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+In the first two installaments of this series
+I discussed how to read and process homogeneous records.
+In this final installment I will discuss non-homogeneous records and
+we will devise a small framework to convert text records into CSV, HTML,
+XML or other formats. *En passant*, I will discuss various object oriented
+techniques and patterns.
+.. figure::
+ :width: 300
+ Fig 1: object-oriented design
+A micro-framework to convert records into text
+It is well know that I am not a framework lower and there are certainly
+many Python programmers sharing this attitude, starting from Guido.
+Actually, my dislike of frameworks is inversely proportional to their
+size: I hate the mega-frameworks, I tolerate the medium-sized framework
+and I like enough the micro-frameworks. In this installment I will define
+a micro-framework to render non-homogeneous records into text. The
+framework is based on the `template pattern`_: in order to define a
+renderer class, the programmer inherits from a mother class ``RecordRenderer``
+and fills in the rendering methods: then the framework with automatically
+call them but without too much magic.
+This approach is acceptable only when the base class is simple: it is much
+less acceptable when you start already from a deep hierarchy. For me a
+hierarchy is deep if there are more than two levels: if looking at
+mother and children is not enough, and I am forced to look even and
+the grand-parent classes, the framework is already too complex.
+Inheritance-based frameworks have the tendency to go out of control,
+because it become natural to extend the hierarchy too much. In
+traditional object-oriented languages it is quite natural to use
+inheritance, but as I said elsewhere one should always keep in mind
+that alternative are always possible (a notable new language *without*
+inheritance is Go).
+Anyway, one should not fight the language she is using: in Python the
+`template pattern`_ is a perfectly reasonable approach.
+.. figure::
+ Fig 2: the *template pattern*
+To convert into text a non-homogenous
+record with *N* fields requires in general *N+1*
+functions: *N* functions to convert the fields and a function to convert
+the full record. It is natural to group the needed functions as method
+of a renderer class: the *N* field-associated rendering functions will
+be methods converting values into strings, whereas the *N+1* function
+will be a ``.render`` method converting the record of strings so obtained
+into a single string. We will use a base class called ``RecordRendererABC``,
+where the ABC suffix means *Abstract Base Class*.
+I should point out that an Abstract Base Class in Python can provide
+concrete methods to its subclasses and therefore the meaning of ABC
+in Python is different than in C++/Java: a Python ABC is a mixin class,
+which can provide implementation; it is not necessarily pure interface.
+For instance, suppose we want to convert an Article record
+ ``Article = namedtuple("Article", "title author pubdate")``
+into CSV format.
+How do we proceed? First of all we define a suitable subclass of
+Notice that ``CSVArticleRenderer`` defines a ``.schema`` class
+attribute, a namedtuple containing the names of the rendering methods.
+In this example both title and author are converted by using the ``.str``
+method, inherited from the base class, whereas the publication date
+is converted by using the ``.isodate`` method, which is defined
+directly in the ``CSVArticleRenderer`` class.
+The ``.render`` method is inherited and converts the input namedtuple
+into a string by converting into strings the fields with the corresponding
+methods and by joining the results, using a comma as separator.
+Here is an example:
+ >>> a = Article("test title", "test author", datetime(2008, 05, 15))
+ >>> r = CSVArticleRenderer(a)
+The ``.render`` method works as expected:
+ >>> print r.render()
+ test title,test author,2008-05-15
+By default the separator (``delimiter``) is set to the empty string ''.
+This is useful for implementing different renderers. For instance,
+suppose we want to define a renderer converting the articles into HTML
+format. Suppose we defined three CSS classes ``title``, ``author`` and
+``pubdate`` to visualize the different fields in different ways, for
+instance with different colors. We could define a renderer using the
+CSS classes as follows:
+Here is how the renderer works:
+ >>> r = HTMLArticleRenderer(a)
+ >>> print r.render()
+ <span class="title">test title</span>
+ <span class="author">test author</span>
+ <span class="pubdate">2008-05-15</span>
+Design notes
+Having discussed the usage of the framework, it is now the time to
+discuss the implementation of the base class and the reasons for the
+design choices I made.
