path: root/src/mongo/rpc/op_msg_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/rpc/op_msg_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 863 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/rpc/op_msg_test.cpp b/src/mongo/rpc/op_msg_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..29df95c9136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/rpc/op_msg_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault
+#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "mongo/base/static_assert.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/json.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/util/builder.h"
+#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+#include "mongo/rpc/op_msg.h"
+#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
+#include "mongo/util/hex.h"
+#include "mongo/util/log.h"
+namespace mongo {
+namespace {
+// Makes a SharedBuffer out of arguments passed to constructor.
+class Bytes {
+ template <typename... T>
+ explicit Bytes(T&&... args) {
+ append(args...);
+ }
+ void append() {} // no-op base case
+ template <typename T, typename... Rest>
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value> append(T arg, Rest&&... rest) {
+ // Make sure BufBuilder has a real overload of this exact type and it isn't implicitly
+ // converted.
+ (void)static_cast<void (BufBuilder::*)(T)>(&BufBuilder::appendNum);
+ buffer.appendNum(arg); // automatically little endian.
+ append(rest...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Rest>
+ void append(const BSONObj& arg, Rest&&... rest) {
+ arg.appendSelfToBufBuilder(buffer);
+ append(rest...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Rest>
+ void append(const Bytes& arg, Rest&&... rest) {
+ buffer.appendBuf(arg.buffer.buf(), arg.buffer.len());
+ append(rest...);
+ }
+ template <typename... Rest>
+ void append(StringData arg, Rest&&... rest) {
+ buffer.appendStr(arg, /* null terminate*/ true);
+ append(rest...);
+ }
+ BufBuilder buffer;
+// A Bytes that puts the size of the buffer at the front as a little-endian int32
+class Sized : public Bytes {
+ template <typename... T>
+ explicit Sized(T&&... args) {
+ buffer.skip(sizeof(int32_t));
+ append(args...);
+ DataView(buffer.buf()).write<LittleEndian<int32_t>>(buffer.len());
+ }
+ // Adds extra to the stored size. Use this to produce illegal messages.
+ Sized&& addToSize(int32_t extra) && {
+ DataView(buffer.buf()).write<LittleEndian<int32_t>>(buffer.len() + extra);
+ return std::move(*this);
+ }
+// A Bytes that puts the standard message header at the front.
+class OpMsgBytes : public Sized {
+ template <typename... T>
+ explicit OpMsgBytes(T&&... args)
+ : Sized{int32_t{1}, // requestId
+ int32_t{2}, // replyId
+ int32_t{dbMsg}, // opCode
+ args...} {}
+ Message done() {
+ const auto orig = Message(buffer.release());
+ // Copy the message to an exact-sized allocation so ASAN can detect out-of-bounds accesses.
+ auto copy = SharedBuffer::allocate(orig.size());
+ memcpy(copy.get(), orig.buf(), orig.size());
+ return Message(std::move(copy));
+ }
+ OpMsg parse() {
+ return OpMsg::parseOwned(done());
+ }
+ OpMsgBytes&& addToSize(int32_t extra) && {
+ DataView(buffer.buf()).write<LittleEndian<int32_t>>(buffer.len() + extra);
+ return std::move(*this);
+ }
+// Fixture class to raise log verbosity so that invalid messages are printed by the parser.
+class OpMsgParser : public unittest::Test {
+ void setUp() override {
+ _original =
+ logger::globalLogDomain()->getMinimumLogSeverity(logger::LogComponent::kNetwork);
+ logger::globalLogDomain()->setMinimumLoggedSeverity(logger::LogComponent::kNetwork,
+ logger::LogSeverity::Debug(1));
+ }
+ void tearDown() override {
+ logger::globalLogDomain()->setMinimumLoggedSeverity(logger::LogComponent::kNetwork,
+ _original);
+ }
+ logger::LogSeverity _original = logger::LogSeverity::Debug(0);
+// Section bytes
+const char kBodySection = 0;
+const char kDocSequenceSection = 1;
+// Flags
+const uint32_t kNoFlags = 0;
+const uint32_t kHaveChecksum = 1;
+// CRC filler value
+const uint32_t kFakeCRC = 0; // TODO will need to compute real crc when SERVER-28679 is done.
