path: root/sqlplain/doc/
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-SQLPLAIN, an opinionated database library
-.. contents::
-sqlplain: core
-I never liked the database API for Python. I have always found it cumbersome
-to use and very much unpythonic. Moreover, it is too much low level for my
-taste. So I have always used some small custom made wrapper over it.
-Then, SQLAlchemy came. SQLAlchemy has a lot of good things going for it,
-but I must say that I felt it too much high level for my taste, so I kept
-using my own little wrapper over the DB API 2. Recently at work we
-decided to make SQLAlchemy the official database toolkit for our code.
-Then I have decided to remove my own little wrapper from our code
-base. Since in the years I have developed some affection for it I have
-decided to clean it up a little and to give to it a new life as an
-Open Source library.
-``sqlplain`` is intended to be a lightweight wrapper over the DB API 2
-and *not* an Object Relation Mapper. Currently the code base of sqlplain
-consists of nearly 1,000 lines of code (for comparison, sqlalchemy 0.5 contains
-something like 42,000 lines of code). In the future sqlplain may grow,
-but I am committed to never make it "big" in any sense, and I would like
-to keep it well below the 5% of the size of sqlalchemy. The reason is that
-one of the main design goals behind sqlplain is to keep it small enough
-that anybody can read the full code base in a single day and have a good
-idea of how it works. Moreover, the code base is intentionally kept simple,
-and no fancy Python features are used: it just requires Python 2.4 to run.
-The name ``sqlplain`` come from the main design goal of the library:
-to use plain old SQL as much as possible, and not Python objects.
-This is the reason why ``sqlplain`` will never become an Object Relational
-Mapper. ORM have they usages: in particular they are useful if your main
-goal is to persist Python objects into a relation database. However,
-this is not the use case for ``sqlplain``. ``sqlplain`` is intented to
-be used in situations where you have a pre-existing relational database
-which has an independent life from your Python application.
-Nowadays it has become common to embed the model in Python code and to
-abstract completely from the database; this is the way Diango works
-(see the `Django philosophy`_ page) and the same is true for most
-modern Web framework. That approach is fine in many circumstances: it
-basically amounts to hiding the underlying relation database and to
-use it as if it was an object database. However ``sqlplain`` does not
-follow this route. ``sqlplain`` does not want to hide the underlying
-database: I routinely have to debug performance issue and therefore I
-want to have in the code plain SQL queries that I can cut and paste on
-the database consolle to run them under the query analyzer.
-When you are debugging performance issues, you want to stay as close
-as possible to bare SQL, since you don't want to be confused about the
-performance issue due to the ORM and the intrinsic issues: this is
-the reason why ``sqlplain`` has very little support for generating
-SQL programmatically from Python objects. This may change and I could
-improve the support for SQL generation in future versions; however,
-it is very unlikely that ``sqlplain`` will ever support creating tables or
-other database objects from Python objects.
-There is nothing similar to sqlalchemy ``Metadata.create_all``: if
-you want to change the schema of your database you must do it via
-plain old SQL queries, without any support from Python.
-``sqlplain`` is very much opinionated
-.. _Django philosophy:
-Differences with the DB API
-sqlplain has a functional feeling.
-i have always hated the DB API 2, particularly the fact that the execute
-method does not return anyything but works by side effects, changing
-the state of the cursor so that the next fetch operation returns the
-retrieved rows. In sqlplain instead the eexecute method returns
-directly the retried rows and there is no explicit concept of cursor.
-This is not a particularly original idea, and actually the sqlite
-driver offers the same functionality. The rows are returned as named
-tuples, not as plain tuples.
