path: root/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup_test.cpp
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+ * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest
+#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h"
+#include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document_value_test_util.h"
+#include "mongo/db/logical_session_id_helpers.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/matcher.h"
+#include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_context_fixture.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_find_and_modify_image_lookup.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_mock.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/process_interface/stub_lookup_single_document_process_interface.h"
+#include "mongo/db/repl/image_collection_entry_gen.h"
+#include "mongo/logv2/log.h"
+#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
+#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
+namespace mongo {
+namespace {
+ * Creates OplogEntry with given field values.
+ */
+repl::OplogEntry makeOplogEntry(
+ repl::OpTime opTime,
+ repl::OpTypeEnum opType,
+ NamespaceString nss,
+ BSONObj oField,
+ OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo,
+ boost::optional<repl::OpTime> preImageOpTime = boost::none,
+ boost::optional<repl::OpTime> postImageOpTime = boost::none,
+ boost::optional<repl::RetryImageEnum> needsRetryImage = boost::none) {
+ static const UUID* uuid = new UUID(UUID::gen());
+ return {
+ repl::DurableOplogEntry(opTime, // optime
+ boost::none, // hash
+ opType, // opType
+ nss, // namespace
+ *uuid, // uuid
+ boost::none, // fromMigrate
+ repl::OplogEntry::kOplogVersion, // version
+ oField, // o
+ boost::none, // o2
+ sessionInfo, // sessionInfo
+ boost::none, // upsert
+ Date_t(), // wall clock time
+ {1}, // statement ids
+ boost::none, // optime of previous write within same transaction
+ preImageOpTime, // pre-image optime
+ postImageOpTime, // post-image optime
+ boost::none, // ShardId of resharding recipient
+ boost::none, // _id
+ needsRetryImage)}; // needsRetryImage
+struct MockMongoInterface final : public StubMongoProcessInterface {
+ MockMongoInterface(std::vector<Document> documentsForLookup = {})
+ : _documentsForLookup{std::move(documentsForLookup)} {}
+ BSONObj getCollectionOptions(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) {
+ static const UUID* oplog_uuid = new UUID(UUID::gen());
+ return BSON("uuid" << *oplog_uuid);
+ }
+ boost::optional<Document> lookupSingleDocument(
+ const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
+ const NamespaceString& nss,
+ UUID collectionUUID,
+ const Document& documentKey,
+ boost::optional<BSONObj> readConcern) final {
+ Matcher matcher(documentKey.toBson(), expCtx);
+ auto it = std::find_if(_documentsForLookup.begin(),
+ _documentsForLookup.end(),
+ [&](const Document& lookedUpDoc) {
+ return matcher.matches(lookedUpDoc.toBson(), nullptr);
+ });
+ return (it != _documentsForLookup.end() ? *it : boost::optional<Document>{});
+ }
+ // These documents are used to feed the 'lookupSingleDocument' method.
+ std::vector<Document> _documentsForLookup;
+// This provides access to getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite.
+using FindAndModifyImageLookupTest = AggregationContextFixture;
+TEST_F(FindAndModifyImageLookupTest, NoopWhenEntryDoesNotHaveNeedsRetryImageField) {
+ auto imageLookup = DocumentSourceFindAndModifyImageLookup::create(getExpCtx());
+ const auto sessionId = makeLogicalSessionIdForTest();
+ OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo;
+ sessionInfo.setSessionId(sessionId);
+ sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(1);
+ const auto opTime = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(2, 1), 1);
+ const auto preImageOpTime = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(1, 1), 1);
+ const auto oplogEntryBson = makeOplogEntry(opTime,
+ repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop,
+ NamespaceString(""),
+ BSON("a" << 1),
+ sessionInfo,
+ preImageOpTime)
+ .getEntry()
+ .toBSON();
+ auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(Document(oplogEntryBson), getExpCtx());
+ imageLookup->setSource(mock.get());
+ // Mock out the foreign collection.
+ getExpCtx()->mongoProcessInterface =
+ std::make_unique<MockMongoInterface>(std::vector<Document>{});
+ auto next = imageLookup->getNext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(next.isAdvanced());
+ Document expected = Document(oplogEntryBson);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next.releaseDocument(), expected);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+TEST_F(FindAndModifyImageLookupTest, ShouldNotForgeImageEntryWhenImageDocMissing) {
+ auto imageLookup = DocumentSourceFindAndModifyImageLookup::create(getExpCtx());
+ const auto sessionId = makeLogicalSessionIdForTest();
+ OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo;
+ sessionInfo.setSessionId(sessionId);
+ sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(1);
+ const auto opTime = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(2, 1), 1);
+ const auto oplogEntryBson = makeOplogEntry(opTime,
+ repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop,
+ NamespaceString(""),
+ BSON("a" << 1),
+ sessionInfo,
+ boost::none /* preImageOpTime */,
+ boost::none /* postImageOpTime */,
+ repl::RetryImageEnum::kPreImage)
+ .getEntry()
+ .toBSON();
+ auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(Document(oplogEntryBson), getExpCtx());
+ imageLookup->setSource(mock.get());
+ // Mock out the foreign collection.
