path: root/src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp
diff options
authorDan Larkin-York <>2023-01-20 02:40:10 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2023-01-20 03:16:06 +0000
commit45378b57c88584ee8ef36393ae1a336310d17d12 (patch)
treee65c359203dc5155c4b8a0a0c6e1b17266f82f17 /src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp
parent042b97b3e3f1423bdcf66a6436ea4e236565e61b (diff)
SERVER-72845 Flatten BucketCatalog class structure
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp')
1 files changed, 1786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp b/src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d84cb7af36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1786 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
+#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp>
+#include "mongo/bson/util/bsoncolumn.h"
+#include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h"
+#include "mongo/db/commands/server_status.h"
+#include "mongo/db/concurrency/exception_util.h"
+#include "mongo/db/operation_context.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/kv/kv_engine.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog/bucket_catalog_helpers.h"
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_compression.h"
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_constants.h"
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_options.h"
+#include "mongo/logv2/log.h"
+#include "mongo/platform/compiler.h"
+#include "mongo/stdx/thread.h"
+#include "mongo/util/fail_point.h"
+#define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage
+namespace mongo::timeseries::bucket_catalog {
+namespace {
+const auto getBucketCatalog = ServiceContext::declareDecoration<BucketCatalog>();
+OperationId getOpId(OperationContext* opCtx,
+ BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients combine) {
+ switch (combine) {
+ case BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients::kAllow:
+ return 0;
+ case BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients::kDisallow:
+ invariant(opCtx->getOpID());
+ return opCtx->getOpID();
+ }
+BSONObj buildControlMinTimestampDoc(StringData timeField, Date_t roundedTime) {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ builder.append(timeField, roundedTime);
+ return builder.obj();
+std::pair<OID, Date_t> generateBucketOID(const Date_t& time, const TimeseriesOptions& options) {
+ OID oid = OID::gen();
+ // We round the measurement timestamp down to the nearest minute, hour, or day depending on the
+ // granularity. We do this for two reasons. The first is so that if measurements come in
+ // slightly out of order, we don't have to close the current bucket due to going backwards in
+ // time. The second, and more important reason, is so that we reliably group measurements
+ // together into predictable chunks for sharding. This way we know from a measurement timestamp
+ // what the bucket timestamp will be, so we can route measurements to the right shard chunk.
+ auto roundedTime = roundTimestampToGranularity(time, options);
+ int64_t const roundedSeconds = durationCount<Seconds>(roundedTime.toDurationSinceEpoch());
+ oid.setTimestamp(roundedSeconds);
+ // Now, if we stopped here we could end up with bucket OID collisions. Consider the case where
+ // we have the granularity set to 'Hours'. This means we will round down to the nearest day, so
+ // any bucket generated on the same machine on the same day will have the same timestamp portion
+ // and unique instance portion of the OID. Only the increment will differ. Since we only use 3
+ // bytes for the increment portion, we run a serious risk of overflow if we are generating lots
+ // of buckets.
+ //
+ // To address this, we'll take the difference between the actual timestamp and the rounded
+ // timestamp and add it to the instance portion of the OID to ensure we can't have a collision.
+ // for timestamps generated on the same machine.
+ //
+ // This leaves open the possibility that in the case of step-down/step-up, we could get a
+ // collision if the old primary and the new primary have unique instance bits that differ by
+ // less than the maximum rounding difference. This is quite unlikely though, and can be resolved
+ // by restarting the new primary. It remains an open question whether we can fix this in a
+ // better way.
+ // TODO (SERVER-61412): Avoid time-series bucket OID collisions after election
+ auto instance = oid.getInstanceUnique();
+ uint32_t sum = DataView(reinterpret_cast<char*>(instance.bytes)).read<uint32_t>(1) +
+ (durationCount<Seconds>(time.toDurationSinceEpoch()) - roundedSeconds);
+ DataView(reinterpret_cast<char*>(instance.bytes)).write<uint32_t>(sum, 1);
+ oid.setInstanceUnique(instance);
+ return {oid, roundedTime};
+Status getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(const NamespaceString& ns, const OID& oid) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::TimeseriesBucketCleared,
+ str::stream() << "Time-series bucket " << oid << " for namespace " << ns
+ << " was cleared"};
+ * Caluculate the bucket max size constrained by the cache size and the cardinality of active
+ * buckets.
+ */
+int32_t getCacheDerivedBucketMaxSize(StorageEngine* storageEngine, uint32_t workloadCardinality) {
+ invariant(storageEngine);
+ uint64_t storageCacheSize =
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(storageEngine->getEngine()->getCacheSizeMB() * 1024 * 1024);
+ if (!feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility) ||
+ storageCacheSize == 0 || workloadCardinality == 0) {
+ return INT_MAX;
+ }
+ uint64_t derivedMaxSize = storageCacheSize / (2 * workloadCardinality);
+ uint64_t intMax = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ return std::min(derivedMaxSize, intMax);
+} // namespace
+BucketCatalog& BucketCatalog::get(ServiceContext* svcCtx) {
+ return getBucketCatalog(svcCtx);
+BucketCatalog& BucketCatalog::get(OperationContext* opCtx) {
+ return get(opCtx->getServiceContext());
+Status BucketCatalog::reopenBucket(OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const CollectionPtr& coll,
+ const BSONObj& bucketDoc) {
+ const NamespaceString ns = coll->ns().getTimeseriesViewNamespace();
+ const boost::optional<TimeseriesOptions> options = coll->getTimeseriesOptions();
+ invariant(options,
+ str::stream() << "Attempting to reopen a bucket for a non-timeseries collection: "
+ << ns);
+ BSONElement metadata;
+ auto metaFieldName = options->getMetaField();
+ if (metaFieldName) {
+ metadata = bucketDoc.getField(*metaFieldName);
+ }
+ auto key = BucketKey{ns, BucketMetadata{metadata, coll->getDefaultCollator()}};
+ // Validate the bucket document against the schema.
+ auto validator = [&](OperationContext * opCtx, const BSONObj& bucketDoc) -> auto {
+ return coll->checkValidation(opCtx, bucketDoc);
+ };
+ auto stats = _getExecutionStats(ns);
+ auto res = _rehydrateBucket(opCtx,
+ ns,
+ coll->getDefaultCollator(),
+ *options,
+ BucketToReopen{bucketDoc, validator},
+ boost::none);
+ if (!res.isOK()) {
+ return res.getStatus();
+ }
+ auto bucket = std::move(res.getValue());
+ auto stripeNumber = _getStripeNumber(key);
+ // Register the reopened bucket with the catalog.
+ auto& stripe = _stripes[stripeNumber];
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ ClosedBuckets closedBuckets;
+ return _reopenBucket(&stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ stats,
+ key,
+ std::move(bucket),
+ _bucketStateManager.getEra(),
+ &closedBuckets)
+ .getStatus();
+BSONObj BucketCatalog::getMetadata(const BucketHandle& handle) {
+ auto const& stripe = _stripes[handle.stripe];
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ const Bucket* bucket = _findBucket(stripe, stripeLock, handle.bucketId);
+ if (!bucket) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return bucket->_metadata.toBSON();
+StatusWith<BucketCatalog::InsertResult> BucketCatalog::tryInsert(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const NamespaceString& ns,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
+ const TimeseriesOptions& options,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients combine) {
+ return _insert(opCtx, ns, comparator, options, doc, combine, AllowBucketCreation::kNo);
+StatusWith<BucketCatalog::InsertResult> BucketCatalog::insert(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const NamespaceString& ns,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
+ const TimeseriesOptions& options,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients combine,
+ BucketFindResult bucketFindResult) {
+ return _insert(
+ opCtx, ns, comparator, options, doc, combine, AllowBucketCreation::kYes, bucketFindResult);
+Status BucketCatalog::prepareCommit(std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> batch) {
+ auto getBatchStatus = [&] { return batch->_promise.getFuture().getNoThrow().getStatus(); };
+ if (batch->finished()) {
+ // In this case, someone else aborted the batch behind our back. Oops.
