path: root/debian/mongorestore.1
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Diffstat (limited to 'debian/mongorestore.1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1502 deletions
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index d75f598b099..00000000000
--- a/debian/mongorestore.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1502 +0,0 @@
-.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "MONGORESTORE" "1" "Aug 16, 2019" "4.2" "mongodb-manual"
-mongorestore \- MongoDB Data Restoration Tool
-. rst2man-indent-level 0
-.de1 rstReportMargin
-\\$1 \\n[an-margin]
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-.de1 INDENT
-.\" .rstReportMargin pre:
-. RS \\$1
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-. nr rst2man-indent-level +1
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-. RE
-.\" indent \\n[an-margin]
-.\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] rst2man-indent-level -1
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-.SS On this page
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%Usage in Backup Strategy\fP
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%Required Access\fP
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.IP "macOS Sierra and Go 1.6 Incompatibility"
-Users running on macOS Sierra require the 3.2.10 or newer version
-of mongorestore\&.
-The \fI\%mongorestore\fP program loads data from either a binary
-database dump created by \fBmongodump\fP or the standard input
-(starting in version 3.0.0) into a \fBmongod\fP or
-\fBmongos\fP instance.
-.SS Standalones/Replica Sets
-For an overview of \fI\%mongorestore\fP usage as part of a
-backup and recovery strategy, see
-.SS Sharded Clusters
-Starting in MongoDB 4.2, \fBmongodump\fP and
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP \fBcannot\fP be part of a backup
-strategy for sharded clusters. These manual tools do not maintain
-the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards.
-To maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards,
-use the coordinated backup and restore services provided by:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%MongoDB Atlas\fP,
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%MongoDB Cloud Manager\fP, or
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%MongoDB Ops Manager\fP\&.
-Run \fI\%mongorestore\fP from the system command line, not the \fBmongo\fP shell.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore [options] [<directory>/<BSON file>]
-.ft P
-For example, to restore from a \fBdump\fP directory to a local
-\fBmongod\fP instance running on port \fB27017\fP:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore dump/
-.ft P
-As \fI\%mongorestore\fP restores from the \fBdump/\fP directory,
-it creates the database and collections as needed and logs its progress:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.942\-0400 preparing collections to restore from
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.944\-0400 reading metadata for test.bakesales from dump/test/bakesales.metadata.json
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.944\-0400 reading metadata for test.salaries from dump/test/salaries.metadata.json
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.976\-0400 restoring test.salaries from dump/test/salaries.bson
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.985\-0400 no indexes to restore
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:38.985\-0400 finished restoring test.salaries (10 documents, 0 failures)
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.009\-0400 restoring test.bakesales from dump/test/bakesales.bson
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.011\-0400 restoring indexes for collection test.bakesales from metadata
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.118\-0400 finished restoring test.bakesales (21 documents, 0 failures)
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.118\-0400 restoring users from dump/admin/system.users.bson
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.163\-0400 restoring roles from dump/admin/system.roles.bson
-2019\-07\-08T14:37:39.249\-0400 31 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
-.ft P
-You can also restore a specific collection or collections from the
-\fBdump/\fP directory. For example, the following operation restores a
-single collection from corresponding data files in the \fBdump/\fP
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-nsInclude test.purchaseorders dump/
-.ft P
-If the \fBdump/\fP directory does not contain the corresponding data file
-for the specified namespace, no data will be restored. For example, the
-following specifies a collection namespace that does not have a
-corresponding data in the \fBdump/\fP directory:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-nsInclude dump/
-.ft P
-The \fI\%mongorestore\fP outputs the following messages:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-2019\-07\-08T14:38:15.142\-0400 preparing collections to restore from
-2019\-07\-08T14:38:15.142\-0400 0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
-.ft P
-For more examples, see \fI\%Examples\fP\&.
-For more information on the options and arguments, see
-.SS Insert Only
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP can create a new database or add data to an
-existing database. However, \fI\%mongorestore\fP performs inserts
-only and does not perform updates. That is, if restoring documents to
-an existing database and collection and existing documents have the
-same value \fB_id\fP field as the to\-be\-restored documents,
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP will \fInot\fP overwrite those documents.
-.SS Rebuild Indexes
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP recreates indexes recorded by
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-For MongoDB 2.6 through MongoDB versions with
-\fBfeatureCompatibilityVersion\fP (fCV) set to \fB"4.0"\fP or earlier,
-creating indexes will \fBerror if an
-index key in an existing document exceeds the limit\fP\&.
-To avoid this issue, consider using hashed indexes or indexing a
-computed value instead. If you want to resolve the index issue after
-restoring the data, you can disable the default index key length
-validation on the target database by setting the \fBmongod\fP
-instance\(aqs \fBfailIndexKeyTooLong\fP parameter to false.
