path: root/jstests/sharding
diff options
authorLuis Osta <>2021-10-05 20:51:59 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-10-05 21:20:38 +0000
commit6d94bfbcecaed86ba2d9e9491a1f68dd34d1fc6c (patch)
treec5cb346844b36fddc06ccf8a6320df3658b64af8 /jstests/sharding
parent547e8e91188f686f6074b83e6a7732a25ea7f9bc (diff)
SERVER-60291 Move success case to outside of withReshardingInBackground
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/resharding_prohibited_commands.js b/jstests/sharding/resharding_prohibited_commands.js
index 0b7c0a67404..6cbaf338ca5 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/resharding_prohibited_commands.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/resharding_prohibited_commands.js
@@ -15,12 +15,67 @@ load("jstests/sharding/libs/resharding_test_fixture.js");
+const databaseName = "reshardingDb";
+const collectionName = "coll";
+const otherDatabaseName = 'reshardingDb2';
+const otherCollectionName = 'coll2';
+const otherNamespace = `${otherDatabaseName}.${otherCollectionName}`;
+const donorOperationNamespace = 'config.localReshardingOperations.donor';
+const indexCreatedByTest = {
+ newKey: 1,
+ oldKey: 1
+const indexDroppedByTest = {
+ x: 1
+const prohibitedCommands = [
+ {collMod: collectionName},
+ {createIndexes: collectionName, indexes: [{name: "idx1", key: indexCreatedByTest}]},
+ {dropIndexes: collectionName, index: indexDroppedByTest},
+ * @summary Goes through each of the commands specified in the prohibitedCommands array, executes
+ * the command against the provided database and asserts that the command succeeded.
+ * @param {*} database
+ */
+const assertCommandsSucceedAfterReshardingOpFinishes = (database) => {
+ prohibitedCommands.forEach((command) => {
+ jsTest.log(
+ `Testing that ${tojson(command)} succeeds after the resharding operation finishes.`);
+ assert.commandWorked(database.runCommand(command));
+ });
+ * @summary Goes through each of the commands specified in the prohibitedCommands array,
+ * executes the commands and asserts that the command failed with ReshardCollectionInProgress.
+ * - In order for the dropIndexes command to fail correctly, the index its attempting to drop must
+ * exist.
+ * - In order for the createIndexes command to fail correctly, the index its attempting to create
+ * must not exist already.
+ * @param {*} database
+ */
+const assertCommandsFailDuringReshardingOp = (database) => {
+ prohibitedCommands.forEach((command) => {
+ jsTest.log(`Testing that ${tojson(command)} fails during resharding operation`);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(database.runCommand(command),
+ ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
+ });
const reshardingTest = new ReshardingTest({numDonors: 2});
const donorShardNames = reshardingTest.donorShardNames;
-let sourceCollection = reshardingTest.createShardedCollection({
- ns: "reshardingDb.coll",
+const recipientShardNames = reshardingTest.recipientShardNames;
+const sourceCollection = reshardingTest.createShardedCollection({
+ ns: `${databaseName}.${collectionName}`,
shardKeyPattern: {oldKey: 1},
chunks: [
{min: {oldKey: MinKey}, max: {oldKey: 0}, shard: donorShardNames[0]},
@@ -28,165 +83,84 @@ let sourceCollection = reshardingTest.createShardedCollection({
-const recipientShardNames = reshardingTest.recipientShardNames;
const mongos = sourceCollection.getMongo();
-let ns = sourceCollection.getFullName();
const topology = DiscoverTopology.findConnectedNodes(mongos);
-const configPrimary = new Mongo(topology.configsvr.primary);
-const donor0 = new Mongo(topology.shards[donorShardNames[0]].primary);
-const donor1 = new Mongo(topology.shards[donorShardNames[1]].primary);
-let pauseCoordinatorBeforeRemovingStateDoc;
-let pauseBeforeRemoveDonor0Doc;
-let pauseBeforeRemoveDonor1Doc;
-pauseCoordinatorBeforeRemovingStateDoc =
- configureFailPoint(configPrimary, "reshardingPauseCoordinatorBeforeRemovingStateDoc");
-pauseBeforeRemoveDonor0Doc = configureFailPoint(donor0, "removeDonorDocFailpoint");
-pauseBeforeRemoveDonor1Doc = configureFailPoint(donor1, "removeDonorDocFailpoint");
-let awaitAbort;
- {
- newShardKeyPattern: {newKey: 1},
- newChunks: [{min: {newKey: MinKey}, max: {newKey: MaxKey}, shard: recipientShardNames[0]}],
- },
- (tempNs) => {
- const topology = DiscoverTopology.findConnectedNodes(mongos);
- assert.soon(() => {
- let res =
- donor0.getCollection("config.localReshardingOperations.donor").find().toArray();
- return res.length == 1;
- }, "timed out waiting for resharding initialization on donor shard");
- awaitAbort = startParallelShell(
- funWithArgs(function(ns) {
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({abortReshardCollection: ns}));
- }, ns), mongos.port);
- },
- {
- expectedErrorCode: ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionAborted,
- postDecisionPersistedFn: () => {
- // Once the coordinator has persisted an abort decision, collMod, createIndexes, and
- // dropIndexes should be able to succeed. Wait until both donors have heard that the
- // coordinator has made the decision.