+ return getBatchStatus();
+ }
+ auto& stripe = _stripes[batch->bucket().stripe];
+ _waitToCommitBatch(&stripe, batch);
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ Bucket* bucket = _useBucketAndChangeState(
+ &stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ batch->bucket().bucketId,
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ invariant(input.has_value());
+ return input.value().setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kPrepared);
+ });
+ if (batch->finished()) {
+ // Someone may have aborted it while we were waiting. Since we have the prepared batch, we
+ // should now be able to fully abort the bucket.
+ if (bucket) {
+ _abort(&stripe, stripeLock, batch, getBatchStatus());
+ }
+ return getBatchStatus();
+ } else if (!bucket) {
+ _abort(&stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ batch,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(batch->bucket().bucketId.ns,
+ batch->bucket().bucketId.oid));
+ return getBatchStatus();
+ }
+ auto prevMemoryUsage = bucket->_memoryUsage;
+ batch->_prepareCommit(bucket);
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndAdd(bucket->_memoryUsage - prevMemoryUsage);
+ return Status::OK();
+boost::optional<ClosedBucket> BucketCatalog::finish(std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> batch,
+ const CommitInfo& info) {
+ invariant(!batch->finished());
+ boost::optional<ClosedBucket> closedBucket;
+ batch->_finish(info);
+ auto& stripe = _stripes[batch->bucket().stripe];
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ Bucket* bucket = _useBucketAndChangeState(
+ &stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ batch->bucket().bucketId,
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ invariant(input.has_value());
+ return input.value().unsetFlag(BucketStateFlag::kPrepared);
+ });
+ if (bucket) {
+ bucket->_preparedBatch.reset();
+ }
+ auto& stats = batch->_stats;
+ stats.incNumCommits();
+ if (batch->numPreviouslyCommittedMeasurements() == 0) {
+ stats.incNumBucketInserts();
+ } else {
+ stats.incNumBucketUpdates();
+ }
+ stats.incNumMeasurementsCommitted(batch->measurements().size());
+ if (bucket) {
+ bucket->_numCommittedMeasurements += batch->measurements().size();
+ }
+ if (!bucket) {
+ // It's possible that we cleared the bucket in between preparing the commit and finishing
+ // here. In this case, we should abort any other ongoing batches and clear the bucket from
+ // the catalog so it's not hanging around idle.
+ auto it = stripe.allBuckets.find(batch->bucket().bucketId);
+ if (it != stripe.allBuckets.end()) {
+ bucket = it->second.get();
+ bucket->_preparedBatch.reset();
+ _abort(&stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ bucket,
+ nullptr,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(bucket->ns(), bucket->oid()));
+ }
+ } else if (bucket->allCommitted()) {
+ switch (bucket->_rolloverAction) {
+ case RolloverAction::kHardClose:
+ case RolloverAction::kSoftClose: {
+ const bool eligibleForReopening =
+ bucket->_rolloverAction == RolloverAction::kSoftClose;
+ closedBucket = boost::in_place(&_bucketStateManager,
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ bucket->getTimeField().toString(),
+ bucket->numMeasurements(),
+ eligibleForReopening);
+ _removeBucket(&stripe, stripeLock, bucket, RemovalMode::kClose);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RolloverAction::kArchive: {
+ ClosedBuckets closedBuckets;
+ _archiveBucket(&stripe, stripeLock, bucket, &closedBuckets);
+ if (!closedBuckets.empty()) {
+ closedBucket = std::move(closedBuckets[0]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RolloverAction::kNone: {
+ _markBucketIdle(&stripe, stripeLock, bucket);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return closedBucket;
+void BucketCatalog::abort(std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> batch, const Status& status) {
+ invariant(batch);
+ invariant(batch->_commitRights.load());
+ if (batch->finished()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto& stripe = _stripes[batch->bucket().stripe];
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ _abort(&stripe, stripeLock, batch, status);
+void BucketCatalog::directWriteStart(const NamespaceString& ns, const OID& oid) {
+ invariant(!ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection());
+ auto result = _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ BucketId{ns, oid},
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ if (input.has_value()) {
+ return input.value().setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kPendingDirectWrite);
+ }
+ // The underlying bucket isn't tracked by the catalog, but we need to insert a state
+ // here so that we can conflict reopening this bucket until we've completed our write
+ // and the reader has refetched.
+ return BucketState{}
+ .setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kPendingDirectWrite)
+ .setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kUntracked);
+ });
+ if (result && result.value().isPrepared()) {
+ hangTimeseriesDirectModificationBeforeWriteConflict.pauseWhileSet();
+ throwWriteConflictException("Prepared bucket can no longer be inserted into.");
+ }
+ hangTimeseriesDirectModificationAfterStart.pauseWhileSet();
+void BucketCatalog::directWriteFinish(const NamespaceString& ns, const OID& oid) {
+ invariant(!ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection());
+ hangTimeseriesDirectModificationBeforeFinish.pauseWhileSet();
+ (void)_bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ BucketId{ns, oid},
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ if (!input.has_value()) {
+ // We may have had multiple direct writes to this document in the same storage
+ // transaction. If so, a previous call to directWriteFinish may have cleaned up the
+ // state.
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ if (input.value().isSet(BucketStateFlag::kUntracked)) {
+ // The underlying bucket is not tracked by the catalog, so we can clean up the
+ // state.
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ return input.value()
+ .unsetFlag(BucketStateFlag::kPendingDirectWrite)
+ .setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kCleared);
+ });
+void BucketCatalog::clear(ShouldClearFn&& shouldClear) {
+ if (feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) {
+ _bucketStateManager.clearSetOfBuckets(std::move(shouldClear));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (auto& stripe : _stripes) {
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ for (auto it = stripe.allBuckets.begin(); it != stripe.allBuckets.end();) {
+ auto nextIt = std::next(it);
+ const auto& bucket = it->second;
+ if (shouldClear(bucket->ns())) {
+ {
+ stdx::lock_guard catalogLock{_mutex};
+ _executionStats.erase(bucket->ns());
+ }
+ _abort(&stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ bucket.get(),
+ nullptr,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(bucket->ns(), bucket->oid()));
+ }
+ it = nextIt;
+ }
+ }
+void BucketCatalog::clear(const NamespaceString& ns) {
+ invariant(!ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection());
+ clear([ns](const NamespaceString& bucketNs) { return bucketNs == ns; });
+void BucketCatalog::clear(StringData dbName) {
+ clear([dbName = dbName.toString()](const NamespaceString& bucketNs) {
+ return bucketNs.db() == dbName;
+ });
+void BucketCatalog::_appendExecutionStatsToBuilder(const ExecutionStats* stats,
+ BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketInserts", stats->numBucketInserts.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketUpdates", stats->numBucketUpdates.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsOpenedDueToMetadata",
+ stats->numBucketsOpenedDueToMetadata.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToCount", stats->numBucketsClosedDueToCount.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToSchemaChange",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToSchemaChange.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToSize", stats->numBucketsClosedDueToSize.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToTimeForward",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToTimeForward.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToTimeBackward",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToTimeBackward.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToMemoryThreshold",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToMemoryThreshold.load());
+ auto commits = stats->numCommits.load();
+ builder->appendNumber("numCommits", commits);
+ builder->appendNumber("numWaits", stats->numWaits.load());
+ auto measurementsCommitted = stats->numMeasurementsCommitted.load();
+ builder->appendNumber("numMeasurementsCommitted", measurementsCommitted);
+ if (commits) {
+ builder->appendNumber("avgNumMeasurementsPerCommit", measurementsCommitted / commits);
+ }
+ if (feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) {
