path: root/perllib/Graph.pod
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2768 deletions
diff --git a/perllib/Graph.pod b/perllib/Graph.pod
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--- a/perllib/Graph.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-Graph - graph data structures and algorithms
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Graph;
- my $g0 = Graph->new; # A directed graph.
- use Graph::Directed;
- my $g1 = Graph::Directed->new; # A directed graph.
- use Graph::Undirected;
- my $g2 = Graph::Undirected->new; # An undirected graph.
- $g->add_edge(...);
- $g->has_edge(...)
- $g->delete_edge(...);
- $g->add_vertex(...);
- $g->has_vertex(...);
- $g->delete_vertex(...);
- $g->vertices(...)
- $g->edges(...)
- # And many, many more, see below.
-=head2 Non-Description
-This module is not for B<drawing> any sort of I<graphics>, business or
-=head2 Description
-Instead, this module is for creating I<abstract data structures>
-called graphs, and for doing various operations on those.
-=head2 Perl 5.6.0 minimum
-The implementation depends on a Perl feature called "weak references"
-and Perl 5.6.0 was the first to have those.
-=head2 Constructors
-=over 4
-=item new
-Create an empty graph.
-=item Graph->new(%options)
-The options are a hash with option names as the hash keys and the option
-values as the hash values.
-The following options are available:
-=over 8
-=item *
-A boolean option telling that a directed graph should be created.
-Often somewhat redundant because a directed graph is the default
-for the Graph class or one could simply use the C<new()> constructor
-of the Graph::Directed class.
-You can test the directness of a graph with $g->is_directed() and
-=item *
-A boolean option telling that an undirected graph should be created.
-One could also use the C<new()> constructor the Graph::Undirected class
-Note that while often it is possible to think undirected graphs as
-bidirectional graphs, or as directed graphs with edges going both ways,
-in this module directed graphs and undirected graphs are two different
-things that often behave differently.
-You can test the directness of a graph with $g->is_directed() and
-=item *
-If you want to use references (including Perl objects) as vertices.
-=item *
-If the graph is undirected, you can specify the C<unionfind> parameter
-to use the so-called union-find scheme to speed up the computation of
-I<connected components> of the graph (see L</is_connected>,
-L</connected_components>, L</connected_component_by_vertex>,
-L</connected_component_by_index>, and L</same_connected_components>).
-If C<unionfind> is used, adding edges (and vertices) becomes slower,
-but connectedness queries become faster. You can test a graph for
-"union-findness" with
-=over 8
-=item has_union_find
- has_union_find
-=item *
-An array reference of vertices to add.
-=item *
-An array reference of array references of edge vertices to add.
-=item copy
-=item copy_graph
- my $c = $g->copy_graph;
-Create a shallow copy of the structure (vertices and edges) of the graph.
-If you want a deep copy that includes attributes, see L</deep_copy>.
-The copy will have the same directedness as the original.
-=item deep_copy
-=item deep_copy_graph
- my $c = $g->deep_copy_graph;
-Create a deep copy of the graph (vertices, edges, and attributes) of
-the graph. If you want a shallow copy that does not include attributes,
-see L</copy>. (Uses Data::Dumper behind the scenes. Note that copying
-code references only works with Perls 5.8 or later, and even then only
-if B::Deparse can reconstruct your code.)
-=item undirected_copy
-=item undirected_copy_graph
- my $c = $g->undirected_copy_graph;
-Create an undirected shallow copy (vertices and edges) of the directed graph
-so that for any directed edge (u, v) there is an undirected edge (u, v).
-=item directed_copy
-=item directed_copy_graph
- my $c = $g->directed_copy_graph;
-Create a directed shallow copy (vertices and edges) of the undirected graph
-so that for any undirected edge (u, v) there are two directed edges (u, v)
-and (v, u).
-=item transpose
-=item transpose_graph
- my $t = $g->transpose_graph;
-Create a directed shallow transposed copy (vertices and edges) of the
-directed graph so that for any directed edge (u, v) there is a directed
-edge (v, u).
-You can also transpose a single edge with
-=over 8
-=item transpose_edge
- $g->transpose_edge($u, $v)
-=item complete_graph
-=item complete
- my $c = $g->complete_graph;
-Create a complete graph that has the same vertices as the original graph.
-A complete graph has an edge between every pair of vertices.
-=item complement_graph
-=item complement
- my $c = $g->complement_graph;
-Create a complement graph that has the same vertices as the original graph.
-A complement graph has an edge (u,v) if and only if the original
-graph does not have edge (u,v).
-See also L</random_graph> for a random constructor.
-=head2 Basics
-=over 4
-=item add_vertex
- $g->add_vertex($v)
-Add the vertex to the graph. Returns the graph.
-By default idempotent, but a graph can be created I<countvertexed>.
-A vertex is also known as a I<node>.
-Adding C<undef> as vertex is not allowed.
-Note that unless you have isolated vertices (or I<countvertexed>
-vertices), you do not need to explicitly use C<add_vertex> since
-L</add_edge> will implicitly add its vertices.
-=item add_edge
- $g->add_edge($u, $v)
-Add the edge to the graph. Implicitly first adds the vertices if the
-graph does not have them. Returns the graph.
-By default idempotent, but a graph can be created I<countedged>.
-An edge is also known as an I<arc>.
-=item has_vertex
- $g->has_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex exists in the graph, false otherwise.
-=item has_edge
- $g->has_edge($u, $v)
-Return true if the edge exists in the graph, false otherwise.
-=item delete_vertex
- $g->delete_vertex($v)
-Delete the vertex from the graph. Returns the graph, even
-if the vertex did not exist in the graph.
-If the graph has been created I<multivertexed> or I<countvertexed>
-and a vertex has been added multiple times, the vertex will require
-at least an equal number of deletions to become completely deleted.
-=item delete_vertices
- $g->delete_vertices($v1, $v2, ...)
-Delete the vertices from the graph. Returns the graph.
-If the graph has been created I<multivertexed> or I<countvertexed>
-and a vertex has been added multiple times, the vertex will require
-at least an equal number of deletions to become completely deleteted.
-=item delete_edge
- $g->delete_edge($u, $v)
-Delete the edge from the graph. Returns the graph, even
-if the edge did not exist in the graph.
-If the graph has been created I<multivertexed> or I<countedged>
-and an edge has been added multiple times, the edge will require
-at least an equal number of deletions to become completely deleted.
-=item delete_edges
- $g->delete_edges($u1, $v1, $u2, $v2, ...)
-Delete the edges from the graph. Returns the graph.
-If the graph has been created I<multivertexed> or I<countedged>
-and an edge has been added multiple times, the edge will require
-at least an equal number of deletions to become completely deleted.
-=head2 Displaying
-Graphs have stringification overload, so you can do things like
- print "The graph is $g\n"
-One-way (directed, unidirected) edges are shown as '-', two-way
-(undirected, bidirected) edges are shown as '='. If you want to,
-you can call the stringification via the method
-=over 4
-=item stringify
-=head2 Comparing
-Testing for equality can be done either by the overloaded C<eq>
- $g eq "a-b,a-c,d"
-or by the method
-=over 4
-=item eq
- $g->eq("a-b,a-c,d")
-The equality testing compares the stringified forms, and therefore it
-assumes total equality, not isomorphism: all the vertices must be
-named the same, and they must have identical edges between them.
-For unequality there are correspondingly the overloaded C<ne>
-operator and the method
-=over 4
-=item ne
- $g->ne("a-b,a-c,d")
-See also L</Isomorphism>.
-=head2 Paths and Cycles
-Paths and cycles are simple extensions of edges: paths are edges
-starting from where the previous edge ended, and cycles are paths
-returning back to the start vertex of the first edge.
-=over 4
-=item add_path
- $g->add_path($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Add the edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z to the graph.
-Returns the graph.
-=item has_path
- $g->has_path($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Return true if the graph has all the edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z,
-false otherwise.
-=item delete_path
- $g->delete_path($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Delete all the edges edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z
-(regardless of whether they exist or not). Returns the graph.
