diff options
authorMilena Ivanova <>2021-03-23 11:24:30 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-04-06 17:49:45 +0000
commit2dbc4a91be463c37a1a38396b6c52a06d67042fb (patch)
parent8222bef16ae26297f7313274e4ca15eb1dd54655 (diff)
SERVER-54001 Allow rewrite to push computed meta projections past $unpackBucket
Split $addFields to two parts, dependent and independent from the meta field, and push the dependent part past $unpackBucket.
12 files changed, 455 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor.h b/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor.h
index 0245c22682a..39fe73946ab 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor.h
@@ -131,10 +131,11 @@ public:
return boost::none;
- void substituteFieldPathElement(const StringData& oldName, const StringData& newName) final {
- StringMap<std::string> renames;
- renames[oldName] = newName.toString();
- _root->substituteFieldPathElement(renames);
+ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjections(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) final {
+ return _root->extractComputedProjectionsInAddFields(oldName, newName, reservedNames);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor_test.cpp
index f4da89e0bca..007e5cc1ffb 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/add_fields_projection_executor_test.cpp
@@ -604,5 +604,86 @@ TEST(AddFieldsProjectionExecutorExecutionTest, AlwaysKeepsMetadataFromOriginalDo
ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(result, expectedDoc.freeze());
+// Extract computed projections depending on a given field.
+TEST(AddFieldsProjectionExecutorExecutionTest, ExtractComputedProjections) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContextForTest> expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest());
+ AddFieldsProjectionExecutor addFields(expCtx);
+ addFields.parse(BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper"
+ << "$myMeta.x")));
+ const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{};
+ auto [extractedAddFields, deleteFlag] =
+ addFields.extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ ASSERT_EQ(extractedAddFields.nFields(), 1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, true);
+ auto expectedAddFields = BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper" << BSON_ARRAY("$meta.x")));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedAddFields, extractedAddFields);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(Document(fromjson("{}")), addFields.serializeTransformation(boost::none));
+TEST(AddFieldsProjectionExecutorExecutionTest, ExtractComputedProjectionsPrefix) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContextForTest> expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest());
+ AddFieldsProjectionExecutor addFields(expCtx);
+ addFields.parse(BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper"
+ << "$myMeta.x")
+ << "computed2" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY("$c" << 1))));
+ const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{};
+ auto [extractedAddFields, deleteFlag] =
+ addFields.extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ ASSERT_EQ(extractedAddFields.nFields(), 1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, false);
+ auto expectedAddFields = BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper" << BSON_ARRAY("$meta.x")));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedAddFields, extractedAddFields);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(Document(fromjson("{computed2: {$add: [\"$c\", {$const: 1}]}}")),
+ addFields.serializeTransformation(boost::none));
+TEST(AddFieldsProjectionExecutorExecutionTest, DoNotExtractComputedProjectionsSuffix) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContextForTest> expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest());
+ AddFieldsProjectionExecutor addFields(expCtx);
+ addFields.parse(BSON("computed1" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY("$c" << 1)) << "meta2"
+ << BSON("$toUpper"
+ << "$myMeta.x")));
+ const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{};
+ auto [extractedAddFields, deleteFlag] =
+ addFields.extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ ASSERT_EQ(extractedAddFields.nFields(), 0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, false);
+ auto expectedResult = Document(fromjson(
+ "{computed1: {$add: [\"$c\", {$const: 1}]}, meta2 : {$toUpper : [\"$myMeta.x\"]}}"));
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(expectedResult, addFields.serializeTransformation(boost::none));
+TEST(AddFieldsProjectionExecutorExecutionTest, DoNotExtractComputedProjectionWithReservedName) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContextForTest> expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest());
+ AddFieldsProjectionExecutor addFields(expCtx);
+ addFields.parse(BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper"
+ << "$myMeta.x")
+ << "data"
+ << BSON("$toUpper"
+ << "$myMeta.y")));
+ const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{"data"};
+ auto [extractedAddFields, deleteFlag] =
+ addFields.extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ ASSERT_EQ(extractedAddFields.nFields(), 1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, false);
+ auto expectedAddFields = BSON("meta1" << BSON("$toUpper" << BSON_ARRAY("$meta.x")));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedAddFields, extractedAddFields);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(Document(fromjson("{data: {$toUpper: [\"$myMeta.y\"]}}")),
+ addFields.serializeTransformation(boost::none));
} // namespace
} // namespace mongo::projection_executor
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.cpp
index 71e80b33709..81ec31c02b2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
#include "mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h"
namespace mongo::projection_executor {
+using ComputedFieldsPolicy = ProjectionPolicies::ComputedFieldsPolicy;
Document FastPathEligibleInclusionNode::applyToDocument(const Document& inputDoc) const {
// A fast-path inclusion projection supports inclusion-only fields, so make sure we have no
// computed fields in the specification.