- assert.soon(() => {
- const res0 = donor0.getCollection("config.cache.collections").findOne({_id: ns});
- const res1 = donor1.getCollection("config.cache.collections").findOne({_id: ns});
- return res0 && res0.reshardingFields.state === "aborting" && res1 &&
- res1.reshardingFields.state === "aborting";
- }, () => `timed out waiting for the coordinator to persist decision`);
- const db = mongos.getDB("reshardingDb");
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({collMod: 'coll'}));
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(
- {createIndexes: 'coll', indexes: [{name: "idx1", key: {newKey: 1, oldKey: 1}}]}));
- assert.commandWorked(
- db.runCommand({dropIndexes: 'coll', index: {newKey: 1, oldKey: 1}}));
- awaitAbort();
- }
+const sourceNamespace = sourceCollection.getFullName();
- });
+const waitUntilReshardingInitializedOnDonor = () => {
+ const donor = new Mongo(topology.shards[donorShardNames[0]].primary);
+ assert.soon(() => {
+ let res = donor.getCollection(donorOperationNamespace).find().toArray();
+ return res.length === 1;
+ }, "timed out waiting for resharding initialization on donor shard");
+ * @summary The function that gets passed into reshardingTest.withReshardingInBackground
+ * @callback DuringReshardingCallback
+ * @param {String} tempNs - The temporary namespace used during resharding operations.
+ */
-pauseCoordinatorBeforeRemovingStateDoc =
- configureFailPoint(configPrimary, "reshardingPauseCoordinatorBeforeRemovingStateDoc");
+ * @summary A function that defines the surrounding environment for the tests surrounding the
+ * prohibited commands during resharding. It sets up the resharding configuration and asserts that
+ * the prohibited commands succeed once the resharding operation has completed.
+ * @param {DuringReshardingCallback} duringReshardingFn
+ * @param {Object} config
+ * @param {number} config.expectedErrorCode
+ * @param {Function} config.setup
+ */
+const withReshardingInBackground = (duringReshardingFn,
+ {setup = () => {}, expectedErrorCode} = {}) => {
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceCollection.createIndex(indexDroppedByTest));
+ setup();
-let pauseBeforeRemoveRecipientDoc;
- {
+ reshardingTest.withReshardingInBackground({
newShardKeyPattern: {newKey: 1},
newChunks: [{min: {newKey: MinKey}, max: {newKey: MaxKey}, shard: recipientShardNames[0]}],
- (tempNs) => {
- const db = sourceCollection.getDB();
- let res;
- assert.soon(() => {
- res = mongos.getCollection("config.collections")
- .find({_id: {$in: [ns, tempNs]}})
- .toArray();
- return res.length === 2 && res.every(collEntry => collEntry.allowMigrations === false);
- }, () => `timed out waiting for collections to have allowMigrations=false: ${tojson(res)}`);
- assert.soon(
- () => {
- res = mongos.getCollection("config.collections").findOne({_id: ns});
- return res.hasOwnProperty("reshardingFields");
- },
- () => `timed out waiting for resharding fields to be added to original nss: ${
- tojson(res)}`);
- const topology = DiscoverTopology.findConnectedNodes(mongos);
- const donor = new Mongo(topology.shards[donorShardNames[0]].primary);
- assert.soon(() => {
- res = donor.getCollection("config.localReshardingOperations.donor").find().toArray();
- return res.length == 1;
- }, "timed out waiting for resharding initialization on donor shard");
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(
- mongos.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {oldKey: -10}, to: donorShardNames[1]}),
- ErrorCodes.LockBusy);
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({collMod: 'coll'}),
- ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(sourceCollection.createIndexes([{newKey: 1}]),
- ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({dropIndexes: 'coll', index: '*'}),
- ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
