path: root/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
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1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+package org.navitproject.navit;
+import android.os.Build;
+import android.view.KeyEvent;
+import android.view.View;
+import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection;
+import android.text.Editable;
+import android.text.Selection ;
+import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
+ *
+ * @author Carl Gunther
+ * There are bugs with the LatinIME keyboard's generation of KEYCODE_DEL events
+ * that this class addresses in various ways. These bugs appear when the app
+ * specifies TYPE_NULL, which is the only circumstance under which the app
+ * can reasonably expect to receive key events for KEYCODE_DEL.
+ *
+ * This class is intended for use by a view that overrides
+ * onCreateInputConnection() and specifies to the invoking IME that it wishes
+ * to use the TYPE_NULL InputType. This should cause key events to be returned
+ * to the view.
+ *
+ */
+public class InputConnectionAccomodatingLatinIMETypeNullIssues extends BaseInputConnection {
+ //This holds the Editable text buffer that the LatinIME mistakenly *thinks*
+ // that it is editing, even though the views that employ this class are
+ // completely driven by key events.
+ Editable myEditable = null;
+ //Basic constructor
+ public InputConnectionAccomodatingLatinIMETypeNullIssues(View targetView, boolean fullEditor) {
+ super(targetView, fullEditor);
+ }
+ //This method is called by the IME whenever the view that returned an
+ // instance of this class to the IME from its onCreateInputConnection()
+ // gains focus.
+ @Override
+ public Editable getEditable() {
+ //Some versions of the Google Keyboard (LatinIME) were delivered with a
+ // bug that causes KEYCODE_DEL to no longer be generated once the number
+ // of KEYCODE_DEL taps equals the number of other characters that have
+ // been typed. This bug was reported here as issue 62306.
+ //
+ // As of this writing (1/7/2014), it is fixed in the AOSP code, but that
+ // fix has not yet been released. Even when it is released, there will
+ // be many devices having versions of the Google Keyboard that include the bug
+ // in the wild for the indefinite future. Therefore, a workaround is required.
+ //
+ //This is a workaround for that bug which just jams a single garbage character
+ // into the internal buffer that the keyboard THINKS it is editing even
+ // though we have specified TYPE_NULL which *should* cause LatinIME to
+ // generate key events regardless of what is in that buffer. We have other
+ // code that attempts to ensure as the user edites that there is always
+ // one character remaining.
+ //
+ // The problem arises because when this unseen buffer becomes empty, the IME
+ // thinks that there is nothing left to delete, and therefore stops
+ // generating KEYCODE_DEL events, even though the app may still be very
+ // interested in receiving them.
+ //
+ //So, for example, if the user taps in ABCDE and then positions the
+ // (app-based) cursor to the left of A and taps the backspace key three
+ // times without any evident effect on the letters (because the app's own
+ // UI code knows that there are no letters to the left of the
+ // app-implemented cursor), and then moves the cursor to the right of the
+ // E and hits backspace five times, then, after E and D have been deleted,
+ // no more KEYCODE_DEL events will be generated by the IME because the
+ // unseen buffer will have become empty from five letter key taps followed
+ // by five backspace key taps (as the IME is unaware of the app-based cursor
+ // movements performed by the user).
+ //
+ // In other words, if your app is processing KEYDOWN events itself, and
+ // maintaining its own cursor and so on, and not telling the IME anything
+ // about the user's cursor position, this buggy processing of the hidden
+ // buffer will stop KEYCODE_DEL events when your app actually needs them -
+ // in whatever Android releases incorporate this LatinIME bug.
+ //
+ // By creating this garbage characters in the Editable that is initially
+ // returned to the IME here, we make the IME think that it still has
+ // something to delete, which causes it to keep generating KEYCODE_DEL
+ // events in response to backspace key presses.
+ //
+ // A specific keyboard version that I tested this on which HAS this
+ // problem but does NOT have the "KEYCODE_DEL completely gone" (issue 42904)
+ // problem that is addressed by the deleteSurroundingText() override below
+ // (the two problems are not both present in a single version) is
+ // 2.0.19123.914326a, tested running on a Nexus7 2012 tablet.
+ // There may be other versions that have issue 62306.
+ //
+ // A specific keyboard version that I tested this on which does NOT have
+ // this problem but DOES have the "KEYCODE_DEL completely gone" (issue
+ // 42904) problem that is addressed by the deleteSurroundingText()
+ // override below is 1.0.1800.776638, tested running on the Nexus10
+ // tablet. There may be other versions that also have issue 42904.