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToReopening",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToReopening.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsArchivedDueToMemoryThreshold",
+ stats->numBucketsArchivedDueToMemoryThreshold.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsArchivedDueToTimeBackward",
+ stats->numBucketsArchivedDueToTimeBackward.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsReopened", stats->numBucketsReopened.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsKeptOpenDueToLargeMeasurements",
+ stats->numBucketsKeptOpenDueToLargeMeasurements.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsClosedDueToCachePressure",
+ stats->numBucketsClosedDueToCachePressure.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsFetched", stats->numBucketsFetched.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketsQueried", stats->numBucketsQueried.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketFetchesFailed", stats->numBucketFetchesFailed.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketQueriesFailed", stats->numBucketQueriesFailed.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numBucketReopeningsFailed", stats->numBucketReopeningsFailed.load());
+ builder->appendNumber("numDuplicateBucketsReopened",
+ stats->numDuplicateBucketsReopened.load());
+ }
+void BucketCatalog::appendExecutionStats(const NamespaceString& ns, BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {
+ invariant(!ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection());
+ const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionStats> stats = _getExecutionStats(ns);
+ _appendExecutionStatsToBuilder(stats.get(), builder);
+void BucketCatalog::appendGlobalExecutionStats(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {
+ _appendExecutionStatsToBuilder(&_globalExecutionStats, builder);
+void BucketCatalog::appendStateManagementStats(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {
+ _bucketStateManager.appendStats(builder);
+long long BucketCatalog::memoryUsage() const {
+ return _memoryUsage.load();
+StatusWith<std::pair<BucketKey, Date_t>> BucketCatalog::_extractBucketingParameters(
+ const NamespaceString& ns,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
+ const TimeseriesOptions& options,
+ const BSONObj& doc) const {
+ Date_t time;
+ BSONElement metadata;
+ if (!options.getMetaField().has_value()) {
+ auto swTime = extractTime(doc, options.getTimeField());
+ if (!swTime.isOK()) {
+ return swTime.getStatus();
+ }
+ time = swTime.getValue();
+ } else {
+ auto swDocTimeAndMeta =
+ extractTimeAndMeta(doc, options.getTimeField(), options.getMetaField().value());
+ if (!swDocTimeAndMeta.isOK()) {
+ return swDocTimeAndMeta.getStatus();
+ }
+ time = swDocTimeAndMeta.getValue().first;
+ metadata = swDocTimeAndMeta.getValue().second;
+ }
+ // Buckets are spread across independently-lockable stripes to improve parallelism. We map a
+ // bucket to a stripe by hashing the BucketKey.
+ auto key = BucketKey{ns, BucketMetadata{metadata, comparator}};
+ return {std::make_pair(key, time)};
+BucketCatalog::StripeNumber BucketCatalog::_getStripeNumber(const BucketKey& key) const {
+ if (MONGO_unlikely(alwaysUseSameBucketCatalogStripe.shouldFail())) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return key.hash % kNumberOfStripes;
+const Bucket* BucketCatalog::_findBucket(const Stripe& stripe,
+ WithLock,
+ const BucketId& bucketId,
+ IgnoreBucketState mode) {
+ auto it = stripe.allBuckets.find(bucketId);
+ if (it != stripe.allBuckets.end()) {
+ if (mode == IgnoreBucketState::kYes) {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ if (auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(it->second.get());
+ state && !state.value().conflictsWithInsertion()) {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_useBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const BucketId& bucketId,
+ IgnoreBucketState mode) {
+ return const_cast<Bucket*>(_findBucket(*stripe, stripeLock, bucketId, mode));
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_useBucketAndChangeState(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const BucketId& bucketId,
+ const BucketStateManager::StateChangeFn& change) {
+ auto it = stripe->allBuckets.find(bucketId);
+ if (it != stripe->allBuckets.end()) {
+ if (auto state = _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(it->second.get(), change);
+ state && !state.value().conflictsWithInsertion()) {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_useBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const CreationInfo& info,
+ AllowBucketCreation mode) {
+ auto it = stripe->openBuckets.find(info.key);
+ if (it == stripe->openBuckets.end()) {
+ // No open bucket for this metadata.
+ return mode == AllowBucketCreation::kYes ? _allocateBucket(stripe, stripeLock, info)
+ : nullptr;
+ }
+ auto& openSet = it->second;
+ Bucket* bucket = nullptr;
+ for (Bucket* potentialBucket : openSet) {
+ if (potentialBucket->_rolloverAction == RolloverAction::kNone) {
+ bucket = potentialBucket;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bucket) {
+ return mode == AllowBucketCreation::kYes ? _allocateBucket(stripe, stripeLock, info)
+ : nullptr;
+ }
+ if (auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(bucket);
+ state && !state.value().conflictsWithInsertion()) {
+ _markBucketNotIdle(stripe, stripeLock, bucket);
+ return bucket;
+ }
+ _abort(stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ bucket,
+ nullptr,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(bucket->ns(), bucket->oid()));
+ return mode == AllowBucketCreation::kYes ? _allocateBucket(stripe, stripeLock, info) : nullptr;
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_useAlternateBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const CreationInfo& info) {
+ auto it = stripe->openBuckets.find(info.key);
+ if (it == stripe->openBuckets.end()) {
+ // No open bucket for this metadata.
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto& openSet = it->second;
+ // In order to potentially erase elements of the set while we iterate it (via _abort), we need
+ // to advance the iterator before we call erase. This means we can't use the more
+ // straightforward range iteration, and use the somewhat awkward pattern below.
+ for (auto it = openSet.begin(); it != openSet.end();) {
+ Bucket* potentialBucket = *it++;
+ if (potentialBucket->_rolloverAction == RolloverAction::kNone ||
+ potentialBucket->_rolloverAction == RolloverAction::kHardClose) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto bucketTime = potentialBucket->getTime();
+ if (info.time - bucketTime >= Seconds(*info.options.getBucketMaxSpanSeconds()) ||
+ info.time < bucketTime) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(potentialBucket);
+ invariant(state);
+ if (!state.value().conflictsWithInsertion()) {
+ invariant(!potentialBucket->_idleListEntry.has_value());
+ return potentialBucket;
+ }
+ // If we still have an entry for the bucket in the open set, but it conflicts with
+ // insertion, then it must have been cleared, and we can clean it up.
+ invariant(state.value().isSet(BucketStateFlag::kCleared));
+ _abort(stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ potentialBucket,
+ nullptr,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(potentialBucket->bucketId().ns,
+ potentialBucket->bucketId().oid));
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<Bucket>> BucketCatalog::_rehydrateBucket(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const NamespaceString& ns,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
+ const TimeseriesOptions& options,
+ const BucketToReopen& bucketToReopen,
+ boost::optional<const BucketKey&> expectedKey) {
+ invariant(feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility));
+ const auto& [bucketDoc, validator, catalogEra] = bucketToReopen;
+ if (catalogEra < _bucketStateManager.getEra()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::WriteConflict, "Bucket is from an earlier era, may be outdated"};
+ }
+ BSONElement bucketIdElem = bucketDoc.getField(kBucketIdFieldName);
+ if (bucketIdElem.eoo() || bucketIdElem.type() != BSONType::jstOID) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::BadValue,
+ str::stream() << kBucketIdFieldName << " is missing or not an ObjectId"};
+ }
+ // Validate the bucket document against the schema.
+ auto result = validator(opCtx, bucketDoc);
+ if (result.first != Collection::SchemaValidationResult::kPass) {
+ return result.second;
+ }
+ auto controlField = bucketDoc.getObjectField(kBucketControlFieldName);
+ auto closedElem = controlField.getField(kBucketControlClosedFieldName);
+ if (closedElem.booleanSafe()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::BadValue,
+ "Bucket has been marked closed and is not eligible for reopening"};
+ }
+ BSONElement metadata;
+ auto metaFieldName = options.getMetaField();
+ if (metaFieldName) {
+ metadata = bucketDoc.getField(kBucketMetaFieldName);
+ }
+ // Buckets are spread across independently-lockable stripes to improve parallelism. We map a
+ // bucket to a stripe by hashing the BucketKey.
