path: root/perllib/Graph/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perllib/Graph/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 714 deletions
diff --git a/perllib/Graph/ b/perllib/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644
index edfc5b19..00000000
--- a/perllib/Graph/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-package Graph::Traversal;
-use strict;
-# $SIG{__DIE__ } = sub { use Carp; confess };
-# $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { use Carp; confess };
-sub DEBUG () { 0 }
-sub reset {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ unseen } = { map { $_ => $_ } $self->{ graph }->vertices };
- $self->{ seen } = { };
- $self->{ order } = [ ];
- $self->{ preorder } = [ ];
- $self->{ postorder } = [ ];
- $self->{ roots } = [ ];
- $self->{ tree } =
- Graph->new( directed => $self->{ graph }->directed );
- delete $self->{ terminate };
-my $see = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->see;
-my $see_active = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- delete @{ $self->{ active } }{ $self->see };
-sub has_a_cycle {
- my ($u, $v, $t, $s) = @_;
- $s->{ has_a_cycle } = 1;
- $t->terminate;
-sub find_a_cycle {
- my ($u, $v, $t, $s) = @_;
- my @cycle = ( $u );
- push @cycle, $v unless $u eq $v;
- my $path = $t->{ order };
- if (@$path) {
- my $i = $#$path;
- while ($i >= 0 && $path->[ $i ] ne $v) { $i-- }
- if ($i >= 0) {
- unshift @cycle, @{ $path }[ $i+1 .. $#$path ];
- }
- }
- $s->{ a_cycle } = \@cycle;
- $t->terminate;
-sub configure {
- my ($self, %attr) = @_;
- $self->{ pre } = $attr{ pre } if exists $attr{ pre };
- $self->{ post } = $attr{ post } if exists $attr{ post };
- $self->{ pre_vertex } = $attr{ pre_vertex } if exists $attr{ pre_vertex };
- $self->{ post_vertex } = $attr{ post_vertex } if exists $attr{ post_vertex };
- $self->{ pre_edge } = $attr{ pre_edge } if exists $attr{ pre_edge };
- $self->{ post_edge } = $attr{ post_edge } if exists $attr{ post_edge };
- if (exists $attr{ successor }) { # Graph 0.201 compatibility.
- $self->{ tree_edge } = $self->{ non_tree_edge } = $attr{ successor };
- }
- if (exists $attr{ unseen_successor }) {
- if (exists $self->{ tree_edge }) { # Graph 0.201 compatibility.
- my $old_tree_edge = $self->{ tree_edge };
- $self->{ tree_edge } = sub {
- $old_tree_edge->( @_ );
- $attr{ unseen_successor }->( @_ );
- };
- } else {
- $self->{ tree_edge } = $attr{ unseen_successor };
- }
- }
- if ($self->graph->multiedged || $self->graph->countedged) {
- $self->{ seen_edge } = $attr{ seen_edge } if exists $attr{ seen_edge };
- if (exists $attr{ seen_successor }) { # Graph 0.201 compatibility.
- $self->{ seen_edge } = $attr{ seen_edge };
- }
- }
- $self->{ non_tree_edge } = $attr{ non_tree_edge } if exists $attr{ non_tree_edge };
- $self->{ pre_edge } = $attr{ tree_edge } if exists $attr{ tree_edge };
- $self->{ back_edge } = $attr{ back_edge } if exists $attr{ back_edge };
- $self->{ down_edge } = $attr{ down_edge } if exists $attr{ down_edge };
- $self->{ cross_edge } = $attr{ cross_edge } if exists $attr{ cross_edge };
- if (exists $attr{ start }) {
- $attr{ first_root } = $attr{ start };
- $attr{ next_root } = undef;
- }
- if (exists $attr{ get_next_root }) {
- $attr{ next_root } = $attr{ get_next_root }; # Graph 0.201 compat.
- }
- $self->{ next_root } =
- exists $attr{ next_root } ?
- $attr{ next_root } :
- $attr{ next_alphabetic } ?
- \&Graph::_next_alphabetic :
- $attr{ next_numeric } ?
- \&Graph::_next_numeric :
- \&Graph::_next_random;
- $self->{ first_root } =
- exists $attr{ first_root } ?
- $attr{ first_root } :
- exists $attr{ next_root } ?
- $attr{ next_root } :
- $attr{ next_alphabetic } ?
- \&Graph::_next_alphabetic :
- $attr{ next_numeric } ?
- \&Graph::_next_numeric :
- \&Graph::_next_random;
- $self->{ next_successor } =
- exists $attr{ next_successor } ?
- $attr{ next_successor } :
- $attr{ next_alphabetic } ?
