diff options
authorSamy Lanka <>2018-04-28 19:57:20 -0400
committerMax Hirschhorn <>2018-04-28 19:57:20 -0400
commit1f6da1ab1f782037884119ec9acf5080b569c9c9 (patch)
parent3d1d7394014e56173290661c1901fed5be1cb554 (diff)
SERVER-33805 Change Jepsen tasks running in Evergreen to use mongobridge
(cherry picked from commit 8a6c15fd3c42927f5b8a5f688bde5fced706c908)
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/etc/evergreen.yml b/etc/evergreen.yml
index 99f85366ca5..318ec8b3d75 100644
--- a/etc/evergreen.yml
+++ b/etc/evergreen.yml
@@ -567,13 +567,6 @@ functions:
commit=$(git show -s --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar: %s")
echo "Git branch: $branch, commit: $commit"
make PREFIX=$(pwd)/build/ LIBDIRNAME='.' install
- # Add libfaketime to mongo-binaries.tgz so it gets uploaded to each of the LXC containers.
- # The build/ prefix of the shared object will get removed when Jepsen extracts the tarball
- # into the /opt/mongodb/ directory.
- gzip --stdout --decompress ../mongo-binaries.tgz > mongo-binaries.tar
- tar --append --file=mongo-binaries.tar build/
- gzip --stdout mongo-binaries.tar > ../mongo-binaries.tgz
- command: shell.exec
working_dir: src
@@ -589,45 +582,14 @@ functions:
working_dir: src
script: |
- # On each LXC host do the following:
- # Check to see if it's running, if not try to restart it.
- # Copy the mongodb tarball to /root.
- numVms=5
- exit_failure_code=0
- ${set_sudo}
- for i in $(seq 1 $numVms)
- do
- hostn=n$i
- hostn_log=/var/log/lxc/$hostn.log
- $sudo lxc-wait -n $hostn -s 'RUNNING' -t 0
- lxc_code=$?
- lxc_restarts=0
- # If the LXC host is not running, try 5 times to start it.
- while [ $lxc_code -ne 0 ]
- do
- lxc_restarts=$((lxc_restarts+1))
- echo "Restarting host $hostn, attempt $lxc_restarts"
- # When restarting, increase the logging level to INFO for the LXC log.
- $sudo lxc-start -n $hostn --logpriority=INFO --logfile=$hostn_log -d
- $sudo lxc-wait -n $hostn -s 'RUNNING' -t 60
- lxc_code=$?
- if [ $lxc_restarts -eq 5 ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- scp -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o ConnectionAttempts=10 mongo-binaries.tgz root@$hostn:
- exit_code=$?
- # If the copy fails, then tail the LXC host log.
- if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Copy to host $hostn failed!"
- $sudo tail -n 100 $hostn_log
- exit_failure_code=$exit_code
- else
- # Cleanup any existing logs from previous runs.
- ssh root@$hostn "rm -f /root/mongod.log /root/stdout.log /opt/mongod/mongod.log /opt/mongod/stdout.log"
- fi
- done
- exit $exit_failure_code
+ set -o errexit
+ ${activate_virtualenv}
+ $python -c 'import socket; num_nodes = 5; print("\n".join(["%s:%d" % (socket.gethostname(), port) for port in range(20000, 20000 + num_nodes)]))' > nodes.txt
+ if [ ${distro_id} = "ubuntu1404-jepsen" ]; then
+ ${set_sudo}
+ $sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes libc++-dev libsnmp-dev
+ fi
"run jepsen test" :
- command: shell.exec
@@ -637,20 +599,33 @@ functions:
working_dir: src/jepsen-mongodb
script: |
set -o verbose
+ # Set the TMPDIR environment variable to be a directory in the task's working
+ # directory so that temporary files created by processes spawned by jepsen get
+ # cleaned up after the task completes. This also ensures the spawned processes
+ # aren't impacted by limited space in the mount point for the /tmp directory.
+ # We also need to set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable so that lein will
+ # recognize this as the default temp directory.
+ export TMPDIR="${workdir}/tmp"
+ mkdir -p $TMPDIR
+ export$TMPDIR
start_time=$(date +%s)
- lein run test --test ${jepsen_test_name} \
- --tarball "file:///root/mongo-binaries.tgz" \
- --ssh-private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa_lxc \
- --clock-skew faketime \
- --libfaketime-path /opt/mongodb/ \
- ${jepsen_key_time_limit} \
- ${jepsen_protocol_version} \
- ${jepsen_read_concern} \
- ${jepsen_read_with_find_and_modify} \
- ${jepsen_storage_engine} \
- ${jepsen_time_limit} \
- ${jepsen_write_concern} \
- 2>&1 \
+ lein run test --test ${jepsen_test_name} \
+ --mongodb-dir ../ \
+ --working-dir ${workdir}/src/jepsen-workdir \
+ --clock-skew faketime \
+ --libfaketime-path ${workdir}/src/libfaketime/build/ \
+ --virtualization none \
+ --nodes-file ../nodes.txt \
+ ${jepsen_key_time_limit} \
+ ${jepsen_protocol_version} \
+ ${jepsen_read_concern} \
+ ${jepsen_read_with_find_and_modify} \
+ ${jepsen_storage_engine} \
+ ${jepsen_time_limit} \
+ ${jepsen_write_concern} \
+ 2>&1 \
| tee jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log
end_time=$(date +%s)
@@ -1051,44 +1026,13 @@ post:
display_name: gcov intermediate files - Execution ${execution}
optional: true
- # Gather and archive the Jepsen mongod logs.
- - command: shell.exec
- params:
- working_dir: src
- script: |
- # For Jepsen tasks, archive the mongod log files.
- if [ ${distro_id} = "ubuntu1404-jepsen" ]; then
- # Copy mongod.log & stdout.log from each LXC host for archive purposes. Note that
- # stdout.log is also generated as a result of starting mongod.
- # The logs can reside in 1 of 2 places:
- # If the task completed: /root
- # If the task failed to complete: /opt/mongodb
- # There may be logs in both places, but the ones in /opt/mongodb should override
- # the ones in /root, since the logs in /root could be from a previous successful run.
- numVms=5
- for i in $(seq 1 $numVms)
- do
- hostn=n$i
- for log_dir in /root /opt/mongodb
- do
- for log in mongod.log stdout.log
- do
- outlog="$(echo $log | cut -f1 -d '.')-n$i.log"
- scp -q root@$hostn:$log_dir/$log $outlog 2> /dev/null
- if [ -f $outlog ]; then
- echo "Copied $log_dir/$log from $hostn to $outlog"
- fi
- done
- done
- done
- fi
- command: archive.targz_pack
target: "src/jepsen-mongod-logs.tgz"
- source_dir: "src"
+ source_dir: "${workdir}/src/jepsen-workdir"
- - "mongod*.log"
- - "stdout*.log"
+ - "./**.log"
- command: s3.put
aws_key: ${aws_key}