path: root/src/mongo/db/cap.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/cap.cpp')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/cap.cpp b/src/mongo/db/cap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8be2383115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/cap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+// @file cap.cpp capped collection related
+// the "old" version (<= v1.6)
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "../util/mmap.h"
+#include "../util/hashtab.h"
+#include "../scripting/engine.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+#include "json.h"
+#include "clientcursor.h"
+ capped collection layout
+ d's below won't exist if things align perfectly:
+ extent1 -> extent2 -> extent3
+ ------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------
+ d r r r r r r r r d d r r r r d r r r r r d d r r r r r r r r r d
+ ^ ^
+ oldest newest
+ ^cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent()
+ ^cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()
+ ^cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords()
+namespace mongo {
+ /* combine adjacent deleted records *for the current extent* of the capped collection
+ this is O(n^2) but we call it for capped tables where typically n==1 or 2!
+ (or 3...there will be a little unused sliver at the end of the extent.)
+ */
+ void NamespaceDetails::compact() {
+ assert(capped);
+ list<DiskLoc> drecs;
+ // Pull out capExtent's DRs from deletedList
+ DiskLoc i = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
+ for (; !i.isNull() && inCapExtent( i ); i = i.drec()->nextDeleted )
+ drecs.push_back( i );
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent() ) = i;
+ // This is the O(n^2) part.
+ drecs.sort();
+ list<DiskLoc>::iterator j = drecs.begin();
+ assert( j != drecs.end() );
+ DiskLoc a = *j;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ j++;
+ if ( j == drecs.end() ) {
+ DEBUGGING out() << "TEMP: compact adddelrec\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ break;
+ }
+ DiskLoc b = *j;
+ while ( a.a() == b.a() && a.getOfs() + a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders == b.getOfs() ) {
+ // a & b are adjacent. merge.
+ getDur().writingInt( a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders ) += b.drec()->lengthWithHeaders;
+ j++;
+ if ( j == drecs.end() ) {
+ DEBUGGING out() << "temp: compact adddelrec2\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ return;
+ }
+ b = *j;
+ }
+ DEBUGGING out() << "temp: compact adddelrec3\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ a = b;
+ }
+ }
+ DiskLoc &NamespaceDetails::cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent() {
+ if ( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isNull() )
+ return cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords();
+ else
+ return cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().drec()->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::cappedCheckMigrate() {
+ // migrate old NamespaceDetails format
+ assert( capped );
+ if ( capExtent.a() == 0 && capExtent.getOfs() == 0 ) {
+ //capFirstNewRecord = DiskLoc();
+ capFirstNewRecord.writing().setInvalid();
+ // put all the DeletedRecords in cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords()
+ for ( int i = 1; i < Buckets; ++i ) {
+ DiskLoc first = deletedList[ i ];
+ if ( first.isNull() )
+ continue;
+ DiskLoc last = first;
+ for (; !last.drec()->nextDeleted.isNull(); last = last.drec()->nextDeleted );
+ last.drec()->nextDeleted.writing() = cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords();
+ cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords().writing() = first;
+ deletedList[i].writing() = DiskLoc();
+ }
+ // NOTE cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() set to DiskLoc() in above
+ // Last, in case we're killed before getting here
+ capExtent.writing() = firstExtent;
+ }
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::inCapExtent( const DiskLoc &dl ) const {
+ assert( !dl.isNull() );
+ // We could have a rec or drec, doesn't matter.
+ bool res = dl.drec()->myExtentLoc(dl) == capExtent;
+ DEV {
+ // old implementation. this check is temp to test works the same. new impl should be a little faster.
+ assert( res == (dl.drec()->myExtent( dl ) == capExtent.ext()) );
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::nextIsInCapExtent( const DiskLoc &dl ) const {
+ assert( !dl.isNull() );
+ DiskLoc next = dl.drec()->nextDeleted;
+ if ( next.isNull() )
+ return false;
+ return inCapExtent( next );
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::advanceCapExtent( const char *ns ) {
+ // We want cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() to be the last DeletedRecord of the prev cap extent
+ // (or DiskLoc() if new capExtent == firstExtent)
+ if ( capExtent == lastExtent )
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() ) = DiskLoc();
+ else {
+ DiskLoc i = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
+ for (; !i.isNull() && nextIsInCapExtent( i ); i = i.drec()->nextDeleted );
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() ) = i;
+ }
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( capExtent ) = theCapExtent()->xnext.isNull() ? firstExtent : theCapExtent()->xnext;
+ /* this isn't true if a collection has been renamed...that is ok just used for diagnostics */
+ //dassert( theCapExtent()->ns == ns );
+ theCapExtent()->assertOk();
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( capFirstNewRecord ) = DiskLoc();
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__capAlloc( int len ) {
+ DiskLoc prev = cappedLastDelRecLastExtent();
+ DiskLoc i = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
+ DiskLoc ret;
+ for (; !i.isNull() && inCapExtent( i ); prev = i, i = i.drec()->nextDeleted ) {
+ // We need to keep at least one DR per extent in cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords(),
+ // so make sure there's space to create a DR at the end.
