path: root/src/mongo/util/cancellation.h
diff options
authorTyler Seip <>2021-03-19 18:28:46 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-03-23 17:37:22 +0000
commit8c463d0aa0cce19073210d274dcbb04c156dc802 (patch)
tree831640a2819370a0dc3641b02da5adad23e651a7 /src/mongo/util/cancellation.h
parentf447e57dd2c5dbb39feef9cfe071ff1cc1de54d5 (diff)
SERVER-53230: Rename cancelation -> cancellation everywhere
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/util/cancellation.h')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/util/cancellation.h b/src/mongo/util/cancellation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a90837b91d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/util/cancellation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "mongo/util/future.h"
+#include "mongo/util/static_immortal.h"
+namespace mongo {
+namespace detail {
+inline Status getCancelNeverCalledOnSourceError() {
+ static const StaticImmortal<Status> cancelNeverCalledOnSourceError{
+ ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled,
+ "Cancel was never called on the CancellationSource for this token."};
+ return *cancelNeverCalledOnSourceError;
+ * Holds the main state shared between CancellationSource/CancellationToken.
+ *
+ * CancellationState objects are held by intrusive_ptr, and the ownership of a CancellationState
+ * object is shared between all CancellationSource objects and CancellationToken objects which point
+ * to it.
+ *
+ * When the last CancellationSource that points to a CancellationState object is destroyed,
+ * CancellationState::dismiss() is called, which sets an error on its cancellation promise if
+ * CancellationState::cancel() has not already been called. This serves to clean up the memory for
+ * all callbacks associated with that promise once it is no longer possible for cancel() to be
+ * called on the source.
+ */
+class CancellationState : public RefCountable {
+ enum class State : int { kInit, kCanceled, kDismissed };
+ CancellationState() = default;
+ ~CancellationState() {
+ auto state = _state.load();
+ invariant(state == State::kCanceled || state == State::kDismissed);
+ invariant(_cancellationPromise.getFuture().isReady());
+ }
+ CancellationState(const CancellationState& other) = delete;
+ CancellationState& operator=(const CancellationState& other) = delete;
+ CancellationState(CancellationState&& other) = delete;
+ CancellationState& operator=(CancellationState&& other) = delete;
+ void dismiss() {
+ State precondition{State::kInit};
+ if (_state.compareAndSwap(&precondition, State::kDismissed)) {
+ _cancellationPromise.setError(getCancelNeverCalledOnSourceError());
+ }
+ }
+ void cancel() {
+ State precondition{State::kInit};
+ if (_state.compareAndSwap(&precondition, State::kCanceled)) {
+ _cancellationPromise.emplaceValue();
+ }
+ }
+ bool isCanceled() const {
+ return _state.loadRelaxed() == State::kCanceled;
+ }
+ SharedSemiFuture<void> onCancel() const {
+ return _cancellationPromise.getFuture();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if neither cancel() nor dismiss() has been called.
+ */
+ bool isCancelable() const {
+ return _state.loadRelaxed() == State::kInit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tracks whether dismiss/cancel has been called.
+ */
+ AtomicWord<State> _state{State::kInit};
+ /**
+ * A promise that will be signaled with success when cancel() is called and with an error when
+ * dismiss() is called.
+ */
+ SharedPromise<void> _cancellationPromise;
+ * Wrapper around an intrusive_ptr<CancellationState> which, when destroyed, dismisses the
+ * CancellationState. These used to track how many CancellationSource objects point to the same
+ * CancellationState and call dismiss() on the CancellationState when the last CancellationSource
+ * pointing to it is destroyed.
+ */
+class CancellationStateHolder : public RefCountable {
+ CancellationStateHolder() = default;
+ ~CancellationStateHolder() {
+ _state->dismiss();
+ }
+ CancellationStateHolder(const CancellationStateHolder&) = delete;
+ CancellationStateHolder& operator=(const CancellationStateHolder&) = delete;
+ CancellationStateHolder(CancellationStateHolder&&) = delete;
+ CancellationStateHolder& operator=(CancellationStateHolder&&) = delete;
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<CancellationState> get() const {
+ return _state;
+ }
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<CancellationState> _state{make_intrusive<CancellationState>()};
+} // namespace detail
+ * Type used to check for cancellation of a task. Tokens are normally obtained through an associated
+ * CancellationSource by calling CancellationSource::token(), but an uncancelable token can also be
+ * constructed by using the CancellationToken::uncancelable() static factory function.
