path: root/jstests
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2 files changed, 2 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/analyze_shard_key_read_preference.js b/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/analyze_shard_key_read_preference.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0decc8342fe..00000000000
--- a/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/analyze_shard_key_read_preference.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * Tests that the analyzeShardKey command respects the read preference specified by the client.
- *
- * @tags: [requires_fcv_70, featureFlagAnalyzeShardKey]
- */
-(function() {
-"use strict";
-load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); // For 'extractUUIDFromObject'.
-const analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues = 5;
-const analyzeShardKeyNumRanges = 10;
-const st = new ShardingTest({
- mongos: 1,
- shards: 2,
- rs: {
- nodes: [
- {rsConfig: {priority: 1}},
- {rsConfig: {priority: 0}},
- {rsConfig: {priority: 0, tags: {tag: "analytics"}}}
- ],
- setParameter: {analyzeShardKeyNumMostCommonValues, analyzeShardKeyNumRanges}
- }
- * Sets up a sharded collection with the following chunks:
- * - shard0: [{x: MinKey}, {x: 0}]
- * - shard1: [{x: 0}, {x: MaxKey}]
- * such that the shard key {x: 1} have cardinality at least equal to 'analyzeShardKeyNumRanges'.
- */
-function setUpCollection() {
- const dbName = "testDb-" + extractUUIDFromObject(UUID());
- const collName = "testColl";
- const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName,;
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 1}}));
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {x: 0}}));
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 1}, to: st.shard0.shardName}));
- const db = st.getDB(dbName);
- const coll = db.getCollection(collName);
- const collUuid = QuerySamplingUtil.getCollectionUuid(db, collName);
- // The sampling-based initial split policy needs 10 samples per split point so
- // 10 * analyzeShardKeyNumRanges is the minimum number of distinct shard key values that the
- // collection must have for the command to not fail to generate split points.
- const numDocs = 10 * analyzeShardKeyNumRanges;
- const docs = [];
- for (let i = 1; i <= numDocs / 2; i++) {
- docs.push({x: -i});
- docs.push({x: i});
- }
- // Waiting for the documents to get replicated to all nodes is necessary since the test later
- // runs the analyzeShardKey commands on secondaries.
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(docs, {writeConcern: {w: 3}}));
- return {dbName, collName, collUuid};
- * Asserts that the analyzeShardKey command for the given collection used the expected read
- * preference.
- */
-function assertReadPreference(node, dbName, collName, collUuid, expectedReadPref) {
- const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
- const analyzeShardKeyProfilerDocs =
- node.getDB(dbName).system.profile.find({"command.analyzeShardKey": ns}).toArray();
- for (let doc of analyzeShardKeyProfilerDocs) {
- assert.eq(0,
- bsonWoCompare(doc.command.$readPreference, expectedReadPref),
- {actual: doc.command.$readPreference, expected: expectedReadPref});
- }
- const aggregateProfilerDocs =
- node.getDB(dbName).system.profile.find({"command.aggregate": collName}).toArray();
- for (let doc of aggregateProfilerDocs) {
- assert.eq(0,
- bsonWoCompare(doc.command.$readPreference, expectedReadPref),
- {actual: doc.command.$readPreference, expected: expectedReadPref});
- }
- const aggregateProfilerDocsConfig =
- node.getDB("config")
- .system.profile
- .find({
- "command.aggregate":
- {$regex: "^analyzeShardKey\.splitPoints\." + extractUUIDFromObject(collUuid)}
- })
- .toArray();
- for (let doc of aggregateProfilerDocsConfig) {
- assert.eq(0,
- bsonWoCompare(doc.command.$readPreference, expectedReadPref),
- {actual: doc.command.$readPreference, expected: expectedReadPref});
- }
- jsTest.log(
- `Test the analyzeShardKey command respects the readPreference specified by the client`);
- const {dbName, collName, collUuid} = setUpCollection();
- const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
- const analyzeShardKeyCmdObj = {
- analyzeShardKey: ns,
- key: {x: 1},
- $readPreference: {mode: "secondaryPreferred", tags: [{tag: "analytics"}]}
- };
- const expectedReadPref = analyzeShardKeyCmdObj.$readPreference;
- // Make the analyzeShardKey command and aggregate commands fail on all nodes without the
- // "analytics" tag.
