path: root/src/mongo/db/commands/pipeline.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/commands/pipeline.cpp')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/commands/pipeline.cpp b/src/mongo/db/commands/pipeline.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4ad5e342aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/commands/pipeline.cpp
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+ * Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "db/commands/pipeline.h"
+#include "db/cursor.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/accumulator.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/document.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/document_source.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/expression.h"
+#include "db/pipeline/expression_context.h"
+#include "db/pdfile.h"
+#include "util/mongoutils/str.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ const char Pipeline::commandName[] = "aggregate";
+ const char Pipeline::pipelineName[] = "pipeline";
+ const char Pipeline::fromRouterName[] = "fromRouter";
+ const char Pipeline::splitMongodPipelineName[] = "splitMongodPipeline";
+ Pipeline::~Pipeline() {
+ }
+ Pipeline::Pipeline(const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pTheCtx):
+ collectionName(),
+ sourceVector(),
+ splitMongodPipeline(DEBUG_BUILD == 1), /* test: always split for DEV */
+ pCtx(pTheCtx) {
+ }
+ /* this structure is used to make a lookup table of operators */
+ struct StageDesc {
+ const char *pName;
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> (*pFactory)(
+ BSONElement *, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &);
+ };
+ /* this table must be in alphabetical order by name for bsearch() */
+ static const StageDesc stageDesc[] = {
+#ifdef NEVER /* disabled for now in favor of $match */
+ {DocumentSourceFilter::filterName,
+ DocumentSourceFilter::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceGroup::groupName,
+ DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceLimit::limitName,
+ DocumentSourceLimit::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceMatch::matchName,
+ DocumentSourceMatch::createFromBson},
+#ifdef LATER /* */
+ {DocumentSourceOut::outName,
+ DocumentSourceOut::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceProject::projectName,
+ DocumentSourceProject::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceSkip::skipName,
+ DocumentSourceSkip::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceSort::sortName,
+ DocumentSourceSort::createFromBson},
+ {DocumentSourceUnwind::unwindName,
+ DocumentSourceUnwind::createFromBson},
+ };
+ static const size_t nStageDesc = sizeof(stageDesc) / sizeof(StageDesc);
+ static int stageDescCmp(const void *pL, const void *pR) {
+ return strcmp(((const StageDesc *)pL)->pName,
+ ((const StageDesc *)pR)->pName);
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<Pipeline> Pipeline::parseCommand(
+ string &errmsg, BSONObj &cmdObj,
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pCtx) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<Pipeline> pPipeline(new Pipeline(pCtx));
+ vector<BSONElement> pipeline;
+ /* gather the specification for the aggregation */
+ for(BSONObj::iterator cmdIterator = cmdObj.begin();
+ cmdIterator.more(); ) {
+ BSONElement cmdElement(;
+ const char *pFieldName = cmdElement.fieldName();
+ /* look for the aggregation command */
+ if (!strcmp(pFieldName, commandName)) {
+ pPipeline->collectionName = cmdElement.String();
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check for the collection name */
+ if (!strcmp(pFieldName, pipelineName)) {
+ pipeline = cmdElement.Array();
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if the request came from the router, we're in a shard */
+ if (!strcmp(pFieldName, fromRouterName)) {
+ pCtx->setInShard(cmdElement.Bool());
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check for debug options */
+ if (!strcmp(pFieldName, splitMongodPipelineName)) {
+ pPipeline->splitMongodPipeline = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* we didn't recognize a field in the command */
+ ostringstream sb;
+ sb <<
+ "Pipeline::parseCommand(): unrecognized field \"" <<
+ cmdElement.fieldName();
+ errmsg = sb.str();
+ return boost::shared_ptr<Pipeline>();
+ }
+ /*
+ If we get here, we've harvested the fields we expect for a pipeline.
+ Set up the specified document source pipeline.
