path: root/
diff options
authorChristian Dywan <>2018-09-01 20:59:26 +0200
committerGitHub <>2018-09-01 20:59:26 +0200
commit1950a256c4324efde9838a00030089b4747067f9 (patch)
treee64e46aa10255f8b1eaeb0b3ef829df3a51c7502 /
parent2d7b4249e59b5b73b937da42562f8765e0392141 (diff)
Update/ markdownify README(.md) (#29)
This change consolidates README and HACKING into an updated with GitHub-compatible Markdown. Tweaks to the description which is re-used in snap and appstream descriptions are also included as well as a link to the new Telegram group. Note: The instructions for Windows with the latest sources are currently untested.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8a42a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+<p align="center">
+ <img src="icons/scalable/apps/midori.svg"/>
+<p align="center">
+ <b>Midori</b>
+ a lightweight, fast and free web browser
+![Midori Screenshot](
+Midori is a lightweight yet powerful web browser which runs just as well on little embedded computers named for delicious pastries as it does on beefy machines with a core temperature exceeding that of planet earth. And it looks good doing that, too. Oh, and of course it's free software.
+**Privacy out of the box**
+* Adblock filter list support.
+* Private browsing.
+* Manage cookies and scripts.
+**Productivity features**
+* Open a 1000 tabs instantly.
+* Easy web apps creation.
+* Customizable side panels.
+* User scripts and styles a la Greasemonkey.
+* Web developer tools powered by WebKit.
+Please report comments, suggestions and bugs to:
+Join [the #midori IRC channel]( on Freenode
+or [the Telegram group](!
+# Installing Midori on Linux
+If [your distro supports snaps](
+you can install the **latest stable** version of Midori
+[from the snap store]( with a single command:
+ snap install midori
+> **Spoilers:** For those more adventurous types out there, trying out the preview of the next version is only the switch of a channel away.
+# Building from source
+* GLib 2.48.0
+* GTK+ 3.12
+* gcr-3 2.32
+* [WebKit2GTK+]( 2.16.6
+* libsoup 2.48.0
+* sqlite 3.6.19
+* [Vala]( 0.30
+* GCR 2.32
+* Peas
+Install dependencies on Ubuntu or Debian based distros:
+ sudo apt install valac libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libsoup-gnome2.4-dev libgcr-3-dev libpeas-dev libsqlite3-dev intltool libxml2-utils
+Use CMake to build Midori:
+ mkdir _build
+ cd _build
+ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
+ make
+ sudo make install
+> **Spoilers:** Pass `-G Ninja` to CMake to use [Ninja]( instead of make (install `ninja-build` on Ubuntu/ Debian).
+Midori can be **run without being installed**.
+ _build/midori
+# Testing
+## Unit tests
+You'll want to **unit test** the code if you're testing a new version or contributed your own changes:
+ xvfb-run make check
+## Manual checklist
+* Browser window starts up normally, with optional URL(s) on the command line
+* Tabs have icons, a close button if there's more than one and can be switched
+* Urlbar suggests from typed search or URL, completes from history and highlights key
+* Private data can be cleared
+* Shortcuts window shows most important hotkeys
+* Download button lists on-going and finished downloads
+* `javascript:alert("test")`, `javascript:confirm("test")` and `javascript:input("test")` work
+* Websites can (un)toggle fullscreen mode
+# Troubleshooting
+Testing an installed release may reveal crashers or memory corruption which require investigating from a local build and obtaining a stacktrace (backtrace, crash log).
+ gdb _build/midori
+ run
+ …
+ bt
+If the problem is a warning, not a crash GLib has a handy feature
+ env G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all gdb _build/midori
+On Windows you can open the folder where Midori is installed and double-click gdb.exe which opens a command window:
+ file midori.exe
+ run
+ …
+ bt
+To verify a regression you might need to revert a particular change:
+ # Revert only d54c7e45
+ git revert d54c7e45
+# Contributing code
+## Coding style and quality
+Midori code should in general have:
+ * 4 space indentation, no tabs
+ * Between 80 to 120 columns
+ * Use `//` or `/* */` style comments
+ * Call variables `animal` and `animal_shelter` instead of ~camelCase~
+ * Keep a space between functions/ keywords and round parentheses
+ * Prefer `new Gtk.Widget ()` over `using Gtk; new Widget ()`
+ * `Midori` and `GLib` namespaces should be omitted
+ * Don't use `private` specifiers (which is the default)
+ * Stick to standard Vala-style curly parentheses on the same line
+ * Cuddled `} else {` and `} catch (Error error) {`
+## Working with Git
+The development **master** (trunk, tip) is the latest iteration of the next release. Browse it online and look for other branches.