+ //
+ // The bug that this addresses was first introduced as of AOSP commit tag
+ // 4.4_r0.9, and the next RELEASED Android version after that was
+ // android-4.4_r1, which is the first release of Android 4.4. So, 4.4 will
+ // be the first Android version that would have included, in the original
+ // RELEASED version, a Google Keyboard for which this bug was present.
+ //
+ // Note that this bug was introduced exactly at the point that the OTHER bug
+ // (the one that is addressed in deleteSurroundingText(), below) was first
+ // FIXED.
+ //
+ // Despite the fact that the above are the RELEASES associated with the bug,
+ // the fact is that any 4.x Android release could have been upgraded by the
+ // user to a later version of Google Keyboard than was present when the
+ // release was originally installed to the device. I have checked the
+ // snapshots of the Google Keyboard listing page on the Google
+ // Play store, and all released updates listed there (which go back to early
+ // June of 2013) required Android 4.0 and up, so we can be pretty sure that
+ // this bug is not present in any version earlier than 4.0 (ICS), which means
+ // that we can limit this fix to API level 14 and up. And once the LatinIME
+ // problem is fixed, we can limit the scope of this workaround to end as of
+ // the last release that included the problem, since we can assume that
+ // users will not upgrade Google Keyboard to an EARLIER version than was
+ // originally included in their Android release.
+ //
+ // The bug that this addresses was FIXED but NOT RELEASED as of this AOSP
+ // commit:
+ //
+ // /b41bea65502ce7339665859d3c2c81b4a29194e4/java/src/com/android
+ // /inputmethod/latin/
+ // so it can be assumed to affect all of KitKat released thus far
+ // (up to 4.4.2), and could even affect beyond KitKat, although I fully
+ // expect it to be incorporated into the next release *after* API level 19.
+ //
+ // When it IS released, this method should be changed to limit it to no
+ // higher than API level 19 (assuming that the fix is released before API
+ // level 20), just in order to limit the scope of this fix, since poking
+ // 1024 characters into the Editable object returned here is of course a
+ // kluge. But right now the safest thing is just to not have an upper limit
+ // on the application of this kluge, since the fix for the problem it
+ // addresses has not yet been released (as of 1/7/2014).
+ if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
+ if(myEditable == null) {
+ myEditable = new EditableAI(
+ Selection.setSelection(myEditable, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ int myEditableLength = myEditable.length();
+ if(myEditableLength == 0) {
+ //I actually HAVE seen this be zero on the Nexus 10 with the keyboard
+ // that came with Android 4.4.2
+ // On the Nexus 10 4.4.2 if I tapped away from the view and then back to it, the
+ // myEditable would come back as null and I would create a new one. This is also
+ // what happens on other devices (e.g., the Nexus 6 with 4.4.2,
+ // which has a slightly later version of the Google Keyboard). But for the
+ // Nexus 10 4.4.2, the keyboard had a strange behavior
+ // when I tapped on the rack, and then tapped Done on the keyboard to close it,
+ // and then tapped on the rack AGAIN. In THAT situation,
+ // the myEditable would NOT be set to NULL but its LENGTH would be ZERO. So, I
+ // just append to it in that situation.
+ myEditable.append(
+ Selection.setSelection(myEditable, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return myEditable;
+ }
+ else {
+ //Default behavior for keyboards that do not require any fix
+ return super.getEditable();
+ }
+ }
+ //This method is called INSTEAD of generating a KEYCODE_DEL event, by
+ // versions of Latin IME that have the bug described in Issue 42904.
+ @Override
+ public boolean deleteSurroundingText(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
+ //If targetSdkVersion is set to anything AT or ABOVE API level 16
+ // then for the GOOGLE KEYBOARD versions DELIVERED
+ // with Android 4.1.x, 4.2.x or 4.3.x, NO KEYCODE_DEL EVENTS WILL BE
+ // is being returned as the InputType by your view from its
+ // onCreateInputMethod() override, due to a BUG in THOSE VERSIONS.
+ //
+ // When TYPE_NULL is specified (as this entire class assumes is being done
+ // by the views that use it, what WILL be generated INSTEAD of a KEYCODE_DEL
+ // is a deleteSurroundingText(1,0) call. So, by overriding this
+ // deleteSurroundingText() method, we can fire the KEYDOWN/KEYUP events
+ // ourselves for KEYCODE_DEL. This provides a workaround for the bug.
+ //
+ // The specific AOSP RELEASES involved are 4.1.1_r1 (the very first 4.1
+ // release) through 4.4_r0.8 (the release just prior to Android 4.4).
+ // This means that all of KitKat should not have the bug and will not
+ // need this workaround.
