path: root/artima/scheme/
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1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/artima/scheme/ b/artima/scheme/
index 6d9ee27..c961633 100644
--- a/artima/scheme/
+++ b/artima/scheme/
@@ -1,2 +1,163 @@
+Working around phase separation
+I have always hated being force to put my helper functions in an
+auxiliary module, because I often use auxiliary functions which
+are intended to be used only once inside a given macro, thus
+it makes sense to put those auxiliary functions *in the same
+module* as the macro the are used in.
+In principle you could solve the problem by definining all the
+functions *inside* the macro, but I hate this, both for dogmatic
+reasons (it is a Pythonista dogma that *flat is better than nested*)
+and for pragmatic reasons, i.e. I want to be able to debug my
+helper functions and this is impossible if they are hidden inside
+the macro. They must be available at the top-level. Moreover, you
+never know, and a functionality which was intended for use in a specific
+macro my turn useful for another macro after all, and it is much
+more convenient if the functionality is already encapsulated in
+a nice exportable top level function.
+I am not the only to believe that it should be possible to define
+helper functions in the same module as the macro and actually
+many Scheme implementations provide a way to do so via a
+``define-for-syntax`` form which allows to define function
+at *expand time*, so that they are available for usage in macros.
+If your Scheme does not provide ``define-for-syntax``, which is not
+part of the R6RS specification, you can still work around phase
+separation with some clever hack. For instance, you could
+use the following macro:
+The problem with auxiliary macros
+The most common manifestation of phase separation is the problem
+with auxiliary functions we have just discussed. In general however,
+there is the same problem for any identifier which is used in the
+right hand side of a macro definition. There is however a subtility
+with auxiliary macros.
+In systems with strong phase separation, like
+PLT Scheme and Larceny, auxiliary macros
+are not special, and they behave as auxiliary functions: you
+must put them into a separare module and you must import them
+with ``(for (only (module) helper-macro) expand)`` before using them.
+In system with weak phase separation, like Ikarus, or without
+phase separation, like Ypsilon, *there is no need to put auxiliary
+macros in an external module.* The reason is that all macro
+definitions are read at the same time, and the compiler knows
+about the helper macros, so it can use them. Systems with
+strong phase separation are effectively using different namespaces
+for each phase.
+Let me make an example. Suppose you wanted to define the macros
+``define-ct`` and ``alist`` in the same module:
+.. code-block:: scheme
+ (import (rnrs) (sweet-macros))
+ (def-syntax (alist arg ...)
+ <code here> ...)
+ (def-syntax (define-ct kw (define name value) ...)
+ #'(def-syntax kw
+ (let ((a (alist (name value) ...)))
+ <more code here> ...)))
+In Ikarus that would be perfectly possible: the first syntax
+definition would add a binding fro ``alist`` to the compile time
+namespace, so that it would be seen by the second syntax definition.
+In PLT and Larceny, instead,
+since the second ``def-syntax`` would still
+see the standard R6RS environment - supplemented by the bindings
+defined in ``sweet-macros`` - and would not see the binding for
+``alist``: the net result is that you would get an error,
+This is a precise design choice: systems with strong phase
+separation are making the life harder for programmers,
+by forcing them to put auxiliary macros (and functions)
+in auxiliary modules, to keep absolute control on how the
+names enter in the different phases and to make possible
+to use different languages at different phases.
+I have yet to see a convincing example of why keeping
+different languages at different phases is worth
+the annoyance.
+Compile time module systems versus runtime module systems
+Since the title of this series is "The Adventures of a Pythonista in
+Schemeland" I have decided to begin my escursion of the R6RS module
+system by contrasting it with Python module system.
+Python modules are runtime objects which can be introspected
+(they are basically dictionaries); Scheme modules instead are
+compile time entities which are not first class objects, and cannot
+be introspected. It is not difficult to implement a Python-like
+module system in Scheme, by making use of hash-tables (the equivalent
+of Python dictionaries): let me begin by performing this exercise,
+to make clear what a runtime module system is and to contrast it
+with the compile time module system than Scheme is actually using.
+The trick to define a module object is to collect all the definitions
+(for simplicity let me consider only ``define`` forms) into a hashtable
+Implementing a first class module system
+(import (rnrs) (sweet-macros) (for (aps lang) expand) (aps compat))
+(define sentinel (gensym))
+(def-syntax (hash-lambda h)
+ (syntax-match ()
+ (sub ())))
+;; I would write the module system over alists
+(define (alist->hash a)
+ (define h (make-eq-hashtable))
+ (for-each (lambda (x) (hashtable-set! h (car x) (cadr x))) a)
+ (case-lambda
+ (() h)
+ ((name) (hashtable-ref h name sentinel))))
+(def-syntax (module-object def ...)
+ (: with-syntax (name ...) (map get-name-from-define #'(def ...))
+ #'(let ()
+ def ...
+ (alist->hash (list (list 'name name) ...)))))
+(display (syntax-expand (module-object
+ (define a 1)
+ (define (f) a))))
+(define mod1
+ (module-object
+ (define a 1)
+ (define (f) a)))
+(display (mod1 'a))
+(display ((mod1 'f)))
+;(define mod1 (alist (a 1) (f (lambda () a))))
+(define-ct example
+ (define x 1)
+ (define y (* x 2)))
+(pretty-print (syntax-expand
+(define-ct example
+ (define x 1)
+ (define y (* x 2)))))
+(display (list (example x) (example y)))