-=item add_cycle
- $g->add_cycle($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Add the edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z, and $z-$a to the graph.
-Returns the graph.
-=item has_cycle
- $g->has_cycle($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Return true if the graph has all the edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z,
-and $z-$a, false otherwise.
-B<NOTE:> This does not I<detect> cycles, see L</has_a_cycle> and
-=item delete_cycle
- $g->delete_cycle($a, $b, $c, ..., $x, $y, $z)
-Delete all the edges edges $a-$b, $b-$c, ..., $x-$y, $y-$z, and $z-$a
-(regardless of whether they exist or not). Returns the graph.
-=item has_a_cycle
- $g->has_a_cycle
-Returns true if the graph has a cycle, false if not.
-=item find_a_cycle
- $g->find_a_cycle
-Returns a cycle if the graph has one (as a list of vertices), an empty
-list if no cycle can be found.
-Note that this just returns the vertices of I<a cycle>: not any
-particular cycle, just the first one it finds. A repeated call
-might find the same cycle, or it might find a different one, and
-you cannot call this repeatedly to find all the cycles.
-=head2 Graph Types
-=over 4
-=item is_simple_graph
- $g->is_simple_graph
-Return true if the graph has no multiedges, false otherwise.
-=item is_pseudo_graph
- $g->is_pseudo_graph
-Return true if the graph has any multiedges or any self-loops,
-false otherwise.
-=item is_multi_graph
- $g->is_multi_graph
-Return true if the graph has any multiedges but no self-loops,
-false otherwise.
-=item is_directed_acyclic_graph
-=item is_dag
- $g->is_directed_acyclic_graph
- $g->is_dag
-Return true if the graph is directed and acyclic, false otherwise.
-=item is_cyclic
- $g->is_cyclic
-Return true if the graph is cyclic (contains at least one cycle).
-(This is identical to C<has_a_cycle>.)
-To find at least that one cycle, see L</find_a_cycle>.
-=item is_acyclic
-Return true if the graph is acyclic (does not contain any cycles).
-To find a cycle, use L<find_a_cycle>.
-=head2 Transitivity
-=over 4
-=item is_transitive
- $g->is_transitive
-Return true if the graph is transitive, false otherwise.
-=item TransitiveClosure_Floyd_Warshall
-=item transitive_closure
- $tcg = $g->TransitiveClosure_Floyd_Warshall
-Return the transitive closure graph of the graph.
-You can query the reachability from $u to $v with
-=over 4
-=item is_reachable
- $tcg->is_reachable($u, $v)
-See L<Graph::TransitiveClosure> for more information about creating
-and querying transitive closures.
-=over 4
-=item transitive_closure_matrix
- $tcm = $g->transitive_closure_matrix;
-you can (create if not existing and) query the transitive closure
-matrix that underlies the transitive closure graph. See
-L<Graph::TransitiveClosure::Matrix> for more information.
-=head2 Mutators
-=over 4
-=item add_vertices
- $g->add_vertices('d', 'e', 'f')
-Add zero or more vertices to the graph.
-=item add_edges
- $g->add_edges(['d', 'e'], ['f', 'g'])
- $g->add_edges(qw(d e f g));
-Add zero or more edges to the graph. The edges are specified as
-a list of array references, or as a list of vertices where the
-even (0th, 2nd, 4th, ...) items are start vertices and the odd
-(1st, 3rd, 5th, ...) are the corresponding end vertices.
-=head2 Accessors
-=over 4
-=item is_directed
-=item directed
- $g->is_directed()
- $g->directed()
-Return true if the graph is directed, false otherwise.
-=item is_undirected
-=item undirected
- $g->is_undirected()
- $g->undirected()
-Return true if the graph is undirected, false otherwise.
-=item is_refvertexed
-=item refvertexed
-Return true if the graph can handle references (including Perl objects)
-as vertices.
-=item vertices
- my $V = $g->vertices
- my @V = $g->vertices
-In scalar context, return the number of vertices in the graph.
-In list context, return the vertices, in no particular order.
-=item has_vertices
- $g->has_vertices()
-Return true if the graph has any vertices, false otherwise.
-=item edges
- my $E = $g->edges
- my @E = $g->edges
-In scalar context, return the number of edges in the graph.
-In list context, return the edges, in no particular order.
-I<The edges are returned as anonymous arrays listing the vertices.>
-=item has_edges
- $g->has_edges()
-Return true if the graph has any edges, false otherwise.
-=item is_connected
- $g->is_connected
-For an undirected graph, return true is the graph is connected, false
-otherwise. Being connected means that from every vertex it is possible
-to reach every other vertex.
-If the graph has been created with a true C<unionfind> parameter,
-the time complexity is (essentially) O(V), otherwise O(V log V).
-See also L</connected_components>, L</connected_component_by_index>,
-L</connected_component_by_vertex>, and L</same_connected_components>,
-and L</biconnectivity>.
-For directed graphs, see L</is_strongly_connected>
-and L</is_weakly_connected>.
-=item connected_components
- @cc = $g->connected_components()
-For an undirected graph, returns the vertices of the connected
-components of the graph as a list of anonymous arrays. The ordering
-of the anonymous arrays or the ordering of the vertices inside the
-anonymous arrays (the components) is undefined.
-For directed graphs, see L</strongly_connected_components>
-and L</weakly_connected_components>.
-=item connected_component_by_vertex
- $i = $g->connected_component_by_vertex($v)
-For an undirected graph, return an index identifying the connected
-component the vertex belongs to, the indexing starting from zero.
-For the inverse, see L</connected_component_by_index>.
-If the graph has been created with a true C<unionfind> parameter,
-the time complexity is (essentially) O(1), otherwise O(V log V).
-See also L</biconnectivity>.
-For directed graphs, see L</strongly_connected_component_by_vertex>
-and L</weakly_connected_component_by_vertex>.
-=item connected_component_by_index
- @v = $g->connected_component_by_index($i)
-For an undirected graph, return the vertices of the ith connected
-component, the indexing starting from zero. The order of vertices is
-undefined, while the order of the connected components is same as from
-For the inverse, see L</connected_component_by_vertex>.
-For directed graphs, see L</strongly_connected_component_by_index>
-and L</weakly_connected_component_by_index>.
-=item same_connected_components
- $g->same_connected_components($u, $v, ...)
-For an undirected graph, return true if the vertices are in the same
-connected component.
-If the graph has been created with a true C<unionfind> parameter,
-the time complexity is (essentially) O(1), otherwise O(V log V).
-For directed graphs, see L</same_strongly_connected_components>
-and L</same_weakly_connected_components>.
-=item connected_graph
- $cg = $g->connected_graph
-For an undirected graph, return its connected graph.
-=item connectivity_clear_cache
- $g->connectivity_clear_cache
-See L</"Clearing cached results">.
-See L</"Connected Graphs and Their Components"> for further discussion.
-=item biconnectivity
- my ($ap, $bc, $br) = $g->biconnectivity
-For an undirected graph, return the various biconnectivity components
-of the graph: the articulation points (cut vertices), biconnected
-components, and bridges.
-Note: currently only handles connected graphs.
-=item is_biconnected
- $g->is_biconnected
-For an undirected graph, return true if the graph is biconnected
-(if it has no articulation points, also known as cut vertices).
-=item is_edge_connected
- $g->is_edge_connected
-For an undirected graph, return true if the graph is edge-connected
-(if it has no bridges).
-=item is_edge_separable
- $g->is_edge_separable
-For an undirected graph, return true if the graph is edge-separable
-(if it has bridges).
-=item articulation_points
-=item cut_vertices
- $g->articulation_points
-For an undirected graph, return the articulation points (cut vertices)
-of the graph as a list of vertices. The order is undefined.
-=item biconnected_components
- $g->biconnected_components
-For an undirected graph, return the biconnected components of the
-graph as a list of anonymous arrays of vertices in the components.
-The ordering of the anonymous arrays or the ordering of the vertices
-inside the anonymous arrays (the components) is undefined. Also note
-that one vertex can belong to more than one biconnected component.
