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2 files changed, 9 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/txns/commit_and_abort_large_unprepared_transactions.js b/jstests/core/txns/commit_and_abort_large_unprepared_transactions.js
index aff44fe900d..feb09ef4656 100644
--- a/jstests/core/txns/commit_and_abort_large_unprepared_transactions.js
+++ b/jstests/core/txns/commit_and_abort_large_unprepared_transactions.js
@@ -27,25 +27,14 @@ const sessionDB = session.getDatabase(dbName);
const sessionColl = sessionDB.getCollection(collName);
// Test committing an unprepared large transaction with two 10MB inserts.
-try {
- let doc1 = createLargeDocument(1);
- let doc2 = createLargeDocument(2);
- session.startTransaction();
- assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.insert(doc1));
- assert.commandWorked(sessionColl.insert(doc2));
- assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
- assert.sameMembers(sessionColl.find().toArray(), [doc1, doc2]);
-} catch (e) {
- // It may be possible for this test to run in a passthrough where such a large transaction fills
- // up the cache and cannot commit. The transaction will be rolled-back with a WriteConflict as a
- // result.
- if (e.code === ErrorCodes.WriteConflict && e.errmsg.startsWith("Cache full")) {
- jsTestLog("Ignoring WriteConflict due to large transaction's size");
- } else {
- throw e;
- }
+let doc1 = createLargeDocument(1);
+let doc2 = createLargeDocument(2);
+assert.sameMembers(sessionColl.find().toArray(), [doc1, doc2]);
// Test aborting an unprepared large transaction with two 10MB inserts.
let doc3 = createLargeDocument(3);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_record_store.cpp b/src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_record_store.cpp
index d988707fbb3..314b806b83b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_record_store.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_record_store.cpp
@@ -1906,17 +1906,6 @@ void WiredTigerRecordStore::_initNextIdIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) {
// required by the largest_key API.
WiredTigerSessionCache* cache = WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get(opCtx)->getSessionCache();
auto sessRaii = cache->getSession();
- // We must limit the amount of time spent blocked on cache eviction to avoid a deadlock with
- // ourselves. The calling operation may have a session open that has written a large amount of
- // data, and by creating a new session, we are preventing WT from being able to roll back that
- // transaction to free up cache space. If we do block on cache eviction here, we must consider
- // that the other session owned by this thread may be the one that needs to be rolled back. If
- // this does time out, we will receive a WT_CACHE_FULL and throw an error.
- auto wtSession = sessRaii->getSession();
- invariantWTOK(wtSession->reconfigure(wtSession, "cache_max_wait_ms=1000"));
- ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { wtSession->reconfigure(wtSession, ""); });
auto cachedCursor = sessRaii->getCachedCursor(_tableId, "");
auto cursor = cachedCursor ? cachedCursor : sessRaii->getNewCursor(_uri);
ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { sessRaii->releaseCursor(_tableId, cursor, ""); });
@@ -1925,13 +1914,7 @@ void WiredTigerRecordStore::_initNextIdIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) {
// largest_key API returns the largest key in the table regardless of visibility. This ensures
// we don't re-use RecordIds that are not visible.
int ret = cursor->largest_key(cursor);
- if (ret == WT_CACHE_FULL) {
- // Force the caller to rollback its transaction if we can't make progess with eviction.
- // TODO (SERVER-60839): Convert this to a different error code that is distinguishable from
- // a true write conflict.
- throw WriteConflictException(
- fmt::format("Cache full while performing initial write to '{}'", _ns));
- } else if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND) {
+ if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND) {
auto recordId = getKey(cursor);
nextId = recordId.getLong() + 1;