+ auto key = BucketKey{ns, BucketMetadata{metadata, comparator}};
+ if (expectedKey.has_value() && key != expectedKey.value()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Bucket metadata does not match (hash collision)"};
+ }
+ auto stripeNumber = _getStripeNumber(key);
+ BucketId bucketId{key.ns, bucketIdElem.OID()};
+ std::unique_ptr<Bucket> bucket =
+ std::make_unique<Bucket>(bucketId, stripeNumber, key.hash, &_bucketStateManager);
+ const bool isCompressed = isCompressedBucket(bucketDoc);
+ // Initialize the remaining member variables from the bucket document.
+ bucket->_metadata = key.metadata;
+ bucket->_timeField = options.getTimeField().toString();
+ if (isCompressed) {
+ auto decompressed = decompressBucket(bucketDoc);
+ if (!decompressed.has_value()) {
+ return Status{ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Bucket could not be decompressed"};
+ }
+ bucket->_size = decompressed.value().objsize();
+ bucket->_decompressed = DecompressionResult{bucketDoc, decompressed.value()};
+ bucket->_memoryUsage += (decompressed.value().objsize() + bucketDoc.objsize());
+ } else {
+ bucket->_size = bucketDoc.objsize();
+ }
+ bucket->_minTime = controlField.getObjectField(kBucketControlMinFieldName)
+ .getField(options.getTimeField())
+ .Date();
+ // Populate the top-level data field names.
+ const BSONObj& dataObj = bucketDoc.getObjectField(kBucketDataFieldName);
+ for (const BSONElement& dataElem : dataObj) {
+ auto hashedKey = StringSet::hasher().hashed_key(dataElem.fieldName());
+ bucket->_fieldNames.emplace(hashedKey);
+ }
+ auto swMinMax = generateMinMaxFromBucketDoc(bucketDoc, comparator);
+ if (!swMinMax.isOK()) {
+ return swMinMax.getStatus();
+ }
+ bucket->_minmax = std::move(swMinMax.getValue());
+ auto swSchema = generateSchemaFromBucketDoc(bucketDoc, comparator);
+ if (!swSchema.isOK()) {
+ return swSchema.getStatus();
+ }
+ bucket->_schema = std::move(swSchema.getValue());
+ uint32_t numMeasurements = 0;
+ const BSONElement timeColumnElem = dataObj.getField(options.getTimeField());
+ if (isCompressed && timeColumnElem.type() == BSONType::BinData) {
+ BSONColumn storage{timeColumnElem};
+ numMeasurements = storage.size();
+ } else if (timeColumnElem.isABSONObj()) {
+ numMeasurements = timeColumnElem.Obj().nFields();
+ } else {
+ return {ErrorCodes::BadValue,
+ "Bucket data field is malformed (missing a valid time column)"};
+ }
+ bucket->_numMeasurements = numMeasurements;
+ bucket->_numCommittedMeasurements = numMeasurements;
+ // The namespace is stored two times: the bucket itself and openBuckets. We don't have a great
+ // approximation for the _schema or _minmax data structure size, so we use the control field
+ // size as an approximation for _minmax, and half that size for _schema. Since the metadata
+ // is stored in the bucket, we need to add that as well. A unique pointer to the bucket is
+ // stored once: allBuckets. A raw pointer to the bucket is stored at most twice: openBuckets,
+ // idleBuckets.
+ bucket->_memoryUsage += (key.ns.size() * 2) + 1.5 * controlField.objsize() +
+ key.metadata.toBSON().objsize() + sizeof(Bucket) + sizeof(std::unique_ptr<Bucket>) +
+ (sizeof(Bucket*) * 2);
+ return {std::move(bucket)};
+StatusWith<Bucket*> BucketCatalog::_reopenBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ ExecutionStatsController stats,
+ const BucketKey& key,
+ std::unique_ptr<Bucket>&& bucket,
+ std::uint64_t targetEra,
+ ClosedBuckets* closedBuckets) {
+ invariant(bucket);
+ _expireIdleBuckets(stripe, stripeLock, stats, closedBuckets);
+ // We may need to initialize the bucket's state.
+ bool conflicts = false;
+ auto initializeStateFn =
+ [targetEra, &conflicts](boost::optional<BucketState> input,
+ std::uint64_t currentEra) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ if (targetEra < currentEra ||
+ (input.has_value() && input.value().conflictsWithReopening())) {
+ conflicts = true;
+ return input;
+ }
+ conflicts = false;
+ return input.has_value() ? input.value() : BucketState{};
+ };
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(bucket->bucketId(), initializeStateFn);
+ if (conflicts) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::WriteConflict, "Bucket may be stale"};
+ }
+ // If this bucket was archived, we need to remove it from the set of archived buckets.
+ if (auto setIt = stripe->archivedBuckets.find(key.hash);
+ setIt != stripe->archivedBuckets.end()) {
+ auto& archivedSet = setIt->second;
+ if (auto bucketIt = archivedSet.find(bucket->getTime());
+ bucketIt != archivedSet.end() && bucket->bucketId() == bucketIt->second.bucketId) {
+ long long memory =
+ _marginalMemoryUsageForArchivedBucket(bucketIt->second, archivedSet.size() == 1);
+ if (archivedSet.size() == 1) {
+ stripe->archivedBuckets.erase(setIt);
+ } else {
+ archivedSet.erase(bucketIt);
+ }
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndSubtract(memory);
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndSubtract(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pass ownership of the reopened bucket to the bucket catalog.
+ auto [insertedIt, newlyInserted] =
+ stripe->allBuckets.try_emplace(bucket->bucketId(), std::move(bucket));
+ invariant(newlyInserted);
+ Bucket* unownedBucket = insertedIt->second.get();
+ // If we already have an open bucket for this key, we need to close it.
+ if (auto it = stripe->openBuckets.find(key); it != stripe->openBuckets.end()) {
+ auto& openSet = it->second;
+ for (Bucket* existingBucket : openSet) {
+ if (existingBucket->_rolloverAction == RolloverAction::kNone) {
+ stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToReopening();
+ if (existingBucket->allCommitted()) {
+ constexpr bool eligibleForReopening = true;
+ closedBuckets->emplace_back(
+ ClosedBucket{&_bucketStateManager,
+ existingBucket->bucketId(),
+ existingBucket->getTimeField().toString(),
+ existingBucket->numMeasurements(),
+ eligibleForReopening});
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, existingBucket, RemovalMode::kClose);
+ } else {
+ existingBucket->setRolloverAction(RolloverAction::kSoftClose);
+ }
+ // We should only have one open bucket at a time.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now actually mark this bucket as open.
+ stripe->openBuckets[key].emplace(unownedBucket);
+ stats.incNumBucketsReopened();
+ _memoryUsage.addAndFetch(unownedBucket->_memoryUsage);
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndAdd(1);
+ return unownedBucket;
+StatusWith<Bucket*> BucketCatalog::_reuseExistingBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ ExecutionStatsController* stats,
+ const BucketKey& key,
+ Bucket* existingBucket,
+ std::uint64_t targetEra) {
+ invariant(existingBucket);
+ // If we have an existing bucket, passing the Bucket* will let us check if the bucket was
+ // cleared as part of a set since the last time it was used. If we were to just check by
+ // OID, we may miss if e.g. there was a move chunk operation.
+ bool conflicts = false;
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ existingBucket,
+ [targetEra, &conflicts](boost::optional<BucketState> input,
+ std::uint64_t currentEra) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ if (targetEra < currentEra ||
+ (input.has_value() && input.value().conflictsWithReopening())) {
+ conflicts = true;
+ return input;
+ }
+ conflicts = false;
+ return input.has_value() ? input.value() : BucketState{};
+ });
+ if (state.has_value() && state.value().isSet(BucketStateFlag::kCleared)) {
+ _abort(stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ existingBucket,
+ nullptr,
+ getTimeseriesBucketClearedError(existingBucket->_bucketId.ns,
+ existingBucket->_bucketId.oid));
+ conflicts = true;
+ }
+ if (conflicts) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::WriteConflict, "Bucket may be stale"};
+ }
+ // It's possible to have two buckets with the same ID in different collections, so let's make
+ // extra sure the existing bucket is the right one.
