path: root/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp
index 92e43593e32..9c0ca61a175 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_unpack_bucket_test/unpack_bucket_exec_test.cpp
@@ -812,280 +812,5 @@ TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, ParserRejectsBothIncludeAndExcludeParameter
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, BucketUnpackerExtractSingleMeasurement) {
- auto expCtx = getExpCtx();
- std::set<std::string> fields{
- "_id", kUserDefinedMetaName.toString(), kUserDefinedTimeName.toString(), "a", "b"};
- auto spec = BucketSpec{
- kUserDefinedTimeName.toString(), kUserDefinedMetaName.toString(), std::move(fields)};
- auto unpacker = BucketUnpacker{std::move(spec), BucketUnpacker::Behavior::kInclude, true, true};
- auto d1 = dateFromISOString("2020-02-17T00:00:00.000Z").getValue();
- auto d2 = dateFromISOString("2020-02-17T01:00:00.000Z").getValue();
- auto d3 = dateFromISOString("2020-02-17T02:00:00.000Z").getValue();
- auto bucket = BSON("meta" << BSON("m1" << 999 << "m2" << 9999) << "data"
- << BSON("_id" << BSON("0" << 1 << "1" << 2 << "2" << 3) << "time"
- << BSON("0" << d1 << "1" << d2 << "2" << d3) << "a"
- << BSON("0" << 1 << "1" << 2 << "2" << 3) << "b"
- << BSON("1" << 1 << "2" << 2)));
- unpacker.reset(std::move(bucket));
- auto next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(0);
- auto expected = Document{
- {"myMeta", Document{{"m1", 999}, {"m2", 9999}}}, {"_id", 1}, {"time", d1}, {"a", 1}};
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(2);
- expected = Document{{"myMeta", Document{{"m1", 999}, {"m2", 9999}}},
- {"_id", 3},
- {"time", d3},
- {"a", 3},
- {"b", 2}};
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(1);
- expected = Document{{"myMeta", Document{{"m1", 999}, {"m2", 9999}}},
- {"_id", 2},
- {"time", d2},
- {"a", 2},
- {"b", 1}};
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- // Can we extract the middle element again?
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(1);
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, BucketUnpackerExtractSingleMeasurementSparse) {
- auto expCtx = getExpCtx();
- std::set<std::string> fields{
- "_id", kUserDefinedMetaName.toString(), kUserDefinedTimeName.toString(), "a", "b"};
- auto spec = BucketSpec{
- kUserDefinedTimeName.toString(), kUserDefinedMetaName.toString(), std::move(fields)};
- auto unpacker = BucketUnpacker{std::move(spec), BucketUnpacker::Behavior::kInclude, true, true};
- auto d1 = dateFromISOString("2020-02-17T00:00:00.000Z").getValue();
- auto d2 = dateFromISOString("2020-02-17T01:00:00.000Z").getValue();
- auto bucket = BSON("meta" << BSON("m1" << 999 << "m2" << 9999) << "data"
- << BSON("_id" << BSON("0" << 1 << "1" << 2) << "time"
- << BSON("0" << d1 << "1" << d2) << "a" << BSON("0" << 1)
- << "b" << BSON("1" << 1)));
- unpacker.reset(std::move(bucket));
- auto next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(1);
- auto expected = Document{
- {"myMeta", Document{{"m1", 999}, {"m2", 9999}}}, {"_id", 2}, {"time", d2}, {"b", 1}};
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- // Can we extract the same element again?
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(1);
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(0);
- expected = Document{
- {"myMeta", Document{{"m1", 999}, {"m2", 9999}}}, {"_id", 1}, {"time", d1}, {"a", 1}};
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- // Can we extract the same element twice in a row?
