path: root/src/mongo/db/query
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query')
13 files changed, 1221 insertions, 1024 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
index a24cff08f2f..d33794340fe 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_solution.h
@@ -1396,15 +1396,15 @@ struct GroupNode : public QuerySolutionNode {
shouldProduceBson(shouldProduceBson) {
// Use the DepsTracker to extract the fields that the 'groupByExpression' and accumulator
// expressions depend on.
- for (auto& groupByExprField : expression::getDependencies(groupByExpression.get()).fields) {
- requiredFields.insert(groupByExprField);
- }
+ DepsTracker deps;
+ expression::addDependencies(groupByExpression.get(), &deps);
for (auto&& acc : accumulators) {
- auto argExpr = acc.expr.argument;
- for (auto& argExprField : expression::getDependencies(argExpr.get()).fields) {
- requiredFields.insert(argExprField);
- }
+ expression::addDependencies(acc.expr.argument.get(), &deps);
+ requiredFields = deps.fields;
+ needWholeDocument = deps.needWholeDocument;
+ needsAnyMetadata = deps.getNeedsAnyMetadata();
StageType getType() const override {
@@ -1438,7 +1438,9 @@ struct GroupNode : public QuerySolutionNode {
// Carries the fields this GroupNode depends on. Namely, 'requiredFields' contains the union of
// the fields in the 'groupByExpressions' and the fields in the input Expressions of the
// 'accumulators'.
- StringSet requiredFields;
+ OrderedPathSet requiredFields;
+ bool needWholeDocument = false;
+ bool needsAnyMetadata = false;
// If set to true, generated SBE plan will produce result as BSON object. If false,
// 'sbe::Object' is produced instead.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_shard_filter_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_shard_filter_test.cpp
index 82585905f6e..a5d49bf4849 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_shard_filter_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_shard_filter_test.cpp
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ TEST_F(SbeShardFilterTest, MissingFieldsAtBottomDottedPathFilledCorrectly) {
TEST_F(SbeShardFilterTest, CoveredShardFilterPlan) {
auto indexKeyPattern = BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "c" << 1 << "d" << 1);
- auto projection = BSON("a" << 1 << "c" << 1);
+ auto projection = BSON("a" << 1 << "c" << 1 << "_id" << 0);
auto mockedIndexKeys =
std::vector<BSONArray>{BSON_ARRAY(BSON("a" << 2 << "b" << 2 << "c" << 2 << "d" << 2)),
BSON_ARRAY(BSON("a" << 3 << "b" << 3 << "c" << 3 << "d" << 3))};
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
index ce8344a0d36..a196821e3dc 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.cpp
@@ -84,129 +84,9 @@
#define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kQuery
namespace mongo::stage_builder {
namespace {
- * For covered projections, each of the projection field paths represent respective index key. To
- * rehydrate index keys into the result object, we first need to convert projection AST into
- * 'IndexKeyPatternTreeNode' structure. Context structure and visitors below are used for this
- * purpose.
- */
-struct IndexKeysBuilderContext {
- // Contains resulting tree of index keys converted from projection AST.
- IndexKeyPatternTreeNode root;
- // Full field path of the currently visited projection node.
- std::vector<StringData> currentFieldPath;
- // Each projection node has a vector of field names. This stack contains indexes of the
- // currently visited field names for each of the projection nodes.
- std::vector<size_t> currentFieldIndex;
- * Covered projections are always inclusion-only, so we ban all other operators.
- */
-class IndexKeysBuilder : public projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstVisitor {
- using projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstVisitor::visit;
- IndexKeysBuilder(IndexKeysBuilderContext* context) : _context{context} {}
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPositionalASTNode* node) final {
- tasserted(5474501, "Positional projection is not allowed in covered projection");
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionSliceASTNode* node) final {
- tasserted(5474502, "$slice is not allowed in covered projection");
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionElemMatchASTNode* node) final {
- tasserted(5474503, "$elemMatch is not allowed in covered projection");
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::ExpressionASTNode* node) final {
- tasserted(5474504, "Expressions are not allowed in covered projection");
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::MatchExpressionASTNode* node) final {
- tasserted(5474505,
- "$elemMatch and positional projection are not allowed in covered projection");
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::BooleanConstantASTNode* node) override {}
- IndexKeysBuilderContext* _context;
-class IndexKeysPreBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
- using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
- using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
- _context->currentFieldIndex.push_back(0);
- _context->currentFieldPath.emplace_back(node->fieldNames().front());
- }
-class IndexKeysInBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
- using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
- using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
- auto& currentIndex = _context->currentFieldIndex.back();
- currentIndex++;
- _context->currentFieldPath.back() = node->fieldNames()[currentIndex];
- }
-class IndexKeysPostBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
- using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
- using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
- void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
- _context->currentFieldIndex.pop_back();
- _context->currentFieldPath.pop_back();
- }
- void visit(const projection_ast::BooleanConstantASTNode* constantNode) final {
- if (!constantNode->value()) {
- // Even though only inclusion is allowed in covered projection, there still can be
- // {_id: 0} component. We do not need to generate any nodes for it.
- return;
- }
- // Insert current field path into the index keys tree if it does not exist yet.
- auto* node = &_context->root;
- for (const auto& part : _context->currentFieldPath) {
- if (auto it = node->children.find(part); it != node->children.end()) {
- node = it->second.get();
- } else {
- node = node->emplace(part);
- }
- }
- }
-sbe::value::SlotVector getSlotsToForward(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, const PlanStageSlots& outputs) {
- std::vector<std::pair<StringData, sbe::value::SlotId>> pairs;
- outputs.forEachSlot(
- reqs, [&](auto&& slot, const StringData& name) { pairs.emplace_back(name, slot); });
- std::sort(pairs.begin(), pairs.end());
- auto outputSlots = sbe::makeSV();
- for (auto&& p : pairs) {
- outputSlots.emplace_back(p.second);
- }
- return outputSlots;
* Generates an EOF plan. Note that even though this plan will return nothing, it will still define
* the slots specified by 'reqs'.
@@ -271,6 +151,26 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::RuntimeEnvironment> makeRuntimeEnvironment(
return env;
+sbe::value::SlotVector getSlotsToForward(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
+ const PlanStageSlots& outputs,
+ const sbe::value::SlotVector& exclude) {
+ auto excludeSet = sbe::value::SlotSet{exclude.begin(), exclude.end()};
+ std::vector<std::pair<PlanStageSlots::Name, sbe::value::SlotId>> pairs;
+ outputs.forEachSlot(reqs, [&](auto&& slot, const PlanStageSlots::Name& name) {
+ if (!excludeSet.count(slot)) {
+ pairs.emplace_back(name, slot);
+ }
+ });
+ std::sort(pairs.begin(), pairs.end());
+ auto outputSlots = sbe::makeSV();
+ for (auto&& p : pairs) {
+ outputSlots.emplace_back(p.second);
+ }
+ return outputSlots;
void prepareSlotBasedExecutableTree(OperationContext* opCtx,
sbe::PlanStage* root,
PlanStageData* data,
@@ -524,22 +424,22 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> SlotBasedStageBuilder::build(const QuerySolution
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildCollScan(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023400, "buildCollScan() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
+ auto fields = reqs.getFields();
auto csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(root);
auto [stage, outputs] = generateCollScan(_state,
+ fields,
if (reqs.has(kReturnKey)) {
// Assign the 'returnKeySlot' to be the empty object.
outputs.set(kReturnKey, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
- stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(std::move(stage),
- root->nodeId(),
- outputs.get(kReturnKey),
- sbe::makeE<sbe::EFunction>("newObj", sbe::makeEs()));
+ stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(
+ std::move(stage), root->nodeId(), outputs.get(kReturnKey), makeFunction("newObj"_sd));
// Don't advertize the RecordId output if none of our ancestors are going to use it.
if (!reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
@@ -552,12 +452,20 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildVirtualScan(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
using namespace std::literals;
auto vsn = static_cast<const VirtualScanNode*>(root);
- // The caller should only have requested components of the index key if the virtual scan is
- // mocking an index scan.
- if (vsn->scanType == VirtualScanNode::ScanType::kCollScan) {
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
- }
+ auto reqKeys = reqs.getKeys();
+ // The caller should only request kKey slots if the virtual scan is mocking an index scan.
+ tassert(6023401,
+ "buildVirtualScan() does not support kKey when 'scanType' is not ixscan",
+ vsn->scanType == VirtualScanNode::ScanType::kIxscan || reqKeys.empty());
+ tassert(6023423,
+ "buildVirtualScan() does not support dotted paths for kKey slots",
+ std::all_of(reqKeys.begin(), reqKeys.end(), [](auto&& s) {
+ return s.find('.') == std::string::npos;
+ }));
auto [inputTag, inputVal] = sbe::value::makeNewArray();
sbe::value::ValueGuard inputGuard{inputTag, inputVal};
@@ -572,7 +480,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
- auto [scanSlots, stage] =
+ auto [scanSlots, scanStage] =
generateVirtualScanMulti(&_slotIdGenerator, vsn->hasRecordId ? 2 : 1, inputTag, inputVal);
sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot;
@@ -586,41 +494,27 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
PlanStageSlots outputs;
- if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
+ if (reqs.has(kResult) || reqs.hasFields()) {
outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
- } else if (reqs.getIndexKeyBitset()) {
- // The caller wanted individual slots for certain components of a mock index scan. Use a
- // project stage to produce those slots. Since the test will represent index keys as BSON
- // objects, we use 'getField' expressions to extract the necessary fields.
- invariant(!vsn->indexKeyPattern.isEmpty());
- sbe::value::SlotVector indexKeySlots;
- sbe::value::SlotMap<std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>> projections;
- size_t indexKeyPos = 0;
- for (auto&& field : vsn->indexKeyPattern) {
- if (reqs.getIndexKeyBitset()->test(indexKeyPos)) {
- indexKeySlots.push_back(_slotIdGenerator.generate());
- projections.emplace(indexKeySlots.back(),
- makeFunction("getField"_sd,
- sbe::makeE<sbe::EVariable>(resultSlot),
- makeConstant(field.fieldName())));
- }
- ++indexKeyPos;
- }
- stage =
- sbe::makeS<sbe::ProjectStage>(std::move(stage), std::move(projections), root->nodeId());
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(indexKeySlots);
if (reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
invariant(scanSlots.size() == 2);
outputs.set(kRecordId, scanSlots[0]);
+ auto stage = std::move(scanStage);
+ // The caller wants individual slots for certain components of the mock index scan. Retrieve
+ // the values for these paths and project them to slots.
+ auto [projectStage, slots] = projectTopLevelFields(
+ std::move(stage), reqKeys, resultSlot, root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ stage = std::move(projectStage);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < reqKeys.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, std::move(reqKeys[i])), slots[i]);
+ }
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -629,17 +523,35 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(root);
invariant(reqs.has(kReturnKey) || !ixn->addKeyMetadata);
- sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet indexKeyBitset;
+ auto reqKeys = reqs.getKeys();
+ auto reqKeysSet = StringDataSet{reqKeys.begin(), reqKeys.end()};
- if (reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey) || reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kResult)) {
- // If either 'reqs.result' or 'reqs.returnKey' is true, we need to get all parts of the
- // index key (regardless of what was requested by 'reqs.indexKeyBitset') so that we can
- // create the inflated index key (keyExpr).
- for (int i = 0; i < ixn->index.keyPattern.nFields(); ++i) {
- indexKeyBitset.set(i);
+ std::vector<StringData> keys;
+ sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet keysBitset;
+ StringDataSet indexKeyPatternSet;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (const auto& elt : ixn->index.keyPattern) {
+ StringData name = elt.fieldNameStringData();
+ indexKeyPatternSet.emplace(name);
+ if (reqKeysSet.count(name)) {
+ keysBitset.set(i);
+ keys.emplace_back(name);
- } else if (reqs.getIndexKeyBitset()) {
- indexKeyBitset = *reqs.getIndexKeyBitset();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ auto additionalKeys =
+ filterVector(reqKeys, [&](const std::string& s) { return !indexKeyPatternSet.count(s); });
+ sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet indexKeyBitset;
+ if (reqs.has(kReturnKey) || reqs.has(kResult) || reqs.hasFields()) {
+ // If either 'reqs.result' or 'reqs.returnKey' or 'reqs.hasFields()' is true, we need to
+ // get all parts of the index key so that we can create the inflated index key.
+ for (int j = 0; j < ixn->index.keyPattern.nFields(); ++j) {
+ indexKeyBitset.set(j);
+ }
+ } else {
+ indexKeyBitset = keysBitset;
// If the slots necessary for performing an index consistency check were not requested in
@@ -652,28 +564,32 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
const auto generateIndexScanFunc =
ixn->iets.empty() ? generateIndexScan : generateIndexScanWithDynamicBounds;
- auto&& [stage, outputs] = generateIndexScanFunc(_state,
- getCurrentCollection(reqs),
- ixn,
- indexKeyBitset,
- _yieldPolicy,
- iamMap,
- reqs.has(kIndexKeyPattern));
+ auto&& [scanStage, scanOutputs] = generateIndexScanFunc(_state,
+ getCurrentCollection(reqs),
+ ixn,
+ indexKeyBitset,
+ _yieldPolicy,
+ iamMap,
+ reqs.has(kIndexKeyPattern));
+ auto stage = std::move(scanStage);
+ auto outputs = std::move(scanOutputs);
// Remove the RecordId from the output if we were not requested to produce it.
if (!reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kRecordId) && outputs.has(kRecordId)) {
- if (reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey)) {
- sbe::EExpression::Vector mkObjArgs;
- size_t i = 0;
+ if (reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey)) {
+ sbe::EExpression::Vector args;
for (auto&& elem : ixn->index.keyPattern) {
- mkObjArgs.emplace_back(sbe::makeE<sbe::EConstant>(elem.fieldNameStringData()));
- mkObjArgs.emplace_back(sbe::makeE<sbe::EVariable>((*outputs.getIndexKeySlots())[i++]));
+ StringData name = elem.fieldNameStringData();
+ args.emplace_back(sbe::makeE<sbe::EConstant>(name));
+ args.emplace_back(
+ makeVariable(outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, name))));
- auto rawKeyExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::EFunction>("newObj", std::move(mkObjArgs));
+ auto rawKeyExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::EFunction>("newObj"_sd, std::move(args));
outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(std::move(stage),
@@ -681,25 +597,30 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
- if (reqs.has(PlanStageSlots::kResult)) {
- outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kResult, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
- stage = rehydrateIndexKey(std::move(stage),
- ixn->index.keyPattern,
- ixn->nodeId(),
- *outputs.getIndexKeySlots(),
- outputs.get(PlanStageSlots::kResult));
+ if (reqs.has(kResult) || reqs.hasFields()) {
+ auto indexKeySlots = sbe::makeSV();
+ for (auto&& elem : ixn->index.keyPattern) {
+ StringData name = elem.fieldNameStringData();
+ indexKeySlots.emplace_back(outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, name)));
+ }
+ auto resultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
+ stage = rehydrateIndexKey(
+ std::move(stage), ixn->index.keyPattern, ixn->nodeId(), indexKeySlots, resultSlot);
- if (reqs.getIndexKeyBitset()) {
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(
- makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(ixn->index.keyPattern,
- *reqs.getIndexKeyBitset(),
- indexKeyBitset,
- *outputs.getIndexKeySlots()));
- } else {
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(boost::none);
+ auto [outStage, nothingSlots] = projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::move(stage), additionalKeys.size(), root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ stage = std::move(outStage);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < additionalKeys.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, std::move(additionalKeys[i])),
+ nothingSlots[i]);
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -838,9 +759,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generatePerColumnFilterExpr(StageBuilderState&
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildColumnScan(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- tassert(6312404,
- "Unexpected index key bitset provided for column scan stage",
- !reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023403, "buildColumnScan() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto csn = static_cast<const ColumnIndexScanNode*>(root);
@@ -976,19 +895,22 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
auto fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(root);
- // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this FetchNode, except for
- // 'resultSlot' which will be produced by the call to makeLoopJoinForFetch() below. In addition
- // to that, the child must always produce a 'recordIdSlot' because it's needed for the call to
- // makeLoopJoinForFetch() below.
