path: root/plac/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plac/')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/plac/ b/plac/
index 84bf91a..37051fe 100644
--- a/plac/
+++ b/plac/
@@ -1,103 +1,478 @@
# this module requires Python 2.5+
from __future__ import with_statement
-import os, sys, cmd, shlex, traceback
+from operator import attrgetter
+import imp, inspect, os, sys, cmd, shlex, subprocess
+import itertools, traceback, time, select, multiprocessing, signal
import plac_core
-def cmd_interface(obj):
- "Returns a cmd.Cmd wrapper over the command container"
- i = Interpreter(obj)
- def default(self, line):
- print(i.send(line))
- dic = dict(preloop=lambda self: i.__enter__(),
- postloop=lambda self: i.__exit__(),
- do_EOF=lambda self, line: True,
- default=default,
- intro=getattr(i, 'intro', None))
- for command in obj.commands:
- method = getattr(obj, command)
- def do_func(self, line, command=command):
- print(i.send(command + ' ' + line))
- do_func.__doc__ = method.__doc__
- do_func.__name__ = method.__name__
- dic['do_' + command] = do_func
- clsname = '_%s_' % obj.__class__.__name__
- cls = type(clsname, (cmd.Cmd, object), dic)
- return cls()
+############################# generic utils ################################
+def write(x):
+ "Write str(x) on stdout and flush, no newline added"
+ sys.stdout.write(str(x))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def gen_val(value):
+ "Return a generator object with a single element"
+ yield value
+def gen_exc(etype, exc, tb):
+ "Return a generator object raising an exception"
+ raise etype, exc, tb
+ yield
+def less(text):
+ "Send a text to less via a pipe"
+ # -c clear the screen before starting less
+ po = subprocess.Popen(['less', '-c'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ try:
+ po.stdin.write(text)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ po.stdin.close()
+ po.wait()
+use_less = (sys.platform != 'win32') # unices
-def _getoutputs(lines, intlist):
- "helper used in parse_doctest"
- for i, start in enumerate(intlist[:-1]):
- end = intlist[i + 1]
- yield '\n'.join(lines[start+1:end])
+########################### import management ################################
-class Output(tuple):
+ PLACDIRS = os.environ.get('PLACPATH', '.').split(':')
+ raise ValueError('Ill-formed PLACPATH: got %PLACPATHs' % os.environ)
+def import_main(path, *args, **pconf):
- The output returned by the .send method of an Interpreter object.
- Contains the output string (or None if there is an exception)
- and the exception information (exception type, exception, traceback).
+ An utility to import the main function of a plac tool. It also
+ works with tool factories, if you pass the arguments.
- def __new__(cls, outstr, etype, exc, tb):
- self = tuple.__new__(cls, (outstr, etype, exc, tb))
- self.str = outstr
- self.etype = etype
- self.exc = exc
- self.tb = tb
- return self
+ if not os.path.isabs(path): # relative path, look at PLACDIRS
+ for placdir in PLACDIRS:
+ fullpath = os.path.join(placdir, path)
+ if os.path.exists(fullpath):
+ break
+ else: # no break
+ raise ImportError('Cannot find %s', path)
+ else:
+ fullpath = path
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fullpath))
+ tool = imp.load_module(name, open(fullpath), fullpath, (ext, 'U', 1)).main
+ if args:
+ cmd, tool = plac_core.parser_from(tool).consume(args)
+ elif inspect.isclass(tool):
+ tool = tool() # instantiate it
+ vars(tool).update(pconf)
+ plac_core.parser_from(tool) # raise a TypeError if not
+ return tool
+######################## Tasks management ##########################
+class TerminatedProcess(Exception):
+ pass
+def terminatedProcess(signum, frame):
+ raise TerminatedProcess
+class Task(object):
+ """
+ A task is a wrapper over a generator object with signature
+ Task(no, arglist, genobj), attributes
+ .no
+ .arglist
+ .outlist
+ .str
+ .etype
+ .exc
+ .tb
+ .status
+ and methods .run and .kill.
+ """
+ synchronous = True # may be overridden in subclasses
+ def __init__(self, no, arglist, genobj):
+ = no
+ self.arglist = arglist
+ self._genobj = self._wrap(genobj)
+ self.str, self.etype, self.exc, self.tb = '*', None, None, None
+ self.status = 'SUBMITTED'
+ self.outlist = []
+ def _wrap(self, genobj, stringify_tb=False):
+ """
+ Wrap the genobj into a generator managing the exceptions,
+ populating the .outlist, setting the .status and yielding None.
