diff options
authorSteve Tarzia <>2022-09-23 14:12:53 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-09-23 15:07:34 +0000
commit538c5d15bf6f84fcfab9328fdf9857e120321e00 (patch)
parent125607bc02dfe1815bcef4eac4cdd6246b6445a7 (diff)
SERVER-68677 Skip row store projection in column scan plans when possible
11 files changed, 356 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/column_scan_skip_row_store_projection.js b/jstests/core/column_scan_skip_row_store_projection.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23dcb6b2ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/core/column_scan_skip_row_store_projection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ * Tests that the row store expression is skipped when there is an appropriate group or projection
+ * above a COLUMN_SCAN stage.
+ *
+ * @tags: [
+ * # explain is not supported in transactions
+ * does_not_support_transactions,
+ * requires_pipeline_optimization,
+ * # Runs explain on an aggregate command which is only compatible with readConcern local.
+ * assumes_read_concern_unchanged,
+ * # explain will be different in a sharded collection
+ * assumes_unsharded_collection,
+ * # column store row store expression skipping is new in 6.2.
+ * requires_fcv_62,
+ * uses_column_store_index,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+load('jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js'); // For assertArrayEq.
+load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled.
+// For areAllCollectionsClustered.
+const columnstoreEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(
+ db, ["featureFlagColumnstoreIndexes", "featureFlagSbeFull"], true /* checkAllNodes */);
+if (!columnstoreEnabled) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping columnstore index test since the feature flag is not enabled.");
+ return;
+const indexedColl = db.column_scan_skip_row_store_projection_indexed;
+const unindexedColl = db.column_scan_skip_row_store_projection_unindexed;
+function setupCollections() {
+ indexedColl.drop();
+ unindexedColl.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(indexedColl.createIndex({"$**": "columnstore"}));
+ const docs = [
+ {_id: "a_number", a: 4},
+ {_id: "a_subobject_c_not_null", a: {c: "hi"}},
+ {_id: "a_subobject_c_null", a: {c: null}},
+ {_id: "a_subobject_c_undefined", a: {c: undefined}},
+ {_id: "no_a", b: 1},
+ {_id: "a_and_b_nested", a: 2, b: {d: 1}},
+ {_id: "a_nested_and_b_nested", a: {c: 5}, b: {d: {f: 2}}, e: 1},
+ ];
+ assert.commandWorked(indexedColl.insertMany(docs));
+ assert.commandWorked(unindexedColl.insertMany(docs));
+function test({agg, requiresRowStoreExpr, rowstoreFetches}) {
+ // Check that columnstore index is used, and we skip the row store expression appropriately.
+ const explainPlan = indexedColl.explain("queryPlanner").aggregate(agg);
+ let sbeStages = ('queryPlanner' in explainPlan)
+ // entirely SBE plan
+ ? explainPlan.queryPlanner.winningPlan.slotBasedPlan.stages
+ // SBE + classic plan
+ : explainPlan.stages[0]["$cursor"].queryPlanner.winningPlan.slotBasedPlan.stages;
+ assert(sbeStages.includes('COLUMN_SCAN'), `No COLUMN_SCAN in SBE stages: ${sbeStages}`);
+ const nullRegex =
+ /COLUMN_SCAN s.* ((s.*)|(none)) paths\[.*\] pathFilters\[.*\] rowStoreExpr\[\] @.* @.*/;
+ const notNullRegex =
+ /COLUMN_SCAN s.* ((s.*)|(none)) paths\[.*\] pathFilters\[.*\] rowStoreExpr\[.*, .*\] @.* @.*/;
+ if (requiresRowStoreExpr) {
+ assert(!nullRegex.test(sbeStages), `Don't expect null rowstoreExpr in ${sbeStages}`);
+ assert(notNullRegex.test(sbeStages), `Expected non-null rowstoreExpr in ${sbeStages}`);
+ } else {
+ assert(nullRegex.test(sbeStages), `Expected null rowStoreExpr in ${sbeStages}`);
+ assert(!notNullRegex.test(sbeStages), `Don't expect non-null rowStoreExpr in ${sbeStages}`);
+ }
+ // Check the expected number of row store fetches.
+ const explainExec = indexedColl.explain("executionStats").aggregate(agg);
+ const actualRowstoreFetches =
+ parseInt(JSON.stringify(explainExec).split('"numRowStoreFetches":')[1].split(",")[0]);
+ assert.eq(
+ actualRowstoreFetches,
+ rowstoreFetches,
+ `Unexpected nubmer of row store fetches in ${JSON.stringify(explainExec, null, '\t')}`);
+ // Check that results are identical with and without columnstore index.