+ // The child must produce a kRecordId slot, as well as all the kMeta and kKey slots required
+ // by the parent of this FetchNode except for 'resultSlot'. Note that the child does _not_
+ // need to produce any kField slots. Any kField requests by the parent will be handled by the
+ // logic below.
+ auto child = fn->children[0].get();
auto childReqs = reqs.copy()
+ .clearAllFields()
- auto [stage, outputs] = build(fn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
+ auto [stage, outputs] = build(child, childReqs);
auto iamMap = _data.iamMap;
uassert(4822880, "RecordId slot is not defined", outputs.has(kRecordId));
@@ -999,44 +921,48 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
uassert(5290711, "Index key slot is not defined", outputs.has(kIndexKey));
uassert(5113713, "Index key pattern slot is not defined", outputs.has(kIndexKeyPattern));
- auto forwardingReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).clear(kRecordId);
+ auto forwardingReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).clear(kRecordId).clearAllFields();
auto relevantSlots = getSlotsToForward(forwardingReqs, outputs);
- // Forward slots for components of the index key if our parent requested them.
- if (auto indexKeySlots = outputs.getIndexKeySlots()) {
- relevantSlots.insert(relevantSlots.end(), indexKeySlots->begin(), indexKeySlots->end());
- }
- sbe::value::SlotId fetchResultSlot, fetchRecordIdSlot;
- std::tie(fetchResultSlot, fetchRecordIdSlot, stage) =
- makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::move(stage),
- outputs.get(kRecordId),
- outputs.get(kSnapshotId),
- outputs.get(kIndexId),
- outputs.get(kIndexKey),
- outputs.get(kIndexKeyPattern),
- getCurrentCollection(reqs),
- std::move(iamMap),
- root->nodeId(),
- std::move(relevantSlots),
- _slotIdGenerator);
+ auto fields = reqs.getFields();
+ auto childRecordId = outputs.get(kRecordId);
+ auto fetchResultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ auto fetchRecordIdSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ auto fieldSlots = _slotIdGenerator.generateMultiple(fields.size());
+ stage = makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::move(stage),
+ fetchResultSlot,
+ fetchRecordIdSlot,
+ fields,
+ fieldSlots,
+ childRecordId,
+ outputs.get(kSnapshotId),
+ outputs.get(kIndexId),
+ outputs.get(kIndexKey),
+ outputs.get(kIndexKeyPattern),
+ getCurrentCollection(reqs),
+ std::move(iamMap),
+ root->nodeId(),
+ std::move(relevantSlots));
outputs.set(kResult, fetchResultSlot);
- // Propagate the RecordId output only if requested.
+ // Only propagate kRecordId if requested.
if (reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
outputs.set(kRecordId, fetchRecordIdSlot);
} else {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, fields[i]), fieldSlots[i]);
+ }
if (fn->filter) {
forwardingReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
- auto relevantSlots = getSlotsToForward(forwardingReqs, outputs);
- // Forward slots for components of the index key if our parent requested them.
- if (auto indexKeySlots = outputs.getIndexKeySlots()) {
- relevantSlots.insert(relevantSlots.end(), indexKeySlots->begin(), indexKeySlots->end());
- }
+ auto relevantSlots = getSlotsToForward(forwardingReqs, outputs);
auto [_, outputStage] = generateFilter(_state,
@@ -1046,6 +972,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
stage = outputStage.extractStage(root->nodeId());
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -1197,22 +1125,12 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
sortPattern.size() > 0);
auto child = sn->children[0].get();
- if (reqs.getIndexKeyBitset().has_value() ||
- (!reqs.has(kResult) && child->getType() == STAGE_IXSCAN)) {
- // We decide to IndexKeySlots when building the child if:
- // 1) The query is covered; or
- // 2) This is a SORT->IXSCAN and kResult wasn't requested.
+ if (auto [ixn, ct] = getFirstNodeByType(root, STAGE_IXSCAN);
+ !sn->fetched() && !reqs.has(kResult) && ixn && ct == 1) {
return buildSortCovered(root, reqs);
- // The child must produce the kResult slot as well as all slots required by the parent of
- // this SortNode.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
- auto [stage, outputs] = build(child, childReqs);
- auto collatorSlot = _data.env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd);
StringDataSet prefixSet;
bool hasPartsWithCommonPrefix = false;
for (const auto& part : sortPattern) {
@@ -1226,14 +1144,18 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
+ auto [stage, childOutputs] = build(child, childReqs);
+ auto outputs = std::move(childOutputs);
+ auto collatorSlot = _data.env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd);
sbe::value::SlotVector orderBy;
std::vector<sbe::value::SortDirection> direction;
sbe::value::SlotId outputSlotId = outputs.get(kResult);
if (!hasPartsWithCommonPrefix) {
// Handle the case where we are using kResult and there are no common prefixes.
- sbe::value::SlotMap<std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>> projectMap;
// Sorting has a limitation where only one of the sort patterns can involve arrays.
@@ -1329,8 +1251,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
- auto collatorSlot = _data.env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd);
// generateSortKey() will handle the parallel arrays check and sort key traversal for us,
// so we don't need to generate our own sort key traversal logic in the SBE plan.
stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(std::move(stage),
@@ -1347,7 +1267,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// Slots for sort stage to forward to parent stage. Values in these slots are not used during
// sorting.
- auto forwardedSlots = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
+ auto forwardedSlots = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs, orderBy);
stage =
@@ -1359,52 +1279,40 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSortCovered(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
+ tassert(6023404, "buildSortCovered() does not support kResult", !reqs.has(kResult));
const auto sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(root);
auto sortPattern = SortPattern{sn->pattern, _cq.getExpCtx()};
"QueryPlannerAnalysis should not produce a SortNode with an empty sort pattern",
sortPattern.size() > 0);
+ tassert(6023422, "buildSortCovered() expected 'sn' to not be fetched", !sn->fetched());
- // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this SortNode.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy();
auto child = sn->children[0].get();
- auto parentIndexKeyBitset = reqs.getIndexKeyBitset().get_value_or({});
- BSONObj indexKeyPattern;
- sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet sortPatternKeyBitset;
- StringMap<size_t> sortSlotPosMap;
- // Set IndexKeyBitset to request each part of the index requested by the parent and to request
- // each part of the sort pattern.
auto indexScan = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(getLoneNodeByType(child, STAGE_IXSCAN));
tassert(7047601, "Expected index scan below sort", indexScan);
- indexKeyPattern = indexScan->index.keyPattern;
+ auto indexKeyPattern = indexScan->index.keyPattern;
+ // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this SortNode.
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy();
+ std::vector<std::string> keys;
StringDataSet sortPathsSet;
for (const auto& part : sortPattern) {
- sortPathsSet.insert(part.fieldPath->fullPath());
+ const auto& key = part.fieldPath->fullPath();
+ keys.emplace_back(key);
+ sortPathsSet.emplace(key);
- // 'sortPatternKeyBitset' will contain a bit pattern indicating which parts of the index
- // pattern are needed for sorting. 'sortPaths' will contain the field paths used in the
- // sort pattern, ordered according to the index pattern.
- std::vector<std::string> sortPaths;
- std::tie(sortPatternKeyBitset, sortPaths) =
- makeIndexKeyInclusionSet(indexKeyPattern, sortPathsSet);
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = sortPatternKeyBitset | parentIndexKeyBitset;
- // Build a map that maps each field path to its position in 'sortPaths'. This will help us
- // later when we need to convert the output of makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs()
- // from the index pattern's order to sort pattern's order.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sortPaths.size(); ++i) {
- sortSlotPosMap.emplace(std::move(sortPaths[i]), i);
- }
+ childReqs.setKeys(std::move(keys));
auto [stage, outputs] = build(child, childReqs);
@@ -1412,26 +1320,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
sbe::value::SlotVector orderBy;
std::vector<sbe::value::SortDirection> direction;
- // Handle the case where we are using IndexKeySlots.
- auto indexKeySlots = *outputs.extractIndexKeySlots();
- // Currently, 'indexKeySlots' contains slots for two kinds of index keys:
- // 1. Keys requested for sort pattern
- // 2. Keys requested by parent (if any)
- // The first category of slots needs to go into the 'orderBy' vector. The second category
- // of slots goes into 'outputs' to be used by the parent.
- auto& childIndexKeyBitset = *childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset();
- // The query planner does not support covered queries or SORT->IXSCAN plans on array fields
- // for multikey indexes. Therefore we don't have to generate the parallel arrays check or
- // the sort key traversal logic.
- auto sortIndexKeySlots = makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(
- indexKeyPattern, sortPatternKeyBitset, childIndexKeyBitset, indexKeySlots);
- // 'sortIndexKeySlots' is ordered according to the index pattern, but 'orderBy' needs to
- // be ordered according to the sort pattern. We use 'sortIndexKeySlots' to convert from
- // the index pattern's order to the sort pattern's order.
for (const auto& part : sortPattern) {
@@ -1439,19 +1327,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// contains $meta, so this assertion should always be true.
tassert(7047602, "Sort with $meta is not supported in SBE", part.fieldPath);
- auto it = sortSlotPosMap.find(part.fieldPath->fullPath());
- tassert(6843200,
- str::stream() << "Did not find sort path '" << part.fieldPath->fullPath()
- << "' in sort path map",
- it != sortSlotPosMap.end());
- auto slotPos = it->second;
- tassert(6843201,
- str::stream() << "Sort path map for '" << part.fieldPath->fullPath()
- << "' returned an index '" << slotPos << "' that is out of bounds",
- slotPos < sortIndexKeySlots.size());
- orderBy.push_back(sortIndexKeySlots[slotPos]);
+ orderBy.push_back(
+ outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, part.fieldPath->fullPath())));
direction.push_back(part.isAscending ? sbe::value::SortDirection::Ascending
: sbe::value::SortDirection::Descending);
@@ -1478,24 +1355,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// Slots for sort stage to forward to parent stage. Values in these slots are not used during
// sorting.
- auto forwardedSlots = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
- if (parentIndexKeyBitset.any()) {
- auto parentIndexKeySlots = makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(
- indexKeyPattern, parentIndexKeyBitset, childIndexKeyBitset, indexKeySlots);
- // The 'forwardedSlots' vector should include all slots requested by parent excluding
- // any slots that appear in the 'orderBy' vector.
- sbe::value::SlotSet orderBySlotsSet(orderBy.begin(), orderBy.end());
- for (auto slot : parentIndexKeySlots) {
- if (!orderBySlotsSet.count(slot)) {
- forwardedSlots.push_back(slot);
- }
- }
- // Make sure to store all of the slots requested by the parent into 'outputs'.
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(std::move(parentIndexKeySlots));
- }
+ auto forwardedSlots = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs, orderBy);
stage =
@@ -1507,11 +1367,13 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
-SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSortKeyGeneraror(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
+SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSortKeyGenerator(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
uasserted(4822883, "Sort key generator in not supported in SBE yet");
@@ -1534,64 +1396,21 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
std::vector<sbe::value::SlotVector> inputKeys;
std::vector<sbe::value::SlotVector> inputVals;
- // Children must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this SortMergeNode. In
- // addition, children must always produce a 'recordIdSlot' if the 'dedup' flag is true.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().setIf(kRecordId, mergeSortNode->dedup);
+ std::vector<std::string> keys;
+ StringSet sortPatternSet;
+ for (auto&& sortPart : sortPattern) {
+ sortPatternSet.emplace(sortPart.fieldPath->fullPath());
+ keys.emplace_back(sortPart.fieldPath->fullPath());
+ }
- // If a parent node has requested an index key bitset, then we will produce index keys
- // corresponding to the sort pattern parts needed by said parent node.
- bool parentRequestsIdxKeys = reqs.getIndexKeyBitset().has_value();
+ // Children must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this SortMergeNode. In
+ // addition, children must always produce a 'recordIdSlot' if the 'dedup' flag is true, and
+ // they must produce kKey slots for each part of the sort pattern.
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().setIf(kRecordId, mergeSortNode->dedup).setKeys(std::move(keys));
for (auto&& child : mergeSortNode->children) {
sbe::value::SlotVector inputKeysForChild;
- // Retrieve the sort pattern provided by the subtree rooted at 'child'. In particular, if
- // our child is a MERGE_SORT, it will provide the sort directly. If instead it's a tree
- // containing a lone IXSCAN, we have to check the key pattern because 'providedSorts()' may
- // or may not provide the baseSortPattern depending on the index bounds (in particular,
- // if the bounds are fixed, the fields will be marked as 'ignored'). Otherwise, we attempt
- // to retrieve it from 'providedSorts'.
- auto childSortPattern = [&]() {
- if (auto [msn, _] = getFirstNodeByType(child.get(), STAGE_SORT_MERGE); msn) {
- auto node = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(msn);
- return node->sort;
- } else {
- auto [ixn, ct] = getFirstNodeByType(child.get(), STAGE_IXSCAN);
- if (ixn && ct == 1) {
- auto node = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(ixn);
- return node->index.keyPattern;
- }
- }
- auto baseSort = child->providedSorts().getBaseSortPattern();
- tassert(6149600,
- str::stream() << "Did not find sort pattern for child " << child->toString(),
- !baseSort.isEmpty());
- return baseSort;
- }();
- // Map of field name to position within the index key. This is used to account for
- // mismatches between the sort pattern and the index key pattern. For instance, suppose
- // the requested sort is {a: 1, b: 1} and the index key pattern is {c: 1, b: 1, a: 1}.
- // When the slots for the relevant components of the index key are generated (i.e.
- // extract keys for 'b' and 'a'), we wish to insert them into 'inputKeys' in the order
- // that they appear in the sort pattern.
- StringMap<size_t> indexKeyPositionMap;
- sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet indexKeyBitset;
- size_t i = 0;
- for (auto&& elt : childSortPattern) {
- for (auto&& sortPart : sortPattern) {
- auto path = sortPart.fieldPath->fullPath();
- if (elt.fieldNameStringData() == path) {
- indexKeyBitset.set(i);
- indexKeyPositionMap.emplace(path, indexKeyPositionMap.size());
- break;
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = indexKeyBitset;
// Children must produce a 'resultSlot' if they produce fetched results.
auto [stage, outputs] = build(child.get(), childReqs);
@@ -1600,30 +1419,9 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
" if the 'dedup' flag is set",
!mergeSortNode->dedup || outputs.has(kRecordId));
- // Clear the index key bitset after building the child stage.
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = boost::none;
- // Insert the index key slots in the order of the sort pattern.