+ """
+ self.status = 'RUNNING'
+ try:
+ for value in genobj:
+ if value is not None:
+ self.outlist.append(value)
+ yield
+ except (GeneratorExit, TerminatedProcess): # soft termination
+ self.status = 'KILLED'
+ except: # unexpect exception
+ self.etype, self.exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ self.tb = self.traceback if stringify_tb else tb
+ # needed when sending the traceback to a process
+ self.status = 'ABORTED'
+ else: # regular exit
+ self.status = 'FINISHED'
+ self.str = '\n'.join(map(str, self.outlist))
+ def run(self):
+ "Run the inner generator"
+ for none in self._genobj:
+ pass
+ def kill(self):
+ "Kill softly the task by closing the inner generator"
+ self._genobj.close()
+ def wait(self):
+ "Wait for the task to finish: overridden in MPTask"
def __str__(self):
"Returns the output string or the error message"
- if self.str is None: # there was an error
+ if self.etype: # there was an error
return '%s: %s' % (self.etype.__name__, self.exc)
return self.str
+ @property
+ def traceback(self):
+ if self.tb is None:
+ return ''
+ elif isinstance(self.tb, basestring):
+ return self.tb
+ else:
+ return ''.join(traceback.format_tb(self.tb))
+class TaskManager(object):
+ specialcommands = set(['_help', '_kill', '_list', '_output', '_last_tb'])
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ self.obj = obj
+ self._extract_commands_from(obj)
+ self.registry = {} # {taskno : task}
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminatedProcess)
+ def _extract_commands_from(self, obj):
+ "Make sure self has the right command attributes"
+ for attrname in ('commands', 'asyncommands', 'mpcommands'):
+ try:
+ sequence = getattr(obj, attrname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ sequence = []
+ if not isinstance(sequence, set):
+ sequence = set(sequence)
+ setattr(self, attrname, sequence)
+ self.commands.update(self.asyncommands, self.mpcommands)
+ for cmd in self.commands:
+ setattr(self, cmd, getattr(obj, cmd))
+ if self.commands:
+ self.commands.update(self.specialcommands)
+ self.add_help = False
+ def run_task(self, task):
+ "Run the task and update the registry"
+ if not task.synchronous:
+ self.registry[] = task
+ def close(self):
+ "Kill all the running tasks"
+ for task in self.registry.itervalues():
+ if task.status == 'RUNNING':
+ task.kill()
+ task.wait()
+ def _get_latest(self, taskno=-1, status=None, synchronous=False):
+ "Get the latest submitted task from the registry"
+ assert taskno < 0, 'You must pass a negative number'
+ if status:
+ tasks = [t for t in self.registry.itervalues()
+ if t.status == status and t.synchronous == synchronous]
+ else:
+ tasks = [t for t in self.registry.itervalues()
+ if t.synchronous == synchronous]
+ tasks.sort(key=attrgetter('no'))
+ if len(tasks) >= abs(taskno):
+ return tasks[taskno]
+ ########################### special commands #########################
+ @plac_core.annotations(
+ taskno=('task to kill', 'positional', None, int))
+ def _kill(self, taskno=-1):
+ 'kill the given task (-1 to kill the latest running task)'
+ if taskno < 0:
+ task = self._get_latest(taskno, status='RUNNING')
+ if task is None:
+ yield 'Nothing to kill'
+ return
+ elif not taskno in self.registry:
+ yield 'Unknown task %d' % taskno
+ return
+ else:
+ task = self.registry[taskno]
+ if task.status in ('ABORTED', 'KILLED', 'FINISHED'):
+ yield 'Already finished %s' % task
+ return
+ task.kill()
+ yield 'Killed task %s' % task
+ @plac_core.annotations(
+ status=('list of tasks with a given status', 'positional',
+ None, str, Task.STATES))
+ def _list(self, status='RUNNING'):
+ 'list tasks with a given status'
+ for task in self.registry.values():
+ if task.status == status:
+ yield task
+ @plac_core.annotations(
+ taskno=('task number', 'positional', None, int))
+ def _output(self, taskno=-1):
+ 'show the output of a given task'
+ if taskno < 0:
+ task = self._get_latest(taskno)
+ if task is None:
+ yield 'Nothing to show'
+ return
+ elif taskno not in self.registry:
+ yield 'Unknown task %d' % taskno
+ return
+ else:
+ task = self.registry[taskno]
+ outstr = '\n'.join(task.outlist)
+ yield task
+ if len(task.outlist) > 20 and use_less:
+ less(outstr)
+ else:
+ yield outstr
+ def _last_tb(self):
+ task = self._get_latest(synchronous=True)
+ yield task.traceback + '\n'
+ def _help(self, cmd=None):
+ yield cmd_help(self.obj.asyncommands)
+ #yield self.p.format_help()
+######################## Process management ##########################
+def sharedattr(name):
+ "Return a property to be attached to an object with a .ns attribute"
+ def get(self):
+ return getattr(self.ns, name)
+ def set(self, value):
+ setattr(self.ns, name, value)
+ return property(get, set)
+class MPTask(Task):
+ """
+ A task running as an external process. The current implementation
+ only works on Unix-like systems, where multiprocessing use forks.
