path: root/sqlplain/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sqlplain/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/sqlplain/ b/sqlplain/
deleted file mode 100644
index 626ff7d..0000000
--- a/sqlplain/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-Notice: create_db and drop_db are not transactional.
-import os, sys, re, subprocess, tempfile
-from sqlplain.uri import URI, CODEMAP
-from sqlplain.sql_support import get_args_templ
-from sqlplain import connect, do
-from sqlplain.connection import Transaction
-from sqlplain.namedtuple import namedtuple
- CalledProcessError = subprocess.CalledProcessError
-except AttributeError: # Python < 2.5
- class CalledProcessError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, returncode, cmd):
- self.returncode = returncode
- self.cmd =cmd
-chatty = False
-def getoutput(commandlist, stdin=None, save_on=None):
- '''
- Returns the output of a system command or raise a CalledProcessError.
- Optionally, saves the output on save_on (a writable file-like object).
- '''
- if stdin is None:
- stdin = subprocess.PIPE
- if save_on is None:
- save_on = subprocess.PIPE
- elif isinstance(save_on, str): # assume it is a filename
- save_on = file(save_on, 'w')
- po = subprocess.Popen(commandlist, stdin=stdin, stdout=save_on)
- if chatty:
- print 'Running %s' % ' '.join(map(repr, commandlist))
- out, err = po.communicate()
- if po.returncode or err:
- if err:
- sys.stderr.write(err)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- cmd_str = ''
- for cmd in commandlist:
- if'\s', cmd):
- cmd_str += repr(cmd) + " "
- else:
- cmd_str += cmd + " "
- raise CalledProcessError(po.returncode, cmd_str)
- return out
-VERSION = re.compile(r'(\d[\d\.-]+)')
-Chunk = namedtuple('Chunk', 'version fname code')
-def _call(procname, uri_or_conn, *args, **kw):
- "Call a procedure by name, by dispatching on the database type"
- dbtype = uri_or_conn.dbtype
- proc = globals().get(procname + '_' + dbtype)
- if proc is None:
- raise NameError('Missing procedure %s for %s' % (procname, dbtype))
- return proc(uri_or_conn, *args, **kw)
-# exported utilities
-def openclose(uri, templ, *args, **kw):
- "Open a connection, perform an action and close the connection"
- unexpected = set(kw) - set(['isolation_level'])
- if unexpected:
- raise ValueError('Received unexpected keywords: %s' % unexpected)
- isolation_level = kw.get('isolation_level', None)
- conn = connect(uri, isolation_level)
- try:
- if isolation_level is None:
- return conn.execute(templ, args)
- else:
- return Transaction(conn.__class__.execute, conn, templ, args).run()
- finally:
- conn.close()
-def exists_db(uri):
- "Check is a database exists"
- return _call('exists_db', URI(uri))
-def drop_db(uri):
- "Drop an existing database"
- _call('drop_db', URI(uri))
-# helper for create_db
-def _collect(directory, exts):
- '''
- Read the files with a given set of extensions from a directory
- and returns them ordered by version number.
- '''
- chunks = []
- for fname in os.listdir(directory):
- if fname.endswith(exts) and not fname.startswith('_'):
- version =
- if version:
- code = file(os.path.join(directory, fname), 'U').read()
- chunks.append(Chunk(version, fname, code))
- return sorted(chunks) # chunks are named tuples
-def runscripts(db, scriptdir, exts):
- for chunk in _collect(scriptdir, exts):
- if chunk.fname.endswith('.sql'):
- if chatty:
- print "EXECUTING %s" % chunk.fname
- db.executescript(chunk.code)
- elif chunk.fname.endswith('.py'):
- exec chunk.code in {}
-def create_db(uri, force=False, scriptdir=None, **kw):
- """
- Create the database specified by uri. If the database exists already
- an error is raised, unless force is True: in that case the database
- is dropped and recreated.
- """
- uri = URI(uri)
- uri.import_driver() # import the driver
- if exists_db(uri):
- if force:
- drop_db(uri)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'There is already a database %s!' % uri)
- _call('create_db', uri)
- db = connect(uri, **kw)
- scriptdir = uri.scriptdir or scriptdir
- if scriptdir:
- runscripts(db, scriptdir, ('.sql', '.py'))
- return db
-def create_table(conn, tname, body, force=False):
- """
- Create a table. If the table already exists, raise an error, unless
- force is True.
- """
- if exists_table(conn, tname) and force:
- drop_table(conn, tname) # do not raise an error
- return conn.execute('CREATE TABLE %s(\n%s)' % (tname, body))
-def drop_table(conn, tname, force=False):
- """
- Drop a table. If the table does not exist, raise an error, unless
- force is True.
- """
- if not exists_table(conn, tname) and force:
- return # do not raise an error
- return conn.execute('DROP TABLE %s' % tname)
-def _make_clause(dic, sep):
- '''
- An utility function to generate an SQL clause from a dictionary:
- >>> make_clause(dict(a=1, b=2), ' AND ')
- ('a=:a AND b=:b', (1, 2))
- '''
- clauses = []
- vals = []
- for n, v in dic.iteritems():
- clauses.append('%s=:%s' % (n, n))
- vals.append(v)
- return sep.join(clauses), tuple(vals)
-def update_table(conn, tname, vdict, **kdict):
- "A low-level utility to update a table"
- where, kvals = _make_clause(kdict, ' AND ')
- set_, vvals = _make_clause(vdict, ', ')
- templ = 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % (tname, set_, where)
- return conn.execute(templ, vvals + kvals)
-def copy_table(conn, src, dest, force=False):
- """
- Copy src into dest by using SELECT INTO; dest must be a valid tablename.