+ if ( i.drec()->lengthWithHeaders >= len + 24 ) {
+ ret = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
+ if ( !ret.isNull() ) {
+ if ( prev.isNull() )
+ cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords().writing() = ret.drec()->nextDeleted;
+ else
+ prev.drec()->nextDeleted.writing() = ret.drec()->nextDeleted;
+ ret.drec()->nextDeleted.writing().setInvalid(); // defensive.
+ assert( ret.drec()->extentOfs < ret.getOfs() );
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::cappedAlloc(const char *ns, int len) {
+ // signal done allocating new extents.
+ if ( !cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() )
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() ) = DiskLoc();
+ assert( len < 400000000 );
+ int passes = 0;
+ int maxPasses = ( len / 30 ) + 2; // 30 is about the smallest entry that could go in the oplog
+ if ( maxPasses < 5000 ) {
+ // this is for bacwards safety since 5000 was the old value
+ maxPasses = 5000;
+ }
+ DiskLoc loc;
+ // delete records until we have room and the max # objects limit achieved.
+ /* this fails on a rename -- that is ok but must keep commented out */
+ //assert( theCapExtent()->ns == ns );
+ theCapExtent()->assertOk();
+ DiskLoc firstEmptyExtent;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ if ( stats.nrecords < max ) {
+ loc = __capAlloc( len );
+ if ( !loc.isNull() )
+ break;
+ }
+ // If on first iteration through extents, don't delete anything.
+ if ( !capFirstNewRecord.isValid() ) {
+ advanceCapExtent( ns );
+ if ( capExtent != firstExtent )
+ capFirstNewRecord.writing().setInvalid();
+ // else signal done with first iteration through extents.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !capFirstNewRecord.isNull() &&
+ theCapExtent()->firstRecord == capFirstNewRecord ) {
+ // We've deleted all records that were allocated on the previous
+ // iteration through this extent.
+ advanceCapExtent( ns );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( theCapExtent()->firstRecord.isNull() ) {
+ if ( firstEmptyExtent.isNull() )
+ firstEmptyExtent = capExtent;
+ advanceCapExtent( ns );
+ if ( firstEmptyExtent == capExtent ) {
+ maybeComplain( ns, len );
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ DiskLoc fr = theCapExtent()->firstRecord;
+ theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, fr.rec(), fr, true); // ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
+ compact();
+ if( ++passes > maxPasses ) {
+ log() << "passes ns:" << ns << " len:" << len << " maxPasses: " << maxPasses << '\n';
+ log() << "passes max:" << max << " nrecords:" << stats.nrecords << " datasize: " << stats.datasize << endl;
+ massert( 10345 , "passes >= maxPasses in capped collection alloc", false );
+ }
+ }
+ // Remember first record allocated on this iteration through capExtent.
+ if ( capFirstNewRecord.isValid() && capFirstNewRecord.isNull() )
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc(capFirstNewRecord) = loc;
+ return loc;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::dumpExtents() {
+ cout << "dumpExtents:" << endl;
+ for ( DiskLoc i = firstExtent; !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xnext ) {
+ Extent *e = i.ext();
+ stringstream ss;
+ e->dump(ss);
+ cout << ss.str() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::cappedDumpDelInfo() {
+ cout << "dl[0]: " << deletedList[0].toString() << endl;
+ for( DiskLoc z = deletedList[0]; !z.isNull(); z = z.drec()->nextDeleted ) {
+ cout << " drec:" << z.toString() << " dreclen:" << hex << z.drec()->lengthWithHeaders <<
+ " ext:" << z.drec()->myExtent(z)->myLoc.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "dl[1]: " << deletedList[1].toString() << endl;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::cappedTruncateLastDelUpdate() {
+ if ( capExtent == firstExtent ) {
+ // Only one extent of the collection is in use, so there
+ // is no deleted record in a previous extent, so nullify
+ // cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().
+ cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().writing() = DiskLoc();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Scan through all deleted records in the collection
+ // until the last deleted record for the extent prior
+ // to the new capExtent is found. Then set
+ // cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() to that deleted record.
+ DiskLoc i = cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords();
+ for( ;
+ !i.drec()->nextDeleted.isNull() &&
+ !inCapExtent( i.drec()->nextDeleted );
+ i = i.drec()->nextDeleted );
+ // In our capped storage model, every extent must have at least one
+ // deleted record. Here we check that 'i' is not the last deleted
+ // record. (We expect that there will be deleted records in the new
+ // capExtent as well.)
+ assert( !i.drec()->nextDeleted.isNull() );
+ cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().writing() = i;
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::cappedTruncateAfter(const char *ns, DiskLoc end, bool inclusive) {
+ DEV assert( this == nsdetails(ns) );
+ assert( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() );
+ // We iteratively remove the newest document until the newest document
+ // is 'end', then we remove 'end' if requested.
