path: root/projs/CodeBlocks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projs/CodeBlocks')
-rw-r--r--projs/CodeBlocks/LiberationMono-Regular.ttfbin61144 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/LiberationSans-Regular.ttfbin110660 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.abin453238 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/navit.icobin3310 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/toolbar.bmpbin1398 -> 0 bytes
66 files changed, 0 insertions, 8509 deletions
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/.cvsignore b/projs/CodeBlocks/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d32a104..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Gpx2Navit.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/Gpx2Navit.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e114156..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Gpx2Navit.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
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- <Option compiler="gcc" />
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- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <Option parameters="--input-file=d:\CB_Projects\netherlands.osm --attr-debug-level=0 -k netherlands.bin" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
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- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields -DMODULE=osm2navit" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
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- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\sys\mman.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\sys\mman.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\attr_def.h" />
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\item.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map.h" />
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\elementControl.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\emess.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\errorcode.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\geod_for.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\geod_inv.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\geod_set.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\geodesic.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\gpx2navit_txt.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\main.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\misc.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\parser.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\setmeta.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\setpath.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\setwpt.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\tools\gpx2navit_txt\src\utils.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\transform.h" />
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf b/projs/CodeBlocks/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index 92fb8508..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 425ad0b7..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
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- <Option title="Navit" />
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- <Build>
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- <Option object_output="obj\Debug\" />
- <Option external_deps="bin\Debug\;bin\Debug\;bin\Debug\;bin\Debug\;bin\Debug\" />
- <Option type="1" />
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- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add library="bin\Debug\libfib.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\libmdb.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="libgarmin.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="ole32" />
- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="gdi32" />
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- <Add library="gdk-win32-2.0" />
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- <Add library="freetype" />
- <Add library="z" />
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- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- <Add directory="." />
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- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\libfib.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
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- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\libmdb.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
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- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add directory="." />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra\libgarmin" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
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- <Add option="-Wall" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
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- <Linker>
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- </Linker>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\setenv.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\coord.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\cursor.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\cursor.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data_window.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data_window_int.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\debug.c">
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- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\debug.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\destination.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\draw_info.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\file.c">
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- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\file.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\graphics.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\graphics.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gtkext.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui.h" />
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- </Unit>
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\item_def.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\layout.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\log.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\log.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\main.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\main.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map-share.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map_data.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\mapset.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\mapset.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\maptype.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\maptype.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\menu.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\menu.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\navigation.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\navigation.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\navit.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\navit.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\navit.xml" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\osd.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\osd.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\param.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\param.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\phrase.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\phrase.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin_def.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\point.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\popup.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\popup.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\profile.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\profile.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\projection.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\route.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\route.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\search.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\search.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\speech.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\speech.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\statusbar.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\track.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\track.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\transform.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\transform.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\util.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\util.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\vehicle.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\vehicle.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\xmlconfig.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\xmlconfig.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\zipfile.h" />
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/ b/projs/CodeBlocks/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3574cf9..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
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- </Compiler>
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- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
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- <Option object_output="obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
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- <Add option="-DMODULE=Navit" />
- <Add option='-DPREFIX=\&quot;/usr/local\&quot;' />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
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- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\setenv.h" />
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\color.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\compass.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\coord.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\coord.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\cursor.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\cursor.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data.h" />
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- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data_window.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data_window_int.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\debug.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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deleted file mode 100644
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\freetype2" />
- <Add directory="%ZLIB_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTKGL%\include\gtkglext-1.0" />
- </Compiler>
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- <Add directory="..\..\..\libs\zlib-1.2.3\lib" />
- </Linker>
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- </debugger>
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_no_plugin.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_no_plugin.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d5f0aa..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_no_plugin.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
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- </Linker>
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
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- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_win32.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_win32.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 069a0ec9..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Navit_win32.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
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- <Add library="gdi32" />
- <Add library="z" />
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- <Add directory="." />
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- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
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- <Add library="bin\Release\libmdb.a" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
- <Add library="bin\Release\" />
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- <Add library="libgarmin.a" />
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- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="gdi32" />
- <Add library="z" />
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- <Add library="gmodule-2.0" />
- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
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- <Add library="bin\Debug\" />
- <Add library="Win32Extra\libgarmin\libgarmin.a" />
- <Add directory="." />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra\libgarmin" />
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- <Add directory="c:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- </Compiler>
- <ResourceCompiler>
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- </ResourceCompiler>
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- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\libnavit.a" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\libfib.a" />
- <Add library="ole32" />
- <Add library="gdi32" />
- <Add library="z" />
- <Add library="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\libgobject-2.0.a" />
- <Add library="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\libgmodule-2.0.a" />
- <Add library="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\libglib-2.0.a" />
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- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Add library="bin\DebugCeGcc\libmdb.a" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- <Add directory="." />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra\libgarmin" />
- <Add directory="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib" />
- <Add directory="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=Navit" />
- <Add option='-DPREFIX=\&quot;/usr/local\&quot;' />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\gtk-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\cairo" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\pango-1.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\atk-1.0" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit\fib-1.1" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\freetype2" />
- </Compiler>
- <ResourceCompiler>
- <Add directory="win32gui\resources" />
- </ResourceCompiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\navit_win32.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\resources\resource.h" />
- <Unit filename="win32gui\resources\resource.rc">
- <Option compilerVar="WINDRES" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui_notify.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui_notify.h" />
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- <envvars />
- <debugger>
- <search_path add="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib" />
- <search_path add="..\..\navit" />
- </debugger>
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Osm2Navit.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/Osm2Navit.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dba57e0..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Osm2Navit.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
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- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
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- <Option output="bin\Debug\Osm2Navit" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
- <Option object_output="obj\osm2navit\Debug\" />
- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option parameters="--input-file=germany.osm --attr-debug-level=5 germany2.bin" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output="bin\Release\Osm2Navit" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
- <Option object_output="obj\osm2navit\Release\" />
- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields -DMODULE=osm2navit" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="..\..\..\libs\zlib-1.2.3\include" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="gtk-win32-2.0" />
- <Add library="gdk-win32-2.0" />
- <Add library="gdk_pixbuf-2.0" />
- <Add library="freetype" />
- <Add library="z" />
- <Add library="gobject-2.0" />
- <Add library="gmodule-2.0" />
- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="zdll" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="..\..\..\libs\zlib-1.2.3\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\attr.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\attr.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\attr_def.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\coord.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\coord.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\country.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\debug.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\debug.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\file.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\file.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\item.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\item.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\map.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\osm2navit.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\param.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\param.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\projection.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\transform.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\transform.h" />
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\sys\mman.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\sys\mman.h" />
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\wordexp.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="Win32Extra\wordexp.h" />
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index a788fbdd..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/X11/XF86keysym.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/X11/XF86keysym.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee783c2f..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/X11/XF86keysym.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* $XFree86: xc/include/XF86keysym.h,v 1.16 2003/02/11 02:51:10 dawes Exp $ */
- * XFree86 vendor specific keysyms.
- *
- * The XFree86 keysym range is 0x10080001 - 0x1008FFFF.
- *
- * When adding new entries, the xc/lib/XKeysymDB file should also be
- * updated to make the new entries visible to Xlib.
- */
- * ModeLock
- *
- * This one is old, and not really used any more since XKB offers this
- * functionality.
- */
-#define XF86XK_ModeLock 0x1008FF01 /* Mode Switch Lock */
- * Note, 0x1008FF02 - 0x1008FF0F are free and should be used for misc new
- * keysyms that don't fit into any of the groups below.
- *
- * 0x1008FF64, 0x1008FF6F, 0x1008FF71, 0x1008FF83 are no longer used,
- * and should be used first for new keysyms.
- *
- * Check in keysymdef.h for generic symbols before adding new XFree86-specific
- * symbols here.
- */
- * Keys found on some "Internet" keyboards.
- */
-#define XF86XK_Standby 0x1008FF10
-#define XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume 0x1008FF11
-#define XF86XK_AudioMute 0x1008FF12
-#define XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume 0x1008FF13
-#define XF86XK_AudioPlay 0x1008FF14
-#define XF86XK_AudioStop 0x1008FF15
-#define XF86XK_AudioPrev 0x1008FF16
-#define XF86XK_AudioNext 0x1008FF17
-#define XF86XK_HomePage 0x1008FF18
-#define XF86XK_Mail 0x1008FF19
-#define XF86XK_Start 0x1008FF1A
-#define XF86XK_Search 0x1008FF1B
-#define XF86XK_AudioRecord 0x1008FF1C
-/* These are sometimes found on PDA's (e.g. Palm, PocketPC or elsewhere) */
-#define XF86XK_Calculator 0x1008FF1D
-#define XF86XK_Memo 0x1008FF1E
-#define XF86XK_ToDoList 0x1008FF1F
-#define XF86XK_Calendar 0x1008FF20
-#define XF86XK_PowerDown 0x1008FF21
-#define XF86XK_ContrastAdjust 0x1008FF22
-#define XF86XK_RockerUp 0x1008FF23
-#define XF86XK_RockerDown 0x1008FF24
-#define XF86XK_RockerEnter 0x1008FF25
-/* Some more "Internet" keyboard symbols */
-#define XF86XK_Back 0x1008FF26
-#define XF86XK_Forward 0x1008FF27
-#define XF86XK_Stop 0x1008FF28
-#define XF86XK_Refresh 0x1008FF29
-#define XF86XK_PowerOff 0x1008FF2A
-#define XF86XK_WakeUp 0x1008FF2B
-#define XF86XK_Eject 0x1008FF2C
-#define XF86XK_ScreenSaver 0x1008FF2D
-#define XF86XK_WWW 0x1008FF2E
-#define XF86XK_Sleep 0x1008FF2F
-#define XF86XK_Favorites 0x1008FF30
-#define XF86XK_AudioPause 0x1008FF31
-#define XF86XK_AudioMedia 0x1008FF32
-#define XF86XK_MyComputer 0x1008FF33
-#define XF86XK_VendorHome 0x1008FF34
-#define XF86XK_LightBulb 0x1008FF35
-#define XF86XK_Shop 0x1008FF36
-#define XF86XK_History 0x1008FF37
-#define XF86XK_OpenURL 0x1008FF38
-#define XF86XK_AddFavorite 0x1008FF39
-#define XF86XK_HotLinks 0x1008FF3A
-#define XF86XK_BrightnessAdjust 0x1008FF3B
-#define XF86XK_Finance 0x1008FF3C
-#define XF86XK_Community 0x1008FF3D
-#define XF86XK_AudioRewind 0x1008FF3E
-#define XF86XK_XF86BackForward 0x1008FF3F
-#define XF86XK_Launch0 0x1008FF40
-#define XF86XK_Launch1 0x1008FF41
-#define XF86XK_Launch2 0x1008FF42
-#define XF86XK_Launch3 0x1008FF43
-#define XF86XK_Launch4 0x1008FF44
-#define XF86XK_Launch5 0x1008FF45
-#define XF86XK_Launch6 0x1008FF46
-#define XF86XK_Launch7 0x1008FF47
-#define XF86XK_Launch8 0x1008FF48
-#define XF86XK_Launch9 0x1008FF49
-#define XF86XK_LaunchA 0x1008FF4A
-#define XF86XK_LaunchB 0x1008FF4B
-#define XF86XK_LaunchC 0x1008FF4C
-#define XF86XK_LaunchD 0x1008FF4D
-#define XF86XK_LaunchE 0x1008FF4E
-#define XF86XK_LaunchF 0x1008FF4F
-#define XF86XK_ApplicationLeft 0x1008FF50
-#define XF86XK_ApplicationRight 0x1008FF51
-#define XF86XK_Book 0x1008FF52
-#define XF86XK_CD 0x1008FF53
-#define XF86XK_Calculater 0x1008FF54
-#define XF86XK_Clear 0x1008FF55
-#define XF86XK_Close 0x1008FF56
-#define XF86XK_Copy 0x1008FF57
-#define XF86XK_Cut 0x1008FF58
-#define XF86XK_Display 0x1008FF59
-#define XF86XK_DOS 0x1008FF5A
-#define XF86XK_Documents 0x1008FF5B
-#define XF86XK_Excel 0x1008FF5C
-#define XF86XK_Explorer 0x1008FF5D
-#define XF86XK_Game 0x1008FF5E
-#define XF86XK_Go 0x1008FF5F
-#define XF86XK_iTouch 0x1008FF60
-#define XF86XK_LogOff 0x1008FF61
-#define XF86XK_Market 0x1008FF62
-#define XF86XK_Meeting 0x1008FF63
-#define XF86XK_MenuKB 0x1008FF65
-#define XF86XK_MenuPB 0x1008FF66
-#define XF86XK_MySites 0x1008FF67
-#define XF86XK_New 0x1008FF68
-#define XF86XK_News 0x1008FF69
-#define XF86XK_OfficeHome 0x1008FF6A
-#define XF86XK_Open 0x1008FF6B
-#define XF86XK_Option 0x1008FF6C
-#define XF86XK_Paste 0x1008FF6D
-#define XF86XK_Phone 0x1008FF6E
-#define XF86XK_Q 0x1008FF70
-#define XF86XK_Reply 0x1008FF72
-#define XF86XK_Reload 0x1008FF73
-#define XF86XK_RotateWindows 0x1008FF74
-#define XF86XK_RotationPB 0x1008FF75
-#define XF86XK_RotationKB 0x1008FF76
-#define XF86XK_Save 0x1008FF77
-#define XF86XK_ScrollUp 0x1008FF78
-#define XF86XK_ScrollDown 0x1008FF79
-#define XF86XK_ScrollClick 0x1008FF7A
-#define XF86XK_Send 0x1008FF7B
-#define XF86XK_Spell 0x1008FF7C
-#define XF86XK_SplitScreen 0x1008FF7D
-#define XF86XK_Support 0x1008FF7E
-#define XF86XK_TaskPane 0x1008FF7F
-#define XF86XK_Terminal 0x1008FF80
-#define XF86XK_Tools 0x1008FF81
-#define XF86XK_Travel 0x1008FF82
-#define XF86XK_UserPB 0x1008FF84
-#define XF86XK_User1KB 0x1008FF85
-#define XF86XK_User2KB 0x1008FF86
-#define XF86XK_Video 0x1008FF87
-#define XF86XK_WheelButton 0x1008FF88
-#define XF86XK_Word 0x1008FF89
-#define XF86XK_Xfer 0x1008FF8A
-#define XF86XK_ZoomIn 0x1008FF8B
-#define XF86XK_ZoomOut 0x1008FF8C
-#define XF86XK_Away 0x1008FF8D
-#define XF86XK_Messenger 0x1008FF8E
-#define XF86XK_WebCam 0x1008FF8F
-#define XF86XK_MailForward 0x1008FF90
-#define XF86XK_Pictures 0x1008FF91
-#define XF86XK_Music 0x1008FF92
-/* Keys for special action keys (hot keys) */
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_1 0x1008FE01
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_2 0x1008FE02
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_3 0x1008FE03
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_4 0x1008FE04
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_5 0x1008FE05
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_6 0x1008FE06
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_7 0x1008FE07
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_8 0x1008FE08
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_9 0x1008FE09
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_10 0x1008FE0A
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_11 0x1008FE0B
-#define XF86XK_Switch_VT_12 0x1008FE0C
-#define XF86XK_Ungrab 0x1008FE20
-#define XF86XK_ClearGrab 0x1008FE21
-#define XF86XK_Next_VMode 0x1008FE22
-#define XF86XK_Prev_VMode 0x1008FE23
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/builtin.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/builtin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f2883c7b..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/builtin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-extern void module_data_textfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_binfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_mg_init(void);
-extern void module_data_garmin_init(void);
-extern void module_data_poi_geodownload_init(void);
-extern void module_gtk_graphics_init(void);
-extern void module_gtk_gui_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_demo_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_file_init(void);
-extern void module_win32_gui_init(void);
-extern void module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init(void);
-extern void builtin_init(void);
-void builtin_init(void) {
- module_data_textfile_init();
- module_data_binfile_init();
- module_data_mg_init();
- module_win32_gui_init();
- module_data_garmin_init();
- module_data_poi_geodownload_init();
- module_gtk_graphics_init();
- module_gtk_gui_init();
- module_vehicle_demo_init();
- module_vehicle_file_init();
- module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init();
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/byteswap.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/byteswap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a227dde5..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/byteswap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _BYTESWAP_H
-#define _BYTESWAP_H
-static inline unsigned short bswap_16(unsigned short x) {
- return (x>>8) | (x<<8);
-static inline unsigned int bswap_32(unsigned int x) {
- return (bswap_16(x&0xffff)<<16) | (bswap_16(x>>16));
-static inline unsigned long long bswap_64(unsigned long long x) {
- return (((unsigned long long)bswap_32(x&0xffffffffull))<<32) | (bswap_32(x>>32));
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/config.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 019925b2..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-/* config.h. Generated from by configure. */
-/* Generated from by autoheader. */
-/* Define to avoid floating point */
-/* #undef AVOID_FLOAT */
-/* Define to avoid unaligned access */
-/* #undef AVOID_UNALIGNED */
-/* Define to one of `_getb67', `GETB67', `getb67' for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP
- systems. This function is required for `alloca.c' support on those systems.
