diff options
authorBenety Goh <>2018-09-10 10:48:52 -0400
committerBenety Goh <>2018-09-10 11:44:07 -0400
commit6bc9ed599c3fa164703346a22bad17e33fa913e4 (patch)
parent55c7f626633ebbdad42938a975c015729d40d0b9 (diff)
SERVER-37002 collection rename drops indexes with long names in the target namespacer3.6.8-rc1r3.6.8
This is already done implicitly during a two phase collection drop. Renaming a collection with dropTarget set to true should handle long index names in a similar manner. (cherry picked from commit 8f37bba5a81b975101ae0ad4a0f894cce6dba648)
2 files changed, 97 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/drop_collections_two_phase_rename_drop_target.js b/jstests/replsets/drop_collections_two_phase_rename_drop_target.js
index e0c2aabadb6..5a646036fc8 100644
--- a/jstests/replsets/drop_collections_two_phase_rename_drop_target.js
+++ b/jstests/replsets/drop_collections_two_phase_rename_drop_target.js
@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@
load('jstests/replsets/libs/two_phase_drops.js'); // For TwoPhaseDropCollectionTest.
load('jstests/libs/check_log.js'); // For checkLog.contains().
+ // Return a list of all indexes for a given collection. Use 'args' as the
+ // 'listIndexes' command arguments.
+ // Assumes all indexes in the collection fit in the first batch of results.
+ function listIndexes(database, coll, args) {
+ args = args || {};
+ let failMsg = "'listIndexes' command failed";
+ let listIndexesCmd = {listIndexes: coll};
+ let res = assert.commandWorked(database.runCommand(listIndexesCmd, args), failMsg);
+ return res.cursor.firstBatch;
+ }
// Set up a two phase drop test.
let testName = 'drop_collection_two_phase_rename_drop_target';
let dbName = testName;
@@ -23,11 +34,23 @@
- // Insert documents into both collections so that we can tell them apart.
+ // Collection renames with dropTarget set to true should handle long index names in the target
+ // collection gracefully. MMAPv1 imposes a hard limit on index namespaces so we have to drop
+ // indexes that are too long to store on disk after renaming the collection.
const primary = replTest.getPrimary();
const testDb = primary.getDB(dbName);
const fromColl = testDb.getCollection(fromCollName);
const toColl = testDb.getCollection(toCollName);
+ let maxNsLength = 127;
+ let longIndexName = ''.pad(maxNsLength - (toColl.getFullName() + '.$').length, true, 'a');
+ let shortIndexName = "short_name";
+ // In the target collection, which will be dropped, create one index with a "too long" name, and
+ // one with a name of acceptable size.
+ assert.commandWorked(toColl.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {name: longIndexName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(toColl.ensureIndex({b: 1}, {name: shortIndexName}));
+ // Insert documents into both collections so that we can tell them apart.
assert.writeOK(fromColl.insert({_id: 'from'}));
assert.writeOK(toColl.insert({_id: 'to'}));
@@ -61,7 +84,32 @@
assert.eq({_id: 'from'}, toColl.findOne());
// Confirm that original target collection is now a drop-pending collection.
- assert(twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(toCollName));
+ const isPendingDropResult = twoPhaseDropTest.collectionIsPendingDrop(toCollName);
+ assert(isPendingDropResult);
+ const droppedCollName =;
+ jsTestLog('Original target collection is now in a drop-pending state: ' + droppedCollName);
+ // Check that indexes that would violate the namespace length constraints after rename were
+ // dropped.
+ const indexes = listIndexes(testDb, droppedCollName);
+ jsTestLog('Indexes in ' + droppedCollName + ': ' + tojson(indexes));
+ assert(indexes.find(idx => === shortIndexName));
+ assert.eq(undefined, indexes.find(idx => === longIndexName));
+ // Check that index drop appears before collection rename in the oplog.
+ const oplogColl = primary.getCollection('');
+ const cmdNs = testDb.getCollection('$cmd').getFullName();
+ const renameOplogEntry =
+ oplogColl.findOne({ns: cmdNs, 'o.renameCollection': fromColl.getFullName()});
+ const dropIndexOplogEntry =
+ oplogColl.findOne({ns: cmdNs, o: {dropIndexes: toCollName, index: longIndexName}});
+ const renameTimestamp = renameOplogEntry.ts;
+ const dropIndexTimestamp = dropIndexOplogEntry.ts;
+ renameTimestamp,
+ 'index was not dropped before collection. index drop: ' +
+ tojson(dropIndexOplogEntry) + ' . collection rename: ' +
+ tojson(renameOplogEntry));
// COMMIT collection drop.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/catalog/rename_collection.cpp b/src/mongo/db/catalog/rename_collection.cpp
index 9ef84923199..af4f6970285 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/catalog/rename_collection.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/catalog/rename_collection.cpp
@@ -254,6 +254,53 @@ Status renameCollectionCommon(OperationContext* opCtx,
// Target collection exists - drop it.
auto dropTargetUUID = targetColl->uuid();
+ // If this rename collection is replicated, check for long index names in the target
+ // collection that may exceed the MMAPv1 namespace limit when the target collection
+ // is renamed with a drop-pending namespace.
+ auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx);
+ auto isOplogDisabledForNamespace = replCoord->isOplogDisabledFor(opCtx, target);
+ auto isMasterSlave =
+ repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeMasterSlave == replCoord->getReplicationMode();
+ if (!isOplogDisabledForNamespace && !isMasterSlave) {
+ invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated());
+ invariant(renameOpTimeFromApplyOps.isNull());
+ // Compile a list of any indexes that would become too long following the
+ // drop-pending rename. In the case that this collection drop gets rolled back, this
+ // will incur a performance hit, since those indexes will have to be rebuilt from
+ // scratch, but data integrity is maintained.
+ std::vector<IndexDescriptor*> indexesToDrop;
+ auto indexIter = targetColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator(opCtx, true);
+ // Determine which index names are too long. Since we don't have the collection
+ // rename optime at this time, use the maximum optime to check the index names.
+ auto longDpns = target.makeDropPendingNamespace(repl::OpTime::max());
+ while (indexIter.more()) {
+ auto index =;
+ auto status = longDpns.checkLengthForRename(index->indexName().size());
+ if (!status.isOK()) {
+ indexesToDrop.push_back(index);
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop the offending indexes.
+ auto sourceUuidString = sourceUUID ? sourceUUID.get().toString() : "no UUID";
+ auto dropTargetUuidString =
+ dropTargetUUID ? dropTargetUUID.get().toString() : "no UUID";
+ for (auto&& index : indexesToDrop) {
+ log() << "renameCollection: renaming collection " << sourceUuidString
+ << " from " << source << " to " << target << " (" << dropTargetUuidString
+ << ") - target collection contains an index namespace '"
+ << index->indexNamespace()
+ << "' that would be too long after drop-pending rename. Dropping index "
+ "immediately.";
+ fassertStatusOK(50941, targetColl->getIndexCatalog()->dropIndex(opCtx, index));
+ opObserver->onDropIndex(
+ opCtx, target, targetColl->uuid(), index->indexName(), index->infoObj());
+ }
+ }
auto renameOpTime = opObserver->onRenameCollection(
opCtx, source, target, sourceUUID, true, dropTargetUUID, options.stayTemp);