@@ -87,6 +89,151 @@ void FastPathEligibleInclusionNode::_applyProjections(BSONObj bson, BSONObjBuild
+namespace {
+// A helper function to substitute field path element in expression using the 'renames' map.
+boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression> substituteInExpr(boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression> ex,
+ StringMap<std::string> renames) {
+ SubstituteFieldPathWalker substituteWalker(renames);
+ auto substExpr = expression_walker::walk(&substituteWalker, ex.get());
+ if (substExpr.get() != nullptr) {
+ return substExpr.release();
+ }
+ return ex;
+} // namespace
+std::pair<BSONObj, bool> InclusionNode::extractComputedProjectionsInProject(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
+ if (_policies.computedFieldsPolicy != ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields) {
+ return {BSONObj{}, false};
+ }
+ // Auxiliary vector with extracted computed projections: <name, expression, replacement
+ // strategy>. If the replacement strategy flag is true, the expression is replaced with a
+ // projected field. If it is false - the expression is replaced with an identity projection.
+ std::vector<std::tuple<StringData, boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>, bool>>
+ addFieldsExpressions;
+ bool replaceWithProjField = true;
+ for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) {
+ if (reservedNames.count(field) > 0) {
+ // Do not pushdown computed projection with reserved name.
+ replaceWithProjField = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field);
+ if (expressionIt == _expressions.end()) {
+ // After seeing the first dotted path expression we need to replace computed
+ // projections with identity projections to preserve the field order.
+ replaceWithProjField = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ DepsTracker deps;
+ expressionIt->second->addDependencies(&deps);
+ auto topLevelFieldNames =
+ deps.toProjectionWithoutMetadata(DepsTracker::TruncateToRootLevel::yes)
+ .getFieldNames<std::set<std::string>>();
+ topLevelFieldNames.erase("_id");
+ if (topLevelFieldNames.size() == 1 && topLevelFieldNames.count(oldName.toString()) == 1) {
+ // Substitute newName for oldName in the expression.
+ StringMap<std::string> renames;
+ renames[oldName] = newName.toString();
+ addFieldsExpressions.emplace_back(expressionIt->first,
+ substituteInExpr(expressionIt->second, renames),
+ replaceWithProjField);
+ } else {
+ // After seeing a computed expression that depends on other fields, we need to preserve
+ // the order by replacing following computed projections with identity projections.
+ replaceWithProjField = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!addFieldsExpressions.empty()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder bb;
+ for (const auto& expressionSpec : addFieldsExpressions) {
+ auto&& fieldName = std::get<0>(expressionSpec).toString();
+ auto oldExpr = std::get<1>(expressionSpec);
+ oldExpr->serialize(false).addToBsonObj(&bb, fieldName);
+ if (std::get<2>(expressionSpec)) {
+ // Replace the expression with an inclusion projected field.
+ _projectedFields.insert(fieldName);
+ _expressions.erase(fieldName);
+ // Only computed projections at the beginning of the list were marked to become
+ // projected fields. The new projected field is at the beginning of the
+ // _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren list.
+ _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.erase(
+ _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.begin());
+ } else {
+ // Replace the expression with identity projection.
+ auto newExpr = ExpressionFieldPath::createPathFromString(
+ oldExpr->getExpressionContext(),
+ fieldName,
+ oldExpr->getExpressionContext()->variablesParseState);
+ _expressions[fieldName] = newExpr;
+ }
+ }
+ return {bb.obj(), false};
+ }
+ return {BSONObj{}, false};
+std::pair<BSONObj, bool> InclusionNode::extractComputedProjectionsInAddFields(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
+ if (_policies.computedFieldsPolicy != ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields) {
+ return {BSONObj{}, false};
+ }
+ // Auxiliary vector with extracted computed projections: <name, expression>.
+ // To preserve the original fields order, only projections at the beginning of the
+ // _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren list can be extracted for pushdown.
+ std::vector<std::pair<StringData, boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>>> addFieldsExpressions;
+ for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) {
+ // Do not extract for pushdown computed projection with reserved name.
+ if (reservedNames.count(field) > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field);
+ if (expressionIt == _expressions.end()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ DepsTracker deps;
+ expressionIt->second->addDependencies(&deps);
+ auto topLevelFieldNames =
+ deps.toProjectionWithoutMetadata(DepsTracker::TruncateToRootLevel::yes)
+ .getFieldNames<std::set<std::string>>();
+ topLevelFieldNames.erase("_id");
+ if (topLevelFieldNames.size() == 1 && topLevelFieldNames.count(oldName.toString()) == 1) {
+ // Substitute newName for oldName in the expression.
+ StringMap<std::string> renames;
+ renames[oldName] = newName.toString();
+ addFieldsExpressions.emplace_back(expressionIt->first,
+ substituteInExpr(expressionIt->second, renames));
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!addFieldsExpressions.empty()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder bb;
+ for (const auto& expressionSpec : addFieldsExpressions) {
+ auto&& fieldName = expressionSpec.first.toString();
+ auto expr = expressionSpec.second;
+ expr->serialize(false).addToBsonObj(&bb, fieldName);
+ // Remove the expression from this inclusion node.