+Here is the source code for ``RecordRendererABC``:
+Let me start from the constructor. The ``__init__`` methods accepts in input
+a single argument, a sequence with length equal to the length of the schema.
+The input sequence *is not required to be a namedtuple*: there is no type check
+such as ``isinstance(input, self.schema.__class__)``.
+A type check here would be a design mistake, since it would restrict without
+reason the field of applicability of the renderer and it would force
+the users to use type converted without need. The only requirement for
+the ``input`` object is that ``zip(self.schema, input)`` must not raise
+an exception: in other words, it is enough that ``input`` had the right
+Actually ``zip(self.schema, input)`` would not raise an error even if
+``input`` had a different length. This is potentially dangerous.
+For instance, imagine that for some reason (say a programmer error)
+we passed a sequence of length zero: then ``zip(self.schema, input)``
+would silently return an empty list. Since *errors should never pass silently*,
+I decided to add a check on the length: in this way if there is an error
+we see it immediately, at instantiation time, and not too late,
+when we start iterating on the renderer. It is always better to discover
+errors early.
+On the other hand, it is best to not exaggerate with the checks. For instance,
+if ``.input`` is a list, it is theoretically possible for an evil programmer
+to modify the list *after* instantiation, by adding or removing elements.
+Then ``zip(self.schema, input)`` could behave in an unexpected way.
+However, there is no way to protect against evil (or just bad) programmers.
+Even if we replaced ``.input`` with a tuple, which is immutable, its
+size could always be changes, simply by overriding the ``.input``
+attribute after instantiation.
+The Python way is to limit the checks to the one dictated from common
+sense, intended to limit accidental errors which are likely to happen:
+for the rest, the attitude is to trust the user. Checks motivated by
+paranoia and lack of trust in the user are not to be introduced, since
+in a dynamic language the user can do whenever she wants anyway.
+The attitude is mutuated from the `spirit of C`_ (*trust the programmer*).
+According to this maxim I decided not to add additional checks.
+In special cases (for instance if you are implementing a subclass of
+``RecordRendererABC`` which requires for ``.input`` to be a record)
+it may be sensible to introduce some additional check. For instance
+you may want to ensure that ``.input`` be a record with the right
+fields. However, even in this case it is best not to introduce a
+type check like
+``isinstance(input, self.schema.__class__)``; you can instead
+use a lighter check like ``input._fields == self.schema.fields``:
+in this way any object with the right fields would be accepted,
+not use a namedtuple. The basic idea is to follow the
+`duck typing`_ principle: don't be too picky and
+accept as good anything with the needed
+In this logic you may want to enlarge even more the field of
+acceptable objects: for instance a dictionary-like object
+with the right keys could act as a substitute for a record.
+We could implement such feature by adding an ``if`` in the
+``__init__`` method, by introducing a special case when the input object
+is a dictionary. But that would be bad programming: the point of object
+oriented programming is to avoid ``ifs`` and to replace them with methods.
+In our example, we should remember that Python provides a *classmethod*
+construct, which *raison d'etre* is exactly to manage this use case:
+it allows the programmer to define alternate constructors, without
+the need for complicating the ``__init__`` method. Using alternate
+constructors is called `factory method pattern`_ and it is one of
+the basic techniques of OOP. The advantages are clear, expecially
+in terms of simplicity and easy of maintenance, but also from the
+point of view of code reuse and extensibility.
+.. figure::
+ Fig 3: the *factory method pattern*
+In our example dictionaries are rendered through the ``.frommap``
+ >>> r = CSVArticleRenderer.frommap(dict(
+ ... title="test title", author="test author",
+ ... pubdate=datetime(2008, 05, 15)))
+There is also a ``.fromobj`` classmethod accepting in input any
+object with a set of attributes which is a superset (proper or
+improper) of the schema's attributes. This is pure *duck typing*.
+If the object lacks an attribute, we will get an ``AttributeError``
+at instantiation time, an absolutely clear and telling error message;
+on the other hand, if the object has enough attributes, it will be
+automatically converted into a namedtuple.
+The base class also defines the special methods ``__iter__`` and ``__len__``:
+therefore each rendered instance is a sequence of fixed length and can be
+passed in input to another renderer. In other words, renderers are
+composable in the functional sense.