-.SS Version Compatibility
-The data format used by \fBmongodump\fP from version 2.2 or
-later is \fIincompatible\fP with earlier versions of \fBmongod\fP\&.
-Do not use recent versions of \fBmongodump\fP to back up older
-data stores.
-.SS Exclude \fBsystem.profile\fP Collection
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP does not restore the \fBsystem.profile\fP collection data.
-Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB removes the \fB\-\-sslFIPSMode\fP
-option for mongorestore\&. mongorestore
-will use FIPS compliant connections to
-\fBmongod\fP/\fBmongos\fP if the
-\fBmongod\fP/\fBmongos\fP instances are
-configured to use FIPS mode\&.
-.SS Write Concern
-Starting in version 4.2, if you specify write concern in both the
-\fI\%\-\-writeConcern\fP option and the
-\fI\%\-\-uri connection string\fP option, the
-\fI\%\-\-writeConcern\fP value overrides
-the write concern specified in the URI string.
-In earlier versions, the two options are incompatible.
-To restore data to a MongoDB deployment that has access control enabled, the \fBrestore\fP role provides
-access to restore any database if the backup data does not include
-\fBsystem.profile\fP collection data.
-If the backup data includes \fBsystem.profile\fP collection data and the target database
-does not contain the \fBsystem.profile\fP
-collection, \fI\%mongorestore\fP attempts to create the collection
-even though the program does not actually restore \fBsystem.profile\fP
-documents. As such, the user requires additional privileges to perform
-\fBcreateCollection\fP and \fBconvertToCapped\fP
-actions on the \fBsystem.profile\fP
-collection for a database.
-As of MongoDB 3.2.11, you can run \fI\%mongorestore\fP with
-\fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP if you have the
-\fBrestore\fP role. To replay the oplog on versions of MongoDB
-3.2.10 and earlier, you must create a
-user\-defined role that has
-\fBanyAction\fP on resource\-anyresource and grant only
-to users who must run \fI\%mongorestore\fP with
-Changed in version 3.0.0: \fI\%mongorestore\fP removed the \fB\-\-filter\fP, \fB\-\-dbpath\fP, and the
-\fB\-\-noobjcheck\fP options.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B mongorestore
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-help
-Returns information on the options and use of \fBmongorestore\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-verbose, \-v
-Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard output
-or in log files. Increase the verbosity with the \fB\-v\fP form by
-including the option multiple times, (e.g. \fB\-vvvvv\fP\&.)
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-quiet
-Runs \fBmongorestore\fP in a quiet mode that attempts to limit the amount
-of output.
-This option suppresses:
-.INDENT 7.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-output from database commands
-.IP \(bu 2
-replication activity
-.IP \(bu 2
-connection accepted events
-.IP \(bu 2
-connection closed events
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-version
-Returns the \fBmongorestore\fP release number.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-uri <connectionString>
-New in version 3.4.6.
-Specify a resolvable URI
-connection string (enclose in quotes) to connect to the MongoDB deployment.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-\-\-uri "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]"
-.ft P
-For information on the components of the connection string, see
-the Connection String URI Format documentation.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-For TLS/SSL options, use the command\-line options instead of the
-URI options for TLS/SSL (Available starting in
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-The following command\-line options cannot be used in conjunction
-with \fI\%\-\-uri\fP option:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fI\%\-\-password\fP (if the
-URI connection string also includes the password)
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-Instead, specify these options as part of your \fI\%\-\-uri\fP
-connection string.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-host <hostname><:port>, \-h <hostname><:port>
-\fIDefault\fP: localhost:27017
-Specifies a resolvable hostname for the \fBmongod\fP to which to
-connect. By default, the \fBmongorestore\fP attempts to connect to a MongoDB
-instance running on the localhost on port number \fB27017\fP\&.
-To connect to a replica set, specify the
-\fBreplSetName\fP and a seed list of set members, as in
-the following:
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-\-\-host <replSetName>/<hostname1><:port>,<hostname2><:port>,<...>
-.ft P
-When specifying the replica set list format, \fBmongorestore\fP always connects to
-the primary\&.
-You can also connect to any single member of the replica set by specifying
-the host and port of only that member:
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-\-\-host <hostname1><:port>
-.ft P
-Changed in version 3.0.0: If you use IPv6 and use the \fB<address>:<port>\fP format, you must
-enclose the portion of an address and port combination in
-brackets (e.g. \fB[<address>]\fP).
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-host\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-port <port>
-\fIDefault\fP: 27017
-Specifies the TCP port on which the MongoDB instance listens for
-client connections.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-port\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-ssl
-New in version 2.6.