- If force is True and dest is an already existing table, dest is
- destroyed and recreated, and a primary key is added.
- """
- query = "SELECT * INTO %s FROM %s" % (dest, src)
- recreate = force and exists_table(conn, dest)
- if recreate:
- drop_table(conn, dest)
- n = conn.execute(query)
- if recreate:
- kfields = ', '.join(get_kfields(conn, src))
- conn.execute('ALTER TABLE %s ADD PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % (dest, kfields))
- return n
-def remote_copy_table(remote_db, local_db, src, dest, mode='b', truncate=False):
- """
- Return the temporary file used.
- """
- fd, tempname = tempfile.mkstemp()
- try:
- dump_file(remote_db.uri, src, tempname, mode)
- if truncate:
- truncate_table(local_db, dest)
- print load_file(local_db.uri, dest, tempname, mode)
- finally:
- return tempname
-def truncate_table(conn, tname):
- if conn.dbtype == 'sqlite':
- # TRUNCATE is not supported right now
- return conn.execute('DELETE FROM %s' % tname)
- else:
- return conn.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE %s' % tname)
-def insert_rows(conn, tname, rows):
- """Insert an iterable sequence of rows into a table;
- useful for unit tests. Notice that it invokes executemany
- on the underlying low-level connection"""
- lst = list(rows)
- n = 0 # number of inserted lines
- try:
- row = lst[0]
- except IndexError: # nothing to insert
- return n
- numeric = [':%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(len(row))]
- templ = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)' % (tname, ', '.join(numeric))
- argnames, raw_templ = get_args_templ(templ)
- return conn._storage.curs.executemany(raw_templ, rows)
-def load_file(uri, tname, fname, mode, **kwargs):
- "Bulk insert a (binary or csv) file into a table"""
- assert mode in 'bc', 'Mode must be "b" (binary) or "c" (csv)'
- return _call('load_file', uri, tname, fname, mode, **kwargs)
-def dump_file(uri, query, fname, mode, **kwargs):
- "Dump the result of a query into a (binary or csv) file"
- assert mode in 'bc', 'Mode must be "b" (binary) or "c" (csv)'
- return _call('dump_file', uri, query, fname, mode, **kwargs)
-########################## introspection routines ######################
-def get_sizeK(conn, table):
- return _call('get_sizeK', conn, table)
-def get_tables(conn, schema=None):
- """Return the names of the tables in the current database
- (and schema, if any)"""
- return _call('get_tables', conn, schema)
-def get_views(conn, schema=None):
- """Return the names of the views in the current database
- (and schema, if any)"""
- return _call('get_views', conn, schema)
-def exists_table(conn, tname, schema=None):
- "Check if a table exists"
- return _call('exists_table', conn, tname)
-def get_descr(conn, tname):
- "Return the DB API 2 description as a list of rows"
- return conn.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 1=0;' % tname).descr
-def inspect_columns(conn, tname, tuples=False):
- """
- Return a list of strings "fieldname fieldtype(size)" or of tuples
- (fieldname, fieldtype, size).
- """
- codemap = CODEMAP[conn.dbtype]
- ls = []
- for x in get_descr(conn, tname):
- fname, ftype, fsize =, codemap[x.type_code], x.internal_size
- if tuples:
- ls.append((fname, ftype, fsize))
- else:
- ls.append('%s %s%s' %
- (fname, ftype, '(%s)' % fsize
- if ftype=='VARCHAR' and fsize>0 else ''))
- return ls
-def get_fields(conn, tname):
- """
- Return the names of the columns of a table (must be ASCII).
- """
- return [ for x in get_descr(conn, tname)]
-def get_kfields(conn, tname):
- """
- Return the names of the primary key column(s) of a table (must be ASCII).
- """
- return map(str, _call('get_kfields', conn, tname))
-def get_dfields(conn, tname):
- """
- Return the names of the data column(s) of a table (must be ASCII).
- """
- kfields = set(get_kfields(conn, tname))
- return [name for name in get_fields(conn, tname) if name not in kfields]
-########################## schema management ###########################
-## the folling routines are postgres-only
-set_schema = do('SET search_path TO :schema')
-exists_schema = do("SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname=:schema")
-def drop_schema(db, schema):
- db.execute('DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE' % schema)
-def create_schema(db, schema, force=False, schema_dir=None):
- """
- Create the specified schema. If the schema exists already
- an error is raised, unless force is True: in that case the schema
- is dropped and recreated. We are left in the created schema.
- """
- if force and exists_schema(db, schema):
- drop_schema(db, schema)
- db.execute('CREATE SCHEMA %s' % schema)
- set_schema(db, schema)
- if schema_dir:
- runscripts(db, schema_dir, ('.sql', '.py'))