+ getExpCtx()->mongoProcessInterface =
+ std::make_unique<MockMongoInterface>(std::vector<Document>{});
+ auto next = imageLookup->getNext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(next.isAdvanced());
+ Document expected = Document(oplogEntryBson);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next.releaseDocument(), expected);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+TEST_F(FindAndModifyImageLookupTest, ShouldNotForgeImageEntryWhenImageDocHasDifferentTxnNumber) {
+ auto imageLookup = DocumentSourceFindAndModifyImageLookup::create(getExpCtx());
+ const auto sessionId = makeLogicalSessionIdForTest();
+ OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo;
+ sessionInfo.setSessionId(sessionId);
+ sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(1);
+ const auto ts = Timestamp(2, 1);
+ const auto opTime = repl::OpTime(ts, 1);
+ const auto oplogEntryBson = makeOplogEntry(opTime,
+ repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop,
+ NamespaceString(""),
+ BSON("a" << 1),
+ sessionInfo,
+ boost::none /* preImageOpTime */,
+ boost::none /* postImageOpTime */,
+ repl::RetryImageEnum::kPreImage)
+ .getEntry()
+ .toBSON();
+ auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(Document(oplogEntryBson), getExpCtx());
+ imageLookup->setSource(mock.get());
+ // Create an 'ImageEntry' with a higher 'txnNumber'.
+ const auto preImage = BSON("a" << 2);
+ repl::ImageEntry imageEntry;
+ imageEntry.set_id(sessionId);
+ imageEntry.setTxnNumber(2);
+ imageEntry.setTs(ts);
+ imageEntry.setImageKind(repl::RetryImageEnum::kPreImage);
+ imageEntry.setImage(preImage);
+ // Mock out the foreign collection.
+ getExpCtx()->mongoProcessInterface =
+ std::make_unique<MockMongoInterface>(std::vector<Document>{Document{imageEntry.toBSON()}});
+ auto next = imageLookup->getNext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(next.isAdvanced());
+ Document expected = Document(oplogEntryBson);
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next.releaseDocument(), expected);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+TEST_F(FindAndModifyImageLookupTest, ShouldForgeImageEntryWhenMatchingImageDocIsFound) {
+ std::vector<repl::RetryImageEnum> cases{repl::RetryImageEnum::kPreImage,
+ repl::RetryImageEnum::kPostImage};
+ for (auto imageType : cases) {
+ LOGV2(5806002,
+ "ForgeImageEntryTestCase",
+ "imageType"_attr = repl::RetryImage_serializer(imageType));
+ auto imageLookup = DocumentSourceFindAndModifyImageLookup::create(getExpCtx());
+ const auto sessionId = makeLogicalSessionIdForTest();
+ const auto txnNum = 1LL;
+ OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo;
+ sessionInfo.setSessionId(sessionId);
+ sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(txnNum);
+ const auto ts = Timestamp(2, 1);
+ const auto opTime = repl::OpTime(ts, 1);
+ const auto oplogEntryBson = makeOplogEntry(opTime,
+ repl::OpTypeEnum::kUpdate,
+ NamespaceString(""),
+ BSON("a" << 1),
+ sessionInfo,
+ boost::none /* preImageOpTime */,
+ boost::none /* postImageOpTime */,
+ imageType)
+ .getEntry()
+ .toBSON();
+ auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(Document(oplogEntryBson), getExpCtx());
+ imageLookup->setSource(mock.get());
+ const auto prePostImage = BSON("a" << 2);
+ repl::ImageEntry imageEntry;
+ imageEntry.set_id(sessionId);
+ imageEntry.setTxnNumber(txnNum);
+ imageEntry.setTs(ts);
+ imageEntry.setImageKind(imageType);
+ imageEntry.setImage(prePostImage);
+ // Mock out the foreign collection.
+ getExpCtx()->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_unique<MockMongoInterface>(
+ std::vector<Document>{Document{imageEntry.toBSON()}});
+ // The forged image oplog entry should be returned before the findAndModify oplog entry.
+ auto next = imageLookup->getNext();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(next.isAdvanced());
+ const auto forgedImageEntry =
+ repl::OplogEntry::parse(next.releaseDocument().toBson()).getValue();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(prePostImage, forgedImageEntry.getObject());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(txnNum, forgedImageEntry.getTxnNumber().get());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(sessionId, forgedImageEntry.getSessionId().get());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS("n", repl::OpType_serializer(forgedImageEntry.getOpType()));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0LL, forgedImageEntry.getStatementIds().front());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ts, forgedImageEntry.getTimestamp());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, forgedImageEntry.getTerm().get());
+ // The next doc should be the original findAndModify oplog entry with the 'needsRetryImage'
+ // field removed and 'preImageOpTime'/'postImageOpTime' field appended.
+ next = imageLookup->getNext();
+ MutableDocument expectedDownConvertedDoc{Document{oplogEntryBson}};
+ expectedDownConvertedDoc.remove(repl::OplogEntryBase::kNeedsRetryImageFieldName);
+ const auto expectedImageOpTimeFieldName = imageType == repl::RetryImageEnum::kPreImage
+ ? repl::OplogEntry::kPreImageOpTimeFieldName
+ : repl::OplogEntry::kPostImageOpTimeFieldName;
+ expectedDownConvertedDoc.setField(
+ expectedImageOpTimeFieldName,
+ Value{Document{{repl::OpTime::kTimestampFieldName.toString(), opTime.getTimestamp()},
+ {repl::OpTime::kTermFieldName.toString(), opTime.getTerm()}}});
+ ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next.releaseDocument(), expectedDownConvertedDoc.freeze());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(imageLookup->getNext().isEOF());
+ }
+} // namespace
+} // namespace mongo