-Enables connection to a \fBmongod\fP or \fBmongos\fP that has
-TLS/SSL support enabled.
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslCAFile <filename>
-New in version 2.6.
-Specifies the \fB\&.pem\fP file that contains the root certificate chain
-from the Certificate Authority. Specify the file name of the
-\fB\&.pem\fP file using relative or absolute paths.
-Starting in version 3.4, if \fB\-\-tlsCAFile\fP/\fBnet.tls.CAFile\fP (or
-their aliases \fB\-\-sslCAFile\fP/\fBnet.ssl.CAFile\fP) is not specified
-and you are not using x.509 authentication, the system\-wide CA
-certificate store will be used when connecting to an TLS/SSL\-enabled
-To use x.509 authentication, \fB\-\-tlsCAFile\fP or \fBnet.tls.CAFile\fP
-must be specified unless using \fB\-\-tlsCertificateSelector\fP or
-\fB\-\-net.tls.certificateSelector\fP\&. Or if using the \fBssl\fP aliases,
-\fB\-\-sslCAFile\fP or \fBnet.ssl.CAFile\fP must be specified unless using
-\fB\-\-sslCertificateSelector\fP or \fBnet.ssl.certificateSelector\fP\&.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-\fBVersion 3.2 and earlier:\fP For TLS/SSL connections (\fB\-\-ssl\fP) to
-\fBmongod\fP and \fBmongos\fP, if the \fBmongorestore\fP runs without the
-\fI\%\-\-sslCAFile\fP, \fBmongorestore\fP will not attempt
-to validate the server certificates. This creates a vulnerability
-to expired \fBmongod\fP and \fBmongos\fP certificates as
-well as to foreign processes posing as valid \fBmongod\fP or
-\fBmongos\fP instances. Ensure that you \fIalways\fP specify the
-CA file to validate the server certificates in cases where
-intrusion is a possibility.
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslPEMKeyFile <filename>
-New in version 2.6.
-Specifies the \fB\&.pem\fP file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificate
-and key. Specify the file name of the \fB\&.pem\fP file using relative
-or absolute paths.
-This option is required when using the \fI\%\-\-ssl\fP option to connect
-to a \fBmongod\fP or \fBmongos\fP that has
-\fBCAFile\fP enabled \fIwithout\fP
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslPEMKeyPassword <value>
-New in version 2.6.
-Specifies the password to de\-crypt the certificate\-key file (i.e.
-\fI\%\-\-sslPEMKeyFile\fP). Use the \fI\%\-\-sslPEMKeyPassword\fP option only if the
-certificate\-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the \fBmongorestore\fP will
-redact the password from all logging and reporting output.
-If the private key in the PEM file is encrypted and you do not specify
-the \fI\%\-\-sslPEMKeyPassword\fP option, the \fBmongorestore\fP will prompt for a passphrase. See
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslCRLFile <filename>
-New in version 2.6.
-Specifies the \fB\&.pem\fP file that contains the Certificate Revocation
-List. Specify the file name of the \fB\&.pem\fP file using relative or
-absolute paths.
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslAllowInvalidCertificates
-New in version 2.6.
-Bypasses the validation checks for server certificates and allows
-the use of invalid certificates. When using the
-\fBallowInvalidCertificates\fP setting, MongoDB logs as a
-warning the use of the invalid certificate.
-Starting in MongoDB 4.0, if you specify
-\fB\-\-sslAllowInvalidCertificates\fP or
-\fBnet.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates: true\fP (or in MongoDB 4.2, the
-alias \fB\-\-tlsAllowInvalidateCertificates\fP or
-\fBnet.tls.allowInvalidCertificates: true\fP) when using x.509
-authentication, an invalid certificate is only sufficient to
-establish a TLS/SSL connection but is \fIinsufficient\fP for
-# We created a separate blurb for tls in the ssl\-clients page.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-Although available, avoid using the
-\fB\-\-sslAllowInvalidCertificates\fP option if possible. If the use of
-\fB\-\-sslAllowInvalidCertificates\fP is necessary, only use the option
-on systems where intrusion is not possible.
-If the \fBmongo\fP shell (and other
-mongodb\-tools\-support\-ssl) runs with the
-\fB\-\-sslAllowInvalidCertificates\fP option, the
-\fBmongo\fP shell (and other
-mongodb\-tools\-support\-ssl) will not attempt to validate
-the server certificates. This creates a vulnerability to expired
-\fBmongod\fP and \fBmongos\fP certificates as
-well as to foreign processes posing as valid
-\fBmongod\fP or \fBmongos\fP instances. If you
-only need to disable the validation of the hostname in the
-TLS/SSL certificates, see \fB\-\-sslAllowInvalidHostnames\fP\&.