+ */
+ SourceVector *pSourceVector = &pPipeline->sourceVector; // shorthand
+ /* iterate over the steps in the pipeline */
+ const size_t nSteps = pipeline.size();
+ for(size_t iStep = 0; iStep < nSteps; ++iStep) {
+ /* pull out the pipeline element as an object */
+ BSONElement pipeElement(pipeline[iStep]);
+ uassert(15942, str::stream() << "pipeline element " <<
+ iStep << " is not an object",
+ pipeElement.type() == Object);
+ BSONObj bsonObj(pipeElement.Obj());
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> pSource;
+ /* use the object to add a DocumentSource to the processing chain */
+ BSONObjIterator bsonIterator(bsonObj);
+ while(bsonIterator.more()) {
+ BSONElement bsonElement(;
+ const char *pFieldName = bsonElement.fieldName();
+ /* select the appropriate operation and instantiate */
+ StageDesc key;
+ key.pName = pFieldName;
+ const StageDesc *pDesc = (const StageDesc *)
+ bsearch(&key, stageDesc, nStageDesc, sizeof(StageDesc),
+ stageDescCmp);
+ if (pDesc)
+ pSource = (*pDesc->pFactory)(&bsonElement, pCtx);
+ else {
+ ostringstream sb;
+ sb <<
+ "Pipeline::run(): unrecognized pipeline op \"" <<
+ pFieldName;
+ errmsg = sb.str();
+ return shared_ptr<Pipeline>();
+ }
+ }
+ pSourceVector->push_back(pSource);
+ }
+ /* if there aren't any pipeline stages, there's nothing more to do */
+ if (!pSourceVector->size())
+ return pPipeline;
+ /*
+ Move filters up where possible.
+ CW TODO -- move filter past projections where possible, and noting
+ corresponding field renaming.
+ */
+ /*
+ Wherever there is a match immediately following a sort, swap them.
+ This means we sort fewer items. Neither changes the documents in
+ the stream, so this transformation shouldn't affect the result.
+ We do this first, because then when we coalesce operators below,
+ any adjacent matches will be combined.
+ */
+ for(size_t srcn = pSourceVector->size(), srci = 1;
+ srci < srcn; ++srci) {
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pSource = pSourceVector->at(srci);
+ if (dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceMatch *>(pSource.get())) {
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pPrevious =
+ pSourceVector->at(srci - 1);
+ if (dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSort *>(pPrevious.get())) {
+ /* swap this item with the previous */
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> pTemp(pPrevious);
+ pPrevious = pSource;
+ pSource = pTemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Coalesce adjacent filters where possible. Two adjacent filters
+ are equivalent to one filter whose predicate is the conjunction of
+ the two original filters' predicates. For now, capture this by
+ giving any DocumentSource the option to absorb it's successor; this
+ will also allow adjacent projections to coalesce when possible.
+ Run through the DocumentSources, and give each one the opportunity
+ to coalesce with its successor. If successful, remove the
+ successor.
+ Move all document sources to a temporary list.
+ */
+ SourceVector tempVector(*pSourceVector);
+ pSourceVector->clear();
+ /* move the first one to the final list */
+ pSourceVector->push_back(tempVector[0]);
+ /* run through the sources, coalescing them or keeping them */
+ for(size_t tempn = tempVector.size(), tempi = 1;
+ tempi < tempn; ++tempi) {
+ /*
+ If we can't coalesce the source with the last, then move it
+ to the final list, and make it the new last. (If we succeeded,
+ then we're still on the same last, and there's no need to move
+ or do anything with the source -- the destruction of tempVector
+ will take care of the rest.)
+ */
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pLastSource = pSourceVector->back();
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pTemp =;
+ if (!pLastSource->coalesce(pTemp))
+ pSourceVector->push_back(pTemp);
+ }
+ /* optimize the elements in the pipeline */
+ for(SourceVector::iterator iter(pSourceVector->begin()),
+ listEnd(pSourceVector->end()); iter != listEnd; ++iter)
+ (*iter)->optimize();
+ return pPipeline;
+ }
+ shared_ptr<Pipeline> Pipeline::splitForSharded() {
+ /* create an initialize the shard spec we'll return */
+ shared_ptr<Pipeline> pShardPipeline(new Pipeline(pCtx));
+ pShardPipeline->collectionName = collectionName;
+ /* put the source list aside */
+ SourceVector tempVector(sourceVector);
+ sourceVector.clear();
+ /*
+ Run through the pipeline, looking for points to split it into
+ shard pipelines, and the rest.
+ */
+ while(!tempVector.empty()) {
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pSource = tempVector.front();
+#ifdef MONGODB_SERVER3832 /* see */
+ DocumentSourceSort *pSort =
+ dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSort *>(pSource.get());
+ if (pSort) {
+ /*
+ There's no point in sorting until the result is combined.
