name)(**vals)))
+ return ';'.join(res)
+ def foo(self, one, two):
+ return mangle(, unmangle(two)))
+ def bar(self, b, a):
+ return mangle(, unmangle(a)))
+ def greet(self, name):
+ return mangle(self.local.greet(unmangle(name)))
+myserver = server(mylocal)
+# local side
+# equivalent of wireproto.encode/decodelist, that is, type-specific marshalling
+# here we just transform the strings a bit to check we're properly en-/decoding
+def mangle(s):
+ return ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 1) for c in s)
+def unmangle(s):
+ return ''.join(chr(ord(c) - 1) for c in s)
+# equivalent of wireproto.wirerepository and something like http's wire format
+class remotething(thing):
+ def __init__(self, server):
+ self.server = server
+ def _submitone(self, name, args):
+ req = name + '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (n, v) for n, v in args])
+ return self.server.perform(req)
+ def _submitbatch(self, cmds):
+ req = []
+ for name, args in cmds:
+ args = ','.join(n + '=' + escapearg(v) for n, v in args)
+ req.append(name + ':' + args)
+ req = ';'.join(req)
+ res = self._submitone('batch', [('cmds', req,)])
+ return res.split(';')
+ def batch(self):
+ return remotebatch(self)
+ @batchable
+ def foo(self, one, two=None):
+ if not one:
+ yield "Nope", None
+ encargs = [('one', mangle(one),), ('two', mangle(two),)]
+ encresref = future()
+ yield encargs, encresref
+ yield unmangle(encresref.value)
+ @batchable
+ def bar(self, b, a):
+ encresref = future()
+ yield [('b', mangle(b),), ('a', mangle(a),)], encresref
+ yield unmangle(encresref.value)
+ # greet is coded directly. It therefore does not support batching. If it
+ # does appear in a batch, the batch is split around greet, and the call to
+ # greet is done in its own roundtrip.
+ def greet(self, name=None):
+ return unmangle(self._submitone('greet', [('name', mangle(name),)]))
+# demo remote usage
+myproxy = remotething(myserver)
+print "== Remote"