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithJustBody) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 0u);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, IgnoresCrcIfPresent) { // Until SERVER-28679 is done.
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kHaveChecksum, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kFakeCRC, // If not ignored, this would be read as a second body.
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 0u);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithBodyThenSequence) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ fromjson("{a: 2}"),
+ },
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "docs");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs[0], fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs[1], fromjson("{a: 2}"));
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithSequenceThenBody) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "docs");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs[0], fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithSequenceThenBodyThenSequence) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "empty", //
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "empty");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 0u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].name, "docs");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].objs.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[1].objs[0], fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithSequenceThenSequenceThenBody) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "empty", //
+ },
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "empty");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 0u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].name, "docs");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].objs.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[1].objs[0], fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithBodyThenSequenceThenSequence) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "empty", //
+ },
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "docs");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs[0], fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].name, "empty");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[1].objs.size(), 0u);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfNoBody) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40587);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfNoBodyEvenWithSequence) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"docs"},
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40587);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfTwoBodies) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{pong: 1}"),
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40430);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDuplicateSequences) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"docs"},
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"docs"},
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40431);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDuplicateSequenceWithBody) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1, 'docs': []}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"docs"},
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40433);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDuplicateSequenceWithBodyNested) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1, a: {b:[]}}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"a.b"},
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40433);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsIfSequenceAndBodyHaveCommonPrefix) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{cursor: {ns: '', id: 1}}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "cursor.firstBatch", //
+ fromjson("{_id: 1}"),
+ },
+ }.parse();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{cursor: {ns: '', id: 1}}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].name, "cursor.firstBatch");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs.size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.sequences[0].objs[0], fromjson("{_id: 1}"));
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfUnknownSectionKind) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ '\x99', // This is where a section kind would go
+ Sized{},
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, 40432);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfBodyTooBig) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ }.addToSize(-1); // Shrink message so body extends past end.
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfBodyTooBigIntoChecksum) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kHaveChecksum, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kFakeCRC,
+ }.addToSize(-1); // Shrink message so body extends past end.
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDocumentSequenceTooBig) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ }.addToSize(-1); // Shrink message so body extends past end.
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDocumentSequenceTooBigIntoChecksum) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kHaveChecksum, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ kFakeCRC,
+ }.addToSize(-1); // Shrink message so body extends past end.
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfDocumentInSequenceTooBig) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ }.addToSize(-1), // Shrink sequence so document extends past end.
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfNameOfDocumentSequenceTooBig) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "foo",
+ }.addToSize(-1), // Shrink sequence so document extends past end.
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfNameOfDocumentSequenceHasNoNulTerminator) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{'f', 'o', 'o'},
+ // No '\0' at end of document. ASAN should complain if we keep looking for one.
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(msg.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfTooManyDocumentSequences) {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"foo"},
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"bar"},
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{"baz"},
+ };
+ msg.parse(), ExceptionFor<ErrorCodes::TooManyDocumentSequences>, [](const DBException& ex) {
+ ASSERT(ex.isA<ErrorCategory::ConnectionFatalMessageParseError>());
+ });
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsIfNoRoomForFlags) {
+ // Flags are 4 bytes. Try 0-3 bytes.
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(OpMsgBytes{}.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(OpMsgBytes{'\0'}.parse(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE((OpMsgBytes{'\0', '\0'}.parse()), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ (OpMsgBytes{'\0', '\0', '\0'}.parse()), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{}.done()), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{'\0'}.done()), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{'\0', '\0'}.done()), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+ ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{'\0', '\0', '\0'}.done()),
+ AssertionException,
+ ErrorCodes::Overflow);
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FlagExtractionWorks) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{0u}.done()), 0u); // All clear.
