path: root/navit/script/mapextract.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'navit/script/mapextract.php')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/navit/script/mapextract.php b/navit/script/mapextract.php
index 004b63caf..33441ba95 100644
--- a/navit/script/mapextract.php
+++ b/navit/script/mapextract.php
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/php –q
-function getmercator($sx,$sy,$ex,$ey) {
- $sx = $sx*6371000.0*M_PI/180;
- $sy = log(tan(M_PI_4+$sy*M_PI/360))*6371000.0;
- $ex = $ex*6371000.0*M_PI/180;
- $ey = log(tan(M_PI_4+$ey*M_PI/360))*6371000.0;
- return array(
- 'l' => array(
- 'x' => $sx,
- 'y' => $sy
- ),
- 'h' => array(
- 'x' => $ex,
- 'y' => $ey
- )
- );
-function contains_bbox($c, &$r) {
- if ($c['l']['x'] > $r['h']['x'])
- return false;
- elseif ($c['h']['x'] < $r['l']['x'])
- return false;
- elseif ($c['l']['y'] > $r['h']['y'])
- return false;
- elseif ($c['h']['y'] < $r['l']['y'])
- return false;
- else
- return true;
-$fetch_bbox = getmercator(11.3, 47.9, 11.4, 48.0);
-$files = array();
-$files['input'] = '/home/burner/carputer/navit/src/maps/osm_bbox_11.3,47.9,11.7,48.2.bin';
-$files['output'] = 'myarea.bin';
-$formats = array();
-$formats['ziphpack'] = "lssssslLLSS";
-$formats['zipheader'] = "l" . "ziplocsig"; # Signature (is always the same)
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipver"; # zip version needed
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipgenfld";# type of os that generated the file
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipmthd"; #
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "ziptime"; # time
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipdate"; # date
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/l" . "zipcrc"; # crc checksum
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/L" . "zipsize"; # data size
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/L" . "zipuncmp"; # uncompressed size
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/S" . "zipfnln"; # length of filename
-$formats['zipheader'] .= "/S" . "zipxtraln";# length of extra data (always 0)
-$formats['zipcd'] = "".
- "i" . "zipcensig/".
- "c" . "zipcver/".
- "c" . "zipcos/".
- "c" . "zipcvxt/".
- "c" . "zipcexos/".
- "s" . "zipcflg/".
- "s" . "zipcmthd/".
- "s" . "ziptim/".
- "s" . "zipdat/".
- "i" . "zipccrc/".
- "I" . "zipcsiz/".
- "I" . "zipcunc/".
- "S" . "zipcfnl/".
- "S" . "zipcxtl/".
- "S" . "zipccml/".
- "S" . "zipdsk/".
- "S" . "zipint/".
- "I" . "zipext/".
- "I" . "zipofst/".
-$formats['zipcdpack'] = "iccccssssiIISSSSSII";
-$formats['zipcontent'] = "i5x/i5y/ii";
-$world_bbox = array();
-$world_bbox['l']['x'] = -20000000;
-$world_bbox['l']['y'] = -20000000;
-$world_bbox['h']['x'] = 20000000;
-$world_bbox['h']['y'] = 20000000;
-$fp = fopen($files['input'], 'r');
-$sp = fopen($files['output'], 'w');
-$files = array();
-$offset = 0;
- * Read through zipheaders
- *
- */
-while (!feof($fp)) {
- $buffer = fread($fp, 30);
- $tileinfo = unpack($formats['zipheader'], $buffer);
- if ($tileinfo['zipfnln'] <= 0)
- break;
- $filename = fread($fp, $tileinfo['zipfnln']);
- $x=0;
- $done=false;
- $r = $world_bbox;
- while (!$done) {
- $c['x'] = floor( ($r['l']['x'] + $r['h']['x'])/2 );
- $c['y'] = floor( ($r['l']['y'] + $r['h']['y'])/2 );
- switch($filename[$x]) {
- case 'a':
- $r['l']['x'] = $c['x'];
- $r['l']['y'] = $c['y'];
- break;
- case 'b':
- $r['h']['x'] = $c['x'];
- $r['l']['y'] = $c['y'];
- break;
- case 'c':
- $r['l']['x'] = $c['x'];
- $r['h']['y'] = $c['y'];
- break;
- case 'd':
- $r['h']['x'] = $c['x'];
- $r['h']['y'] = $c['y'];
- break;
- default:
- $done=true;
- }
- $x++;
- }
- $tilecontent = fread($fp, $tileinfo['zipsize']);
- /* Area inside box, save it! */
- if (contains_bbox($fetch_bbox, $r)) {
- #echo "In box. ";
- #echo $filename . " ";
- $zipheader = $buffer;
- #echo "\n";
- /* Area outside of box, set zipcontent=0 */
- } else {
- $tileinfo['zipmthd'] = $tileinfo['zipcrc'] = $tileinfo['zipsize'] = $tileinfo['zipuncmp'] = 0;
- #echo "Out of box";
- $zipheader = $tileinfo;
- $tilecontent = '';
- $zipheader = pack($formats['ziphpack'],
- $tileinfo['ziplocsig'],
- $tileinfo['zipver'],
- $tileinfo['zipgenfld'],
- $tileinfo['zipmthd'],
- $tileinfo['ziptime'],
- $tileinfo['zipdate'],
- $tileinfo['zipcrc'],
- $tileinfo['zipsize'],
- $tileinfo['zipuncmp'],
- $tileinfo['zipfnln'],
- $tileinfo['zipxtraln']
- );
- }
- $put = $zipheader.$filename.$tilecontent;
- $files[$filename]['header'] = $tileinfo;