- auto indexKeys = outputs.extractIndexKeySlots();
- tassert(5184302,
- "SORT_MERGE must receive index key slots as input from its child stages",
- indexKeys);
for (const auto& part : sortPattern) {
- auto partPath = part.fieldPath->fullPath();
- auto index = indexKeyPositionMap.find(partPath);
- tassert(5184303,
- str::stream() << "Could not find index key position for sort key part "
- << partPath,
- index != indexKeyPositionMap.end());
- auto indexPos = index->second;
- tassert(5184304,
- str::stream() << "Index position " << indexPos
- << " is not less than number of index components "
- << indexKeys->size(),
- indexPos < indexKeys->size());
- auto indexKeyPart = indexKeys->at(indexPos);
- inputKeysForChild.push_back(indexKeyPart);
+ inputKeysForChild.push_back(
+ outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, part.fieldPath->fullPath())));
@@ -1631,32 +1429,12 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto sv = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
- // If the parent of 'root' has requested index keys, then we need to pass along our input
- // keys as input values, as they will be part of the output 'root' provides its parent.
- if (parentRequestsIdxKeys) {
- for (auto&& inputKey : inputKeys.back()) {
- sv.push_back(inputKey);
- }
- }
PlanStageSlots outputs(childReqs, &_slotIdGenerator);
- auto outputVals = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
- // If the parent of 'root' has requested index keys, then we need to generate output slots to
- // hold the index keys that will be used as input to the parent of 'root'.
- if (parentRequestsIdxKeys) {
- auto idxKeySv = sbe::makeSV();
- for (int idx = 0; idx < mergeSortNode->sort.nFields(); ++idx) {
- idxKeySv.emplace_back(_slotIdGenerator.generate());
- }
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(idxKeySv);
- for (auto keySlot : idxKeySv) {
- outputVals.push_back(keySlot);
- }
- }
+ auto outputVals = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::SortedMergeStage>(std::move(inputStages),
@@ -1674,6 +1452,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -1681,48 +1461,63 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionSimple(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
using namespace std::literals;
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023405, "buildProjectionSimple() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNodeSimple*>(root);
- // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this ProjectionNodeSimple.
- // In addition to that, the child must always produce a 'resultSlot' because it's needed by the
- // projection logic below.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
- auto [inputStage, outputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
+ auto [fields, additionalFields] = splitVector(reqs.getFields(), [&](const std::string& s) {
+ return pn->proj.type() == projection_ast::ProjectType::kInclusion
+ ? pn->proj.getRequiredFields().count(s)
+ : !pn->proj.getExcludedPaths().count(s);
+ });
- const auto childResult = outputs.get(kResult);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clearAllFields().setFields(std::move(fields));
+ auto [stage, childOutputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
+ auto outputs = std::move(childOutputs);
- sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior behaviour;
- const OrderedPathSet* fields;
- if (pn->proj.type() == projection_ast::ProjectType::kInclusion) {
- behaviour = sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior::keep;
- fields = &pn->proj.getRequiredFields();
- } else {
- behaviour = sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior::drop;
- fields = &pn->proj.getExcludedPaths();
- }
- outputs.set(kResult, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
- inputStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(std::move(inputStage),
- outputs.get(kResult),
- childResult,
- behaviour,
- *fields,
- OrderedPathSet{},
- sbe::value::SlotVector{},
- true,
- false,
- root->nodeId());
+ if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
+ const auto childResult = outputs.get(kResult);
+ sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior behaviour;
+ const OrderedPathSet* fields;
+ if (pn->proj.type() == projection_ast::ProjectType::kInclusion) {
+ behaviour = sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior::keep;
+ fields = &pn->proj.getRequiredFields();
+ } else {
+ behaviour = sbe::MakeBsonObjStage::FieldBehavior::drop;
+ fields = &pn->proj.getExcludedPaths();
+ }
+ outputs.set(kResult, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(std::move(stage),
+ outputs.get(kResult),
+ childResult,
+ behaviour,
+ *fields,
+ OrderedPathSet{},
+ sbe::value::SlotVector{},
+ true,
+ false,
+ root->nodeId());
+ }
+ auto [outStage, nothingSlots] = projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::move(stage), additionalFields.size(), root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < additionalFields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(additionalFields[i])),
+ nothingSlots[i]);
+ }
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
- return {std::move(inputStage), std::move(outputs)};
+ return {std::move(outStage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionCovered(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
using namespace std::literals;
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023406, "buildProjectionCovered() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNodeCovered*>(root);
@@ -1733,51 +1528,86 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionCovered(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
// This is a ProjectionCoveredNode, so we will be pulling all the data we need from one index.
- // Prepare a bitset to indicate which parts of the index key we need for the projection.
- StringSet requiredFields = {pn->proj.getRequiredFields().begin(),
- pn->proj.getRequiredFields().end()};
- // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this ProjectionNodeSimple,
- // except for 'resultSlot' which will be produced by the MakeBsonObjStage below. In addition to
- // that, the child must produce the index key slots that are needed by this covered projection.
- //
// pn->coveredKeyObj is the "index.keyPattern" from the child (which is either an IndexScanNode
// or DistinctNode). pn->coveredKeyObj lists all the fields that the index can provide, not the
- // fields that the projection wants. requiredFields lists all of the fields that the projection
- // needs. Since this is a covered projection, we're guaranteed that pn->coveredKeyObj contains
- // all of the fields that the projection needs.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult);
- auto [indexKeyBitset, keyFieldNames] =
- makeIndexKeyInclusionSet(pn->coveredKeyObj, requiredFields);
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = std::move(indexKeyBitset);
- auto [inputStage, outputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
- // Assert that the index scan produced index key slots for this covered projection.
- auto indexKeySlots = *outputs.extractIndexKeySlots();
- outputs.set(kResult, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
- inputStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(std::move(inputStage),
- outputs.get(kResult),
- boost::none,
- boost::none,
- std::vector<std::string>{},
- std::move(keyFieldNames),
- std::move(indexKeySlots),
- true,
- false,
- root->nodeId());
+ // fields that the projection wants. 'pn->proj.getRequiredFields()' lists all of the fields
+ // that the projection needs. Since this is a simple covered projection, we're guaranteed that
+ // 'pn->proj.getRequiredFields()' is a subset of pn->coveredKeyObj.
+ // List out the projected fields in the order they appear in 'coveredKeyObj'.
+ std::vector<std::string> keys;
+ StringDataSet keysSet;
+ for (auto&& elt : pn->coveredKeyObj) {
+ std::string key(elt.fieldNameStringData());
+ if (pn->proj.getRequiredFields().count(key)) {
+ keys.emplace_back(std::move(key));
+ keysSet.emplace(elt.fieldNameStringData());
+ }
+ }
+ // The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this ProjectionNodeSimple,
+ // except for 'resultSlot' which will be produced by the MakeBsonObjStage below if requested by
+ // the caller. In addition to that, the child must produce the index key slots that are needed
+ // by this covered projection.
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).clearAllFields().setKeys(keys);
+ auto [stage, childOutputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
+ auto outputs = std::move(childOutputs);
+ if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
+ auto indexKeySlots = sbe::makeSV();
+ std::vector<std::string> keyFieldNames;
- return {std::move(inputStage), std::move(outputs)};
+ if (keysSet.count("_id"_sd)) {
+ keyFieldNames.emplace_back("_id"_sd);
+ indexKeySlots.emplace_back(outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, "_id"_sd)));
+ }
+ for (const auto& key : keys) {
+ if (key != "_id"_sd) {
+ keyFieldNames.emplace_back(key);
+ indexKeySlots.emplace_back(
+ outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, StringData(key))));
+ }
+ }
+ auto resultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(std::move(stage),
+ resultSlot,
+ boost::none,
+ boost::none,
+ std::vector<std::string>{},
+ std::move(keyFieldNames),
+ std::move(indexKeySlots),
+ true,
+ false,
+ root->nodeId());
+ outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
+ }
+ auto [fields, additionalFields] =
+ splitVector(reqs.getFields(), [&](const std::string& s) { return keysSet.count(s); });
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ auto slot = outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, StringData(fields[i])));
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(fields[i])), slot);
+ }
+ auto [outStage, nothingSlots] = projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::move(stage), additionalFields.size(), root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < additionalFields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(additionalFields[i])),
+ nothingSlots[i]);
+ }
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
+ return {std::move(outStage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefault(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- tassert(7055400,
- "buildProjectionDefault() does not support index key bitsets",
- !reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023407, "buildProjectionDefault() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNodeDefault*>(root);
const auto& projection = pn->proj;
@@ -1791,7 +1621,7 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefault(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
// The child must produce all of the slots required by the parent of this ProjectionNodeDefault.
// In addition to that, the child must always produce 'kResult' because it's needed by the
// projection logic below.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).clearAllFields();
auto [stage, outputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
@@ -1805,8 +1635,10 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefault(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
stage = resultStage.extractStage(root->nodeId());
outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -1814,9 +1646,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefaultCovered(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
const IndexScanNode* ixn) {
- tassert(7055401,
- "buildProjectionDefaultCovered() does not support index key bitsets",
- !reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023408, "buildProjectionDefaultCovered() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNodeDefault*>(root);
const auto& projection = pn->proj;
@@ -1827,64 +1657,60 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefaultCovered(const QuerySolutionNode* ro
7055403, "buildProjectionDefaultCovered() expected 'pn' to not be fetched", !pn->fetched());
- // Convert projection fieldpaths into the tree of 'IndexKeyPatternTreeNode'.
- IndexKeysBuilderContext context;
- IndexKeysPreBuilder preVisitor{&context};
- IndexKeysInBuilder inVisitor{&context};
- IndexKeysPostBuilder postVisitor{&context};
- projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstWalker walker{&preVisitor, &inVisitor, &postVisitor};
- tree_walker::walk<true, projection_ast::ASTNode>(projection.root(), &walker);
- IndexKeyPatternTreeNode patternRoot = std::move(context.root);
- // Construct a bitset requesting slots from the underlying index scan. These slots
- // correspond to index keys for projection fieldpaths.
if (!ixn) {
ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(getLoneNodeByType(root, STAGE_IXSCAN));
auto& indexKeyPattern = ixn->index.keyPattern;
- sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet patternBitSet;
+ auto patternRoot = buildPatternTree(pn->proj);
+ std::vector<std::string> keys;
+ StringDataSet keysSet;
std::vector<IndexKeyPatternTreeNode*> patternNodesForSlots;
- size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& element : indexKeyPattern) {
sbe::MatchPath fieldRef{element.fieldNameStringData()};
// Projection field paths are always leaf nodes. In other words, projection like
// {a: 1, 'a.b': 1} would produce a path collision error.
if (auto node = patternRoot.findLeafNode(fieldRef); node) {
- patternBitSet.set(i);
+ keys.emplace_back(element.fieldNameStringData());
+ keysSet.emplace(element.fieldNameStringData());
- ++i;
- // We do not need index scan to restore the entire object. Instead, we will restore only
- // necessary parts of it below.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult);
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = patternBitSet;
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).clearAllFields().setKeys(keys);
auto [stage, outputs] = build(pn->children[0].get(), childReqs);
- auto indexKeySlots = *outputs.extractIndexKeySlots();
+ auto [fields, additionalFields] =
+ splitVector(reqs.getFields(), [&](const std::string& s) { return keysSet.count(s); });
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ auto slot = outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, StringData(fields[i])));
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(fields[i])), slot);
+ }
- // Extract slots corresponding to each of the projection fieldpaths.
- invariant(indexKeySlots.size() == patternNodesForSlots.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < indexKeySlots.size(); i++) {
- patternNodesForSlots[i]->indexKeySlot = indexKeySlots[i];
+ if (reqs.has(kResult) || !additionalFields.empty()) {
+ // Extract slots corresponding to each of the projection fieldpaths.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
+ patternNodesForSlots[i]->indexKeySlot =
+ outputs.get(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, StringData(keys[i])));
+ }
+ // Finally, build the expression to create object with requested projection fieldpaths.
+ auto resultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
+ stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(
+ std::move(stage), root->nodeId(), resultSlot, buildNewObjExpr(&patternRoot));
- // Finally, build the expression to create object with requested projection fieldpaths.
- auto resultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
- stage = sbe::makeProjectStage(
- std::move(stage), root->nodeId(), resultSlot, buildNewObjExpr(&patternRoot));
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
- outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildOr(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023409, "buildOr() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
sbe::PlanStage::Vector inputStages;
std::vector<sbe::value::SlotVector> inputSlots;
@@ -1941,7 +1767,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto textNode = static_cast<const TextMatchNode*>(root);
const auto& coll = getCurrentCollection(reqs);
tassert(5432212, "no collection object", coll);
- tassert(5432213, "index keys requested for text match node", !reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023410, "buildTextMatch() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
str::stream() << "text match node must have one child, but got "
<< root->children.size(),
@@ -1992,7 +1818,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildReturnKey(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023411, "buildReturnKey() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
// TODO SERVER-49509: If the projection includes {$meta: "sortKey"}, the result of this stage
// should also include the sort key. Everything else in the projection is ignored.
@@ -2002,7 +1828,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// for 'resultSlot'. In addition to that, the child must always produce a 'returnKeySlot'.
// After build() returns, we take the 'returnKeySlot' produced by the child and store it into
// 'resultSlot' for the parent of this ReturnKeyNode to consume.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).set(kReturnKey);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().clear(kResult).clearAllFields().set(kReturnKey);
auto [stage, outputs] = build(returnKeyNode->children[0].get(), childReqs);
outputs.set(kResult, outputs.get(kReturnKey));
@@ -2020,9 +1846,10 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
auto andHashNode = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(root);
+ tassert(6023412, "buildAndHash() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
tassert(5073711, "need at least two children for AND_HASH", andHashNode->children.size() >= 2);
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).set(kRecordId);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).set(kRecordId).clearAllFields();
auto outerChild = andHashNode->children[0].get();
auto innerChild = andHashNode->children[1].get();
@@ -2049,13 +1876,13 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto collatorSlot = _data.env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd);
// Designate outputs.
- PlanStageSlots outputs(reqs, &_slotIdGenerator);
+ PlanStageSlots outputs;
+ outputs.set(kResult, innerResultSlot);
if (reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
outputs.set(kRecordId, innerIdSlot);
- if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
- outputs.set(kResult, innerResultSlot);
- }
if (reqs.has(kSnapshotId) && innerSnapshotIdSlot) {
auto slot = *innerSnapshotIdSlot;
@@ -2071,26 +1898,25 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
outputs.set(kIndexKey, slot);
if (reqs.has(kIndexKeyPattern) && innerIndexKeyPatternSlot) {
auto slot = *innerIndexKeyPatternSlot;
outputs.set(kIndexKeyPattern, slot);
- auto hashJoinStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::HashJoinStage>(std::move(outerStage),
- std::move(innerStage),
- outerCondSlots,
- outerProjectSlots,
- innerCondSlots,
- innerProjectSlots,
- collatorSlot,
- root->nodeId());
+ auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::HashJoinStage>(std::move(outerStage),
+ std::move(innerStage),
+ outerCondSlots,
+ outerProjectSlots,
+ innerCondSlots,
+ innerProjectSlots,
+ collatorSlot,
+ root->nodeId());
// If there are more than 2 children, iterate all remaining children and hash
// join together.
for (size_t i = 2; i < andHashNode->children.size(); i++) {
- auto [stage, outputs] = build(andHashNode->children[i].get(), childReqs);
+ auto [childStage, outputs] = build(andHashNode->children[i].get(), childReqs);
tassert(5073714, "outputs must contain kRecordId slot", outputs.has(kRecordId));
tassert(5073715, "outputs must contain kResult slot", outputs.has(kResult));
auto idSlot = outputs.get(kRecordId);
@@ -2100,32 +1926,30 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// The previous HashJoinStage is always set as the inner stage, so that we can reuse the
// innerIdSlot and innerResultSlot that have been designated as outputs.
- hashJoinStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::HashJoinStage>(std::move(stage),
- std::move(hashJoinStage),
- condSlots,
- projectSlots,
- innerCondSlots,
- innerProjectSlots,
- collatorSlot,
- root->nodeId());
- }
- // Stop propagating the RecordId output if none of our ancestors are going to use it.
- if (!reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
- outputs.clear(kRecordId);
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::HashJoinStage>(std::move(childStage),
+ std::move(stage),
+ condSlots,
+ projectSlots,
+ innerCondSlots,
+ innerProjectSlots,
+ collatorSlot,
+ root->nodeId());
- return {std::move(hashJoinStage), std::move(outputs)};
+ return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildAndSorted(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
+ tassert(6023413, "buildAndSorted() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto andSortedNode = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(root);
// Need at least two children.
5073706, "need at least two children for AND_SORTED", andSortedNode->children.size() >= 2);
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).set(kRecordId);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).set(kRecordId).clearAllFields();
auto outerChild = andSortedNode->children[0].get();
auto innerChild = andSortedNode->children[1].get();
@@ -2161,13 +1985,14 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto innerKeySlots = sbe::makeSV(innerIdSlot);
auto innerProjectSlots = sbe::makeSV(innerResultSlot);
- PlanStageSlots outputs(reqs, &_slotIdGenerator);
+ // Designate outputs.
+ PlanStageSlots outputs;
+ outputs.set(kResult, innerResultSlot);
if (reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
outputs.set(kRecordId, innerIdSlot);
- if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
- outputs.set(kResult, innerResultSlot);
- }
if (reqs.has(kSnapshotId)) {
auto innerSnapshotSlot = innerOutputs.get(kSnapshotId);
@@ -2183,7 +2008,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
outputs.set(kIndexKey, innerIndexKeySlot);
if (reqs.has(kIndexKeyPattern)) {
auto innerIndexKeyPatternSlot = innerOutputs.get(kIndexKeyPattern);
@@ -2193,19 +2017,19 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
std::vector<sbe::value::SortDirection> sortDirs(outerKeySlots.size(),
- auto mergeJoinStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MergeJoinStage>(std::move(outerStage),
- std::move(innerStage),
- outerKeySlots,
- outerProjectSlots,
- innerKeySlots,
- innerProjectSlots,
- sortDirs,
- root->nodeId());
+ auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MergeJoinStage>(std::move(outerStage),
+ std::move(innerStage),
+ outerKeySlots,
+ outerProjectSlots,
+ innerKeySlots,
+ innerProjectSlots,
+ sortDirs,
+ root->nodeId());
// If there are more than 2 children, iterate all remaining children and merge
// join together.
for (size_t i = 2; i < andSortedNode->children.size(); i++) {
- auto [stage, outputs] = build(andSortedNode->children[i].get(), childReqs);
+ auto [childStage, outputs] = build(andSortedNode->children[i].get(), childReqs);
tassert(5073709, "outputs must contain kRecordId slot", outputs.has(kRecordId));
tassert(5073710, "outputs must contain kResult slot", outputs.has(kResult));
auto idSlot = outputs.get(kRecordId);
@@ -2213,21 +2037,17 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
auto keySlots = sbe::makeSV(idSlot);
auto projectSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot);
- mergeJoinStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MergeJoinStage>(std::move(stage),
- std::move(mergeJoinStage),
- keySlots,
- projectSlots,
- innerKeySlots,
- innerProjectSlots,
- sortDirs,
- root->nodeId());
- }
- // Stop propagating the RecordId output if none of our ancestors are going to use it.
- if (!reqs.has(kRecordId)) {
- outputs.clear(kRecordId);
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MergeJoinStage>(std::move(childStage),
+ std::move(stage),
+ keySlots,
+ projectSlots,
+ innerKeySlots,
+ innerProjectSlots,
+ sortDirs,
+ root->nodeId());
- return {std::move(mergeJoinStage), std::move(outputs)};
+ return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
namespace {
@@ -2313,39 +2133,6 @@ void walkAndActOnFieldPaths(Expression* expr, const F& fn) {
- * Checks whether all field paths in 'idExpr' and all accumulator expressions are top-level ones.
- */
-bool areAllFieldPathsOptimizable(const boost::intrusive_ptr<Expression>& idExpr,
- const std::vector<AccumulationStatement>& accStmts) {
- auto areFieldPathsOptimizable = true;
- auto checkFieldPath = [&](const ExpressionFieldPath* fieldExpr, int32_t nestedCondLevel) {
- // We optimize neither a field path for the top-level document itself (getPathLength() == 1)
- // nor a field path that refers to a variable. We can optimize only top-level fields
- // (getPathLength() == 2).
- //
- // The 'nestedCondLevel' being > 0 means that a field path is refered to below conditional
- // expressions at the parent $group node, when we cannot optimize field path access and
- // therefore, cannot avoid materialization.
- if (nestedCondLevel > 0 || fieldExpr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() != 2 ||
- fieldExpr->isVariableReference()) {
- areFieldPathsOptimizable = false;
- return;
- }
- };
- // Checks field paths from the group-by expression.
- walkAndActOnFieldPaths(idExpr.get(), checkFieldPath);
- // Checks field paths from the accumulator expressions.
- for (auto&& accStmt : accStmts) {
- walkAndActOnFieldPaths(accStmt.expr.argument.get(), checkFieldPath);
- }
- return areFieldPathsOptimizable;
* If there are adjacent $group stages in a pipeline and two $group stages are pushed down together,
* the first $group becomes a child GROUP node and the second $group becomes a parent GROUP node in
* a query solution tree. In the case that all field paths are top-level fields for the parent GROUP
@@ -2362,10 +2149,7 @@ EvalStage optimizeFieldPaths(StageBuilderState& state,
const PlanStageSlots& childOutputs,
PlanNodeId nodeId) {
using namespace fmt::literals;
- auto optionalRootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(SlotBasedStageBuilder::kResult);
- // Absent root slot means that we optimized away mkbson stage and so, we need to search
- // top-level field names in child outputs.
- auto searchInChildOutputs = !optionalRootSlot.has_value();
+ auto rootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(PlanStageSlots::kResult);
auto retEvalStage = std::move(childEvalStage);
walkAndActOnFieldPaths(expr.get(), [&](const ExpressionFieldPath* fieldExpr, int32_t) {
@@ -2376,24 +2160,10 @@ EvalStage optimizeFieldPaths(StageBuilderState& state,
auto fieldPathStr = fieldExpr->getFieldPath().fullPath();
- if (searchInChildOutputs) {
- if (auto optionalFieldPathSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(fieldPathStr);
- optionalFieldPathSlot) {
- state.preGeneratedExprs.emplace(fieldPathStr, *optionalFieldPathSlot);
- } else {
- // getField('fieldPathStr') on a slot containing a BSONObj would have produced
- // 'Nothing' if mkbson stage removal optimization didn't occur. So, generates a
- // 'Nothing' const expression to simulate such a result.
- state.preGeneratedExprs.emplace(
- fieldPathStr, sbe::makeE<sbe::EConstant>(sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0));
- }
- return;
- }
if (!state.preGeneratedExprs.contains(fieldPathStr)) {
auto [curEvalExpr, curEvalStage] = generateExpression(
- state, fieldExpr, std::move(retEvalStage), optionalRootSlot, nodeId);
+ state, fieldExpr, std::move(retEvalStage), rootSlot, nodeId, &childOutputs);
auto [slot, stage] = projectEvalExpr(
std::move(curEvalExpr), std::move(curEvalStage), nodeId, state.slotIdGenerator);
@@ -2418,7 +2188,7 @@ std::pair<EvalExpr, EvalStage> generateGroupByKeyImpl(
optimizeFieldPaths(state, idExpr, std::move(childEvalStage), childOutputs, nodeId);
auto [groupByEvalExpr, groupByEvalStage] = stage_builder::generateExpression(
- state, idExpr.get(), std::move(evalStage), optionalRootSlot, nodeId);
+ state, idExpr.get(), std::move(evalStage), optionalRootSlot, nodeId, &childOutputs);
return {std::move(groupByEvalExpr), std::move(groupByEvalStage)};
@@ -2430,7 +2200,7 @@ std::tuple<sbe::value::SlotVector, EvalStage, std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>>
std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> childStage,
PlanNodeId nodeId,
sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator) {
- auto optionalRootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(SlotBasedStageBuilder::kResult);
+ auto optionalRootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(PlanStageSlots::kResult);
EvalStage retEvalStage{std::move(childStage),
optionalRootSlot ? sbe::value::SlotVector{*optionalRootSlot}
: sbe::value::SlotVector{}};
@@ -2510,10 +2280,10 @@ std::tuple<sbe::value::SlotVector, EvalStage> generateAccumulator(
PlanNodeId nodeId,
sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator,
sbe::value::SlotMap<std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>>& accSlotToExprMap) {
- // Input fields may need field traversal which ends up being a complex tree.
+ // Input fields may need field traversal.
auto evalStage = optimizeFieldPaths(
state, accStmt.expr.argument, std::move(childEvalStage), childOutputs, nodeId);
- auto optionalRootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(SlotBasedStageBuilder::kResult);
+ auto optionalRootSlot = childOutputs.getIfExists(PlanStageSlots::kResult);
auto [argExpr, accArgEvalStage] = stage_builder::buildArgument(
state, accStmt, std::move(evalStage), optionalRootSlot, nodeId);
@@ -2642,6 +2412,7 @@ sbe::value::SlotVector dedupGroupBySlots(const sbe::value::SlotVector& groupBySl
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildGroup(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
using namespace fmt::literals;
+ tassert(6023414, "buildGroup() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
auto groupNode = static_cast<const GroupNode*>(root);
auto nodeId = groupNode->nodeId();
@@ -2657,14 +2428,20 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
const auto& childNode = groupNode->children[0].get();
const auto& accStmts = groupNode->accumulators;
- auto childStageType = childNode->getType();
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy();
- if (childStageType == StageType::STAGE_GROUP && areAllFieldPathsOptimizable(idExpr, accStmts)) {
- // Does not ask the GROUP child for the result slot to avoid unnecessary materialization if
- // all fields are top-level fields. See the end of this function. For example, GROUP - GROUP
- // - COLLSCAN case.
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult).clearAllFields();
+ // Don't ask the GROUP child for the result slot to avoid unnecessary materialization if it's
+ // possible to get everything we need from top-level field slots.
+ if (childNode->getType() == StageType::STAGE_GROUP && !groupNode->needWholeDocument &&
+ !groupNode->needsAnyMetadata) {
+ for (auto&& pathStr : groupNode->requiredFields) {
+ auto path = sbe::MatchPath{pathStr};
+ const auto& topLevelField = path.getPart(0);
+ childReqs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, topLevelField));
+ }
// Builds the child and gets the child result slot.
@@ -2733,6 +2510,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
+ auto stage = groupFinalEvalStage.extractStage(nodeId);
"The number of final slots must be as 1 (the final group-by slot) + the number of acc "
@@ -2742,21 +2520,37 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// Cleans up optimized expressions.
+ auto fieldNamesSet = StringDataSet{fieldNames.begin(), fieldNames.end()};
+ auto [fields, additionalFields] =
+ splitVector(reqs.getFields(), [&](const std::string& s) { return fieldNamesSet.count(s); });
+ auto fieldsSet = StringDataSet{fields.begin(), fields.end()};
PlanStageSlots outputs;
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> outStage;
- // Builds a stage to create a result object out of a group-by slot and gathered accumulator
- // result slots if the parent node requests so. Otherwise, returns field names and associated
- // slots so that a parent stage above can directly refer to a slot by its name because there's
- // no returned object.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldNames.size(); ++i) {
+ if (fieldsSet.count(fieldNames[i])) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, fieldNames[i]), finalSlots[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ auto [outStage, nothingSlots] = projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::move(stage), additionalFields.size(), root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < additionalFields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(additionalFields[i])),
+ nothingSlots[i]);
+ }
+ // Builds a outStage to create a result object out of a group-by slot and gathered accumulator
+ // result slots if the parent node requests so.
if (reqs.has(kResult)) {
- outputs.set(kResult, _slotIdGenerator.generate());
+ auto resultSlot = _slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ outputs.set(kResult, resultSlot);
// This mkbson stage combines 'finalSlots' into a bsonObject result slot which has
// 'fieldNames' fields.
if (groupNode->shouldProduceBson) {
- outStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(groupFinalEvalStage.extractStage(nodeId),
- outputs.get(kResult), // objSlot
- boost::none, // rootSlot
- boost::none, // fieldBehavior
+ outStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeBsonObjStage>(std::move(outStage),
+ resultSlot, // objSlot
+ boost::none, // rootSlot
+ boost::none, // fieldBehavior
std::vector<std::string>{}, // fields
std::move(fieldNames), // projectFields
std::move(finalSlots), // projectVars
@@ -2764,8 +2558,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
false, // returnOldObject
} else {
- outStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeObjStage>(groupFinalEvalStage.extractStage(nodeId),
- outputs.get(kResult), // objSlot
+ outStage = sbe::makeS<sbe::MakeObjStage>(std::move(outStage),
+ resultSlot, // objSlot
boost::none, // rootSlot
boost::none, // fieldBehavior
std::vector<std::string>{}, // fields
@@ -2775,12 +2569,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
false, // returnOldObject
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < finalSlots.size(); ++i) {
- outputs.set("CURRENT." + fieldNames[i], finalSlots[i]);
- };
- outStage = groupFinalEvalStage.extractStage(nodeId);
return {std::move(outStage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -2790,7 +2578,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
SlotBasedStageBuilder::makeUnionForTailableCollScan(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
using namespace std::literals;
- invariant(!reqs.getIndexKeyBitset());
+ tassert(6023415, "makeUnionForTailableCollScan() does not support kKey", !reqs.hasKeys());
// Register a SlotId in the global environment which would contain a recordId to resume a
// tailable collection scan from. A PlanStage executor will track the last seen recordId and
@@ -2814,7 +2602,7 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::makeUnionForTailableCollScan(const QuerySolutionNode* roo
auto [branch, outputs] = build(root, childReqs);
- auto branchSlots = getSlotsToForward(reqs, outputs);
+ auto branchSlots = getSlotsToForward(childReqs, outputs);
return {std::move(branchSlots), std::move(branch)};
@@ -2877,57 +2665,50 @@ auto buildShardFilterGivenShardKeySlot(sbe::value::SlotId shardKeySlot,
} // namespace
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots>
-SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildShardFilterCovered(const ShardingFilterNode* filterNode,
- sbe::value::SlotId shardFiltererSlot,
- BSONObj shardKeyPattern,
- BSONObj indexKeyPattern,
- const QuerySolutionNode* child,
- PlanStageReqs childReqs) {
- StringDataSet shardKeyFields;
- for (auto&& shardKeyElt : shardKeyPattern) {
- shardKeyFields.insert(shardKeyElt.fieldNameStringData());
- }
+SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildShardFilterCovered(const QuerySolutionNode* root,
+ const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
+ // Constructs an optimized SBE plan for 'filterNode' in the case that the fields of the
+ // 'shardKeyPattern' are provided by 'child'. In this case, the SBE tree for 'child' will
+ // fill out slots for the necessary components of the index key. These slots can be read
+ // directly in order to determine the shard key that should be passed to the
+ // 'shardFiltererSlot'.