+ */
+class CancellationToken {
+ // Constructs an uncancelable token, i.e. a token without an associated source.
+ static CancellationToken uncancelable() {
+ auto state = make_intrusive<detail::CancellationState>();
+ // Make the state uncancelable.
+ state->dismiss();
+ return CancellationToken(std::move(state));
+ }
+ explicit CancellationToken(boost::intrusive_ptr<const detail::CancellationState> state)
+ : _state(std::move(state)) {}
+ ~CancellationToken() = default;
+ CancellationToken(const CancellationToken& other) = default;
+ CancellationToken& operator=(const CancellationToken& other) = default;
+ CancellationToken(CancellationToken&& other) = default;
+ CancellationToken& operator=(CancellationToken&& other) = default;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not cancel() has been called on the CancellationSource object from which
+ * this token was constructed.
+ */
+ bool isCanceled() const {
+ return _state->isCanceled();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a future that will be resolved with success when cancel() has been called on the
+ * CancellationSource object from which this token was constructed, or with an error containing
+ * CallbackCanceled if that CancellationSource object is destroyed without having cancel()
+ * called on it.
+ */
+ SemiFuture<void> onCancel() const {
+ return _state->onCancel().semi();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns false if this token was constructed using the uncancelable() factory function or if
+ * its associated source was destroyed without being canceled.
+ */
+ bool isCancelable() const {
+ return _state->isCancelable();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Points to the object containing the status of cancellation.
+ */
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<const detail::CancellationState> _state;
+ * Type used to manage the cancellation of a task. CancellationSource is used to cancel a task, and
+ * CancellationTokens obtained via CancellationSource::token() are used to check for and handle
+ * cancellation.
+ */
+class CancellationSource {
+ CancellationSource() = default;
+ /**
+ * Creates a CancellationSource that will be canceled when the input token is canceled. This
+ * allows the construction of cancellation hierarchies.
+ *
+ * For example, if we have:
+ *
+ * CancellationSource first;
+ * CancellationSource second(first.token());
+ * CancellationSource third(second.token());
+ *
+ * Calling third.cancel() will only cancel tokens obtained from third.
+ * Calling second.cancel() will cancel tokens obtained from second, and call third.cancel().
+ * Calling first.cancel() will thus cancel the whole hierarchy.
+ */
+ explicit CancellationSource(const CancellationToken& token) {
+ // Cancel the source when the input token is canceled.
+ //
+ // Note that because this captures the CancellationState object directly, and not the
+ // CancellationStateHolder, this will still allow callback state attached to this
+ // source's tokens to be cleaned up as soon as the last source is destroyed, even if the
+ // parent token still exists.. This means that long-lived tokens can have many sub-sources
+ // for tasks which start and complete without worrying about too much memory build-up.
+ token.onCancel()
+ .unsafeToInlineFuture()
+ .then([state = this->_stateHolder->get()] { state->cancel(); })
+ .getAsync([](auto) {});
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroys shared state associated with any tokens obtained from this source, and does not run
+ * cancellation callbacks.
+ */
+ ~CancellationSource() = default;
+ CancellationSource(const CancellationSource& other) = default;
+ CancellationSource& operator=(const CancellationSource& other) = default;
+ CancellationSource(CancellationSource&& other) = default;
+ CancellationSource& operator=(CancellationSource&& other) = default;
+ /**
+ * Cancel the token. If no call to cancel has previously been made, this will cause all
+ * callbacks chained to this token via the onCancel future to be run. Otherwise, does nothing.
+ */
+ void cancel() {
+ _stateHolder->get()->cancel();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a CancellationToken which will be canceled when this source is
+ * canceled.
+ */
+ CancellationToken token() const {
+ return CancellationToken{_stateHolder->get()};
+ }
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<detail::CancellationStateHolder> _stateHolder{
+ make_intrusive<detail::CancellationStateHolder>()};
+} // namespace mongo