-sqlplain for the impatient
-Enough with the introduction: here is how you can run a query on a
-given database via ``sqlplain``. For exemplification purposes, let
-me assume that you have a database of books (``bookdb``) running on localhost
-on SQL Server, and a superuser ``pyadmin`` with password ``secret`` which
-all permissions on the ``bookdb``. Suppose the database contains a table
-called ``book`` containing books with title, author, publication date,
-and other information. Suppose I want to retrieve all the books by Isaac
-Asimov. That can be done with the following code:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> from sqlplain import connect
- >> bookdb = connect('mssql://pyadmin:secret@localhost/bookdb')
- >> bookdb.execute("SELECT * FROM book WHERE author LIKE :author",
- ('%Asimov%',))
-Here is the explanation. The first line import the ``LazyConnection``
-class from ``sqlplain``: instances of ``LazyConnection`` are *lazy
-connection* objects. A lazy connection is a wrapper over an ordinary
-DB API 2 connection: the connection is lazy in the sense that the real
-DB API 2 connection is instantiated only when needed, i.e. when the
-``execute`` method is called. Just instantiating ``bookdb`` does not
-open any connection: however instantiating ``LazyConnection`` involves
-parsing the connection string or uri (in this case
-``mssql://pyadmin:secret@localhost/bookdb``) and importing the
-corresponding database driver (in this case ``pymssql``) which must be
-installed in your system, otherwise you get an ``ImportError``.
-The syntax of the URI is the same as in SQLAlchemy (I did copy it
-directly from SQLAlchemy; even Storm uses the same convention and I
-see no reason to change it). Internally ``LazyConn`` instantiates an
-URI object which is a dictionary:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> bookdb.uri
- {'database': 'bookdb',
- 'dbtype': 'mssql',
- 'host': 'localhost',
- 'password': 'secret',
- 'port': None,
- 'server': 'localhost',
- 'user': 'pyadmin'}
-The port is None here, therefore the low level driver ``pymssql`` will open
-the connection by using the default port number for MS SQL, i.e. 1433.
-The ``execute`` method of the lazy connection object is the one
-performing the real job: it opens a low level connection, instantiates
-a DB API 2 cursor and it runs the ``SELECT`` query: the result is
-returned as a list of named tuples. Named tuples are a Python 2.6
-construct, however ``sqlplain`` ships with its own version of
-namedtuples (I have just copied Raymond Hettinger's recipe from the
-Python Cookbook site, with a few tweaks) which is used if you are
-running an early version of Python.
-An important thing to notice is that ``sqlplain`` uses named arguments
-in the templates for *all* supported database drivers, even if the
-underlying low level driver uses qmark paramstyle - like SQLite - or
-(py)format paramstyle - like pymssql and psycogpg. BTW, the (py)format
-paramstyle, is really a terrible choice, since it collides for the
-usage of ``%s`` in Python string templates :-(.
-Also notice that by default ``execute`` does not accept a mapping as
-arguments: it expects an integer-indexed sequence. However, the
-default behavior can be changed by setting the option ``params='MAPPING'``
-at initialization time. Here is an example:
- >> bookdb = connect('mssql://pyadmin:secret@localhost/bookdb',
- params='MAPPING')
- >> bookdb.execute('SELECT * FROM book WHERE author=:author',
- dict(author='Asimov'))
-The ``execute`` method is smart enough: if you run it again,
-the previously instantiated DB API2 connection and cursors are
-re-used, i.e. it does not recreate a connection for each query.
-Moreover, the template is parsed only once and then cached,
-so that there is not big penalty is you execute twice the same
-template with different parameters.
-You can access the low level connection and cursor via the
-properties ``._conn`` and ``._curs``:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> bookdb._conn
- >> bookdb._curs
-There is an underscore, meaning that you are not supposed to access
-those attributes directly. Notice that calling twice
-``bookdb._conn``/``bookdb._curs`` may return different connections/cursors
-in rare circumstances.
-You can ``execute`` a ``SELECT`` query, or other types of queries, such
-as ``UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE``; in those cases ``execute`` does not return
-a list of named tuples, it returns a number instead:
-.. code-block:: python
->> bookdb.execute("UPDATE book SET author=:a WHERE author like :b",
- ('Isaac Asimov', '%Asimov%'))
- 2
-The number is the DB API 2 ``rowcount`` attribute of the cursor, i.e.
