path: root/pypers/pep318/working/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pypers/pep318/working/')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pypers/pep318/working/ b/pypers/pep318/working/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e14a1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypers/pep318/working/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Avoids metaclass conflicts by providing an additional built-in, makecls,
+to be used as __metaclass__=makecls(*metaclasses). Returns a class factory.
+def remove_redundant(bases):
+ ls=list(bases); nonredundant={}
+ for c in bases:
+ if anyTrue([issubclass(C,c) and c is not C for C in ls],
+ c in nonredundant):
+ ls.remove(c) # if c is less specific or duplicated
+ else:
+ nonredundant[c]=True
+ return tuple(ls)
+def _generatemetaclass(bases,metas,priority):
+ metabs=tuple(map(type,bases))
+ metabases=remove_redundant((metabs+metas, metas+metabs)[priority])
+ if metabases in metadic: # already generated metaclass
+ return metadic[metabases]
+ elif not metabases: # trivial metabase
+ meta=type
+ elif len(metabases)==1: # single metabase
+ meta=metabases[0]
+ else: # multiple metabases
+ metaname=''.join([m.__name__ for m in metabases])
+ meta=makecls()(metaname,metabases,{})
+ return metadic.setdefault(metabases,meta)
+def makecls(*metas,**options):
+ """Class factory avoiding metatype conflicts. The invocation syntax is
+ makecls(M1,M2,..,priority=1)(name,bases,dic). If the base classes have
+ metaclasses conflicting within themselves or with the given metaclasses,
+ it automatically generates a compatible metaclass and instantiate it.
+ If priority is True, the given metaclasses have priority over the
+ bases metaclasses."""
+ priority=options.get('priority',False) # default, no priority
+ def clsfactory(n,b,d):
+ # workaround to allow redefinition of meta-meta.__call__
+ meta=_generatemetaclass(b,metas,priority)
+ return type.__call__(meta,n,b,d) # calls __new__ and __init__
+ return clsfactory
+#class Noconflict(type):
+# """Meta-metaclass tweaking the metaclass calling in such a way to
+# avoid conflicts"""
+# def __call__(mcl,n,b,d):
+# return makecls(mcl)(n,b,d)
+if __name__=='__main__': # test
+ import __builtin__
+ __builtin__.type=Noconflict('Type',(type,),{})
+ class M1(type): pass
+ class M2(type): pass
+ class C1: __metaclass__=M1
+ class C2: __metaclass__=M2
+ class C(C1,C2): pass
+ #__metaclass__=makecls()
+# assert type(C),__name__=='_M1M2'