- \&Graph::_next_alphabetic :
- $attr{ next_numeric } ?
- \&Graph::_next_numeric :
- \&Graph::_next_random;
- if (exists $attr{ has_a_cycle }) {
- my $has_a_cycle =
- ref $attr{ has_a_cycle } eq 'CODE' ?
- $attr{ has_a_cycle } : \&has_a_cycle;
- $self->{ back_edge } = $has_a_cycle;
- if ($self->{ graph }->is_undirected) {
- $self->{ down_edge } = $has_a_cycle;
- }
- }
- if (exists $attr{ find_a_cycle }) {
- my $find_a_cycle =
- ref $attr{ find_a_cycle } eq 'CODE' ?
- $attr{ find_a_cycle } : \&find_a_cycle;
- $self->{ back_edge } = $find_a_cycle;
- if ($self->{ graph }->is_undirected) {
- $self->{ down_edge } = $find_a_cycle;
- }
- }
- $self->{ add } = \&add_order;
- $self->{ see } = $see;
- delete @attr{ qw(
- pre post pre_edge post_edge
- successor unseen_successor seen_successor
- tree_edge non_tree_edge
- back_edge down_edge cross_edge seen_edge
- start get_next_root
- next_root next_alphabetic next_numeric next_random next_successor
- first_root
- has_a_cycle find_a_cycle
- ) };
- if (keys %attr) {
- require Carp;
- my @attr = sort keys %attr;
- Carp::croak(sprintf "Graph::Traversal: unknown attribute%s @{[map { qq['$_'] } @attr]}\n", @attr == 1 ? '' : 's');
- }
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- unless (ref $g && $g->isa('Graph')) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Graph::Traversal: first argument is not a Graph");
- }
- my $self = { graph => $g, state => { } };
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->reset;
- $self->configure( @_ );
- return $self;
-sub terminate {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ terminate } = 1;
-sub add_order {
- my ($self, @next) = @_;
- push @{ $self->{ order } }, @next;
-sub visit {
- my ($self, @next) = @_;
- delete @{ $self->{ unseen } }{ @next };
- print "unseen = @{[sort keys %{$self->{unseen}}]}\n" if DEBUG;
- @{ $self->{ seen } }{ @next } = @next;
- print "seen = @{[sort keys %{$self->{seen}}]}\n" if DEBUG;
- $self->{ add }->( $self, @next );
- print "order = @{$self->{order}}\n" if DEBUG;
- if (exists $self->{ pre }) {
- my $p = $self->{ pre };
- for my $v (@next) {
- $p->( $v, $self );
- }
- }
-sub visit_preorder {
- my ($self, @next) = @_;
- push @{ $self->{ preorder } }, @next;
- for my $v (@next) {
- $self->{ preordern }->{ $v } = $self->{ preorderi }++;
- }
- print "preorder = @{$self->{preorder}}\n" if DEBUG;
- $self->visit( @next );
-sub visit_postorder {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @post = reverse $self->{ see }->( $self );
- push @{ $self->{ postorder } }, @post;
- for my $v (@post) {
- $self->{ postordern }->{ $v } = $self->{ postorderi }++;
- }
- print "postorder = @{$self->{postorder}}\n" if DEBUG;
- if (exists $self->{ post }) {
- my $p = $self->{ post };
- for my $v (@post) {
- $p->( $v, $self ) ;
- }
- }
- if (exists $self->{ post_edge }) {
- my $p = $self->{ post_edge };
- my $u = $self->current;
- if (defined $u) {
- for my $v (@post) {
- $p->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state });
- }
- }
- }
-sub _callbacks {
- my ($self, $current, @all) = @_;
- return unless @all;
- my $nontree = $self->{ non_tree_edge };
- my $back = $self->{ back_edge };
- my $down = $self->{ down_edge };
- my $cross = $self->{ cross_edge };
- my $seen = $self->{ seen_edge };
- my $bdc = defined $back || defined $down || defined $cross;
- if (defined $nontree || $bdc || defined $seen) {
- my $u = $current;
- my $preu = $self->{ preordern }->{ $u };
- my $postu = $self->{ postordern }->{ $u };
- for my $v ( @all ) {
- my $e = $self->{ tree }->has_edge( $u, $v );
- if ( !$e && (defined $nontree || $bdc) ) {
- if ( exists $self->{ seen }->{ $v }) {
- $nontree->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state })
- if $nontree;
- if ($bdc) {
- my $postv = $self->{ postordern }->{ $v };
- if ($back &&
- (!defined $postv || $postv >= $postu)) {
- $back ->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state });
- } else {
- my $prev = $self->{ preordern }->{ $v };
- if ($down && $prev > $preu) {
- $down ->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state });
- } elsif ($cross && $prev < $preu) {
- $cross->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($seen) {
- my $c = $self->graph->get_edge_count($u, $v);
- while ($c-- > 1) {
- $seen->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state } );
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub next {