-=item biconnected_component_by_vertex
- $i = $g->biconnected_component_by_index($v)
-For an undirected graph, return an index identifying the biconnected
-component the vertex belongs to, the indexing starting from zero.
-For the inverse, see L</connected_component_by_index>.
-For directed graphs, see L</strongly_connected_component_by_index>
-and L</weakly_connected_component_by_index>.
-=item biconnected_component_by_index
- @v = $g->biconnected_component_by_index($i)
-For an undirected graph, return the vertices in the ith biconnected
-component of the graph as an anonymous arrays of vertices in the
-component. The ordering of the vertices within a component is
-undefined. Also note that one vertex can belong to more than one
-biconnected component.
-=item same_biconnected_components
- $g->same_biconnected_components($u, $v, ...)
-For an undirected graph, return true if the vertices are in the same
-biconnected component.
-=item biconnected_graph
- $bcg = $g->biconnected_graph
-For an undirected graph, return its biconnected graph.
-See L</"Connected Graphs and Their Components"> for further discussion.
-=item bridges
- $g->bridges
-For an undirected graph, return the bridges of the graph as a list of
-anonymous arrays of vertices in the bridges. The order of bridges and
-the order of vertices in them is undefined.
-=item biconnectivity_clear_cache
- $g->biconnectivity_clear_cache
-See L</"Clearing cached results">.
-=item strongly_connected
-=item is_strongly_connected
- $g->is_strongly_connected
-For a directed graph, return true is the directed graph is strongly
-connected, false if not.
-See also L</is_weakly_connected>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</is_connected>, or L</is_biconnected>.
-=item strongly_connected_component_by_vertex
- $i = $g->strongly_connected_component_by_vertex($v)
-For a directed graph, return an index identifying the strongly
-connected component the vertex belongs to, the indexing starting from
-For the inverse, see L</strongly_connected_component_by_index>.
-See also L</weakly_connected_component_by_vertex>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_components> or
-=item strongly_connected_component_by_index
- @v = $g->strongly_connected_component_by_index($i)
-For a directed graph, return the vertices of the ith connected
-component, the indexing starting from zero. The order of vertices
-within a component is undefined, while the order of the connected
-components is the as from strongly_connected_components().
-For the inverse, see L</strongly_connected_component_by_vertex>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</weakly_connected_component_by_index>.
-=item same_strongly_connected_components
- $g->same_strongly_connected_components($u, $v, ...)
-For a directed graph, return true if the vertices are in the same
-strongly connected component.
-See also L</same_weakly_connected_components>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</same_connected_components> or
-=item strong_connectivity_clear_cache
- $g->strong_connectivity_clear_cache
-See L</"Clearing cached results">.
-=item weakly_connected
-=item is_weakly_connected
- $g->is_weakly_connected
-For a directed graph, return true is the directed graph is weakly
-connected, false if not.
-Weakly connected graph is also known as I<semiconnected> graph.
-See also L</is_strongly_connected>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</is_connected> or L</is_biconnected>.
-=item weakly_connected_components
- @wcc = $g->weakly_connected_components()
-For a directed graph, returns the vertices of the weakly connected
-components of the graph as a list of anonymous arrays. The ordering
-of the anonymous arrays or the ordering of the vertices inside the
-anonymous arrays (the components) is undefined.
-See also L</strongly_connected_components>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_components> or
-=item weakly_connected_component_by_vertex
- $i = $g->weakly_connected_component_by_vertex($v)
-For a directed graph, return an index identifying the weakly connected
-component the vertex belongs to, the indexing starting from zero.
-For the inverse, see L</weakly_connected_component_by_index>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_component_by_vertex>
-and L</biconnected_component_by_vertex>.
-=item weakly_connected_component_by_index
- @v = $g->weakly_connected_component_by_index($i)
-For a directed graph, return the vertices of the ith weakly connected
-component, the indexing starting zero. The order of vertices within
-a component is undefined, while the order of the weakly connected
-components is same as from weakly_connected_components().
-For the inverse, see L</weakly_connected_component_by_vertex>.
-For undirected graphs, see L<connected_component_by_index>
-and L<biconnected_component_by_index>.
-=item same_weakly_connected_components
- $g->same_weakly_connected_components($u, $v, ...)
-Return true if the vertices are in the same weakly connected component.
-=item weakly_connected_graph
- $wcg = $g->weakly_connected_graph
-For a directed graph, return its weakly connected graph.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_graph> and L</biconnected_graph>.
-=item strongly_connected_components
- my @scc = $g->strongly_connected_components;
-For a directed graph, return the strongly connected components as a
-list of anonymous arrays. The elements in the anonymous arrays are
-the vertices belonging to the strongly connected component; both the
-elements and the components are in no particular order.
-See also L</weakly_connected_components>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_components>,
-or see L</biconnected_components>.
-=item strongly_connected_graph
- my $scg = $g->strongly_connected_graph;
-See L</"Connected Graphs and Their Components"> for further discussion.
-Strongly connected graphs are also known as I<kernel graphs>.
-See also L</weakly_connected_graph>.
-For undirected graphs, see L</connected_graph>, or L</biconnected_graph>.
-=item is_sink_vertex
- $g->is_sink_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is a sink vertex, false if not. A sink
-vertex is defined as a vertex with predecessors but no successors:
-this definition means that isolated vertices are not sink vertices.
-If you want also isolated vertices, use is_successorless_vertex().
-=item is_source_vertex
- $g->is_source_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is a source vertex, false if not. A source
-vertex is defined as a vertex with successors but no predecessors:
-the definition means that isolated vertices are not source vertices.
-If you want also isolated vertices, use is_predecessorless_vertex().
-=item is_successorless_vertex
- $g->is_successorless_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v has no succcessors (no edges
-leaving the vertex), false if it has.
-Isolated vertices will return true: if you do not want this,
-use is_sink_vertex().
-=item is_successorful_vertex
- $g->is_successorful_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v has successors, false if not.
-=item is_predecessorless_vertex
- $g->is_predecessorless_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v has no predecessors (no edges
-entering the vertex), false if it has.
-Isolated vertices will return true: if you do not want this,
-use is_source_vertex().
-=item is_predecessorful_vertex
- $g->is_predecessorful_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v has predecessors, false if not.
-=item is_isolated_vertex
- $g->is_isolated_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is an isolated vertex: no successors
-and no predecessors.
-=item is_interior_vertex
- $g->is_interior_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is an interior vertex: both successors
-and predecessors.
-=item is_exterior_vertex
- $g->is_exterior_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is an exterior vertex: has either no
-successors or no predecessors, or neither.
-=item is_self_loop_vertex
- $g->is_self_loop_vertex($v)
-Return true if the vertex $v is a self loop vertex: has an edge
-from itself to itself.
-=item sink_vertices
- @v = $g->sink_vertices()
-Return the sink vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of sink vertices.
-See L</is_sink_vertex> for the definition of a sink vertex.
-=item source_vertices
- @v = $g->source_vertices()
-Return the source vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of source vertices.
-See L</is_source_vertex> for the definition of a source vertex.
-=item successorful_vertices
- @v = $g->successorful_vertices()
-Return the successorful vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of successorful vertices.
-=item successorless_vertices
- @v = $g->successorless_vertices()
-Return the successorless vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of successorless vertices.
-=item successors
- @s = $g->successors($v)
-Return the immediate successor vertices of the vertex.
-=item neighbors
-=item neighbours
-Return the neighbo(u)ring vertices. Also known as the I<adjacent vertices>.
-=item predecessorful_vertices
- @v = $g->predecessorful_vertices()
-Return the predecessorful vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of predecessorful vertices.
-=item predecessorless_vertices
- @v = $g->predecessorless_vertices()
-Return the predecessorless vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of predecessorless vertices.
-=item predecessors
- @s = $g->predecessors($v)
-Return the immediate predecessor vertices of the vertex.
-=item isolated_vertices
- @v = $g->isolated_vertices()
-Return the isolated vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of isolated vertices.
-See L</is_isolated_vertex> for the definition of an isolated vertex.