+ assertArrayEq({
+ actual: indexedColl.aggregate(agg).toArray(),
+ expected: unindexedColl.aggregate(agg).toArray()
+ });
+function runAllAggregations() {
+ // $project only. Requires row store expression regardless of nesting under the projected path.
+ test({agg: [{$project: {_id: 0, a: 1}}], requiresRowStoreExpr: true, rowstoreFetches: 4});
+ test({agg: [{$project: {_id: 0, b: 1}}], requiresRowStoreExpr: true, rowstoreFetches: 2});
+ // $group only.
+ // The 4 cases below provide the same coverage but illustrate when row store fetches are needed.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$group: {_id: null, a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ test({
+ agg: [{$group: {_id: null, b: {$push: "$b"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 2
+ });
+ test({
+ agg: [{$group: {_id: null, e: {$push: "$e"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 0
+ });
+ test({
+ agg: [{$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}, b: {$push: "$b"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 5
+ });
+ // $group and $project, including _id.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$project: {_id: 1, a: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ // The rowStoreExpr is needed to prevent the $group from seeing b.
+ test({
+ agg: [
+ {$project: {_id: 1, a: 1}},
+ {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}, b: {$push: "$b"}}}
+ ],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: true,
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ // Same as above, but add another $group later that would be eligible for skipping the row store
+ // expression.
+ test({
+ agg: [
+ {$project: {_id: 1, a: 1}},
+ {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}, b: {$push: "$b"}}},
+ {$project: {_id: 1, a: 1}},
+ {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}}}
+ ],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: true,
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ // $group and $project, excluding _id.
+ // Because _id is projected out, the $group will aggregate all docs together. The rowStoreExpr
+ // must not be skipped or else $group will behave incorrectly.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$project: {_id: 0, a: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: true,
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ // $match with a filter that can be pushed down.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$match: {a: 2}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", b: {$push: "$b"}, a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 1
+ });
+ // Nested paths.
+ // The BrowserUsageByDistinctUserQuery that motivated this ticket is an example of this.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$match: {"a.c": 5}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", b_d: {$push: "$b.d"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 1
+ });
+ // BrowserUsageByDistinctUserQuery from ColumnStoreIndex.yml in the genny repo.
+ // $addFields is not implemented in SBE, so this will have an SBE plan + an agg pipeline.
+ // This query does not match our documents, but the test checks for row store expression
+ // elimination.
+ test({
+ agg: [
+ {"$match": {"metadata.browser": {"$exists": true}}},
+ {
+ "$addFields":
+ {"browserName": {"$arrayElemAt": [{"$split": ["$metadata.browser", " "]}, 0]}}
+ },
+ {
+ "$match": {
+ "browserName": {"$nin": [null, "", "null"]},
+ "created_at": {"$gte": ISODate("2020-03-10T01:17:41Z")}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "$group":
+ {"_id": {"__alias_0": "$browserName"}, "__alias_1": {"$addToSet": "$user_id"}}
+ },
+ {
+ "$project":
+ {"_id": 0, "__alias_0": "$_id.__alias_0", "__alias_1": {"$size": "$__alias_1"}}
+ },
+ {"$project": {"label": "$__alias_0", "value": "$__alias_1", "_id": 0}},
+ {"$limit": 5000}
+ ],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 0
+ });
+ // Cases that may be improved by future work:
+ // The limit below creates a Query Solution Node between the column scan and the group.
+ // Our optimization is not clever enough to see that the limit QSN is irrelevant.
+ test({
+ agg: [{$limit: 100}, {$group: {_id: null, a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: true, // ideally this would be false
+ rowstoreFetches: 4
+ });
+ // $match with a nested path filter than can be pushed down.
+ // This fails to even use the column store index. It should be able to in the future.
+ assert.throws(() => {
+ test({
+ agg: [{$match: {"a.e": 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", a: {$push: "$a"}}}],
+ requiresRowStoreExpr: false,
+ rowstoreFetches: 0
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/jstests/core/null_query_semantics.js b/jstests/core/null_query_semantics.js
index 1ff14cc710c..34e605db283 100644
--- a/jstests/core/null_query_semantics.js
+++ b/jstests/core/null_query_semantics.js
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"use strict";
load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For 'resultsEq'.
+// For areAllCollectionsClustered.
function extractAValues(results) {
return {
@@ -699,6 +701,11 @@ const keyPatterns = [
{keyPattern: {"$**": 1}},
{keyPattern: {"a.$**": 1}}
+// Include Columnstore Index only if FF is enabled and collection is not clustered.
