path: root/src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript b/src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript
index 59a871e978a..e62370f76df 100644
--- a/src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript
+++ b/src/mongo/installer/msi/SConscript
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
-# -*- mode: python; -*-
-import os
-env = env.Clone()
-env['WIX'] = os.environ.get('WIX')
-env['WIXPATH'] = r'$WIX\bin'
-env['WIXHEAT'] = r'$WIXPATH\heat.exe'
-env['WIXCANDLE'] = r'$WIXPATH\candle.exe'
-env['WIXLIGHT'] = r'$WIXPATH\light.exe'
-env['WIXUIEXT'] = r'$WIXPATH\WixUIExtension.dll'
-if env['MERGEMODULESBASEPATH'] == None and os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)') != None:
- env['MERGEMODULESBASEPATH'] = (os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)') +
- r"\Common Files\Merge Modules")
-sourcesList = [ "BinaryFragment.wxs",
- "FeatureFragment.wxs",
- "LicensingFragment.wxs",
- "UIFragment.wxs",
- ]
-# Need to do this in order to get scons to translate path separators into native format
-buildDir = env.Dir("$BUILD_DIR").path
-if has_option("use-new-tools"):
- toolBuildDir = "src\mongo-tools"
- toolBuildDir = buildDir + r'\mongo'
-enterprisebase = 'src\mongo\db\modules\enterprise'
-enterpriseToolBuildDir = buildDir + r'\mongo\db\modules\enterprise'
-# Set up parameters to pass to wix -
-# msi_edition - "Enterprise" or "Standard"
-# msi_platform - "x64" or "x86"
-# msi_flavor - "2008R2Plus" or ""
-msi_flavor = '2008R2Plus'
-msi_platform = 'x64'
-# Enterprise
-if 'enterprise' in env['MONGO_MODULES']:
- msi_edition = 'Enterprise'
- upgrade_code = '822C75A4-40BA-456B-91D3-C339155F0F90'
-# Community
- if has_option('ssl'):
- msi_edition = 'SSL'
- upgrade_code = 'FDAA2775-060E-4C54-9C19-A84197F3070D'
- else:
- msi_edition = 'Standard'
- upgrade_code = '7BCCBD4E-AC8A-48BC-9922-E9EBB158A060'
-sources = ["wxs/" + file for file in sourcesList]
-objects = ["$BUILD_DIR/msi/" + file.replace(".wxs", ".wixobj") for file in sourcesList]
-full_version = env['MONGO_VERSION'].partition('-')[0]
-# major version is the x.y, not the x.y.z
-major_version = full_version
-mv = major_version.split('.')
-major_version = "%s.%s" % (mv[0], mv[1])
-# We must regenerate the upgrade codes for each major release.
-# i.e., 3.0, 3.2, 3.4 need new codes but not 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc
-# The build will now fail when the major version is bumped to prevent mistakes.
-# When the upgrade codes are bumped, remember to raise the version number to the next major version.
-# On each update to the upgrade codes:
-# 1. Generate new GUIDs
-# 2. Ensure each MSI gets a different GUID. This is used to identify products.
-# It allows upgrade from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 in place instead of side-by-side.
-# 3. Update the check for the next major release below so we bump the GUIDs in the future.
-if float(major_version) > 3.6:
- # If you are troubleshooting this error, see the comment above
- env.FatalError("The upgrade codes are out of date for this release. Please \n" +
- "replace the existing GUIDs listed in this file with new GUIDs so " +
- "side-by-side installation of major versions (i.e. 3.2, and 3.4) is " +
- "supported.")
-# Currently, we are planning to key the same upgrade code for each
-# (msi_edition, msi_platform, msi_flavor) combination
-# and change MSI ProductId on minor updates, 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1, we let Wix do automatic
-# GUID generation for us rather then build a database of GUIDs in our build system
-# For major updates, we are going to create a new directory/productid/upgrade_code ie, 2.6 -> 3.0
-# candle: compile .wxs files into .wixobjs
- sources,
- '"$WIXCANDLE" -wx'
- # cannot have anything other than x.x.x.x in version string.
- # we should choose a fourth version number that reflects pre-ness.
