path: root/src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp
diff options
authorHenrik Edin <>2019-12-18 15:57:45 +0000
committerevergreen <>2019-12-18 15:57:45 +0000
commitb14cfb55e25db5a7f05355054f687bcc73779ee2 (patch)
treecc4ba7c7432b18a90f2b73be074d3a7000a0152b /src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp
parent58bae64c6c66c577328e4171dc96889bcc2157a5 (diff)
SERVER-44623 Rework JSON generation from BSONObj
- Extended Canonical/Relaxed 2.0.0 is supported - Using libfmt instead of stringstream as internal buffer - JSON parser can parse Extended Canonical/Relaxed and Strict formats - Removed TenGen format
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp b/src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp
index 67ea860f45d..b2746f1ddf1 100644
--- a/src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/bson/bsonelement.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
#include "mongo/base/data_cursor.h"
#include "mongo/base/parse_number.h"
#include "mongo/base/simple_string_data_comparator.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/generator_extended_canonical_2_0_0.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/generator_extended_relaxed_2_0_0.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/generator_legacy_strict.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/platform/strnlen.h"
#include "mongo/util/base64.h"
@@ -63,282 +66,148 @@ using std::string;
const double BSONElement::kLongLongMaxPlusOneAsDouble =
scalbn(1, std::numeric_limits<long long>::digits);
-string BSONElement::jsonString(JsonStringFormat format, bool includeFieldNames, int pretty) const {
- std::stringstream s;
- BSONElement::jsonStringStream(format, includeFieldNames, pretty, s);
- return s.str();
+std::string BSONElement::jsonString(JsonStringFormat format,
+ bool includeFieldNames,
+ int pretty) const {
+ fmt::memory_buffer buffer;
+ jsonStringBuffer(format, includeFieldNames, pretty, buffer);
+ return fmt::to_string(buffer);
-void BSONElement::jsonStringStream(JsonStringFormat format,
+void BSONElement::jsonStringBuffer(JsonStringFormat format,
bool includeFieldNames,
int pretty,
- std::stringstream& s) const {
- if (includeFieldNames)
- s << '"' << str::escape(fieldName()) << "\" : ";
+ fmt::memory_buffer& buffer) const {
+ auto withGenerator = [&](auto&& gen) {
+ jsonStringGenerator(gen, includeFieldNames, pretty, buffer);
+ };
+ if (format == ExtendedCanonicalV2_0_0)
+ withGenerator(ExtendedCanonicalV200Generator());
+ else if (format == ExtendedRelaxedV2_0_0)
+ withGenerator(ExtendedRelaxedV200Generator());
+ else if (format == LegacyStrict) {
+ withGenerator(LegacyStrictGenerator());
+ } else {
+ }
+template <typename Generator>
+void BSONElement::_jsonStringGenerator(const Generator& g,
+ bool includeFieldNames,
+ int pretty,
+ fmt::memory_buffer& buffer) const {
+ if (includeFieldNames) {
+ g.writePadding(buffer);
+ g.writeString(buffer, fieldName());
+ g.writePadding(buffer);
+ buffer.push_back(':');
+ }
+ g.writePadding(buffer);
switch (type()) {
case mongo::String:
+ g.writeString(buffer, StringData(valuestr(), valuestrsize() - 1));
+ break;
case Symbol:
- s << '"' << str::escape(string(valuestr(), valuestrsize() - 1)) << '"';
+ g.writeSymbol(buffer, StringData(valuestr(), valuestrsize() - 1));
case NumberLong:
- if (format == TenGen) {
- s << "NumberLong(" << _numberLong() << ")";
- } else {
- s << "{ \"$numberLong\" : \"" << _numberLong() << "\" }";
- }
+ g.writeInt64(buffer, _numberLong());
case NumberInt:
- if (format == TenGen) {
- s << "NumberInt(" << _numberInt() << ")";
- break;
- }
+ g.writeInt32(buffer, _numberInt());
+ break;
case NumberDouble:
- if (number() >= -std::numeric_limits<double>::max() &&
- number() <= std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
- auto origPrecision = s.precision();
- auto guard = makeGuard([&s, origPrecision]() { s.precision(origPrecision); });
- s.precision(16);
- s << number();
- }
- // This is not valid JSON, but according to RFC-4627, "Numeric values that cannot be
- // represented as sequences of digits (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted." so
- // we are accepting the fact that if we have such values we cannot output valid JSON.