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-sslAllowInvalidHostnames
-New in version 3.0.
-Disables the validation of the hostnames in TLS/SSL certificates. Allows
-\fBmongorestore\fP to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname in their
-certificates do not match the specified hostname.
-For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl and
-/tutorial/configure\-ssl\-clients .
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-username <username>, \-u <username>
-Specifies a username with which to authenticate to a MongoDB database
-that uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the \fI\%\-\-password\fP and
-\fI\%\-\-authenticationDatabase\fP options.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-username\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-password <password>, \-p <password>
-Specifies a password with which to authenticate to a MongoDB database
-that uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the \fI\%\-\-username\fP and
-\fI\%\-\-authenticationDatabase\fP options.
-Changed in version 3.0.2: To prompt the user
-for the password, pass the \fI\%\-\-username\fP option without
-\fI\%\-\-password\fP or specify an empty string as the \fI\%\-\-password\fP value,
-as in \fB\-\-password ""\fP .
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-password\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-authenticationDatabase <dbname>
-Specifies the authentication database where the specified \fI\%\-\-username\fP has been created.
-See user\-authentication\-database\&.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-authenticationDatabase\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-authenticationMechanism <name>
-\fIDefault\fP: SCRAM\-SHA\-1
-Specifies the authentication mechanism the \fBmongorestore\fP instance uses to
-authenticate to the \fBmongod\fP or \fBmongos\fP\&.
-Changed in version 4.0: MongoDB removes support for the deprecated MongoDB
-Challenge\-Response (\fBMONGODB\-CR\fP) authentication mechanism.
-MongoDB adds support for SCRAM mechanism using the SHA\-256 hash
-function (\fBSCRAM\-SHA\-256\fP).
-T} T{
-T} T{
-\fI\%RFC 5802\fP standard
-Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA\-1
-hash function.
-T} T{
-\fI\%RFC 7677\fP standard
-Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA\-256
-hash function.
-Requires featureCompatibilityVersion set to \fB4.0\fP\&.
-New in version 4.0.
-T} T{
-MongoDB TLS/SSL certificate authentication.
-GSSAPI (Kerberos)
-T} T{
-External authentication using Kerberos. This mechanism is
-available only in \fI\%MongoDB Enterprise\fP\&.
-T} T{
-External authentication using LDAP. You can also use \fBPLAIN\fP
-for authenticating in\-database users. \fBPLAIN\fP transmits
-passwords in plain text. This mechanism is available only in
-\fI\%MongoDB Enterprise\fP\&.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-authenticationMechanism\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-gssapiServiceName
-New in version 2.6.
-Specify the name of the service using GSSAPI/Kerberos\&. Only required if the service does not use the
-default name of \fBmongodb\fP\&.
-This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-gssapiHostName
-New in version 2.6.
-Specify the hostname of a service using GSSAPI/Kerberos\&. \fIOnly\fP required if the hostname of a machine does
-not match the hostname resolved by DNS.
-This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-db <database>, \-d <database>
-Specifies the destination database for \fBmongorestore\fP to restore data
-\fIinto\fP when restoring from a BSON file. If the database does not
-exist, \fBmongorestore\fP creates the database. For example, the following
-restores the \fBsalaries\fP collection into the \fBreporting\fP database.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-db reporting dump/test/salaries.bson
-.ft P
-If you do not specify \fI\%\-\-db\fP, \fBmongorestore\fP takes the database name
-from the data files.
-The use of \fI\%\-\-db\fP and \fI\%\-\-collection\fP options are
-deprecated when restoring from a directory or an archive file.
-Instead, to restore from an archive or a directory, see
-\fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP instead.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-You cannot specify both \fI\%\-\-db\fP and \fI\%\-\-uri\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-collection <collection>, \-c <collection>
-Specifies the name of the destination collection for \fBmongorestore\fP to
-restore data \fIinto\fP when restoring from a BSON file. If
-you do not specify \fI\%\-\-collection\fP, \fBmongorestore\fP takes
-the collection name from the input filename. If the input file has an
-extension, MongoDB omits the extension of the file from the collection
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-db reporting \-\-collection employeesalaries dump/test/salaries.bson
-.ft P
-The use of \fI\%\-\-db\fP and \fI\%\-\-collection\fP options are
-deprecated when restoring from a directory or an archive file.
-Instead, to restore from an archive or a directory, see
-\fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP instead.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-nsExclude <namespace pattern>
-New in version 3.4.