+ Therefore, sorts should be done in mongos, and not in
+ the shard at all. Add all the remaining operators to
+ the mongos list and quit.
+ TODO: unless the sort key is the shard key.
+ TODO: we could also do a merge sort in mongos in the
+ future, and split here.
+ */
+ for(size_t tempn = tempVector.size(), tempi = 0;
+ tempi < tempn; ++tempi)
+ sourceVector.push_back(tempVector[tempi]);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* hang on to this in advance, in case it is a group */
+ DocumentSourceGroup *pGroup =
+ dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceGroup *>(pSource.get());
+ /* move the source from the tempVector to the shard sourceVector */
+ pShardPipeline->sourceVector.push_back(pSource);
+ tempVector.erase(tempVector.begin());
+ /*
+ If we found a group, that's a split point.
+ */
+ if (pGroup) {
+ /* start this pipeline with the group merger */
+ sourceVector.push_back(pGroup->createMerger());
+ /* and then add everything that remains and quit */
+ for(size_t tempn = tempVector.size(), tempi = 0;
+ tempi < tempn; ++tempi)
+ sourceVector.push_back(tempVector[tempi]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return pShardPipeline;
+ }
+ void Pipeline::getCursorMods(BSONObjBuilder *pQueryBuilder,
+ BSONObjBuilder *pSortBuilder) {
+ /* look for an initial $match */
+ if (!sourceVector.size())
+ return;
+ const intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pMC = sourceVector.front();
+ const DocumentSourceMatch *pMatch =
+ dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceMatch *>(pMC.get());
+ if (pMatch) {
+ /* build the query */
+ pMatch->toMatcherBson(pQueryBuilder);
+ /* remove the match from the pipeline */
+ sourceVector.erase(sourceVector.begin());
+ }
+ /* look for an initial $sort */
+ if (!sourceVector.size())
+ return;
+#ifdef MONGODB_SERVER3832 /* see */
+ const intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> &pSC = sourceVector.front();
+ const DocumentSourceSort *pSort =
+ dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceSort *>(pSC.get());
+ if (pSort) {
+ /* build the sort key */
+ pSort->sortKeyToBson(pSortBuilder, false);
+ /* remove the sort from the pipeline */
+ sourceVector.erase(sourceVector.begin());
+ }
+ }
+ void Pipeline::toBson(BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder) const {
+ /* create an array out of the pipeline operations */
+ BSONArrayBuilder arrayBuilder;
+ for(SourceVector::const_iterator iter(sourceVector.begin()),
+ listEnd(sourceVector.end()); iter != listEnd; ++iter) {
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> pSource(*iter);
+ pSource->addToBsonArray(&arrayBuilder);
+ }
+ /* add the top-level items to the command */
+ pBuilder->append(commandName, getCollectionName());
+ pBuilder->append(pipelineName, arrayBuilder.arr());
+ bool btemp;
+ if ((btemp = getSplitMongodPipeline())) {
+ pBuilder->append(splitMongodPipelineName, btemp);
+ }
+ if ((btemp = pCtx->getInRouter())) {
+ pBuilder->append(fromRouterName, btemp);
+ }
+ }
+ bool Pipeline::run(BSONObjBuilder &result, string &errmsg,
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> pSource) {
+ /* chain together the sources we found */
+ for(SourceVector::iterator iter(sourceVector.begin()),
+ listEnd(sourceVector.end()); iter != listEnd; ++iter) {
+ intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> pTemp(*iter);
+ pTemp->setSource(pSource);
+ pSource = pTemp;
+ }
+ /* pSource is left pointing at the last source in the chain */
+ /*
+ Iterate through the resulting documents, and add them to the result.
+ */
+ BSONArrayBuilder resultArray; // where we'll stash the results
+ for(bool hasDocument = !pSource->eof(); hasDocument;
+ hasDocument = pSource->advance()) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocument(pSource->getCurrent());
+ /* add the document to the result set */
+ BSONObjBuilder documentBuilder;
+ pDocument->toBson(&documentBuilder);
+ resultArray.append(documentBuilder.done());
+ }
+ result.appendArray("result", resultArray.arr());
+ return true;
+ }
+} // namespace mongo