- ' -dMongoDBMajorVersion=' + major_version +
- ' -dMongoDBVersion=' + full_version +
- ' -dLicenseSource=distsrc'
- r' -dEnterpriseBase=' + enterprisebase + '\\'
- ' -dBinarySource=' + buildDir + r'\mongo'
- ' -dToolBinarySource=' + toolBuildDir +
- ' -dEnterpriseToolBinarySource=' + enterpriseToolBuildDir +
- ' -dMergeModulesBasePath="$MERGEMODULESBASEPATH"'
- ' -dEdition=' + msi_edition +
- ' -d"ProductId=*\"'
- ' -dUpgradeCode=' + upgrade_code +
- ' -dClientSource=' + buildDir + r'\client_build'
- r' -dClientHeaderSource=${INSTALL_DIR}\include\mongo'
- ' -dConfiguration=Release'
- ' -dOutDir=' + buildDir + r'\msi'
- ' -dPlatform=' + msi_platform +
- ' -dFlavor=' + msi_flavor +
- r' -dProjectDir=buildscripts\packaging\msi\\'
- ' -dProjectName=MongoDB'
- ' -dTargetDir=' + buildDir + r'\msi'
- ' -dTargetExt=.msi'
- ' -dTargetFileName=${SERVER_ARCHIVE}'
- r' -dSaslSource=c:\sasl\bin'
- r' -dSnmpSource=c:\snmp\bin'
- r' -dSslSource=' + env['WINDOWS_OPENSSL_BIN'] +
- ' -out ' + buildDir + r'\msi\\'
- ' -arch ' + msi_platform +
- ' -ext "$WIXUIEXT"'
- ' $SOURCES')
-#light: link .objs into an msi
-pre_msi = "$BUILD_DIR/msi/${SERVER_DIST_BASENAME}.pre.msi"
-# Suppress VC140_CRT_CRT.MSM Internal Consistency Errors
-# ICE03 - Supress "String overflow"
-# --
-# ICE82 - Suppress "duplicate sequence number"
-# --
-pre_msi_cmd = env.Command(pre_msi,
- objects,
- '"$WIXLIGHT" -out ${TARGET} -wx -cultures:null -sice:ICE82 -sice:ICE03'
- ' -ext "$WIXUIEXT"'
- ' ${SOURCES}')
-env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongo.exe')
-env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongod.exe')
-env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongos.exe')
-env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongoperf.exe')
-if 'enterprise' in env['MONGO_MODULES']:
- env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, "#" + enterpriseToolBuildDir + "/mongodecrypt.exe")
- env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, "#" + enterpriseToolBuildDir + "/mongoldap.exe")
- pre_msi,
- r'$PYTHON buildscripts\ ${SOURCES} ${TARGET}')
-env.Alias( "msi" , msi )
+# -*- mode: python; -*-
+import os
+env = env.Clone()
+env['WIX'] = os.environ.get('WIX')
+env['WIXPATH'] = r'$WIX\bin'
+env['WIXHEAT'] = r'$WIXPATH\heat.exe'
+env['WIXCANDLE'] = r'$WIXPATH\candle.exe'
+env['WIXLIGHT'] = r'$WIXPATH\light.exe'
+env['WIXUIEXT'] = r'$WIXPATH\WixUIExtension.dll'
+env['WIXUTILEXT'] = r'$WIXPATH\WixUtilExtension.dll'
+if env['MERGEMODULESBASEPATH'] == None and os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)') != None:
+ env['MERGEMODULESBASEPATH'] = (os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)') +
+ r"\Common Files\Merge Modules")
+sourcesList = [ "BinaryFragment.wxs",
+ "FeatureFragment.wxs",
+ "LicensingFragment.wxs",
+ "UIFragment.wxs",
+ ]
+# Need to do this in order to get scons to translate path separators into native format
+buildDir = env.Dir("$BUILD_DIR").path
+if has_option("use-new-tools"):
+ toolBuildDir = "src\mongo-tools"
+ toolBuildDir = buildDir + r'\mongo'
+enterprisebase = 'src\mongo\db\modules\enterprise'
+enterpriseToolBuildDir = buildDir + r'\mongo\db\modules\enterprise'
+# Set up parameters to pass to wix -
+# msi_edition - "Enterprise" or "Standard"
+# msi_platform - "x64" or "x86"
+# msi_flavor - "2008R2Plus" or ""
+msi_flavor = '2008R2Plus'
+msi_platform = 'x64'
+# Enterprise
+if 'enterprise' in env['MONGO_MODULES']:
+ msi_edition = 'Enterprise'
+ upgrade_code = '822C75A4-40BA-456B-91D3-C339155F0F90'
+# Community
+ if has_option('ssl'):
+ msi_edition = 'SSL'
+ upgrade_code = 'FDAA2775-060E-4C54-9C19-A84197F3070D'
+ else:
+ msi_edition = 'Standard'
+ upgrade_code = '7BCCBD4E-AC8A-48BC-9922-E9EBB158A060'
+sources = ["wxs/" + file for file in sourcesList]
+objects = ["$BUILD_DIR/msi/" + file.replace(".wxs", ".wixobj") for file in sourcesList]
+full_version = env['MONGO_VERSION'].partition('-')[0]
+# major version is the x.y, not the x.y.z
+major_version = full_version
+mv = major_version.split('.')
