path: root/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/tests/')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/tests/ b/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ed1b2ffba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 testtools developers. See LICENSE for details.
+import json
+import os
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from testtools import TestCase
+from testtools.compat import (
+ _b,
+ _u,
+ BytesIO,
+ StringIO,
+ )
+from testtools.content import (
+ attach_file,
+ Content,
+ content_from_file,
+ content_from_stream,
+ json_content,
+ StackLinesContent,
+ StacktraceContent,
+ TracebackContent,
+ text_content,
+ )
+from testtools.content_type import (
+ ContentType,
+ )
+from testtools.matchers import (
+ Equals,
+ MatchesException,
+ Raises,
+ raises,
+ )
+from testtools.tests.helpers import an_exc_info
+raises_value_error = Raises(MatchesException(ValueError))
+class TestContent(TestCase):
+ def test___init___None_errors(self):
+ self.assertThat(lambda: Content(None, None), raises_value_error)
+ self.assertThat(
+ lambda: Content(None, lambda: ["traceback"]), raises_value_error)
+ self.assertThat(
+ lambda: Content(ContentType("text", "traceback"), None),
+ raises_value_error)
+ def test___init___sets_ivars(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("foo", "bar")
+ content = Content(content_type, lambda: ["bytes"])
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, content.content_type)
+ self.assertEqual(["bytes"], list(content.iter_bytes()))
+ def test___eq__(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("foo", "bar")
+ one_chunk = lambda: [_b("bytes")]
+ two_chunk = lambda: [_b("by"), _b("tes")]
+ content1 = Content(content_type, one_chunk)
+ content2 = Content(content_type, one_chunk)
+ content3 = Content(content_type, two_chunk)
+ content4 = Content(content_type, lambda: [_b("by"), _b("te")])
+ content5 = Content(ContentType("f", "b"), two_chunk)
+ self.assertEqual(content1, content2)
+ self.assertEqual(content1, content3)
+ self.assertNotEqual(content1, content4)
+ self.assertNotEqual(content1, content5)
+ def test___repr__(self):
+ content = Content(ContentType("application", "octet-stream"),
+ lambda: [_b("\x00bin"), _b("ary\xff")])
+ self.assertIn("\\x00binary\\xff", repr(content))
+ def test_iter_text_not_text_errors(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("foo", "bar")
+ content = Content(content_type, lambda: ["bytes"])
+ self.assertThat(content.iter_text, raises_value_error)
+ def test_iter_text_decodes(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("text", "strange", {"charset": "utf8"})
+ content = Content(
+ content_type, lambda: [_u("bytes\xea").encode("utf8")])
+ self.assertEqual([_u("bytes\xea")], list(content.iter_text()))
+ def test_iter_text_default_charset_iso_8859_1(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("text", "strange")
+ text = _u("bytes\xea")
+ iso_version = text.encode("ISO-8859-1")
+ content = Content(content_type, lambda: [iso_version])
+ self.assertEqual([text], list(content.iter_text()))
+ def test_as_text(self):
+ content_type = ContentType("text", "strange", {"charset": "utf8"})
+ content = Content(
+ content_type, lambda: [_u("bytes\xea").encode("utf8")])
+ self.assertEqual(_u("bytes\xea"), content.as_text())
+ def test_from_file(self):
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+ os.write(fd, _b('some data'))
+ os.close(fd)
+ content = content_from_file(path, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()),
+ Equals([_b('so'), _b('me'), _b(' d'), _b('at'), _b('a')]))
+ def test_from_nonexistent_file(self):
+ directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ nonexistent = os.path.join(directory, 'nonexistent-file')
+ content = content_from_file(nonexistent)
+ self.assertThat(content.iter_bytes, raises(IOError))
+ def test_from_file_default_type(self):
+ content = content_from_file('/nonexistent/path')
+ self.assertThat(content.content_type, Equals(UTF8_TEXT))
+ def test_from_file_eager_loading(self):
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.write(fd, _b('some data'))
+ os.close(fd)
+ content = content_from_file(path, UTF8_TEXT, buffer_now=True)
+ os.remove(path)
+ self.assertThat(
+ ''.join(content.iter_text()), Equals('some data'))
+ def test_from_file_with_simple_seek(self):
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ f.write(_b('some data'))
+ f.flush()
+ self.addCleanup(f.close)
+ content = content_from_file(
+, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=50, seek_offset=5)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()), Equals([_b('data')]))
+ def test_from_file_with_whence_seek(self):
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ f.write(_b('some data'))
+ f.flush()
+ self.addCleanup(f.close)
+ content = content_from_file(
+, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=50, seek_offset=-4, seek_whence=2)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()), Equals([_b('data')]))
+ def test_from_stream(self):
+ data = StringIO('some data')
+ content = content_from_stream(data, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()), Equals(['so', 'me', ' d', 'at', 'a']))
+ def test_from_stream_default_type(self):
+ data = StringIO('some data')
+ content = content_from_stream(data)
+ self.assertThat(content.content_type, Equals(UTF8_TEXT))
+ def test_from_stream_eager_loading(self):
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+ self.addCleanup(os.close, fd)
+ os.write(fd, _b('some data'))
+ stream = open(path, 'rb')
+ self.addCleanup(stream.close)
+ content = content_from_stream(stream, UTF8_TEXT, buffer_now=True)
+ os.write(fd, _b('more data'))
+ self.assertThat(