+ """
+ synchronous = False
+ _mp_manager = None
+ str = sharedattr('str')
+ etype = sharedattr('etype')
+ exc = sharedattr('exc')
+ tb = sharedattr('tb')
+ status = sharedattr('status')
+ def __init__(self, no, arglist, genobj):
+ if self.__class__._mp_manager is None: # the first time
+ self.__class__._mp_manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ = no
+ self.arglist = arglist
+ self.outlist = self._mp_manager.list()
+ self.ns = self._mp_manager.Namespace()
+ self.str, self.etype, self.exc, self.tb = None, None, None, None
+ self.status = 'SUBMITTED'
+ self._genobj = self._wrap(genobj, stringify_tb=True)
+ self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=super(MPTask, self).run)
+ def run(self):
+ "Run the task into an external process"
+ self.proc.start()
+ def wait(self):
+ "Block until the external process ends"
+ self.proc.join()
+ def kill(self):
+ """Kill the process with a SIGTERM inducing a TerminatedProcess
+ exception in the children"""
+ self.proc.terminate()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '<%s %d [%s] %s>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,,
+ ' '.join(self.arglist), self.status)
+class SyncProcess(subprocess.Popen):
+ "Start the interpreter specified by the params in a subprocess"
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ code = '''import plac
+plac.Interpreter(plac.import_main(*%s), prompt='i>\\n').interact()
+''' % params
+ subprocess.Popen.__init__(
+ self, [sys.executable, '-u', '-c', code],
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ def close(self):
+ self.stdin.close()
+ self.stdout.close()
+ def recv(self): # char-by-char cannot work
+ "Return the output of the subprocess, line-by-line until the prompt"
+ lines = []
+ while True:
+ lines.append(self.stdout.readline())
+ if lines[-1] == 'i>\n':
+ out = ''.join(lines)
+ return out[:-1] + ' ' # remove last newline
+ def send(self, line):
+ "Send a line (adding a newline) to the subprocess"
+ self.stdin.write(line + os.linesep)
+ return self.recv()
+############################# asynchronous utilities #########################
+# eventloop inspired to monocle (
+class EventLoop(object):
+ """
+ A trivial event loop with a monocle-consistent interface, i.e. methods
+ queue_task, run and halt.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._running = True
+ self._queue = []
+ def queue_task(self, delay, callable, *args, **kw):
+ when = time.time() + delay
+ self._queue.append((when, callable, args, kw))
+ self._queue.sort(reverse=True) # the last is the most recent
+ def run(self):
+ while self._running:
+ if self._queue: # there is always the select in queue
+ when = self._queue[-1][0]
+ if when <= time.time():
+ task = self._queue.pop()
+ task[1](*task[2], **task[3])
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ def halt(self):
+ self._running = False
+class AsynTask(Task):
+ "Lightweight wrapper over a generator running into an event loop"
+ synchronous = False
+ eventloop = EventLoop()
+ delay = 0
+ def run(self):
+ "Run the asyntask inside an eventloop"
+ eventloop = self.eventloop
+ delay = self.delay
+ def next_and_reschedule(): # unless stop iteration
+ try:
+ except StopIteration: # error management inside _wrap
+ return
+ eventloop.queue_task(delay, next_and_reschedule)
+ eventloop.queue_task(delay, next_and_reschedule)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '<%s %d [%s] %s>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,,
+ ' '.join(self.arglist), self.status)
+########################### the Interpreter #############################
class Interpreter(object):
A context manager with a .send method and a few utility methods:
execute, test and doctest.