+ _expressions.erase(fieldName);
+ _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.erase(_orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.begin());
+ }
+ // If all expressions have been extracted, this inclusion node should be removed.
+ return {bb.obj(), _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.size() == 0};
+ }
+ return {BSONObj{}, false};
void FastPathEligibleInclusionNode::_applyProjectionsToArray(BSONObj array,
BSONArrayBuilder* bab) const {
BSONObjIterator it{array};
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h
index 77aa56dbac4..a0429ff924f 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h
@@ -76,28 +76,38 @@ public:
return _children.size() + _projectedFields.size();
+ // The following two methods extract from the InclusionNode computed projections that depend
+ // only on the 'oldName' field. We need two versions for $project and $addFields, due to
+ // different functionality: we need to replace the fields in $project to not lose them, and we
+ // can just remove them from $addFields.
- * All field paths with the first path element in the 'renames' map are substituted for field
- * paths with respective mapped name as a first element. The change is applied to all
- * expressions of the InclusionNode, including the expressions in its children.
- *
+ * Returns a pair of <BSONObj, bool>. The BSONObj contains extracted computed projections that
+ * depend only on the 'oldName' field and is empty if no such projection exists. In the
+ * extracted expressions the 'oldName' is substituted for the 'newName'. If a projection name
+ * is in the 'reservedNames' set, it is ineligible for extraction. Each extracted computed
+ * projection is replaced with a projected field or with an identity projection.
+ * The returned boolean flag is always false meaning that the original projection is not empty
+ * and cannot be deleted.
- void substituteFieldPathElement(const StringMap<std::string>& renames) {
- SubstituteFieldPathWalker substituteWalker(renames);
- for (auto&& expressionPair : _expressions) {
- auto substExpr =
- expression_walker::walk(&substituteWalker, expressionPair.second.get());
- if (substExpr.get() != nullptr) {
- expressionPair.second = substExpr.release();
- }
- }
- for (auto&& childPair : _children) {
- static_cast<InclusionNode*>(childPair.second.get())
- ->substituteFieldPathElement(renames);
- }
- }
+ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjectionsInProject(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames);
+ /**
+ * Returns a pair of <BSONObj, bool>. The BSONObj contains extracted computed projections that
+ * depend only on the 'oldName' field and is empty if no such projection exists. In the
+ * extracted expressions the 'oldName' is substituted for the 'newName'. If a projection name
+ * is in the 'reservedNames' set, it is ineligible for extraction. To preserve the original
+ * field order the extraction stops when reaching a field which cannot be extracted. The
+ * extracted projections are removed from the node.
+ * The returned boolean flag is true if the original projection has become empty after the
+ * extraction and can be deleted by the caller.
+ */
+ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjectionsInAddFields(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames);
// For inclusions, we can apply an optimization here by simply appending to the output document
@@ -267,10 +277,11 @@ public:
return exhaustivePaths;
- BSONObj extractComputedProjections(const std::string& oldName,
- const std::string& newName,
- const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) final {
- return _root->extractComputedProjections(oldName, newName, reservedNames);
+ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjections(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) final {
+ return _root->extractComputedProjectionsInProject(oldName, newName, reservedNames);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor_test.cpp
index 9e94fac4910..029b3b091c1 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor_test.cpp
@@ -1055,13 +1055,15 @@ TEST_F(InclusionProjectionExecutionTestWithFallBackToDefault, ExtractComputedPro
auto r = static_cast<InclusionProjectionExecutor*>(inclusion.get())->getRoot();
const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{};
- auto addFields = r->extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ auto [addFields, deleteFlag] =
+ r->extractComputedProjectionsInProject("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
ASSERT_EQ(addFields.nFields(), 2);
auto expectedAddFields =
BSON("computedMeta1" << BSON("$toUpper" << BSON_ARRAY("$meta.x")) << "computedMeta3"
<< "$meta");
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedAddFields, addFields);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, false);
auto expectedProjection =
Document(fromjson("{_id: true, computedMeta1: true, computed2: {$add: [\"$c\", {$const: "
@@ -1080,7 +1082,8 @@ TEST_F(InclusionProjectionExecutionTestWithFallBackToDefault, ApplyProjectionAft
auto r = static_cast<InclusionProjectionExecutor*>(inclusion.get())->getRoot();
const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{};
- auto addFields = r->extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ auto [addFields, deleteFlag] =
+ r->extractComputedProjectionsInProject("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
// Assuming the document was produced by the $_internalUnpackBucket.