- */
-/* #undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END */
-/* Define to 1 if using `alloca.c'. */
-/* #undef C_ALLOCA */
-/* Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native
- language is requested. */
-#define ENABLE_NLS 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have `alloca', as a function or macro. */
-#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have <alloca.h> and it should be used (not on Ultrix).
- */
-#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `argz_count' function. */
-#define HAVE_ARGZ_COUNT 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <argz.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_ARGZ_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `argz_next' function. */
-#define HAVE_ARGZ_NEXT 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `argz_stringify' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `asprintf' function. */
-#define HAVE_ASPRINTF 1
-/* Define to 1 if the compiler understands __builtin_expect. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the [CEGUI/CEGUI.h] header file. */
-/* #undef HAVE_CEGUI */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the
- CoreFoundation framework. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in
- the CoreFoundation framework. */
-/* Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled.
- */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `feof_unlocked', and to 0 if you
- don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fgets_unlocked', and to 0 if
- you don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `getc_unlocked', and to 0 if you
- don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `_snprintf', and to 0 if you
- don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `_snwprintf', and to 0 if you
- don't. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have imlib2 */
-#define HAVE_FREETYPE2 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `fwprintf' function. */
-/* #undef HAVE_FWPRINTF */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getcwd' function. */
-#define HAVE_GETCWD 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getegid' function. */
-#define HAVE_GETEGID 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `geteuid' function. */
-#define HAVE_GETEUID 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getgid' function. */
-#define HAVE_GETGID 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpagesize' function. */
-/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */
-#define HAVE_GETTEXT 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `getuid' function. */
-#define HAVE_GETUID 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <GL/glc.h> header file. */
-/* #undef HAVE_GLC */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <GL/glut.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_GLUT
-/* Define to 1 if you have imlib2 */
-#define HAVE_GTK2 1
-/* Define if you have the iconv() function. */
-#define HAVE_ICONV 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have imlib2 */
-/* #undef HAVE_IMLIB2 */
-/* Define if you have the 'intmax_t' type in <stdint.h> or <inttypes.h>. */
-#define HAVE_INTMAX_T 1
-/* Define if <inttypes.h> exists and doesn't clash with <sys/types.h>. */
-#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
-/* Define if <inttypes.h> exists, doesn't clash with <sys/types.h>, and
- declares uintmax_t. */
-/* Define if you have <langinfo.h> and nl_langinfo(CODESET). */
-/* Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `CEGUIBase' library (-lCEGUIBase). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `CEGUIFalagardWRBase' library
- (-lCEGUIFalagardWRBase). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `CEGUIOpenGLRenderer' library
- (-lCEGUIOpenGLRenderer). */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <gps.h> header file. */
-/* #undef HAVE_LIBGPS */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <SDL/SDL.h> header file. */
-/* #undef HAVE_LIBSDL */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <libspeechd.h> header file. */
-/* #undef HAVE_LIBSPEECHD */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1
-/* Define if you have the 'long double' type. */
-/* Define if you have the 'long long' type. */
-#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `mempcpy' function. */
-#define HAVE_MEMPCPY 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
-/* #undef HAVE_MMAP */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `munmap' function. */
-#define HAVE_MUNMAP 1
-/* Define if you have <langinfo.h> and it defines the NL_LOCALE_NAME macro if
- _GNU_SOURCE is defined. */
-/* #undef HAVE_NL_LOCALE_NAME */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <GL/gl.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_OPENGL
-/* Define if your printf() function supports format strings with positions. */
-/* Define if the <pthread.h> defines PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE. */
-/* Define if the POSIX multithreading library has read/write locks. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `putenv' function. */
-#define HAVE_PUTENV 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have python */
-#define HAVE_PYTHON 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */
-#define HAVE_SETENV 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `setlocale' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
-#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stddef.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
-/* Define if <stdint.h> exists, doesn't clash with <sys/types.h>, and declares
- uintmax_t. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `stpcpy' function. */
-/* #undef HAVE_STPCPY */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strcasecmp' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strdup' function. */
-#define HAVE_STRDUP 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtoul' function. */
-#define HAVE_STRTOUL 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `tsearch' function. */
-#define HAVE_TSEARCH 1
-/* Define if you have the 'uintmax_t' type in <stdint.h> or <inttypes.h>. */
-#define HAVE_UINTMAX_T 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
-/* Define if you have the 'unsigned long long' type. */
-/* Define to 1 or 0, depending whether the compiler supports simple visibility
- declarations. */
-/* Define if you have the 'wchar_t' type. */
-#define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `wcslen' function. */
-#define HAVE_WCSLEN 1
-/* Define if you have the 'wint_t' type. */
-#define HAVE_WINT_T 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <zlib.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_ZLIB
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `__fsetlocking' function. */
-/* #undef HAVE___FSETLOCKING */
-/* Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const. */
-#define ICONV_CONST const
-/* Define if integer division by zero raises signal SIGFPE. */
-/* Name of package */
-#define PACKAGE "navit"
-/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
-/* Define to the full name of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_NAME "navit"
-/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_STRING "navit 0.0.3"
-/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "navit"
-/* Define to the version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.0.3"
-/* Define if <inttypes.h> exists and defines unusable PRI* macros. */
-/* #undef PRI_MACROS_BROKEN */
-/* Define if the pthread_in_use() detection is hard. */
-/* Define as the maximum value of type 'size_t', if the system doesn't define
- it. */
-/* #undef SIZE_MAX */
-/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the
- direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be
- automatically deduced at runtime.
- STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses
- STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses
- STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */
-/* #undef STACK_DIRECTION */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
-#define STDC_HEADERS 1
-/* Define if the POSIX multithreading library can be used. */
-/* Define if references to the POSIX multithreading library should be made
- weak. */
-/* Define if the GNU Pth multithreading library can be used. */
-/* #undef USE_PTH_THREADS */
-/* Define if references to the GNU Pth multithreading library should be made
- weak. */
-/* #undef USE_PTH_THREADS_WEAK */
-/* Define if the old Solaris multithreading library can be used. */
-/* Define if references to the old Solaris multithreading library should be
- made weak. */
-/* Define if the Win32 multithreading API can be used. */
-/* #undef USE_WIN32_THREADS */
-/* Version number of package */
-#define VERSION "0.0.3"
-/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them. */
-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-# define _GNU_SOURCE 1
-/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
- calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-/* #undef inline */
-/* Define as the type of the result of subtracting two pointers, if the system
- doesn't define it. */
-/* #undef ptrdiff_t */
-/* Define to empty if the C compiler doesn't support this keyword. */
-/* #undef signed */
-/* Define to `unsigned int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
-/* #undef size_t */
-/* Define to unsigned long or unsigned long long if <stdint.h> and
- <inttypes.h> don't define. */
-/* #undef uintmax_t */
-#define __libc_lock_t gl_lock_t
-#define __libc_lock_define gl_lock_define
-#define __libc_lock_define_initialized gl_lock_define_initialized
-#define __libc_lock_init gl_lock_init
-#define __libc_lock_lock gl_lock_lock
-#define __libc_lock_unlock gl_lock_unlock
-#define __libc_lock_recursive_t gl_recursive_lock_t
-#define __libc_lock_define_recursive gl_recursive_lock_define
-#define __libc_lock_define_initialized_recursive gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized
-#define __libc_lock_init_recursive gl_recursive_lock_init
-#define __libc_lock_lock_recursive gl_recursive_lock_lock
-#define __libc_lock_unlock_recursive gl_recursive_lock_unlock
-#define glthread_in_use libintl_thread_in_use
-#define glthread_lock_init libintl_lock_init
-#define glthread_lock_lock libintl_lock_lock
-#define glthread_lock_unlock libintl_lock_unlock
-#define glthread_lock_destroy libintl_lock_destroy
-#define glthread_rwlock_init libintl_rwlock_init
-#define glthread_rwlock_rdlock libintl_rwlock_rdlock
-#define glthread_rwlock_wrlock libintl_rwlock_wrlock
-#define glthread_rwlock_unlock libintl_rwlock_unlock
-#define glthread_rwlock_destroy libintl_rwlock_destroy
-#define glthread_recursive_lock_init libintl_recursive_lock_init
-#define glthread_recursive_lock_lock libintl_recursive_lock_lock
-#define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock libintl_recursive_lock_unlock
-#define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy libintl_recursive_lock_destroy
-#define glthread_once libintl_once
-#define glthread_once_call libintl_once_call
-#define glthread_once_singlethreaded libintl_once_singlethreaded
-#define index(a,b) strchr(a,b)
-#define strtok_r(s,d,p) strtok(s,d)
-#define alarm( a )
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/endian.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/endian.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cabb6963..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/endian.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.a b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d49bcb9..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8374fce9..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/libgarmin/libgarmin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2007 Alexander Atanasov <>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define u_int8_t unsigned char
-#define int8_t char
-#define int16_t short
-#define u_int16_t unsigned short
-#define int32_t int
-#define u_int32_t unsigned int
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-enum {
- L_LBL,
- L_NET,
- L_POI,
-struct gcoord {
- int x;
- int y;
-#define GS_COUNTRY 1
-#define GS_REGION 2
-#define GS_CITY 3
-#define GS_ZIP 4
-#define GS_ROAD 5
-#define GS_INTERSECT 6
-#define GS_POI 8
-#define GM_EXACT 0
-#define GM_START 1
-#define GM_ANY 2
-struct gar_search {
- unsigned char type;
- unsigned char match;
- char *needle;
- struct gobject *fromobj;
-#define GO_POINT 1
-#define GO_POI 2
-#define GO_POLYLINE 3
-#define GO_POLYGON 4
-#define GO_ROAD 5
-struct gar_subfile;
-struct gar_objdraworder;
-struct gmap {
- struct gar_objdraworder *draworder;
- int subfiles;
- int lastsub;
- struct gar_subfile **subs;
- int zoomlevels;
- int basebits;
- int minlevel;
- int maxlevel;
-struct gobject {
- int type;
- void *gptr;
- void *priv_data;
- struct gobject *next;
-struct gar_rect {
- double lulat;
- double lulong;
- double rllat;
- double rllong;
-/* Walk and parse all data */
-#define OPM_PARSE (1<<0)
-/* Call a callback w/ every object */
-#define OPM_DUMP (1<<1)
-/* Work as a map backend */
-#define OPM_GPS (1<<2)
-typedef void (*dump_fn)(struct gobject *obj);
-#define DBGM_LBLS (1<<0)
-#define DBGM_OBJSRC (1<<1)
-struct gar_config {
- int opm;
- int maxsubdivs; /* Load max N subdivs for OPM_GPS */
- dump_fn cb; /* Callback function for OPM_DUMP */
- unsigned debugmask; /* Debuging aid */
- int debuglevel; /* Debug level */
-struct gimg;
-struct gar;
-typedef void (*log_fn)(char *file, int line, int level, char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format(printf,4,5)));
-/* Default init w/ config, keep for the latest navit release */
-struct gar *gar_init(char *tbd, log_fn l);
-struct gar *gar_init_cfg(char *tbd, log_fn l, struct gar_config *cfg);
-void gar_free(struct gar *g);
-int gar_img_load(struct gar *gar, char *file, int data);
-struct gmap *gar_find_subfiles(struct gar *gar, void *select, int flags);
-void gar_free_gmap(struct gmap *g);
-int gar_get_zoomlevels(struct gar_subfile *sub);
-#define GO_GET_SORTED (1<<0)
-#define GO_GET_ROUTABLE (1<<1)
-#define GO_GET_SEARCH (1<<2)
-struct gobject *gar_get_object(struct gar *gar, void *ptr);
-int gar_get_objects(struct gmap *gm, int level, void *select,
- struct gobject **ret, int flags);
-void gar_free_objects(struct gobject *g);
-u_int8_t gar_obj_type(struct gobject *o);
-int gar_get_object_position(struct gobject *o, struct gcoord *ret);
-int gar_object_subtype(struct gobject *o);
-int gar_get_object_dcoord(struct gmap *gm, struct gobject *o, int ndelta, struct gcoord *ret);
-int gar_get_object_coord(struct gmap *gm, struct gobject *o, struct gcoord *ret);
-int gar_is_object_dcoord_node(struct gmap *gm, struct gobject *o, int ndelta);
-int gar_get_object_deltas(struct gobject *o);
-/* Get lbl as strdup'ed string */
-char *gar_get_object_lbl(struct gobject *o);
-int gar_get_object_intlbl(struct gobject *o);
-int gar_object_get_draw_order(struct gobject *o);
-char *gar_object_debug_str(struct gobject *o);
-/* Object index is (subdividx << 16) | (idx << 8) | otype */
-int gar_object_index(struct gobject *o);
-/* Object mapid is the id of the file containing the object */
-int gar_object_mapid(struct gobject *o);
-struct gobject *gar_get_object_by_id(struct gar *gar, unsigned int mapid,
- unsigned int objid);
-int gar_fat_file2fd(struct gimg *g, char *name, int fd);
-/* Get ptr to a dskimg file */
-struct gimg *gar_get_dskimg(struct gar *gar, char *file);
-#define F_ONEWAY (1<<0)
-#define F_SEGMENTED (1<<1)
-int gar_object_flags(struct gobject *o);
-#define GARDEG(x) ((x) < 0x800000 ? (double)(x) * 360.0 / 16777216.0 : -(double)((x) - 0x100000) * 360.0 / 16777216.0)
-#define GARRAD(x) ((x) < 0x800000 ? (double)(x) * TWOPI / 16777216.0 : -(double)((x) - 0x100000) * TWOPI / 16777216.0)
-#define DEGGAR(x) ((x) * (1/(360.0/(1<<24))))
-#define FEET2METER(x) ((x)/3.28084)
-#define POI_STREET_NUM (1<<0)
-#define POI_STREET (1<<1)
-#define POI_CITY (1<<2)
-#define POI_ZIP (1<<3)
-#define POI_PHONE (1<<4)
-#define POI_EXIT (1<<5)
-#define POI_TIDE_PREDICT (1<<6)
-#define POI_UNKNOW (1<<7)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_gtk.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_gtk.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c2aa0957..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_gtk.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-extern void module_data_textfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_binfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_mg_init(void);
-extern void module_data_garmin_init(void);
-extern void module_data_poi_geodownload_init(void);
-extern void module_gtk_graphics_init(void);
-extern void module_gtk_gui_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_demo_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_file_init(void);
-extern void module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init(void);
-extern void builtin_init(void);
-void builtin_init(void) {
- module_data_textfile_init();
- module_data_binfile_init();
- module_data_mg_init();
- module_data_garmin_init();
- module_data_poi_geodownload_init();
- module_gtk_graphics_init();
- module_gtk_gui_init();
- module_vehicle_demo_init();
- module_vehicle_file_init();
- module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init();
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_win32.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_win32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4493ec5c..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/navit_win32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-extern void module_data_textfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_binfile_init(void);
-extern void module_data_mg_init(void);
-extern void module_win32_gui_init(void);
-extern void module_data_garmin_init(void);
-extern void module_data_poi_geodownload_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_demo_init(void);
-extern void module_vehicle_file_init(void);
-extern void module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init(void);
-void builtin_init(void) {
- module_data_textfile_init();
- module_data_binfile_init();
- module_data_mg_init();
- module_win32_gui_init();
- module_data_poi_geodownload_init();
- module_vehicle_demo_init();
- module_vehicle_file_init();
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- module_data_garmin_init();
- module_speech_speech_dispatcher_init();
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 07b8fa36..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "serial_io.h"
-#include "util.h"
-int serial_io_init( const char* port, const char* strsettings )
- TCHAR strport[16];
- _sntprintf( strport, sizeof( strport ), "\\\\.\\%s", port );
- hCom = CreateFile(
- strport,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- NULL);
- {
- LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
- FormatMessage(
- GetLastError(),
- (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
- 0,
- );
- // g_strSerialError = strPort + wxT(": ") + (LPTSTR) lpMsgBuf;
- // Free the buffer.
- LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
- return -1;
- }
- DCB dcb;
- ZeroMemory(&dcb, sizeof(DCB));
- GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
-// char strsettings[255];
-// snprintf( strsettings, sizeof( strsettings ), "baud=%d parity=N data=8 stop=1", baudrate );
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- BuildCommDCB( strsettings, &dcb);
-// TODO
- SetupComm(hCom, 4096, 4096);
- SetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
- memset(&sCT, 0, sizeof(sCT));
- sCT.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 10;
- SetCommTimeouts(hCom, &sCT);
- return (int)hCom;
-int serial_io_read( int fd, char * buffer, int buffer_size )
- DWORD dwBytesIn = 0;
- if (fd <= 0)
- {
- // Sleep(1000);
- *buffer = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- ReadFile( (HANDLE)fd, buffer, buffer_size - 1, &dwBytesIn, NULL);
- if (dwBytesIn > 0)
- {
- printf( "GPS < %s\n",buffer );
- }
- if (dwBytesIn >= 0)
- {
- buffer[dwBytesIn] = 0;
- }
- else{
- buffer[0] = 0;
- }
- buffer[buffer_size - 1] = 0;
- if (dwBytesIn <= 0)
- {
- Sleep(50);
- dwBytesIn = 0;
- }
- return dwBytesIn;
-int serial_io_write(int fd, const char * buffer)
- DWORD dwBytesOut = 0;
- WriteFile((HANDLE)fd, buffer, strlen(buffer), &dwBytesOut, NULL);
- return dwBytesOut;
-void serial_io_shutdown(int fd )
- if (fd > 0)
- {
- CloseHandle((HANDLE)fd);
- }
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7b8a31..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/serial_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-int serial_io_init( const char* port, const char* strsettings );
-int serial_io_read(int fd, char * buffer, int buffer_size );
-int WriteSerial(int fd, const char * buffer);
-void serial_io_shutdown(int fd );
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b1316935..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
-int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)
- char strPutEnv[512];
- char * hasKey = getenv ( name );
- if ( ( overwrite != 0 ) || ( hasKey == NULL ) )
- {
- snprintf( strPutEnv, sizeof( strPutEnv ), "%s=%s", name, value );
- strPutEnv[ sizeof( strPutEnv ) - 1 ] = '\0';
- _putenv( strPutEnv );
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d542a8f..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/setenv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite);
-#endif /* !_SETENV_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/speech_dispatcher_win32.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/speech_dispatcher_win32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1542ac85..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/speech_dispatcher_win32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#include "speech.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sapi.h>
-#include <objbase.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-const IID UUID_OF_ISPVOICE; // = {6C44DF74-72B9-4992-A1EC-EF996E0422D4};
-struct speech_priv {
- ISpVoice* pIspVoice;
-static int
-speechd_say(struct speech_priv *this_, const char *text) {
- int err = 1;
- if ( this_->pIspVoice )
- {
- WCHAR* pWideString = g_utf8_to_utf16( text, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- ISpVoice_Speak( this_->pIspVoice, pWideString, 0, NULL);
- g_free( pWideString );
- err = 0;
- }
- return err;
-static void
-speechd_destroy(struct speech_priv *this) {
- g_free(this);
-static struct speech_methods speechd_meth = {
- speechd_destroy,
- speechd_say,
-static struct speech_priv *
-speechd_new(char *data, struct speech_methods *meth) {
- struct speech_priv *this_;
- this_=g_new(struct speech_priv,1);
- this_->pIspVoice = NULL;
- CLSID clsid_sape;
- CLSID* pw = &clsid_sape;
- CoInitialize(NULL);
- HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"SAPI.SpVoice", &clsid_sape);
- if ( 0 == hr )
- {
- IID UUID_OF_ISPVOICE; // = {6C44DF74-72B9-4992-A1EC-EF996E0422D4};
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data1 = 0x6C44DF74;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data2 = 0x72B9;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data3 = 0x4992;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[0] = 161;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[1] = 236;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[2] = 239;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[3] = 153;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[4] = 110;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[5] = 4;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[6] = 34;
- UUID_OF_ISPVOICE.Data4[7] = 212;
- ISpVoice* pIspVoice;
- hr = CoCreateInstance( &clsid_sape, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &UUID_OF_ISPVOICE, &pIspVoice );
- if ( ( 0 == hr ) && ( this_ != NULL ) )
- {
- this_->pIspVoice = pIspVoice;
- }
- }
- // ISpVoice_Speak( pIspVoice, L"If you can hear this, SAPI is working", 0, NULL);
- *meth=speechd_meth;
- return this_;
-void plugin_init(void)
- plugin_register_speech_type("speech_dispatcher", speechd_new);
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d215dc5a..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "mman.h"
-void * mmap_readonly_win32( const char* name, long* map_handle_ptr, long* map_file_ptr )
- void * mapped_ptr = NULL;
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
- wchar_t filename[MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, name, strlen(name), 0, 0)];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, name, strlen(name), filename, wcslen(filename)) ;
- *map_file_ptr = (long)hFile;
- *map_handle_ptr = 0;
- if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
- {
- HANDLE hMapping = CreateFileMapping( (HANDLE)hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
- mapped_ptr = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0 , 0, 0 );
- *map_handle_ptr = (long)hMapping;
- }
- return mapped_ptr;
-void mmap_unmap_win32( void* mem_ptr, long map_handle, long map_file )
- if ( mem_ptr != NULL )
- {
- UnmapViewOfFile( mem_ptr );
- }
- if ( map_handle != 0)
- {
- CloseHandle( (HANDLE)map_handle );
- }
- if ( map_file != 0 )
- {
- CloseHandle( (HANDLE)map_file );
- }
-char *stristr(const char *String, const char *Pattern)
- char *pptr, *sptr, *start;
- for (start = (char *)String; *start != (int)NULL; start++)
- {
- /* find start of pattern in string */
- for ( ; ((*start!=(int)NULL) && (toupper(*start) != toupper(*Pattern))); start++)
- ;
- if ((int)NULL == *start)
- return NULL;
- pptr = (char *)Pattern;
- sptr = (char *)start;
- while (toupper(*sptr) == toupper(*pptr))
- {
- sptr++;
- pptr++;
- /* if end of pattern then pattern was found */
- if ((int)NULL == *pptr)
- return (start);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-#ifndef SIZE_MAX
-# define SIZE_MAX ((size_t) -1)
-#ifndef SSIZE_MAX
-# define SSIZE_MAX ((ssize_t) (SIZE_MAX / 2))
-# undef flockfile
-# define flockfile(x) ((void) 0)
-# undef funlockfile
-# define funlockfile(x) ((void) 0)
-/* Some systems, like OSF/1 4.0 and Woe32, don't have EOVERFLOW. */
-#ifndef EOVERFLOW
-/* Read up to (and including) a DELIMITER from FP into *LINEPTR (and
- NUL-terminate it). *LINEPTR is a pointer returned from malloc (or
- NULL), pointing to *N characters of space. It is realloc'ed as
- necessary. Returns the number of characters read (not including
- the null terminator), or -1 on error or EOF. */
-getdelim (char **lineptr, size_t *n, int delimiter, FILE *fp)
- ssize_t result;
- size_t cur_len = 0;
- if (lineptr == NULL || n == NULL || fp == NULL)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- flockfile (fp);
- if (*lineptr == NULL || *n == 0)
- {
- *n = 120;
- *lineptr = (char *) realloc (*lineptr, *n);
- if (*lineptr == NULL)
- {
- result = -1;
- goto unlock_return;
- }
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- int i;
- i = getc (fp);
- if (i == EOF)
- {
- result = -1;
- break;
- }
- /* Make enough space for len+1 (for final NUL) bytes. */
- if (cur_len + 1 >= *n)
- {
- size_t needed_max =
- size_t needed = 2 * *n + 1; /* Be generous. */
- char *new_lineptr;
- if (needed_max < needed)
- needed = needed_max;
- if (cur_len + 1 >= needed)
- {
- result = -1;
- goto unlock_return;
- }
- new_lineptr = (char *) realloc (*lineptr, needed);
- if (new_lineptr == NULL)
- {
- result = -1;
- goto unlock_return;
- }
- *lineptr = new_lineptr;
- *n = needed;
- }
- (*lineptr)[cur_len] = i;
- cur_len++;
- if (i == delimiter)
- break;
- }
- (*lineptr)[cur_len] = '\0';
- result = cur_len ? cur_len : result;
- unlock_return:
- funlockfile (fp); /* doesn't set errno */
- return result;
-getline (char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream)
- return getdelim (lineptr, n, '\n', stream);
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e59b9e..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/sys/mman.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-void * mmap_readonly_win32( const char* name, long* map_handle_ptr, long* map_file_ptr );
-void mmap_unmap_win32( void* mem_ptr, long map_handle, long map_file );
-#endif /* !_WIN32_MMAN_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index faa2d656..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "wordexp.h"
-int wordexp(const char * words, wordexp_t * we, int flags)
- int error=0;
- assert(we != NULL);
- assert(words != NULL);
- we->we_wordc = 1;
- we->we_wordv = NULL;
- we->we_strings = NULL;
- we->we_nbytes = 0;
- we->we_wordv = malloc( we->we_wordc * sizeof( char* ) );
- we->we_nbytes = strlen( words ) + 1;
- we->we_strings = malloc( we->we_nbytes );
- we->we_wordv[0] = &we->we_strings[0];
- // copy string & terminate
- memcpy( we->we_strings, words, we->we_nbytes -1 );
- we->we_strings[ we->we_nbytes -1 ] = '\0';
- return error;
-void wordfree(wordexp_t *we)
- assert(we != NULL);
- if ( we->we_wordv )
- {
- free(we->we_wordv);
- }
- if ( we->we_strings )
- {
- free(we->we_strings);
- }
- we->we_wordv = NULL;
- we->we_strings = NULL;
- we->we_nbytes = 0;
- we->we_wordc = 0;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad18c785..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/Win32Extra/wordexp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _WORDEXP_H_
-#define _WORDEXP_H_
-typedef struct {
- size_t we_wordc; /* count of words matched */
- char **we_wordv; /* pointer to list of words */
- size_t we_offs; /* slots to reserve in we_wordv */
- /* following are internals */
- char *we_strings; /* storage for wordv strings */
- size_t we_nbytes; /* size of we_strings */
-} wordexp_t;
- * Flags for wordexp().
- */
-#define WRDE_APPEND 0x1 /* append to previously generated */
-#define WRDE_DOOFFS 0x2 /* we_offs member is valid */
-#define WRDE_NOCMD 0x4 /* disallow command substitution */
-#define WRDE_REUSE 0x8 /* reuse wordexp_t */
-#define WRDE_SHOWERR 0x10 /* don't redirect stderr to /dev/null */
-#define WRDE_UNDEF 0x20 /* disallow undefined shell vars */
- * Return values from wordexp().