- def __init__(self, obj, commentchar='#'):
+ counter = itertools.count(1)
+ def __init__(self, obj, commentchar='#', prompt='i> ',
+ loop=AsynTask.eventloop):
self.obj = obj
self.commentchar = commentchar
- self.interpreter = None
- self.p = plac_core.parser_from(obj)
+ self.prompt = prompt
+ self.eventloop = loop
+ = TaskManager(obj)
+ try:
+ self.p = plac_core.parser_from(obj)
+ except TypeError: # obj is not callable
+ self.p = plac_core.parser_from(
self.p.error = lambda msg: sys.exit(msg) # patch the parser
+ self._interpreter = None
def __enter__(self):
- self.interpreter = self._make_interpreter()
- self.interpreter.send(None)
+ self._interpreter = self._make_interpreter()
+ self._interpreter.send(None)
return self
- def send(self, line):
- "Send a line to the underlying interpreter and return an Output object"
- if self.interpreter is None:
+ def maketask(self, line):
+ "Send a line to the underlying interpreter and return a task object"
+ if self._interpreter is None:
raise RuntimeError('%r not initialized: probably you forgot to '
'use the with statement' % self)
- return self.interpreter.send(line)
+ if isinstance(line, basestring):
+ arglist = shlex.split(line, self.commentchar)
+ else:
+ arglist = line
+ return self._interpreter.send(arglist)
+ def send(self, line):
+ "Send a line to the underlying interpreter and return the result"
+ task = self.maketask(line)
+ # blocking
+ return task
def close(self):
- self.interpreter.close()
+ "Can be called to close the interpreter prematurely"
+ self._interpreter.close()
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def _make_interpreter(self):
+ "The interpreter main loop, from lists of arguments to task objects"
enter = getattr(self.obj, '__enter__', lambda : None)
exit = getattr(self.obj, '__exit__', lambda et, ex, tb: None)
- output = None
+ task = None
- while True:
- line = yield output
- arglist = shlex.split(line, self.commentchar)
+ for no in itertools.count(1):
+ arglist = yield task
- lines =, arglist)
- except:
- output = Output(None, *sys.exc_info())
- else:
- if not hasattr(lines, '__iter__'):
- raise TypeError('Expected a sequence, got %r' % lines)
- s = os.linesep.join(map(str, lines))
- output = Output(s, None, None, None)
+ cmd, result = self.p.consume(arglist)
+ except: # i.e. SystemExit for invalid command
+ task = Task(no, arglist, gen_exc(*sys.exc_info()))
+ continue
+ if not plac_core.iterable(result):
+ task = Task(no, arglist, gen_value(result))
+ elif cmd in
+ task = AsynTask(no, arglist, result)
+ task.eventloop = self.eventloop
+ elif cmd in
+ task = MPTask(no, arglist, result)
+ else: # blocking task
+ task = Task(no, arglist, result)
except GeneratorExit: # regular exit
exit(None, None, None)
except: # exceptional exit
@@ -106,13 +481,19 @@ class Interpreter(object):
def check(self, given_input, expected_output):
"Make sure you get the expected_output from the given_input"
- output = str(self.send(given_input))
- ok = output == expected_output
+ output = self.send(given_input).str # blocking
+ ok = (output == expected_output)
if not ok:
msg = 'input: %s\noutput: %s\nexpected: %s' % (
given_input, output, expected_output)
raise AssertionError(msg)
+ def _getoutputs(self, lines, intlist):
+ "helper used in parse_doctest"
+ for i, start in enumerate(intlist[:-1]):
+ end = intlist[i + 1]
+ yield '\n'.join(lines[start+1:end])
def _parse_doctest(self, lineiter):
lines = [line.strip() for line in lineiter]
inputs = []
@@ -122,9 +503,9 @@ class Interpreter(object):
positions.append(len(lines) + 1) # last position
- return zip(inputs, _getoutputs(lines, positions), positions)
+ return zip(inputs, self._getoutputs(lines, positions), positions)
- def doctest(self, lineiter, out=sys.stdout, verbose=False):
+ def doctest(self, lineiter, put=write, verbose=False):
Parse a text containing doctests in a context and tests of all them.