+if (TestData.setParameters.hasOwnProperty("featureFlagColumnstoreIndexes") &&
+ !ClusteredCollectionUtil.areAllCollectionsClustered(db.getMongo())) {
+ keyPatterns.push({keyPattern: {"$**": "columnstore"}});
// Test with a variety of other indexes.
for (let indexSpec of keyPatterns) {
diff --git a/jstests/libs/parallelTester.js b/jstests/libs/parallelTester.js
index 92de2fa0878..9e18b0ad69c 100644
--- a/jstests/libs/parallelTester.js
+++ b/jstests/libs/parallelTester.js
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ if (typeof _threadInject != "undefined") {
+ "column_scan_skip_row_store_projection.js",
// Get files, including files in subdirectories.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.cpp
index edc2f2e66cd..640894aa33b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.cpp
@@ -659,11 +659,15 @@ PlanState ColumnScanStage::getNext() {
value::bitcastFrom<const char*>(record->;
if (_reconstructedRecordAccessor) {
- // TODO: in absence of record expression set the reconstructed record to be the same
- // as the record, retrieved from the row store.
- invariant(_rowStoreExpr);
- auto [owned, tag, val] =;
- _reconstructedRecordAccessor->reset(owned, tag, val);
+ if (_rowStoreExpr) {
+ auto [owned, tag, val] =;
+ _reconstructedRecordAccessor->reset(owned, tag, val);
+ } else {
+ _reconstructedRecordAccessor->reset(
+ false,
+ value::TypeTags::bsonObject,
+ value::bitcastFrom<const char*>(record->;
+ }
} else {
if (_reconstructedRecordAccessor) {
@@ -762,7 +766,7 @@ std::vector<DebugPrinter::Block> ColumnScanStage::debugPrint() const {
// Print out paths.
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("[`"));
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("paths[`"));
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _paths.size(); ++idx) {
if (idx) {
@@ -772,30 +776,28 @@ std::vector<DebugPrinter::Block> ColumnScanStage::debugPrint() const {
- // Print out per-path filters (if any).
- if (!_filteredPaths.empty()) {
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("[`"));
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _filteredPaths.size(); ++idx) {
- if (idx) {
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`;"));
- }
- ret.emplace_back(str::stream()
- << "\"" << _paths[_filteredPaths[idx].pathIndex] << "\": ");
- DebugPrinter::addIdentifier(ret, _filteredPaths[idx].inputSlotId);
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`,"));
- DebugPrinter::addBlocks(ret, _filteredPaths[idx].filterExpr->debugPrint());
+ // Print out per-path filters.
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("pathFilters[`"));
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _filteredPaths.size(); ++idx) {
+ if (idx) {
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`;"));
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`]"));
+ ret.emplace_back(str::stream() << "\"" << _paths[_filteredPaths[idx].pathIndex] << "\": ");
+ DebugPrinter::addIdentifier(ret, _filteredPaths[idx].inputSlotId);
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`,"));
+ DebugPrinter::addBlocks(ret, _filteredPaths[idx].filterExpr->debugPrint());
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`]"));
+ // Print out rowStoreExpression as [rowStoreSlot, rowStoreExpression]
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("rowStoreExpr[`"));
if (_rowStoreExpr) {
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("[`"));
DebugPrinter::addIdentifier(ret, _rowStoreSlot);
DebugPrinter::addBlocks(ret, _rowStoreExpr->debugPrint());
- ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`]"));
+ ret.emplace_back(DebugPrinter::Block("`]"));
DebugPrinter::addIdentifier(ret, _collUuid.toString());
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.h b/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.h
index 8e954b63f9a..1eda315d94b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/column_scan.h
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ namespace sbe {
* Debug string representation:
- * COLUMN_SCAN reconstructedRecordSlot|none recordIdSlot|none [path_1, ..., path_n]
- * [filter_path_1: filterSlot_1, filterExpr_1; ...]? [roStoreSlot, rowStoreExpr]?
+ * COLUMN_SCAN reconstructedRecordSlot|none recordIdSlot|none paths[path_1, ..., path_n]
+ * pathFilters[filter_path_1: filterSlot_1, filterExpr_1; ...]