- else if (std::isnan(number())) {
- s << "NaN";
- } else if (std::isinf(number())) {
- s << (number() > 0 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity");
- } else {
- StringBuilder ss;
- ss << "Number " << number() << " cannot be represented in JSON";
- string message = ss.str();
- massert(10311, message.c_str(), false);
- }
+ g.writeDouble(buffer, number());
case NumberDecimal:
- if (format == TenGen)
- s << "NumberDecimal(\"";
- else
- s << "{ \"$numberDecimal\" : \"";
- // Recognize again that this is not valid JSON according to RFC-4627.
- // Also, treat -NaN and +NaN as the same thing for MongoDB.
- if (numberDecimal().isNaN()) {
- s << "NaN";
- } else if (numberDecimal().isInfinite()) {
- s << (numberDecimal().isNegative() ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity");
- } else {
- s << numberDecimal().toString();
- }
- if (format == TenGen)
- s << "\")";
- else
- s << "\" }";
+ g.writeDecimal128(buffer, numberDecimal());
case mongo::Bool:
- s << (boolean() ? "true" : "false");
+ g.writeBool(buffer, boolean());
case jstNULL:
- s << "null";
+ g.writeNull(buffer);
case Undefined:
- if (format == Strict) {
- s << "{ \"$undefined\" : true }";
- } else {
- s << "undefined";
- }
+ g.writeUndefined(buffer);
case Object:
- embeddedObject().jsonStringStream(format, pretty, false, s);
+ embeddedObject().jsonStringGenerator(g, pretty ? pretty + 1 : 0, false, buffer);
- case mongo::Array: {
- if (embeddedObject().isEmpty()) {
- s << "[]";
- break;
- }
- s << "[ ";
- BSONObjIterator i(embeddedObject());
- BSONElement e =;
- if (!e.eoo()) {
- int count = 0;
- while (1) {
- if (pretty) {
- s << '\n';
- for (int x = 0; x < pretty; x++)
- s << " ";
- }
- long index;
- if (NumberParser::strToAny(10)(e.fieldName(), &index).isOK() && index > count) {
- s << "undefined";
- } else {
- // print the element if its index is being printed or if the index it
- // belongs to could not be parsed
- e.jsonStringStream(format, false, pretty ? pretty + 1 : 0, s);
- e =;
- }
- count++;
- if (e.eoo())
- break;
- s << ", ";
- }
- }
- s << " ]";
+ case mongo::Array:
+ embeddedObject().jsonStringGenerator(g, pretty ? pretty + 1 : 0, true, buffer);
- }
- case DBRef: {
- if (format == TenGen)
- s << "Dbref( ";
- else
- s << "{ \"$ref\" : ";
- s << '"' << valuestr() << "\", ";
- if (format != TenGen)
- s << "\"$id\" : ";
- s << '"' << mongo::OID::from(valuestr() + valuestrsize()) << "\" ";
- if (format == TenGen)
- s << ')';
- else
- s << '}';
+ case DBRef:
+ // valuestrsize() returns the size including the null terminator
+ g.writeDBRef(buffer,
+ StringData(valuestr(), valuestrsize() - 1),
+ OID::from(valuestr() + valuestrsize()));
- }
case jstOID:
- if (format == TenGen) {
- s << "ObjectId( ";
- } else {
- s << "{ \"$oid\" : ";
- }
- s << '"' << __oid() << '"';
- if (format == TenGen) {
- s << " )";
- } else {
- s << " }";
- }
+ g.writeOID(buffer, __oid());
case BinData: {
ConstDataCursor reader(value());
const int len = reader.readAndAdvance<LittleEndian<int>>();
BinDataType type = static_cast<BinDataType>(reader.readAndAdvance<uint8_t>());
- s << "{ \"$binary\" : \"";
- base64::encode(s, StringData(reader.view(), len));
- auto origFill = s.fill();
- auto origFmtF = s.flags();
- auto origWidth = s.width();
- auto guard = makeGuard([&s, origFill, origFmtF, origWidth] {
- s.fill(origFill);
- s.setf(origFmtF);
- s.width(origWidth);
- });
- s.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield);
- s << "\", \"$type\" : \"";
- s.width(2);
- s.fill('0');
- s << type;
- s << "\" }";
- break;
+ g.writeBinData(buffer, StringData(reader.view(), len), type);
+ break;
case mongo::Date:
- if (format == Strict) {
- Date_t d = date();
- s << "{ \"$date\" : ";
- // The two cases in which we cannot convert Date_t::millis to an ISO Date string are
- // when the date is too large to format (SERVER-13760), and when the date is before
- // the epoch (SERVER-11273). Since Date_t internally stores millis as an unsigned
- // long long, despite the fact that it is logically signed (SERVER-8573), this check
- // handles both the case where Date_t::millis is too large, and the case where
- // Date_t::millis is negative (before the epoch).