-Specifies a namespace pattern (e.g. \fB"test.myCollection"\fP,
-\fB"reporting.*"\fP, \fB"dept*.bar"\fP) to \fIexclude\fP the matching
-namespaces from the restore. In the pattern, you can use asterisks
-\fB*\fP as \fIwild cards\fP\&. For an example of the wildcard pattern, see
-\fI\%Restore Collections Using Wild Cards\fP\&.
-You can specify \fI\%\-\-nsExclude\fP multiple times to exclude multiple namespace
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-nsInclude <namespace pattern>
-New in version 3.4.
-Specifies a namespace pattern (e.g. \fB"test.myCollection"\fP,
-\fB"reporting.*"\fP, \fB"dept*.bar"\fP) to restore only the namespaces
-that match the pattern. In the pattern, you can use asterisks \fB*\fP
-as \fIwild cards\fP\&. For an example of the wildcard pattern, see
-\fI\%Restore Collections Using Wild Cards\fP\&.
-You can specify \fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP multiple times to include multiple namespace
-If source directory or file (i.e. the directory/file from which you
-are restoring the data) does not contain data files that match the
-namespace pattern, no data will be restored.
-For collection names that contain non\-ascii characters,
-\fBmongodump\fP outputs the corresponding filenames with
-percent\-encoded names. However, to restore these collections, do not
-use the encoded names. Instead, use the namespace with the non\-ascii
-For example, if the dump directory contains
-\fBdump/test/caf%C3%A9s.bson\fP, specify \fB\-\-nsInclude "test.cafés"\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-nsFrom <namespace pattern>
-New in version 3.4.
-Use with \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP to rename a namespace during the
-restore operation. \fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP specifies the collection in the
-dump file, while \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP specifies the name that should be
-used in the restored database.
-\fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP accepts a \fInamespace pattern\fP as its argument. The namespace
-pattern permits \fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP to refer to any namespace that matches the
-specified pattern. \fI\%mongorestore\fP matches the smallest valid occurence
-of the namespace pattern.
-For simple replacements, use asterisks (\fB*\fP) as wild cards.
-Escape all literal asterisks and backslashes with a backslash.
-Replacements correspond linearly to matches: each asterisk in
-\fB\-\-nsFrom\fP must correspond to an asterisk in \fB\-\-nsTo\fP, and the
-first asterisk in \fB\-\-nsFrom\fP matches the first asterisk in \fBnsTo\fP\&.
-For more complex replacements, use dollar signs to delimit a "wild
-card" variable to use in the replacement.
-\fI\%Change Collections\(aq Namespaces during Restore\fP provides an example of complex
-replacements with dollar sign\-delimited wild cards.
-Unlike replacements with asterisks, replacements with dollar
-sign\-delimited wild cards do \fBnot\fP need to be linear.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-nsTo <namespace pattern>
-New in version 3.4.
-Use with \fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP to rename a namespace during the
-restore operation. \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP specifies the new collection
-name to use in the restored database, while
-\fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP specifies the name in the dump file.
-\fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP accepts a \fInamespace pattern\fP as its argument. The namespace
-pattern permits \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP to refer to any namespace that matches the
-specified pattern. \fI\%mongorestore\fP matches the smallest valid occurence
-of the namespace pattern.
-For simple replacements, use asterisks (\fB*\fP) as wild cards.
-Escape all literal asterisks and backslashes with a backslash.
-Replacements correspond linearly to matches: each asterisk in
-\fB\-\-nsFrom\fP must correspond to an asterisk in \fB\-\-nsTo\fP, and the
-first asterisk in \fB\-\-nsFrom\fP matches the first asterisk in \fBnsTo\fP\&.
-For more complex replacements, use dollar signs to delimit a "wild
-card" variable to use in the replacement.
-\fI\%Change Collections\(aq Namespaces during Restore\fP provides an example of complex
-replacements with dollar sign\-delimited wild cards.
-Unlike replacements with asterisks, replacements with dollar
-sign\-delimited wild cards do \fBnot\fP need to be linear.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-objcheck
-Forces \fBmongorestore\fP to validate all requests from clients
-upon receipt to ensure that clients never insert invalid documents into
-the database. For objects with a high degree of sub\-document nesting,
-\fI\%\-\-objcheck\fP can have a small impact on performance.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-drop
-Before restoring the collections from the dumped backup, drops the
-collections from the target database. \fI\%\-\-drop\fP does not drop
-collections that are not in the backup.
-When the restore includes the \fBadmin\fP database, \fBmongorestore\fP with
-\fI\%\-\-drop\fP removes all user credentials and replaces them with the
-users defined in the dump file. Therefore, in systems with
-\fBauthorization\fP enabled, \fBmongorestore\fP must be able
-to authenticate to an existing user \fIand\fP to a user defined in the
-dump file. If \fBmongorestore\fP can\(aqt authenticate to a user defined in the
-dump file, the restoration process will fail, leaving an empty
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-dryRun
-New in version 3.4.