auto result = inclusion->applyTransformation(
@@ -1100,12 +1103,14 @@ TEST_F(InclusionProjectionExecutionTestWithFallBackToDefault, DoNotExtractReserv
auto r = static_cast<InclusionProjectionExecutor*>(inclusion.get())->getRoot();
const std::set<StringData> reservedNames{"meta", "data", "_id"};
- auto addFields = r->extractComputedProjections("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
+ auto [addFields, deleteFlag] =
+ r->extractComputedProjectionsInProject("myMeta", "meta", reservedNames);
ASSERT_EQ(addFields.nFields(), 1);
auto expectedAddFields = BSON("newMeta"
<< "$meta");
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedAddFields, addFields);
+ ASSERT_EQ(deleteFlag, false);
auto expectedProjection = Document(fromjson(
"{_id: true, a: true, data: {\"$toUpper\" : [\"$myMeta.x\"]}, newMeta: \"$newMeta\"}"));
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.cpp
index 29385c0e9d8..0cee88a78f6 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h"
-#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_walker.h"
namespace mongo::projection_executor {
using ArrayRecursionPolicy = ProjectionPolicies::ArrayRecursionPolicy;
@@ -306,90 +305,4 @@ void ProjectionNode::serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explai
-BSONObj ProjectionNode::extractComputedProjections(const StringData& oldName,
- const StringData& newName,
- const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
- if (_policies.computedFieldsPolicy != ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields) {
- return BSONObj{};
- }
- // Auxiliary vector with extracted computed projections: <name, expression, replacement
- // strategy>. If the replacement strategy flag is true, the expression is replaced with a
- // projected field. If it is false - the expression is replaced with an identity projection.
- std::vector<std::tuple<StringData, boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>, bool>>
- addFieldsExpressions;
- bool replaceWithProjField = true;
- for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) {
- if (reservedNames.count(field) > 0) {
- // Do not pushdown computed projection with reserved name.
- replaceWithProjField = false;
- continue;
- }
- auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field);
- if (expressionIt == _expressions.end()) {
- // After seeing the first dotted path expression we need to replace computed
- // projections with identity projections to preserve the field order.
- replaceWithProjField = false;
- continue;
- }
- DepsTracker deps;
- expressionIt->second->addDependencies(&deps);
- auto topLevelFieldNames =
- deps.toProjectionWithoutMetadata(DepsTracker::TruncateToRootLevel::yes)
- .getFieldNames<std::set<std::string>>();
- topLevelFieldNames.erase("_id");
- if (topLevelFieldNames.size() == 1 && topLevelFieldNames.count(oldName.toString()) == 1) {
- // Substitute newName for oldName in the expression.
- StringMap<std::string> renames;
- renames[oldName] = newName.toString();
- auto substituteInExpr =
- [&renames](
- boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression> ex) -> boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression> {
- SubstituteFieldPathWalker substituteWalker(renames);
- auto substExpr = expression_walker::walk(&substituteWalker, ex.get());
- if (substExpr.get() != nullptr) {
- return substExpr.release();
- }
- return ex;
- };
- addFieldsExpressions.emplace_back(
- expressionIt->first, substituteInExpr(expressionIt->second), replaceWithProjField);
- } else {
- // After seeing a computed expression that depends on other fields, we need to preserve
- // the order by replacing following computed projections with identity projections.
- replaceWithProjField = false;
- }
- }
- if (!addFieldsExpressions.empty()) {
- BSONObjBuilder bb;
- for (const auto& expressionSpec : addFieldsExpressions) {
- auto&& fieldName = std::get<0>(expressionSpec).toString();
- auto oldExpr = std::get<1>(expressionSpec);
- oldExpr->serialize(false).addToBsonObj(&bb, fieldName);
- if (std::get<2>(expressionSpec)) {
- // Replace the expression with an inclusion projected field.
- _projectedFields.insert(fieldName);
- _expressions.erase(fieldName);
- // Only computed projections at the beginning of the list were marked to become
- // projected fields. The new projected field is at the beginning of the
- // _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren list.
- _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.erase(
- _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.begin());
- } else {
- // Replace the expression with identity projection.
- auto newExpr = ExpressionFieldPath::createPathFromString(
- oldExpr->getExpressionContext(),
- fieldName,
- oldExpr->getExpressionContext()->variablesParseState);
- _expressions[fieldName] = newExpr;
- }
- }
- return bb.obj();
- }
- return BSONObj{};
} // namespace mongo::projection_executor
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h b/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h
index 0bc61927438..e6a4feab973 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h
@@ -133,17 +133,6 @@ public:
void serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain,
MutableDocument* output) const;
- /**
- * Extract computed projections that depend only on the 'oldName' field. Extraction is not
- * allowed if the name of the projection is in the 'reservedNames' set.
- * The function returns a BSONObj with computed projections, if such exist, or an empty BSONObj.
- * Each extracted computed projection is replaced with a projected field or with an identity
- * projection.
- */
- BSONObj extractComputedProjections(const StringData& oldName,
- const StringData& newName,
- const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames);
* Creates the child if it doesn't already exist. 'field' is not allowed to be dotted. Returns
@@ -180,6 +169,16 @@ protected:
// Whether this node or any child of this node contains a computed field.
bool _subtreeContainsComputedFields{false};
+ // Our projection semantics are such that all field additions need to be processed in the order
+ // specified. '_orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren' tracks that order.