+Renderers are actually homogeneous records with fields which are strings
+and can be passed to the ``HtmlTable`` object defined in the previous
+installment. It is trivial to convert a rendered into a list of strings:
+thanks to the ``__iter__`` method, ``list(renderer)`` works as expected
+(idem for ``tuple(renderer)`` and ``len(renderer)``). `list``, ``tuple`` and
+``len`` are actually builtin generic functions which play well with
+*duck typing* and are definible for any custom object.
+It was good to discuss what was implemented into ``RecordRendererABC``;
+it is also interesting to discuss what was *not* implemented.
+In particular, I did not implement the renderers are namedtuples.
+I wanted to avoid the *blob* antipattern_, when you have a class which
+is everything to everybody. I wanted to keep namedtuples simple, without
+adding any methods to them: renderers are logically an independent concept,
+even if they can be converted into namedtuples, being iterable.
+.. figure::
+ :width: 350
+ Fig 4: the *blob antipattern*
+I did define ``CSVArticleRenderer`` and ``HTMLArticleRenderer`` as
+subclasses of ``RecordRendererABC``. An alternate design could have
+introduced different abstract intermediate subclasses, depending on the output
+format: for instance ``CSVRecordRenderer``, ``HTMLRecordRenderer``,
+``XMLRecordRenderer``, etc. However I have decided of following strictly
+the rule that *flat is better than nested*, and to keep the hierachies
+as short as possible.
+Actually in Python 2.6+ one could define three abstract interfaces
+``CSVRecordRenderer``, ``HTMLRecordRenderer`` and ``XMLRecordRenderer``
+and one could register her concrete classes with such interfaces: this
+can be done without using inheritance and by keeping the hierarchy flat.
+.. _spirit of C:
+.. _duck typing:
+.. _factory method pattern:
+.. _antipattern:
+.. _template pattern:
+import os, cgi
+from datetime import datetime
+from tabular_data import headtail
+from collections import namedtuple
+# in Python 2.6 use abstractmethod, abstractproperty instead
+class notimplemented(object):
+ "Descriptor raising a meaningful error message for nonoverridden attributes"
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.message = message
+ def __get__(self, obj, objcls=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError(self.message)
+class RecordRendererABC(object):
+ schema = () # a namedtuple specifying the names of the converters
+ delimiter = ''
+ @classmethod
+ def frommap(cls, kw):
+ return cls(cls.schema.__class__(**kw))
+ @classmethod
+ def fromobj(cls, obj):
+ Schema = cls.schema.__class__
+ nt = Schema._make(getattr(obj, field) for field in Schema._fields)
+ return cls(nt)
+ def __init__(self, input):
+ li, ls = len(input), len(self)
+ if li != ls:
+ raise TypeError('%s has %d fields, expected %d' % (input, li, ls))
+ self.input = input
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for convertername, value in zip(self.schema, self.input):
+ yield getattr(self, convertername)(value)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.schema)
+ def str(self, value):
+ return str(value)
+ def render(self):
+ return self.delimiter.join(self)
+Article = namedtuple("Article", "title author pubdate")
+class CSVArticleRenderer(RecordRendererABC):
+ schema = Article("str", "str", "isodate")
+ delimiter = ','
+ def isodate(self, date):
+ return date.isoformat()[:10]
+class HTMLArticleRenderer(RecordRendererABC):
+ schema = Article(title='title', author='author', pubdate="pubdate")
+ delimiter = '\n'
+ def title(self, title):
+ return '<span class="title">%s</span>' % cgi.escape(title)
+ def author(self, author):
+ return '<span class="author">%s</span>' % cgi.escape(author)
+ def pubdate(self, date):
+ return '<span class="pubdate">%s</span>' % date.isoformat()[:10]
+# todo: xml.escape
+def to_xml(ntuple):
+ name = ntuple.__class__.__name__
+ xml = ['<%s>' % name]
+ for i, field in enumerate(ntuple._fields):
+ xml.append("<%s>%s</%s>" % (field, ntuple[i], field))
+ xml.append('</%s>' % name)
+ return os.linesep.join(xml)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest; doctest.testmod()
+ HTMLArticleRenderer.fromobj(Article("a",'b',