-Runs \fBmongorestore\fP without actually importing any data, returning the
-\fBmongorestore\fP summary information. Use with \fB\-\-verbose\fP to produce
-more detailed summary information.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-oplogReplay
-After restoring the database dump, replays the oplog entries
-from a bson file.
-When used in conjunction with \fBmongodump \-\-oplog\fP,
-\fB~bin.mongorestore \-\-oplogReplay\fP
-restores the database to the point\-in\-time backup captured with the
-\fBmongodump \-\-oplog\fP command.
-\fBmongorestore\fP searches for any valid source for the bson file
-in the following locations:
-.INDENT 7.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-The top level of the dump directory, as in the case of a dump created
-with \fBmongodump \-\-oplog\fP\&.
-.IP \(bu 2
-The path specified by \fI\%\-\-oplogFile\fP\&.
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fB<dump\-directory>/local/\fP, as in the case of a dump
-of the \\fP collection in the \fBlocal\fP database
-on a \fBmongod\fP that is a member of a replica set.
-If there is an \fBoplog.bson\fP file at the top level of the dump
-directory \fBand\fP a path specified by \fI\%\-\-oplogFile\fP,
-\fBmongorestore\fP returns an error.
-If there is an \fBoplog.bson\fP file at the top level of the dump directory,
-\fBmongorestore\fP restores that file as the oplog. If there are also bson
-files in the \fBdump/local\fP directory, \fBmongorestore\fP restores them like
-normal collections.
-If you specify an oplog file using \fI\%\-\-oplogFile\fP,
-\fBmongorestore\fP restores that file as the oplog. If there are also bson
-files in the \fBdump/local\fP directory, \fBmongorestore\fP restores them like
-normal collections.
-For an example of \fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP, see backup\-restore\-oplogreplay\&.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-When using \fI\%mongorestore\fP with \fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP to restore
-a replica set, you must
-restore a full dump of a replica set member created
-using \fB~bin.mongodump \-\-oplog\fP\&.
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP with \fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP fails if you use any of
-the following options to limit the data be restored:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-\fI\%mongorestore Required Access\fP
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-\fBmongodump \-\-oplog\fP
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-oplogLimit <timestamp>
-Prevents \fBmongorestore\fP from applying oplog entries
-with timestamp newer than or equal to \fB<timestamp>\fP\&. Specify
-\fB<timestamp>\fP values in the form of \fB<time_t>:<ordinal>\fP, where
-\fB<time_t>\fP is the seconds since the UNIX epoch, and \fB<ordinal>\fP
-represents a counter of operations in the oplog that occurred in the
-specified second.
-You must use \fI\%\-\-oplogLimit\fP in conjunction with the
-\fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP option.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-oplogFile <path>
-New in version 3.4.
-Specifies the path to the oplog file containing oplog data for the
-restore. Use with \fI\%\-\-oplogReplay\fP\&.
-If you specify \fI\%\-\-oplogFile\fP and there is an \fBoplog.bson\fP
-file at the top level of the dump directory, \fBmongorestore\fP returns an
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-keepIndexVersion
-Prevents \fBmongorestore\fP from upgrading the index to the latest
-version during the restoration process.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-noIndexRestore
-Prevents \fBmongorestore\fP from restoring and building indexes as
-specified in the corresponding \fBmongodump\fP output.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-noOptionsRestore
-Prevents \fBmongorestore\fP from setting the collection options,
-such as those specified by the \fBcollMod\fP database
-command, on restored collections.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-restoreDbUsersAndRoles
-Restore user and role definitions for the given database. See
-/reference/system\-roles\-collection and
-/reference/system\-users\-collection for more information.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-writeConcern <document>
-\fIDefault\fP: majority
-Specifies the write concern for each write operation that \fBmongorestore\fP
-Specify the write concern as a document with w options:
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-\-\-writeConcern "{w:\(aqmajority\(aq}"
-.ft P
-If the write concern is also included in the \fI\%\-\-uri
-connection string\fP, the command\-line
-\fI\%\-\-writeConcern\fP overrides the write concern specified in
-the URI string.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-maintainInsertionOrder
-\fIDefault\fP: False
-If specified, \fBmongorestore\fP inserts the documents in the order of
-their appearance in the input source, otherwise \fBmongorestore\fP may
-perform the insertions in an arbitrary order.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-numParallelCollections int, \-j int
-\fIDefault\fP: 4
-Number of collections \fBmongorestore\fP should restore
-in parallel.