-the number of rows affected by the query.
-Allocated connections take resources on the server even if
-they are not used, therefore you may want to close an unused connection:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> bookdb.close()
-Notice that closing twice a connection will
-not raise an error.
-Any closed connection will be automatically re-reopened at the first
-call of ``.execute``.
-In Python 2.5+ you can use the ``with`` statement and the
-``contextlib.closing`` function to make sure a connection is closed
-after the execution of a given block of code, by using the pattern
-.. code-block:: python
- with closing(cx):
- do_something(cx)
-The configuration file
-Passing the URI to a lazy connection can be annoying, since URIs
-are quite verbose. This problem is solved by the builtin aliasing mechanism
-of ``sqlplain``. The trick is the following: as argument of a lazy connection
-you can use a true uri, i.e. anything starting with ``mssql://`` or
-``postgres://`` or ``sqlite://`` or also an alias, i.e. a plain Python name
-(I recommend to use lowercase letters, digits and underscores only,
-even if this is not forced). The alias is interpreted by looking
-at the ``sqlplain`` configuration file.
-The location of the configuration file is determined by the environment
-variable ``$SQLPLAIN``: if empty or missing, the configuration file is
-assumed to be located in ``~/.sqlplain`` where ``~`` means the current
-user home directory. The configuration file has a ``[uri]`` section
-containing the expansion of the aliases, i.e. the mapping from the alias
-name to the full URI. For instance, this could be an example of a valid
-configuration file::
- $ echo ~/.sqlplain
- [uri]
- bookdb: mssql://pyadmin:secret@localhost/bookdb
- testdb: sqlite:///:memory:
-The configuration file is read when the lazy connection is instantiated:
-if an alias is found, the corresponding true
-uri is parsed and the correct database driver is loaded, otherwise a
-is raised. If the configuration file is missing, an ``ImportError`` is raised.
-Lazy connections can be used as global variables.
-.. (do not believe people saying that globals are evil: Python is full of
- globals, modules are global variables, classes are global variables, and
- there is nothing wrong in having lazy connection as globals)
-If you instantiate your lazy connections at the beginning
-of your module, then the underlying low level database driver
-is imported when your module is imported. If you follow this pattern,
-then, the configuration file is part of your application and
-you should consider it as required Python code, even if for sake of simplicity
-it uses the traditional .INI format. If you distribute code based on sqlplain,
-the user is supposed to edit the configuration file by setting the correct
-database uri for her database. Of course, you can always write a small
-application to set the configuration file if you don't want your users
-to touch the .INI file directly (you could set it at installation time,
-or write a small GUI to edit the configuration file).
-A typical way to pass the URI is to read it from the command line:
-.. code-block:: python
- $ cat
- import sqlplain
- def main(db):
- # do something with the lazy connection db
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1]) # add argument parsing at will
-This works if ``sys.argv[1]`` is a valid URI or a valid alias.
-However, if you are writing functional tests and you invoke them
-with (say) nose_, you cannot use this pattern since ``sys.argv[1]``
-is the name of the file to be tested. When writing nose tests it makes sense to
-use a global lazy connection, instantiated at the top of your
-testing script, something like ``testdb = connect('testdb')`` where
-``testdb`` is an alias to the database used for your automatic tests.
-.. _nose:
-By default ``sqlplain`` works in autocommit mode. If you want to use
-transactions, you must specify the isolation level. When running
-in transactional mode, your lazy connection is an instance of
-``TransactionalConnection``, a subclass of ``LazyConnection``
-with methods ``commit`` and ``rollback``
-.. code-block:: python
- >> bookdb = connect('mssql://pyadmin:secret@localhost/bookdb',
- isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE')
-Transactional connections have support the ``with`` statement,
-therefore if you are using a recent enough version of Python (2.5+) you can
-.. code-block:: python
- with booksb: # will begin a transaction and commit or rollback it
- do_something
-Otherwise, ``sqlplain`` provides a ``Transaction`` class coding
-the ``rollback/commit`` pattern:
-Retrying connections
-Suppose you have a long running application connected to a database.