- const fpName = "failCommand";
- const fpData = {
- failInternalCommands: true,
- failLocalClients: true,
- failCommands: ["analyzeShardKey", "aggregate"],
- errorCode: ErrorCodes.InternalError,
- ns
- };
- let fps = [
- configureFailPoint(st.rs0.nodes[0], fpName, fpData),
- configureFailPoint(st.rs0.nodes[1], fpName, fpData),
- configureFailPoint(st.rs1.nodes[0], fpName, fpData),
- configureFailPoint(st.rs1.nodes[1], fpName, fpData)
- ];
- // Turn on profiling on the "analytics" nodes to verify the readPreference used below.
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler([st.rs0.nodes[2]], dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler([st.rs0.nodes[2]], "config");
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler([st.rs1.nodes[2]], dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler([st.rs1.nodes[2]], "config");
- // Run the analyzeShardKey command. If the specified readPreference is not respected in all
- // steps of metrics calculation, the command would fail due to the fail points above.
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand(analyzeShardKeyCmdObj));
- // Verify that the readPreference is as expected.
- assertReadPreference(st.rs0.nodes[2], dbName, collName, collUuid, expectedReadPref);
- assertReadPreference(st.rs0.nodes[2], dbName, collName, collUuid, expectedReadPref);
- // Turn off profiling.
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler([st.rs0.nodes[2]], dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler([st.rs0.nodes[2]], "config");
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler([st.rs1.nodes[2]], dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler([st.rs1.nodes[2]], "config");
- fps.forEach(fp =>;
- jsTest.log(
- `Test the analyzeShardKey command uses readPreference "secondaryPreferred" by default`);
- const {dbName, collName, collUuid} = setUpCollection();
- const ns = dbName + "." + collName;
- const analyzeShardKeyCmdObj = {analyzeShardKey: ns, key: {x: 1}};
- const expectedReadPref = {mode: "secondaryPreferred"};
- // Turn on profiling on all nodes (since with "secondaryPreferred", any node can be targeted) to
- // verify the readPreference used below.
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler(st.rs0.nodes, dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler(st.rs0.nodes, "config");
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler(st.rs1.nodes, dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.enableProfiler(st.rs1.nodes, "config");
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand(analyzeShardKeyCmdObj));
- // Verify that the readPreference is as expected.
- st.rs0.nodes.forEach(node => {
- assertReadPreference(node, dbName, collName, collUuid, expectedReadPref);
- });
- st.rs1.nodes.forEach(node => {
- assertReadPreference(node, dbName, collName, collUuid, expectedReadPref);
- });
- // Turn off profiling.
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler(st.rs0.nodes, dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler(st.rs0.nodes, "config");
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler(st.rs1.nodes, dbName);
- AnalyzeShardKeyUtil.disableProfiler(st.rs1.nodes, "config");
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/libs/analyze_shard_key_util.js b/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/libs/analyze_shard_key_util.js
index e9c3763b4ef..231d8e47a7d 100644
--- a/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/libs/analyze_shard_key_util.js
+++ b/jstests/sharding/analyze_shard_key/libs/analyze_shard_key_util.js
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ var AnalyzeShardKeyUtil = (function() {
function enableProfiler(mongodConns, dbName) {
mongodConns.forEach(conn => {
- assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2));
+ conn.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2);
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ var AnalyzeShardKeyUtil = (function() {
function disableProfiler(mongodConns, dbName) {
mongodConns.forEach(conn => {
- assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(0));
+ conn.getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(0);