path: root/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
index 73eb55db257..4d5eac4ab53 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner.cpp
@@ -28,72 +28,41 @@
#include "mongo/db/query/query_planner.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include <vector>
// For QueryOption_foobar
#include "mongo/client/dbclientinterface.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds_builder.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/index_tag.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/predicate_map.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_solution.h"
namespace mongo {
- * Describes an index that could be used to answer a predicate.
- */
- struct RelevantIndex {
- enum Relevance {
- // Is the index prefixed by the predicate's field? If so it can be used.
- // Is the predicate's field in the index but not as a prefix? If so, the index might be
- // able to be used, if there is another predicate that prefixes the index.
- };
- RelevantIndex(int i, Relevance r) : index(i), relevance(r) { }
- // What index is relevant?
- int index;
- // How useful is it?
- Relevance relevance;
- // To allow insertion into a set and sorting by something.
- bool operator<(const RelevantIndex& other) const {
- // We're only ever comparing these inside of a predicate. A predicate should only be
- // tagged for an index once. This of course assumes that values are only indexed once
- // in an index.
- verify(other.index != index);
- return index < other.index;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Caches information about the predicates we're trying to plan for.
- */
- struct PredicateInfo {
- PredicateInfo(MatchExpression::MatchType t) : type(t) { }
- // The type of the predicate. See db/matcher/expression.h
- MatchExpression::MatchType type;
- // Any relevant indices. Ordered by index no.
- set<RelevantIndex> relevant;
- };
- // This is a multimap because the same field name can easily appear more than once in a query.
- typedef multimap<string, PredicateInfo> PredicateMap;
- /**
* Scan the parse tree, adding all predicates to the provided map.
- void makePredicateMap(const MatchExpression* node, PredicateMap* out) {
+ void makePredicateMap(MatchExpression* node, PredicateMap* out) {
StringData path = node->path();
+ // If we've seen this path before, link 'node' into that bunch.
+ // Otherwise, create a new entry <path, node> in the predicate map.
if (!path.empty()) {
- // XXX: make sure the (path, pred) pair isn't in there already?
- out->insert(std::make_pair(path.toString(), PredicateInfo(node->matchType())));
+ PredicateMap::iterator it = out->lower_bound(path.toString());
+ if (it != out->end()) {
+ vector<MatchExpression*>& nodes = it->second.nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(node);
+ }
+ else {
+ out->insert(std::make_pair(path.toString(), node));
+ }
@@ -150,8 +119,15 @@ namespace mongo {
bool hasPredicate(const PredicateMap& pm, MatchExpression::MatchType type) {
- for (PredicateMap::const_iterator i = pm.begin(); i != pm.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->second.type == type) { return true; }
+ for (PredicateMap::const_iterator itMap = pm.begin(); itMap != pm.end(); ++itMap) {
+ const vector<MatchExpression*>& nodes = itMap->second.nodes;
+ for (vector<MatchExpression*>::const_iterator itVec = nodes.begin();
+ itVec != nodes.end();
+ ++itVec) {
+ if ((*itVec)->matchType() == type) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
return false;
@@ -181,147 +157,98 @@ namespace mongo {
return soln.release();
- /**
- * Provides elements from the power set of possible indices to use. Uses the available
- * predicate information to make better decisions about what indices are best.
- *
- * TODO: Use stats about indices.
- * TODO: Use predicate information.
- */
- class PlanEnumerator {
- public:
- class OutputTag : public MatchExpression::TagData {
- public:
- OutputTag(size_t i) : index(i) { }
- virtual ~OutputTag() { }
- virtual void debugString(StringBuilder* builder) const {
- *builder << " || Selected Index #" << index;
- }
- // What index should we try to use for this leaf?
- size_t index;
- };
- /**
- * Internal tag used to explore what indices to use for a leaf node.
- */
- class EnumeratorTag : public MatchExpression::TagData {
- public:
- EnumeratorTag(const PredicateInfo* p) : pred(p), nextIndexToUse(0) { }
- virtual ~EnumeratorTag() { }
- virtual void debugString(StringBuilder* builder) const {
- *builder << " || Relevant Indices:";
- for (set<RelevantIndex>::const_iterator it = pred->relevant.begin();
- it != pred->relevant.end(); ++it) {
- *builder << " #" << it->index << " ";
- if (RelevantIndex::FIRST == it->relevance) {
- *builder << "[prefix]";
- }
- else {
- verify(RelevantIndex::NOT_FIRST == it->relevance);
- *builder << "[not-prefix]";
- }
- }
- }
- // Not owned here.