Raise an error even if a single doctest if broken. Use this for
@@ -133,44 +514,103 @@ class Interpreter(object):
with self:
for input, output, no in self._parse_doctest(lineiter):
if verbose:
- out.write('i> %s\n' % input)
- out.write('-> %s\n' % output)
- out.flush()
+ put('i> %s\n' % input)
+ put('-> %s\n' % output)
out = self.send(input)
if not out.str == output:
msg = 'line %d: input: %s\noutput: %s\nexpected: %s\n' % (
no + 1, input, out, output)
- out.write(msg)
+ put(msg)
raise out.etype, out.exc, out.tb
- def execute(self, lineiter, out=sys.stdout, verbose=False):
+ def execute(self, lineiter, put=write, verbose=False):
Execute a lineiter of commands in a context and print the output.
with self:
for line in lineiter:
if verbose:
- out.write('i> ' + line); out.flush()
+ put('i> ' + line)
output = self.send(line)
- if output.str is None: # there was an error
+ if output.etype: # there was an error
raise output.etype, output.exc, output.tb
- out.write('%s\n' % output.str)
- out.flush()
+ put('%s\n' % output.str)
- def interact(self, prompt='i> ', verbose=False):
- """Starts an interactive command loop reading commands from the
- consolle. Using rlwrap is recommended."""
+ def interact(self, stdin=sys.stdin, put=write, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Starts an interactive command loop reading commands from the
+ consolle. Using rlwrap is recommended.
+ """
+ self.stdin = stdin
+ self.put = put
- print(self.obj.intro)
+ put(self.obj.intro + '\n')
except AttributeError: # no intro
- self.p.print_usage()
+ put(self.p.format_usage() + '\n')
+ put(self.prompt)
with self:
- while True:
- try:
- line = raw_input(prompt)
- except EOFError:
- break
- out = self.send(line)
- if verbose:
- traceback.print_tb(out.tb)
- print(out)
+ if
+ loop.queue_task(0, self._dispatch_async_input)
+ else:
+ while True:
+ line = stdin.readline() # including \n
+ if not line:
+ break
+ task = self.maketask(line)
+ if verbose and task.synchronous and task.etype:
+ put(task.traceback + '\n')
+ put(str(task) + '\n')
+ put(self.prompt)
+ def _dispatch_async_input(self):
+ i, o, e =[self.stdin], [], [], 0)
+ if i:
+ line = i[0].readline() # including \n
+ if not line: # stdin was closed
+ self.loop.halt()
+ return
+ task = self.maketask(line)
+ self.put('%s\n' % task)
+ self.put(self.prompt)
+ self.loop.queue_task(0, self._dispatch_async_input) # reschedule
+################################## others ####################################
+def cmd_interface(obj):
+ "Returns a cmd.Cmd wrapper over the command container"
+ i = Interpreter(obj)
+ def default(self, line):
+ print(i.send(line))
+ dic = dict(preloop=lambda self: i.__enter__(),
+ postloop=lambda self: i.__exit__(),
+ do_EOF=lambda self, line: True,
+ default=default,
+ intro=getattr(i, 'intro', None))
+ for command in obj.commands:
+ method = getattr(obj, command)
+ def do_func(self, line, command=command):
+ print(i.send(command + ' ' + line))
+ do_func.__doc__ = method.__doc__
+ do_func.__name__ = method.__name__
+ dic['do_' + command] = do_func
+ clsname = '_%s_' % obj.__class__.__name__
+ cls = type(clsname, (cmd.Cmd, object), dic)
+ return cls()
+class FakeOut(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._s = ''
+ def write(self, s):
+ self._s += s
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._s
+def cmd_help(cmds, displaywidth=80, cmd=cmd.Cmd(stdout=FakeOut())):
+ cmd.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(cmd.doc_leader))
+ cmd.print_topics(cmd.doc_header, cmds, 15,80)
+ #cmd.print_topics(cmd.misc_header, helps,15,80)
+ #cmd.print_topics(cmd.undoc_header, cmds_undoc, 15,80)
+ return cmd.stdout