-=item interior_vertices
- @v = $g->interior_vertices()
-Return the interior vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of interior vertices.
-See L</is_interior_vertex> for the definition of an interior vertex.
-=item exterior_vertices
- @v = $g->exterior_vertices()
-Return the exterior vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of exterior vertices.
-See L</is_exterior_vertex> for the definition of an exterior vertex.
-=item self_loop_vertices
- @v = $g->self_loop_vertices()
-Return the self-loop vertices of the graph.
-In scalar context return the number of self-loop vertices.
-See L</is_self_loop_vertex> for the definition of a self-loop vertex.
-=head2 Connected Graphs and Their Components
-In this discussion I<connected graph> refers to any of
-I<connected graphs>, I<biconnected graphs>, and I<strongly
-connected graphs>.
-B<NOTE>: if the vertices of the original graph are Perl objects,
-(in other words, references, so you must be using C<refvertexed>)
-the vertices of the I<connected graph> are NOT by default usable
-as Perl objects because they are blessed into a package with
-a rather unusable name.
-By default, the vertex names of the I<connected graph> are formed from
-the names of the vertices of the original graph by (alphabetically
-sorting them and) concatenating their names with C<+>. The vertex
-attribute C<subvertices> is also used to store the list (as an array
-reference) of the original vertices. To change the 'supercomponent'
-vertex names and the whole logic of forming these supercomponents
-use the C<super_component>) option to the method calls:
- $g->connected_graph(super_component => sub { ... })
- $g->biconnected_graph(super_component => sub { ... })
- $g->strongly_connected_graph(super_component => sub { ... })
-The subroutine reference gets the 'subcomponents' (the vertices of the
-original graph) as arguments, and it is supposed to return the new
-supercomponent vertex, the "stringified" form of which is used as the
-vertex name.
-=head2 Degree
-A vertex has a degree based on the number of incoming and outgoing edges.
-This really makes sense only for directed graphs.
-=over 4
-=item degree
-=item vertex_degree
- $d = $g->degree($v)
- $d = $g->vertex_degree($v)
-For directed graphs: the in-degree minus the out-degree at the vertex.
-For undirected graphs: the number of edges at the vertex.
-=item in_degree
- $d = $g->in_degree($v)
-The number of incoming edges at the vertex.
-=item out_degree
- $o = $g->out_degree($v)
-The number of outgoing edges at the vertex.
-=item average_degree
- my $ad = $g->average_degree;
-Return the average degree taken over all vertices.
-Related methods are
-=over 4
-=item edges_at
- @e = $g->edges_at($v)
-The union of edges from and edges to at the vertex.
-=item edges_from
- @e = $g->edges_from($v)
-The edges leaving the vertex.
-=item edges_to
- @e = $g->edges_to($v)
-The edges entering the vertex.
-See also L</average_degree>.
-=head2 Counted Vertices
-I<Counted vertices> are vertices with more than one instance, normally
-adding vertices is idempotent. To enable counted vertices on a graph,
-give the C<countvertexed> parameter a true value
- use Graph;
- my $g = Graph->new(countvertexed => 1);
-To find out how many times the vertex has been added:
-=over 4
-=item get_vertex_count
- my $c = $g->get_vertex_count($v);
-Return the count of the vertex, or undef if the vertex does not exist.
-=head2 Multiedges, Multivertices, Multigraphs
-I<Multiedges> are edges with more than one "life", meaning that one
-has to delete them as many times as they have been added. Normally
-adding edges is idempotent (in other words, adding edges more than
-once makes no difference).
-There are two kinds or degrees of creating multiedges and multivertices.
-The two kinds are mutually exclusive.
-The weaker kind is called I<counted>, in which the edge or vertex has
-a count on it: add operations increase the count, and delete
-operations decrease the count, and once the count goes to zero, the
-edge or vertex is deleted. If there are attributes, they all are
-attached to the same vertex. You can think of this as the graph
-elements being I<refcounted>, or I<reference counted>, if that sounds
-more familiar.
-The stronger kind is called (true) I<multi>, in which the edge or vertex
-really has multiple separate identities, so that you can for example
-attach different attributes to different instances.
-To enable multiedges on a graph:
- use Graph;
- my $g0 = Graph->new(countedged => 1);
- my $g0 = Graph->new(multiedged => 1);
-Similarly for vertices
- use Graph;
- my $g1 = Graph->new(countvertexed => 1);
- my $g1 = Graph->new(multivertexed => 1);
-You can test for these by
-=over 4
-=item is_countedged
-=item countedged
- $g->is_countedged
- $g->countedged
-Return true if the graph is countedged.
-=item is_countvertexed
-=item countvertexed
- $g->is_countvertexed
- $g->countvertexed
-Return true if the graph is countvertexed.
-=item is_multiedged
-=item multiedged
- $g->is_multiedged
- $g->multiedged
-Return true if the graph is multiedged.
-=item is_multivertexed
-=item multivertexed
- $g->is_multivertexed
- $g->multivertexed
-Return true if the graph is multivertexed.
-A multiedged (either the weak kind or the strong kind) graph is
-a I<multigraph>, for which you can test with C<is_multi_graph()>.
-B<NOTE>: The various graph algorithms do not in general work well with
-multigraphs (they often assume I<simple graphs>, that is, no
-multiedges or loops), and no effort has been made to test the
-algorithms with multigraphs.
-vertices() and edges() will return the multiple elements: if you want
-just the unique elements, use
-=over 4
-=item unique_vertices
-=item unique_edges
- @uv = $g->unique_vertices; # unique
- @mv = $g->vertices; # possible multiples
- @ue = $g->unique_edges;
- @me = $g->edges;
-If you are using (the stronger kind of) multielements, you should use
-the I<by_id> variants:
-=over 4
-=item add_vertex_by_id
-=item has_vertex_by_id
-=item delete_vertex_by_id
-=item add_edge_by_id
-=item has_edge_by_id
-=item delete_edge_by_id
- $g->add_vertex_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->has_vertex_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->delete_vertex_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->add_edge_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->has_edge_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->delete_edge_by_id($u, $v, $id)
-When you delete the last vertex/edge in a multivertex/edge, the whole
-vertex/edge is deleted. You can use add_vertex()/add_edge() on
-a multivertex/multiedge graph, in which case an id is generated
-automatically. To find out which the generated id was, you need
-to use
-=over 4
-=item add_vertex_get_id
-=item add_edge_get_id
- $idv = $g->add_vertex_get_id($v)
- $ide = $g->add_edge_get_id($u, $v)
-To return all the ids of vertices/edges in a multivertex/multiedge, use
-=over 4
-=item get_multivertex_ids
-=item get_multiedge_ids
- $g->get_multivertex_ids($v)
- $g->get_multiedge_ids($u, $v)
-The ids are returned in random order.
-To find out how many times the edge has been added (this works for
-either kind of multiedges):
-=over 4
-=item get_edge_count
- my $c = $g->get_edge_count($u, $v);
-Return the count (the "countedness") of the edge, or undef if the
-edge does not exist.
-The following multi-entity utility functions exist, mirroring
-the non-multi vertices and edges:
-=over 4
-=item add_weighted_edge_by_id
-=item add_weighted_edges_by_id
-=item add_weighted_path_by_id
-=item add_weighted_vertex_by_id
-=item add_weighted_vertices_by_id
-=item delete_edge_weight_by_id
-=item delete_vertex_weight_by_id
-=item get_edge_weight_by_id
-=item get_vertex_weight_by_id
-=item has_edge_weight_by_id
-=item has_vertex_weight_by_id
-=item set_edge_weight_by_id
-=item set_vertex_weight_by_id
-=head2 Topological Sort
-=over 4
-=item topological_sort
-=item toposort
- my @ts = $g->topological_sort;
-Return the vertices of the graph sorted topologically. Note that
-there may be several possible topological orderings; one of them
-is returned.
-If the graph contains a cycle, a fatal error is thrown, you
-can either use C<eval> to trap that, or supply the C<empty_if_cyclic>
-argument with a true value
- my @ts = $g->topological_sort(empty_if_cyclic => 1);
-in which case an empty array is returned if the graph is cyclic.