- */
-#define WRDE_BADCHAR 1 /* unquoted special character */
-#define WRDE_BADVAL 2 /* undefined variable */
-#define WRDE_CMDSUB 3 /* command substitution not allowed */
-#define WRDE_NOSPACE 4 /* no memory for result */
-#if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 4 || defined(_NETBSD_SOURCE)
-#define WRDE_NOSYS 5 /* obsolete, reserved */
-#define WRDE_SYNTAX 6 /* shell syntax error */
-#define WRDE_ERRNO 7 /* other errors see errno */
-void wordfree(wordexp_t *);
-int wordexp(const char * words, wordexp_t * we, int flags);
-#endif /* !_WORDEXP_H_ */
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/binfile.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/binfile.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 23089802..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/binfile.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="binfile" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output=".\bin\Debug\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output=".\bin\Release\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="DebugCeGcc">
- <Option output=".\bin\DebugCeGcc\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="cegcc_compiler" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Option projectIncludeDirsRelation="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="c:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\include\glib-2.0\" />
- <Add directory="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DBUILD_DLL" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=data_binfile" />
- <Add option="-D__BYTE_ORDER=__LITTLE_ENDIAN" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add library="NavitCommonLib" />
- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\binfile\binfile.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/data_garmin.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/data_garmin.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index e539c5c5..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/data_garmin.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="data_garmin" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output=".\bin\Debug\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output=".\bin\Release\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DBUILD_DLL" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=data_garmin" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="." />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra\libgarmin" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add library="NavitCommonLib" />
- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\garmin\gar2navit.c">
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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index f6a08967..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/data_garmin_img.cbp
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
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--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/data_mg.cbp
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@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Add option="-g" />
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- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
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- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
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- </Unit>
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- </Unit>
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index b1d8b279..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/data_poi_geodownload.cbp
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Add option="-g" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="..\..\" />
- <Add directory="..\" />
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/fib-1.1.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
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- <Add option="-I." />
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- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="cegcc_compiler" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- <Add option="-I." />
- </Compiler>
- </Target>
- </Build>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1a4225..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/gentypes.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
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- </Compiler>
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
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- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
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- <Add library="z" />
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- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
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- <Add directory="..\..\..\libs\zlib-1.2.3\lib" />
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\plugin.h" />
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gl_ext.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gl_ext.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d9e3055..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gl_ext.cbp
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
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- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
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- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
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- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_graphics.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_graphics.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index dc99bf0a..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_graphics.cbp
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\gtk-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\cairo" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\pango-1.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\atk-1.0" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\freetype2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add library="NavitCommonLib" />
- <Add library="glib-2.0" />
- <Add library="user32" />
- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\graphics\gtk_drawing_area\graphics_gtk_drawing_area.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gui.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gui.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e9d332..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/gtk_gui.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="gtk_gui" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output=".\bin\Debug\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output=".\bin\Release\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DBUILD_DLL" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=gtk_gui" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\gtk-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\cairo" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\pango-1.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\atk-1.0" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\datawindow.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\destination.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\gui_gtk.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\gui_gtk_action.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\gui_gtk_statusbar.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\gtk\gui_gtk_window.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/gui_sdl.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/gui_sdl.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1940923e..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/gui_sdl.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="gui_sdl" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output=".\bin\Debug\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Debug" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output=".\bin\Release\" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output=".\obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- <Add directory="bin\Release" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DBUILD_DLL" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=gui_sdl" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\gtk-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\gtk-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\cairo" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\pango-1.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\atk-1.0" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="D:\msys\local\include" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
- </Linker>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\cegui_keyboard.cpp" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\cegui_keyboard.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\gui_sdl.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\gui_sdl_window.cpp" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\sdl_events.cpp" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\sdl_events.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\wmcontrol.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\gui\sdl\wmcontrol.h" />
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/libgarmin.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/libgarmin.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c63e52..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/libgarmin.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="libgarmin" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output="libgarmin" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- </Compiler>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output="libgarmin" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- </Compiler>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\GarminTypedef.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\array.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\array.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\bsp.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\bsp.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_fat.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_fat.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_lbl.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_lbl.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_net.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_net.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_obj.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_order.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_order.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_rgn.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_rgn.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_subdiv.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_subdiv.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_tdb.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_tdb.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\garmin_typ.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\geoutils.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\geoutils.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\libgarmin.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\libgarmin_priv.h" />
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\list.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\..\libgarmin\src\list.h" />
- <Unit filename="main.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/make_builtin b/projs/CodeBlocks/make_builtin
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e1c655..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/make_builtin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ls *.la | sed -e "s/.la/_init(void);/" -e "s/.*lib/extern void module_/" >builtin.c
- echo "extern void builtin_init(void);" >>builtin.c
- echo "void builtin_init(void) {" >>builtin.c
- ls *.la | sed -e "s/.la/_init();/" -e "s/.*lib/ module_/" >>builtin.c
- echo "}" >>builtin.c
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_extra b/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_extra
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c69c7d..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_extra
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-SRC_GTK_PATH = D:/gtk
-SRC_MO_PATH = ./locale
-SRC_NAVIT_EXE_PATH = ./bin/release
-SRC_XPM_PATH = ../../src/xpm
-DST_PATH = ./distr
-WIN32_DLLS = \
- iconv.dll \
- intl.dll \
- libglib-2.0-0.dll \
- libgmodule-2.0-0.dll \
- libgobject-2.0-0.dll \
- zlib1.dll
- freetype6.dll \
- iconv.dll \
- intl.dll \
- libatk-1.0-0.dll \
- libcairo-2.dll \
- libfontconfig-1.dll \
- libfreetype-6.dll \
- libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll \
- libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll \
- libglib-2.0-0.dll \
- libgmodule-2.0-0.dll \
- libgobject-2.0-0.dll \
- libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll \
- libpango-1.0-0.dll \
- libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll \
- libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll \
- libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll \
- libpng12.dll \
- libxml2.dll \
- zlib1.dll
-NAVIT_EXES_GTK = navit_gtk.exe osm2navit.exe
-NAVIT_EXES_W32 = navit_win32.exe osm2navit.exe
-maps_DATA = $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin
-samplemap: $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin
- echo "Downloading osm sample map"
- wget -O $(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2.tmp$(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2
- mv $(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2.tmp $(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2
-$(SAMPLE_MAP).bin: $(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2 ./bin/release/osm2navit.exe
- echo "Converting osm sample map"
- cp $(SAMPLE_MAP).osm.bz2 tmp.osm.bz2 ;
- bunzip2 tmp.osm.bz2;
- cat tmp.osm | ./bin/release/osm2navit.exe --attr-debug-level=5 $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin.tmp ;
- mv $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin.tmp $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin ;
- rm tmp.osm ;
- $(MSGFMT) --check --verbose --statistics --output-file=$@ $< && \
- mkdir -p ./locale/$(basename $@)/LC_MESSAGES && \
- mv $@ ./locale/$(basename $@)/LC_MESSAGES/
-locale: $(POFILES)
- rm -Rf locale
-distr_gtk: $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin $(POFILES)
- mkdir -p $(DST_BIN_PATH);
- mkdir -p $(DST_ETC_PATH);
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH);
- for i in $(NAVIT_EXES_GTK); do \
- cp $(SRC_NAVIT_EXE_PATH)/$$i $(DST_BIN_PATH)/$$i; \
- done;
- for i in $(GTK_DLLS); do \
- cp $(SRC_GTK_BIN_PATH)/$$i $(DST_BIN_PATH)/$$i; \
- done;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_ETC_PATH)/* $(DST_ETC_PATH) ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0 ;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/* $(DST_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0 ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH)/pango ;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_LIB_PATH)/pango/* $(DST_LIB_PATH)/pango ;
- cp ./navit.xml.distr $(DST_BIN_PATH)/navit.xml ;
- cp ./*.ttf $(DST_BIN_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_MAP_PATH) ;
- cp $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin $(DST_MAP_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_XPM_PATH) ;
- cp -r $(SRC_XPM_PATH)/*.xpm $(DST_XPM_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_MO_PATH) ;
- cp -r $(SRC_MO_PATH)/* $(DST_MO_PATH)/
-distr_win32: $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin $(POFILES)
- mkdir -p $(DST_BIN_PATH);
- mkdir -p $(DST_ETC_PATH);
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH);
- for i in $(NAVIT_EXES); do \
- cp $(SRC_NAVIT_EXE_W32_PATH)/$$i $(DST_BIN_PATH)/$$i; \
- done;
- for i in $(WIN32_DLLS); do \
- cp $(SRC_GTK_BIN_PATH)/$$i $(DST_BIN_PATH)/$$i; \
- done;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_ETC_PATH)/* $(DST_ETC_PATH) ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0 ;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/* $(DST_LIB_PATH)/gtk-2.0/2.10.0 ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_LIB_PATH)/pango ;
- cp -r $(SRC_GTK_LIB_PATH)/pango/* $(DST_LIB_PATH)/pango ;
- cp ./navit.xml.distr $(DST_BIN_PATH)/navit.xml ;
- cp ./*.ttf $(DST_BIN_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_MAP_PATH) ;
- cp $(SAMPLE_MAP).bin $(DST_MAP_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_XPM_PATH) ;
- cp -r $(SRC_XPM_PATH)/*.xpm $(DST_XPM_PATH)/ ;
- mkdir -p $(DST_MO_PATH) ;
- cp -r $(SRC_MO_PATH)/* $(DST_MO_PATH)/
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_langfiles b/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_langfiles
deleted file mode 100644
index bdbc6148..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/makefile_langfiles
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- $(MSGFMT) --check --verbose --statistics --output-file=$@ $< && \
- mkdir -p ./locale/$(basename $@)/LC_MESSAGES && \
- mv $@ ./locale/$(basename $@)/LC_MESSAGES/
-.PHONY: all clean
-# nl.po: ..\..\
-all: $(POFILES)
- rm -rf locale/*
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/mdb.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/mdb.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 548c2919..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/mdb.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="mdb" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="Debug">
- <Option output=".\bin\Debug\libmdb.a" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\mdb\Debug\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- <Add option="-I." />
- </Compiler>
- </Target>
- <Target title="Release">
- <Option output=".\bin\Release\libmdb.a" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\mdb\Release\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-O2" />
- </Compiler>
- <Linker>
- <Add option="-s" />
- </Linker>
- </Target>
- <Target title="DebugCeGcc">
- <Option output=".\bin\DebugCeGcc\libmdb.a" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="cegcc_compiler" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- <Add option="-I." />
- </Compiler>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\include" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- </Compiler>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\backend.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\catalog.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\data.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\dump.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\file.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\iconv.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\index.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\kkd.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\like.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\map.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\mem.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\money.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\options.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\props.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\sargs.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\stats.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\table.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\worktable.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\data\poi_geodownload\libmdb\write.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/navit.xml.distr b/projs/CodeBlocks/navit.xml.distr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c22a500..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/navit.xml.distr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1006 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE navit SYSTEM "navit.dtd">
- <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/*/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}lib*.so"/>
- <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/*/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}" active="no" />
-<debug name="navit:do_draw" level="0" />
-Center coordinates format:
-[D][D][S][S]... N/S [D][D][S][S]... E/W
-[-][D]D.d[d]... [-][D][D]D.d[d]...
-[-]0xX [-]0xX
-Change to your home coordinates.
-<navit center="4808 N 1134 E" zoom="256" tracking="1" cursor="1" orientation="0">
- <gui type="gtk" />
- <graphics type="gtk_drawing_area" />
-<!-- For SDL, use rather the following lines
- <gui type="sdl" />
- <graphics type="opengl" />
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- <!-- <vehicle name="Meins" enabled="yes" source="gpsd://localhost" color="#0000ff"/> -->
- <!-- For SDL, you should add follow="1" refresh="1" to have the view centered on your position
- <vehicle name="Meins" enabled="yes" source="gpsd://localhost" color="#0000ff" follow="1" refresh="1"/>
- -->
- <vehicle name="Deins" enabled="no" source="gpsd://somehost" color="#0000aa"/>
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- </tracking>
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-<!-- If you have the reiseplaner maps installed, set enabled="yes" in the next line -->
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- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/" />
- </mapset>
-<!-- If you dont want to use the sample map, set enabled="no" in the next line -->