+ //
+ // Although 4.0.x (ICS) did not have this bug, it was possible to install
+ // later versions of the keyboard as an app on anything running 4.0 and up,
+ // so those versions are also potentially affected.
+ //
+ // The first version of separately-installable Google Keyboard shown on the
+ // Google Play store site by is Version 1.0.1869.683049,
+ // on June 6, 2013, and that version (and probably other, later ones)
+ // already had this bug.
+ //
+ //Since this required at least 4.0 to install, I believe that the bug will
+ // not be present on devices running versions of Android earlier than 4.0.
+ //
+ //AND, it should not be present on versions of Android at 4.4 and higher,
+ // since users will not "upgrade" to a version of Google Keyboard that
+ // is LOWER than the one they got installed with their version of Android
+ // in the first place, and the bug will have been fixed as of the 4.4 release.
+ //
+ // The above scope of the bug is reflected in the test below, which limits
+ // the application of the workaround to Android versions between 4.0.x and 4.3.x.
+ //
+ //UPDATE: A popular third party keyboard was found that exhibits this same issue. It
+ // was not fixed at the same time as the Google Play keyboard, and so the bug in that case
+ // is still in place beyond API LEVEL 19. So, even though the Google Keyboard fixed this
+ // as of level 19, we cannot take out the fix based on that version number. And so I've
+ // removed the test for an upper limit on the version; the fix will remain in place ad
+ // infinitum - but only when TYPE_NULL is used, so it *should* be harmless even when
+ // the keyboard does not have the problem...
+ if((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) // && (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19)
+ && (beforeLength == 1 && afterLength == 0)) {
+ //Send Backspace key down and up events to replace the ones omitted
+ // by the LatinIME keyboard.
+ return super.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL))
+ && super.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL));
+ }
+ else {
+ //Really, I can't see how this would be invoked, given that we're using
+ // TYPE_NULL, for non-buggy versions, but in order to limit the impact
+ // of this change as much as possible (i.e., to versions at and above 4.0)
+ // I am using the original behavior here for non-affected versions.
+ return super.deleteSurroundingText(beforeLength, afterLength);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class EditableAI extends SpannableStringBuilder {
+ EditableAI (CharSequence source) {
+ super(source);
+ }
+ //This character must be ignored by your onKey() code.
+ public static CharSequence ONE_UNPROCESSED_CHARACTER = "\ufffd";
+ @Override
+ public SpannableStringBuilder replace(final int
+ spannableStringStart, final int spannableStringEnd, CharSequence replacementSequence,
+ int replacementStart, int replacementEnd) {
+ if (replacementEnd > replacementStart) {
+ //In this case, there is something in the replacementSequence that the IME
+ // is attempting to replace part of the editable with.
+ //We don't really care about whatever might already be in the editable;
+ // we only care about making sure that SOMETHING ends up in it,
+ // so that the backspace key will continue to work.
+ // So, start by zeroing out whatever is there to begin with.
+ super.replace(0, length(), "", 0, 0);
+ //We DO care about preserving the new stuff that is replacing the stuff in the
+ // editable, because this stuff might be sent to us as a keydown event. So, we
+ // insert the new stuff (typically, a single character) into the now-empty editable,
+ // and return the result to the caller.
+ return super.replace(0, 0, replacementSequence, replacementStart, replacementEnd);
+ }
+ else if (spannableStringEnd > spannableStringStart) {
+ //In this case, there is NOTHING in the replacementSequence, and something is
+ // being replaced in the editable.
+ // This is characteristic of a DELETION.
+ // So, start by zeroing out whatever is being replaced in the editable.
+ super.replace(0, length(), "", 0, 0);
+ //And now, we will place our ONE_UNPROCESSED_CHARACTER into the editable buffer, and return it.
+ return super.replace(0, 0, ONE_UNPROCESSED_CHARACTER, 0, 1);
+ }
+ // In this case, NOTHING is being replaced in the editable. This code assumes that there
+ // is already something there. This assumption is probably OK because in our
+ // InputConnectionAccomodatingLatinIMETypeNullIssues.getEditable() method
+ // we PLACE a ONE_UNPROCESSED_CHARACTER into the newly-created buffer. So if there
+ // is nothing replacing the identified part
+ // of the editable, and no part of the editable that is being replaced, then we just
+ // leave whatever is in the editable ALONE,
+ // and we can be confident that there will be SOMETHING there. This call to super.replace()
+ // in that case will be a no-op, except
+ // for the value it returns.
+ return super.replace(spannableStringStart, spannableStringEnd,
+ replacementSequence, replacementStart, replacementEnd);
+ }
+ }