-If you lose the connection to the database, or if you restart the
-database, the low level connection object will not be usable anymore.
-The solution is to use a retrying lazy connection: in case of error,
-the query is retried with a fresh low level connection.
-Threadlocal connections
-The typical user of ``sqlplain`` is expected to write simple programs,
-for instance scripts for extracting statistics from a database, or
-import scripts, or maintenance scripts. The idea is to provide a simple
-library to perform simple tasks. User wanted something more sophisticated
-(for instance people writing a server program connected to a database
-and managing many users) are expected to use a more sophisticated
-database toolkit. This is the reason why ``sqlplain`` does not provide
-a connection pool and it will never provide one. You are supposed to
-use the connection pool of your database driver (for instance psycopg2
-provides one), the connection pool of SQLAlchemy, or a custom made one.
-Having said so, ``sqlplain`` provides some support for server programs.
-The reason is that I often need to wrap a script with a Web interface,
-and at work we use Pylons as web framework. Pylons comes with the Paste
-Web server which is fine for usage in our local intranet. The Paste
-server is a multithreaded server which internally manages a pool of threads.
-To make ``sqlplain`` to work in this situation, you must set the threadlocal
-flag: doing so ensure that each thread gets its own lower level
-connection, independent from the connections of the other threads.
-Here in an example script showing multiple threads writing on a sqlite
-database; if you forget to set the ``threadlocal`` flag, you will likely
-incur in errors (for instance I get ``OperationalError: database is locked``).
-I have been using this approach for one year in production on linux
-without problems, however, only in situations of low concurrency
-and only in autocommit mode. You should consider the multithread
-support of ``sqlplain`` as experimental and there is no guarantee
-it will work in your settings. Also, the multithreading support is
-very low in my list of priorities (I am in the camp of people who
-are against thread) and what it is there is the minimun I needed
-to do in order make my scripts work with the Paste server.
-sqlplain: utilities
-``sqlplain`` is a very poor toolkit compared to other database toolkits;
-this is done on purpose. Nevertheless, it provides a few convenient
-functions to work with a database directly, collected in the ``util``
-module. We can split these utilities in different classes:
-- introspection utilities, to extract information from the database;
-- management utilities, to create/drop database from scratch and to
- create/drop/populate tables;
-Reflection facilities
-``exists_table``, ``get_descr``, ``get_fields``, ``get_kfields``
-and ``get_dfields``,
-They are the following::
- openclose(uri, templ, *args, **kw):
- exists_db drop_db create_db(uri, drop=False),
- make_db(alias=None, uri=None, dir=None):
-Moreover, there are a few utilities to manage database schemas, which
-are a PostgreSQL-only feature: ``set_schema(db, name), exists_schema(db, name),
-drop_schema(db, name), create_schema(db, schema, drop=False), make_schema``.
-``sqlplain`` provide some limited introspection features (the introspection
-features are likely to be enhanced in future versions). For the moment,
-the only things you can do is to introspect a table or a view and to
-return a named tuple with the names of the fields:
-Database management utilities
-``sqlplain`` provides three utilities to create and to drop database in
-a database-independent way. Obviously, in order to take advantage of
-such facilities, you must connect to the database cluster as an user with
-sufficient permissions.
-``create_db(uri, force=False)`` creates the database specified by
-``uri`` and returns a (lazy) connection to it. If the database already
-exists, raises an error. This behavior can be modified by passing the
-flag ``force=True``: in this case the pre-existing database (if any)
-is silently dropped and recreated.
-``drop_db(uri, force=False)`` drop an existing
-database; it raises an error if the database does not exists, unless
-the flag ``force=True`` is passed: in that case nothing is done if the
-database does not not exists.