-=head2 Minimum Spanning Trees (MST)
-Minimum Spanning Trees or MSTs are tree subgraphs derived from an
-undirected graph. MSTs "span the graph" (covering all the vertices)
-using as lightly weighted (hence the "minimum") edges as possible.
-=over 4
-=item MST_Kruskal
- $mstg = $g->MST_Kruskal;
-Returns the Kruskal MST of the graph.
-=item MST_Prim
- $mstg = $g->MST_Prim(%opt);
-Returns the Prim MST of the graph.
-You can choose the first vertex with $opt{ first_root }.
-=item MST_Dijkstra
-=item minimum_spanning_tree
- $mstg = $g->MST_Dijkstra;
- $mstg = $g->minimum_spanning_tree;
-Aliases for MST_Prim.
-=head2 Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP)
-Single-source shortest paths, also known as Shortest Path Trees
-(SPTs). For either a directed or an undirected graph, return a (tree)
-subgraph that from a single start vertex (the "single source") travels
-the shortest possible paths (the paths with the lightest weights) to
-all the other vertices. Note that the SSSP is neither reflexive (the
-shortest paths do not include the zero-length path from the source
-vertex to the source vertex) nor transitive (the shortest paths do not
-include transitive closure paths). If no weight is defined for an
-edge, 1 (one) is assumed.
-=over 4
-=item SPT_Dijkstra
- $sptg = $g->SPT_Dijkstra($root)
- $sptg = $g->SPT_Dijkstra(%opt)
-Return as a graph the the single-source shortest paths of the graph
-using Dijkstra's algorithm. The graph cannot contain negative edges
-(negative edges cause the algorithm to abort with an error message
-C<Graph::SPT_Dijkstra: edge ... is negative>).
-You can choose the first vertex of the result with either a single
-vertex argument or with $opt{ first_root }, otherwise a random vertex
-is chosen.
-B<NOTE>: note that all the vertices might not be reachable from the
-selected (explicit or random) start vertex.
-The start vertex is be available as the graph attribute
-The result weights of vertices can be retrieved from the result graph by
- my $w = $sptg->get_vertex_attribute($v, 'weight');
-The predecessor vertex of a vertex in the result graph
-can be retrieved by
- my $u = $sptg->get_vertex_attribute($v, 'p');
-("A successor vertex" cannot be retrieved as simply because a single
-vertex can have several successors. You can first find the
-C<neighbors()> vertices and then remove the predecessor vertex.)
-If you want to find the shortest path between two vertices,
-see L</SP_Dijkstra>.
-=item SSSP_Dijkstra
-=item single_source_shortest_paths
-Aliases for SPT_Dijkstra.
-=item SP_Dijkstra
- @path = $g->SP_Dijkstra($u, $v)
-Return the vertices in the shortest path in the graph $g between the
-two vertices $u, $v. If no path can be found, an empty list is returned.
-Uses SPT_Dijkstra().
-=item SPT_Dijkstra_clear_cache
- $g->SPT_Dijkstra_clear_cache
-See L</"Clearing cached results">.
-=item SPT_Bellman_Ford
- $sptg = $g->SPT_Bellman_Ford(%opt)
-Return as a graph the single-source shortest paths of the graph using
-Bellman-Ford's algorithm. The graph can contain negative edges but
-not negative cycles (negative cycles cause the algorithm to abort
-with an error message C<Graph::SPT_Bellman_Ford: negative cycle exists/>).
-You can choose the start vertex of the result with either a single
-vertex argument or with $opt{ first_root }, otherwise a random vertex
-is chosen.
-B<NOTE>: note that all the vertices might not be reachable from the
-selected (explicit or random) start vertex.
-The start vertex is be available as the graph attribute
-The result weights of vertices can be retrieved from the result graph by
- my $w = $sptg->get_vertex_attribute($v, 'weight');
-The predecessor vertex of a vertex in the result graph
-can be retrieved by
- my $u = $sptg->get_vertex_attribute($v, 'p');
-("A successor vertex" cannot be retrieved as simply because a single
-vertex can have several successors. You can first find the
-C<neighbors()> vertices and then remove the predecessor vertex.)
-If you want to find the shortes path between two vertices,
-see L</SP_Bellman_Ford>.
-=item SSSP_Bellman_Ford
-Alias for SPT_Bellman_Ford.
-=item SP_Bellman_Ford
- @path = $g->SP_Bellman_Ford($u, $v)
-Return the vertices in the shortest path in the graph $g between the
-two vertices $u, $v. If no path can be found, an empty list is returned.
-Uses SPT_Bellman_Ford().
-=item SPT_Bellman_Ford_clear_cache
- $g->SPT_Bellman_Ford_clear_cache
-See L</"Clearing cached results">.
-=head2 All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)
-For either a directed or an undirected graph, return the APSP object
-describing all the possible paths between any two vertices of the
-graph. If no weight is defined for an edge, 1 (one) is assumed.
-=over 4
-=item APSP_Floyd_Warshall
-=item all_pairs_shortest_paths
- my $apsp = $g->APSP_Floyd_Warshall(...);
-Return the all-pairs shortest path object computed from the graph
-using Floyd-Warshall's algorithm. The length of a path between two
-vertices is the sum of weight attribute of the edges along the
-shortest path between the two vertices. If no weight attribute name
-is specified explicitly
- $g->APSP_Floyd_Warshall(attribute_name => 'height');
-the attribute C<weight> is assumed.
-B<If an edge has no defined weight attribute, the value of one is
-assumed when getting the attribute.>
-Once computed, you can query the APSP object with
-=over 8
-=item path_length
- my $l = $apsp->path_length($u, $v);
-Return the length of the shortest path between the two vertices.
-=item path_vertices
- my @v = $apsp->path_vertices($u, $v);
-Return the list of vertices along the shortest path.
-=item path_predecessor
- my $u = $apsp->path_predecessor($v);
-Returns the predecessor of vertex $v in the all-pairs shortest paths.
-=over 8
-=item average_path_length
- my $apl = $g->average_path_length; # All vertex pairs.
- my $apl = $g->average_path_length($u); # From $u.
- my $apl = $g->average_path_length($u, undef); # From $u.
- my $apl = $g->average_path_length($u, $v); # From $u to $v.
- my $apl = $g->average_path_length(undef, $v); # To $v.
-Return the average (shortest) path length over all the vertex pairs of
-the graph, from a vertex, between two vertices, and to a vertex.
-=item longest_path
- my @lp = $g->longest_path;
- my $lp = $g->longest_path;
-In scalar context return the I<longest shortest> path length over all
-the vertex pairs of the graph. In list context return the vertices
-along a I<longest shortest> path. Note that there might be more than
-one such path; this interfaces return a random one of them.
-=item diameter
-=item graph_diameter
- my $gd = $g->diameter;
-The longest path over all the vertex pairs is known as the
-I<graph diameter>.
-=item shortest_path
- my @sp = $g->shortest_path;
- my $sp = $g->shortest_path;
-In scalar context return the shortest length over all the vertex pairs
-of the graph. In list context return the vertices along a shortest
-path. Note that there might be more than one such path; this
-interface returns a random one of them.
-=item radius
- my $gr = $g->radius;
-The I<shortest longest> path over all the vertex pairs is known as the
-I<graph radius>. See also L</diameter>.
-=item center_vertices
-=item centre_vertices
- my @c = $g->center_vertices;
- my @c = $g->center_vertices($delta);
-The I<graph center> is the set of vertices for which the I<vertex
-eccentricity> is equal to the I<graph radius>. The vertices are
-returned in random order. By specifying a delta value you can widen
-the criterion from strict equality (handy for non-integer edge weights).
-=item vertex_eccentricity
- my $ve = $g->vertex_eccentricity($v);
-The longest path to a vertex is known as the I<vertex eccentricity>.
-If the graph is unconnected, returns Inf.
