BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
benchs_testsSynchronize with r1413 from trunk.Philippe Theveny10 years
branch-1.0Increase version number to 1.0.4dev.Andreas Enge9 years
masterdon't use that repository any more, use insteadPaul Zimmermann4 years
rootofunityrootofunity: Use a better approximation of the lost bits.Andreas Enge8 years
rootsunitymerge trunk into branch rootsunityAndreas Enge12 years
rootunityrootsofunity: use mean value theorem for analysis (suggested by Damien Robert)Andreas Enge8 years
wip-ballsAdd a toy implementation of complex ball arithmetic with relative error,Andreas Enge5 years
1.1.0mpc-git-1.1.0.tar.gz  Andreas Enge6 years
1.0.3mpc-git-1.0.3.tar.gz  Andreas Enge9 years
1.0.2mpc-git-1.0.2.tar.gz  Andreas Enge10 years
1.0.1mpc-git-1.0.1.tar.gz  Andreas Enge12 years
1.0mpc-git-1.0.tar.gz  Andreas Enge12 years
0.9mpc-git-0.9.tar.gz  Andreas Enge13 years
0.8.2mpc-git-0.8.2.tar.gz  Andreas Enge14 years
0.8.1mpc-git-0.8.1.tar.gz  Andreas Enge14 years
0.8mpc-git-0.8.tar.gz  Andreas Enge14 years
0.7mpc-git-0.7.tar.gz  Andreas Enge15 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2020-10-01don't use that repository any more, use insteadHEADmasterPaul Zimmermann1-0/+2
2020-07-24replaced MPFR 4.0.3 (which does not exist) by MPFR 4.1.0Paul Zimmermann1-1/+1
2020-07-23Drop INSTALL from version control and move its content to README.Andreas Enge3-111/+106
2020-07-23Use a build-aux subdirectory for autotools helper scripts.Andreas Enge3-12/+5
2020-07-23Bump the minimally required mpfr version to 4.1.0.Andreas Enge4-7/+8
2020-07-23Update libtool versioning information.Andreas Enge1-2/+2
2020-07-23Set version number to 1.2.0dev.Andreas Enge7-17/+17
2020-07-23Add copyright dates.Andreas Enge15-15/+15
2020-07-23src: Restore more precise copyright years following "git blame".Andreas Enge4-4/+4
2020-07-18fixed bug reported by Trevor SpiteriPaul Zimmermann2-1/+23