-If you specify \fB\-j\fP when restoring a \fIsingle\fP collection, \fB\-j\fP
-maps to the \fI\%\-\-numInsertionWorkersPerCollection\fP option rather than
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-numInsertionWorkersPerCollection int
-\fIDefault\fP: 1
-New in version 3.0.0.
-Specifies the number of insertion workers to run concurrently per collection.
-For large imports, increasing the number of insertion workers
-may increase the speed of the import.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-stopOnError
-New in version 3.0.
-Forces \fBmongorestore\fP to halt the restore when it encounters an
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-bypassDocumentValidation
-Enables \fBmongorestore\fP to bypass document validation
-during the operation. This lets you insert documents that do not
-meet the validation requirements.
-New in version 3.2.1.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-gzip
-New in version 3.2.
-Restores from compressed files or data stream created by
-\fB~bin.mongodump \-\-gzip\fP
-To restore from a dump directory that contains compressed files, run
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP with the \fI\%\-\-gzip\fP option.
-To restore from a compressed archive file, run \fI\%mongorestore\fP with
-both the \fI\%\-\-gzip\fP and the \fI\-\-archive\fP options.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-archive <=file|null>
-New in version 3.2.
-Restores from an archive file or from the standard input (\fBstdin\fP).
-To restore from an archive file, run \fBmongorestore\fP with the \fB\-\-archive\fP
-option and the archive filename.
-To restore from the standard input, run \fBmongorestore\fP with the
-\fB\-\-archive\fP option but \fIomit\fP the filename.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-You cannot use the \fB\-\-archive\fP option with the \fI\%\-\-dir\fP
-.IP \(bu 2
-If you use the \fI\%\-\-archive\fP option with the \fI\%<path>\fP
-parameter, \fBmongorestore\fP ignores \fI\%<path>\fP parameter.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fBmongorestore\fP still supports the positional \fB\-\fP parameter to
-restore a \fIsingle\fP collection from the standard input.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B <path>
-The directory path or BSON file name from which to restore data.
-You cannot specify both the \fB<path>\fP argument and the \fB\-\-dir\fP
-option, which also specifies the dump directory, to \fBmongorestore\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-dir string
-Specifies the dump directory.
-.INDENT 7.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-You cannot specify both the \fB\-\-dir\fP option and the \fB<path>\fP
-argument, which also specifies the dump directory, to \fBmongorestore\fP\&.
-.IP \(bu 2
-You cannot use the \fB\-\-archive\fP option with the \fB\-\-dir\fP option.
-.SS Restore with Access Control
-In the following example, \fI\%mongorestore\fP restores from
-\fB/opt/backup/mongodump\-2011\-10\-24\fP to a \fBmongod\fP
-instance running on port \fB27017\fP on the host
-\\fP\&. The \fI\%\-\-uri\fP
-string omits the user\(aqs password to have \fI\%mongorestore\fP
-prompt for the password.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-uri "mongodb://" /opt/backup/mongodump\-2011\-10\-24
-.ft P
-Alternatively, you can specify the host, port, username, and
-authentication database using \fI\%\-\-host\fP,
-\fI\%\-\-port\fP, \fI\%\-\-username\fP, and \fI\%\-\-authenticationDatabase\fP\&. Omit \fI\%\-\-password\fP to have \fI\%mongorestore\fP prompt for the password:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-host \-\-port 27017 \-\-username user \-\-authenticationDatabase=admin /opt/backup/mongodump\-2011\-10\-24
-.ft P
-.SS Restore a Collection
-New in version 3.4.
-To restore a specific collection, use \fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP, passing in the full namespace
-(\fB<database>.<collection>\fP) of the collection.
-For example, the following restores the collection named
-\fBpurchaseorders\fP in the database \fBtest\fP from the corresponding
-files located in the \fBdump/\fP directory.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-nsInclude test.purchaseorders dump/
-.ft P
-The \fI\%mongorestore\fP outputs the results, including the
-number of documents restored:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.858\-0400 preparing collections to restore from
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.858\-0400 reading metadata for test.purchaseorders from dump/test/purchaseorders.metadata.json
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.893\-0400 restoring test.purchaseorders from dump/test/purchaseorders.bson
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.896\-0400 restoring indexes for collection test.purchaseorders from metadata
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.991\-0400 finished restoring test.purchaseorders (6 documents, 0 failures)
-2019\-06\-28T19:23:42.991\-0400 6 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
-.ft P
-If the \fBdump/\fP directory does not contain the corresponding data
-files for the specified namespace, no data will be restored:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-2019\-07\-08T14:39:57.121\-0400 preparing collections to restore from
-2019\-07\-08T14:39:57.121\-0400 0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
-.ft P
-Alternatively, you can restore a specific collection using the
-\fI\%\-\-db\fP, \fI\%\-\-collection\fP, and a \fB\&.bson\fP file:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-db test \-\-collection purchaseorders dump/test/purchaseorders.bson
-.ft P
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.777\-0400 checking for collection data in dump/test/purchaseorders.bson
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.779\-0400 reading metadata for test.purchaseorders from dump/test/purchaseorders.metadata.json
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.813\-0400 restoring test.purchaseorders from dump/test/purchaseorders.bson
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.881\-0400 restoring indexes for collection test.purchaseorders from metadata
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.987\-0400 finished restoring test.purchaseorders (6 documents, 0 failures)
-2019\-06\-30T12:21:44.987\-0400 6 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
-.ft P
-.SS Restore Collections Using Wild Cards
-New in version 3.4.
