path: root/artima/scheme/
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diff --git a/artima/scheme/ b/artima/scheme/
index bf24676..0994c23 100644
--- a/artima/scheme/
+++ b/artima/scheme/
@@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ that, the *same* implementation can implement phase separation *differently*
in compiled code and in interpreted code, and/or differently in the REPL
and in scripts!
+If you have a macro depending on helper functions, like
+the previous one, you must put the helper functions in a separated
+module if you want to ensure portability. Moreover, you must
+import the helper functions with the syntax ``(for (module-name) expand)``
+meaning that the helper functions are intended to be used at expand
+time, in macros. Ikarus is quite forgiving and can just use a regular
+import, but PLT Scheme and Larceny will raise an error if you do not
+use the ``for expand``. A full description of the module system, with
+all the gory details, will require six more episodes, and will constitute
+part V of these *Adventures*.
Consider for instance this example in Ypsilon, which tries to implement
a macro registry:
@@ -44,20 +57,6 @@ simply recognized in the order given by their position in the source code.
In our example the ``register`` function comes before the ``m`` macro,
so it can be used in the right hand side of the macro definition.
-Life is different when you have a Scheme implementation supporting phase
-separation, which means most Scheme implementations. For such implementations
-macro definitions are taken in consideration
-*before* function definitions, independently from their relative
-position in the source code. Therefore our example fails to compile
-since the ``m`` macro makes use of the ``register`` function which is
-*not yet defined* at the time the macro is considered, i.e. at compilation
-time. The only way to make available a function defined
-at runtime at compilation time is to define the function in a different
-module and to import it in the original module.
-This is enough to solve the problem for Ikarus, which has *weak phase
-separation*, but it is not enough for PLT Scheme or Larceny, which have
-*strong phase separation*.
An example will clarify the point. Suppose we define a registry module
as follows
@@ -136,84 +135,7 @@ However, I do not want to
complicate the explanation of phase separation now, which is already
complicated as it is, so let me defer a full explanation of this point
to a future episode of my *Adventures*.
-Is phase separation a good thing?
-It is clear that for the programmer's point of view, the simplest thing
-is lack of phase separation. This is the semantic typically (but now
-always) chosen by Scheme interpreters and REPLs: as soon as you type
-it in, an helper function is available for use in macros.
-If you look at it with honesty, at the end phase separation is
-nothing else that a *performance hack*: by separing compilation time
-from runtime you can perform some computation at compilation time only
-and gain performance.
-Therefore, if you have a compiled version of Scheme,
-it makes sense to separate compilation time from runtime, and to
-expand macros *before* compiling the helper functions (in absence of
-phase separation, macros are still expanded before running any runtime
-code, but *after* recognizing the helper functions).
-Notice that Scheme has a concept of *macro expansion time* which is
-valid even for interpreted implementation when there is no compilation
-time. The `expansion process`_ of Scheme source code is specified in
-the R6RS.
-There is still the question if strong phase separation is a good thing,
-or if weak phase separation (as in Ikarus) is enough. For the programmer
-weak phase separation is easier, since he does not need to specify
-the phase in which he want to import names. Strong phase separation
-has been introduced so that at compile time a language which is
-completely different from the language you use at runtime. In particular
-you could decided to use in macros a subset of the full R6RS language.
-Suppose for instance you are a teacher, and you want to force your
-students to write their macros using only a functional subset of Scheme.
-You could then import at compile time all R6RS procedures except the
-nonfunctional ones (like ``set!``) while keeping import at runtime
-the whole R6RS. You could even perform the opposite, and remove ``set!``
-from the runtime, but allowing it at compile time.
-Therefore strong phase separation is strictly more powerful than week
-phase separation, since it gives you more control. In Ikarus, when
-you import a name in your module, the name is imported in all phases,
-and there is nothing you can do about it.
-On the other hand strong phase separation makes everything more complicated:
-it is somewhat akin to the introduction of multiple namespace, because
-the same name can be imported in a given phase and not in another,
-and that can lead to confusion.
-There are people in the Scheme community thinking that strong phase
-separation is a mistake, and that weak phase separation is the right thing
-to do. On the other side people (especially from the PLT community where
-all this originated) sing the virtues of strong phase separation and say
-all good things about it. I personally I have not seen a compelling
-use case for strong phase separation yet, and I would be happy is
-some of my readers could give me such an example.
-On the other hand, I am well known for preferring simplicity over
-(unneeded) power.
-.. _expansion process:
(import (rnrs) (sweet-macros) (aps list-utils) (aps easy-test) (aps compat)
(for (aps lang) expand run))
-(def-syntax (alist2 arg ...)
- (: with-syntax ((name value) ...) (normalize #'(arg ...))
- (if (for-all identifier? #'(name ...))
- #'(let* ((name value) ...)
- (list (list 'name name) ...))
- (syntax-violation 'alist "Found non identifier" #'(name ...)
- (remp identifier? #'(name ...))))))
- (let ((a 1))
- (test "mixed"
- (alist2 a (b (* 2 a)))
- '((a 1) (b 2))))
- )