-You can walk through the matrix of the shortest paths by using
-=over 4
-=item for_shortest_paths
- $n = $g->for_shortest_paths($callback)
-The number of shortest paths is returned (this should be equal to V*V).
-The $callback is a sub reference that receives four arguments:
-the transitive closure object from Graph::TransitiveClosure, the two
-vertices, and the index to the current shortest paths (0..V*V-1).
-=head2 Clearing cached results
-For many graph algorithms there are several different but equally valid
-results. (Pseudo)Randomness is used internally by the Graph module to
-for example pick a random starting vertex, and to select random edges
-from a vertex.
-For efficiency the computed result is often cached to avoid
-recomputing the potentially expensive operation, and this also gives
-additional determinism (once a correct result has been computed, the
-same result will always be given).
-However, sometimes the exact opposite is desireable, and the possible
-alternative results are wanted (within the limits of the pseudorandomness:
-not all the possible solutions are guaranteed to be returned, usually only
-a subset is retuned). To undo the caching, the following methods are
-=over 4
-=item *
-Affects L</connected_components>, L</connected_component_by_vertex>,
-L</connected_component_by_index>, L</same_connected_components>,
-L</connected_graph>, L</is_connected>, L</is_weakly_connected>,
-L</weakly_connected_components>, L</weakly_connected_component_by_vertex>,
-L</weakly_connected_component_by_index>, L</same_weakly_connected_components>,
-=item *
-Affects L</biconnected_components>,
-L</biconnected_component_by_index>, L</is_edge_connected>,
-L</is_edge_separable>, L</articulation_points>, L</cut_vertices>,
-L</is_biconnected>, L</biconnected_graph>,
-L</same_biconnected_components>, L</bridges>.
-=item *
-Affects L</strongly_connected_components>,
-L</same_strongly_connected_components>, L</is_strongly_connected>,
-L</strongly_connected>, L</strongly_connected_graph>.
-=item *
-Affects L</SPT_Dijkstra>, L</SSSP_Dijkstra>, L</single_source_shortest_paths>,
-=item *
-Affects L</SPT_Bellman_Ford>, L</SSSP_Bellman_Ford>, L</SP_Bellman_Ford>.
-Note that any such computed and cached results are of course always
-automatically discarded whenever the graph is modified.
-=head2 Random
-You can either ask for random elements of existing graphs or create
-random graphs.
-=over 4
-=item random_vertex
- my $v = $g->random_vertex;
-Return a random vertex of the graph, or undef if there are no vertices.
-=item random_edge
- my $e = $g->random_edge;
-Return a random edge of the graph as an array reference having the
-vertices as elements, or undef if there are no edges.
-=item random_successor
- my $v = $g->random_successor($v);
-Return a random successor of the vertex in the graph, or undef if there
-are no successors.
-=item random_predecessor
- my $u = $g->random_predecessor($v);
-Return a random predecessor of the vertex in the graph, or undef if there
-are no predecessors.
-=item random_graph
- my $g = Graph->random_graph(%opt);
-Construct a random graph. The I<%opt> B<must> contain the C<vertices>
- vertices => vertices_def
-where the I<vertices_def> is one of
-=over 8
-=item *
-an array reference where the elements of the array reference are the
-=item *
-a number N in which case the vertices will be integers 0..N-1
-The %opt may have either of the argument C<edges> or the argument
-C<edges_fill>. Both are used to define how many random edges to
-add to the graph; C<edges> is an absolute number, while C<edges_fill>
-is a relative number (relative to the number of edges in a complete
-graph, C). The number of edges can be larger than C, but only if the
-graph is countedged. The random edges will not include self-loops.
-If neither C<edges> nor C<edges_fill> is specified, an C<edges_fill>
-of 0.5 is assumed.
-If you want repeatable randomness (what is an oxymoron?)
-you can use the C<random_seed> option:
- $g = Graph->random_graph(vertices => 10, random_seed => 1234);
-As this uses the standard Perl srand(), the usual caveat applies:
-use it sparingly, and consider instead using a single srand() call
-at the top level of your application.
-The default random distribution of edges is flat, that is, any pair of
-vertices is equally likely to appear. To define your own distribution,
-use the C<random_edge> option:
- $g = Graph->random_graph(vertices => 10, random_edge => \&d);
-where C<d> is a code reference receiving I<($g, $u, $v, $p)> as
-parameters, where the I<$g> is the random graph, I<$u> and I<$v> are
-the vertices, and the I<$p> is the probability ([0,1]) for a flat
-distribution. It must return a probability ([0,1]) that the vertices
-I<$u> and I<$v> have an edge between them. Note that returning one
-for a particular pair of vertices doesn't guarantee that the edge will
-be present in the resulting graph because the required number of edges
-might be reached before that particular pair is tested for the
-possibility of an edge. Be very careful to adjust also C<edges>
-or C<edges_fill> so that there is a possibility of the filling process
-=head2 Attributes
-You can attach free-form attributes (key-value pairs, in effect a full
-Perl hash) to each vertex, edge, and the graph itself.
-Note that attaching attributes does slow down some other operations
-on the graph by a factor of three to ten. For example adding edge
-attributes does slow down anything that walks through all the edges.
-For vertex attributes:
-=over 4
-=item set_vertex_attribute
- $g->set_vertex_attribute($v, $name, $value)
-Set the named vertex attribute.
-If the vertex does not exist, the set_...() will create it, and the
-other vertex attribute methods will return false or empty.
-B<NOTE: any attributes beginning with an underscore/underline (_)
-are reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.>
-=item get_vertex_attribute
- $value = $g->get_vertex_attribute($v, $name)
-Return the named vertex attribute.
-=item has_vertex_attribute
- $g->has_vertex_attribute($v, $name)
-Return true if the vertex has an attribute, false if not.
-=item delete_vertex_attribute
- $g->delete_vertex_attribute($v, $name)
-Delete the named vertex attribute.
-=item set_vertex_attributes
- $g->set_vertex_attributes($v, $attr)
-Set all the attributes of the vertex from the anonymous hash $attr.
-B<NOTE>: any attributes beginning with an underscore (C<_>) are
-reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.
-=item get_vertex_attributes
- $attr = $g->get_vertex_attributes($v)
-Return all the attributes of the vertex as an anonymous hash.
-=item get_vertex_attribute_names
- @name = $g->get_vertex_attribute_names($v)
-Return the names of vertex attributes.
-=item get_vertex_attribute_values
- @value = $g->get_vertex_attribute_values($v)
-Return the values of vertex attributes.
-=item has_vertex_attributes
- $g->has_vertex_attributes($v)
-Return true if the vertex has any attributes, false if not.
-=item delete_vertex_attributes
- $g->delete_vertex_attributes($v)
-Delete all the attributes of the named vertex.
-If you are using multivertices, use the I<by_id> variants:
-=over 4
-=item set_vertex_attribute_by_id
-=item get_vertex_attribute_by_id
-=item has_vertex_attribute_by_id
-=item delete_vertex_attribute_by_id
-=item set_vertex_attributes_by_id
-=item get_vertex_attributes_by_id
-=item get_vertex_attribute_names_by_id
-=item get_vertex_attribute_values_by_id
-=item has_vertex_attributes_by_id
-=item delete_vertex_attributes_by_id
- $g->set_vertex_attribute_by_id($v, $id, $name, $value)
- $g->get_vertex_attribute_by_id($v, $id, $name)
- $g->has_vertex_attribute_by_id($v, $id, $name)
- $g->delete_vertex_attribute_by_id($v, $id, $name)
- $g->set_vertex_attributes_by_id($v, $id, $attr)
- $g->get_vertex_attributes_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->get_vertex_attribute_values_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->get_vertex_attribute_names_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->has_vertex_attributes_by_id($v, $id)
- $g->delete_vertex_attributes_by_id($v, $id)
-For edge attributes:
-=over 4
-=item set_edge_attribute
- $g->set_edge_attribute($u, $v, $name, $value)
-Set the named edge attribute.
-If the edge does not exist, the set_...() will create it, and the other
-edge attribute methods will return false or empty.