+ //
+ // For example, for the specification {a: <expression>, "b.c": <expression>, d: <expression>},
+ // we need to add the top level fields in the order "a", then "b", then "d". This ordering
+ // information needs to be tracked separately, since "a" and "d" will be tracked via
+ // '_expressions', and "b.c" will be tracked as a child ProjectionNode in '_children'. For the
+ // example above, '_orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren' would be ["a", "b", "d"].
+ std::vector<std::string> _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren;
// Iterates 'inputDoc' for each projected field, adding to or removing from 'outputDoc'. Also
// copies over enough information to preserve the structure of the incoming document for the
@@ -223,16 +222,6 @@ private:
void _addProjectionForPath(const FieldPath& path);
- // Our projection semantics are such that all field additions need to be processed in the order
- // specified. '_orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren' tracks that order.
- //
- // For example, for the specification {a: <expression>, "b.c": <expression>, d: <expression>},
- // we need to add the top level fields in the order "a", then "b", then "d". This ordering
- // information needs to be tracked separately, since "a" and "d" will be tracked via
- // '_expressions', and "b.c" will be tracked as a child ProjectionNode in '_children'. For the
- // example above, '_orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren' would be ["a", "b", "d"].
- std::vector<std::string> _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren;
// Maximum number of fields that need to be projected. This allows for an "early" return
// optimization which means we don't have to iterate over an entire document. The value is
// stored here to avoid re-computation for each document.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.cpp
index 0d6e28736f1..8e2e81d2d14 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,24 @@ auto determineIncludeField(StringData fieldName,
+ * Erase computed meta projection fields if they are present in the exclusion field set.
+ */
+void eraseExcludedComputedMetaProjFields(BucketUnpacker::Behavior unpackerBehavior,
+ BucketSpec* bucketSpec) {
+ if (unpackerBehavior == BucketUnpacker::Behavior::kExclude &&
+ bucketSpec->computedMetaProjFields.size() > 0) {
+ for (auto it = bucketSpec->computedMetaProjFields.begin();
+ it != bucketSpec->computedMetaProjFields.end();) {
+ if (bucketSpec->fieldSet.find(*it) != bucketSpec->fieldSet.end()) {
+ it = bucketSpec->computedMetaProjFields.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* A projection can be internalized if every field corresponds to a boolean value. Note that this
* correctly rejects dotted fieldnames, which are mapped to objects internally.
@@ -304,7 +322,6 @@ void BucketUnpacker::reset(BSONObj&& bucket) {
// Update computed meta projections with values from this bucket.
if (!_spec.computedMetaProjFields.empty()) {
for (auto&& name : _spec.computedMetaProjFields) {
@@ -320,6 +337,7 @@ void BucketUnpacker::setBucketSpecAndBehavior(BucketSpec&& bucketSpec, Behavior
_includeMetaField = eraseMetaFromFieldSetAndDetermineIncludeMeta(behavior, &bucketSpec);
_includeTimeField = determineIncludeTimeField(behavior, &bucketSpec);
_unpackerBehavior = behavior;
+ eraseExcludedComputedMetaProjFields(behavior, &bucketSpec);
_spec = std::move(bucketSpec);
@@ -587,42 +605,56 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::doGetNext() {
return nextResult;
-void DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::pushDownComputedMetaProjection(
+bool DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::pushDownComputedMetaProjection(
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) {
+ bool nextStageWasRemoved = false;
if (std::next(itr) == container->end()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!_bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField || !_bucketUnpacker.includeMetaField()) {
- return;
+ return nextStageWasRemoved;
- auto nextProject =
- dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSingleDocumentTransformation*>((*std::next(itr)).get());
- if (!nextProject ||
- nextProject->getType() != TransformerInterface::TransformerType::kInclusionProjection) {
- return;
+ if (!_bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField) {
+ return nextStageWasRemoved;
- auto& metaName = _bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField.get();
- auto addFieldsSpec =
- nextProject->extractComputedProjections(metaName,
- timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName.toString(),
- BucketUnpacker::reservedBucketFieldNames);
- if (!addFieldsSpec.isEmpty()) {
- std::vector<StringData> computedMetaProjFields;
- for (auto&& elem : addFieldsSpec) {
- computedMetaProjFields.emplace_back(elem.fieldName());
+ if (auto nextTransform =
+ dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSingleDocumentTransformation*>(std::next(itr)->get());
+ nextTransform &&
+ (nextTransform->getType() == TransformerInterface::TransformerType::kInclusionProjection ||
+ nextTransform->getType() == TransformerInterface::TransformerType::kComputedProjection)) {
+ auto& metaName = _bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField.get();
+ auto [addFieldsSpec, deleteStage] =
+ nextTransform->extractComputedProjections(metaName,
+ timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName.toString(),
+ BucketUnpacker::reservedBucketFieldNames);
+ nextStageWasRemoved = deleteStage;
+ if (!addFieldsSpec.isEmpty()) {
+ // Extend bucket specification of this stage to include the computed meta projections
+ // that are passed through.