-``make_db(uri, force=False, script_dir=None)`` is an extension of ``create_db``
-which also executes all the scripts contained in ``script_dir``. If no
-``script_dir`` is passed, it looks in the configuration file for a ``[dir]``
-section (if any) and executes the scripts in that directory (if any).
-Table management
-- ``create_table(conn, tablename, field_descr, force=False)``
->>> from sqlplain impor util
->>> db = util.create_db('sqlite_test', force=True)
->>> util.create_table(db, 'book',
-... ['title VARCHAR(128)', 'author VARCHAR(64)'])
-``sqlplain`` provides utilities to truncate (
-``truncate_table(conn, tablename)``) and to drop tables
-(``drop_table(conn, tablename)``), assuming you have the right
-permissions for those operations.
-Moreover it provides utilities to populate a table:
-- ``insert_rows(conn, tablename, rows)`` inserts a sequence of rows
- (any iterable returning valid rows will do) into a table;
-- ``load_file(conn, filename, tablename, sep=',')`` inserts the content
- of a CSV file into a table.
-The difference between the two operations is that ``load_file`` is orders
-of magnitude faster that ``insert_rows`` since it uses the underlying
-database mechanism for bulk inserting files, possibly disabling transactional
-safety. ``sqlplain`` comes with a test script in the tests directory
-(````) which tries to import a datafile with the two
-mechanism; if you run it, you may see how big is the performance
-difference on your platform. On my MacBook the difference is a factor
-of 60, i.e. an operation that would take 5 hours with ``insert_rows``
-is reduced to 5 minutes with ``load_file``.
-Nevertheless, ``insert_rows`` is more convenient when you have small
-tables and when you are writing unit tests, therefore it makes sense
-for ``sqlplain`` to provide it.
-The problem of both ``insert_rows`` and ``load_file`` is that you
-do not have line-by-line control of the operation, therefore a single
-ill-formed line in a million lines file will screw up the entire
-If you want to insert a line at the time, you can do so by using the
-low level mechanism (
-``conn.execute("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (:1, :2, :3)", (r1, r2, r3))``)
-or by using the high level `table framework`_.
-.. _table framework: tables.html
-SQL template functions
-``sqlplain`` allows you to litter you source code with scattered
-SQL queries, but does not force you to do so.
-Actually, it offers the possibility to collect
-your queries in a common place. Moreover, it provided a mechanism
-to dynamically generate queries by adding clauses to a base
-Let me show how it works. You can write all of your SQL templates
-in a file called ```` like the following
-The ```` utility converts a SQL template into a Python
-function with signature ``(conn, arg1, ..., argN)`` where ``conn``
-is a ``sqlplain`` connection and arg1, ..., argN are arguments
-in correspondence with the question marks in the template.
-Moreover, the docstring of the generated functions is set to the
-SQL template. That means that the built-in ``help`` functionality (as well as
-documentation tools) play well with the generated functions.
-Here are a few examples:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> from queries import *
- >> help(get_authors)
- Help on function sqlquery in module queries:
- sqlquery(conn)
- SELECT author FROM book
- Help on function sqlquery in module queries:
- >> help(get_titles)
- sqlquery(conn, arg1)
- SELECT title FROM book WHERE author=:a
- >> help(set_uppercase_titles)
- Help on function sqlquery in module queries:
- sqlquery(conn, author, pubdate)
- UPDATE book SET title=upper(title)
- WHERE author like :author AND pubdate=:pubdate
-By default all the functions generated by ``do`` have the name
-``sqlquery``, but is possible to specify a different name; it
-is even possible to specify the names of the arguments. For
-instance, we could have defined ``set_uppercase_titles`` as
-.. code-block:: python
- >> set_uppercase_titles = do('''
- UPDATE book SET title=upper(title)
- WHERE author like ? AND pubdate=?
