path: root/perllib/Heap071/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perllib/Heap071/')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perllib/Heap071/ b/perllib/Heap071/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3308bf31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllib/Heap071/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+package Heap071::Fibonacci;
+use strict;
+require Exporter;
+require AutoLoader;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
+# No names exported.
+# No names available for export.
+@EXPORT = ( );
+$VERSION = '0.71';
+# Preloaded methods go here.
+# common names
+# h - heap head
+# el - linkable element, contains user-provided value
+# v - user-provided value
+################################################# debugging control
+my $debug = 0;
+my $validate = 0;
+# enable/disable debugging output
+sub debug {
+ @_ ? ($debug = shift) : $debug;
+# enable/disable validation checks on values
+sub validate {
+ @_ ? ($validate = shift) : $validate;
+my $width = 3;
+my $bar = ' | ';
+my $corner = ' +-';
+my $vfmt = "%3d";
+sub set_width {
+ $width = shift;
+ $width = 2 if $width < 2;
+ $vfmt = "%${width}d";
+ $bar = $corner = ' ' x $width;
+ substr($bar,-2,1) = '|';
+ substr($corner,-2,2) = '+-';
+sub hdump;
+sub hdump {
+ my $el = shift;
+ my $l1 = shift;
+ my $b = shift;
+ my $ch;
+ my $ch1;
+ unless( $el ) {
+ print $l1, "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ hdump $ch1 = $el->{child},
+ $l1 . sprintf( $vfmt, $el->{val}->val),
+ $b . $bar;
+ if( $ch1 ) {
+ for( $ch = $ch1->{right}; $ch != $ch1; $ch = $ch->{right} ) {
+ hdump $ch, $b . $corner, $b . $bar;
+ }
+ }
+sub heapdump {
+ my $h;
+ while( $h = shift ) {
+ my $top = $$h or last;
+ my $el = $top;
+ do {
+ hdump $el, sprintf( "%02d: ", $el->{degree}), ' ';
+ $el = $el->{right};
+ } until $el == $top;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+sub bhcheck;
+sub bhcheck {
+ my $el = shift;
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $cur = $el;
+ my $prev;
+ my $ch;
+ do {
+ $prev = $cur;
+ $cur = $cur->{right};
+ die "bad back link" unless $cur->{left} == $prev;
+ die "bad parent link"
+ unless (defined $p && defined $cur->{p} && $cur->{p} == $p)
+ || (!defined $p && !defined $cur->{p});
+ die "bad degree( $cur->{degree} > $p->{degree} )"
+ if $p && $p->{degree} <= $cur->{degree};
+ die "not heap ordered"
+ if $p && $p->{val}->cmp($cur->{val}) > 0;
+ $ch = $cur->{child} and bhcheck $ch, $cur;
+ } until $cur == $el;
+sub heapcheck {
+ my $h;
+ my $el;
+ while( $h = shift ) {
+ heapdump $h if $validate >= 2;
+ $el = $$h and bhcheck $el, undef;
+ }
+################################################# forward declarations
+sub ascending_cut;
+sub elem;
+sub elem_DESTROY;
+sub link_to_left_of;
+################################################# heap methods
+# Cormen et al. use two values for the heap, a pointer to an element in the
+# list at the top, and a count of the number of elements. The count is only
+# used to determine the size of array required to hold log(count) pointers,
+# but perl can set array sizes as needed and doesn't need to know their size
+# when they are created, so we're not maintaining that field.
