path: root/rfc/sp-request-reply-01.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd">
+<rfc category="info" docName="sp-request-reply-01">
+ <front>
+ <title abbrev="Request/Reply SP">
+ Request/Reply Scalability Protocol
+ </title>
+ <author fullname="Martin Sustrik" initials="M." role="editor"
+ surname="Sustrik">
+ <organization>GoPivotal Inc.</organization>
+ <address>
+ <email></email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <date month="August" year="2013" />
+ <area>Applications</area>
+ <workgroup>Internet Engineering Task Force</workgroup>
+ <keyword>Request</keyword>
+ <keyword>Reply</keyword>
+ <keyword>REQ</keyword>
+ <keyword>REP</keyword>
+ <keyword>stateless</keyword>
+ <keyword>service</keyword>
+ <keyword>SP</keyword>
+ <abstract>
+ <t>This document defines a scalability protocol used for distributing
+ tasks from any number of clients among arbitrary number of stateless
+ processing nodes and getting the results back to the original
+ clients.</t>
+ </abstract>
+ </front>
+ <middle>
+ <section title = "Introduction">
+ <t>One of the most common problems in distributed applications is how to
+ delegate a work to another processing node and get the result back to
+ the original node. There's a wide range of RPC systems addressing the
+ problem.</t>
+ <t>However, in the generalised version of the problem we want to issue
+ processing requests from multiple clients, not just a single one and
+ distribute the work to any number processing nodes insead of a single
+ one so that the processing can be scaled up by adding new processing
+ nodes as necessary.</t>
+ <t>Solving the generalised problem, however, requires that the processing
+ algorithm -- or "service" -- is stateless.</t>
+ <t>To put it simply, the service is called "stateless" when there's no
+ way for the user to distinguish whether a request was processed by
+ one instance of the service or another one.</t>
+ <t>So, for example, a service which accepts two integers and multiplies
+ them is stateless. Request for "2x2" is always going to produce "4",
+ no matter what instance of the service have computed it.</t>
+ <t>Service that accepts empty requests and produces the number
+ of requests processed so far (1, 2, 3 et c.), on the other hand, is
+ not stateless. To prove that you can run two instances of the service.
+ First reply, no matter which instance produces it is going to be 1.
+ Second reply though is going to be either 2 (if processed by the same
+ instance as the first one) or 1 (if processed by the other instance).
+ Thus you can distinguish which instance produced the result. Thus,
+ according to the definition the service is not stateless.</t>
+ <t>Despite the name, being "stateless" doesn't mean that the service has
+ no state at all. Rather it means that the service doesn't retain any
+ business-logic-related state in-between processing two subsequent
+ requests. The service is, of course, allowed to have state while
+ processing a single request. It can also have state that is unrelated
+ to its business logic, say statistics about the processing that are
+ used for administrative purposes and never returned to the clients.</t>
+ <t>Note that "stateless" doesn't necessarily mean "fully deterministic".
+ For example, a service that generates random number is
+ non-deterministic. However, the client, after receiving a new random
+ number cannot tell which instance has produced it.</t>
+ <t>While stateless services are often implemented by passing the entire
+ state inside the request, they are not required to do so. Especially
+ when the state is large, passing it around in each request may be
+ impractical. In such cases, it's often just a reference to the state
+ that's passed in the request, such as ID or path. The state itself
+ can then be retrieved by the service from a shared database, a network
+ file system or similar storage mechanism.</t>
+ <t>Requiring services to be stateless serves a specific purpose.
+ It allows us to use any number of service instances to handle the
+ processing load. After all, the client won't be able to tell the
+ difference between replies from instance A and replies from instance B.
+ You can even start new instances on the fly and get away with it.
+ The client still won't be able to tell the difference. In other
+ words, statelessness is a prerequisite to make your service cluster
+ fully scalable.</t>
+ <t>??? example topologies ???</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title = "Underlying protocol">
+ <t>The request/reply protocol can be run on top of any SP mapping,
+ such as, for example, SP TCP mapping.</t>
+ <t>Also, given that SP protocols describe the behaviour of entire
+ arbitrarily complex topologies rather than of a single node-to-node
+ communication, several underlying protocols can be used in parallel.