-B<NOTE>: any attributes beginning with an underscore (C<_>) are
-reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.
-=item get_edge_attribute
- $value = $g->get_edge_attribute($u, $v, $name)
-Return the named edge attribute.
-=item has_edge_attribute
- $g->has_edge_attribute($u, $v, $name)
-Return true if the edge has an attribute, false if not.
-=item delete_edge_attribute
- $g->delete_edge_attribute($u, $v, $name)
-Delete the named edge attribute.
-=item set_edge_attributes
- $g->set_edge_attributes($u, $v, $attr)
-Set all the attributes of the edge from the anonymous hash $attr.
-B<NOTE>: any attributes beginning with an underscore (C<_>) are
-reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.
-=item get_edge_attributes
- $attr = $g->get_edge_attributes($u, $v)
-Return all the attributes of the edge as an anonymous hash.
-=item get_edge_attribute_names
- @name = $g->get_edge_attribute_names($u, $v)
-Return the names of edge attributes.
-=item get_edge_attribute_values
- @value = $g->get_edge_attribute_values($u, $v)
-Return the values of edge attributes.
-=item has_edge_attributes
- $g->has_edge_attributes($u, $v)
-Return true if the edge has any attributes, false if not.
-=item delete_edge_attributes
- $g->delete_edge_attributes($u, $v)
-Delete all the attributes of the named edge.
-If you are using multiedges, use the I<by_id> variants:
-=over 4
-=item set_edge_attribute_by_id
-=item get_edge_attribute_by_id
-=item has_edge_attribute_by_id
-=item delete_edge_attribute_by_id
-=item set_edge_attributes_by_id
-=item get_edge_attributes_by_id
-=item get_edge_attribute_names_by_id
-=item get_edge_attribute_values_by_id
-=item has_edge_attributes_by_id
-=item delete_edge_attributes_by_id
- $g->set_edge_attribute_by_id($u, $v, $id, $name, $value)
- $g->get_edge_attribute_by_id($u, $v, $id, $name)
- $g->has_edge_attribute_by_id($u, $v, $id, $name)
- $g->delete_edge_attribute_by_id($u, $v, $id, $name)
- $g->set_edge_attributes_by_id($u, $v, $id, $attr)
- $g->get_edge_attributes_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->get_edge_attribute_values_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->get_edge_attribute_names_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->has_edge_attributes_by_id($u, $v, $id)
- $g->delete_edge_attributes_by_id($u, $v, $id)
-For graph attributes:
-=over 4
-=item set_graph_attribute
- $g->set_graph_attribute($name, $value)
-Set the named graph attribute.
-B<NOTE>: any attributes beginning with an underscore (C<_>) are
-reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.
-=item get_graph_attribute
- $value = $g->get_graph_attribute($name)
-Return the named graph attribute.
-=item has_graph_attribute
- $g->has_graph_attribute($name)
-Return true if the graph has an attribute, false if not.
-=item delete_graph_attribute
- $g->delete_graph_attribute($name)
-Delete the named graph attribute.
-=item set_graph_attributes
- $g->get_graph_attributes($attr)
-Set all the attributes of the graph from the anonymous hash $attr.
-B<NOTE>: any attributes beginning with an underscore (C<_>) are
-reserved for the internal use of the Graph module.
-=item get_graph_attributes
- $attr = $g->get_graph_attributes()
-Return all the attributes of the graph as an anonymous hash.
-=item get_graph_attribute_names
- @name = $g->get_graph_attribute_names()
-Return the names of graph attributes.
-=item get_graph_attribute_values
- @value = $g->get_graph_attribute_values()
-Return the values of graph attributes.
-=item has_graph_attributes
- $g->has_graph_attributes()
-Return true if the graph has any attributes, false if not.
-=item delete_graph_attributes
- $g->delete_graph_attributes()
-Delete all the attributes of the named graph.
-=head2 Weighted
-As convenient shortcuts the following methods add, query, and
-manipulate the attribute C<weight> with the specified value to the
-respective Graph elements.
-=over 4
-=item add_weighted_edge
- $g->add_weighted_edge($u, $v, $weight)
-=item add_weighted_edges
- $g->add_weighted_edges($u1, $v1, $weight1, ...)
-=item add_weighted_path
- $g->add_weighted_path($v1, $weight1, $v2, $weight2, $v3, ...)
-=item add_weighted_vertex
- $g->add_weighted_vertex($v, $weight)
-=item add_weighted_vertices
- $g->add_weighted_vertices($v1, $weight1, $v2, $weight2, ...)
-=item delete_edge_weight
- $g->delete_edge_weight($u, $v)
-=item delete_vertex_weight
- $g->delete_vertex_weight($v)
-=item get_edge_weight
- $g->get_edge_weight($u, $v)
-=item get_vertex_weight
- $g->get_vertex_weight($v)
-=item has_edge_weight
- $g->has_edge_weight($u, $v)
-=item has_vertex_weight
- $g->has_vertex_weight($v)
-=item set_edge_weight
- $g->set_edge_weight($u, $v, $weight)
-=item set_vertex_weight
- $g->set_vertex_weight($v, $weight)
-=head2 Isomorphism
-Two graphs being I<isomorphic> means that they are structurally the
-same graph, the difference being that the vertices might have been
-I<renamed> or I<substituted>. For example in the below example $g0
-and $g1 are isomorphic: the vertices C<b c d> have been renamed as
-C<z x y>.
- $g0 = Graph->new;
- $g0->add_edges(qw(a b a c c d));
- $g1 = Graph->new;
- $g1->add_edges(qw(a x x y a z));
-In the general case determining isomorphism is I<NP-hard>, in other
-words, really hard (time-consuming), no other ways of solving the problem
-are known than brute force check of of all the possibilities (with possible
-optimization tricks, of course, but brute force still rules at the end of
-the day).
-A B<very rough guess> at whether two graphs B<could> be isomorphic
-is possible via the method
-=over 4
-=item could_be_isomorphic
- $g0->could_be_isomorphic($g1)
-If the graphs do not have the same number of vertices and edges, false
-is returned. If the distribution of I<in-degrees> and I<out-degrees>
-at the vertices of the graphs does not match, false is returned.
-Otherwise, true is returned.
-What is actually returned is the maximum number of possible isomorphic
-graphs between the two graphs, after the above sanity checks have been
-conducted. It is basically the product of the factorials of the
-absolute values of in-degrees and out-degree pairs at each vertex,
-with the isolated vertices ignored (since they could be reshuffled and
-renamed arbitrarily). Note that for large graphs the product of these
-factorials can overflow the maximum presentable number (the floating
-point number) in your computer (in Perl) and you might get for example
-I<Infinity> as the result.
-=head2 Miscellaneous
-The "expect" methods can be used to test a graph and croak if the
-graph is not as expected.
-=over 4
-=item expect_acyclic
-=item expect_dag
-=item expect_directed
-=item expect_multiedged
-=item expect_multivertexed
-=item expect_non_multiedged
-=item expect_non_multivertexed
-=item expect_undirected
-In many algorithms it is useful to have a value representing the
-infinity. The Graph provides (and itself uses):
-=over 4
-=item Infinity
-(Not exported, use Graph::Infinity explicitly)
-=head2 Size Requirements
-A graph takes up at least 1172 bytes of memory.
-A vertex takes up at least 100 bytes of memory.
-An edge takes up at least 400 bytes of memory.
-(A Perl scalar value takes 16 bytes, or 12 bytes if it's a reference.)
-These size approximations are B<very> approximate and optimistic
-(they are based on total_size() of Devel::Size). In real life many
-factors affect these numbers, for example how Perl is configured.
-The numbers are for a 32-bit platform and for Perl 5.8.8.
-Roughly, the above numbers mean that in a megabyte of memory you can
-fit for example a graph of about 1000 vertices and about 2500 edges.
-=head2 Hyperedges, hypervertices, hypergraphs
-B<BEWARE>: this is a rather thinly tested feature, and the theory
-is even less so. Do not expect this to stay as it is (or at all)
-in future releases.