+ if (existingBucket->ns() != key.ns) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Cannot re-use bucket: same ID but different namespace"};
+ }
+ // If the bucket was already open, wasn't cleared, the state didn't conflict with reopening, and
+ // the namespace matches, then we can simply return it.
+ stats->incNumDuplicateBucketsReopened();
+ _markBucketNotIdle(stripe, stripeLock, existingBucket);
+ return existingBucket;
+StatusWith<BucketCatalog::InsertResult> BucketCatalog::_insert(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const NamespaceString& ns,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator,
+ const TimeseriesOptions& options,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients combine,
+ AllowBucketCreation mode,
+ BucketFindResult bucketFindResult) {
+ invariant(!ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection());
+ auto res = _extractBucketingParameters(ns, comparator, options, doc);
+ if (!res.isOK()) {
+ return res.getStatus();
+ }
+ auto& key = res.getValue().first;
+ auto time = res.getValue().second;
+ ExecutionStatsController stats = _getExecutionStats(ns);
+ _updateBucketFetchAndQueryStats(stats, bucketFindResult);
+ // Buckets are spread across independently-lockable stripes to improve parallelism. We map a
+ // bucket to a stripe by hashing the BucketKey.
+ auto stripeNumber = _getStripeNumber(key);
+ InsertResult result;
+ result.catalogEra = _bucketStateManager.getEra();
+ CreationInfo info{key, stripeNumber, time, options, stats, &result.closedBuckets};
+ boost::optional<BucketToReopen> bucketToReopen = std::move(bucketFindResult.bucketToReopen);
+ auto rehydratedBucket = bucketToReopen.has_value()
+ ? _rehydrateBucket(opCtx, ns, comparator, options, bucketToReopen.value(), key)
+ : StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<Bucket>>{ErrorCodes::BadValue, "No bucket to rehydrate"};
+ if (rehydratedBucket.getStatus().code() == ErrorCodes::WriteConflict) {
+ stats.incNumBucketReopeningsFailed();
+ return rehydratedBucket.getStatus();
+ }
+ auto& stripe = _stripes[stripeNumber];
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ if (rehydratedBucket.isOK()) {
+ invariant(mode == AllowBucketCreation::kYes);
+ hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeReopeningBucket.pauseWhileSet();
+ StatusWith<Bucket*> swBucket{nullptr};
+ auto existingIt = stripe.allBuckets.find(rehydratedBucket.getValue()->bucketId());
+ if (existingIt != stripe.allBuckets.end()) {
+ // First let's check the existing bucket if we have one.
+ Bucket* existingBucket = existingIt->second.get();
+ swBucket = _reuseExistingBucket(
+ &stripe, stripeLock, &stats, key, existingBucket, bucketToReopen->catalogEra);
+ } else {
+ // No existing bucket to use, go ahead and try to reopen our rehydrated bucket.
+ swBucket = _reopenBucket(&stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ stats,
+ key,
+ std::move(rehydratedBucket.getValue()),
+ bucketToReopen->catalogEra,
+ &result.closedBuckets);
+ }
+ if (swBucket.isOK()) {
+ Bucket* bucket = swBucket.getValue();
+ invariant(bucket);
+ auto insertionResult = _insertIntoBucket(opCtx,
+ &stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ doc,
+ combine,
+ mode,
+ &info,
+ bucket,
+ &result.closedBuckets);
+ auto* batch = stdx::get_if<std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch>>(&insertionResult);
+ invariant(batch);
+ result.batch = *batch;
+ return std::move(result);
+ } else {
+ stats.incNumBucketReopeningsFailed();
+ if (swBucket.getStatus().code() == ErrorCodes::WriteConflict) {
+ return swBucket.getStatus();
+ }
+ // If we had a different type of error, then we should fall through and proceed to open
+ // a new bucket.
+ }
+ }
+ Bucket* bucket = _useBucket(&stripe, stripeLock, info, mode);
+ if (!bucket) {
+ invariant(mode == AllowBucketCreation::kNo);
+ constexpr bool allowQueryBasedReopening = true;
+ result.candidate =
+ _getReopeningCandidate(&stripe, stripeLock, info, allowQueryBasedReopening);
+ return std::move(result);
+ }
+ auto insertionResult = _insertIntoBucket(
+ opCtx, &stripe, stripeLock, doc, combine, mode, &info, bucket, &result.closedBuckets);
+ if (auto* reason = stdx::get_if<RolloverReason>(&insertionResult)) {
+ invariant(mode == AllowBucketCreation::kNo);
+ if (bucket->allCommitted()) {
+ _markBucketIdle(&stripe, stripeLock, bucket);
+ }
+ // If we were time forward or backward, we might be able to "reopen" a bucket we still have
+ // in memory that's set to be closed when pending operations finish.
+ if ((*reason == RolloverReason::kTimeBackward || *reason == RolloverReason::kTimeForward)) {
+ if (Bucket* alternate = _useAlternateBucket(&stripe, stripeLock, info)) {
+ insertionResult = _insertIntoBucket(opCtx,
+ &stripe,
+ stripeLock,
+ doc,
+ combine,
+ mode,
+ &info,
+ alternate,
+ &result.closedBuckets);
+ if (auto* batch = stdx::get_if<std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch>>(&insertionResult)) {
+ result.batch = *batch;
+ return std::move(result);
+ }
+ // We weren't able to insert into the other bucket, so fall through to the regular
+ // reopening procedure.
+ }
+ }
+ bool allowQueryBasedReopening = (*reason == RolloverReason::kTimeBackward);
+ result.candidate =
+ _getReopeningCandidate(&stripe, stripeLock, info, allowQueryBasedReopening);
+ } else {
+ result.batch = *stdx::get_if<std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch>>(&insertionResult);
+ }
+ return std::move(result);
+stdx::variant<std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch>, RolloverReason> BucketCatalog::_insertIntoBucket(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients combine,
+ AllowBucketCreation mode,
+ CreationInfo* info,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ ClosedBuckets* closedBuckets) {
+ NewFieldNames newFieldNamesToBeInserted;
+ int32_t sizeToBeAdded = 0;
+ const auto previousMemoryUsage = bucket->_memoryUsage;
+ bool isNewlyOpenedBucket = (bucket->_size == 0);
+ if (!isNewlyOpenedBucket) {
+ auto [action, reason] = _determineRolloverAction(
+ opCtx, doc, info, bucket, &newFieldNamesToBeInserted, &sizeToBeAdded, mode);
+ if ((action == RolloverAction::kSoftClose || action == RolloverAction::kArchive) &&
+ mode == AllowBucketCreation::kNo) {
+ // We don't actually want to roll this bucket over yet, bail out.
+ return reason;
+ } else if (action != RolloverAction::kNone) {
+ info->openedDuetoMetadata = false;
+ bucket = _rollover(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, *info, action);
+ isNewlyOpenedBucket = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isNewlyOpenedBucket) {
+ bucket->_calculateBucketFieldsAndSizeChange(
+ doc, info->options.getMetaField(), &newFieldNamesToBeInserted, &sizeToBeAdded);
+ }
+ auto batch = bucket->_activeBatch(getOpId(opCtx, combine), info->stats);
+ batch->_addMeasurement(doc);
+ batch->_recordNewFields(bucket, std::move(newFieldNamesToBeInserted));
+ bucket->_numMeasurements++;
+ bucket->_size += sizeToBeAdded;
+ if (isNewlyOpenedBucket) {
+ // The metadata only needs to be set if this bucket was newly created.