- my $self = shift;
- return undef if $self->{ terminate };
- my @next;
- while ($self->seeing) {
- my $current = $self->current;
- print "current = $current\n" if DEBUG;
- @next = $self->{ graph }->successors( $current );
- print "next.0 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- my %next; @next{ @next } = @next;
-# delete $next{ $current };
- print "next.1 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- @next = keys %next;
- my @all = @next;
- print "all = @all\n" if DEBUG;
- delete @next{ $self->seen };
- @next = keys %next;
- print "next.2 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- if (@next) {
- @next = $self->{ next_successor }->( $self, \%next );
- print "next.3 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- for my $v (@next) {
- $self->{ tree }->add_edge( $current, $v );
- }
- if (exists $self->{ pre_edge }) {
- my $p = $self->{ pre_edge };
- my $u = $self->current;
- for my $v (@next) {
- $p->( $u, $v, $self, $self->{ state });
- }
- }
- last;
- } else {
- $self->visit_postorder;
- }
- return undef if $self->{ terminate };
- $self->_callbacks($current, @all);
-# delete $next{ $current };
- }
- print "next.4 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- unless (@next) {
- unless ( @{ $self->{ roots } } ) {
- my $first = $self->{ first_root };
- if (defined $first) {
- @next =
- ref $first eq 'CODE' ?
- $self->{ first_root }->( $self, $self->{ unseen } ) :
- $first;
- return unless @next;
- }
- }
- unless (@next) {
- return unless defined $self->{ next_root };
- return unless @next =
- $self->{ next_root }->( $self, $self->{ unseen } );
- }
- return if exists $self->{ seen }->{ $next[0] }; # Sanity check.
- print "next.5 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- push @{ $self->{ roots } }, $next[0];
- }
- print "next.6 - @next\n" if DEBUG;
- if (@next) {
- $self->visit_preorder( @next );
- }
- return $next[0];
-sub _order {
- my ($self, $order) = @_;
- 1 while defined $self->next;
- my $wantarray = wantarray;
- if ($wantarray) {
- @{ $self->{ $order } };
- } elsif (defined $wantarray) {
- shift @{ $self->{ $order } };
- }
-sub preorder {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->_order( 'preorder' );
-sub postorder {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->_order( 'postorder' );
-sub unseen {
- my $self = shift;
- values %{ $self->{ unseen } };
-sub seen {
- my $self = shift;
- values %{ $self->{ seen } };
-sub seeing {
- my $self = shift;
- @{ $self->{ order } };
-sub roots {
- my $self = shift;
- @{ $self->{ roots } };
-sub is_root {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- for my $u (@{ $self->{ roots } }) {
- return 1 if $u eq $v;
- }
- return 0;
-sub tree {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ tree };
-sub graph {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ graph };
-sub vertex_by_postorder {
- my ($self, $i) = @_;
- exists $self->{ postorder } && $self->{ postorder }->[ $i ];
-sub postorder_by_vertex {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- exists $self->{ postordern } && $self->{ postordern }->{ $v };
-sub postorder_vertices {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- exists $self->{ postordern } ? %{ $self->{ postordern } } : ();
-sub vertex_by_preorder {
- my ($self, $i) = @_;
- exists $self->{ preorder } && $self->{ preorder }->[ $i ];
-sub preorder_by_vertex {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- exists $self->{ preordern } && $self->{ preordern }->{ $v };
-sub preorder_vertices {
- my ($self, $v) = @_;
- exists $self->{ preordern } ? %{ $self->{ preordern } } : ();
-sub has_state {
- my ($self, $var) = @_;
- exists $self->{ state } && exists $self->{ state }->{ $var };
-sub get_state {
- my ($self, $var) = @_;
- exists $self->{ state } ? $self->{ state }->{ $var } : undef;
-sub set_state {
- my ($self, $var, $val) = @_;
- $self->{ state }->{ $var } = $val;
- return 1;
-sub delete_state {
- my ($self, $var) = @_;
- delete $self->{ state }->{ $var };
- delete $self->{ state } unless keys %{ $self->{ state } };
- return 1;
-=head1 NAME
-Graph::Traversal - traverse graphs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Don't use Graph::Traversal directly, use Graph::Traversal::DFS
-or Graph::Traversal::BFS instead.
- use Graph;
- my $g = Graph->new;
- $g->add_edge(...);
- use Graph::Traversal::...;
- my $t = Graph::Traversal::...->new(%opt);
- $t->...