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(0);
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
- next = unpacker.extractSingleMeasurement(0);
- ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(next, expected);
-class InternalUnpackBucketRandomSampleTest : public AggregationContextFixture {
- BSONObj makeIncludeAllSpec() {
- return BSON("$_internalUnpackBucket"
- << BSON("include" << BSON_ARRAY("_id"
- << "time" << kUserDefinedMetaName << "a"
- << "b")
- << timeseries::kTimeFieldName << kUserDefinedTimeName
- << timeseries::kMetaFieldName << kUserDefinedMetaName));
- }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> makeUnpackStage(const BSONObj& spec,
- long long nSample,
- int bucketMaxCount) {
- auto ds =
- DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), getExpCtx());
- auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(ds.get());
- unpack->setSampleParameters(nSample, bucketMaxCount);
- return unpack;
- }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> makeInternalUnpackBucketSample(int nSample,
- int nBuckets,
- int nMeasurements) {
- auto spec = makeIncludeAllSpec();
- generateBuckets(nBuckets, nMeasurements);
- auto ds =
- DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), getExpCtx());
- auto unpack = dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceInternalUnpackBucket*>(ds.get());
- unpack->setSampleParameters(nSample, 1000);
- return unpack;
- }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> prepareMock() {
- auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(getExpCtx());
- for (auto&& b : _buckets) {
- mock->push_back(DocumentSource::GetNextResult{std::move(b)});
- }
- return mock;
- }
- Document makeBucketPart(int nMeasurements, std::function<Value(int)> gen) {
- auto doc = MutableDocument{};
- for (auto i = 0; i < nMeasurements; ++i) {
- doc.addField(std::to_string(i), gen(i));
- }
- return doc.freeze();
- }
- void generateBuckets(int nBuckets, int nMeasurements) {
- auto& prng = getExpCtx()->opCtx->getClient()->getPrng();
- std::vector<Document> buckets;
- for (auto m = 0; m < nBuckets; m++) {
- auto idDoc = makeBucketPart(nMeasurements, [](int i) { return Value{OID::gen()}; });
- auto timeDoc = makeBucketPart(nMeasurements, [](int i) { return Value{Date_t{}}; });
- auto aCol = makeBucketPart(nMeasurements,
- [&](int i) { return Value{prng.nextCanonicalDouble()}; });
- buckets.push_back({Document{
- {"_id", Value{OID::gen()}},
- {"meta", Document{{"m1", m}, {"m2", m + 1}}},
- {"data",
- Document{{"_id", idDoc}, {"time", std::move(timeDoc)}, {"a", std::move(aCol)}}}}});
- }
- _buckets = std::move(buckets);
- }
- std::vector<Document> _buckets;
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketRandomSampleTest, SampleHasExpectedStatProperties) {
- auto unpack = makeInternalUnpackBucketSample(100, 1000, 1000);
- auto mock = prepareMock();
- unpack->setSource(mock.get());
- auto next = unpack->getNext();
- ASSERT_TRUE(next.isAdvanced());
- auto avg = 0.0;
- auto nSampled = 0;
- while (next.isAdvanced()) {
- avg += next.getDocument()["a"].getDouble();
- next = unpack->getNext();
- nSampled++;
- }
- avg /= nSampled;
- ASSERT_EQ(nSampled, 100);
- // The average for the uniform distribution on [0, 1) is ~0.5, and the stdev is sqrt(1/12).
- // We will check if the avg is between +/- 2*sqrt(1/12).
- auto stddev = std::sqrt(1.0 / 12.0);
- ASSERT_GT(avg, 0.5 - 2 * stddev);
- ASSERT_LT(avg, 0.5 + 2 * stddev);
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketRandomSampleTest, SampleIgnoresDuplicates) {
- auto spec = BSON("$_internalUnpackBucket"
- << BSON("include" << BSON_ARRAY("_id"
- << "time" << kUserDefinedMetaName << "a"
- << "b")
- << timeseries::kTimeFieldName << kUserDefinedTimeName
- << timeseries::kMetaFieldName << kUserDefinedMetaName));
- // Make an unpack bucket stage initialized with a sample size of 2 and bucketMaxCount of 1.
