path: root/sqlplain/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sqlplain/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/sqlplain/ b/sqlplain/
deleted file mode 100644
index b83bc1c..0000000
--- a/sqlplain/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from sqlplain.util import openclose, getoutput
-GET_PKEYS = '''\
-SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute
-WHERE attrelid = (
- SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index AS i
- WHERE i.indrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname=:table)
- AND i.indisprimary = 't')
-ORDER BY attnum
-def get_kfields_postgres(conn, tname):
- return [x.attname for x in conn.execute(GET_PKEYS, (tname,))]
-def create_db_postgres(uri):
- openclose(uri.copy(database='template1'),
- 'CREATE DATABASE %(database)s' % uri)
-def drop_db_postgres(uri):
- openclose(uri.copy(database='template1'),
- 'DROP DATABASE %(database)s' % uri)
-def get_sizeK_postgres(conn, table):
- return conn.execute('SELECT relpages*8 FROM pg_class WHERE relname=:table',
- (table,), scalar=True)
-def get_tables_postgres(conn, schema):
- query = 'SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables'
- if schema:
- res = conn.execute(query + ' WHERE schemaname=:a', (schema,))
- else:
- res = conn.execute(query)
- return [r[0] for r in res]
-def exists_table_postgres(conn, tname):
- return conn.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename=:table',
- (tname,), scalar=True)
-def exists_db_postgres(uri):
- dbname = uri['database']
- for row in openclose(
- uri.copy(database='template1'), 'SELECT datname FROM pg_database'):
- if row[0] == dbname:
- return True
- return False
-def dump_file_postgres(uri, query, filename, mode, sep='\t', null='',
- schema=None): # or null='\N'
- """
- Save the result of a query on a local file by using COPY TO and psql
- """
- if not ' ' in query: # assumes a table name was given
- query = '(select * from %s)' % query
- else:
- query = '(%s)' % query
- if mode == 'b':
- return psql(uri, "COPY %s TO STDOUT BINARY" % query, filename, schema)
- else:
- return psql(
- uri, "COPY %s TO STDOUT WITH DELIMITER '%s' NULL '%s'" %
- (query, sep, null), filename, schema)
-# apparently copy_from from psycopg2 is buggy for large files
-def load_file_postgres(uri, tname, filename, mode, sep='\t', null='',
- schema=None): # or null='\N'
- """
- Load a file into a table by using COPY FROM and psql
- """
- stdin = file(filename)
- if mode == 'b':
- return psql(uri, "COPY %s FROM STDIN BINARY" % tname, stdin=stdin,
- schema=schema)
- else: # csv mode
- copy_from = "COPY %s FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER E'%s' NULL E'%s'" % (
- tname, sep, null)
- return psql(uri, copy_from, stdin=stdin, schema=schema)
-## pg_dump and pg_restore should be used for multiple tables or whole databases
-def pg_dump(uri, filename, *args):
- """
- A small wrapper over pg_dump. Example:
- >> pg_dump(uri, thetable, thefile)
- """
- cmd = ['pg_dump', '-h', uri['host'], '-U', uri['user'],
- '-d', uri['database'], '-f', filename] + list(args)
- print ' '.join(cmd)
- return getoutput(cmd)
-def pg_restore(uri, filename, *args):
- """
- A small wrapper over pg_restore. Example:
- >> pg_restore(uri, thetable, thefile)
- """
- cmd = ['pg_restore', '-h', uri['host'], '-U', uri['user'],
- '-d', uri['database'], filename] + list(args)
- print ' '.join(cmd)
- return getoutput(cmd)
-def psql(uri, query, filename=os.devnull, stdin=None, schema=None):
- "Execute a query and save its result on filename"
- if not ' ' in query: # assumes a table name was given
- query = 'select * from %s' % query
- if schema:
- query = 'SET search_path TO %s; %s' % (schema, query)
- cmd = ['psql', '-h', uri['host'], '-U', uri['user'], '-d', uri['database'],
- '-c', query, '-o', filename]
- # print cmd
- return getoutput(cmd, stdin)