- ''', name='set_uppercase_titles', args='author, pubdate')
- >> help(set_uppercase_titles)
- Help on function set_uppercase_titles in module queries:
- set_uppercase_titles(conn, author, pubdate)
- UPDATE book SET title=upper(title)
- WHERE author like ? AND pubdate=?
-It is also possible to set default values for some arguments,
-by passing a tuple of defaults. The defaults refer to the rightmost
-arguments: in this example with are setting the default value for
-the last argument, i.e. pubdate:
-.. code-block:: python
- >> set_uppercase_titles = do('''
- UPDATE book SET title=upper(title)
- WHERE author like ? AND pubdate=?
- ''', name='set_uppercase_titles', args='author, pubdate',
- defaults=('2008-12-01',))
- >> help(set_uppercase_titles)
- Help on function set_uppercase_titles in module queries:
- set_uppercase_titles(conn, author, pubdate='2008-12-01')
- UPDATE book SET title=upper(title)
- WHERE author like ? AND pubdate=?
-Setting the function name and the argument names explicitly is a good idea
-if you want to have readable error messages in case of errors.
-Dynamic generation of SQL templates
-There many situations where the ability to generate SQL templates
-at runtime is handy; a typical use case is writing a select
-box. You can find an industrial strength solution of this problem
-(generating SQL queries from Python) in sqlalchemy and in other ORMs.
-However, the philosophy of ``sqlplain`` is to keep things simple
-and primitive as much as possible. Therefore, ``sqlplain`` does even try
-to implement a general database-independent solution.
-Personally, I am not even convinced that a general
-database-independent solution is a good thing to have.
-A design goal of ``sqlplain`` is to keep the generate queries
-close to what you would write by hand, and to forget about
-database independence.
-SQL template functions provide a ``clause`` attribute, which is function
-adding a template fragment to the original template, and returning
-a new SQL template function. Here is an example of use:
-Notice that SQL template functions are functional in spirit:
-they are not objects and adding a template fragment result
-in a *new* function, there is no mutation involved. One advantage
-of this approach is that different threads can safely generate
-different SQL template functions from the same original function,
-without interferring each other.
-Also, SQL template functions are plain old functions: they are not
-callable objects in the sense of instances of a custom class with
-a ``__call__`` method. Still, SQL template functions have non-trivial
-attributes, such as the ``clause`` attribute, which would be a method
-if I had chosen a more object oriented implementation. But I feel that
-plain functions are easier to inspect and
-to manage and I wanted to avoid the complication of inheritance.
-Here are a few examples of usage:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> select_books = do('SELECT * FROM book')
- >>> print customize_select(select_books).__doc__
- SELECT * FROM book WHERE true
- >>> print customize_select(select_books, author='Asimov%').__doc__
- SELECT * FROM book WHERE true AND author LIKE 'Asimov%'
- >>> print customize_select(select_books, author='Asimov%', pubdate='2008-11-12').__doc__
- SELECT * FROM book WHERE true AND pubdate > '2008-11-12' AND author LIKE 'Asimov%'
-In this last example the generated function has an additional argument
-with respect to the original one, since there is a question mark in
-the query template. ``sqlplain`` takes care of that automatically.
-Of course the mechanism is very primitive and one could write
-something more sophisticated on top of it, but for the moment it
-works well enough for my needs. Future versions of ``sqlplain``
-could offer additional functionality for generating SQL templates,
-or could not.
-sqlplain: extensions
-``sqlplain`` is designed as a small core - just a lightweight wrapper
-over the standard DB API 2 interface - and a set of extensions.
-Future versions of ``sqlplain`` may offer additional extensions, but
-for the moment very little is provided. I am committed to keep the
-whole of ``sqlplain`` small - as I said, well under the 5% of the
-codebase of sqlalchemy - so even the extension part is guaranteed to
-stay small in the foreseeable future.
-Very often I have to work with heavy queries
-which results must be cached. Since this is a common requirement,
-I have decided to provide a simple caching facility in ``sqlplain``.