- auto unpack = makeUnpackStage(spec, 2, 1);
- // Fill mock with duplicate buckets to simulate random sampling the same buckets over and over
- // again until the 'kMaxAttempts' are reached in 'doGetNext'.
- auto mock = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(getExpCtx());
- for (auto i = 0; i < 101; ++i) {
- mock->push_back(Document{{"_id", Value{OID::createFromString("000000000000000000000001")}},
- {"meta", Document{{"m1", 1}, {"m2", 2}}},
- {"data",
- Document{{"_id", Document{{"0", 1}}},
- {"time", Document{{"0", Date_t::now()}}},
- {"a", Document{{"0", 1}}}}}});
- }
- unpack->setSource(mock.get());
- // The sample size is 2 and there's only one unique measurement in the mock. The second
- // 'getNext' call should spin until the it reaches 'kMaxAttempts' of tries and then throw.
- ASSERT_TRUE(unpack->getNext().isAdvanced());
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(unpack->getNext(), AssertionException, 5422103);
-namespace {
- * Manually computes the timestamp object size for n timestamps.
- */
-auto expectedTimestampObjSize(int32_t rowKeyOffset, int32_t n) {
- BSONObjBuilder bob;
- for (auto i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- bob.appendDate(std::to_string(i + rowKeyOffset), Date_t::now());
- }
- return bob.done().objsize();
-} // namespace
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, ComputeMeasurementCountLowerBoundsAreCorrect) {
- // The last table entry is a sentinel for an upper bound on the interval that covers measurement
- // counts up to 16 MB.
- const auto maxTableEntry = BucketUnpacker::kTimestampObjSizeTable.size() - 1;
- // Test the case when the target size hits a table entry which represents the lower bound of an
- // interval.
- for (size_t index = 0; index < maxTableEntry; ++index) {
- auto interval = BucketUnpacker::kTimestampObjSizeTable[index];
- ASSERT_EQ(interval.first, BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(interval.second));
- }
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, ComputeMeasurementCountUpperBoundsAreCorrect) {
- const auto maxTableEntry = BucketUnpacker::kTimestampObjSizeTable.size() - 1;
- // The lower bound sizes of each interval in the kTimestampObjSizeTable are hardcoded. Use this
- // fact and walk the table backwards to check the correctness of the S_i'th interval's upper
- // bound by using the lower bound size for the S_i+1 interval and subtracting the BSONObj size
- // containing one timestamp with the appropriate rowKey.
- std::pair<int, int> currentInterval;
- auto currentIntervalSize = 0;
- auto currentIntervalCount = 0;
- auto size = 0;
- for (size_t index = maxTableEntry; index > 0; --index) {
- currentInterval = BucketUnpacker::kTimestampObjSizeTable[index];
- currentIntervalSize = currentInterval.second;
- currentIntervalCount = currentInterval.first;
- auto rowKey = currentIntervalCount - 1;
- size = expectedTimestampObjSize(rowKey, 1);
- // We need to add back the kMinBSONLength since it's subtracted out.
- ASSERT_EQ(currentIntervalCount - 1,
- BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(currentIntervalSize - size +
- BSONObj::kMinBSONLength));
- }
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, ComputeMeasurementCountAllPointsInSmallerIntervals) {
- // Test all values for some of the smaller intervals up to 100 measurements.
- for (auto bucketCount = 0; bucketCount < 25; ++bucketCount) {
- auto size = expectedTimestampObjSize(0, bucketCount);
- ASSERT_EQ(bucketCount, BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(size));
- }
-TEST_F(InternalUnpackBucketExecTest, ComputeMeasurementCountInLargerIntervals) {
- ASSERT_EQ(2222, BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(30003));
- ASSERT_EQ(11111, BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(155560));
- ASSERT_EQ(449998, BucketUnpacker::computeMeasurementCount(7088863));
} // namespace
} // namespace mongo