- let newNs = "reshardingDb2.coll2";
- assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({enableSharding: "reshardingDb2"}));
- assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({shardCollection: newNs, key: {oldKey: 1}}));
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(
- mongos.adminCommand({reshardCollection: newNs, key: {newKey: 1}}),
- ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
- mongos.getCollection(newNs).drop();
- const recipient = new Mongo(topology.shards[recipientShardNames[0]].primary);
- pauseBeforeRemoveRecipientDoc =
- configureFailPoint(recipient, "removeRecipientDocFailpoint");
- },
- {
- postDecisionPersistedFn: () => {
- // Once the coordinator has persisted a commit decision, collMod, createIndexes, and
- // dropIndexes should be able to succeed. Wait until the recipient is aware that the
- // coordinator has persisted the decision.
- const recipient = new Mongo(topology.shards[recipientShardNames[0]].primary);
- assert.soon(() => {
- const res = recipient.getCollection("config.cache.collections").findOne({_id: ns});
- return res && res.reshardingFields.state === "committing";
- }, () => `timed out waiting for the coordinator to persist decision: ${tojson(res)}`);
- const db = mongos.getDB("reshardingDb");
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({collMod: 'coll'}));
- // Create two indexes - one (idx1) that we will drop right away to ensure that
- // dropIndexes succeeds, and the other (idx2) we will check still exists after the
- // collection has been renamed.
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(
- {createIndexes: 'coll', indexes: [{name: "idx1", key: {newKey: 1, oldKey: 1}}]}));
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(
- {createIndexes: 'coll', indexes: [{name: "idx2", key: {newKey: 1, x: 1}}]}));
- assert.commandWorked(
- db.runCommand({dropIndexes: 'coll', index: {newKey: 1, oldKey: 1}}));
- }
- });
+ duringReshardingFn,
+ {
+ expectedErrorCode: expectedErrorCode,
+ });
+ assertCommandsSucceedAfterReshardingOpFinishes(mongos.getDB(databaseName));
+ assert.commandWorked(sourceCollection.dropIndex(indexCreatedByTest));
+// Tests that the prohibited commands work if the resharding operation is aborted.
+withReshardingInBackground(() => {
+ waitUntilReshardingInitializedOnDonor();
+ assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({abortReshardCollection: sourceNamespace}));
+}, {
+ expectedErrorCode: ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionAborted,
-// Assert that 'idx2' still exists after we've renamed the collection and resharding is finished.
-let indexes = mongos.getDB("reshardingDb").runCommand({listIndexes: 'coll'});
-assert(indexes.cursor.firstBatch.some((index) => === 'idx2'));
+// Tests that the prohibited commands succeed if the resharding operation succeeds. During the
+// operation it makes sures that the prohibited commands are rejected during the resharding
+// operation.
+withReshardingInBackground(() => {
+ waitUntilReshardingInitializedOnDonor();
+ jsTest.log(
+ "About to test that the admin commands do not work while the resharding operation is in progress.");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ mongos.adminCommand(
+ {moveChunk: sourceNamespace, find: {oldKey: -10}, to: donorShardNames[1]}),
+ ErrorCodes.LockBusy);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ mongos.adminCommand({reshardCollection: otherNamespace, key: {newKey: 1}}),
+ ErrorCodes.ReshardCollectionInProgress);
+ assertCommandsFailDuringReshardingOp(sourceCollection.getDB());
+}, {
+ setup: () => {
+ assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand({enableSharding: otherDatabaseName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ mongos.adminCommand({shardCollection: otherNamespace, key: {oldKey: 1}}));
+ }