+ * rowStoreExpr[slot, expr]|rowStoreExpr[]
* collectionUuid indexName
class ColumnScanStage final : public PlanStage {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.cpp
index 62afaa03e98..4b19c1fac59 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.cpp
@@ -626,26 +626,20 @@ void removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroupRecursive(QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot) {
auto groupNode = static_cast<GroupNode*>(solnRoot);
QuerySolutionNode* projectNodeCandidate = groupNode->children[0].get();
- if (projectNodeCandidate->getType() == StageType::STAGE_GROUP) {
- // Multiple $group stages may be pushed down. So, if the child is a GROUP, then recurse.
- return removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroupRecursive(projectNodeCandidate);
- } else if (auto projection = attemptToGetProjectionFromQuerySolution(*projectNodeCandidate);
- projection && projection.value()->isInclusionOnly()) {
- // Check to see if the projectNode's field set is a super set of the groupNodes.
- if (!isSubset(groupNode->requiredFields, projection.value()->getRequiredFields())) {
- // The dependency set of the GROUP stage is wider than the projectNode field set.
- return;
- }
+ if (auto projection = attemptToGetProjectionFromQuerySolution(*projectNodeCandidate);
+ // only eliminate inclusion projections
+ projection && projection.value()->isInclusionOnly() &&
+ // only eliminate projections which preserve all fields used by the group
+ isSubset(groupNode->requiredFields, projection.value()->getRequiredFields())) {
// Attach the projectNode's child directly as the groupNode's child, eliminating the
// project node.
groupNode->children[0] = std::move(projectNodeCandidate->children[0]);
- } else {
- // Keep traversing the tree in search of a GROUP stage.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < solnRoot->children.size(); ++i) {
- removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroupRecursive(solnRoot->children[i].get());
- }
+ }
+ // Keep traversing the tree in search of GROUP stages.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < solnRoot->children.size(); ++i) {
+ removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroupRecursive(solnRoot->children[i].get());
@@ -682,6 +676,44 @@ std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution> QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeInclusionProjectionBe
// static
+void QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeUselessColumnScanRowStoreExpression(QuerySolutionNode& root) {
+ // If a group or projection's child is a COLUMN_SCAN node, try to eliminate the
+ // expression that projects documents retrieved from row store fallback. In other words, the
+ // COLUMN_SCAN's rowStoreExpression can be removed if it does not affect the group or
+ // project above.
+ for (auto& child : root.children) {
+ if (child->getType() == STAGE_COLUMN_SCAN) {
+ auto childColumnScan = static_cast<ColumnIndexScanNode*>(child.get());
+ // Look for group above column scan.
+ if (root.getType() == STAGE_GROUP) {
+ auto& parentGroup = static_cast<GroupNode&>(root);
+ // A row store expression that preserves all fields used by the parent $group is
+ // redundant and can be removed.
+ if (!childColumnScan->extraFieldsPermitted &&
+ isSubset(parentGroup.requiredFields, childColumnScan->outputFields)) {
+ childColumnScan->extraFieldsPermitted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for projection above column scan.
+ else if (root.getType() == STAGE_PROJECTION_SIMPLE ||
+ root.getType() == STAGE_PROJECTION_DEFAULT) {
+ auto& parentProjection = static_cast<ProjectionNode&>(root);
+ // A row store expression that preserves all fields used by the parent projection is
+ // redundant and can be removed.
+ if (!childColumnScan->extraFieldsPermitted &&
+ isSubset(parentProjection.proj.getRequiredFields(),
+ childColumnScan->outputFields)) {
+ childColumnScan->extraFieldsPermitted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Recur on child.
+ removeUselessColumnScanRowStoreExpression(*child);
+ }
+// static
std::pair<EqLookupNode::LookupStrategy, boost::optional<IndexEntry>>
const std::string& foreignCollName,
@@ -1191,6 +1223,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution> QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(
solnRoot = tryPushdownProjectBeneathSort(std::move(solnRoot));
+ QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeUselessColumnScanRowStoreExpression(*solnRoot);
return soln;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h
index 3233ef82d7b..8f4c6ae3818 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h
@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution> soln);
+ * Walks the QuerySolutionNode tree rooted in 'soln', and looks for a ColumnScan that
+ * is a child of either a Group or Projection. If the ColumnScan's parent will ignore
+ * extra fields, then eliminate its row store expression, allowing it to return extra fields
+ * in cases when it falls back to pulling the full document from the row store.
+ * If these conditions are not met this is a noop.
