path: root/jstests/core/hashindex1.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/core/hashindex1.js')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/hashindex1.js b/jstests/core/hashindex1.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34bd6dc0725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/core/hashindex1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+var t = db.hashindex1;
+//test non-single field hashed indexes don't get created (maybe change later)
+var badspec = {a : "hashed" , b : 1};
+t.ensureIndex( badspec );
+assert.eq( t.getIndexes().length , 1 , "only _id index should be created");
+//test unique index not created (maybe change later)
+var goodspec = {a : "hashed"};
+t.ensureIndex( goodspec , {"unique" : true});
+assert.eq( t.getIndexes().length , 1 , "unique index got created.");
+//now test that non-unique index does get created
+assert.eq( t.getIndexes().length , 2 , "hashed index didn't get created");
+//test basic inserts
+for(i=0; i < 10; i++ ){
+ t.insert( {a:i } );
+assert.eq( t.find().count() , 10 , "basic insert didn't work");
+assert.eq( t.find().hint(goodspec).toArray().length , 10 , "basic insert didn't work");
+assert.eq( t.find({a : 3}).hint({_id : 1}).toArray()[0]._id ,
+ t.find({a : 3}).hint(goodspec).toArray()[0]._id ,
+ "hashindex lookup didn't work" );
+//make sure things with the same hash are not both returned
+t.insert( {a: 3.1} );
+assert.eq( t.find().count() , 11 , "additional insert didn't work");
+assert.eq( t.find({a : 3.1}).hint(goodspec).toArray().length , 1);
+assert.eq( t.find({a : 3}).hint(goodspec).toArray().length , 1);
+//test right obj is found
+assert.eq( t.find({a : 3.1}).hint(goodspec).toArray()[0].a , 3.1);
+//test that hashed cursor is used when it should be
+var cursorname = "BtreeCursor a_hashed";
+assert.eq( t.find({a : 1}).explain().cursor ,
+ cursorname ,
+ "not using hashed cursor");
+// SERVER-12222
+//printjson( t.find({a : {$gte : 3 , $lte : 3}}).explain() )
+//assert.eq( t.find({a : {$gte : 3 , $lte : 3}}).explain().cursor ,
+// cursorname ,
+// "not using hashed cursor");
+assert.neq( t.find({c : 1}).explain().cursor ,
+ cursorname ,
+ "using irrelevant hashed cursor");
+printjson( t.find({a : {$in : [1,2]}}).explain() )
+// Hash index used with a $in set membership predicate.
+assert.eq( t.find({a : {$in : [1,2]}}).explain()["cursor"],
+ "BtreeCursor a_hashed",
+ "not using hashed cursor");
+// Hash index used with a singleton $and predicate conjunction.
+assert.eq( t.find({$and : [{a : 1}]}).explain()["cursor"],
+ "BtreeCursor a_hashed",
+ "not using hashed cursor");
+// Hash index used with a non singleton $and predicate conjunction.
+assert.eq( t.find({$and : [{a : {$in : [1,2]}},{a : {$gt : 1}}]}).explain()["cursor"],
+ "BtreeCursor a_hashed",
+ "not using hashed cursor");
+//test creation of index based on hash of _id index
+var goodspec2 = {'_id' : "hashed"};
+t.ensureIndex( goodspec2 );
+assert.eq( t.getIndexes().length , 3 , "_id index didn't get created");
+var newid = t.findOne()["_id"];
+assert.eq( t.find( {_id : newid} ).hint( {_id : 1} ).toArray()[0]._id ,
+ t.find( {_id : newid} ).hint( goodspec2 ).toArray()[0]._id,
+ "using hashed index and different index returns different docs");
+//test creation of sparse hashed index
+var sparseindex = {b : "hashed"};
+t.ensureIndex( sparseindex , {"sparse" : true});
+assert.eq( t.getIndexes().length , 4 , "sparse index didn't get created");
+//test sparse index has smaller total items on after inserts
+for(i=0; i < 10; i++ ){
+ t.insert( {b : i} );
+var totalb = t.find().hint(sparseindex).toArray().length;
+assert.eq( totalb , 10 , "sparse index has wrong total");
+var total = t.find().hint({"_id" : 1}).toArray().length;
+var totala = t.find().hint(goodspec).toArray().length;
+assert.eq(total , totala , "non-sparse index has wrong total"); , totala , "sparse index should have smaller total");