- const PredicateInfo* pred;
- size_t nextIndexToUse;
- };
- // TODO: This is inefficient. We could create the tagged tree as part of the PredicateMap
- // construction.
- void tag(MatchExpression* node) {
- StringData path = node->path();
+ // TODO: Document when this settles
+ struct FilterInfo {
+ MatchExpression* filterNode;
+ size_t currChild;
+ FilterInfo(MatchExpression* f, int c) : filterNode(f), currChild(c) {}
+ };
- if (!path.empty()) {
+ // TODO: Document when this settles
+ QuerySolution* makeIndexedPath(const CanonicalQuery& query,
+ const vector<BSONObj>& indexKeyPatterns,
+ MatchExpression* filter) {
- for (PredicateMap::const_iterator it = _pm.find(path.toString()); _pm.end() != it;
- ++it) {
+ auto_ptr<QuerySolution> soln(new QuerySolution());
- if (it->second.type == node->matchType()) {
- EnumeratorTag* td = new EnumeratorTag(&it->second);
- node->setTag(td);
- _taggedLeaves.push_back(node);
- break;
- }
+ // We'll build a tree of solutions nodes as we traverse the filter. For
+ // now, we're not generating multi-index solutions, so we can hold on to a
+ // single node here.
+ IndexScanNode* isn = new IndexScanNode();
+ // We'll do a post order traversal of the filter, which is a n-ary tree. We descend the
+ // tree keeping track of which child is next to visit.
+ std::stack<FilterInfo> filterNodes;
+ FilterInfo rootFilter(filter, 0);
+ filterNodes.push(rootFilter);
+ while (!filterNodes.empty()) {
+ FilterInfo& fi =;
+ MatchExpression* filterNode = fi.filterNode;
+ size_t& currChild = fi.currChild;
+ if (filterNode->numChildren() == currChild) {
+ // Visit leaf or node. If we find an index tag, we compute the bounds and
+ // fill up the index information on the current IXScan node.
+ IndexTag* indexTag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(filterNode->getTag());
+ bool exactBounds = false;
+ if (indexTag != NULL) {
+ isn->indexKeyPattern = indexKeyPatterns[indexTag->index];
+ // We assume that this is in the same direction of the index. We may later
+ // change our minds if the query requires sorting in the opposite
+ // direction. But, right now, the direction of traversal is not in
+ // question.
+ isn->direction = 1;
+ // TODO: handle combining oils if this is not the first predicate we'eve
+ // seen for this field.
+ // TODO: handle compound indexes
+ OrderedIntervalList oil(filterNode->path().toString());
+ IndexBoundsBuilder::translate(
+ static_cast<LeafMatchExpression*>(filterNode),
+ isn->indexKeyPattern.firstElement(),
+ &oil,
+ &exactBounds);
+ // TODO: union or intersect oils
+ // It can be the case that this is not the first "oil" for a given
+ // field. That is, there are several predicates agains a same field which
+ // happens to have a useful index. In that case, we may need to combine
+ // oils in a "larger" bound to accomodate all the predicates.
+ vector<OrderedIntervalList>& fields = isn->bounds.fields;
+ fields.push_back(oil);
- }
- // XXX Do we do this if the node is logical, or if it's array, or both?
- for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
- tag(const_cast<MatchExpression*>(node->getChild(i)));
+ // TODO: possibly trim redundant MatchExpressions nodes
+ // It can be the case that the bounds for a query will only return exact
+ // results (as opposed to just limiting the index range in which the results
+ // lie). When results are exact, we don't need to retest them and thus such
+ // nodes can be eliminated from the filter. Note that some non-leaf nodes
+ // (e.g. and's, or's) may be left with single children and can therefore be
+ // eliminated as well.
+ isn->filter = filterNode;
+ // TODO: Multiple IXScans nodes in a solution
+ // If this is not the first index tag found, then we add another IXScan node to
+ // the queryNodes stack and start using $or and $ands in the filter expession
+ // to tie the IXScan together into a tree of QuerySolutionNode's.
+ filterNodes.pop();
- }
- vector<MatchExpression*> _taggedLeaves;
- /**
- * Does not take ownership of any arguments. They must outlive any calls to getNext(...).
