path: root/jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js
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authorclang-format-7.0.1 <>2019-07-26 18:20:35 -0400
committerADAM David Alan Martin <>2019-07-27 11:02:23 -0400
commit134a4083953270e8a11430395357fb70a29047ad (patch)
treedd428e1230e31d92b20b393dfdc17ffe7fa79cb6 /jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js
parent1e46b5049003f427047e723ea5fab15b5a9253ca (diff)
SERVER-41772 Apply clang-format 7.0.1 to the codebase
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js b/jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js
index dc49c7dba59..3d9a535311b 100644
--- a/jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js
+++ b/jstests/auth/kill_cursors.js
@@ -1,190 +1,174 @@
// Test the killCursors command.
// @tags: [requires_sharding]
(function() {
- 'use strict';
- // TODO SERVER-35447: Multiple users cannot be authenticated on one connection within a session.
- TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true;
- function runTest(mongod) {
- /**
- * Open a cursor on `db` while authenticated as `authUsers`.
- * Then logout, and log back in as `killUsers` and try to kill that cursor.
- *
- * @param db - The db to create a cursor on and ultimately kill agains.
- * @param authUsers - Array of ['username', db] pairs to create the cursor under.
- * @param killUsers - Array of ['username', dn] pairs to use when killing.
- * @param shouldWork - Whether we expect success
- */
- function tryKill(db, authUsers, killUsers, shouldWork) {
- function loginAll(users) {
- users.forEach(function(u) {
- assert(u[1].auth(u[0], 'pass'));
- });
- }
+'use strict';
+// TODO SERVER-35447: Multiple users cannot be authenticated on one connection within a session.
+TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true;
+function runTest(mongod) {
+ /**
+ * Open a cursor on `db` while authenticated as `authUsers`.
+ * Then logout, and log back in as `killUsers` and try to kill that cursor.
+ *
+ * @param db - The db to create a cursor on and ultimately kill agains.
+ * @param authUsers - Array of ['username', db] pairs to create the cursor under.
+ * @param killUsers - Array of ['username', dn] pairs to use when killing.
+ * @param shouldWork - Whether we expect success
+ */
+ function tryKill(db, authUsers, killUsers, shouldWork) {
+ function loginAll(users) {
+ users.forEach(function(u) {
+ assert(u[1].auth(u[0], 'pass'));
+ });
+ }
- function logoutAll() {
- [testA, testB].forEach(function(d) {
- const users = assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand({connectionStatus: 1}))
- .authInfo.authenticatedUsers;
- users.forEach(function(u) {
- mongod.getDB(u.db).logout();
- });
+ function logoutAll() {
+ [testA, testB].forEach(function(d) {
+ const users = assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand({connectionStatus: 1}))
+ .authInfo.authenticatedUsers;
+ users.forEach(function(u) {
+ mongod.getDB(u.db).logout();
- }
+ });
+ }
- function doKill(extra) {
- // Create a cursor to be killed later.
- loginAll(authUsers);
- let cmd = {find: db.coll.getName(), batchSize: 2};
- Object.assign(cmd, extra);
- const id = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmd));
- assert.neq(id, 0, "Invalid cursor ID");
- logoutAll();
- loginAll(killUsers);
- const killCmd = db.runCommand({killCursors: db.coll.getName(), cursors: [id]});
- logoutAll();
- if (shouldWork) {
- assert.commandWorked(killCmd, "Unable to kill cursor");
- } else {
- assert.commandFailed(killCmd, "Should not have been able to kill cursor");
- }
+ function doKill(extra) {
+ // Create a cursor to be killed later.
+ loginAll(authUsers);
+ let cmd = {find: db.coll.getName(), batchSize: 2};
+ Object.assign(cmd, extra);
+ const id = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmd));
+ assert.neq(id, 0, "Invalid cursor ID");
+ logoutAll();
+ loginAll(killUsers);
+ const killCmd = db.runCommand({killCursors: db.coll.getName(), cursors: [id]});
+ logoutAll();
+ if (shouldWork) {
+ assert.commandWorked(killCmd, "Unable to kill cursor");
+ } else {
+ assert.commandFailed(killCmd, "Should not have been able to kill cursor");
+ }
- doKill({});
+ doKill({});
- if ((authUsers.length === 1) && (killUsers.length === 1)) {
- // Session variant only makes sense with single auth'd users.
- doKill({lsid: {id: BinData(4, "QlLfPHTySm6tqfuV+EOsVA==")}});
- }
+ if ((authUsers.length === 1) && (killUsers.length === 1)) {
+ // Session variant only makes sense with single auth'd users.
+ doKill({lsid: {id: BinData(4, "QlLfPHTySm6tqfuV+EOsVA==")}});
+ }
- function trySelfKill(user) {
- const db = user[1];
- assert(db.auth(user[0], 'pass'));
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({startSession: 1}));
+ function trySelfKill(user) {
+ const db = user[1];
+ assert(db.auth(user[0], 'pass'));
- const cmd = {
- aggregate: 1,
- pipeline: [{$listLocalSessions: {}}],
- cursor: {batchSize: 0}
- };
- const res = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmd));
- print(tojson(res));
- const id =;
- assert.neq(id, 0, "Invalid cursor ID");
+ assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({startSession: 1}));
- const killCmdRes = db.runCommand({killCursors: db.getName() + ".$cmd", cursors: [id]});
- db.logout();
+ const cmd = {aggregate: 1, pipeline: [{$listLocalSessions: {}}], cursor: {batchSize: 0}};
+ const res = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(cmd));
+ print(tojson(res));
+ const id =;
+ assert.neq(id, 0, "Invalid cursor ID");
- assert.commandWorked(killCmdRes, "Unable to kill cursor");
- }
+ const killCmdRes = db.runCommand({killCursors: db.getName() + ".$cmd", cursors: [id]});
+ db.logout();
- /**
- * Create user1/user2 in testA, and user3/user4 in testB.