+ std::vector<StringData> computedMetaProjFields;
+ for (auto&& elem : addFieldsSpec) {
+ computedMetaProjFields.emplace_back(elem.fieldName());
+ }
+ _bucketUnpacker.addComputedMetaProjFields(computedMetaProjFields);
+ // Insert extracted computed projections before the $_internalUnpackBucket.
+ container->insert(
+ itr,
+ DocumentSourceAddFields::createFromBson(
+ BSON("$addFields" << addFieldsSpec).firstElement(), getContext()));
+ // Remove the next stage if it became empty after the field extraction.
+ if (deleteStage) {
+ container->erase(std::next(itr));
+ }
- _bucketUnpacker.addComputedMetaProjFields(computedMetaProjFields);
- container->insert(itr,
- DocumentSourceAddFields::createFromBson(
- BSON("$addFields" << addFieldsSpec).firstElement(), getContext()));
+ return nextStageWasRemoved;
void DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::internalizeProject(const BSONObj& project,
bool isInclusion) {
// 'fields' are the top-level fields to be included/excluded by the unpacker. We handle the
- // special case of _id, which may be excluded in an inclusion $project (or vice versa), here.
+ // special case of _id, which may be excluded in an inclusion $project (or vice versa),
+ // here.
auto fields = project.getFieldNames<std::set<std::string>>();
if (auto elt = project.getField("_id"); (elt.isBoolean() && elt.Bool() != isInclusion) ||
(elt.isNumber() && (elt.Int() == 1) != isInclusion)) {
@@ -640,7 +672,8 @@ void DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::internalizeProject(const BSONObj& proje
std::pair<BSONObj, bool> DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::extractOrBuildProjectToInternalize(
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) const {
if (std::next(itr) == container->end() || !_bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().fieldSet.empty()) {
- // There is no project to internalize or there are already fields being included/excluded.
+ // There is no project to internalize or there are already fields being
+ // included/excluded.
return {BSONObj{}, false};
@@ -651,9 +684,9 @@ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::extractOrBuildProje
return {existingProj, isInclusion};
- // Attempt to get an inclusion $project representing the root-level dependencies of the pipeline
- // after the $_internalUnpackBucket. If this $project is not empty, then the dependency set was
- // finite.
+ // Attempt to get an inclusion $project representing the root-level dependencies of the
+ // pipeline after the $_internalUnpackBucket. If this $project is not empty, then the
+ // dependency set was finite.
Pipeline::SourceContainer restOfPipeline(std::next(itr), container->end());
auto deps = Pipeline::getDependenciesForContainer(pExpCtx, restOfPipeline, boost::none);
if (auto dependencyProj =
@@ -676,17 +709,18 @@ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> createComparisonPredicate(
auto path = matchExpr->path();
auto rhs = matchExpr->getData();
- // The control field's min and max are chosen using a field-order insensitive comparator, while
- // MatchExpressions use a comparator that treats field-order as significant. Because of this we
- // will not perform this optimization on queries with operands of compound types.
+ // The control field's min and max are chosen using a field-order insensitive comparator,
+ // while MatchExpressions use a comparator that treats field-order as significant. Because
+ // of this we will not perform this optimization on queries with operands of compound types.
if (rhs.type() == BSONType::Object || rhs.type() == BSONType::Array) {
return nullptr;
- // MatchExpressions have special comparison semantics regarding null, in that {$eq: null} will
- // match all documents where the field is either null or missing. Because this is different
- // from both the comparison semantics that InternalExprComparison expressions and the control's
- // min and max fields use, we will not perform this optimization on queries with null operands.
+ // MatchExpressions have special comparison semantics regarding null, in that {$eq: null}
+ // will match all documents where the field is either null or missing. Because this is
+ // different from both the comparison semantics that InternalExprComparison expressions and
+ // the control's min and max fields use, we will not perform this optimization on queries
+ // with null operands.
if (rhs.type() == BSONType::jstNULL) {
return nullptr;
@@ -789,58 +823,6 @@ DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::splitMatchOnMetaAndRename(
return {nullptr, match};
-// Push down computed projections over meta fields ($addFields or $set).
-void DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(
- Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr) {
- if (!_bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField) {
- return;
- }
- auto& metaName = _bucketUnpacker.bucketSpec().metaField.get();
- if (auto nextTransform =
- dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSingleDocumentTransformation*>((*std::next(itr)).get());
- nextTransform &&
- nextTransform->getType() == TransformerInterface::TransformerType::kComputedProjection) {
- // Check if the transformation works exclusively over metafields.