- if (d.isFormattable()) {
- s << "\"" << dateToISOStringLocal(date()) << "\"";
- } else {
- s << "{ \"$numberLong\" : \"" << d.toMillisSinceEpoch() << "\" }";
- }
- s << " }";
- } else {
- s << "Date( ";
- if (pretty) {
- Date_t d = date();
- // The two cases in which we cannot convert Date_t::millis to an ISO Date string
- // are when the date is too large to format (SERVER-13760), and when the date is
- // before the epoch (SERVER-11273). Since Date_t internally stores millis as an
- // unsigned long long, despite the fact that it is logically signed
- // (SERVER-8573), this check handles both the case where Date_t::millis is too
- // large, and the case where Date_t::millis is negative (before the epoch).
- if (d.isFormattable()) {
- s << "\"" << dateToISOStringLocal(date()) << "\"";
- } else {
- // FIXME: This is not parseable by the shell, since it may not fit in a
- // float
- s << d.toMillisSinceEpoch();
- }
- } else {
- s << date().asInt64();
- }
- s << " )";
- }
- break;
- case RegEx:
- if (format == Strict) {
- s << "{ \"$regex\" : \"" << str::escape(regex());
- s << "\", \"$options\" : \"" << regexFlags() << "\" }";
- } else {
- s << "/" << str::escape(regex(), true) << "/";
- // FIXME Worry about alpha order?
- for (const char* f = regexFlags(); *f; ++f) {
- switch (*f) {
- case 'g':
- case 'i':
- case 'm':
- case 's':
- s << *f;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ g.writeDate(buffer, date());
+ case RegEx: {
+ StringData pattern(regex());
+ g.writeRegex(buffer, pattern, StringData(pattern.rawData() + pattern.size() + 1));
+ } break;
case CodeWScope: {
BSONObj scope = codeWScopeObject();
if (!scope.isEmpty()) {
- s << "{ \"$code\" : \"" << str::escape(_asCode()) << "\" , "
- << "\"$scope\" : " << scope.jsonString() << " }";
+ g.writeCodeWithScope(buffer, _asCode(), scope);
+ // fall through if scope is empty
case Code:
- s << "\"" << str::escape(_asCode()) << "\"";
+ g.writeCode(buffer, _asCode());
case bsonTimestamp:
- if (format == TenGen) {
- s << "Timestamp( " << durationCount<Seconds>(timestampTime().toDurationSinceEpoch())
- << ", " << timestampInc() << " )";
- } else {
- s << "{ \"$timestamp\" : { \"t\" : "
- << durationCount<Seconds>(timestampTime().toDurationSinceEpoch())
- << ", \"i\" : " << timestampInc() << " } }";
- }
+ g.writeTimestamp(buffer, timestamp());
case MinKey:
- s << "{ \"$minKey\" : 1 }";
+ g.writeMinKey(buffer);
case MaxKey:
- s << "{ \"$maxKey\" : 1 }";
+ g.writeMaxKey(buffer);
- StringBuilder ss;
- ss << "Cannot create a properly formatted JSON string with "
- << "element: " << toString() << " of type: " << type();
- string message = ss.str();
- massert(10312, message.c_str(), false);
+void BSONElement::jsonStringGenerator(ExtendedCanonicalV200Generator const& generator,
+ bool includeFieldNames,
+ int pretty,
+ fmt::memory_buffer& buffer) const {
+ _jsonStringGenerator(generator, includeFieldNames, pretty, buffer);
+void BSONElement::jsonStringGenerator(ExtendedRelaxedV200Generator const& generator,
+ bool includeFieldNames,
+ int pretty,
+ fmt::memory_buffer& buffer) const {
+ _jsonStringGenerator(generator, includeFieldNames, pretty, buffer);
+void BSONElement::jsonStringGenerator(LegacyStrictGenerator const& generator,
+ bool includeFieldNames,
+ int pretty,
+ fmt::memory_buffer& buffer) const {
+ _jsonStringGenerator(generator, includeFieldNames, pretty, buffer);
namespace {
// Compares two string elements using a simple binary compare.