+ ''.join(content.iter_text()), Equals('some data'))
+ def test_from_stream_with_simple_seek(self):
+ data = BytesIO(_b('some data'))
+ content = content_from_stream(
+ data, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=50, seek_offset=5)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()), Equals([_b('data')]))
+ def test_from_stream_with_whence_seek(self):
+ data = BytesIO(_b('some data'))
+ content = content_from_stream(
+ data, UTF8_TEXT, chunk_size=50, seek_offset=-4, seek_whence=2)
+ self.assertThat(
+ list(content.iter_bytes()), Equals([_b('data')]))
+ def test_from_text(self):
+ data = _u("some data")
+ expected = Content(UTF8_TEXT, lambda: [data.encode('utf8')])
+ self.assertEqual(expected, text_content(data))
+ def test_json_content(self):
+ data = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ expected = Content(JSON, lambda: [_b('{"foo": "bar"}')])
+ self.assertEqual(expected, json_content(data))
+class TestStackLinesContent(TestCase):
+ def _get_stack_line_and_expected_output(self):
+ stack_lines = [
+ ('/path/to/file', 42, 'some_function', 'print("Hello World")'),
+ ]
+ expected = ' File "/path/to/file", line 42, in some_function\n' \
+ ' print("Hello World")\n'
+ return stack_lines, expected
+ def test_single_stack_line(self):
+ stack_lines, expected = self._get_stack_line_and_expected_output()
+ actual = StackLinesContent(stack_lines).as_text()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_prefix_content(self):
+ stack_lines, expected = self._get_stack_line_and_expected_output()
+ prefix = self.getUniqueString() + '\n'
+ content = StackLinesContent(stack_lines, prefix_content=prefix)
+ actual = content.as_text()
+ expected = prefix + expected
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_postfix_content(self):
+ stack_lines, expected = self._get_stack_line_and_expected_output()
+ postfix = '\n' + self.getUniqueString()
+ content = StackLinesContent(stack_lines, postfix_content=postfix)
+ actual = content.as_text()
+ expected = expected + postfix
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test___init___sets_content_type(self):
+ stack_lines, expected = self._get_stack_line_and_expected_output()
+ content = StackLinesContent(stack_lines)
+ expected_content_type = ContentType("text", "x-traceback",
+ {"language": "python", "charset": "utf8"})
+ self.assertEqual(expected_content_type, content.content_type)
+class TestTracebackContent(TestCase):
+ def test___init___None_errors(self):
+ self.assertThat(
+ lambda: TracebackContent(None, None), raises_value_error)
+ def test___init___sets_ivars(self):
+ content = TracebackContent(an_exc_info, self)
+ content_type = ContentType("text", "x-traceback",
+ {"language": "python", "charset": "utf8"})
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, content.content_type)
+ result = unittest.TestResult()
+ expected = result._exc_info_to_string(an_exc_info, self)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, ''.join(list(content.iter_text())))
+class TestStacktraceContent(TestCase):
+ def test___init___sets_ivars(self):
+ content = StacktraceContent()
+ content_type = ContentType("text", "x-traceback",
+ {"language": "python", "charset": "utf8"})
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, content.content_type)
+ def test_prefix_is_used(self):
+ prefix = self.getUniqueString()
+ actual = StacktraceContent(prefix_content=prefix).as_text()
+ self.assertTrue(actual.startswith(prefix))
+ def test_postfix_is_used(self):
+ postfix = self.getUniqueString()
+ actual = StacktraceContent(postfix_content=postfix).as_text()
+ self.assertTrue(actual.endswith(postfix))
+ def test_top_frame_is_skipped_when_no_stack_is_specified(self):
+ actual = StacktraceContent().as_text()
+ self.assertTrue('testtools/' not in actual)
+class TestAttachFile(TestCase):
+ def make_file(self, data):
+ # GZ 2011-04-21: This helper could be useful for methods above trying
+ # to use mkstemp, but should handle write failures and
+ # always close the fd. There must be a better way.
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+ os.write(fd, _b(data))
+ os.close(fd)
+ return path
+ def test_simple(self):
+ class SomeTest(TestCase):
+ def test_foo(self):
+ pass
+ test = SomeTest('test_foo')
+ data = 'some data'
+ path = self.make_file(data)
+ my_content = text_content(data)
+ attach_file(test, path, name='foo')
+ self.assertEqual({'foo': my_content}, test.getDetails())
+ def test_optional_name(self):
+ # If no name is provided, attach_file just uses the base name of the
+ # file.
+ class SomeTest(TestCase):
+ def test_foo(self):
+ pass
+ test = SomeTest('test_foo')
+ path = self.make_file('some data')
+ base_path = os.path.basename(path)
+ attach_file(test, path)
+ self.assertEqual([base_path], list(test.getDetails()))
+ def test_lazy_read(self):
+ class SomeTest(TestCase):
+ def test_foo(self):
+ pass
+ test = SomeTest('test_foo')
+ path = self.make_file('some data')
+ attach_file(test, path, name='foo', buffer_now=False)
+ content = test.getDetails()['foo']
+ content_file = open(path, 'w')
+ content_file.write('new data')
+ content_file.close()
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(content.iter_text()), 'new data')
+ def test_eager_read_by_default(self):
+ class SomeTest(TestCase):
+ def test_foo(self):
+ pass
+ test = SomeTest('test_foo')
+ path = self.make_file('some data')
+ attach_file(test, path, name='foo')
+ content = test.getDetails()['foo']
+ content_file = open(path, 'w')
+ content_file.write('new data')
+ content_file.close()
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(content.iter_text()), 'some data')
+def test_suite():
+ from unittest import TestLoader
+ return TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)