+ const auto filterNode = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(root);
+ auto child = filterNode->children[0].get();
+ tassert(6023416,
+ "buildShardFilterCovered() expects ixscan below shard filter",
+ child->getType() == STAGE_IXSCAN || child->getType() == STAGE_VIRTUAL_SCAN);
- // Save the bit vector describing the fields from the index that our parent requires. The shard
- // filtering process may require additional fields that are not needed by the parent (for
- // example, if the parent is projecting field "a" but the shard key is {a: 1, b: 1}). We will
- // need the parent's reqs later on so that we can hand the correct slot vector for these fields
- // back to our parent.
- auto parentIndexKeyReqs = childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset();
+ // Extract the child's key pattern.
+ BSONObj indexKeyPattern = child->getType() == STAGE_IXSCAN
+ ? static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(child)->index.keyPattern
+ : static_cast<const VirtualScanNode*>(child)->indexKeyPattern;
- // Determine the set of fields from the index required to obtain the shard key and union those
- // with the set of fields from the index required by the parent stage.
- auto [shardKeyIndexReqs, _] = makeIndexKeyInclusionSet(indexKeyPattern, shardKeyFields);
- const auto ixKeyBitset =
- parentIndexKeyReqs.value_or(sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet{}) | shardKeyIndexReqs;
- childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset() = ixKeyBitset;
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy();
+ // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return data that isn't owned by the shard. This
+ // situation can occur when pending documents from in-progress migrations are inserted and when
+ // there are orphaned documents from aborted migrations. To check if the document is owned by
+ // the shard, we need to own a 'ShardFilterer', and extract the document's shard key as a
+ // BSONObj.
+ auto shardKeyPattern = _collections.getMainCollection().getShardKeyPattern();
+ // We register the "shardFilterer" slot but we don't construct the ShardFilterer here, because
+ // once constructed the ShardFilterer will prevent orphaned documents from being deleted. We
+ // will construct the ShardFilterer later while preparing the SBE tree for execution.
+ auto shardFiltererSlot = _data.env->registerSlot(
+ "shardFilterer"_sd, sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0, false, &_slotIdGenerator);
+ for (auto&& shardKeyElt : shardKeyPattern) {
+ childReqs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, shardKeyElt.fieldNameStringData()));
+ }
auto [stage, outputs] = build(child, childReqs);
- tassert(5562302, "Expected child to produce index key slots", outputs.getIndexKeySlots());
- // Maps from key name -> (index in outputs.getIndexKeySlots(), is hashed).
- auto ixKeyPatternFieldToSlotIdx = [&, childOutputs = std::ref(outputs)]() {
- StringDataMap<std::pair<sbe::value::SlotId, bool>> ret;
- // Keeps track of which component we're reading in the index key pattern.
- size_t i = 0;
- // Keeps track of the index we are in the slot vector produced by the ix scan. The slot
- // vector produced by the ix scan may be a subset of the key pattern.
- size_t slotIdx = 0;
- for (auto&& ixPatternElt : indexKeyPattern) {
- if (shardKeyFields.count(ixPatternElt.fieldNameStringData())) {
- const bool isHashed = ixPatternElt.valueStringData() == IndexNames::HASHED;
- const auto slotId = (*childOutputs.get().getIndexKeySlots())[slotIdx];
- ret.emplace(ixPatternElt.fieldNameStringData(), std::make_pair(slotId, isHashed));
- }
- if (ixKeyBitset[i]) {
- ++slotIdx;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return ret;
- }();
+ // Maps from key name to a bool that indicates whether the key is hashed.
+ StringDataMap<bool> indexKeyPatternMap;
+ for (auto&& ixPatternElt : indexKeyPattern) {
+ indexKeyPatternMap.emplace(ixPatternElt.fieldNameStringData(),
+ ShardKeyPattern::isHashedPatternEl(ixPatternElt));
+ }
// Build a project stage to deal with hashed shard keys. This step *could* be skipped if we're
// dealing with non-hashed sharding, but it's done this way for sake of simplicity.
@@ -2935,33 +2716,28 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildShardFilterCovered(const ShardingFilterNode* filterN
sbe::value::SlotVector fieldSlots;
std::vector<std::string> projectFields;
for (auto&& shardKeyPatternElt : shardKeyPattern) {
- auto it = ixKeyPatternFieldToSlotIdx.find(shardKeyPatternElt.fieldNameStringData());
- tassert(5562303, "Could not find element", it != ixKeyPatternFieldToSlotIdx.end());
- auto [slotId, ixKeyEltHashed] = it->second;
+ auto it = indexKeyPatternMap.find(shardKeyPatternElt.fieldNameStringData());
+ tassert(5562303, "Could not find element", it != indexKeyPatternMap.end());
+ const auto ixKeyEltHashed = it->second;
+ const auto slotId = outputs.get(
+ std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, shardKeyPatternElt.fieldNameStringData()));
// Get the value stored in the index for this component of the shard key. We may have to
// hash it.
auto elem = makeVariable(slotId);
+ // Handle the case where the index key or shard key is hashed.
const bool shardKeyEltHashed = ShardKeyPattern::isHashedPatternEl(shardKeyPatternElt);
- if (shardKeyEltHashed) {
- if (ixKeyEltHashed) {
- // (1) The index stores hashed data and the shard key field is hashed.
- // Nothing to do here. We can apply shard filtering with no other changes.
- } else {
- // (2) The shard key field is hashed but the index stores unhashed data. We must
- // apply the hash function before passing this off to the shard filter.
- elem = makeFunction("shardHash"_sd, std::move(elem));
- }
- } else {
- if (ixKeyEltHashed) {
- // (3) The index stores hashed data but the shard key is not hashed. This is a bug.
- } else {
- // (4) The shard key field is not hashed, and the index does not store hashed data.
- // Again, we do nothing here.
- }
+ if (ixKeyEltHashed) {
+ // If the index stores hashed data, then we know the shard key field is hashed as
+ // well. Nothing to do here. We can apply shard filtering with no other changes.
+ tassert(6023421,
+ "Index key is hashed, expected corresponding shard key to be hashed",
+ shardKeyEltHashed);
+ } else if (shardKeyEltHashed) {
+ // The shard key field is hashed but the index stores unhashed data. We must apply
+ // the hash function before passing this off to the shard filter.
+ elem = makeFunction("shardHash"_sd, std::move(elem));
@@ -2987,46 +2763,17 @@ SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildShardFilterCovered(const ShardingFilterNode* filterN
auto filterStage = buildShardFilterGivenShardKeySlot(
shardKeySlot, std::move(mkObjStage), shardFiltererSlot, filterNode->nodeId());
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(!parentIndexKeyReqs ? boost::none
- : boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotVector>{
- makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(
- indexKeyPattern,
- *parentIndexKeyReqs,
- *childReqs.getIndexKeyBitset(),
- *outputs.getIndexKeySlots())});
+ outputs.clearNonRequiredSlots(reqs);
return {std::move(filterStage), std::move(outputs)};
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildShardFilter(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
- const auto filterNode = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(root);
- // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return data that isn't owned by the shard. This
- // situation can occur when pending documents from in-progress migrations are inserted and when
- // there are orphaned documents from aborted migrations. To check if the document is owned by
- // the shard, we need to own a 'ShardFilterer', and extract the document's shard key as a
- // BSONObj.
- auto shardKeyPattern = _collections.getMainCollection().getShardKeyPattern();
- // We register the "shardFilterer" slot but not construct the ShardFilterer here is because once
- // constructed the ShardFilterer will prevent orphaned documents from being deleted. We will
- // construct the 'ShardFiltered' later while preparing the SBE tree for execution.
- auto shardFiltererSlot = _data.env->registerSlot(
- "shardFilterer"_sd, sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0, false, &_slotIdGenerator);
- // Determine if our child is an index scan and extract it's key pattern, or empty BSONObj if our
- // child is not an IXSCAN node.
- BSONObj indexKeyPattern = [&]() {
- auto childNode = filterNode->children[0].get();
- switch (childNode->getType()) {
- case StageType::STAGE_IXSCAN:
- return static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(childNode)->index.keyPattern;
- case StageType::STAGE_VIRTUAL_SCAN:
- return static_cast<const VirtualScanNode*>(childNode)->indexKeyPattern;
- default:
- return BSONObj{};
- }
- }();
+ auto child = root->children[0].get();
+ bool childIsIndexScan = child->getType() == STAGE_IXSCAN ||
+ (child->getType() == STAGE_VIRTUAL_SCAN &&
+ !static_cast<const VirtualScanNode*>(child)->indexKeyPattern.isEmpty());
// If we're not required to fill out the 'kResult' slot, then instead we can request a slot from
// the child for each of the fields which constitute the shard key. This allows us to avoid
@@ -3036,17 +2783,25 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
// We only apply this optimization in the special case that the child QSN is an IXSCAN, since in
// this case we can request exactly the fields we need according to their position in the index
// key pattern.
- auto childReqs = reqs.copy().setIf(kResult, indexKeyPattern.isEmpty());
- if (!childReqs.has(kResult)) {
- return buildShardFilterCovered(filterNode,
- shardFiltererSlot,
- shardKeyPattern,
- std::move(indexKeyPattern),
- filterNode->children[0].get(),
- std::move(childReqs));
+ if (!reqs.has(kResult) && childIsIndexScan) {
+ return buildShardFilterCovered(root, reqs);
- auto [stage, outputs] = build(filterNode->children[0].get(), childReqs);
+ auto childReqs = reqs.copy().set(kResult);
+ // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return data that isn't owned by the shard. This
+ // situation can occur when pending documents from in-progress migrations are inserted and when
+ // there are orphaned documents from aborted migrations. To check if the document is owned by
+ // the shard, we need to own a 'ShardFilterer', and extract the document's shard key as a
+ // BSONObj.
+ auto shardKeyPattern = _collections.getMainCollection().getShardKeyPattern();
+ // We register the "shardFilterer" slot but we don't construct the ShardFilterer here, because
+ // once constructed the ShardFilterer will prevent orphaned documents from being deleted. We
+ // will construct the ShardFilterer later while preparing the SBE tree for execution.
+ auto shardFiltererSlot = _data.env->registerSlot(
+ "shardFilterer"_sd, sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0, false, &_slotIdGenerator);
+ auto [stage, outputs] = build(child, childReqs);
// Build an expression to extract the shard key from the document based on the shard key
// pattern. To do this, we iterate over the shard key pattern parts and build nested 'getField'
@@ -3136,7 +2891,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
{STAGE_SKIP, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSkip},
{STAGE_SORT_SIMPLE, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSort},
{STAGE_SORT_DEFAULT, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSort},
- {STAGE_SORT_KEY_GENERATOR, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSortKeyGeneraror},
+ {STAGE_SORT_KEY_GENERATOR, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildSortKeyGenerator},
{STAGE_PROJECTION_SIMPLE, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionSimple},
{STAGE_PROJECTION_DEFAULT, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionDefault},
{STAGE_PROJECTION_COVERED, &SlotBasedStageBuilder::buildProjectionCovered},
@@ -3178,6 +2933,29 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> SlotBasedStageBuilder
- return std::invoke(>getType()), *this, root, reqs);
+ auto [stage, slots] = std::invoke(>getType()), *this, root, reqs);
+ auto outputs = std::move(slots);
+ auto fields = filterVector(reqs.getFields(), [&](const std::string& s) {
+ return !outputs.has(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, StringData(s)));
+ });
+ if (!fields.empty()) {
+ tassert(6023424,
+ str::stream() << "Expected build() for " << stageTypeToString(root->getType())
+ << " to either produce a kResult slot or to satisfy all kField reqs",
+ outputs.has(PlanStageSlots::kResult));
+ auto resultSlot = outputs.get(PlanStageSlots::kResult);
+ auto [outStage, slots] = projectTopLevelFields(
+ std::move(stage), fields, resultSlot, root->nodeId(), &_slotIdGenerator);
+ stage = std::move(outStage);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, std::move(fields[i])), slots[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h
index 14bffbc1aa3..081660c43b1 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/shard_filterer_factory_interface.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/stage_builder.h"
+#include "mongo/util/pair_map.h"
namespace mongo::stage_builder {
@@ -51,6 +52,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::RuntimeEnvironment> makeRuntimeEnvironment(
OperationContext* opCtx,
sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator);
+class PlanStageReqs;
+class PlanStageSlots;
+sbe::value::SlotVector getSlotsToForward(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
+ const PlanStageSlots& outputs,
+ const sbe::value::SlotVector& exclude = sbe::makeSV());
* This function prepares the SBE tree for execution, such as attaching the OperationContext,
* ensuring that the SBE tree is registered with the PlanYieldPolicySBE and populating the
@@ -105,78 +112,86 @@ struct ParameterizedIndexScanSlots {
class PlanStageSlots {
- static constexpr StringData kResult = "result"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kRecordId = "recordId"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kReturnKey = "returnKey"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kSnapshotId = "snapshotId"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexId = "indexId"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexKey = "indexKey"_sd;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexKeyPattern = "indexKeyPattern"_sd;
+ // The _slots map is capable of holding different "classes" of slots:
+ // 1) kMeta slots are used to hold the current document (kResult), record ID (kRecordId), and
+ // various pieces of metadata.
+ // 2) kField slots represent the values of top-level fields, or in some cases of dotted field
+ // paths (when we are getting the dotted field from a non-multikey index and we know no array
+ // traversal is needed). These slots hold the actual values of the fields / field paths (not
+ // the sort key or collation comparison key for the field).
+ // 3) kKey slots represent the raw key value that comes from an ixscan / ixseek stage for a
+ // given field path. This raw key value can be used for sorting / comparison, but it is not
+ // always equal to the actual value of the field path (for example, if the key is coming from
+ // an index that has a non-simple collation).
+ enum class Type {
+ kMeta,
+ kField,
+ kKey,
+ };
+ using Name = std::pair<Type, StringData>;
+ using OwnedName = std::pair<Type, std::string>;
+ static constexpr auto kField = Type::kField;
+ static constexpr auto kKey = Type::kKey;
+ static constexpr auto kMeta = Type::kMeta;
+ static constexpr Name kResult = {kMeta, "result"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kRecordId = {kMeta, "recordId"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kReturnKey = {kMeta, "returnKey"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kSnapshotId = {kMeta, "snapshotId"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kIndexId = {kMeta, "indexId"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kIndexKey = {kMeta, "indexKey"_sd};
+ static constexpr Name kIndexKeyPattern = {kMeta, "indexKeyPattern"_sd};
PlanStageSlots() = default;
PlanStageSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator);
- bool has(StringData str) const {
+ bool has(const Name& str) const {
return _slots.count(str);
- sbe::value::SlotId get(StringData str) const {
+ sbe::value::SlotId get(const Name& str) const {
auto it = _slots.find(str);
invariant(it != _slots.end());
return it->second;
- boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> getIfExists(StringData str) const {
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> getIfExists(const Name& str) const {
if (auto it = _slots.find(str); it != _slots.end()) {
return it->second;
return boost::none;
- void set(StringData str, sbe::value::SlotId slot) {
- _slots[str] = slot;
- }
- void clear(StringData str) {
- _slots.erase(str);
+ void set(const Name& str, sbe::value::SlotId slot) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(str, slot);
- const boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotVector>& getIndexKeySlots() const {
- return _indexKeySlots;
+ void set(OwnedName str, sbe::value::SlotId slot) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(std::move(str), slot);
- boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotVector> extractIndexKeySlots() {
- ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { _indexKeySlots = boost::none; });
- return std::move(_indexKeySlots);
- }
- void setIndexKeySlots(sbe::value::SlotVector iks) {
- _indexKeySlots = std::move(iks);
- }
- void setIndexKeySlots(boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotVector> iks) {
- _indexKeySlots = std::move(iks);
+ void clear(const Name& str) {
+ _slots.erase(str);
- * This method applies an action to some/all of the slots within this struct (excluding index
- * key slots). For each slot in this struct, the action is will be applied to the slot if (and
- * only if) the corresponding flag in 'reqs' is true.