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- <map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="../maps/osm_bbox_11.3,47.9,11.7,48.2.bin"/>
- </mapset>
-<!-- Sample mapset for garmin maps -->
- <mapset enabled="no">
- <map type="garmin" enabled="yes" data="/path/to/img" debug="4"/>
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/speech_speech_dispatcher.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/speech_speech_dispatcher.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ca13a1..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/speech_speech_dispatcher.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_demo.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_demo.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c17f77..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_demo.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
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- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
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- </Compiler>
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- <Add library="intl" />
- <Add library="iconv" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib" />
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- <Unit filename="..\..\navit\vehicle\demo\vehicle_demo.c">
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- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
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diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_file.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_file.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 957fc60b..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/vehicle_file.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
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- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DBUILD_DLL" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=vehicle_file" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
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- </Compiler>
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- <Add library="intl" />
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- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32_gui.cbp b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32_gui.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8b4beb..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32_gui.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
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- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
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- <Add option="-I." />
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- <Option working_dir="" />
- <Option object_output="obj\DebugCeGcc\" />
- <Option type="2" />
- <Option compiler="cegcc_compiler" />
- <Option createDefFile="1" />
- <Option projectIncludeDirsRelation="1" />
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-g" />
- <Add option="-I." />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- <Add directory="c:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\include\glib-2.0\" />
- <Add directory="C:\MinGW\opt\cegcc\arm-wince-cegcc\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- </Compiler>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- <Add option="-mms-bitfields" />
- <Add option="-DMODULE=win32_gui" />
- <Add option="-D_WIN32_IE=0x400" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\include\glib-2.0" />
- <Add directory="%GTK_DIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include" />
- <Add directory="..\..\navit" />
- <Add directory="Win32Extra" />
- </Compiler>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_graphics.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui.h" />
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui_destination.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui_notify.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\win32_gui_notify.h" />
- <Unit filename="win32gui\xpm2bmp.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="win32gui\xpm2bmp.h" />
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <envvars />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/navit.ico b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/navit.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7a952b..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/navit.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bcc2d7..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#define IDI_NAVIT 1100
-#define IDB_NAVITTOOLBAR 1101
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.rc b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index d31d89c1..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/resource.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Bitmap
-#include "resource.h"
-// Bitmap
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/toolbar.bmp b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/toolbar.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 17381d83..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/resources/toolbar.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_graphics.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_graphics.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 254201c1..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_graphics.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <wingdi.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
-#include <libintl.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "point.h"
-#include "graphics.h"
-#include "color.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#include "win32_gui.h"
-#include "xpm2bmp.h"
-#include "util.h"
- #define GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam) ((short)HIWORD(wParam))
-static GHashTable *image_cache_hash = NULL;
-HFONT EzCreateFont (HDC hdc, TCHAR * szFaceName, int iDeciPtHeight,
- int iDeciPtWidth, int iAttributes, BOOL fLogRes) ;
-#define EZ_ATTR_BOLD 1
-#define EZ_ATTR_ITALIC 2
-HFONT EzCreateFont (HDC hdc, TCHAR * szFaceName, int iDeciPtHeight,
- int iDeciPtWidth, int iAttributes, BOOL fLogRes)
- FLOAT cxDpi, cyDpi ;
- HFONT hFont ;
- LOGFONT lf ;
- POINT pt ;
- SaveDC (hdc) ;
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- SetGraphicsMode (hdc, GM_ADVANCED) ;
- ModifyWorldTransform (hdc, NULL, MWT_IDENTITY) ;
- SetViewportOrgEx (hdc, 0, 0, NULL) ;
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- SetWindowOrgEx (hdc, 0, 0, NULL) ;
- if (fLogRes)
- {
- cxDpi = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSX) ;
- cyDpi = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSY) ;
- }
- else
- {
- cxDpi = (FLOAT) (25.4 * GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES) /
- GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZSIZE)) ;
- cyDpi = (FLOAT) (25.4 * GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES) /
- GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTSIZE)) ;
- }
- pt.x = (int) (iDeciPtWidth * cxDpi / 72) ;
- pt.y = (int) (iDeciPtHeight * cyDpi / 72) ;
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- DPtoLP (hdc, &pt, 1) ;
- lf.lfHeight = - (int) (fabs (pt.y) / 10.0 + 0.5) ;
- lf.lfWidth = 0 ;
- lf.lfEscapement = 0 ;
- lf.lfOrientation = 0 ;
- lf.lfWeight = iAttributes & EZ_ATTR_BOLD ? 700 : 0 ;
- lf.lfItalic = iAttributes & EZ_ATTR_ITALIC ? 1 : 0 ;
- lf.lfUnderline = iAttributes & EZ_ATTR_UNDERLINE ? 1 : 0 ;
- lf.lfStrikeOut = iAttributes & EZ_ATTR_STRIKEOUT ? 1 : 0 ;
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET ;
- lf.lfOutPrecision = 0 ;
- lf.lfClipPrecision = 0 ;
- lf.lfQuality = 0 ;
- lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0 ;
- lstrcpy (lf.lfFaceName, szFaceName) ;
- hFont = CreateFontIndirect (&lf) ;
- if (iDeciPtWidth != 0)
- {
- hFont = (HFONT) SelectObject (hdc, hFont) ;
- GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm) ;
- DeleteObject (SelectObject (hdc, hFont)) ;
- lf.lfWidth = (int) (tm.tmAveCharWidth *
- fabs (pt.x) / fabs (pt.y) + 0.5) ;
- hFont = CreateFontIndirect (&lf) ;
- }
- RestoreDC (hdc, -1) ;
- return hFont ;
-struct graphics_image_priv {
- PXPM2BMP pxpm;
-void ErrorExit(LPTSTR lpszFunction)
- // Retrieve the system error message for the last-error code
- LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
- LPVOID lpDisplayBuf;
- DWORD dw = GetLastError();
- FormatMessage(
- dw,
- (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
- 0, NULL );
- lpDisplayBuf = (LPVOID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,
- (lstrlen((LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf)+lstrlen((LPCTSTR)lpszFunction)+40)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- stprintf ((LPTSTR)lpDisplayBuf, TEXT("%s failed with error %d: %s"), lpszFunction, (int)dw, (char *)lpMsgBuf);
- dbg( 0, "%s\n", (char *)lpDisplayBuf );
- MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpDisplayBuf, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
- LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
- LocalFree(lpDisplayBuf);
- ExitProcess(dw);
-struct graphics_gc_priv {
- HWND hwnd;
- int line_width;
- COLORREF fg_color;
- COLORREF bg_color;
- struct graphics_priv *gr;
-//struct graphics_priv *g_gra;
-static HDC hMemDC;
-static HBITMAP hBitmap;
-static HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
-// Fills the region 'rgn' in graded colours
-static void MakeMemoryDC(HANDLE hWnd, HDC hdc )
- if ( hMemDC )
- {
- if ( hOldBitmap )
- {
- SelectObject( hMemDC, hOldBitmap );
- DeleteObject( hBitmap );
- hBitmap = NULL;
- hOldBitmap = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Creates memory DC
- hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- if ( hMemDC )
- {
- RECT rectRgn;
- GetClientRect( hWnd, &rectRgn );
- int Width = rectRgn.right - rectRgn.left;
- int Height = rectRgn.bottom -;
- dbg( 1, "resize memDC to: %d %d \n", Width, Height );
- hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, Width, Height );
- if ( hBitmap )
- {
- hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitmap);
- }
- }
-static void HandleButtonClick( struct graphics_priv *gra_priv, int updown, int button, long lParam )
- int xPos = LOWORD(lParam);
- int yPos = HIWORD(lParam);
- if (gra_priv->button_callback )
- {
- struct point pt = {xPos, yPos};
- (*gra_priv->button_callback)(gra_priv->button_callback_data, updown, button, &pt);
- }
-static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
-//if ( Message != 15 )
-//printf( "CHILD %d %d %d \n", Message, wParam, lParam );
- struct graphics_priv* gra_priv = (struct graphics_priv*)GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER );
- switch(Message)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- {
- HDC hdc;
- hdc = GetDC( hwnd );
- MakeMemoryDC(hwnd, hdc );
- ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
- }
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- case WM_USER + 1:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- break;
- case WM_USER+1:
- if ( gra_priv )
- {
- RECT rc ;
- HDC hdc;
- GetClientRect( hwnd, &rc );
- gra_priv->width = rc.right;
- gra_priv->height = rc.bottom;
- hdc = GetDC( hwnd );
- MakeMemoryDC(hwnd, hdc );
- ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- /*
- if ( gra_priv )
- {
- //graphics = GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER, 0 );
- {
- HDC hdc;
- hdc = GetDC( hwnd );
- MakeMemoryDC(hwnd, hdc );
- ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
- }
- (*gra_priv->resize_callback)(gra_priv->resize_callback_data, gra_priv->width, gra_priv->height);
- }
- */
- if ( gra_priv )
- {
- gra_priv->width = LOWORD( lParam );
- gra_priv->height = HIWORD( lParam );
- (*gra_priv->resize_callback)(gra_priv->resize_callback_data, gra_priv->width, gra_priv->height);
- dbg( 1, "resize gfx to: %d %d \n", gra_priv->width, gra_priv->height );
- }
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- exit( 0 );
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- if ( gra_priv )
- {
- HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd );
- if ( hMemDC )
- {
- BitBlt( hdc, 0, 0, gra_priv->width , gra_priv->height, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
- }
- ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
- }
- break;
- {
- int xPos = LOWORD(lParam);
- int yPos = HIWORD(lParam);
- struct point pt = {xPos, yPos};
- dbg( 2, "WM_MOUSEMOVE: %d %d \n", xPos, yPos );
- (*gra_priv->motion_callback)(gra_priv->motion_callback_data, &pt);
- }
- break;
- HandleButtonClick( gra_priv,1, 1,lParam );
- break;
- HandleButtonClick( gra_priv, 0, 1,lParam );
- break;
- HandleButtonClick( gra_priv, 1, 3,lParam );
- break;
- HandleButtonClick( gra_priv, 0, 3,lParam );
- break;
- default:
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- return 0;
-static const TCHAR g_szClassName[] = TEXT("NAVGRA");
-HANDLE CreateGraphicsWindows( struct graphics_priv* gr )
- HWND hwnd;
- RECT rcParent;
-// wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
- = 0;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 64;
- wc.hInstance = NULL;
- wc.hIcon = NULL;
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wc.lpszClassName = g_szClassName;
-// wc.hIconSm = NULL;
- GetClientRect( gr->wnd_parent_handle,&rcParent);
- if(!RegisterClass(&wc))
- {
- ErrorExit( TEXT("Window Registration Failed!") );
- return NULL;
- }
- gr->width = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
- gr->height = rcParent.bottom -;
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
- (*gr->resize_callback)(gr->resize_callback_data, gr->width, gr->height);
- hwnd = CreateWindow( g_szClassName,
- TEXT(""),
- 0,
- 0,
- gr->width,
- gr->height,
- gr->wnd_parent_handle,
- NULL);
- if(hwnd == NULL)
- {
- ErrorExit( TEXT("Window Creation Failed!") );
- return NULL;
- }
- SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)gr );
- ShowWindow( hwnd, TRUE );
- UpdateWindow( hwnd );
- gr->wnd_handle = hwnd;
- PostMessage( gr->wnd_parent_handle, WM_USER + 1, 0, 0 );
- return hwnd;
-static void graphics_destroy(struct graphics_priv *gr)
- g_free( gr );
-static void gc_destroy(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc)
- g_free( gc );
-static void gc_set_linewidth(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, int w)
- gc->line_width = w;
-static void gc_set_dashes(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, int width, int offset, unsigned char dash_list[], int n)
-// gdk_gc_set_dashes(gc->gc, 0, (gint8 *)dash_list, n);
-// gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(gc->gc, 1, GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
-//static void gc_set_color(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct color *c, int fg)
-// gc->fg_color = RGB( c->r, c->g, c->b );
-static void gc_set_foreground(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct color *c)
- gc->fg_color = RGB( c->r, c->g, c->b );
-static void gc_set_background(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct color *c)
- gc->bg_color = RGB( c->r, c->g, c->b );
- if ( hMemDC )
- SetBkColor( hMemDC, gc->bg_color );
-static struct graphics_gc_methods gc_methods = {
- gc_destroy,
- gc_set_linewidth,
- gc_set_dashes,
- gc_set_foreground,
- gc_set_background
-static struct graphics_gc_priv *gc_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_methods *meth)
- struct graphics_gc_priv *gc=g_new(struct graphics_gc_priv, 1);
- *meth=gc_methods;
- gc->hwnd = gr->wnd_handle;
- gc->line_width = 1;
- gc->fg_color = RGB( 0,0,0 );
- gc->bg_color = RGB( 255,255,255 );
- return gc;
-static void draw_lines(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int count)
- int i;
- HPEN holdpen;
- HPEN hpen;
- hpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, gc->line_width, gc->fg_color );
- holdpen = SelectObject( hMemDC, hpen );
- SetBkColor( hMemDC, gc->bg_color );
- int first = 1;
- for ( i = 0; i< count; i++ )
- {
- if ( first )
- {
- first = 0;
- MoveToEx( hMemDC, p[0].x, p[0].y, NULL );
- }
- else
- {
- LineTo( hMemDC, p[i].x, p[i].y );
- }
- }
- SelectObject( hMemDC, holdpen );
- DeleteObject( hpen );
-static void draw_polygon(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int count)
- //if (gr->mode == draw_mode_begin || gr->mode == draw_mode_end)
- {
- int i;
- POINT points[ count ];
- for ( i=0;i< count; i++ )
- {
- points[i].x = p[i].x;
- points[i].y = p[i].y;
- }
- HBRUSH holdbrush;
- HBRUSH hbrush;
- SetBkColor( hMemDC, gc->bg_color );
- hbrush = CreateSolidBrush( gc->fg_color );
- holdbrush = SelectObject( hMemDC, hbrush );
- Polygon( hMemDC, points,count );
- SelectObject( hMemDC, holdbrush );
- DeleteObject( hbrush );
- }
-static void draw_rectangle(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int w, int h)
-// gdk_draw_rectangle(gr->drawable, gc->gc, TRUE, p->x, p->y, w, h);
-static void draw_circle(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int r)
- HDC dc = hMemDC;
- HPEN holdpen;
- HPEN hpen;
- hpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, gc->line_width, gc->fg_color );
- holdpen = SelectObject( dc, hpen );
- SetBkColor( hMemDC, gc->bg_color );
- Ellipse( dc, p->x - r, p->y -r, p->x + r, p->y + r );
- SelectObject( dc, holdpen );
- DeleteObject( hpen );
-// if (gr->mode == draw_mode_begin || gr->mode == draw_mode_end)
-// gdk_draw_arc(gr->drawable, gc->gc, FALSE, p->x-r/2, p->y-r/2, r, r, 0, 64*360);
-// if (gr->mode == draw_mode_end || gr->mode == draw_mode_cursor)
-// gdk_draw_arc(gr->widget->window, gc->gc, FALSE, p->x-r/2, p->y-r/2, r, r, 0, 64*360);
-static void draw_restore(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct point *p, int w, int h)
- InvalidateRect( gr->wnd_handle, NULL, FALSE );
-static void draw_mode(struct graphics_priv *gr, enum draw_mode_num mode)
- dbg( 1, "set draw_mode to %d\n", (int)mode );
- if ( mode == draw_mode_begin )
- {
- if ( gr->wnd_handle == NULL )
- {
- CreateGraphicsWindows( gr );
- }
- if ( gr->mode != draw_mode_begin )
- {
- if ( hMemDC )
- {
- RECT rcClient;
- HBRUSH bgBrush = CreateSolidBrush( gr->bg_color );
- GetClientRect( gr->wnd_handle, &rcClient );
- FillRect( hMemDC, &rcClient, bgBrush );
- DeleteObject( bgBrush );
- }
- }
- }
- // force paint
- if (mode == draw_mode_end && gr->mode == draw_mode_begin)
- {
- InvalidateRect( gr->wnd_handle, NULL, FALSE );
- }
- gr->mode=mode;
-static void * get_data(struct graphics_priv *this_, char *type)
- if ( strcmp( "wnd_parent_handle_ptr", type ) == 0 )
- {
- return &( this_->wnd_parent_handle );
- }
- if ( strcmp( "START_CLIENT", type ) == 0 )
- {
- CreateGraphicsWindows( this_ );
- return NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
-static void register_resize_callback(struct graphics_priv *this_, void (*callback)(void *data, int w, int h), void *data)
- this_->resize_callback=callback;
- this_->resize_callback_data=data;
-static void register_motion_callback(struct graphics_priv *this_, void (*callback)(void *data, struct point *p), void *data)
- this_->motion_callback=callback;
- this_->motion_callback_data=data;
-static void register_button_callback(struct graphics_priv *this_, void (*callback)(void *data, int press, int button, struct point *p), void *data)
- this_->button_callback=callback;
- this_->button_callback_data=data;
-static void background_gc(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc)
- RECT rcClient;
- HBRUSH bgBrush = CreateSolidBrush( gc->bg_color );
- GetClientRect( gr->wnd_handle, &rcClient );
- FillRect( hMemDC, &rcClient, bgBrush );
- DeleteObject( bgBrush );
- gr->bg_color = gc->bg_color;
-struct graphics_font_priv {
- HFONT hfont;
- int size;
-static void draw_text(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *fg, struct graphics_gc_priv *bg, struct graphics_font_priv *font, char *text, struct point *p, int dx, int dy)
- RECT rcClient;
- GetClientRect( gr->wnd_handle, &rcClient );
- int prevBkMode = SetBkMode( hMemDC, TRANSPARENT );
- if ( NULL == font->hfont )
- {
- font->hfont = EzCreateFont (hMemDC, TEXT ("Arial"), font->size/2, 0, 0, TRUE) ;
- GetObject ( font->hfont, sizeof (LOGFONT), &font->lf) ;
- }
- double angle = -atan2( dy, dx ) * 180 / 3.14159 ;
- SetTextAlign (hMemDC, TA_BASELINE) ;
- SetViewportOrgEx (hMemDC, p->x, p->y, NULL) ;
- font->lf.lfEscapement = font->lf.lfOrientation = ( angle * 10 ) ;
- DeleteObject (font->hfont) ;
- font->hfont = CreateFontIndirect (&font->lf);
- HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject(hMemDC, font->hfont );
- gunichar2* utf16 = NULL;
- glong utf16_len = 0;
- utf16 = g_utf8_to_utf16( text, -1, NULL, &utf16_len, NULL );
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
- ExtTextOut(hMemDC, 0,0, ETO_OPAQUE, 0, utf16, (size_t)utf16_len,0 );
- TextOutW(hMemDC, 0,0, utf16, (size_t)utf16_len );
- g_free( utf16 );
- SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldFont);
- DeleteObject (font->hfont) ;
- SetBkMode( hMemDC, prevBkMode );
- SetViewportOrgEx (hMemDC, 0, 0, NULL) ;
-static void font_destroy(struct graphics_font_priv *font)
- if ( font->hfont )
- {
- DeleteObject(font->hfont);
- }
- g_free(font);
-static struct graphics_font_methods font_methods = {
- font_destroy
-static struct graphics_font_priv *font_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_font_methods *meth, int size, int flags)
- struct graphics_font_priv *font=g_new(struct graphics_font_priv, 1);
- *meth = font_methods;
- font->hfont = NULL;
- font->size = size;
- // FontFamily fontFamily( "Liberation Mono");
-//font( &fontFamily, size, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint );
- return font;
-void image_cache_hash_add( const char* key, struct graphics_image_priv* val_ptr)
- if ( image_cache_hash == NULL ) {