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{~0u}.done()), ~0u); // All set.
+ for (auto i = uint32_t(0); i < 32u; i++) {
+ const auto flags = uint32_t(1) << i;
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(OpMsgBytes{flags}.done()), flags) << flags;
+ ASSERT(OpMsg::isFlagSet(OpMsgBytes{flags}.done(), flags)) << flags;
+ ASSERT(!OpMsg::isFlagSet(OpMsgBytes{~flags}.done(), flags)) << flags;
+ ASSERT(!OpMsg::isFlagSet(OpMsgBytes{0u}.done(), flags)) << flags;
+ ASSERT(OpMsg::isFlagSet(OpMsgBytes{~0u}.done(), flags)) << flags;
+ }
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, FailsWithUnknownRequiredFlags) {
+ // Bits 0 and 1 are known, and bits >= 16 are optional.
+ for (auto i = uint32_t(2); i < 16u; i++) {
+ auto flags = uint32_t(1) << i;
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{
+ flags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ };
+ ASSERT_THROWS_WITH_CHECK(msg.parse(), AssertionException, [](const DBException& ex) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ex.toStatus().code(), ErrorCodes::IllegalOpMsgFlag);
+ ASSERT(ErrorCodes::isConnectionFatalMessageParseError(ex.toStatus().code()));
+ });
+ }
+TEST_F(OpMsgParser, SucceedsWithUnknownOptionalFlags) {
+ // bits >= 16 are optional.
+ for (auto i = uint32_t(16); i < 32u; i++) {
+ auto flags = uint32_t(1) << i;
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ flags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ }.parse();
+ }
+void testSerializer(const Message& fromSerializer, OpMsgBytes&& expected) {
+ const auto expectedMsg = expected.done();
+ ASSERT_EQ(fromSerializer.operation(), dbMsg);
+ // Ignoring request and reply ids since they aren't handled by OP_MSG code.
+ auto gotSD = StringData(fromSerializer.singleData().data(), fromSerializer.dataSize());
+ auto expectedSD = StringData(expectedMsg.singleData().data(), expectedMsg.dataSize());
+ if (gotSD == expectedSD)
+ return;
+ size_t commonLength =
+ std::mismatch(gotSD.begin(), gotSD.end(), expectedSD.begin(), expectedSD.end()).first -
+ gotSD.begin();
+ log() << "Mismatch after " << commonLength << " bytes.";
+ log() << "Common prefix: " << hexdump(gotSD.rawData(), commonLength);
+ log() << "Got suffix : "
+ << hexdump(gotSD.rawData() + commonLength, gotSD.size() - commonLength);
+ log() << "Expected suffix: "
+ << hexdump(expectedSD.rawData() + commonLength, expectedSD.size() - commonLength);
+ FAIL("Serialization didn't match expected data. See above for details.");
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, JustBody) {
+ OpMsg msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{ping: 1}");
+ testSerializer(msg.serialize(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, BodyAndSequence) {
+ OpMsg msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{ping: 1}");
+ msg.sequences = {{"docs", {fromjson("{a:1}"), fromjson("{a:2}")}}};
+ testSerializer(msg.serialize(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ fromjson("{a: 2}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, BodyAndEmptySequence) {
+ OpMsg msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{ping: 1}");
+ msg.sequences = {{"docs", {}}};
+ testSerializer(msg.serialize(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, BodyAndTwoSequences) {
+ OpMsg msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{ping: 1}");
+ msg.sequences = {
+ {"a", {fromjson("{a: 1}")}}, //
+ {"b", {fromjson("{b: 1}")}},
+ };
+ testSerializer(msg.serialize(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "a", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ },
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "b", //
+ fromjson("{b: 1}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, BodyAndSequenceInPlace) {
+ OpMsgBuilder builder;
+ auto emptySeq = builder.beginDocSequence("empty");
+ emptySeq.done();
+ {
+ auto seq = builder.beginDocSequence("docs");
+ seq.append(fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+ seq.appendBuilder().append("a", 2);
+ }
+ builder.beginBody().append("ping", 1);
+ builder.resumeBody().append("$db", "foo");
+ testSerializer(builder.finish(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "empty",
+ },
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs", //
+ fromjson("{a: 1}"),
+ fromjson("{a: 2}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{ping: 1, $db: 'foo'}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, BodyAndInPlaceSequenceInPlaceWithReset) {
+ OpMsgBuilder builder;
+ auto emptySeq = builder.beginDocSequence("empty");
+ emptySeq.done();
+ {
+ auto seq = builder.beginDocSequence("docs");
+ seq.append(fromjson("{a: 1}"));
+ seq.appendBuilder().append("a", 2);
+ }
+ builder.beginBody().append("ping", 1);
+ builder.resumeBody().append("$db", "foo");
+ builder.reset();
+ // Everything above shouldn't matter.