-B<NOTE>: most usual graph algorithms (and basic concepts) break
-horribly (or at least will look funny) with these hyperthingies.
-Caveat emptor.
-Hyperedges are edges that connect a number of vertices different
-from the usual two.
-Hypervertices are vertices that consist of a number of vertices
-different from the usual one.
-Note that for hypervertices there is an asymmetry: when adding
-hypervertices, the single vertices are also implicitly added.
-Hypergraphs are graphs with hyperedges.
-To enable hyperness when constructing Graphs use the C<hyperedged>
-and C<hypervertexed> attributes:
- my $h = Graph->new(hyperedged => 1, hypervertexed => 1);
-To add hypervertexes, either explicitly use more than one vertex (or,
-indeed, I<no> vertices) when using add_vertex()
- $h->add_vertex("a", "b")
- $h->add_vertex()
-or implicitly with array references when using add_edge()
- $h->add_edge(["a", "b"], "c")
- $h->add_edge()
-Testing for existence and deletion of hypervertices and hyperedges
-works similarly.
-To test for hyperness of a graph use the
-=over 4
-=item is_hypervertexed
-=item hypervertexed
- $g->is_hypervertexed
- $g->hypervertexed
-=item is_hyperedged
-=item hyperedged
- $g->is_hyperedged
- $g->hyperedged
-Since hypervertices consist of more than one vertex:
-=over 4
-=item vertices_at
- $g->vertices_at($v)
-Return the vertices at the vertex. This may return just the vertex
-or also other vertices.
-To go with the concept of undirected in normal (non-hyper) graphs,
-there is a similar concept of omnidirected I<(this is my own coinage,
-"all-directions")> for hypergraphs, and you can naturally test for it by
-=over 4
-=item is_omnidirected
-=item omnidirected
-=item is_omniedged
-=item omniedged
- $g->is_omniedged
- $g->omniedged
- $g->is_omnidirected
- $g->omnidirected
-Return true if the graph is omnidirected (edges have no direction),
-false if not.
-You may be wondering why on earth did I make up this new concept, why
-didn't the "undirected" work for me? Well, because of this:
- $g = Graph->new(hypervertexed => 1, omnivertexed => 1);
-That's right, vertices can be omni, too - and that is indeed the
-default. You can turn it off and then $g->add_vertex(qw(a b)) no
-more means adding also the (hyper)vertex qw(b a). In other words,
-the "directivity" is orthogonal to (or independent of) the number of
-vertices in the vertex/edge.
-=over 4
-=item is_omnivertexed
-=item omnivertexed
-Another oddity that fell out of the implementation is the uniqueness
-attribute, that comes naturally in C<uniqedged> and C<uniqvertexed>
-flavours. It does what it sounds like, to unique or not the vertices
-participating in edges and vertices (is the hypervertex qw(a b a) the
-same as the hypervertex qw(a b), for example). Without too much
-=over 4
-=item is_uniqedged
-=item uniqedged
-=item is_uniqvertexed
-=item uniqvertexed
-=head2 Backward compatibility with Graph 0.2
-The Graph 0.2 (and 0.2xxxx) had the following features
-=over 4
-=item *
-vertices() always sorted the vertex list, which most of the time is
-unnecessary and wastes CPU.
-=item *
-edges() returned a flat list where the begin and end vertices of the
-edges were intermingled: every even index had an edge begin vertex,
-and every odd index had an edge end vertex. This had the unfortunate
-consequence of C<scalar(@e = edges)> being twice the number of edges,
-and complicating any algorithm walking through the edges.
-=item *
-The vertex list returned by edges() was sorted, the primary key being
-the edge begin vertices, and the secondary key being the edge end vertices.
-=item *
-The attribute API was oddly position dependent and dependent
-on the number of arguments. Use ..._graph_attribute(),
-..._vertex_attribute(), ..._edge_attribute() instead.
-B<In future releases of Graph (any release after 0.50) the 0.2xxxx
-compatibility will be removed. Upgrade your code now.>
-If you want to continue using these (mis)features you can use the
-C<compat02> flag when creating a graph:
- my $g = Graph->new(compat02 => 1);
-This will change the vertices() and edges() appropriately. This,
-however, is not recommended, since it complicates all the code using
-vertices() and edges(). Instead it is recommended that the
-vertices02() and edges02() methods are used. The corresponding new
-style (unsorted, and edges() returning a list of references) methods
-are called vertices05() and edges05().
-To test whether a graph has the compatibility turned on
-=over 4
-=item is_compat02
-=item compat02
- $g->is_compat02
- $g->compat02
-The following are not backward compatibility methods, strictly
-speaking, because they did not exist before.
-=over 4
-=item edges02
-Return the edges as a flat list of vertices, elements at even indices
-being the start vertices and elements at odd indices being the end
-=item edges05
-Return the edges as a list of array references, each element
-containing the vertices of each edge. (This is not a backward
-compatibility interface as such since it did not exist before.)
-=item vertices02
-Return the vertices in sorted order.
-=item vertices05
-Return the vertices in random order.
-For the attributes the recommended way is to use the new API.
-Do not expect new methods to work for compat02 graphs.
-The following compatibility methods exist:
-=over 4
-=item has_attribute
-=item has_attributes
-=item get_attribute
-=item get_attributes
-=item set_attribute
-=item set_attributes
-=item delete_attribute
-=item delete_attributes
-Do not use the above, use the new attribute interfaces instead.
-=item vertices_unsorted
-Alias for vertices() (or rather, vertices05()) since the vertices()
-now always returns the vertices in an unsorted order. You can also
-use the unsorted_vertices import, but only with a true value (false
-values will cause an error).
-=item density_limits
- my ($sparse, $dense, $complete) = $g->density_limits;
-Return the "density limits" used to classify graphs as "sparse" or "dense".
-The first limit is C/4 and the second limit is 3C/4, where C is the number
-of edges in a complete graph (the last "limit").
-=item density
- my $density = $g->density;
-Return the density of the graph, the ratio of the number of edges to the
-number of edges in a complete graph.
-=item vertex
- my $v = $g->vertex($v);
-Return the vertex if the graph has the vertex, undef otherwise.
-=item out_edges
-=item in_edges
-=item edges($v)
-This is now called edges_at($v).
-=over 4
-=item *
-Graph::...Map...: arguments X expected Y ...
-If you see these (more user-friendly error messages should have been
-triggered above and before these) please report any such occurrences,
-but in general you should be happy to see these since it means that an
-attempt to call something with a wrong number of arguments was caught
-in time.
-=item *
-Graph::add_edge: graph is not hyperedged ...
-Maybe you used add_weighted_edge() with only the two vertex arguments.
-=item *
-Not an ARRAY reference at lib/ ...
-One possibility is that you have code based on Graph 0.2xxxx that
-assumes Graphs being blessed hash references, possibly also assuming
-that certain hash keys are available to use for your own purposes.
-In Graph 0.50 none of this is true. Please do not expect any
-particular internal implementation of Graphs. Use inheritance
-and graph/vertex/edge attributes instead.
-Another possibility is that you meant to have objects (blessed
-references) as graph vertices, but forgot to use C<refvertexed>
-(see L</refvertexed>) when creating the graph.
-A possible future direction is a new graph module written for speed:
-this may very possibly mean breaking or limiting some of the APIs or
-behaviour as compared with this release of the module.
-What definitely won't happen in future releases is carrying over
-the Graph 0.2xxxx backward compatibility API.
-All bad terminology, bugs, and inefficiencies are naturally mine, all
-mine, and not the fault of the below.
-Thanks to Nathan Goodman and Andras Salamon for bravely betatesting my
-pre-0.50 code. If they missed something, that was only because of my
-fiendish code.
-The following literature for algorithms and some test cases:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Algorithms in C, Third Edition, Part 5, Graph Algorithms, Robert Sedgewick, Addison Wesley
-=item *
-Introduction to Algorithms, First Edition, Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest, McGraw Hill
-=item *
-Graphs, Networks and Algorithms, Dieter Jungnickel, Springer
-Jarkko Hietaniemi F<>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.