+ For example, a client may send a request via WebSocket, then, on the
+ edge of the company network an intermediary node may retransimit it
+ via a TCP connection et c.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title = "The endpoints">
+ <t>Request/reply protocol defines two different endpoint types:
+ The requester (the client) or REQ in short and the replier
+ (the service) or REP in short.</t>
+ <t>Endpoint type identifiers should be assigned by IANA. For now,
+ value of 16 should be used for REQ endpoints and value of 17 for REP
+ endpoints.</t>
+ <t>REQ endpoint can be connected only to a REP endpoint. REP endpoint
+ can be connected only to the REQ endpoint. If the underlying protocol
+ indicates that there's an attempt to create a channel to an
+ incompatible endpoint, the channel MUST be rejected. In the case of
+ TCP mapping, for example, the underlying TCP connection MUST
+ be closed.</t>
+ <figure>
+ <artwork>
+ --- requests --&gt;
++-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+
+| |--&gt;| | |--&gt;| | |--&gt;| |
+| REQ | | REP | REQ | | REP | REQ | | REP |
+| |&lt;--| | |&lt;--| | |&lt;--| |
++-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+
+ &lt;-- replies ---
+ </artwork>
+ </figure>
+- priorities
+- loop detection
+- load balancing
+- fair queueing
+- backpressure
+- resending
+ </section>
+ <section title = "Hop-by-hop behaviour">
+ <t>The REQ endpoint takes a message from the user and sends it to the one
+ of the channels associated with the endpoint. ...load-balancing...
+ prioritisation... back pressure...</t>
+ <t>The REQ endpoint fair-queues the incoming messages. The goal is prevent
+ DoS attacks where a huge stream of fake replies from one channel can
+ block the real replies coming from different channels. Fair queueing
+ ensures that every channel gets a fair amount of processing capacity.
+ That way, even if DoS attack can slow down the processing to some
+ extent it can't entirely block the system.</t>
+ <t>By default, the REP socket MUST fair queue the incoming requests.
+ While it is not possible to achieve fully fair distribution of requests
+ among the protcessing nodes in the topology, fair queuing ensures that
+ requests from one channel won't completely block out requests from
+ other channels.</t>
+ <t>Before handing the message to the user, REP socket should prepend the
+ payload by an ID of the channel it was received from.</t>
+ <t>REP endoint processes a message from the user (a reply) in the
+ following way: It tries to chop off the channel ID from the beginning
+ of the reply. If the reply is shorter that the channel ID, it
+ is malformed and should be ignored.</t>
+ <t>Afterwards, REP endpoint checks its table of associated channel and
+ tries to find the one with corresponding ID. If there's no such
+ channel, either the message is malformed or the channel was closed
+ since the original request was routed through this endpoint. The two
+ cases cannot be distinguish and the endpoint should simply ignore
+ the message in either case.</t>
+ <t>If the corresponding channel is found, REP endpoint tries to send the
+ reply (with the channel ID chopped off) to the channel. If it is not
+ possible due -- for example due to TCP pushback -- the message should
+ be ignored. The reason for this behaviour is that if the endpoint
+ blocked and waited for the channel be become available, all the
+ subsequent replies, possibly destined for different, unblocked channels
+ would be blocked in the meantime anyway. That would allow for a DoS
+ attack by simply firing a lot of requests and not receiving the
+ replies.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title = "End-to-end behaviour">
+ </section>
+ <section title = "Loop prevention">
+ <t>It may happen that a request/reply topology contains a loop. It becomes
+ increasingly likely as the topology grows out of scope of a single
+ organisation and there are multiple administrators involved
+ in maintaining it. In such case unfortunate interaction between
+ two perfectly legitimate setups can cause loop to be created.</t>
+ <t>With no additional guards against the loops, it may happen that
+ messages will be caugth rotating inside the loop, each message
+ gradually growing in size as new prefixes are added to it by each
+ REP endpoint on its way. Eventually, a loop could bring the whole
+ system to halt.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section anchor="IANA" title="IANA Considerations">
+ <t>New SP endpoint types REQ and REP should be registered by IANA.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section anchor="Security" title="Security Considerations">
+ <t>The mapping isn't intended to provide any additional security to the
+ underlying protocol. DoS concerns are addressed within
+ the specification.</t>
+ </section>
+ </middle>