+major_version = "%s.%s" % (mv[0], mv[1])
+# We must regenerate the upgrade codes for each major release.
+# i.e., 3.0, 3.2, 3.4 need new codes but not 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc
+# The build will now fail when the major version is bumped to prevent mistakes.
+# When the upgrade codes are bumped, remember to raise the version number to the next major version.
+# On each update to the upgrade codes:
+# 1. Generate new GUIDs
+# 2. Ensure each MSI gets a different GUID. This is used to identify products.
+# It allows upgrade from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 in place instead of side-by-side.
+# 3. Update the check for the next major release below so we bump the GUIDs in the future.
+if float(major_version) > 3.6:
+ # If you are troubleshooting this error, see the comment above
+ env.FatalError("The upgrade codes are out of date for this release. Please \n" +
+ "replace the existing GUIDs listed in this file with new GUIDs so " +
+ "side-by-side installation of major versions (i.e. 3.2, and 3.4) is " +
+ "supported.")
+# Currently, we are planning to key the same upgrade code for each
+# (msi_edition, msi_platform, msi_flavor) combination
+# and change MSI ProductId on minor updates, 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1, we let Wix do automatic
+# GUID generation for us rather then build a database of GUIDs in our build system
+# For major updates, we are going to create a new directory/productid/upgrade_code ie, 2.6 -> 3.0
+# candle: compile .wxs files into .wixobjs
+ sources,
+ '"$WIXCANDLE" -wx'
+ # cannot have anything other than x.x.x.x in version string.
+ # we should choose a fourth version number that reflects pre-ness.
+ ' -dMongoDBMajorVersion=' + major_version +
+ ' -dMongoDBVersion=' + full_version +
+ ' -dLicenseSource=distsrc'
+ r' -dEnterpriseBase=' + enterprisebase + '\\'
+ ' -dBinarySource=' + buildDir + r'\mongo'
+ ' -dToolBinarySource=' + toolBuildDir +
+ ' -dEnterpriseToolBinarySource=' + enterpriseToolBuildDir +
+ ' -dMergeModulesBasePath="$MERGEMODULESBASEPATH"'
+ ' -dEdition=' + msi_edition +
+ ' -d"ProductId=*\"'
+ ' -dUpgradeCode=' + upgrade_code +
+ ' -dClientSource=' + buildDir + r'\client_build'
+ r' -dClientHeaderSource=${INSTALL_DIR}\include\mongo'
+ ' -dConfiguration=Release'
+ ' -dOutDir=' + buildDir + r'\msi'
+ ' -dPlatform=' + msi_platform +
+ ' -dFlavor=' + msi_flavor +
+ r' -dProjectDir=buildscripts\packaging\msi\\'
+ ' -dProjectName=MongoDB'
+ ' -dTargetDir=' + buildDir + r'\msi'
+ ' -dTargetExt=.msi'
+ ' -dTargetFileName=${SERVER_ARCHIVE}'
+ r' -dSaslSource=c:\sasl\bin'
+ r' -dSnmpSource=c:\snmp\bin'
+ r' -dSslSource=' + env['WINDOWS_OPENSSL_BIN'] +
+ ' -out ' + buildDir + r'\msi\\'
+ ' -arch ' + msi_platform +
+ ' -ext "$WIXUIEXT"'
+ ' $SOURCES')
+#light: link .objs into an msi
+pre_msi = "$BUILD_DIR/msi/${SERVER_DIST_BASENAME}.pre.msi"
+# Suppress VC140_CRT_CRT.MSM Internal Consistency Errors
+# ICE03 - Supress "String overflow"
+# --
+# ICE82 - Suppress "duplicate sequence number"
+# --
+pre_msi_cmd = env.Command(pre_msi,
+ objects,
+ '"$WIXLIGHT" -out ${TARGET} -wx -cultures:null -sice:ICE82 -sice:ICE03'
+ ' -ext "$WIXUIEXT" -ext "$WIXUTILEXT"'
+ ' ${SOURCES}')
+env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongo.exe')
+env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongod.exe')
+env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongos.exe')
+env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, '$BUILD_DIR/mongo/mongoperf.exe')
+if 'enterprise' in env['MONGO_MODULES']:
+ env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, "#" + enterpriseToolBuildDir + "/mongodecrypt.exe")
+ env.Depends(pre_msi_cmd, "#" + enterpriseToolBuildDir + "/mongoldap.exe")
+ pre_msi,
+ r'$PYTHON buildscripts\ ${SOURCES} ${TARGET}')
+env.Alias( "msi" , msi )