- */
- PlanEnumerator(const CanonicalQuery* cq, const PredicateMap* pm,
- const vector<BSONObj>* indices)
- : _cq(*cq), _pm(*pm), _indices(*indices) {
- // Copy the query tree.
- // TODO: have a MatchExpression::copy function(?)
- StatusWithMatchExpression swme = MatchExpressionParser::parse(cq->getQueryObj());
- verify(swme.isOK());
- _taggedTree.reset(swme.getValue());
- // Walk the query tree and tag with possible indices
- tag(_taggedTree.get());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size(); ++i) {
- cout << "Index #" << i << ": " << (*indices)[i].toString() << endl;
+ else {
+ // Continue the traversal.
+ FilterInfo fiChild(filterNode->getChild(currChild), 0);
+ filterNodes.push(fiChild);
+ currChild++;
- cout << "Tagged tree: " << _taggedTree->toString() << endl;
- }
- /**
- * Outputs a possible plan. Leaves in the plan are tagged with an index to use.
- * Returns true if a plan was outputted, false if no more plans will be outputted.
- *
- * 'tree' is set to point to the query tree. A QuerySolution is built from this tree.
- * Caller owns the pointer. Note that 'tree' itself points into data owned by the provided
- * CanonicalQuery.
- *
- * Nodes in 'tree' are tagged with indices that should be used to answer the tagged nodes.
- * Only nodes that have a field name (isLogical() == false) will be tagged.
- */
- bool getNext(MatchExpression** tree) {
- // Clone tree
- // MatchExpression* ret = _taggedTree->shallowClone();
- // Walk over cloned tree and tagged tree. Select indices out of tagged tree and mark
- // the cloned tree.
- // *tree = ret;
- // return true;
- return false;
- private:
- // Not owned by us.
- const CanonicalQuery& _cq;
- // Not owned by us.
- const PredicateMap& _pm;
- // Not owned by us.
- const vector<BSONObj>& _indices;
- scoped_ptr<MatchExpression> _taggedTree;
- };
+ soln->root.reset(isn);
+ return soln.release();
+ }
// static
void QueryPlanner::plan(const CanonicalQuery& query, const vector<BSONObj>& indexKeyPatterns,
@@ -367,8 +294,11 @@ namespace mongo {
vector<BSONObj> relevantIndices;
findRelevantIndices(predicates, indexKeyPatterns, &relevantIndices);
- // No indices, no work to do.
- if (0 == relevantIndices.size()) { return; }
+ // No indices, no work to do other than emitting the collection scan plan.
+ if (0 == relevantIndices.size()) {
+ out->push_back(makeCollectionScan(query, false));
+ return;
+ }
// Figure out how useful each index is to each predicate.
rateIndices(relevantIndices, &predicates);
@@ -377,22 +307,24 @@ namespace mongo {
// Planner Section 2: Use predicate/index data to output sets of indices that we can use.
- PlanEnumerator isp(&query, &predicates, &relevantIndices);
+ PlanEnumerator isp(query.root(), &predicates, &relevantIndices);
+ isp.init();
MatchExpression* rawTree;
while (isp.getNext(&rawTree)) {
- QuerySolutionNode* solutionRoot = NULL;
// Planner Section 3: Logical Rewrite. Use the index selection and the tree structure
// to try to rewrite the tree. TODO: Do this for real. We treat the tree as static.
+ QuerySolution* soln = makeIndexedPath(query, indexKeyPatterns, rawTree);
// Planner Section 4: Covering. If we're projecting, See if we get any covering from
// this plan. If not, add a fetch.
if (!query.getParsed().getProj().isEmpty()) {
warning() << "Can't deal with proj yet" << endl;
@@ -401,9 +333,10 @@ namespace mongo {
- // Planner Section 5: Sort. If we're sorting, see if the plan gives us a sort for free.
- // If not, add a sort.
+ // Planner Section 5: Sort. If we're sorting, see if the plan gives us a sort for
+ // free. If not, add a sort.
if (!query.getParsed().getSort().isEmpty()) {
else {
@@ -416,10 +349,8 @@ namespace mongo {
// TODO: Validate.
- if (NULL != solutionRoot) {
- QuerySolution* qs = new QuerySolution();
- qs->root.reset(solutionRoot);
- out->push_back(qs);
+ if (NULL != soln) {
+ out->push_back(soln);