+ bool foundLast = false;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if ( foundLast ) {
+ // 'end' has been found and removed, so break.
+ break;
+ }
+ getDur().commitIfNeeded();
+ // 'curr' will point to the newest document in the collection.
+ DiskLoc curr = theCapExtent()->lastRecord;
+ assert( !curr.isNull() );
+ if ( curr == end ) {
+ if ( inclusive ) {
+ // 'end' has been found, so break next iteration.
+ foundLast = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // 'end' has been found, so break.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO The algorithm used in this function cannot generate an
+ // empty collection, but we could call emptyCappedCollection() in
+ // this case instead of asserting.
+ uassert( 13415, "emptying the collection is not allowed", stats.nrecords > 1 );
+ // Delete the newest record, and coalesce the new deleted
+ // record with existing deleted records.
+ theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, curr.rec(), curr, true);
+ compact();
+ // This is the case where we have not yet had to remove any
+ // documents to make room for other documents, and we are allocating
+ // documents from free space in fresh extents instead of reusing
+ // space from familiar extents.
+ if ( !capLooped() ) {
+ // We just removed the last record from the 'capExtent', and
+ // the 'capExtent' can't be empty, so we set 'capExtent' to
+ // capExtent's prev extent.
+ if ( theCapExtent()->lastRecord.isNull() ) {
+ assert( !theCapExtent()->xprev.isNull() );
+ // NOTE Because we didn't delete the last document, and
+ // capLooped() is false, capExtent is not the first extent
+ // so xprev will be nonnull.
+ capExtent.writing() = theCapExtent()->xprev;
+ theCapExtent()->assertOk();
+ // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()
+ cappedTruncateLastDelUpdate();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // This is the case where capLooped() is true, and we just deleted
+ // from capExtent, and we just deleted capFirstNewRecord, which was
+ // the last record on the fresh side of capExtent.
+ // NOTE In this comparison, curr and potentially capFirstNewRecord
+ // may point to invalid data, but we can still compare the
+ // references themselves.
+ if ( curr == capFirstNewRecord ) {
+ // Set 'capExtent' to the first nonempty extent prior to the
+ // initial capExtent. There must be such an extent because we
+ // have not deleted the last document in the collection. It is
+ // possible that all extents other than the capExtent are empty.
+ // In this case we will keep the initial capExtent and specify
+ // that all records contained within are on the fresh rather than
+ // stale side of the extent.
+ DiskLoc newCapExtent = capExtent;
+ do {
+ // Find the previous extent, looping if necessary.
+ newCapExtent = ( newCapExtent == firstExtent ) ? lastExtent : newCapExtent.ext()->xprev;
+ newCapExtent.ext()->assertOk();
+ }
+ while ( newCapExtent.ext()->firstRecord.isNull() );
+ capExtent.writing() = newCapExtent;
+ // Place all documents in the new capExtent on the fresh side
+ // of the capExtent by setting capFirstNewRecord to the first
+ // document in the new capExtent.
+ capFirstNewRecord.writing() = theCapExtent()->firstRecord;
+ // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()
+ cappedTruncateLastDelUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::emptyCappedCollection( const char *ns ) {
+ DEV assert( this == nsdetails(ns) );
+ massert( 13424, "collection must be capped", capped );
+ massert( 13425, "background index build in progress", !indexBuildInProgress );
+ massert( 13426, "indexes present", nIndexes == 0 );
+ // Clear all references to this namespace.
+ ClientCursor::invalidate( ns );
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::clearForPrefix( ns );
+ // Get a writeable reference to 'this' and reset all pertinent
+ // attributes.
+ NamespaceDetails *t = writingWithoutExtra();
+ t->cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() = DiskLoc();
+ t->cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords() = DiskLoc();
+ // preserve firstExtent/lastExtent
+ t->capExtent = firstExtent;
+ t->stats.datasize = stats.nrecords = 0;
+ // lastExtentSize preserve
+ // nIndexes preserve 0
+ // capped preserve true
+ // max preserve
+ t->paddingFactor = 1.0;
+ t->flags = 0;
+ t->capFirstNewRecord = DiskLoc();
+ t->capFirstNewRecord.setInvalid();
+ t->cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().setInvalid();
+ // dataFileVersion preserve
+ // indexFileVersion preserve
+ t->multiKeyIndexBits = 0;
+ t->reservedA = 0;
+ t->extraOffset = 0;
+ // indexBuildInProgress preserve 0
+ memset(t->reserved, 0, sizeof(t->reserved));
+ // Reset all existing extents and recreate the deleted list.
+ for( DiskLoc ext = firstExtent; !ext.isNull(); ext = ext.ext()->xnext ) {
+ DiskLoc prev = ext.ext()->xprev;
+ DiskLoc next = ext.ext()->xnext;
+ DiskLoc empty = ext.ext()->reuse( ns, true );
+ ext.ext()->xprev.writing() = prev;
+ ext.ext()->xnext.writing() = next;
+ addDeletedRec( empty.drec(), empty );
+ }
+ }