+ * This method applies an action to some/all of the slots within this struct. For each slot in
+ * this struct, the action is will be applied to the slot if (and only if) the corresponding
+ * flag in 'reqs' is true.
inline void forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId)>& fn) const;
- inline void forEachSlot(
- const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
- const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const StringData&)>& fn) const;
+ inline void forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
+ const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const Name&)>& fn) const;
- StringMap<sbe::value::SlotId> _slots;
+ inline void clearNonRequiredSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
- // When an index scan produces parts of an index key for a covered plan, this is where the
- // slots for the produced values are stored.
- boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotVector> _indexKeySlots;
+ PairMap<Type, std::string, sbe::value::SlotId> _slots;
@@ -185,38 +200,71 @@ private:
class PlanStageReqs {
+ using Type = PlanStageSlots::Type;
+ using Name = PlanStageSlots::Name;
+ using OwnedName = std::pair<Type, std::string>;
+ static constexpr auto kField = PlanStageSlots::Type::kField;
+ static constexpr auto kKey = PlanStageSlots::Type::kKey;
+ static constexpr auto kMeta = PlanStageSlots::Type::kMeta;
PlanStageReqs copy() const {
return *this;
- bool has(StringData str) const {
+ bool has(const Name& str) const {
auto it = _slots.find(str);
return it != _slots.end() && it->second;
- PlanStageReqs& set(StringData str) {
- _slots[str] = true;
+ PlanStageReqs& set(const Name& str) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(str, true);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& set(OwnedName str) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(std::move(str), true);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& set(const std::vector<Name>& strs) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(strs[i], true);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& set(std::vector<OwnedName> strs) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(std::move(strs[i]), true);
+ }
return *this;
- PlanStageReqs& setIf(StringData str, bool condition) {
+ PlanStageReqs& setIf(const Name& str, bool condition) {
if (condition) {
- _slots[str] = true;
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(str, true);
return *this;
- PlanStageReqs& clear(StringData str) {
- _slots.erase(str);
+ PlanStageReqs& setFields(std::vector<std::string> strs) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(std::make_pair(kField, std::move(strs[i])), true);
+ }
return *this;
- boost::optional<sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet>& getIndexKeyBitset() {
- return _indexKeyBitset;
+ PlanStageReqs& setKeys(std::vector<std::string> strs) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
+ _slots.insert_or_assign(std::make_pair(kKey, std::move(strs[i])), true);
+ }
+ return *this;
- const boost::optional<sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet>& getIndexKeyBitset() const {
- return _indexKeyBitset;
+ PlanStageReqs& clear(const Name& str) {
+ _slots.erase(str);
+ return *this;
bool getIsBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan() const {
@@ -243,6 +291,52 @@ public:
return _targetNamespace;
+ bool hasType(Type t) const {
+ for (auto&& [name, isRequired] : _slots) {
+ if (isRequired && name.first == t) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool hasFields() const {
+ return hasType(kField);
+ }
+ bool hasKeys() const {
+ return hasType(kKey);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> getOfType(Type t) const {
+ std::vector<std::string> res;
+ for (auto&& [name, isRequired] : _slots) {
+ if (isRequired && name.first == t) {
+ res.push_back(name.second);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
+ return res;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> getFields() const {
+ return getOfType(kField);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> getKeys() const {
+ return getOfType(kKey);
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& clearAllOfType(Type t) {
+ auto fields = getOfType(t);
+ for (const auto& field : fields) {
+ _slots.erase(std::make_pair(kField, StringData(field)));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& clearAllFields() {
+ return clearAllOfType(kField);
+ }
+ PlanStageReqs& clearAllKeys() {
+ return clearAllOfType(kKey);
+ }
friend PlanStageSlots::PlanStageSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator);
@@ -251,14 +345,12 @@ public:
friend void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(
const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
- const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const StringData&)>& fn) const;
+ const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const Name&)>& fn) const;
- StringMap<bool> _slots;
+ friend void PlanStageSlots::clearNonRequiredSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
- // A bitset here indicates that we have a covered projection that is expecting to parts of the
- // index key from an index scan.
- boost::optional<sbe::IndexKeysInclusionSet> _indexKeyBitset;
+ PairMap<Type, std::string, bool> _slots;
// When we're in the middle of building a special union sub-tree implementing a tailable cursor
// collection scan, this flag will be set to true. Otherwise this flag will be false.
@@ -283,11 +375,11 @@ void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
// Clang raises an error if we attempt to use 'name' in the tassert() below, because
// tassert() is a macro that uses lambdas and 'name' is defined via "local binding".
// We work-around this by copying 'name' to a local variable 'slotName'.
- auto slotName = StringData(name);
+ auto slotName = Name(name);
auto it = _slots.find(slotName);
- str::stream() << "Could not find '" << slotName
- << "' slot in the map, expected slot to exist",
+ str::stream() << "Could not find " << static_cast<int>(slotName.first) << ":'"
+ << slotName.second << "' in the slot map, expected slot to exist",
it != _slots.end());
@@ -297,17 +389,17 @@ void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(
const PlanStageReqs& reqs,
- const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const StringData&)>& fn) const {
+ const std::function<void(sbe::value::SlotId, const Name&)>& fn) const {
for (auto&& [name, isRequired] : reqs._slots) {
if (isRequired) {
// Clang raises an error if we attempt to use 'name' in the tassert() below, because
// tassert() is a macro that uses lambdas and 'name' is defined via "local binding".
// We work-around this by copying 'name' to a local variable 'slotName'.
- auto slotName = StringData(name);
+ auto slotName = Name(name);
auto it = _slots.find(slotName);
- str::stream() << "Could not find '" << slotName
- << "' slot in the map, expected slot to exist",
+ str::stream() << "Could not find " << static_cast<int>(slotName.first) << ":'"
+ << slotName.second << "' in the slot map, expected slot to exist",
it != _slots.end());
fn(it->second, slotName);
@@ -315,6 +407,21 @@ void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(
+void PlanStageSlots::clearNonRequiredSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs) {
+ auto it = _slots.begin();
+ while (it != _slots.end()) {
+ auto& name = it->first;
+ auto reqIt = reqs._slots.find(name);
+ // We never clear kResult, regardless of whether it is required by 'reqs'.
+ if ((reqIt != reqs._slots.end() && reqIt->second) ||
+ (name.first == kResult.first && name.second == kResult.second)) {
+ ++it;
+ } else {
+ _slots.erase(it++);
+ }
+ }
using InputParamToSlotMap = stdx::unordered_map<MatchExpression::InputParamId, sbe::value::SlotId>;
using VariableIdToSlotMap = stdx::unordered_map<Variables::Id, sbe::value::SlotId>;
@@ -443,13 +550,13 @@ private:
class SlotBasedStageBuilder final : public StageBuilder<sbe::PlanStage> {
- static constexpr StringData kResult = PlanStageSlots::kResult;
- static constexpr StringData kRecordId = PlanStageSlots::kRecordId;
- static constexpr StringData kReturnKey = PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey;
- static constexpr StringData kSnapshotId = PlanStageSlots::kSnapshotId;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexId = PlanStageSlots::kIndexId;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexKey = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKey;
- static constexpr StringData kIndexKeyPattern = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKeyPattern;
+ static constexpr auto kResult = PlanStageSlots::kResult;
+ static constexpr auto kRecordId = PlanStageSlots::kRecordId;
+ static constexpr auto kReturnKey = PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey;
+ static constexpr auto kSnapshotId = PlanStageSlots::kSnapshotId;
+ static constexpr auto kIndexId = PlanStageSlots::kIndexId;
+ static constexpr auto kIndexKey = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKey;
+ static constexpr auto kIndexKeyPattern = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKeyPattern;
SlotBasedStageBuilder(OperationContext* opCtx,
const MultipleCollectionAccessor& collections,
@@ -457,6 +564,12 @@ public:
const QuerySolution& solution,
PlanYieldPolicySBE* yieldPolicy);
+ /**
+ * This method will build an SBE PlanStage tree for QuerySolutionNode 'root' and its
+ * descendents.
+ *
+ * This method is a wrapper around 'build(const QuerySolutionNode*, const PlanStageReqs&)'.
+ */
std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> build(const QuerySolutionNode* root) final;
PlanStageData getPlanStageData() {
@@ -464,6 +577,14 @@ public:
+ /**
+ * This method will build an SBE PlanStage tree for QuerySolutionNode 'root' and its
+ * descendents.
+ *
+ * Based on the type of 'root', this method will dispatch to the appropriate buildXXX() method.
+ * This method will also handle generating calls to getField() to satisfy kField reqs that were
+ * not satisfied by the buildXXX() method.
+ */
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> build(const QuerySolutionNode* node,
const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
@@ -494,7 +615,7 @@ private:
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildSortCovered(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
- std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildSortKeyGeneraror(
+ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildSortKeyGenerator(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildSortMerge(
@@ -539,19 +660,14 @@ private:
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
- * Constructs an optimized SBE plan for 'filterNode' in the case that the fields of the
- * 'shardKeyPattern' are provided by 'childIxscan'. In this case, the SBE plan for the child
+ * Constructs an optimized SBE plan for 'root' in the case that the fields of the shard key
+ * pattern are provided by the child index scan. In this case, the SBE plan for the child
* index scan node will fill out slots for the necessary components of the index key. These
* slots can be read directly in order to determine the shard key that should be passed to the
* 'shardFiltererSlot'.
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildShardFilterCovered(
- const ShardingFilterNode* filterNode,
- sbe::value::SlotId shardFiltererSlot,
- BSONObj shardKeyPattern,
- BSONObj indexKeyPattern,
- const QuerySolutionNode* child,
- PlanStageReqs childReqs);
+ const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> buildGroup(
const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.cpp
index c44c088ac87..34a6b8a00a6 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.cpp
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> buildResumeFromRecordIdSubtree(
// Construct a 'seek' branch of the 'union'. If we're succeeded to reposition the cursor,
- // the branch will output the 'seekSlot' to start the real scan from, otherwise it will
+ // the branch will output the 'seekSlot' to start the real scan from, otherwise it will
// produce EOF.
auto seekBranch =
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> buildResumeFromRecordIdSubtree(
* Creates a collection scan sub-tree optimized for oplog scans. We can built an optimized scan
* when any of the following scenarios apply:
- * 1. There is a predicted on the 'ts' field of the oplog collection.
+ * 1. There is a predicate on the 'ts' field of the oplog collection.
* 1.1 If a lower bound on 'ts' is present, the collection scan will seek directly to the
* RecordId of an oplog entry as close to this lower bound as possible without going higher.
* 1.2 If the query is *only* a lower bound on 'ts' on a forward scan, every document in the
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
StageBuilderState& state,
const CollectionPtr& collection,
const CollectionScanNode* csn,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy,
bool isTailableResumeBranch) {
@@ -258,6 +259,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
// Oplog scan optimizations can only be done for a forward scan.
invariant(csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD);
+ auto fieldSlots = state.slotIdGenerator->generateMultiple(fields.size());
auto resultSlot = state.slotId();
auto recordIdSlot = state.slotId();
@@ -290,9 +293,16 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
// of if we need to track the latest oplog timestamp.
const auto shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp =
(csn->maxRecord || csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp);
- auto&& [fields, slots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(
+ auto&& [scanFields, scanFieldSlots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(>env, state.slotIdGenerator, shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp);
+ bool createScanWithAndWithoutFilter = (csn->filter && csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch);
+ if (!createScanWithAndWithoutFilter) {
+ scanFields.insert(scanFields.end(), fields.begin(), fields.end());
+ scanFieldSlots.insert(scanFieldSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
+ }
sbe::ScanCallbacks callbacks({}, {}, makeOpenCallbackIfNeeded(collection, csn));
auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::ScanStage>(collection->uuid(),
@@ -302,8 +312,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
boost::none /* indexKeySlot */,
boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */,
- std::move(fields),
- std::move(slots),
+ std::move(scanFields),
+ std::move(scanFieldSlots),
true /* forward */,
@@ -342,7 +352,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
auto oObjSlot = state.slotId();
auto minTsSlot = state.slotId();
sbe::value::SlotVector minTsSlots = {minTsSlot, opTypeSlot, oObjSlot};
- std::vector<std::string> fields = {repl::OpTime::kTimestampFieldName.toString(), "op", "o"};
+ std::vector<std::string> minTsFields = {
+ repl::OpTime::kTimestampFieldName.toString(), "op", "o"};
// If the first entry we see in the oplog is the replset initialization, then it doesn't
// matter if its timestamp is later than the specified minTs; no events earlier than the
@@ -375,7 +386,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
boost::none /* indexKeySlot */,
boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */,
boost::none /* oplogTsSlot*/,
- std::move(fields),
+ std::move(minTsFields),
minTsSlots, /* don't move this */
true /* forward */,
@@ -421,6 +432,18 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
tsSlot = state.slotId();
auto outputSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot, *tsSlot);
+ if (!createScanWithAndWithoutFilter) {
+ auto unusedFieldSlots = state.slotIdGenerator->generateMultiple(fieldSlots.size());
+ minTsSlots.insert(minTsSlots.end(), unusedFieldSlots.begin(), unusedFieldSlots.end());
+ realSlots.insert(realSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
+ size_t numFieldSlots = fieldSlots.size();
+ fieldSlots = state.slotIdGenerator->generateMultiple(numFieldSlots);
+ outputSlots.insert(outputSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
+ }
// Create the union stage. The left branch, which runs first, is our resumability check.
stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::UnionStage>(
sbe::makeSs(std::move(minTsBranch), std::move(stage)),
@@ -454,6 +477,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
+ relevantSlots.insert(relevantSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
auto [_, outputStage] = generateFilter(state,
{std::move(stage), std::move(relevantSlots)},
@@ -483,7 +508,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
// matches. This RecordId is then used as a starting point of the collection scan in the
// inner branch, and the execution will continue from this point further on, without
// applying the filter.