+ {
+ auto seq = builder.beginDocSequence("docs2");
+ seq.append(fromjson("{b: 1}"));
+ seq.appendBuilder().append("b", 2);
+ }
+ builder.beginBody().append("pong", 1);
+ testSerializer(builder.finish(),
+ OpMsgBytes{
+ kNoFlags, //
+ kDocSequenceSection,
+ Sized{
+ "docs2", //
+ fromjson("{b: 1}"),
+ fromjson("{b: 2}"),
+ },
+ kBodySection,
+ fromjson("{pong: 1}"),
+ });
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, ReplaceFlagsWorks) {
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{~0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::replaceFlags(&msg, 0u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), 0u);
+ }
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::replaceFlags(&msg, ~0u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), ~0u);
+ }
+ for (auto i = uint32_t(0); i < 32u; i++) {
+ auto flags = uint32_t(1) << i;
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::replaceFlags(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), flags) << flags;
+ }
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{~0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::replaceFlags(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), flags) << flags;
+ }
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{~flags}.done();
+ OpMsg::replaceFlags(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), flags) << flags;
+ }
+ }
+TEST(OpMsgSerializer, SetFlagWorks) {
+ for (auto i = uint32_t(0); i < 32u; i++) {
+ auto flags = uint32_t(1) << i;
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::setFlag(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), flags) << flags;
+ }
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{~0u}.done();
+ OpMsg::setFlag(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), ~0u) << flags;
+ }
+ {
+ auto msg = OpMsgBytes{~flags}.done();
+ OpMsg::setFlag(&msg, flags);
+ ASSERT_EQ(OpMsg::flags(msg), ~0u) << flags;
+ }
+ }
+TEST(OpMsgRequest, GetDatabaseWorks) {
+ OpMsgRequest msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{$db: 'foo'}");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.getDatabase(), "foo");
+ msg.body = fromjson("{before: 1, $db: 'foo'}");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.getDatabase(), "foo");
+ msg.body = fromjson("{before: 1, $db: 'foo', after: 1}");
+ ASSERT_EQ(msg.getDatabase(), "foo");
+TEST(OpMsgRequest, GetDatabaseThrowsWrongType) {
+ OpMsgRequest msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{$db: 1}");
+ ASSERT_THROWS(msg.getDatabase(), DBException);
+TEST(OpMsgRequest, GetDatabaseThrowsMissing) {
+ OpMsgRequest msg;
+ msg.body = fromjson("{}");
+ ASSERT_THROWS(msg.getDatabase(), AssertionException);
+ msg.body = fromjson("{$notdb: 'foo'}");
+ ASSERT_THROWS(msg.getDatabase(), AssertionException);
+TEST(OpMsgRequest, FromDbAndBodyDoesNotCopy) {
+ auto body = fromjson("{ping: 1}");
+ const void* const bodyPtr = body.objdata();
+ auto msg = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody("db", std::move(body));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(msg.body, fromjson("{ping: 1, $db: 'db'}"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<const void*>(msg.body.objdata()), bodyPtr);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace mongo