+ git clone
+> **Spoilers:** The code used to be hosted at `lp:midori` and `` respectively.
+Remember to keep your branch updated:
+ git pull -r origin master
+Tell git your name if you haven't yet:
+ git config "<email@address>"
+ git config "Real Name"
+See what you did so far
+ git diff
+Get an overview of changed and new files:
+ git status -u
+Add new files, move/ rename or delete:
+ git add FILENAME
+Commit all current changes, selected interactively:
+ git commit -p -v
+If you have one or more related bug reports you should mention them
+in the commit message. Once these commits are merged the bug will
+automatically be closed and the commit log shows clickable links to the reports:
+ Fixes: #123
+If you've made several commits:
+ git log
+In the case you committed something wrong or want to amend it:
+ git reset --soft HEAD^
+If you end up with unrelated debugging code or other patches in the current changes
+it's sometimes handy to temporarily clean up.
+This may be seen as git's version of `bzr shelve`:
+ git stash save
+ git commit -p -v
+ git stash apply
+As a general rule of thumb, `git COMMAND --help` gives you an explanation
+of any command and `git --help -a` lists all available commands.
+## Push proposed changes
+* If you haven't yet, [check that GitHub has your SSH key](
+* [Fork the project on GitHub](
+* Add your patch(es)
+* **Push it under your username** on GitHub and you can **propose it for merging into master**.
+* This will automatically request a **review from other developers** who can then comment on it and provide feedback.
+> **Spoilers:** You can create an SSH key with **Passwords and Keys** aka **Seahorse**
+> or `ssh-keygen -t rsa` and specify `Host` with `User git` in your SSH config.
+# Jargon
+* **freeze**: a period of bug fixes eg. 4/2 cycle means 4 weeks of features and 2 weeks of stabilization
+* **PR**: pull request, a branch proposed for review, analogous to **MR** (merge request) with Bazaar
+* **ninja**: an internal tab, usually empty label, used for taking screenshots
+* **fortress**: user of an ancient release like 0.4.3 as found on Raspberry Pie, Debian, Ubuntu
+* **katze, sokoke, tabby**: legacy API names and coincidentally cat breeds
+# Midori for Windows
+## For Linux developers
+### Dependencies
+Midori for Windows is compiled on a Linux host and MinGW stack. For the current build Fedora 18 packages are used. Packages needed are listed below:
+ yum install gcc vala intltool
+For a native build
+ yum install libsoup-devel webkitgtk3-devel sqlite-devel
+For cross-compilation
+ yum install mingw{32,64}-webkitgtk3 mingw{32,64}-glib-networking mingw{32,64}-gdb mingw{32,64}-gstreamer-plugins-good
+Packages needed when assembling the archive
+ yum install faenza-icon-theme p7zip mingw32-nsis greybird-gtk3-theme
+Installing those should get you the packages needed to successfully build and develop Midori for Win32.
+### Building
+For 32-bit builds:
+ mkdir _mingw32
+ cd _mingw32
+ mingw32-cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=0
+ make
+ sudo make install
+For 64-bit builds:
+ mkdir _mingw64
+ cd _mingw64
+ mingw64-cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=0
+ make
+ sudo make install
+Once built and tested you can assemble the Midori archive with a helper script
+32-bit build:
+ env MINGW_PREFIX="/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw" ./win32/makedist/makedist.midori
+64-bit build:
+ env MINGW_PREFIX="/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/" ./win32/makedist/makedist.midori x64
+### Testing
+For testing your changes a real system is recommended because WebKitGTK+ doesn't work properly under Wine. Mounting your MinGW directories as a network drive or shared folder in a Windows VM is a good option.
+## For Windows developers
+### Prerequisites
+* [MinGW]( *mingw64 rubenvb*/ gcc 4.8.0 ([Releases](
+* [7zip]( ([32bit Installer]( to extract archives
+* [Python3]( to use ****.
+* []( to fetch and unpack rpm's
+* [Msys]( contains shell and some small utilities
+* [CMake]( ([Installer](
+* [Vala](
+> **Spoilers:** 32-bit versions are known to be more stable at the time of this writing.
+### Using
+* Launch `cmd.exe` and navigate to the folder where the script was saved.
+* Make sure that Python can access `7z.exe`.
+* Run the following command and wait for it to extract the packages into your current directory:
+* `c:\Python33\python.exe -u --deps mingw32-webkitgtk mingw32-glib-networking mingw32-gdb mingw32-gstreamer-plugins-good`
+See [Fedora 18 packages](
+> **Spoilers:** Use `msys.bat` to launch a shell