- DepsTracker deps;
- nextTransform->getDependencies(&deps);
- auto topLevelFields =
- deps.toProjectionWithoutMetadata(DepsTracker::TruncateToRootLevel::yes);
- auto topLevelFieldNames = topLevelFields.getFieldNames<std::set<std::string>>();
- topLevelFieldNames.erase("_id");
- // Do not pushdown if a computed field name is (or starts with) a reserved bucket field
- // name.
- auto newNames = nextTransform->getModifiedPaths().getNewNames();
- for (auto&& name : newNames) {
- auto pos = name.find('.');
- auto prefix = (pos == std::string::npos) ? name : name.substr(0, pos);
- if (BucketUnpacker::isReservedBucketFieldName(prefix)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (topLevelFieldNames.size() == 1 && topLevelFieldNames.count(metaName) == 1) {
- // a) Rename the user metaField name into bucket's "meta" name in all expressions in
- // the transformation phase.
- nextTransform->substituteFieldPathElement(metaName,
- timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName.toString());
- // b) Modify this stage to include the computed meta projections from the next
- // stage.
- auto computedMetaProj =
- nextTransform->getTransformer().serializeTransformation(boost::none).toBson();
- std::vector<StringData> computedMetaProjFields;
- for (auto&& elem : computedMetaProj) {
- computedMetaProjFields.emplace_back(elem.fieldName());
- }
- _bucketUnpacker.addComputedMetaProjFields(computedMetaProjFields);
- // c) Swap the $_internalUnpackBucket stage with the $addFields stage.
- std::swap(*itr, *std::next(itr));
- }
- }
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::doOptimizeAt(
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) {
invariant(*itr == this);
@@ -914,17 +896,12 @@ Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::doOptimi
- // Attempt to extract computed meta projections from subsequent $project and push them before
- // the $_internalunpackBucket.
+ // Attempt to extract computed meta projections from subsequent $project, $addFields, or $set
+ // and push them before the $_internalunpackBucket.
pushDownComputedMetaProjection(itr, container);
- // If there is $addFields or $set that operate only on metadata, push it before the
- // $_internalUnpackBucket.
- if (std::next(itr) != container->end()) {
- pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(itr);
- }
- // Attempt to build a $project based on dependency analysis or extract one from the pipeline. We
- // can internalize the result so we can handle projections during unpacking.
+ // Attempt to build a $project based on dependency analysis or extract one from the
+ // pipeline. We can internalize the result so we can handle projections during unpacking.
if (auto [project, isInclusion] = extractOrBuildProjectToInternalize(itr, container);
!project.isEmpty()) {
internalizeProject(project, isInclusion);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.h
index ee8f703a09d..c5133643874 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket.h
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ public:
// Set of field names reserved for time-series buckets.
static const std::set<StringData> reservedBucketFieldNames;
- static bool isReservedBucketFieldName(const StringData& name) {
- return (reservedBucketFieldNames.count(name) > 0);
- }
// When BucketUnpacker is created with kInclude it must produce measurements that contain the
// set of fields. Otherwise, if the kExclude option is used, the measurements will include the
// set difference between all fields in the bucket and the provided fields.
@@ -317,9 +314,12 @@ public:
return _sampleSize;
- void pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr);
- void pushDownComputedMetaProjection(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
+ /**
+ * If the stage after $_internalUnpackBucket is $project, $addFields, or $set, try to extract
+ * from it computed meta projections and push them pass the current stage. Return true if the
+ * next stage was removed as a result of the optimization.
+ */
+ bool pushDownComputedMetaProjection(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/pushdown_computed_meta_projections_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/pushdown_computed_meta_projections_test.cpp
index abf095f3552..c2cf0047aac 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/pushdown_computed_meta_projections_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/pushdown_computed_meta_projections_test.cpp
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, true);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: {newMeta: {$toUpper: ['$meta']}}}"), serialized[0]);
@@ -69,8 +70,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, OptimizeAddFieldsWithMetaPro
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, true);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: {newMeta: {$concat: ['$meta.a', '$meta.b']}}}"),
@@ -87,8 +89,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, OptimizeAddFieldsWith2MetaPr
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, true);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: {device: '$meta.a', deviceType: '$meta.b'}}"),
@@ -96,6 +99,43 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, OptimizeAddFieldsWith2MetaPr
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[1]);
+TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, SplitAddFieldsWithMixedProjectionFields) {
+ auto unpackSpecObj =
+ fromjson("{$_internalUnpackBucket: { exclude: [], timeField: 'foo', metaField: 'myMeta'}}");
+ auto addFieldsSpecObj =
+ fromjson("{$addFields: {device: '$myMeta.a', temp: {$add: ['$temperature', '$offset']}}}");
+ auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
+ auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
+ auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
+ auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, serialized.size());
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: {device: '$meta.a'}}"), serialized[0]);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[1]);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: {temp: {$add: ['$temperature', '$offset']}}}"),
+ serialized[2]);
+TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotSplitAddFieldsWithMetaProjectionInSuffix) {
+ auto unpackSpecObj =
+ fromjson("{$_internalUnpackBucket: { exclude: [], timeField: 'foo', metaField: 'myMeta'}}");
+ auto addFieldsSpecObj = fromjson("{$addFields: {temp: '$temperature', device: '$myMeta.a'}}");
+ auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
+ auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
+ auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
+ auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[0]);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(addFieldsSpecObj, serialized[1]);
TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotOptimizeAddFieldsWithMixedProjection) {
auto unpackSpecObj =
fromjson("{$_internalUnpackBucket: { exclude: [], timeField: 'foo', metaField: 'myMeta'}}");
@@ -105,8 +145,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotOptimizeAddFieldsWithMi
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[0]);
@@ -120,8 +161,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotOptimizeAddFieldsWithMi
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[0]);
@@ -137,8 +179,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[0]);
@@ -154,8 +197,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, addFieldsSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownAddFieldsMetaProjection(container.begin());
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unpackSpecObj, serialized[0]);
@@ -174,8 +218,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(3u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: { device: '$meta.a'}}"), serialized[0]);
@@ -193,8 +238,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(3u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(fromjson("{$addFields: { device: '$meta.a'}}"), serialized[0]);
@@ -213,8 +259,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotPushDownMixedProjection
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(projectSpecObj, serialized[1]);
@@ -230,8 +277,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest,
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, projectSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(projectSpecObj, serialized[1]);
@@ -246,8 +294,9 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketPushdownProjectionsTest, DoNotPushDownNestedProjectio
auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(makeVector(unpackSpecObj, projectSpecObj), getExpCtx());
auto& container = pipeline->getSources();
auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(container.begin()->get());
- unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ auto nextStageIsRemoved = unpack->pushDownComputedMetaProjection(container.begin(), &container);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nextStageIsRemoved, false);
auto serialized = pipeline->serializeToBson();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, serialized.size());
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(projectSpecObj, serialized[1]);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_single_document_transformation.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_single_document_transformation.h
index d3d57c60e7f..158f9936fdc 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_single_document_transformation.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_single_document_transformation.h
@@ -95,26 +95,25 @@ public:
- * Substitute the occurence of 'oldName' as first field path element for a 'newName' in all
- * expressions in the transformation object.
+ * Extract computed projection(s) depending on the 'oldName' argument if the transformation is
+ * of type inclusion projection or computed projection. Extraction is not allowed if the name of
+ * the projection is in the 'reservedNames' set. The function returns a pair of <BSONObj, bool>.
+ * The BSONObj contains the computed projections in which the 'oldName' is substituted for the
+ * 'newName'. The boolean flag is true if the original projection has become empty after the
+ * extraction and can be deleted by the caller.
+ *
+ * For transformation of type inclusion projection the computed projections are replaced with a
+ * projected field or an identity projection depending on their position in the order of
+ * additional fields.
+ * For transformation of type computed projection the extracted computed projections are
+ * removed.
+ *
+ * The function has no effect for exclusion projections, or if there are no computed
+ * projections, or the computed expression depends on other fields than the oldName.
- void substituteFieldPathElement(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName) {
- _parsedTransform->substituteFieldPathElement(oldName, newName);
- }
- /**
- * If this transformation is an inclusion projection, the function extracts the computed
- * projection(s) depending on the oldName argument. Extraction is not allowed if the name of the
- * projection is in the 'reservedNames' set. The computed projection is returned as a BSONObj,
- * where the oldName is substituted for the newName. In the original inclusion projection it is
- * replaced with a projected field or an identity projection depending on its position in the
- * order of additional fields. The function has no effect for exclusion projections, or if there
- * are no computed projections, or the computed expression depends on other fields than the
- * oldName.
- */
- BSONObj extractComputedProjections(const std::string& oldName,
- const std::string& newName,
- const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
+ std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjections(const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
return _parsedTransform->extractComputedProjections(oldName, newName, reservedNames);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/transformer_interface.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/transformer_interface.h
index a53f9e7328e..40ae3b0564e 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/transformer_interface.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/transformer_interface.h
@@ -68,12 +68,17 @@ public:
virtual Document serializeTransformation(
boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain) const = 0;
- virtual void substituteFieldPathElement(const StringData& oldName, const StringData& newName) {}
- virtual BSONObj extractComputedProjections(const std::string& oldName,
- const std::string& newName,
- const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
- return BSONObj{};
+ /**
+ * Method used by inclusion and add fields projecton executors to extract computed projections
+ * that depend only on the 'oldName' field. Returns a pair of <BSONObj, bool>. The BSONObj
+ * contains the extracted projections. The boolean flag is true if the original projection has
+ * become empty after the extraction and can be deleted by the caller.
+ */
+ virtual std::pair<BSONObj, bool> extractComputedProjections(
+ const StringData& oldName,
+ const StringData& newName,
+ const std::set<StringData>& reservedNames) {
+ return {BSONObj{}, false};
} // namespace mongo