- image_cache_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
- }
- if ( g_hash_table_lookup(image_cache_hash, key ) == NULL )
- {
- g_hash_table_insert(image_cache_hash, g_strdup( key ), (gpointer)val_ptr );
- }
-struct graphics_image_priv* image_cache_hash_lookup( const char* key )
- struct graphics_image_priv* val_ptr = NULL;
- if ( image_cache_hash != NULL )
- {
- val_ptr = g_hash_table_lookup(image_cache_hash, key );
- }
- return val_ptr;
-static struct graphics_image_priv *image_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_image_methods *meth, char *name, int *w, int *h, struct point *hot)
- struct graphics_image_priv* ret;
- if ( NULL == ( ret = image_cache_hash_lookup( name ) ) )
- {
- ret = g_new( struct graphics_image_priv, 1 );
- dbg( 1, "loading image '%s'\n", name );
- ret->pxpm = Xpm2bmp_new();
- Xpm2bmp_load( ret->pxpm, name );
- image_cache_hash_add( name, ret );
- }
- return ret;
-static void draw_image(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *fg, struct point *p, struct graphics_image_priv *img)
- Xpm2bmp_paint( img->pxpm , hMemDC, p->x, p->y );
-static struct graphics_methods graphics_methods = {
- graphics_destroy,
- draw_mode,
- draw_lines,
- draw_polygon,
- draw_rectangle,
- draw_circle,
- draw_text,
- draw_image,
-#ifdef HAVE_IMLIB2
- NULL, // draw_image_warp,
- draw_restore,
- font_new,
- gc_new,
- background_gc,
- NULL, // overlay_new,
- image_new,
- get_data,
- register_resize_callback,
- register_button_callback,
- register_motion_callback,
-static struct graphics_priv * graphics_win32_drawing_area_new_helper(struct graphics_methods *meth)
- struct graphics_priv *this_=g_new0(struct graphics_priv,1);
- *meth=graphics_methods;
- this_->mode = -1;
- return this_;
-struct graphics_priv* win32_graphics_new( struct graphics_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs)
- struct graphics_priv* this_=graphics_win32_drawing_area_new_helper(meth);
- return this_;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a7ba9d..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <process.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
-#include <libintl.h>
-#include <Commctrl.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#include "gui.h"
-#include "win32_gui.h"
-#include "point.h"
-#include "navit.h"
-#include "menu.h"
-#include "item.h"
-#include "attr.h"
-#include "callback.h"
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "util.h"
-//static GHashTable *popup_callback_hash = NULL;
-static GArray *popup_menu_array;
-const TCHAR g_szClassName[] = TEXT("navit_gui_class");
-static int menu_id = 0;
-gboolean message_pump( gpointer data )
- MSG messages;
- Sleep( 1 );
- if (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0))
- {
- TranslateMessage(&messages);
- DispatchMessage(&messages);
- }
- else{
- exit( 0 );
- }
- return TRUE;
-//extern struct graphics_priv *g_gra;
-BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildProc(HWND hwndChild, LPARAM lParam)
- LPRECT rcParent;
- int idChild;
- idChild = GetWindowLong(hwndChild, GWL_ID);
- if ( idChild == ID_CHILD_GFX )
- {
- rcParent = (LPRECT) lParam;
- MoveWindow( hwndChild, 0, 0, rcParent->right, rcParent->bottom, TRUE );
- PostMessage( hwndChild, WM_USER+1, 0, 0 );
- }
- return TRUE;
- #define GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam) ((short)HIWORD(wParam))
-static void CreateToolBar(HWND hwnd)
- // Create Toolbar
- HWND hTool;
- TBBUTTON tbb[8];
- struct tagINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX initComm;
- initComm.dwSize = sizeof(struct tagINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
- InitCommonControlsEx(&initComm);
- hTool = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- hwnd, (HMENU)ID_CHILD_TOOLBAR, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
- if(hTool == NULL)
- MessageBox(hwnd, TEXT("Could not create tool bar."), TEXT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- SendMessage(hTool, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM)sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0);
- tbab.hInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
- int iImageOffset = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDBITMAP, 10, (LPARAM) &tbab);
- int iStr;
- ZeroMemory(tbb, sizeof(tbb));
- tbb[0].iBitmap = iImageOffset;
- tbb[0].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[0].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[0].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMIN;
- iStr = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"ZoomIn" );
- tbb[0].iString = iStr;
- tbb[1].iBitmap = iImageOffset+1;
- tbb[1].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[1].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[1].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMOUT;
- iStr = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"ZoomOut" );
- tbb[1].iString = iStr;
- tbb[2].iBitmap = iImageOffset+4;
- tbb[2].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[2].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[2].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_REFRESH;
- iStr = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"Refresh" );
- tbb[2].iString = iStr;
- tbb[3].iBitmap = iImageOffset+2;
- tbb[3].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[3].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[3].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_CURSOR;
- iStr = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"Cursor" );
- tbb[3].iString = iStr;
- tbb[4].iBitmap = iImageOffset+5;
- tbb[4].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[4].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[4].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_ORIENT;
- iStr = SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"Orientation" );
- tbb[4].iString = iStr;
- tbb[5].iBitmap = iImageOffset+8;
- tbb[5].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[5].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[5].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_DESTINATION;
- iStr= SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"Destination" );
- tbb[5].iString = iStr;
- tbb[6].iBitmap = iImageOffset+3;
- tbb[6].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[6].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[6].idCommand = ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMIN;
- iStr= SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"Roadbook" );
- tbb[6].iString = iStr;
- tbb[7].iBitmap = iImageOffset+9;
- tbb[7].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
- tbb[7].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
- tbb[7].idCommand = ID_FILE_EXIT;
- iStr= SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDSTRINGW, 0, (LPARAM) L"_Quit" );
- tbb[7].iString = iStr;
- SendMessage(hTool, TB_ADDBUTTONS, sizeof(tbb)/sizeof(TBBUTTON), (LPARAM)&tbb);
-static void window_layout( HWND hwnd )
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- RECT rcClient;
- RECT rcTool;
- int iToolHeight;
- HWND hChild = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_CHILD_TOOLBAR);
- SendMessage(hChild, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0);
- GetWindowRect(hChild, &rcTool);
- iToolHeight = rcTool.bottom -;
- GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);
- dbg( 2, "BEFORE resize gui to: %d %d %d %d \n", rcClient.left, rcClient.right,, rcClient.bottom );
- += iToolHeight;
- dbg( 1, "resize gui to: %ld %ld %ld %ld \n", rcClient.left, rcClient.right,, rcClient.bottom );
- hChild = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_CHILD_GFX);
- if ( hChild )
- {
- MoveWindow( hChild, rcClient.left,, rcClient.right- rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -, TRUE );
-// PostMessage( hChild, WM_USER+1, 0, 0 );
- }
-static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- dbg( 2, "PARENT %d %d %d \n", Message, wParam, lParam );
- switch(Message)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- {
- HMENU hMenu, hSubMenu;
- CreateToolBar( hwnd );
- hMenu = CreateMenu();
- // g_this_->hwnd = hwnd;
- hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMIN, L"ZoomIn" );
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMOUT, L"ZoomOut" );
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_DISPLAY_REFRESH, L"Refresh" );
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_DISPLAY_DESTINATION, L"Destination" );
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_DISPLAY_REFRESH, L"Refresh");
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL );
- AppendMenuW(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_FILE_EXIT, L"_Quit" );
- AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT)hSubMenu, L"Display" );
- hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
- AppendMenu(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, ID_STUFF_GO, TEXT("&Go"));
- AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT)hSubMenu, TEXT("&Stuff"));
-#if !defined(__CEGCC__)
- SetMenu(hwnd, hMenu);
- window_layout( hwnd );
- }
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- {
- dbg( 1, "WM_COMMAND %d\n", LOWORD(wParam) );
- struct gui_priv* gui = (struct gui_priv*)GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER );
- switch(LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- navit_zoom_in(gui->nav, 2, NULL);
- return 0;
- break;
- navit_zoom_out(gui->nav, 2, NULL);
- return 0;
- break;
- navit_draw(gui->nav);
- return 0;
- break;
- {
- struct attr attr;
- attr.type=attr_cursor;
- // TODO attr.u.num=gtk_toggle_action_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(w));
- if(!navit_set_attr(gui->nav, &attr)) {
- dbg(0, "Failed to set attr_cursor\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- {
- struct attr attr;
- attr.type=attr_orientation;
- attr.u.num = 0; // TODO
- if(!navit_set_attr(gui->nav, &attr)) {
- dbg(0, "Failed to set attr_orientation\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- {
- create_destination_window(gui->nav);
- return 0;
- }
- case ID_FILE_EXIT:
- PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- if ( popup_menu_array )
- {
- struct menu_priv* priv = (struct menu_priv*)g_array_index( popup_menu_array, gint, LOWORD(wParam) - POPUP_MENU_OFFSET );
- if ( priv )
- {
- if ( priv->cb )
- {
- callback_call_0( priv->cb );
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case WM_USER + 1:
- window_layout( hwnd );
- return 0;
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- window_layout( hwnd );
- return 0;
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- break;
- {
- struct gui_priv* gui = (struct gui_priv*)GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER );
- short delta = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM( wParam );
- if ( delta > 0 )
- {
- navit_zoom_in(gui->nav, 2, NULL);
- }
- else{
- navit_zoom_out(gui->nav, 2, NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- return 0;
-HANDLE CreateWin32Window( void )
- HWND hwnd;
-// wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
- = 0;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 32;
- wc.hInstance = NULL;
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wc.lpszClassName = g_szClassName;
-// wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_NAVIT));
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_NAVIT));
- if(!RegisterClass(&wc))
- {
- MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Window Registration Failed!"), TEXT("Error!"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
- return 0;
- }
- hwnd = CreateWindowEx(
- g_szClassName,
- TEXT("Navit"),
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
- if(hwnd == NULL)
- {
- MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Window Creation Failed!"), TEXT("Error!"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
- return 0;
- }
- ShowWindow(hwnd, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow(hwnd);
- g_idle_add (message_pump, NULL);
- register_destination_window();
- return hwnd;
-static int win32_gui_set_graphics(struct gui_priv *this_, struct graphics *gra)
- HANDLE* wndHandle_ptr = graphics_get_data(gra, "wnd_parent_handle_ptr");
- *wndHandle_ptr = this_->hwnd;
- graphics_get_data(gra, "START_CLIENT");
- return 0;
-//static void win32_gui_add_bookmark_do(struct gui_priv *gui)
-//// navit_add_bookmark(gui->nav, &gui->dialog_coord, gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(gui->dialog_entry)));
-//// gtk_widget_destroy(gui->dialog_win);
-static int win32_gui_add_bookmark(struct gui_priv *gui, struct pcoord *c, char *description)
- return 1;
-static struct menu_methods menu_methods;
-static struct menu_priv *add_menu( struct menu_priv *menu,
- struct menu_methods *meth,
- char *name,
- enum menu_type type,
- struct callback *cb)
- struct menu_priv* ret = NULL;
- ret = g_new0(struct menu_priv, 1);
- *ret = *menu;
- *meth = menu_methods;
- TCHAR *menuname = newSysString(name);
- if ( type == menu_type_submenu )
- {
- HMENU hSubMenu = NULL;
- hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
- AppendMenu(menu->hMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT)hSubMenu, menuname );
- ret->hMenu = hSubMenu;
- }
- else
- {
- AppendMenu( menu->hMenu, MF_STRING, menu_id, menuname );
- }
- g_free(menuname);
- // g_hash_table_insert( popup_callback_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER( menu_id ), (gpointer)cb );
- g_array_append_val( popup_menu_array, ret );
- ret->cb = cb;
- menu_id++;
- return ret;
-static void set_toggle(struct menu_priv *menu, int active)
- // gtk_toggle_action_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(menu->action), active);
-static int get_toggle(struct menu_priv *menu)
- // return gtk_toggle_action_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(menu->action));
- return 0;
-static struct menu_methods menu_methods = {
- add_menu,
- set_toggle,
- get_toggle,
-static void popup_activate(struct menu_priv *menu)
- POINT pnt;
- GetCursorPos( &pnt );
- if (menu->hMenu)
- {
- TrackPopupMenu( menu->hMenu, 0, pnt.x, pnt.y, 0, menu->wnd_handle, NULL );
- DestroyMenu( menu->hMenu );
- }
-//static void popup_deactivate( struct menu_priv *menu )
-// DestroyMenu( menu->hMenu );
-struct menu_priv* win32_gui_popup_new(struct gui_priv *this_, struct menu_methods *meth)
- struct menu_priv* ret = NULL;
- ret = g_new0(struct menu_priv, 1);
- *meth = menu_methods;
- menu_id = POPUP_MENU_OFFSET;
- if ( popup_menu_array )
- {
- g_array_free (popup_menu_array, TRUE);
- popup_menu_array = NULL;
- }
- popup_menu_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
- ret->cb = NULL;
- ret->hMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
- ret->wnd_handle = this_->hwnd;
- meth->popup=popup_activate;
- dbg( 1, "create popup menu %d \n", (int)ret->hMenu );
- return ret;
-struct gui_methods win32_gui_methods = {
- NULL, // win32_gui_menubar_new,
- win32_gui_popup_new,
- win32_gui_set_graphics,
- win32_gui_add_bookmark,
-static struct gui_priv *win32_gui_new( struct navit *nav, struct gui_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs)
- struct gui_priv *this_;
- *meth=win32_gui_methods;
- this_=g_new0(struct gui_priv, 1);
- this_->nav=nav;
- this_->hwnd = CreateWin32Window();
- SetWindowLongPtr( this_->hwnd , DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) this_ );
- return this_;
-void plugin_init(void)
- plugin_register_gui_type("win32", win32_gui_new);
- plugin_register_graphics_type("win32_graphics", win32_graphics_new);
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cdb6d302..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include "resources\resource.h"
-#include "coord.h"
-#include "point.h"
-#include "graphics.h"
-#define ID_CHILD_GFX 100
-#define ID_CHILD_1 (ID_CHILD_TOOLBAR + 1)
-#define ID_CHILD_2 (ID_CHILD_1 + 1)
-#define ID_CHILD_3 (ID_CHILD_2 + 1)
-#define ID_CHILD_4 (ID_CHILD_4 + 1)
-#define ID_DISPLAY_ZOOMIN 200
-#define ID_DISPLAY_CURSOR 203
-#define ID_DISPLAY_ORIENT 204
-#define ID_FILE_EXIT 9001
-#define ID_STUFF_GO 9002
-#define _(text) gettext(text)
-#define POPUP_MENU_OFFSET 4000
-struct statusbar_methods;
-struct menu_methods;
-struct datawindow_methods;
-struct navit;
-struct callback;
-struct menu_priv {
- HWND wnd_handle;
- HMENU hMenu;
- struct callback* cb;
-struct gui_priv {
- struct navit *nav;
- HANDLE hwnd;
-struct graphics_priv {
- struct point p;
- int width;
- int height;
- int library_init;
- int visible;
- HANDLE wnd_parent_handle;
- HANDLE wnd_handle;
- COLORREF bg_color;
- void (*resize_callback)(void *data, int w, int h);
- void *resize_callback_data;
- void (*motion_callback)(void *data, struct point *p);
- void *motion_callback_data;
- void (*button_callback)(void *data, int press, int button, struct point *p);
- void *button_callback_data;
- enum draw_mode_num mode;
-struct graphics_priv* win32_graphics_new( struct graphics_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs);
-HANDLE create_destination_window( struct navit *nav );
-BOOL register_destination_window();
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_destination.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_destination.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f578dc5..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_destination.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <windowsx.h>
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "item.h"
-#include "attr.h"
-#include "navit.h"
-#include "search.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "win32_gui_notify.h"
-#include "resources\resource.h"
-static const TCHAR g_szDestinationClassName[] = TEXT("navit_gui_destinationwindow_class");
-struct datawindow_priv
- HWND hwnd;
- HWND hwndLabel;
- HWND hwndEdit;
- HWND hwndList;
- HWND hwndButtonPrev;
- HWND hwndButtonNext;
- enum attr_type currentSearchState;
- struct search_list *sl;
- struct navit *nav;
- struct notify_priv *notifications;
-static void setlayout(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow)
- RECT winrect;
- GetWindowRect (datawindow->hwndList, &winrect);
- lvc.iSubItem = 1;
- = (winrect.right - winrect.left) - 52 ;
- lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; // left-aligned column
- switch (datawindow->currentSearchState)
- {
- case attr_country_name:
- {
- Edit_SetText(datawindow->hwndLabel, TEXT("Country"));
- lvc.pszText = TEXT("Country");
- }
- break;
- case attr_town_name:
- {
- Edit_SetText(datawindow->hwndLabel, TEXT("Postal or Town"));
- lvc.pszText = TEXT("Town");
- }
- break;
- case attr_street_name:
- {
- Edit_SetText(datawindow->hwndLabel, TEXT("Street"));
- lvc.pszText = TEXT("Street");
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- (void)ListView_SetColumn(datawindow->hwndList, 1, &lvc);
- Edit_SetText(datawindow->hwndEdit, TEXT(""));
- SetFocus(datawindow->hwndEdit);
-static void notify_apply(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow, int index, int param2)
- TCHAR txtBuffer[1024];
- struct attr search_attr;
- struct search_list_result *res;
- if ( index >= 0 )
- {
- ListView_GetItemText(datawindow->hwndList, index, 1, txtBuffer, 1024);
- TCHAR_TO_UTF8(txtBuffer, search_string);
- search_attr.type = datawindow->currentSearchState;
- search_attr.u.str = search_string;
- search_list_search(datawindow->sl, &search_attr, 0);
- res=search_list_get_result(datawindow->sl);
- }
- switch (datawindow->currentSearchState)
- {
- case attr_country_name:
- {
- datawindow->currentSearchState = attr_town_name;
- }
- break;
- case attr_town_name:
- {
- datawindow->currentSearchState = attr_street_name;
- }
- break;
- case attr_street_name:
- {
- navit_set_destination(datawindow->nav, res->c, "Mein Test");
- DestroyWindow(datawindow->hwnd);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- setlayout(datawindow);
-static void notify_back(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow, int param1, int param2)
- switch (datawindow->currentSearchState)
- {
- case attr_country_name:
- break;
- case attr_town_name:
- {
- datawindow->currentSearchState = attr_country_name;
- }
- break;
- case attr_street_name:
- {
- datawindow->currentSearchState = attr_town_name;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- setlayout(datawindow);
-static void notify_textchange(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow, int param1, int param2)
- struct attr search_attr;
- struct search_list_result *res;
- int lineLength = Edit_LineLength(datawindow->hwndEdit, 0);
- TCHAR line[lineLength + 1];
- (void)Edit_GetLine(datawindow->hwndEdit, 0, line, lineLength + 1);
- line[lineLength] = 0;
- (void)ListView_DeleteAllItems( datawindow->hwndList);
- TCHAR_TO_UTF8(line, search_string);
- search_attr.type = datawindow->currentSearchState;
- search_attr.u.str = search_string;
- if (lineLength<1)
- return;
- search_list_search(datawindow->sl, &search_attr, 1);
- TCHAR *tcharBuffer = NULL;
- int listIndex = 0;
- lvI.state = 0;
- lvI.stateMask = 0;
- while ((res=search_list_get_result(datawindow->sl)) && listIndex < 50)
- {
- switch (search_attr.type)
- {
- case attr_country_name:
- tcharBuffer = newSysString(res->country->name);
- break;
- case attr_town_name:
- tcharBuffer = newSysString(res->town->name);
- break;
- case attr_street_name:
- if (res->street->name)
- {
- tcharBuffer = newSysString(res->street->name);
- }
- else
- {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- default:
- dbg(0, "Unhandled search type");
- }
- lvI.iItem = listIndex;
- lvI.iImage = listIndex;
- lvI.iSubItem = 0;
- lvI.lParam = (LPARAM) res->country->iso2;
- UTF8_TO_TCHAR(res->country->iso2, converted_iso2);
- lvI.pszText = converted_iso2;//LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; // sends an LVN_GETDISP message.