+ bucket->_metadata = info->key.metadata;
+ // The namespace is stored two times: the bucket itself and openBuckets.
+ // We don't have a great approximation for the
+ // _schema size, so we use initial document size minus metadata as an approximation. Since
+ // the metadata itself is stored once, in the bucket, we can combine the two and just use
+ // the initial document size. A unique pointer to the bucket is stored once: allBuckets. A
+ // raw pointer to the bucket is stored at most twice: openBuckets, idleBuckets.
+ bucket->_memoryUsage += (info->key.ns.size() * 2) + doc.objsize() + sizeof(Bucket) +
+ sizeof(std::unique_ptr<Bucket>) + (sizeof(Bucket*) * 2);
+ auto updateStatus = bucket->_schema.update(
+ doc, info->options.getMetaField(), info->key.metadata.getComparator());
+ invariant(updateStatus == Schema::UpdateStatus::Updated);
+ } else {
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndSubtract(previousMemoryUsage);
+ }
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndAdd(bucket->_memoryUsage);
+ return batch;
+void BucketCatalog::_waitToCommitBatch(Stripe* stripe, const std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch>& batch) {
+ while (true) {
+ std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> current;
+ {
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe->mutex};
+ Bucket* bucket =
+ _useBucket(stripe, stripeLock, batch->bucket().bucketId, IgnoreBucketState::kNo);
+ if (!bucket || batch->finished()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ current = bucket->_preparedBatch;
+ if (!current) {
+ // No other batches for this bucket are currently committing, so we can proceed.
+ bucket->_preparedBatch = batch;
+ bucket->_batches.erase(batch->_opId);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // We only hit this failpoint when there are conflicting prepared batches on the same
+ // bucket.
+ hangWaitingForConflictingPreparedBatch.pauseWhileSet();
+ // We have to wait for someone else to finish.
+ current->getResult().getStatus().ignore(); // We don't care about the result.
+ }
+void BucketCatalog::_removeBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ RemovalMode mode) {
+ invariant(bucket->_batches.empty());
+ invariant(!bucket->_preparedBatch);
+ auto allIt = stripe->allBuckets.find(bucket->bucketId());
+ invariant(allIt != stripe->allBuckets.end());
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndSubtract(bucket->_memoryUsage);
+ _markBucketNotIdle(stripe, stripeLock, bucket);
+ // If the bucket was rolled over, then there may be a different open bucket for this metadata.
+ auto openIt = stripe->openBuckets.find({bucket->ns(), bucket->_metadata});
+ if (openIt != stripe->openBuckets.end()) {
+ auto& openSet = openIt->second;
+ auto bucketIt = openSet.find(bucket);
+ if (bucketIt != openSet.end()) {
+ if (openSet.size() == 1) {
+ stripe->openBuckets.erase(openIt);
+ } else {
+ openSet.erase(bucketIt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we are cleaning up while archiving a bucket, then we want to preserve its state. Otherwise
+ // we can remove the state from the catalog altogether.
+ switch (mode) {
+ case RemovalMode::kClose: {
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(bucket->bucketId());
+ invariant(state.has_value());
+ invariant(state.value().isSet(BucketStateFlag::kPendingCompression));
+ break;
+ }
+ case RemovalMode::kAbort:
+ _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input,
+ std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ invariant(input.has_value());
+ if (input->conflictsWithReopening()) {
+ return input.value().setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kUntracked);
+ }
+ return boost::none;
+ });
+ break;
+ case RemovalMode::kArchive:
+ // No state change
+ break;
+ }
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndSubtract(1);
+ stripe->allBuckets.erase(allIt);
+void BucketCatalog::_archiveBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ ClosedBuckets* closedBuckets) {
+ bool archived = false;
+ auto& archivedSet = stripe->archivedBuckets[bucket->keyHash()];
+ auto it = archivedSet.find(bucket->getTime());
+ if (it == archivedSet.end()) {
+ auto [it, inserted] = archivedSet.emplace(
+ bucket->getTime(),
+ ArchivedBucket{bucket->bucketId(), bucket->getTimeField().toString()});
+ long long memory =
+ _marginalMemoryUsageForArchivedBucket(it->second, archivedSet.size() == 1);
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndAdd(memory);
+ archived = true;
+ }
+ RemovalMode mode = RemovalMode::kArchive;
+ if (archived) {
+ // If we have an archived bucket, we still want to account for it in numberOfActiveBuckets
+ // so we will increase it here since removeBucket decrements the count.
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndAdd(1);
+ } else {
+ // We had a meta hash collision, and already have a bucket archived with the same meta hash
+ // and timestamp as this bucket. Since it's somewhat arbitrary which bucket we keep, we'll
+ // keep the one that's already archived and just plain close this one.
+ mode = RemovalMode::kClose;
+ constexpr bool eligibleForReopening = true;
+ closedBuckets->emplace_back(ClosedBucket{&_bucketStateManager,
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ bucket->getTimeField().toString(),
+ bucket->numMeasurements(),
+ eligibleForReopening});
+ }
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, mode);
+boost::optional<OID> BucketCatalog::_findArchivedCandidate(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const CreationInfo& info) {
+ auto setIt = stripe->archivedBuckets.find(info.key.hash);
+ if (setIt == stripe->archivedBuckets.end()) {
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ auto& archivedSet = setIt->second;
+ // We want to find the largest time that is not greater than info.time. Generally lower_bound
+ // will return the smallest element not less than the search value, but we are using
+ // std::greater instead of std::less for the map's comparisons. This means the order of keys
+ // will be reversed, and lower_bound will return what we want.
+ auto it = archivedSet.lower_bound(info.time);
+ if (it == archivedSet.end()) {
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ const auto& [candidateTime, candidateBucket] = *it;
+ invariant(candidateTime <= info.time);
+ // We need to make sure our measurement can fit without violating max span. If not, we
+ // can't use this bucket.
+ if (info.time - candidateTime < Seconds(*info.options.getBucketMaxSpanSeconds())) {
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(candidateBucket.bucketId);
+ if (state && !state.value().conflictsWithReopening()) {
+ return candidateBucket.bucketId.oid;
+ } else {
+ if (state) {
+ _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ candidateBucket.bucketId,
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input,
+ std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ if (!input.has_value()) {
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ invariant(input.value().conflictsWithReopening());
+ return input.value().setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kUntracked);
+ });
+ }
+ long long memory =
+ _marginalMemoryUsageForArchivedBucket(candidateBucket, archivedSet.size() == 1);
+ if (archivedSet.size() == 1) {
+ stripe->archivedBuckets.erase(setIt);
+ } else {
+ archivedSet.erase(it);
+ }
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndSubtract(memory);
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndSubtract(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return boost::none;
+stdx::variant<std::monostate, OID, BSONObj> BucketCatalog::_getReopeningCandidate(
+ Stripe* stripe, WithLock stripeLock, const CreationInfo& info, bool allowQueryBasedReopening) {
+ if (auto archived = _findArchivedCandidate(stripe, stripeLock, info)) {
+ return archived.value();
+ }
+ if (!allowQueryBasedReopening) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ boost::optional<BSONElement> metaElement;
+ if (info.options.getMetaField().has_value()) {
+ metaElement = info.key.metadata.element();
+ }
+ auto controlMinTimePath = kControlMinFieldNamePrefix.toString() + info.options.getTimeField();
+ return generateReopeningFilters(
+ info.time, metaElement, controlMinTimePath, *info.options.getBucketMaxSpanSeconds());
+void BucketCatalog::_abort(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> batch,
+ const Status& status) {
+ // Before we access the bucket, make sure it's still there.
+ Bucket* bucket =
+ _useBucket(stripe, stripeLock, batch->bucket().bucketId, IgnoreBucketState::kYes);
+ if (!bucket) {
+ // Special case, bucket has already been cleared, and we need only abort this batch.