-The core functionality is provided by the ``Memoize`` class
-in ``sqlplain.memoize``. ``Memoize`` takes in input a new-style class
-(the cache type) and returns a decorator object which is able to
-memoize functions. The cache type is attached as an attribute
-to the memoized function. Moreover any memoized function has
-a .cache attribute (a dictionary <function args> -> <function result>)
-which is looked up when the function is called a second time.
-If the second time the function is called with the same arguments
-the result is retrieved from the cache.
-A global registry of the memoized
-functions is kept in memory and there is a classmethod
-``Memoize.clear(cachetype=object)`` which is able to clear the cache.
-If you specify the cachetype, only the functions with a cache type
-which is a subclass of the specified one will be affected.
-If you do not specify the cachetype, by default ``object`` will be
-assumed, therefore *all* caches for all memoized functions will be
-Here is an example of use:
-Here the cache of ``f1`` is cleared, but the cache of
-``f2`` is not cleared.
-According to the goal of keeping things simple, ``sqlplain``
-does not provide the concept of cache expiration, and you are
-expected to clear the cache by hand. Anyway, it is pretty easy to schedule
-a cache cleaner function to be run periodically (which of course depends on
-the framework you are using) and you can implement it yourself.
-``sqlplain`` tries to make your life easier when you are interested
-in caching simple queries: to this goal, the ``do`` utilities has a
-``cachetype`` default argument which you can set to enable caching::
- >> def cached_short(templ):
- return Memoize(ShortType)(do(templ))
- >> get_title = cached_short('select title from book where author=?')
->>> get_score_value = memoize(do('SELECT value FROM score where score=?'))
->>> score= KTable.create('score', 'score VARCHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY',
->>> score.insert_rows([
- ('+', 1),
- ('O', 2),
- ('O+', 3),
- ('OO', 4),
- ('OO+', 5),
- ('OOO', 6),
- ('OOO+', 7),
- ('OOOO', 8),
- ])
->>> d = dict(conn.execute('SELECT score, value FROM score'))
-An example project using sqlplain: books
-In this section I discuss a toy project realized with sqlplain, i.e.
-an archive of the books I have read. I did start keeping track of
-the books I read more than twenty years ago, and writing a program
-to make statistics about my books was one of my first programs ever.
-It is nice to come back to the same problem after twenty years, now that I
-know SQL ;)
-I will implement the project by using a test first approach.
-from import Document
-from sqlplain.doc import threadlocal_ex
-from sqlplain import Transaction, do, util, table
-import queries, cache_ex
-import logtable
-def customize_select(queryfunction, pubdate=None, author=None, title=None):
- templ = queryfunction.templ
- clause = ''
- if pubdate:
- clause += ' AND pubdate > %r' % pubdate
- if author:
- clause += ' AND author LIKE %r' % author
- if title:
- clause += ' AND title LIKE %r' % title
- return do(templ + ' WHERE true' + clause)
-dtable_doc = str(Document(table.DTable))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import doctest; doctest.testmod()
-# removed functionality
-Lazy connections have an interesting feature: if
-a query raises an error, ``sqlplain`` tries to execute it a second
-time with a fresh connection, and sometimes the second attempt may
-succeed. The reason is that
-sometimes a correct query fails due to network issues or other
-problems (for instance somebody restarted the database server and
-the existing connection has become obsolete) which are transitory:
-so the first time the query fails because the connection is
-in a bad state, but the second time it succeeds since the fresh
-connection is in a good state. Of course, if the network outage or
-the other error persists, there will be an error even at the second
-attempt and the exception will be raised (we all know that
-*errors should never pass silently*). By default this feature is
-turned on, but you may disable it (if you do not want to retry
-every failed query) by setting the ``.retry`` attribute
-of the lazy connection object (or class) to ``False``.
-Retrying connections are good when writing long running programs, such as
-user interfaces (CLI, GUI and Web): in such a situations
-errors are trapped.