- if (csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch) {
+ if (createScanWithAndWithoutFilter) {
invariant(csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD);
@@ -491,9 +516,12 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
resultSlot = state.slotId();
recordIdSlot = state.slotId();
- std::tie(fields, slots, tsSlot) = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(
+ std::tie(scanFields, scanFieldSlots, tsSlot) = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(>env, state.slotIdGenerator, shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp);
+ scanFields.insert(scanFields.end(), fields.begin(), fields.end());
+ scanFieldSlots.insert(scanFieldSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::LoopJoinStage>(
sbe::makeS<sbe::LimitSkipStage>(std::move(stage), 1, boost::none, csn->nodeId()),
@@ -504,8 +532,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
boost::none /* indexKeySlot */,
boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */,
- std::move(fields),
- std::move(slots),
+ std::move(scanFields),
+ std::move(scanFieldSlots),
true /* forward */,
@@ -524,6 +552,9 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplo
PlanStageSlots outputs;
outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kResult, resultSlot);
outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kRecordId, recordIdSlot);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, fields[i]), fieldSlots[i]);
+ }
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -540,6 +571,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
StageBuilderState& state,
const CollectionPtr& collection,
const CollectionScanNode* csn,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy,
bool isTailableResumeBranch) {
const auto forward = csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD;
@@ -548,6 +580,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
invariant(!csn->resumeAfterRecordId || forward);
invariant(!csn->resumeAfterRecordId || !csn->tailable);
+ auto fieldSlots = state.slotIdGenerator->generateMultiple(fields.size());
auto resultSlot = state.slotId();
auto recordIdSlot = state.slotId();
auto [seekRecordIdSlot, seekRecordIdExpression] =
@@ -563,9 +597,12 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
// See if we need to project out an oplog latest timestamp.
- auto&& [fields, slots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(
+ auto&& [scanFields, scanFieldSlots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(>env, state.slotIdGenerator, csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp);
+ scanFields.insert(scanFields.end(), fields.begin(), fields.end());
+ scanFieldSlots.insert(scanFieldSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
sbe::ScanCallbacks callbacks({}, {}, makeOpenCallbackIfNeeded(collection, csn));
auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::ScanStage>(collection->uuid(),
@@ -575,8 +612,8 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
boost::none /* indexKeySlot */,
boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */,
- std::move(fields),
- std::move(slots),
+ std::move(scanFields),
+ std::move(scanFieldSlots),
@@ -602,6 +639,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
auto relevantSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot);
+ relevantSlots.insert(relevantSlots.end(), fieldSlots.begin(), fieldSlots.end());
auto [_, outputStage] = generateFilter(state,
@@ -614,6 +652,9 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollSc
PlanStageSlots outputs;
outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kResult, resultSlot);
outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kRecordId, recordIdSlot);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, fields[i]), fieldSlots[i]);
+ }
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -623,13 +664,15 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateCollScan(
StageBuilderState& state,
const CollectionPtr& collection,
const CollectionScanNode* csn,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy,
bool isTailableResumeBranch) {
if (csn->minRecord || csn->maxRecord || csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch) {
return generateOptimizedOplogScan(
- state, collection, csn, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch);
+ state, collection, csn, fields, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch);
} else {
- return generateGenericCollScan(state, collection, csn, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch);
+ return generateGenericCollScan(
+ state, collection, csn, fields, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch);
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.h
index b204c5487a8..3b6e1b861ae 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.h
@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ namespace mongo::stage_builder {
class PlanStageSlots;
- * Generates an SBE plan stage sub-tree implementing an collection scan.
+ * Generates an SBE plan stage sub-tree implementing an collection scan. 'fields' can be used to
+ * specify top-level fields that should be retrieved during the scan. For each name in 'fields',
+ * there will be a corresponding kField slot in the PlanStageSlots object returned with the same
+ * name.
* On success, a tuple containing the following data is returned:
* * A slot to access a fetched document (a resultSlot)
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateCollScan(
StageBuilderState& state,
const CollectionPtr& collection,
const CollectionScanNode* csn,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy,
bool isTailableResumeBranch);
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.cpp
index d96f7ea6a92..c1566970b6d 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.cpp
@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ struct ExpressionVisitorContext {
ExpressionVisitorContext(StageBuilderState& state,
EvalStage inputStage,
boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> optionalRootSlot,
- PlanNodeId planNodeId)
- : state(state), optionalRootSlot(optionalRootSlot), planNodeId(planNodeId) {
+ PlanNodeId planNodeId,
+ const PlanStageSlots* slots = nullptr)
+ : state(state), optionalRootSlot(optionalRootSlot), planNodeId(planNodeId), slots(slots) {
@@ -142,6 +143,9 @@ struct ExpressionVisitorContext {
std::stack<VarsFrame> varsFrameStack;
// The id of the QuerySolutionNode to which the expression we are converting to SBE is attached.
const PlanNodeId planNodeId;
+ const PlanStageSlots* slots = nullptr;
// This stack contains slot id for the current element variable of $filter expression.
std::stack<sbe::value::SlotId> filterExprSlotIdStack;
// We use this counter to track which children of $filter we've already processed.
@@ -149,17 +153,23 @@ struct ExpressionVisitorContext {
std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generateTraverseHelper(
- const sbe::EVariable& inputVar,
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> inputExpr,
const FieldPath& fp,
size_t level,
- sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator) {
+ sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator,
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> topLevelFieldSlot = boost::none) {
using namespace std::literals;
invariant(level < fp.getPathLength());
+ tassert(6023417,
+ "Expected an input expression or top level field",
+ inputExpr.get() || topLevelFieldSlot.has_value());
// Generate an expression to read a sub-field at the current nested level.
auto fieldName = sbe::makeE<sbe::EConstant>(fp.getFieldName(level));
- auto fieldExpr = makeFunction("getField"_sd, inputVar.clone(), std::move(fieldName));
+ auto fieldExpr = topLevelFieldSlot
+ ? makeVariable(*topLevelFieldSlot)
+ : makeFunction("getField"_sd, std::move(inputExpr), std::move(fieldName));
if (level == fp.getPathLength() - 1) {
// For the last level, we can just return the field slot without the need for a
@@ -171,7 +181,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generateTraverseHelper(
auto lambdaFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate();
auto lambdaParam = sbe::EVariable{lambdaFrameId, 0};
- auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam, fp, level + 1, frameIdGenerator);
+ auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam.clone(), fp, level + 1, frameIdGenerator);
auto lambdaExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::ELocalLambda>(lambdaFrameId, std::move(resultExpr));
@@ -186,28 +196,32 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generateTraverseHelper(
* For the given MatchExpression 'expr', generates a path traversal SBE plan stage sub-tree
* implementing the comparison expression.
-std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generateTraverse(const sbe::EVariable& inputVar,
- bool expectsDocumentInputOnly,
- const FieldPath& fp,
- sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator) {
+std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> generateTraverse(
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> inputExpr,
+ bool expectsDocumentInputOnly,
+ const FieldPath& fp,
+ sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator,
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> topLevelFieldSlot = boost::none) {
size_t level = 0;
if (expectsDocumentInputOnly) {
- // When we know for sure that 'inputVar' will be a document and _not_ an array (such as
- // when traversing the root document), we can generate a simpler expression.
- return generateTraverseHelper(inputVar, fp, level, frameIdGenerator);
+ // When we know for sure that 'inputExpr' will be a document and _not_ an array (such as
+ // when accessing a field on the root document), we can generate a simpler expression.
+ return generateTraverseHelper(
+ std::move(inputExpr), fp, level, frameIdGenerator, topLevelFieldSlot);
} else {
- // The general case: the value in the 'inputVar' may be an array that will require
+ tassert(6023418, "Expected an input expression", inputExpr.get());
+ // The general case: the value in the 'inputExpr' may be an array that will require
// traversal.
auto lambdaFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate();
auto lambdaParam = sbe::EVariable{lambdaFrameId, 0};
- auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam, fp, level, frameIdGenerator);
+ auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam.clone(), fp, level, frameIdGenerator);
auto lambdaExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::ELocalLambda>(lambdaFrameId, std::move(resultExpr));
return makeFunction("traverseP",
- inputVar.clone(),
+ std::move(inputExpr),
makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 1));
@@ -1951,28 +1965,44 @@ public:
void visit(const ExpressionFieldPath* expr) final {
// There's a chance that we've already generated a SBE plan stage tree for this field path,
// in which case we avoid regeneration of the same plan stage tree.
- if (auto it = _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.find(expr->getFieldPath().fullPath());
- it != _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.end()) {
- tassert(6089301,
- "Expressions for top-level document or a variable must not be pre-generated",
- expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() != 1 && !expr->isVariableReference());
- if (auto optionalSlot = it->second.getSlot(); optionalSlot) {
- _context->pushExpr(*optionalSlot);
- } else {
- auto preGeneratedExpr = it->second.extractExpr();
- _context->pushExpr(preGeneratedExpr->clone());
- it->second = std::move(preGeneratedExpr);
+ if (!_context->state.preGeneratedExprs.empty()) {
+ if (auto it = _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.find(expr->getFieldPath().fullPath());
+ it != _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.end()) {
+ tassert(6089301,
+ "Expressions for top-level documents / variables must not be pre-generated",
+ expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() != 1 && !expr->isVariableReference());
+ if (auto optionalSlot = it->second.getSlot(); optionalSlot) {
+ _context->pushExpr(*optionalSlot);
+ } else {
+ auto preGeneratedExpr = it->second.extractExpr();
+ _context->pushExpr(preGeneratedExpr->clone());
+ it->second = std::move(preGeneratedExpr);
+ }
+ return;
- return;
- tassert(6075901, "Must have a valid root slot", _context->optionalRootSlot.has_value());
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> slotId;
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> topLevelFieldSlot;
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> fp;
+ bool expectsDocumentInputOnly = false;
- sbe::value::SlotId slotId;
+ if (expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() > 1) {
+ fp = expr->getFieldPathWithoutCurrentPrefix();
+ }
+ if (expr->getVariableId() == Variables::kRootId &&
+ expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() > 1) {
+ slotId = _context->optionalRootSlot;
+ expectsDocumentInputOnly = true;
- if (!Variables::isUserDefinedVariable(expr->getVariableId())) {
+ if (_context->slots) {
+ auto topLevelField = std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kField, fp->front());
+ topLevelFieldSlot = _context->slots->getIfExists(topLevelField);
+ }
+ } else if (!Variables::isUserDefinedVariable(expr->getVariableId())) {
if (expr->getVariableId() == Variables::kRootId) {
- slotId = *(_context->optionalRootSlot);
+ slotId = _context->optionalRootSlot;
} else if (expr->getVariableId() == Variables::kRemoveId) {
// For the field paths that begin with "$$REMOVE", we always produce Nothing,
// so no traversal is necessary.
@@ -1990,7 +2020,7 @@ public:
<< "Builtin variable '$$" << it->second << "' is not available",
- slotId = *variableSlot;
+ slotId = variableSlot;
} else {
auto it = _context->environment.find(expr->getVariableId());
@@ -2002,19 +2032,27 @@ public:
if (expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() == 1) {
+ tassert(6023419, "Must have a valid slot", slotId.has_value());
// A solo variable reference (e.g.: "$$ROOT" or "$$myvar") that doesn't need any
// traversal.
- _context->pushExpr(slotId);
+ _context->pushExpr(*slotId);
- // Dereference a dotted path, which may contain arrays requiring implicit traversal.
- const bool expectsDocumentInputOnly = slotId == *(_context->optionalRootSlot);
+ tassert(6023420,
+ "Must have a valid root slot or field slot",
+ slotId.has_value() || topLevelFieldSlot.has_value());
+ auto inputExpr =
+ slotId ? sbe::makeE<sbe::EVariable>(*slotId) : std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>{};
- auto resultExpr = generateTraverse(sbe::EVariable{slotId},
+ // Dereference a dotted path, which may contain arrays requiring implicit traversal.
+ auto resultExpr = generateTraverse(std::move(inputExpr),
- expr->getFieldPathWithoutCurrentPrefix(),
- _context->state.frameIdGenerator);
+ *fp,
+ _context->state.frameIdGenerator,
+ topLevelFieldSlot);
@@ -4126,8 +4164,9 @@ EvalExprStagePair generateExpression(StageBuilderState& state,
const Expression* expr,
EvalStage stage,
boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> optionalRootSlot,
- PlanNodeId planNodeId) {
- ExpressionVisitorContext context(state, std::move(stage), optionalRootSlot, planNodeId);
+ PlanNodeId planNodeId,
+ const PlanStageSlots* slots) {
+ ExpressionVisitorContext context(state, std::move(stage), optionalRootSlot, planNodeId, slots);
ExpressionPreVisitor preVisitor{&context};
ExpressionInVisitor inVisitor{&context};
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.h
index 3d148113f89..78b4774f807 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.h
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h"
namespace mongo::stage_builder {
+class PlanStageSlots;
* Translates an input Expression into an SBE EExpression. The 'stage' parameter provides the input
* subtree to build on top of.
@@ -46,7 +48,8 @@ EvalExprStagePair generateExpression(StageBuilderState& state,
const Expression* expr,
EvalStage stage,
boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> optionalRootSlot,
- PlanNodeId planNodeId);
+ PlanNodeId planNodeId,
+ const PlanStageSlots* slots = nullptr);
* Generate an EExpression that converts a value (contained in a variable bound to 'branchRef') that
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.cpp
index affc05691b1..c8acb608a42 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.cpp
@@ -958,27 +958,25 @@ bool indexKeyConsistencyCheckCallback(OperationContext* opCtx,
return true;
-std::tuple<sbe::value::SlotId, sbe::value::SlotId, std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>>
-makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
- sbe::value::SlotId seekKeySlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId snapshotIdSlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexIdSlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexKeySlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexKeyPatternSlot,
- const CollectionPtr& collToFetch,
- StringMap<const IndexAccessMethod*> iamMap,
- PlanNodeId planNodeId,
- sbe::value::SlotVector slotsToForward,
- sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator& slotIdGenerator) {
+std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
+ sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId recordIdSlot,
+ std::vector<std::string> fields,
+ sbe::value::SlotVector fieldSlots,
+ sbe::value::SlotId seekKeySlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId snapshotIdSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexIdSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexKeySlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexKeyPatternSlot,
+ const CollectionPtr& collToFetch,
+ StringMap<const IndexAccessMethod*> iamMap,
+ PlanNodeId planNodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotVector slotsToForward) {
// It is assumed that we are generating a fetch loop join over the main collection. If we are
// generating a fetch over a secondary collection, it is the responsibility of a parent node
// in the QSN tree to indicate which collection we are fetching over.
tassert(6355301, "Cannot fetch from a collection that doesn't exist", collToFetch);
- auto resultSlot = slotIdGenerator.generate();
- auto recordIdSlot = slotIdGenerator.generate();
- using namespace std::placeholders;
sbe::ScanCallbacks callbacks(
[=](auto&& arg1, auto&& arg2, auto&& arg3, auto&& arg4, auto&& arg5, auto&& arg6) {
@@ -995,8 +993,8 @@ makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
- std::vector<std::string>{},
- sbe::makeSV(),
+ std::move(fields),
+ std::move(fieldSlots),
@@ -1005,15 +1003,13 @@ makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
// Get the recordIdSlot from the outer side (e.g., IXSCAN) and feed it to the inner side,
// limiting the result set to 1 row.
- auto stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::LoopJoinStage>(
+ return sbe::makeS<sbe::LoopJoinStage>(
sbe::makeS<sbe::LimitSkipStage>(std::move(scanStage), 1, boost::none, planNodeId),
sbe::makeSV(seekKeySlot, snapshotIdSlot, indexIdSlot, indexKeySlot, indexKeyPatternSlot),
- return {resultSlot, recordIdSlot, std::move(stage)};
sbe::value::SlotId StageBuilderState::registerInputParamSlot(
@@ -1121,4 +1117,172 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> rehydrateIndexKey(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage
return sbe::makeProjectStage(std::move(stage), nodeId, resultSlot, std::move(keyExpr));
+ * For covered projections, each of the projection field paths represent respective index key. To
+ * rehydrate index keys into the result object, we first need to convert projection AST into
+ * 'IndexKeyPatternTreeNode' structure. Context structure and visitors below are used for this
+ * purpose.