- * Create two 101 element collections in testA and testB.
- * Use various combinations of those users to open cursors,
- * then (potentially) different combinations of users to kill them.
- *
- * A cursor should only be killable if at least one of the users
- * who created it is trying to kill it.
- */
- const testA = mongod.getDB('testA');
- const testB = mongod.getDB('testB');
- const admin = mongod.getDB('admin');
- // Setup users
- admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- assert(admin.auth('admin', 'pass'));
- testA.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- testA.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- testB.createUser({user: 'user3', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- testB.createUser({user: 'user4', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- testB.createUser({user: 'user5', pwd: 'pass', roles: []});
- admin.logout();
- // Create a collection with batchable data
- assert(testA.auth('user1', 'pass'));
- assert(testB.auth('user3', 'pass'));
- for (var i = 0; i < 101; ++i) {
- assert.writeOK(testA.coll.insert({_id: i}));
- assert.writeOK(testB.coll.insert({_id: i}));
- }
- testA.logout();
- testB.logout();
- // A user can kill their own cursor.
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user1', testA]], true);
- tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user2', testA]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user3', testB]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user4', testB]], [['user4', testB]], true);
- trySelfKill(['user1', testA]);
- trySelfKill(['user5', testB]);
- trySelfKill(['admin', admin]);
- // A user cannot kill someone else's cursor.
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA]], false);
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
- tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user1', testA]], false);
- tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
- tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
- tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
- // A multi-owned cursor can be killed by any/all owner.
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user3', testB]], true);
- tryKill(testA,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- true);
- tryKill(testA,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- true);
- tryKill(testB,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- true);
- tryKill(testB,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user1', testA], ['user4', testB]],
- true);
- // An owned cursor can not be killed by other user(s).
- tryKill(testA,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]],
- false);
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
- tryKill(testA,
- [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]],
- [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]],
- false);
- // Admin can kill anything.
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['admin', admin]], true);
- tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['admin', admin]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user4', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
- tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
- tryKill(testB, [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ assert.commandWorked(killCmdRes, "Unable to kill cursor");
- const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ""});
- runTest(mongod);
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod);
- // TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed.
- const st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 1,
- mongos: 1,
- config: 1,
- other: {keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', shardAsReplicaSet: false}
- });
- runTest(st.s0);
- st.stop();
+ /**
+ * Create user1/user2 in testA, and user3/user4 in testB.
+ * Create two 101 element collections in testA and testB.
+ * Use various combinations of those users to open cursors,
+ * then (potentially) different combinations of users to kill them.
+ *
+ * A cursor should only be killable if at least one of the users
+ * who created it is trying to kill it.
+ */
+ const testA = mongod.getDB('testA');
+ const testB = mongod.getDB('testB');
+ const admin = mongod.getDB('admin');
+ // Setup users
+ admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
+ assert(admin.auth('admin', 'pass'));
+ testA.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+ testA.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+ testB.createUser({user: 'user3', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+ testB.createUser({user: 'user4', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+ testB.createUser({user: 'user5', pwd: 'pass', roles: []});
+ admin.logout();
+ // Create a collection with batchable data
+ assert(testA.auth('user1', 'pass'));
+ assert(testB.auth('user3', 'pass'));
+ for (var i = 0; i < 101; ++i) {
+ assert.writeOK(testA.coll.insert({_id: i}));
+ assert.writeOK(testB.coll.insert({_id: i}));
+ }
+ testA.logout();
+ testB.logout();
+ // A user can kill their own cursor.
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user1', testA]], true);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user2', testA]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user3', testB]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user4', testB]], [['user4', testB]], true);
+ trySelfKill(['user1', testA]);
+ trySelfKill(['user5', testB]);
+ trySelfKill(['admin', admin]);
+ // A user cannot kill someone else's cursor.
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA]], false);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user1', testA]], false);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
+ // A multi-owned cursor can be killed by any/all owner.
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user3', testB]], true);
+ tryKill(
+ testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], true);
+ tryKill(
+ testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]], true);
+ tryKill(
+ testB, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], true);
+ tryKill(
+ testB, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user1', testA], ['user4', testB]], true);
+ // An owned cursor can not be killed by other user(s).
+ tryKill(
+ testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['user2', testA], ['user3', testB]], false);
+ tryKill(
+ testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], false);
+ // Admin can kill anything.
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user2', testA]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user3', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user4', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ tryKill(testA, [['user1', testA], ['user3', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+ tryKill(testB, [['user2', testA], ['user4', testB]], [['admin', admin]], true);
+const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ""});
+// TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed.
+const st = new ShardingTest({
+ shards: 1,
+ mongos: 1,
+ config: 1,
+ other: {keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', shardAsReplicaSet: false}