-You can control how the graph is traversed by the various callback
-parameters in the C<%opt>. In the parameters descriptions below the
-$u and $v are vertices, and the $self is the traversal object itself.
-=head2 Callback parameters
-The following callback parameters are available:
-=over 4
-=item tree_edge
-Called when traversing an edge that belongs to the traversal tree.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item non_tree_edge
-Called when an edge is met which either leads back to the traversal tree
-(either a C<back_edge>, a C<down_edge>, or a C<cross_edge>).
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item pre_edge
-Called for edges in preorder.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item post_edge
-Called for edges in postorder.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item back_edge
-Called for back edges.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item down_edge
-Called for down edges.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item cross_edge
-Called for cross edges.
-Called with arguments ($u, $v, $self).
-=item pre
-=item pre_vertex
-Called for vertices in preorder.
-Called with arguments ($v, $self).
-=item post
-=item post_vertex
-Called for vertices in postorder.
-Called with arguments ($v, $self).
-=item first_root
-Called when choosing the first root (start) vertex for traversal.
-Called with arguments ($self, $unseen) where $unseen is a hash
-reference with the unseen vertices as keys.
-=item next_root
-Called when choosing the next root (after the first one) vertex for
-traversal (useful when the graph is not connected). Called with
-arguments ($self, $unseen) where $unseen is a hash reference with
-the unseen vertices as keys. If you want only the first reachable
-subgraph to be processed, set the next_root to C<undef>.
-=item start
-Identical to defining C<first_root> and undefining C<next_root>.
-=item next_alphabetic
-Set this to true if you want the vertices to be processed in
-alphabetic order (and leave first_root/next_root undefined).
-=item next_numeric
-Set this to true if you want the vertices to be processed in
-numeric order (and leave first_root/next_root undefined).
-=item next_successor
-Called when choosing the next vertex to visit. Called with arguments
-($self, $next) where $next is a hash reference with the possible
-next vertices as keys. Use this to provide a custom ordering for
-choosing vertices, as opposed to C<next_numeric> or C<next_alphabetic>.
-The parameters C<first_root> and C<next_successor> have a 'hierarchy'
-of how they are determined: if they have been explicitly defined, use
-that value. If not, use the value of C<next_alphabetic>, if that has
-been defined. If not, use the value of C<next_numeric>, if that has
-been defined. If not, the next vertex to be visited is chose randomly.
-=head2 Methods
-The following methods are available:
-=over 4
-=item unseen
-Return the unseen vertices in random order.
-=item seen
-Return the seen vertices in random order.
-=item seeing
-Return the active fringe vertices in random order.
-=item preorder
-Return the vertices in preorder traversal order.
-=item postorder
-Return the vertices in postorder traversal order.
-=item vertex_by_preorder
- $v = $t->vertex_by_preorder($i)
-Return the ith (0..$V-1) vertex by preorder.
-=item preorder_by_vertex
- $i = $t->preorder_by_vertex($v)
-Return the preorder index (0..$V-1) by vertex.
-=item vertex_by_postorder
- $v = $t->vertex_by_postorder($i)
-Return the ith (0..$V-1) vertex by postorder.
-=item postorder_by_vertex
- $i = $t->postorder_by_vertex($v)
-Return the postorder index (0..$V-1) by vertex.
-=item preorder_vertices
-Return a hash with the vertices as the keys and their preorder indices
-as the values.
-=item postorder_vertices
-Return a hash with the vertices as the keys and their postorder
-indices as the values.
-=item tree
-Return the traversal tree as a graph.
-=item has_state
- $t->has_state('s')
-Test whether the traversal has state 's' attached to it.
-=item get_state
- $t->get_state('s')
-Get the state 's' attached to the traversal (C<undef> if none).
-=item set_state
- $t->set_state('s', $s)
-Set the state 's' attached to the traversal.
-=item delete_state
- $t->delete_state('s')
-Delete the state 's' from the traversal.
-=head2 Backward compatibility
-The following parameters are for backward compatibility to Graph 0.2xx:
-=over 4
-=item get_next_root
-Like C<next_root>.
-=item successor
-Identical to having C<tree_edge> both C<non_tree_edge> defined
-to be the same.
-=item unseen_successor
-Like C<tree_edge>.
-=item seen_successor
-Like C<seed_edge>.
-=head2 Special callbacks
-If in a callback you call the special C<terminate> method,
-the traversal is terminated, no more vertices are traversed.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Graph::Traversal::DFS>, L<Graph::Traversal::BFS>
-Jarkko Hietaniemi F<>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.