+ */
+struct IndexKeysBuilderContext {
+ // Contains resulting tree of index keys converted from projection AST.
+ IndexKeyPatternTreeNode root;
+ // Full field path of the currently visited projection node.
+ std::vector<StringData> currentFieldPath;
+ // Each projection node has a vector of field names. This stack contains indexes of the
+ // currently visited field names for each of the projection nodes.
+ std::vector<size_t> currentFieldIndex;
+ * Covered projections are always inclusion-only, so we ban all other operators.
+ */
+class IndexKeysBuilder : public projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstVisitor {
+ using projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstVisitor::visit;
+ IndexKeysBuilder(IndexKeysBuilderContext* context) : _context{context} {}
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPositionalASTNode* node) final {
+ tasserted(5474501, "Positional projection is not allowed in simple or covered projections");
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionSliceASTNode* node) final {
+ tasserted(5474502, "$slice is not allowed in simple or covered projections");
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionElemMatchASTNode* node) final {
+ tasserted(5474503, "$elemMatch is not allowed in simple or covered projections");
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ExpressionASTNode* node) final {
+ tasserted(5474504, "Expressions are not allowed in simple or covered projections");
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::MatchExpressionASTNode* node) final {
+ tasserted(
+ 5474505,
+ "$elemMatch / positional projection are not allowed in simple or covered projections");
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::BooleanConstantASTNode* node) override {}
+ IndexKeysBuilderContext* _context;
+class IndexKeysPreBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
+ _context->currentFieldIndex.push_back(0);
+ _context->currentFieldPath.emplace_back(node->fieldNames().front());
+ }
+class IndexKeysInBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
+ auto& currentIndex = _context->currentFieldIndex.back();
+ currentIndex++;
+ _context->currentFieldPath.back() = node->fieldNames()[currentIndex];
+ }
+class IndexKeysPostBuilder final : public IndexKeysBuilder {
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::IndexKeysBuilder;
+ using IndexKeysBuilder::visit;
+ void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {
+ _context->currentFieldIndex.pop_back();
+ _context->currentFieldPath.pop_back();
+ }
+ void visit(const projection_ast::BooleanConstantASTNode* constantNode) final {
+ if (!constantNode->value()) {
+ // Even though only inclusion is allowed in covered projection, there still can be
+ // {_id: 0} component. We do not need to generate any nodes for it.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Insert current field path into the index keys tree if it does not exist yet.
+ auto* node = &_context->root;
+ for (const auto& part : _context->currentFieldPath) {
+ if (auto it = node->children.find(part); it != node->children.end()) {
+ node = it->second.get();
+ } else {
+ node = node->emplace(part);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+IndexKeyPatternTreeNode buildPatternTree(const projection_ast::Projection& projection) {
+ IndexKeysBuilderContext context;
+ IndexKeysPreBuilder preVisitor{&context};
+ IndexKeysInBuilder inVisitor{&context};
+ IndexKeysPostBuilder postVisitor{&context};
+ projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstWalker walker{&preVisitor, &inVisitor, &postVisitor};
+ tree_walker::walk<true, projection_ast::ASTNode>(projection.root(), &walker);
+ return std::move(context.root);
+std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, sbe::value::SlotVector> projectTopLevelFields(
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> stage,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
+ sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot,
+ PlanNodeId nodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator) {
+ // 'outputSlots' will match the order of 'fields'.
+ sbe::value::SlotVector outputSlots;
+ outputSlots.reserve(fields.size());
+ sbe::value::SlotMap<std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>> projects;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& field = fields[i];
+ auto slot = slotIdGenerator->generate();
+ auto getFieldExpr =
+ makeFunction("getField"_sd, makeVariable(resultSlot), makeConstant(field));
+ projects.insert({slot, std::move(getFieldExpr)});
+ outputSlots.emplace_back(slot);
+ }
+ if (!projects.empty()) {
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::ProjectStage>(std::move(stage), std::move(projects), nodeId);
+ }
+ return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputSlots)};
+std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, sbe::value::SlotVector> projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> stage,
+ size_t n,
+ PlanNodeId nodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator) {
+ if (n == 0) {
+ return {std::move(stage), sbe::value::SlotVector{}};
+ }
+ auto outputSlots = slotIdGenerator->generateMultiple(n);
+ sbe::value::SlotMap<std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression>> projects;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ projects.insert(
+ {outputSlots[i], sbe::makeE<sbe::EConstant>(sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0)});
+ }
+ stage = sbe::makeS<sbe::ProjectStage>(std::move(stage), std::move(projects), nodeId);
+ return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputSlots)};
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h
index f3b5d9ca455..634005c504c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
#include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_eval_frame.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/stage_types.h"
+namespace mongo::projection_ast {
+class Projection;
namespace mongo::stage_builder {
std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> makeUnaryOp(sbe::EPrimUnary::Op unaryOp,
@@ -524,19 +528,20 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> makeLocalBind(sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* fr
return sbe::makeE<sbe::ELocalBind>(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(innerExpr));
-std::tuple<sbe::value::SlotId, sbe::value::SlotId, std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>>
-makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
- sbe::value::SlotId seekKeySlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId snapshotIdSlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexIdSlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexKeySlot,
- sbe::value::SlotId indexKeyPatternSlot,
- const CollectionPtr& collToFetch,
- StringMap<const IndexAccessMethod*> iamMap,
- PlanNodeId planNodeId,
- sbe::value::SlotVector slotsToForward,
- sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator& slotIdGenerator);
+std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> inputStage,
+ sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId recordIdSlot,
+ std::vector<std::string> fields,
+ sbe::value::SlotVector fieldSlots,
+ sbe::value::SlotId seekKeySlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId snapshotIdSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexIdSlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexKeySlot,
+ sbe::value::SlotId indexKeyPatternSlot,
+ const CollectionPtr& collToFetch,
+ StringMap<const IndexAccessMethod*> iamMap,
+ PlanNodeId planNodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotVector slotsToForward);
* Trees generated by 'generateFilter' maintain state during execution. There are two types of state
@@ -1010,4 +1015,60 @@ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> rehydrateIndexKey(std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage
const sbe::value::SlotVector& indexKeySlots,
sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot);
+IndexKeyPatternTreeNode buildPatternTree(const projection_ast::Projection& projection);
+ * This method retrieves the values of the specified top-level fields ('fields') from 'resultSlot'
+ * and stores the values into slots.
+ *
+ * This method returns a pair containing: (1) the updated SBE plan stage tree and; (2) a vector of
+ * the slots ('slots') containing the field values.
+ *
+ * The order of slots in 'slots' will match the order of fields in 'fields'.
+ */
+std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, sbe::value::SlotVector> projectTopLevelFields(
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> stage,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& fields,
+ sbe::value::SlotId resultSlot,
+ PlanNodeId nodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator);
+ * This method projects the constant value Nothing to multiple slots (the specific number of slots
+ * being specified by parameter 'n').
+ *
+ * This method returns a pair containing: (1) the updated SBE plan stage tree and; (2) a vector of
+ * slots ('slots') containing Nothing.
+ *
+ * The number of slots in 'slots' will always be equal to parameter 'n'.
+ */
+std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, sbe::value::SlotVector> projectNothingToSlots(
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage> stage,
+ size_t n,
+ PlanNodeId nodeId,
+ sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator);
+template <typename T, typename FuncT>
+std::vector<T> filterVector(std::vector<T> vec, FuncT fn) {
+ std::vector<T> result;
+ std::copy_if(std::make_move_iterator(vec.begin()),
+ std::make_move_iterator(vec.end()),
+ std::back_inserter(result),
+ fn);
+ return result;
+template <typename T, typename FuncT>
+std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<T>> splitVector(std::vector<T> vec, FuncT fn) {
+ std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<T>> result;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
+ if (fn(vec[i])) {
+ result.first.emplace_back(std::move(vec[i]));
+ } else {
+ result.second.emplace_back(std::move(vec[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.cpp
index 51d37ceccf4..bfc52d055c5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.cpp
@@ -696,7 +696,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScan(
PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy,
StringMap<const IndexAccessMethod*>* iamMap,
bool needsCorruptionCheck) {
auto indexName = ixn->index.identifier.catalogName;
auto descriptor = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName(state.opCtx, indexName);
@@ -855,8 +854,16 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScan(
stage = outputStage.extractStage(ixn->nodeId());
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(
- ixn->index.keyPattern, originalIndexKeyBitset, indexKeyBitset, indexKeySlots));
+ size_t i = 0;
+ size_t slotIdx = 0;
+ for (const auto& elt : ixn->index.keyPattern) {
+ StringData name = elt.fieldNameStringData();
+ if (indexKeyBitset.test(i)) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, name), indexKeySlots[slotIdx]);
+ ++slotIdx;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
@@ -981,8 +988,9 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScanWith
// Whenever possible we should prefer building simplified single interval index scan plans in
// order to get the best performance.
if (canGenerateSingleIntervalIndexScan(ixn->iets)) {
- auto makeSlot = [&](const bool cond,
- const StringData slotKey) -> boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> {
+ auto makeSlot =
+ [&](const bool cond,
+ const PlanStageSlots::Name slotKey) -> boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId> {
if (!cond)
return boost::none;
@@ -1024,10 +1032,9 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScanWith
auto optimizedIndexScanSlots = optimizedIndexKeySlots;
auto branchOutputSlots = outputIndexKeySlots;
- auto makeSlotsForThenElseBranches =
- [&](const bool cond,
- const StringData slotKey) -> std::tuple<boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId>,
- boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId>> {
+ auto makeSlotsForThenElseBranches = [&](const bool cond, const PlanStageSlots::Name slotKey)
+ -> std::tuple<boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId>,
+ boost::optional<sbe::value::SlotId>> {
if (!cond)
return {boost::none, boost::none};
@@ -1145,9 +1152,6 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScanWith
stage = outputStage.extractStage(ixn->nodeId());
- outputs.setIndexKeySlots(makeIndexKeyOutputSlotsMatchingParentReqs(
- ixn->index.keyPattern, originalIndexKeyBitset, indexKeyBitset, outputIndexKeySlots));
@@ -1156,6 +1160,17 @@ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScanWith
+ size_t i = 0;
+ size_t slotIdx = 0;
+ for (const auto& elt : ixn->index.keyPattern) {
+ StringData name = elt.fieldNameStringData();
+ if (indexKeyBitset.test(i)) {
+ outputs.set(std::make_pair(PlanStageSlots::kKey, name), outputIndexKeySlots[slotIdx]);
+ ++slotIdx;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)};
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.h
index 29949cc1169..cded81563ac 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_index_scan.h
@@ -48,14 +48,10 @@ using IndexIntervals =
std::vector<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<KeyString::Value>, std::unique_ptr<KeyString::Value>>>;
- * This method generates an SBE plan stage tree implementing an index scan. It returns a tuple
- * containing: (1) a slot produced by the index scan that holds the record ID ('recordIdSlot');
- * (2) a slot vector produced by the index scan which hold parts of the index key ('indexKeySlots');
- * and (3) the SBE plan stage tree. 'indexKeySlots' will only contain slots for the parts of the
- * index key specified by the 'indexKeysToInclude' bitset.
- *
- * If the caller provides a slot ID for the 'returnKeySlot' parameter, this method will populate
- * the specified slot with the rehydrated index key for each record.
+ * This method returns a pair containing: (1) an SBE plan stage tree implementing an index scan;
+ * and (2) a PlanStageSlots object containing a kRecordId slot, possibly some other kMeta slots,
+ * and slots produced by the index scan that correspond to parts of the index key specified by
+ * the 'indexKeyBitset' bitset.
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScan(
StageBuilderState& state,
@@ -87,40 +83,12 @@ std::pair<sbe::value::TypeTags, sbe::value::Value> packIndexIntervalsInSbeArray(
* Constructs a generic multi-interval index scan. Depending on the intervals will either execute
- * the optimized or the generic index scan subplan. The generated subtree will have
- * the following form:
+ * the optimized or the generic index scan subplan.
- * branch {isGenericScanSlot} [recordIdSlot, resultSlot, ...]
- * then
- * filter {isRecordId(resultSlot)}
- * lspool sp1 [resultSlot] {!isRecordId(resultSlot)}
- * union [resultSlot]
- project [startKeySlot = anchorSlot, unusedVarSlot0 = Nothing, ...]
- * limit 1
- * coscan
- * [checkBoundsSlot]
- * nlj [] [seekKeySlot]
- * left
- * sspool sp1 [seekKeySlot]
- * right
- * chkbounds resultSlot recordIdSlot checkBoundsSlot
- * nlj [] [lowKeySlot]
- * left
- * project [lowKeySlot = seekKeySlot]
- * limit 1
- * coscan
- * right
- * ixseek lowKeySlot resultSlot recordIdSlot [] @coll @index
- * else
- * nlj [] [lowKeySlot, highKeySlot]
- * left
- * project [lowKeySlot = getField (unwindSlot, "l"),
- * highKeySlot = getField (unwindSlot, "h")]
- * unwind unwindSlot indexSlot boundsSlot false
- * limit 1
- * coscan
- * right
- * ixseek lowKeySlot highKeySlot recordIdSlot [] @coll @index
+ * This method returns a pair containing: (1) an SBE plan stage tree implementing a generic multi-
+ * interval index scan; and (2) a PlanStageSlots object containing a kRecordId slot, possibly some
+ * other kMeta slots, and slots produced by the index scan that correspond to parts of the index
+ * key specified by the 'indexKeyBitset' bitset.
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>, PlanStageSlots> generateIndexScanWithDynamicBounds(
StageBuilderState& state,
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup.cpp
index 775090c9cdd..b4c431f26f5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup.cpp
@@ -920,17 +920,21 @@ std::pair<SlotId, std::unique_ptr<sbe::PlanStage>> buildIndexJoinLookupStage(
// stored in 'foreignRecordSlot'. We also pass in 'snapshotIdSlot', 'indexIdSlot',
// 'indexKeySlot' and 'indexKeyPatternSlot' to perform index consistency check during the
// seek.
- auto [foreignRecordSlot, __, scanNljStage] = makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::move(ixScanNljStage),
- foreignRecordIdSlot,
- snapshotIdSlot,
- indexIdSlot,
- indexKeySlot,
- indexKeyPatternSlot,
- foreignColl,
- iamMap,
- nodeId,
- makeSV() /* slotsToForward */,
- slotIdGenerator);
+ auto foreignRecordSlot = slotIdGenerator.generate();
+ auto scanNljStage = makeLoopJoinForFetch(std::move(ixScanNljStage),
+ foreignRecordSlot,
+ slotIdGenerator.generate() /* unused recordId slot */,
+ std::vector<std::string>{},
+ makeSV(),
+ foreignRecordIdSlot,
+ snapshotIdSlot,
+ indexIdSlot,
+ indexKeySlot,
+ indexKeyPatternSlot,
+ foreignColl,
+ iamMap,
+ nodeId,
+ makeSV() /* slotsToForward */);
// 'buildForeignMatches()' filters the foreign records, returned by the index scan, to match
// those in 'localKeysSetSlot'. This is necessary because some values are encoded with the same