-\fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP and
-\fI\%\-\-nsExclude\fP support specifying the
-namespaces you wish to include or exclude from a
-restore operation using asterisks as \fIwild cards\fP\&.
-The following example restores the documents in the \fBdump/\fP
-sub\-directory of the current directory that match the specified
-namespace pattern. The \fI\%\-\-nsInclude\fP
-statement specifies to only restore documents in the \fBtransactions\fP
-database while \fI\%\-\-nsExclude\fP
-instructs \fI\%mongorestore\fP to exclude collections whose
-names end with \fB_dev\fP\&. \fI\%mongorestore\fP restores data to
-the \fBmongod\fP instance running on the localhost interface
-on port \fB27017\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-nsInclude \(aqtransactions.*\(aq \-\-nsExclude \(aqtransactions.*_dev\(aq dump/
-.ft P
-.SS Change Collections\(aq Namespaces during Restore
-New in version 3.4.
-MongoDB 3.4 added the \fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP and
-\fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP options, which enable you to
-change the namespace of a collection that you are restoring.
-\fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP and \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP support using asterisks as wild cards \fIand\fP
-support using dollar signs to delimit "wild card" variables to use in
-the replacement.
-Consider a database \fBdata\fP that you have exported to a \fBdump/\fP
-directory using \fBmongodump\fP\&. The \fBdata\fP database
-contains the following collections:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-.IP \(bu 2
-Using \fI\%\-\-nsFrom\fP and \fI\%\-\-nsTo\fP, you can restore the data into different
-namespaces. The following operation
-.INDENT 0.0
-.IP \(bu 2
-restores the \fBsales_<customerName>\fP collections in the \fBdata\fP
-database to \fBsales\fP collections in the \fB<customerName>\fP database,
-.IP \(bu 2
-restores the \fBusers_<customerName>\fP collections to \fBusers\fP
-collections in the \fB<customerName>\fP database.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-nsInclude \(aqdata.*\(aq \-\-nsFrom \(aqdata.$prefix$_$customer$\(aq \-\-nsTo \(aq$customer$.$prefix$\(aq
-.ft P
-.SS Restore from an Archive File
-To restore from an archive file, run \fBrestore\fP with the new
-\fB\-\-archive\fP option and the archive filename.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-archive=test.20150715.archive
-.ft P
-.SS Restore a Database from an Archive File
-New in version 3.2.
-To restore from an archive file, run \fBrestore\fP with the new
-\fB\-\-archive\fP option and the archive filename. For example, the
-following operation restores the \fBtest\fP database from the file
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-archive=test.20150715.archive \-\-nsInclude "test.*"
-.ft P
-.SS Restore from Compressed Data
-New in version 3.2: With the \fB\-\-gzip\fP option, \fI\%mongorestore\fP can restore from
-compressed files or data stream created by \fBmongodump\fP\&.
-To restore from a dump directory that contains compressed files, run
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP with the \fI\%\-\-gzip\fP\&. For example, the following operation restores the \fBtest\fP
-database from the compressed files located in the default \fBdump\fP
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-gzip \-\-nsInclude "test.*" dump/
-.ft P
-To restore from a compressed archive file, run
-\fI\%mongorestore\fP with the \fI\%\-\-gzip\fP option and the \fI\%\-\-archive\fP
-option. For example, the following operation restores the \fBtest\fP
-database from the archive file \fBtest.20150715.gz\fP\&.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongorestore \-\-gzip \-\-archive=test.20150715.gz \-\-nsInclude "test.*"
-.ft P
-.SS Restore a Database from Standard Input
-New in version 3.2.
-To restore from the standard input, run \fI\%mongorestore\fP
-with the \fI\%\-\-archive\fP option but \fIomit\fP
-the filename. For example:
-.INDENT 0.0
-.INDENT 3.5
-.ft C
-mongodump \-\-archive \-\-db test \-\-port 27017 | mongorestore \-\-archive \-\-port 27018
-.ft P
-MongoDB Documentation Project
-.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.