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ my $h = undef;
+ bless \$h, $class;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $h = shift;
+ elem_DESTROY $$h;
+sub add {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $v = shift;
+ $validate && do {
+ die "Method 'heap' required for element on heap"
+ unless $v->can('heap');
+ die "Method 'cmp' required for element on heap"
+ unless $v->can('cmp');
+ };
+ my $el = elem $v;
+ my $top;
+ if( !($top = $$h) ) {
+ $$h = $el;
+ } else {
+ link_to_left_of $top->{left}, $el ;
+ link_to_left_of $el,$top;
+ $$h = $el if $v->cmp($top->{val}) < 0;
+ }
+sub top {
+ my $h = shift;
+ $$h && $$h->{val};
+*minimum = \&top;
+sub extract_top {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $el = $$h or return undef;
+ my $ltop = $el->{left};
+ my $cur;
+ my $next;
+ # $el is the heap with the lowest value on it
+ # move all of $el's children (if any) to the top list (between
+ # $ltop and $el)
+ if( $cur = $el->{child} ) {
+ # remember the beginning of the list of children
+ my $first = $cur;
+ do {
+ # the children are moving to the top, clear the p
+ # pointer for all of them
+ $cur->{p} = undef;
+ } until ($cur = $cur->{right}) == $first;
+ # remember the end of the list
+ $cur = $cur->{left};
+ link_to_left_of $ltop, $first;
+ link_to_left_of $cur, $el;
+ }
+ if( $el->{right} == $el ) {
+ # $el had no siblings or children, the top only contains $el
+ # and $el is being removed
+ $$h = undef;
+ } else {
+ link_to_left_of $el->{left}, $$h = $el->{right};
+ # now all those loose ends have to be merged together as we
+ # search for the
+ # new smallest element
+ $h->consolidate;
+ }
+ # extract the actual value and return that, $el is no longer used
+ # but break all of its links so that it won't be pointed to...
+ my $top = $el->{val};
+ $top->heap(undef);
+ $el->{left} = $el->{right} = $el->{p} = $el->{child} = $el->{val} =
+ undef;
+ $top;
+*extract_minimum = \&extract_top;
+sub absorb {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $h2 = shift;
+ my $el = $$h;
+ unless( $el ) {
+ $$h = $$h2;
+ $$h2 = undef;
+ return $h;
+ }
+ my $el2 = $$h2 or return $h;
+ # add $el2 and its siblings to the head list for $h
+ # at start, $ell -> $el -> ... -> $ell is on $h (where $ell is
+ # $el->{left})
+ # $el2l -> $el2 -> ... -> $el2l are on $h2
+ # at end, $ell -> $el2l -> ... -> $el2 -> $el -> ... -> $ell are
+ # all on $h
+ my $el2l = $el2->{left};
+ link_to_left_of $el->{left}, $el2;
+ link_to_left_of $el2l, $el;
+ # change the top link if needed
+ $$h = $el2 if $el->{val}->cmp( $el2->{val} ) > 0;
+ # clean out $h2
+ $$h2 = undef;
+ # return the heap
+ $h;
+# a key has been decreased, it may have to percolate up in its heap
+sub decrease_key {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $top = $$h;
+ my $v = shift;
+ my $el = $v->heap or return undef;
+ my $p;
+ # first, link $h to $el if it is now the smallest (we will
+ # soon link $el to $top to properly put it up to the top list,
+ # if it isn't already there)
+ $$h = $el if $top->{val}->cmp( $v ) > 0;
+ if( $p = $el->{p} and $v->cmp($p->{val}) < 0 ) {
+ # remove $el from its parent's list - it is now smaller
+ ascending_cut $top, $p, $el;
+ }
+ $v;
+# to delete an item, we bubble it to the top of its heap (as if its key
+# had been decreased to -infinity), and then remove it (as in extract_top)
+sub delete {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $v = shift;
+ my $el = $v->heap or return undef;
+ # if there is a parent, cut $el to the top (as if it had just had its
+ # key decreased to a smaller value than $p's value
+ my $p;