- (void)ListView_InsertItem(datawindow->hwndList, &lvI);
- ListView_SetItemText(datawindow->hwndList, listIndex, 1, tcharBuffer);
- g_free(tcharBuffer);
- dbg(0,"%s\n", res->country->name);
- listIndex++;
- }
-static void notify_destroy(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow, int param1, int param2)
- if ( datawindow )
- {
- search_list_destroy(datawindow->sl);
- g_free(datawindow);
- }
-static void notify_size(struct datawindow_priv *datawindow, int width, int height)
- if (datawindow)
- {
- MoveWindow(datawindow->hwndLabel,
- 0, 0, // starting x- and y-coordinates
- width, // width of client area
- 20, // height of client area
- TRUE); // repaint window
- MoveWindow(datawindow->hwndEdit,
- 0, 20, // starting x- and y-coordinates
- width, // width of client area
- 20, // height of client area
- TRUE); // repaint window
- MoveWindow(datawindow->hwndList,
- 0, 40, // starting x- and y-coordinates
- width, // width of client area
- height - 60, // height of client area
- TRUE); // repaint window
- MoveWindow(datawindow->hwndButtonPrev,
- 0, height - 20, // starting x- and y-coordinates
- width/2, // width of client area
- 20, // height of client area
- TRUE); // repaint window
- MoveWindow(datawindow->hwndButtonNext,
- width/2, height - 20, // starting x- and y-coordinates
- width/2, // width of client area
- 20, // height of client area
- TRUE); // repaint window
- setlayout(datawindow);
- }
-static BOOL init_lv_columns(HWND hWndListView)
-// LVCFMT_LEFT, 100, szText[iCol], 0, iCol, 0, 0 };
- TCHAR szText[][8] = {TEXT("Iso"),TEXT("Country")}; // temporary buffer
- int iCol;
- for (iCol = 0; iCol < 2; iCol++)
- {
- lvc.iSubItem = iCol;
- lvc.pszText = szText[iCol];
- = 50; // width of column in pixels
- if ( iCol < 2 )
- lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; // left-aligned column
- else
- lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_RIGHT; // right-aligned column
- if (ListView_InsertColumn(hWndListView, iCol, &lvc) == -1)
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-BOOL register_destination_window()
- = 0;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = message_handler;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 32;
- wc.hInstance = NULL;
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wc.lpszClassName = g_szDestinationClassName;
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_NAVIT));
- if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
- {
- dbg(0, "Window Registration Failed!\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-HANDLE create_destination_window( struct navit *nav )
- struct datawindow_priv *this_;
- this_=g_new0(struct datawindow_priv, 1);
- this_->nav = nav;
- this_->currentSearchState = attr_country_name;
- this_->sl=search_list_new(navit_get_mapset(this_->nav));
- this_->hwnd = CreateWindowEx(
- g_szDestinationClassName,
- TEXT("Destination Input"),
-#if defined(__CEGCC__)
- if (this_->hwnd == NULL)
- {
- dbg(0, "Window Creation Failed!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- this_->notifications = win32_gui_notify_new(this_);
- SetWindowLongPtr( this_->hwnd , DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) this_->notifications );
- this_->hwndLabel = CreateWindow(WC_STATIC, // predefined class
- TEXT("Country"), // no window title
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message
- this_->hwnd, // parent window
- NULL,//(HMENU) ID_EDITCHILD, // edit control ID
- (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(this_->hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
- NULL); // pointer not needed
- this_->hwndEdit = CreateWindow(WC_EDIT, // predefined class
- NULL, // no window title
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message
- this_->hwnd, // parent window
- NULL,//(HMENU) ID_EDITCHILD, // edit control ID
- (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(this_->hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
- NULL); // pointer not needed
- this_->hwndList = CreateWindow(WC_LISTVIEW, // predefined class
- NULL, // no window title
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message
- this_->hwnd, // parent window
- NULL,//(HMENU) ID_EDITCHILD, // edit control ID
- (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(this_->hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
- NULL); // pointer not needed
- this_->hwndButtonPrev = CreateWindow(WC_BUTTON, // predefined class
- TEXT("<<"), // no window title
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message
- this_->hwnd, // parent window
- NULL,//(HMENU) ID_EDITCHILD, // edit control ID
- (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(this_->hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
- NULL); // pointer not needed
- this_->hwndButtonNext = CreateWindow(WC_BUTTON, // predefined class
- TEXT(">>"), // no window title
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message
- this_->hwnd, // parent window
- NULL,//(HMENU) ID_EDITCHILD, // edit control ID
- (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(this_->hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
- NULL); // pointer not needed
- (void)ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(this_->hwndList,LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, this_->hwndEdit, CHANGE, notify_textchange);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, NULL, WINDOW_SIZE, notify_size);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, this_->hwndList, DBLCLICK, notify_apply);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, this_->hwnd, WINDOW_DESTROY, notify_destroy);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, this_->hwndButtonNext, BUTTON_CLICK, notify_apply);
- win32_gui_notify( this_->notifications, this_->hwndButtonPrev, BUTTON_CLICK, notify_back);
- init_lv_columns(this_->hwndList);
- SetFocus(this_->hwndEdit);
- ShowWindow(this_->hwnd, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow(this_->hwnd);
- return this_->hwnd;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dea1b7a..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <windowsx.h>
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "win32_gui_notify.h"
-struct window_data
- HWND hwnd;
- UINT message;
- void(*func)(struct datawindow_priv *parent, int param1, int param2);
-struct notify_priv
- GList *window_list;
- struct datawindow_priv *parent;
-void win32_gui_notify(struct notify_priv* notify, HWND hwnd, int message_id, void(*func)(struct datawindow_priv *parent, int param1, int param2))
- struct window_data *wnd_data = g_new( struct window_data,1);
- wnd_data->hwnd = hwnd;
- wnd_data->message = message_id;
- wnd_data->func = func;
- notify->window_list = g_list_append( notify->window_list, (gpointer) wnd_data );
-struct notify_priv* win32_gui_notify_new(struct datawindow_priv *parent)
- struct notify_priv* notify = g_new0(struct notify_priv,1);
- notify->parent = parent;
- return notify;
-LRESULT CALLBACK message_handler(HWND hwnd, UINT win_message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- enum message_id message = INVALID;
- int param1 = -1;
- int param2 = -1;
- HWND hwndDlg = hwnd;
- switch (win_message)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- {
- message = WINDOW_CREATE;
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- {
- message = WINDOW_SIZE;
- param1 = LOWORD(lParam);
- param2 = HIWORD(lParam);
- }
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- {
- message = WINDOW_DESTROY;
- }
- break;
- case WM_NOTIFY:
- {
- hwndDlg = (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->hwndFrom);
- switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code)
- {
- case NM_DBLCLK:
- {
- message = DBLCLICK;
- param1 = ((LPNMITEMACTIVATE)lParam)->iItem;
- }
- break;
- case NM_CLICK:
- message = CLICK;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- {
- hwndDlg = (HWND)lParam;
- switch (HIWORD(wParam))
- {
- case EN_CHANGE:
- {
- message = CHANGE;
- }
- break;
- case BN_CLICKED:
- {
- message = BUTTON_CLICK;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, win_message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- struct notify_priv* notify_data = (struct notify_priv*)GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER );
- if ( message != INVALID && notify_data && notify_data->window_list )
- {
- GList* current_element = g_list_first(notify_data->window_list);
- struct window_data* wnd_data = NULL;
- while (current_element != NULL)
- {
- wnd_data = current_element->data;
- if ( (wnd_data->hwnd == hwndDlg || wnd_data->hwnd == NULL) && message == wnd_data->message)
- {
- wnd_data->func(notify_data->parent, param1, param2);
- }
- current_element = g_list_next(current_element);
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c791e15..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/win32_gui_notify.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-enum message_id
-struct datawindow_priv;
-struct notify_priv* win32_gui_notify_new();
-void win32_gui_notify(struct notify_priv* notify, HWND hwnd, int message_id, void(*func)(struct datawindow_priv *parent, int param1, int param2));
-LRESULT CALLBACK message_handler(HWND hwnd, UINT win_message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/window.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/window.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58569b49..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/window.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "resource.h"
-BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- switch(uMsg)
- {
- /*
- * TODO: Add code to initialize the dialog.
- */
- return TRUE;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
- return TRUE;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- /*
- * TODO: Add more control ID's, when needed.
- */
- case IDC_BTN_QUIT:
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
- return TRUE;
- case IDC_BTN_TEST:
- MessageBox(hwndDlg, "You clicked \"Test\" button!", "Information", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-#include <windows.h>
-/* Declare Windows procedure */
-/* Make the class name into a global variable */
-char szClassName[ ] = "CodeBlocksWindowsApp";
-int WINAPI WinMain1 (HINSTANCE hThisInstance,
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpszArgument,
- int nCmdShow)
- HWND hwnd; /* This is the handle for our window */
- MSG messages; /* Here messages to the application are saved */
- WNDCLASSEX wincl; /* Data structure for the windowclass */
- /* The Window structure */
- wincl.hInstance = hThisInstance;
- wincl.lpszClassName = szClassName;
- wincl.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcedure; /* This function is called by windows */
- = CS_DBLCLKS; /* Catch double-clicks */
- wincl.cbSize = sizeof (WNDCLASSEX);
- /* Use default icon and mouse-pointer */
- wincl.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
- wincl.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
- wincl.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wincl.lpszMenuName = NULL; /* No menu */
- wincl.cbClsExtra = 0; /* No extra bytes after the window class */
- wincl.cbWndExtra = 0; /* structure or the window instance */
- /* Use Windows's default colour as the background of the window */
- wincl.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND;
- /* Register the window class, and if it fails quit the program */
- if (!RegisterClassEx (&wincl))
- return 0;
- /* The class is registered, let's create the program*/
- hwnd = CreateWindowEx (
- 0, /* Extended possibilites for variation */
- szClassName, /* Classname */
- "Code::Blocks Template Windows App", /* Title Text */
- WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, /* default window */
- CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Windows decides the position */
- CW_USEDEFAULT, /* where the window ends up on the screen */
- 544, /* The programs width */
- 375, /* and height in pixels */
- HWND_DESKTOP, /* The window is a child-window to desktop */
- NULL, /* No menu */
- hThisInstance, /* Program Instance handler */
- NULL /* No Window Creation data */
- );
- /* Make the window visible on the screen */
- ShowWindow (hwnd, nCmdShow);
- /* Run the message loop. It will run until GetMessage() returns 0 */
-#if 0
- while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0))
- {
- /* Translate virtual-key messages into character messages */
- TranslateMessage(&messages);
- /* Send message to WindowProcedure */
- DispatchMessage(&messages);
- }
- /* The program return-value is 0 - The value that PostQuitMessage() gave */
- return messages.wParam;
-/* This function is called by the Windows function DispatchMessage() */
-LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- switch (message) /* handle the messages */
- {
- {
- int xPos = LOWORD(lParam);
- int yPos = HIWORD(lParam);
- printf( "mouse at %d %d \n", xPos, yPos );
- }
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- PostQuitMessage (0); /* send a WM_QUIT to the message queue */
- break;
- default: /* for messages that we don't deal with */
- return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- return 0;
-int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
- hInst = hInstance;
- // The user interface is a modal dialog box
- return DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_MAIN), NULL, DialogProc);
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.c b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 611d8fe0..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,589 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <wingdi.h>
-#include "Xpm2bmp.h"
-#define _DBG
-// function prototypes
-static int CreateBitmapFromXpm( const char* filename, PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp );
-// typedefs
-static XPMCOLORENTRY theRGBRecords[] =
- {"ALICEBLUE", 240, 248, 255},
- {"ANTIQUEWHITE", 250, 235, 215},
- {"AQUAMARINE", 50, 191, 193},
- {"AZURE", 240, 255, 255},
- {"BEIGE", 245, 245, 220},
- {"BISQUE", 255, 228, 196},
- {"BLACK", 0, 0, 0},
- {"BLANCHEDALMOND", 255, 235, 205},
- {"BLUE", 0, 0, 255},
- {"BLUEVIOLET", 138, 43, 226},
- {"BROWN", 165, 42, 42},
- {"BURLYWOOD", 222, 184, 135},
- {"CADETBLUE", 95, 146, 158},
- {"CHARTREUSE", 127, 255, 0},
- {"CHOCOLATE", 210, 105, 30},
- {"CORAL", 255, 114, 86},
- {"CORNFLOWERBLUE", 34, 34, 152},
- {"CORNSILK", 255, 248, 220},
- {"CYAN", 0, 255, 255},
- {"DARKGOLDENROD", 184, 134, 11},
- {"DARKGREEN", 0, 86, 45},
- {"DARKKHAKI", 189, 183, 107},
- {"DARKOLIVEGREEN", 85, 86, 47},
- {"DARKORANGE", 255, 140, 0},
- {"DARKORCHID", 139, 32, 139},
- {"DARKSALMON", 233, 150, 122},
- {"DARKSEAGREEN", 143, 188, 143},
- {"DARKSLATEBLUE", 56, 75, 102},
- {"DARKSLATEGRAY", 47, 79, 79},
- {"DARKTURQUOISE", 0, 166, 166},
- {"DARKVIOLET", 148, 0, 211},
- {"DEEPPINK", 255, 20, 147},
- {"DEEPSKYBLUE", 0, 191, 255},
- {"DIMGRAY", 84, 84, 84},
- {"DODGERBLUE", 30, 144, 255},
- {"FIREBRICK", 142, 35, 35},
- {"FLORALWHITE", 255, 250, 240},
- {"FORESTGREEN", 80, 159, 105},
- {"GAINSBORO", 220, 220, 220},
- {"GHOSTWHITE", 248, 248, 255},
- {"GOLD", 218, 170, 0},
- {"GOLDENROD", 239, 223, 132},
- {"GRAY", 126, 126, 126},
- {"GRAY0", 0, 0, 0},
- {"GRAY1", 3, 3, 3},
- {"GRAY10", 26, 26, 26},
- {"GRAY100", 255, 255, 255},
- {"GRAY11", 28, 28, 28},
- {"GRAY12", 31, 31, 31},
- {"GRAY13", 33, 33, 33},
- {"GRAY14", 36, 36, 36},
- {"GRAY15", 38, 38, 38},
- {"GRAY16", 41, 41, 41},
- {"GRAY17", 43, 43, 43},
- {"GRAY18", 46, 46, 46},
- {"GRAY19", 48, 48, 48},
- {"GRAY2", 5, 5, 5},
- {"GRAY20", 51, 51, 51},
- {"GRAY21", 54, 54, 54},
- {"GRAY22", 56, 56, 56},
- {"GRAY23", 59, 59, 59},
- {"GRAY24", 61, 61, 61},
- {"GRAY25", 64, 64, 64},
- {"GRAY26", 66, 66, 66},
- {"GRAY27", 69, 69, 69},
- {"GRAY28", 71, 71, 71},
- {"GRAY29", 74, 74, 74},
- {"GRAY3", 8, 8, 8},
- {"GRAY30", 77, 77, 77},
- {"GRAY31", 79, 79, 79},
- {"GRAY32", 82, 82, 82},