+ */
+ static void removeUselessColumnScanRowStoreExpression(QuerySolutionNode& root);
+ /**
* For the provided 'foreignCollName' and 'foreignFieldName' corresponding to an EqLookupNode,
* returns what join algorithm should be used to execute it. In particular:
* - An empty array is produced for each document if the foreign collection does not exist.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
index ba398f446cb..c0e787c6d99 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ bool hintMatchesColumnStoreIndex(const BSONObj& hintObj, const ColumnIndexEntry&
- * Returns the dependencies for the CanoncialQuery, split by those needed to answer the filter,
+ * Returns the dependencies for the CanonicalQuery, split by those needed to answer the filter,
* and those needed for "everything else" which is the project and sort.
std::pair<DepsTracker, DepsTracker> computeDeps(const QueryPlannerParams& params,
@@ -1601,7 +1601,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution> QueryPlanner::extendWithAggPipeline(
- return QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroup(std::move(solution));
+ solution = QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeInclusionProjectionBelowGroup(std::move(solution));
+ QueryPlannerAnalysis::removeUselessColumnScanRowStoreExpression(*solution->root());
+ return std::move(solution);
StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution>> QueryPlanner::choosePlanForSubqueries(
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.cpp
index 5dd0b545497..2e040bd710b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.cpp
@@ -1102,13 +1102,15 @@ ColumnIndexScanNode::ColumnIndexScanNode(ColumnIndexEntry indexEntry,
OrderedPathSet matchFieldsIn,
OrderedPathSet allFieldsIn,
StringMap<std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression>> filtersByPath,
- std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> postAssemblyFilter)
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> postAssemblyFilter,
+ bool extraFieldsPermitted)
: indexEntry(std::move(indexEntry)),
- postAssemblyFilter(std::move(postAssemblyFilter)) {}
+ postAssemblyFilter(std::move(postAssemblyFilter)),
+ extraFieldsPermitted(extraFieldsPermitted) {}
void ColumnIndexScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const {
addIndent(ss, indent);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
index 96af62b4a90..a7182a4251d 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
@@ -516,7 +516,8 @@ struct ColumnIndexScanNode : public QuerySolutionNode {
OrderedPathSet matchFields,
OrderedPathSet allFields,
StringMap<std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression>> filtersByPath,
- std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> postAssemblyFilter);
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> postAssemblyFilter,
+ bool extraFieldsPermitted = false);
virtual StageType getType() const {
@@ -549,7 +550,8 @@ struct ColumnIndexScanNode : public QuerySolutionNode {
- postAssemblyFilter->shallowClone());
+ postAssemblyFilter->shallowClone(),
+ extraFieldsPermitted);
ColumnIndexEntry indexEntry;
@@ -575,6 +577,10 @@ struct ColumnIndexScanNode : public QuerySolutionNode {
// An optional filter to apply after assembling a document from all scanned columns. For
// example: {$or: [{a: 2}, {b: 2}]}.
std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> postAssemblyFilter;
+ // If set to true, we can include extra fields rather than project them out because projection
+ // happens anyway in a later stage (such a group stage).
+ bool extraFieldsPermitted;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
index 80bb4ea4519..ab20b24f502 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
@@ -883,16 +883,23 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
- // Generate the expression that is applied to the row store record(in the case when the result
+ // Generate the expression that is applied to the row store record (in the case when the result
// cannot be reconstructed from the index).
- optimizer::SlotVarMap slotMap{};
- slotMap[rootStr] = rowStoreSlot;
- auto abt = builder.generateABT();
- // We might get null abt if no paths were added to the builder. It means we should be projecting
- // an empty object.
- tassert(6935000, "ABT must be valid if have fields to project", fieldsToProject.empty() || abt);
- auto rowStoreExpr = abt ? abtToExpr(*abt, slotMap)
- : sbe::makeE<sbe::EFunction>("newObj", sbe::EExpression::Vector{});
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> rowStoreExpr = nullptr;
+ // Avoid generating the row store expression if the projection is not necessary, as indicated by
+ // the extraFieldsPermitted flag of the column store node.
+ if (boost::optional<optimizer::ABT> abt;
+ !csn->extraFieldsPermitted && (abt = builder.generateABT())) {
+ // We might get null abt if no paths were added to the builder. It means we should be
+ // projecting an empty object.
+ tassert(
+ 6935000, "ABT must be valid if have fields to project", fieldsToProject.empty() || abt);
+ optimizer::SlotVarMap slotMap{};
+ slotMap[rootStr] = rowStoreSlot;
+ rowStoreExpr = abt ? abtToExpr(*abt, slotMap)
+ : sbe::makeE<sbe::EFunction>("newObj", sbe::EExpression::Vector{});
+ }
std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> stage =