+ batch->_abort(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Proceed to abort any unprepared batches and remove the bucket if possible
+ _abort(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, batch, status);
+void BucketCatalog::_abort(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ std::shared_ptr<WriteBatch> batch,
+ const Status& status) {
+ // Abort any unprepared batches. This should be safe since we have a lock on the stripe,
+ // preventing anyone else from using these.
+ for (const auto& [_, current] : bucket->_batches) {
+ current->_abort(status);
+ }
+ bucket->_batches.clear();
+ bool doRemove = true; // We shouldn't remove the bucket if there's a prepared batch outstanding
+ // and it's not the one we manage. In that case, we don't know what the
+ // user is doing with it, but we need to keep the bucket around until
+ // that batch is finished.
+ if (auto& prepared = bucket->_preparedBatch) {
+ if (batch && prepared == batch) {
+ // We own the prepared batch, so we can go ahead and abort it and remove the bucket.
+ prepared->_abort(status);
+ prepared.reset();
+ } else {
+ doRemove = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (doRemove) {
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, RemovalMode::kAbort);
+ } else {
+ _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ invariant(input.has_value());
+ return input.value().setFlag(BucketStateFlag::kCleared);
+ });
+ }
+void BucketCatalog::_compressionDone(const BucketId& bucketId) {
+ _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ bucketId,
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ return boost::none;
+ });
+void BucketCatalog::_markBucketIdle(Stripe* stripe, WithLock stripeLock, Bucket* bucket) {
+ invariant(bucket);
+ invariant(!bucket->_idleListEntry.has_value());
+ invariant(bucket->allCommitted());
+ stripe->idleBuckets.push_front(bucket);
+ bucket->_idleListEntry = stripe->idleBuckets.begin();
+void BucketCatalog::_markBucketNotIdle(Stripe* stripe, WithLock stripeLock, Bucket* bucket) {
+ invariant(bucket);
+ if (bucket->_idleListEntry.has_value()) {
+ stripe->idleBuckets.erase(bucket->_idleListEntry.value());
+ bucket->_idleListEntry = boost::none;
+ }
+void BucketCatalog::_expireIdleBuckets(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ ExecutionStatsController& stats,
+ ClosedBuckets* closedBuckets) {
+ // As long as we still need space and have entries and remaining attempts, close idle buckets.
+ int32_t numExpired = 0;
+ const bool canArchive = feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility);
+ constexpr bool eligibleForReopening{true};
+ while (!stripe->idleBuckets.empty() &&
+ _memoryUsage.load() > getTimeseriesIdleBucketExpiryMemoryUsageThresholdBytes() &&
+ numExpired <= gTimeseriesIdleBucketExpiryMaxCountPerAttempt) {
+ Bucket* bucket = stripe->idleBuckets.back();
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.getBucketState(bucket);
+ if (canArchive && state && !state.value().conflictsWithInsertion()) {
+ // Can archive a bucket if it's still eligible for insertions.
+ _archiveBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, closedBuckets);
+ stats.incNumBucketsArchivedDueToMemoryThreshold();
+ } else if (state && state.value().isSet(BucketStateFlag::kCleared)) {
+ // Bucket was cleared and just needs to be removed from catalog.
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, RemovalMode::kAbort);
+ } else {
+ closedBuckets->emplace_back(ClosedBucket{&_bucketStateManager,
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ bucket->getTimeField().toString(),
+ bucket->numMeasurements(),
+ eligibleForReopening});
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, RemovalMode::kClose);
+ stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToMemoryThreshold();
+ }
+ ++numExpired;
+ }
+ while (canArchive && !stripe->archivedBuckets.empty() &&
+ _memoryUsage.load() > getTimeseriesIdleBucketExpiryMemoryUsageThresholdBytes() &&
+ numExpired <= gTimeseriesIdleBucketExpiryMaxCountPerAttempt) {
+ auto& [hash, archivedSet] = *stripe->archivedBuckets.begin();
+ invariant(!archivedSet.empty());
+ auto& [timestamp, bucket] = *archivedSet.begin();
+ closedBuckets->emplace_back(ClosedBucket{&_bucketStateManager,
+ bucket.bucketId,
+ bucket.timeField,
+ boost::none,
+ eligibleForReopening});
+ long long memory = _marginalMemoryUsageForArchivedBucket(bucket, archivedSet.size() == 1);
+ if (archivedSet.size() == 1) {
+ // If this is the only entry, erase the whole map so we don't leave it empty.
+ stripe->archivedBuckets.erase(stripe->archivedBuckets.begin());
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise just erase this bucket from the map.
+ archivedSet.erase(archivedSet.begin());
+ }
+ _memoryUsage.fetchAndSubtract(memory);
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndSubtract(1);
+ stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToMemoryThreshold();
+ ++numExpired;
+ }
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_allocateBucket(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ const CreationInfo& info) {
+ _expireIdleBuckets(stripe, stripeLock, info.stats, info.closedBuckets);
+ auto [oid, roundedTime] = generateBucketOID(info.time, info.options);
+ auto bucketId = BucketId{info.key.ns, oid};
+ auto [it, inserted] = stripe->allBuckets.try_emplace(
+ bucketId,
+ std::make_unique<Bucket>(bucketId, info.stripe, info.key.hash, &_bucketStateManager));
+ tassert(6130900, "Expected bucket to be inserted", inserted);
+ Bucket* bucket = it->second.get();
+ stripe->openBuckets[info.key].emplace(bucket);
+ auto state = _bucketStateManager.changeBucketState(
+ bucketId,
+ [](boost::optional<BucketState> input, std::uint64_t) -> boost::optional<BucketState> {
+ invariant(!input.has_value());
+ return BucketState{};
+ });
+ invariant(state == BucketState{});
+ _numberOfActiveBuckets.fetchAndAdd(1);
+ if (info.openedDuetoMetadata) {
+ info.stats.incNumBucketsOpenedDueToMetadata();
+ }
+ bucket->_timeField = info.options.getTimeField().toString();
+ bucket->_minTime = roundedTime;
+ // Make sure we set the control.min time field to match the rounded _id timestamp.
+ auto controlDoc = buildControlMinTimestampDoc(info.options.getTimeField(), roundedTime);
+ bucket->_minmax.update(
+ controlDoc, bucket->_metadata.getMetaField(), bucket->_metadata.getComparator());
+ return bucket;
+std::pair<RolloverAction, RolloverReason> BucketCatalog::_determineRolloverAction(
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ CreationInfo* info,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ NewFieldNames* newFieldNamesToBeInserted,
+ int32_t* sizeToBeAdded,
+ AllowBucketCreation mode) {
+ // If the mode is enabled to create new buckets, then we should update stats for soft closures
+ // accordingly. If we specify the mode to not allow bucket creation, it means we are not sure if
+ // we want to soft close the bucket yet and should wait to update closure stats.
+ const bool shouldUpdateStats = (mode == AllowBucketCreation::kYes);
+ auto bucketTime = bucket->getTime();
+ if (info->time - bucketTime >= Seconds(*info->options.getBucketMaxSpanSeconds())) {
+ if (shouldUpdateStats) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToTimeForward();
+ }
+ return {RolloverAction::kSoftClose, RolloverReason::kTimeForward};
+ }
+ if (info->time < bucketTime) {
+ const bool canArchive = feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility);
+ if (shouldUpdateStats) {
+ if (canArchive) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsArchivedDueToTimeBackward();
+ } else {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToTimeBackward();
+ }
+ }
+ return {canArchive ? RolloverAction::kArchive : RolloverAction::kSoftClose,
+ RolloverReason::kTimeBackward};
+ }
+ if (bucket->_numMeasurements == static_cast<std::uint64_t>(gTimeseriesBucketMaxCount)) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToCount();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kCount};
+ }
+ // In scenarios where we have a high cardinality workload and face increased cache pressure we
+ // will decrease the size of buckets before we close them.