- {"GRAY33", 84, 84, 84},
- {"GRAY34", 87, 87, 87},
- {"GRAY35", 89, 89, 89},
- {"GRAY36", 92, 92, 92},
- {"GRAY37", 94, 94, 94},
- {"GRAY38", 97, 97, 97},
- {"GRAY39", 99, 99, 99},
- {"GRAY4", 10, 10, 10},
- {"GRAY40", 102, 102, 102},
- {"GRAY41", 105, 105, 105},
- {"GRAY42", 107, 107, 107},
- {"GRAY43", 110, 110, 110},
- {"GRAY44", 112, 112, 112},
- {"GRAY45", 115, 115, 115},
- {"GRAY46", 117, 117, 117},
- {"GRAY47", 120, 120, 120},
- {"GRAY48", 122, 122, 122},
- {"GRAY49", 125, 125, 125},
- {"GRAY5", 13, 13, 13},
- {"GRAY50", 127, 127, 127},
- {"GRAY51", 130, 130, 130},
- {"GRAY52", 133, 133, 133},
- {"GRAY53", 135, 135, 135},
- {"GRAY54", 138, 138, 138},
- {"GRAY55", 140, 140, 140},
- {"GRAY56", 143, 143, 143},
- {"GRAY57", 145, 145, 145},
- {"GRAY58", 148, 148, 148},
- {"GRAY59", 150, 150, 150},
- {"GRAY6", 15, 15, 15},
- {"GRAY60", 153, 153, 153},
- {"GRAY61", 156, 156, 156},
- {"GRAY62", 158, 158, 158},
- {"GRAY63", 161, 161, 161},
- {"GRAY64", 163, 163, 163},
- {"GRAY65", 166, 166, 166},
- {"GRAY66", 168, 168, 168},
- {"GRAY67", 171, 171, 171},
- {"GRAY68", 173, 173, 173},
- {"GRAY69", 176, 176, 176},
- {"GRAY7", 18, 18, 18},
- {"GRAY70", 179, 179, 179},
- {"GRAY71", 181, 181, 181},
- {"GRAY72", 184, 184, 184},
- {"GRAY73", 186, 186, 186},
- {"GRAY74", 189, 189, 189},
- {"GRAY75", 191, 191, 191},
- {"GRAY76", 194, 194, 194},
- {"GRAY77", 196, 196, 196},
- {"GRAY78", 199, 199, 199},
- {"GRAY79", 201, 201, 201},
- {"GRAY8", 20, 20, 20},
- {"GRAY80", 204, 204, 204},
- {"GRAY81", 207, 207, 207},
- {"GRAY82", 209, 209, 209},
- {"GRAY83", 212, 212, 212},
- {"GRAY84", 214, 214, 214},
- {"GRAY85", 217, 217, 217},
- {"GRAY86", 219, 219, 219},
- {"GRAY87", 222, 222, 222},
- {"GRAY88", 224, 224, 224},
- {"GRAY89", 227, 227, 227},
- {"GRAY9", 23, 23, 23},
- {"GRAY90", 229, 229, 229},
- {"GRAY91", 232, 232, 232},
- {"GRAY92", 235, 235, 235},
- {"GRAY93", 237, 237, 237},
- {"GRAY94", 240, 240, 240},
- {"GRAY95", 242, 242, 242},
- {"GRAY96", 245, 245, 245},
- {"GRAY97", 247, 247, 247},
- {"GRAY98", 250, 250, 250},
- {"GRAY99", 252, 252, 252},
- {"GREEN", 0, 255, 0},
- {"GREENYELLOW", 173, 255, 47},
- {"HONEYDEW", 240, 255, 240},
- {"HOTPINK", 255, 105, 180},
- {"INDIANRED", 107, 57, 57},
- {"IVORY", 255, 255, 240},
- {"KHAKI", 179, 179, 126},
- {"LAVENDER", 230, 230, 250},
- {"LAVENDERBLUSH", 255, 240, 245},
- {"LAWNGREEN", 124, 252, 0},
- {"LEMONCHIFFON", 255, 250, 205},
- {"LIGHTBLUE", 176, 226, 255},
- {"LIGHTCORAL", 240, 128, 128},
- {"LIGHTCYAN", 224, 255, 255},
- {"LIGHTGOLDENROD", 238, 221, 130},
- {"LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW", 250, 250, 210},
- {"LIGHTGRAY", 168, 168, 168},
- {"LIGHTPINK", 255, 182, 193},
- {"LIGHTSALMON", 255, 160, 122},
- {"LIGHTSEAGREEN", 32, 178, 170},
- {"LIGHTSKYBLUE", 135, 206, 250},
- {"LIGHTSLATEBLUE", 132, 112, 255},
- {"LIGHTSLATEGRAY", 119, 136, 153},
- {"LIGHTSTEELBLUE", 124, 152, 211},
- {"LIGHTYELLOW", 255, 255, 224},
- {"LIMEGREEN", 0, 175, 20},
- {"LINEN", 250, 240, 230},
- {"MAGENTA", 255, 0, 255},
- {"MAROON", 143, 0, 82},
- {"MEDIUMAQUAMARINE", 0, 147, 143},
- {"MEDIUMBLUE", 50, 50, 204},
- {"MEDIUMFORESTGREEN", 50, 129, 75},
- {"MEDIUMGOLDENROD", 209, 193, 102},
- {"MEDIUMORCHID", 189, 82, 189},
- {"MEDIUMPURPLE", 147, 112, 219},
- {"MEDIUMSEAGREEN", 52, 119, 102},
- {"MEDIUMSLATEBLUE", 106, 106, 141},
- {"MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN", 35, 142, 35},
- {"MEDIUMTURQUOISE", 0, 210, 210},
- {"MEDIUMVIOLETRED", 213, 32, 121},
- {"MIDNIGHTBLUE", 47, 47, 100},
- {"MINTCREAM", 245, 255, 250},
- {"MISTYROSE", 255, 228, 225},
- {"MOCCASIN", 255, 228, 181},
- {"NAVAJOWHITE", 255, 222, 173},
- {"NAVY", 35, 35, 117},
- {"NAVYBLUE", 35, 35, 117},
- {"OLDLACE", 253, 245, 230},
- {"OLIVEDRAB", 107, 142, 35},
- {"ORANGE", 255, 135, 0},
- {"ORANGERED", 255, 69, 0},
- {"ORCHID", 239, 132, 239},
- {"PALEGOLDENROD", 238, 232, 170},
- {"PALEGREEN", 115, 222, 120},
- {"PALETURQUOISE", 175, 238, 238},
- {"PALEVIOLETRED", 219, 112, 147},
- {"PAPAYAWHIP", 255, 239, 213},
- {"PEACHPUFF", 255, 218, 185},
- {"PERU", 205, 133, 63},
- {"PINK", 255, 181, 197},
- {"PLUM", 197, 72, 155},
- {"POWDERBLUE", 176, 224, 230},
- {"PURPLE", 160, 32, 240},
- {"RED", 255, 0, 0},
- {"ROSYBROWN", 188, 143, 143},
- {"ROYALBLUE", 65, 105, 225},
- {"SADDLEBROWN", 139, 69, 19},
- {"SALMON", 233, 150, 122},
- {"SANDYBROWN", 244, 164, 96},
- {"SEAGREEN", 82, 149, 132},
- {"SEASHELL", 255, 245, 238},
- {"SIENNA", 150, 82, 45},
- {"SKYBLUE", 114, 159, 255},
- {"SLATEBLUE", 126, 136, 171},
- {"SLATEGRAY", 112, 128, 144},
- {"SNOW", 255, 250, 250},
- {"SPRINGGREEN", 65, 172, 65},
- {"STEELBLUE", 84, 112, 170},
- {"TAN", 222, 184, 135},
- {"THISTLE", 216, 191, 216},
- {"TOMATO", 255, 99, 71},
- {"TRANSPARENT", 0, 0, 1},
- {"TURQUOISE", 25, 204, 223},
- {"VIOLET", 156, 62, 206},
- {"VIOLETRED", 243, 62, 150},
- {"WHEAT", 245, 222, 179},
- {"WHITE", 255, 255, 255},
- {"WHITESMOKE", 245, 245, 245},
- {"YELLOW", 255, 255, 0},
- {"YELLOWGREEN", 50, 216, 56}
-PXPM2BMP Xpm2bmp_new()
- PXPM2BMP preturn = (PXPM2BMP)calloc( sizeof( XPM2BMP ) , 1 );
- return preturn;
-int Xpm2bmp_load( PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp, const char* filename )
- return CreateBitmapFromXpm( filename, pXpm2bmp );
-int Xpm2bmp_paint( PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp, HDC hdc, int x1,int y1 )
- StretchDIBits(hdc,
- x1, y1, pXpm2bmp->size_x, pXpm2bmp->size_y,
- 0, 0, pXpm2bmp->size_x, pXpm2bmp->size_y,
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data_trans,
- (BITMAPINFO *)pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans,
- StretchDIBits(hdc,
- x1, y1, pXpm2bmp->size_x, pXpm2bmp->size_y,
- 0, 0, pXpm2bmp->size_x, pXpm2bmp->size_y,
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data,
- (BITMAPINFO *)pXpm2bmp->bmih,
- return 0;
-static int parse_line_values( const char* line, PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp )
- int return_value = 0;
- char* parse_line = (char*)line;
- char* tok;
- int value_pos = 0;
- parse_line = strchr( parse_line, '"' );
- parse_line++;
- tok = strtok( parse_line, " \t\n" );
- while ( tok != 0 )
- {
- int val = atoi( tok );
- switch ( value_pos )
- {
- case 0: pXpm2bmp->size_x = val; break;
- case 1: pXpm2bmp->size_y = val; break;
- case 2: pXpm2bmp->colors = val; break;
- case 3: pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel = val; break;
- case 4: pXpm2bmp->hotspot_x = val; break;
- case 5: pXpm2bmp->hotspot_y = val; break;
- }
- tok = strtok( NULL, " \t" );
- value_pos ++;
- }
- return return_value;
-static int hex2int( char c )
- if ((c >= '0') && (c <='9' )) return c - '0';
- if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) return c - 'A' + 10;
- if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) return c - 'a' + 10;
- return -1;
-static DWORD string2hex16( const char* str )
- int i1 = hex2int( str[0] );
- int i2 = hex2int( str[1] );
- if ( ( i1 >= 0 ) && ( i2 >= 0 ) )
- return i1*16+i2;
- return -1;
-static int parse_color_values( const char* line, PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp )
- int return_value = 0;
- char* cq = strchr( line, '"' );
- char* cchar = strchr( cq+pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel+1, 'c' );
- char* chash = strchr( cq+pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel+1, '#' );
- char* qe = strchr( cq+pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel+1, '"' );
- cq++;
- if ( cq )
- {
- memcpy( pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp-> color_entires_size].color_str, cq, pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel + 1 );
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp-> color_entires_size].color_str[ pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel ] = '\0';
- if ( cchar && chash && qe)
- {
- chash++;
- *qe = 0;
- int len = strlen( chash );
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].r = string2hex16( &chash[0] );
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].g = string2hex16( &chash[len / 3] );
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].b = string2hex16( &chash[len * 2 / 3] );
-#ifdef _DBG
-printf( "adding color %s => %d RGB %lx %lx %lx to index %d\n",
- line,
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size,
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].r,
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].g,
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].b,
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size );
- }
- else
- {
- int q;
- char *start = cchar + 1;
- char *end = start;
- while ( *start != 0 )
- {
- if ( ( *start != '\t' ) && ( *start != ' ' ) )
- {
- break;
- }
- start++;
- }
- end = start;
- while ( *end != 0 )
- {
- if ( ( *end == '\t' ) || ( *end == ' ' ) || ( *end == '"' ))
- {
- *end = 0;
- }
- end++;
- }
- start = strupr( start );
- for ( q=0; q < sizeof( theRGBRecords ) / sizeof( theRGBRecords[0] ); q++ )
- {
- if ( 0 == strcmp( start, theRGBRecords[q].color_str ) )
- {
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].r = theRGBRecords[q].r;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].g = theRGBRecords[q].g;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].b = theRGBRecords[q].b;
- }
- }
- if ( 0 == strcmp( start, "NONE" ) )
- {
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].r = 255;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].g = 0;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size].b = 255;
- }
- }
- }
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size++;
- return return_value;
-static int vv = 0;
-static int parse_pixel_line_values( const char* line, PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp, unsigned char* pixel_data, unsigned char* pixel_data_trans )
- int return_value = 0;
- int i,j;
- char* cq = strchr( line, '"' );
- int pix_idx = 0;
- int size_x = pXpm2bmp->size_x;
- int len = strlen( cq );
- cq++;
- if ( len > pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel * size_x )
- {
- for ( i=0; i< size_x; i++ )
- {
- int found = 0;
- char* cmp = &cq[ i * pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel];
- for ( j=0; j< pXpm2bmp-> color_entires_size; j++ )
- {
- if ( strncmp( cmp, pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].color_str, pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel ) == 0 )
- {
- int r = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].r;
- int g = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].g;
- int b = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].b;
- if ( ( r == 255 ) && ( g == 0 ) && ( r == 255 ) )
- {
- r=g=b=0;
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx ] = 255;
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx+1 ] = 255;
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx+2 ] = 255;
- }
- else
- {
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx ] = 0;
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx+1 ] = 0;
- pixel_data_trans[ pix_idx+2 ] = 0;
- }
- // pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].r;
- // pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].g;
- // pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[ j ].b;
- pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = b;
- pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = g;
- pixel_data[ pix_idx++ ] = r;
- found = 1;
- vv++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !found )
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "XPMLIB: error color not found\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return_value = -1;
- fprintf( stderr, "XPMLIB: invalid line length\n" );
- }
- return return_value;
-static int CreateBitmapFromXpm( const char* filename, PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp )
- int return_val = 0;
- unsigned char i, row;
- char line[ 1024 ];
- int nbytes ;
- FILE* file_xpm = fopen( filename, "r" );
- int phase = 0;
- row = 0;
- if ( file_xpm )
- {
- while ( fgets(line, sizeof( line ), file_xpm ) )
- {
-#ifdef _DBG
- printf( "PARSING: %s\n", line );
- if ( line[ 0 ] != '"' )
- continue;
- switch ( phase )
- {
- case 0:
- parse_line_values( line, pXpm2bmp );
-#ifdef _DBG
- printf( "size_x %d\n", pXpm2bmp->size_x );
- printf( "size_y %d\n", pXpm2bmp->size_y );
- phase = 1;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size = 0;
- nbytes = ( pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel + 1 ) * pXpm2bmp->colors;
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires = calloc( sizeof( XPMCOLORENTRY ), pXpm2bmp->colors + 100 );
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[0].color_str = calloc( nbytes, pXpm2bmp->colors );
- for ( i = 1; i< pXpm2bmp->colors; i++ )
- {
- pXpm2bmp->color_entires[i].color_str = pXpm2bmp->color_entires[0].color_str + ( pXpm2bmp->chars_per_pixel + 1 ) * i;
- }
- if (!(pXpm2bmp->dib = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + pXpm2bmp->size_x * pXpm2bmp->size_y * 3)))
- {
- return 4;
- }
- if (!(pXpm2bmp->dib_trans = (unsigned char *)calloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + pXpm2bmp->size_x * pXpm2bmp->size_y * 3,1)))
- {
- return 4;
- }
- memset(pXpm2bmp->dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- pXpm2bmp->bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pXpm2bmp->dib;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biWidth = pXpm2bmp->size_x;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biHeight = -((long)pXpm2bmp->size_y);
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biPlanes = 1;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biBitCount = 24;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih->biCompression = 0;
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data = pXpm2bmp->dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pXpm2bmp->dib_trans;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biWidth = pXpm2bmp->size_x;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biHeight = -((long)pXpm2bmp->size_y);
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biPlanes = 1;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biBitCount = 24;
- pXpm2bmp->bmih_trans->biCompression = 0;
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data_trans = pXpm2bmp->dib_trans + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-// memset( pXpm2bmp->wimage_data_trans, 255, 5* 22 * 3 );
- break;
- case 1:
- parse_color_values( line, pXpm2bmp );
- if ( pXpm2bmp->color_entires_size >= pXpm2bmp->colors )
- {
- phase = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- parse_pixel_line_values( line, pXpm2bmp,
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data + row * pXpm2bmp->size_x * 3,
- pXpm2bmp->wimage_data_trans + row * pXpm2bmp->size_x * 3 );
- row++;
- if ( row >= pXpm2bmp->size_y )
- {
- phase = 3;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose( file_xpm );
- }
- return return_val;
diff --git a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.h b/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa028f1..00000000
--- a/projs/CodeBlocks/win32gui/xpm2bmp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Xpm2BMP_H_INCLUDED
-#define Xpm2BMP_H_INCLUDED
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "wingdi.h"
-typedef struct XPMCOLORENTRY_TAG
- char* color_str;
- unsigned long r;
- unsigned long g;
- unsigned long b;
-typedef struct XPM2BMP_TAG
- unsigned short size_x;
- unsigned short size_y;
- unsigned short colors;
- unsigned short pixels;
- unsigned short chars_per_pixel;
- unsigned short hotspot_x;
- unsigned short hotspot_y;
- int color_entires_size;
- PXPMCOLORENTRY color_entires;
- unsigned char *dib;
- unsigned char *wimage_data;
- unsigned char *dib_trans;
- unsigned char *wimage_data_trans;
-PXPM2BMP Xpm2bmp_new();
-int Xpm2bmp_load( PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp, const char* filename );
-int Xpm2bmp_paint( PXPM2BMP pXpm2bmp, HDC hdc, int x1,int y1 );
-#endif // Xpm2BMP_H_INCLUDED