+ $p = $el->{p} and ascending_cut $$h, $p, $el;
+ # $el is in the top list now, make it look like the smallest and
+ # remove it
+ $$h = $el;
+ $h->extract_top;
+################################################# internal utility functions
+sub elem {
+ my $v = shift;
+ my $el = undef;
+ $el = {
+ p => undef,
+ degree => 0,
+ mark => 0,
+ child => undef,
+ val => $v,
+ left => undef,
+ right => undef,
+ };
+ $el->{left} = $el->{right} = $el;
+ $v->heap($el);
+ $el;
+sub elem_DESTROY {
+ my $el = shift;
+ my $ch;
+ my $next;
+ $el->{left}->{right} = undef;
+ while( $el ) {
+ $ch = $el->{child} and elem_DESTROY $ch;
+ $next = $el->{right};
+ defined $el->{val} and $el->{val}->heap(undef);
+ $el->{child} = $el->{right} = $el->{left} = $el->{p} = $el->{val}
+ = undef;
+ $el = $next;
+ }
+sub link_to_left_of {
+ my $l = shift;
+ my $r = shift;
+ $l->{right} = $r;
+ $r->{left} = $l;
+sub link_as_parent_of {
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $pc;
+ if( $pc = $p->{child} ) {
+ link_to_left_of $pc->{left}, $c;
+ link_to_left_of $c, $pc;
+ } else {
+ link_to_left_of $c, $c;
+ }
+ $p->{child} = $c;
+ $c->{p} = $p;
+ $p->{degree}++;
+ $c->{mark} = 0;
+ $p;
+sub consolidate {
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $cur;
+ my $this;
+ my $next = $$h;
+ my $last = $next->{left};
+ my @a;
+ do {
+ # examine next item on top list
+ $this = $cur = $next;
+ $next = $cur->{right};
+ my $d = $cur->{degree};
+ my $alt;
+ while( $alt = $a[$d] ) {
+ # we already saw another item of the same degree,
+ # put the larger valued one under the smaller valued
+ # one - switch $cur and $alt if necessary so that $cur
+ # is the smaller
+ ($cur,$alt) = ($alt,$cur)
+ if $cur->{val}->cmp( $alt->{val} ) > 0;
+ # remove $alt from the top list
+ link_to_left_of $alt->{left}, $alt->{right};
+ # and put it under $cur
+ link_as_parent_of $cur, $alt;
+ # make sure that $h still points to a node at the top
+ $$h = $cur;
+ # we've removed the old $d degree entry
+ $a[$d] = undef;
+ # and we now have a $d+1 degree entry to try to insert
+ # into @a
+ ++$d;
+ }
+ # found a previously unused degree
+ $a[$d] = $cur;
+ } until $this == $last;
+ $cur = $$h;
+ for $cur (grep defined, @a) {
+ $$h = $cur if $$h->{val}->cmp( $cur->{val} ) > 0;
+ }
+sub ascending_cut {
+ my $top = shift;
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $el = shift;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( --$p->{degree} ) {
+ # there are still other children below $p
+ my $l = $el->{left};
+ $p->{child} = $l;
+ link_to_left_of $l, $el->{right};
+ } else {
+ # $el was the only child of $p
+ $p->{child} = undef;
+ }
+ link_to_left_of $top->{left}, $el;
+ link_to_left_of $el, $top;
+ $el->{p} = undef;
+ $el->{mark} = 0;
+ # propagate up the list
+ $el = $p;
+ # quit at the top
+ last unless $p = $el->{p};
+ # quit if we can mark $el
+ $el->{mark} = 1, last unless $el->{mark};
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Heap::Fibonacci - a Perl extension for keeping data partially sorted
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Heap::Fibonacci;
+ $heap = Heap::Fibonacci->new;
+ # see Heap(3) for usage
+Keeps elements in heap order using a linked list of Fibonacci trees.
+The I<heap> method of an element is used to store a reference to
+the node in the list that refers to the element.
+See L<Heap> for details on using this module.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+John Macdonald,
+Copyright 1998-2003, O'Reilly & Associates.
+This code is distributed under the same copyright terms as perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Heap(3), Heap::Elem(3).