path: root/jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js
diff options
authorJustin Seyster <>2022-02-04 20:45:24 -0500
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-02-07 23:33:31 +0000
commit52c017336905d7219ef6e3f51ee78c9dd958df4e (patch)
tree7878b73016848ad42fdd70e6312d4f06f505b7aa /jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js
parent1658ad00e5131ea0b111263e2f352bd90c2922af (diff)
SERVER-61795 Fix comparisons in expression_trigonometric.js
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js b/jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js
index 733193a9c23..8992ab4b5cc 100644
--- a/jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/expressions/expression_trigonometric.js
@@ -11,18 +11,56 @@ coll.drop();
// We need at least one document in the collection in order to test expressions, add it here.
+// Run a pipeline with `op` and check that the result of operation against the `expResult` value. If
+// the actual or expected result is non-numeric (NaN or infinite), this function asserts that they
+// match and returns 0 if they do. If they are both numeric, this function returns the difference
+// between them as a double.
+function testOpReturningDifference(op, expResult) {
+ const pipeline = [
+ {$project: {_id: 0, result: op, expected: {$literal: expResult}}},
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ resultType: {$type: "$result"},
+ expType: {$type: "$expected"},
+ resultAsString: {$convert: {input: "$result", to: "string"}},
+ expAsString: {$convert: {input: "$expected", to: "string"}},
+ difference:
+ {$abs: {$convert: {input: {$subtract: ["$result", "$expected"]}, to: "double"}}}
+ }
+ }
+ ];
+ const {result, resultType, expType, resultAsString, expAsString, difference} = function() {
+ const resultArray = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
+ assert.eq(resultArray.length, 1, resultArray);
+ return resultArray[0];
+ }();
+ assert.eq(resultType, expType);
+ // We don't want to do direct comparisons with non-real values, because they can have unexpected
+ // semantics. String comparisons gives us the desired equality semantics for the purposes of
+ // this test.
+ const nonRealValues = ["NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity"];
+ if (nonRealValues.includes(expAsString) || nonRealValues.includes(resultAsString)) {
+ assert.eq(expAsString, resultAsString, tojson(result));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return difference;
// Helper for testing that op returns expResult.
function testOp(op, expResult) {
- const pipeline = [{$project: {_id: 0, result: op}}];
- assert.eq(coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), [{result: expResult}]);
+ const diff = testOpReturningDifference(op, expResult);
+ assert.eq(0, diff);
// Helper for testing that the aggregation expression 'op' returns expResult, approximately,
// since NumberDecimal has so many representations for a given number (0 versus 0e-40 for
// instance).
function testOpApprox(op, expResult) {
- const pipeline = [{$project: {_id: 0, result: {$abs: {$subtract: [op, expResult]}}}}];
-, [{result: NumberDecimal("0.00000005")}]);
+ const diff = testOpReturningDifference(op, expResult);
+, 0.00000005);
// Simple successful int input.
@@ -150,7 +188,7 @@ testOp({$sinh: -Infinity}, -Infinity);
// Infinity produces finite output (due to asymptotic bounds).
testOpApprox({$atan: NumberDecimal('Infinity')}, NumberDecimal(Math.PI / 2));
-testOpApprox({$atan: NumberDecimal('-Infinity')}, NumberDecimal(Math.Pi / 2));
+testOpApprox({$atan: NumberDecimal('-Infinity')}, NumberDecimal(-Math.PI / 2));
testOpApprox({$atan: Infinity}, Math.PI / 2);
testOpApprox({$atan: -Infinity}, -Math.PI / 2);