+ int32_t cacheDerivedBucketMaxSize = getCacheDerivedBucketMaxSize(
+ opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine(), _numberOfActiveBuckets.load());
+ int32_t effectiveMaxSize = std::min(gTimeseriesBucketMaxSize, cacheDerivedBucketMaxSize);
+ // Before we hit our bucket minimum count, we will allow for large measurements to be inserted
+ // into buckets. Instead of packing the bucket to the BSON size limit, 16MB, we'll limit the max
+ // bucket size to 12MB. This is to leave some space in the bucket if we need to add new internal
+ // fields to existing, full buckets.
+ static constexpr int32_t largeMeasurementsMaxBucketSize =
+ BSONObjMaxUserSize - (4 * 1024 * 1024);
+ // We restrict the ceiling of the bucket max size under cache pressure.
+ int32_t absoluteMaxSize = std::min(largeMeasurementsMaxBucketSize, cacheDerivedBucketMaxSize);
+ bucket->_calculateBucketFieldsAndSizeChange(
+ doc, info->options.getMetaField(), newFieldNamesToBeInserted, sizeToBeAdded);
+ if (bucket->_size + *sizeToBeAdded > effectiveMaxSize) {
+ bool keepBucketOpenForLargeMeasurements =
+ bucket->_numMeasurements < static_cast<std::uint64_t>(gTimeseriesBucketMinCount) &&
+ feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility);
+ if (keepBucketOpenForLargeMeasurements) {
+ if (bucket->_size + *sizeToBeAdded > absoluteMaxSize) {
+ if (absoluteMaxSize != largeMeasurementsMaxBucketSize) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToCachePressure();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kCachePressure};
+ }
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToSize();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kSize};
+ }
+ // There's enough space to add this measurement and we're still below the large
+ // measurement threshold.
+ if (!bucket->_keptOpenDueToLargeMeasurements) {
+ // Only increment this metric once per bucket.
+ bucket->_keptOpenDueToLargeMeasurements = true;
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsKeptOpenDueToLargeMeasurements();
+ }
+ return {RolloverAction::kNone, RolloverReason::kNone};
+ } else {
+ if (effectiveMaxSize == gTimeseriesBucketMaxSize) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToSize();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kSize};
+ }
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToCachePressure();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kCachePressure};
+ }
+ }
+ if (bucket->schemaIncompatible(
+ doc, info->options.getMetaField(), info->key.metadata.getComparator())) {
+ info->stats.incNumBucketsClosedDueToSchemaChange();
+ return {RolloverAction::kHardClose, RolloverReason::kSchemaChange};
+ }
+ return {RolloverAction::kNone, RolloverReason::kNone};
+Bucket* BucketCatalog::_rollover(Stripe* stripe,
+ WithLock stripeLock,
+ Bucket* bucket,
+ const CreationInfo& info,
+ RolloverAction action) {
+ invariant(action != RolloverAction::kNone);
+ if (bucket->allCommitted()) {
+ // The bucket does not contain any measurements that are yet to be committed, so we can take
+ // action now.
+ if (action == RolloverAction::kArchive) {
+ _archiveBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, info.closedBuckets);
+ } else {
+ const bool eligibleForReopening = action == RolloverAction::kSoftClose;
+ info.closedBuckets->emplace_back(ClosedBucket{&_bucketStateManager,
+ bucket->bucketId(),
+ bucket->getTimeField().toString(),
+ bucket->numMeasurements(),
+ eligibleForReopening});
+ _removeBucket(stripe, stripeLock, bucket, RemovalMode::kClose);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We must keep the bucket around until all measurements are committed committed, just mark
+ // the action we chose now so it we know what to do when the last batch finishes.
+ bucket->setRolloverAction(action);
+ }
+ return _allocateBucket(stripe, stripeLock, info);
+ExecutionStatsController BucketCatalog::_getExecutionStats(const NamespaceString& ns) {
+ stdx::lock_guard catalogLock{_mutex};
+ auto it = _executionStats.find(ns);
+ if (it != _executionStats.end()) {
+ return {it->second, _globalExecutionStats};
+ }
+ auto res = _executionStats.emplace(ns, std::make_shared<ExecutionStats>());
+ return {res.first->second, _globalExecutionStats};
+std::shared_ptr<ExecutionStats> BucketCatalog::_getExecutionStats(const NamespaceString& ns) const {
+ static const auto kEmptyStats{std::make_shared<ExecutionStats>()};
+ stdx::lock_guard catalogLock{_mutex};
+ auto it = _executionStats.find(ns);
+ if (it != _executionStats.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return kEmptyStats;
+long long BucketCatalog::_marginalMemoryUsageForArchivedBucket(const ArchivedBucket& bucket,
+ bool onlyEntryForMatchingMetaHash) {
+ return sizeof(Date_t) + // key in set of archived buckets for meta hash
+ sizeof(ArchivedBucket) + // main data for archived bucket
+ bucket.timeField.size() + // allocated space for timeField string, ignoring SSO
+ (onlyEntryForMatchingMetaHash ? sizeof(std::size_t) + // key in set (meta hash)
+ sizeof(decltype(Stripe::archivedBuckets)::value_type) // set container
+ : 0);
+void BucketCatalog::_updateBucketFetchAndQueryStats(ExecutionStatsController& stats,
+ const BucketFindResult& findResult) {
+ if (findResult.fetchedBucket) {
+ if (findResult.bucketToReopen.has_value()) {
+ stats.incNumBucketsFetched();
+ } else {
+ stats.incNumBucketFetchesFailed();
+ }
+ }
+ if (findResult.queriedBucket) {
+ if (findResult.bucketToReopen.has_value()) {
+ stats.incNumBucketsQueried();
+ } else {
+ stats.incNumBucketQueriesFailed();
+ }
+ }
+class BucketCatalog::ServerStatus : public ServerStatusSection {
+ struct BucketCounts {
+ BucketCounts& operator+=(const BucketCounts& other) {
+ if (&other != this) {
+ all += other.all;
+ open +=;
+ idle += other.idle;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ std::size_t all = 0;
+ std::size_t open = 0;
+ std::size_t idle = 0;
+ };
+ BucketCounts _getBucketCounts(const BucketCatalog& catalog) const {
+ BucketCounts sum;
+ for (auto const& stripe : catalog._stripes) {
+ stdx::lock_guard stripeLock{stripe.mutex};
+ sum += {stripe.allBuckets.size(), stripe.openBuckets.size(), stripe.idleBuckets.size()};
+ }
+ return sum;
+ }
+ ServerStatus() : ServerStatusSection("bucketCatalog") {}
+ bool includeByDefault() const override {
+ return true;
+ }
+ BSONObj generateSection(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONElement&) const override {
+ const auto& bucketCatalog = BucketCatalog::get(opCtx);
+ {
+ stdx::lock_guard catalogLock{bucketCatalog._mutex};
+ if (bucketCatalog._executionStats.empty()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ auto counts = _getBucketCounts(bucketCatalog);
+ auto numActive = bucketCatalog._numberOfActiveBuckets.load();
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ builder.appendNumber("numBuckets", static_cast<long long>(numActive));
+ builder.appendNumber("numOpenBuckets", static_cast<long long>(;
+ builder.appendNumber("numIdleBuckets", static_cast<long long>(counts.idle));
+ builder.appendNumber("numArchivedBuckets", static_cast<long long>(numActive -;
+ builder.appendNumber("memoryUsage",
+ static_cast<long long>(bucketCatalog._memoryUsage.load()));
+ // Append the global execution stats for all namespaces.
+ bucketCatalog.appendGlobalExecutionStats(&builder);
+ // Append the global state management stats for all namespaces.
+ bucketCatalog.appendStateManagementStats(&builder);
+ return builder.obj();
+ }
+} bucketCatalogServerStatus;
+} // namespace mongo::timeseries::bucket_catalog