- $files[$filename]['size'] = strlen($put);
- $zipcd = array();
- $zipcd['zipcensig'] = 0x02014b50;
- $zipcd['zipcver'] = $tileinfo['zipver'];
- $zipcd['zipcos'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipcvxt'] = 0x0a;
- $zipcd['zipcexos'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipcflg'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipcmthd'] = $tileinfo['zipmthd'];
- $zipcd['ziptim'] = $tileinfo['ziptime'];
- $zipcd['zipdat'] = $tileinfo['zipdate'];
- $zipcd['zipccrc'] = $tileinfo['zipcrc'];
- $zipcd['zipcsiz'] = $tileinfo['zipsize'];
- $zipcd['zipcunc'] = $tileinfo['zipuncmp'];
- $zipcd['zipcfnl'] = $tileinfo['zipfnln'];
- $zipcd['zipcxtl'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipccml'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipdsk'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipint'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipext'] = 0x00;
- $zipcd['zipofst'] = $offset;
- $zipcd_data .= pack($formats['zipcdpack'],
- $zipcd['zipcensig'],
- $zipcd['zipcver'],
- $zipcd['zipcos'],
- $zipcd['zipcvxt'],
- $zipcd['zipcexos'],
- $zipcd['zipcflg'],
- $zipcd['zipcmthd'],
- $zipcd['ziptim'],
- $zipcd['zipdat'],
- $zipcd['zipccrc'],
- $zipcd['zipcsiz'],
- $zipcd['zipcunc'],
- $zipcd['zipcfnl'],
- $zipcd['zipcxtl'],
- $zipcd['zipccml'],
- $zipcd['zipdsk'],
- $zipcd['zipint'],
- $zipcd['zipext'],
- $zipcd['zipofst']
- ) . $filename;
- fwrite($sp, $put);
- $offset += strlen($put);
-fwrite($sp, $zipcd_data);
+#!/usr/local/bin/php &#8211;q
+function getmercator($sx,$sy,$ex,$ey) {
+ $sx = $sx*6371000.0*M_PI/180;
+ $sy = log(tan(M_PI_4+$sy*M_PI/360))*6371000.0;
+ $ex = $ex*6371000.0*M_PI/180;
+ $ey = log(tan(M_PI_4+$ey*M_PI/360))*6371000.0;
+ return array(
+ 'l' => array(
+ 'x' => $sx,
+ 'y' => $sy
+ ),
+ 'h' => array(
+ 'x' => $ex,
+ 'y' => $ey
+ )
+ );
+function contains_bbox($c, &$r) {
+ if ($c['l']['x'] > $r['h']['x'])
+ return false;
+ elseif ($c['h']['x'] < $r['l']['x'])
+ return false;
+ elseif ($c['l']['y'] > $r['h']['y'])
+ return false;
+ elseif ($c['h']['y'] < $r['l']['y'])
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+$fetch_bbox = getmercator(11.3, 47.9, 11.4, 48.0);
+$files = array();
+$files['input'] = '/home/burner/carputer/navit/src/maps/osm_bbox_11.3,47.9,11.7,48.2.bin';
+$files['output'] = 'myarea.bin';
+$formats = array();
+$formats['ziphpack'] = "lssssslLLSS";
+$formats['zipheader'] = "l" . "ziplocsig"; # Signature (is always the same)
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipver"; # zip version needed
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipgenfld";# type of os that generated the file
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipmthd"; #
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "ziptime"; # time
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/s" . "zipdate"; # date
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/l" . "zipcrc"; # crc checksum
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/L" . "zipsize"; # data size
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/L" . "zipuncmp"; # uncompressed size
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/S" . "zipfnln"; # length of filename
+$formats['zipheader'] .= "/S" . "zipxtraln";# length of extra data (always 0)
+$formats['zipcd'] = "".
+ "i" . "zipcensig/".
+ "c" . "zipcver/".
+ "c" . "zipcos/".
+ "c" . "zipcvxt/".
+ "c" . "zipcexos/".
+ "s" . "zipcflg/".
+ "s" . "zipcmthd/".
+ "s" . "ziptim/".
+ "s" . "zipdat/".
+ "i" . "zipccrc/".
+ "I" . "zipcsiz/".
+ "I" . "zipcunc/".
+ "S" . "zipcfnl/".
+ "S" . "zipcxtl/".
+ "S" . "zipccml/".
+ "S" . "zipdsk/".
+ "S" . "zipint/".
+ "I" . "zipext/".
+ "I" . "zipofst/".
+$formats['zipcdpack'] = "iccccssssiIISSSSSII";
+$formats['zipcontent'] = "i5x/i5y/ii";
+$world_bbox = array();
+$world_bbox['l']['x'] = -20000000;
+$world_bbox['l']['y'] = -20000000;
+$world_bbox['h']['x'] = 20000000;
+$world_bbox['h']['y'] = 20000000;
+$fp = fopen($files['input'], 'r');
+$sp = fopen($files['output'], 'w');
+$files = array();
+$offset = 0;
+ * Read through zipheaders
+ *
+ */
+while (!feof($fp)) {
+ $buffer = fread($fp, 30);
+ $tileinfo = unpack($formats['zipheader'], $buffer);
+ if ($tileinfo['zipfnln'] <= 0)
+ break;
+ $filename = fread($fp, $tileinfo['zipfnln']);
+ $x=0;
+ $done=false;
+ $r = $world_bbox;
+ while (!$done) {
+ $c['x'] = floor( ($r['l']['x'] + $r['h']['x'])/2 );
+ $c['y'] = floor( ($r['l']['y'] + $r['h']['y'])/2 );
+ switch($filename[$x]) {
+ case 'a':
+ $r['l']['x'] = $c['x'];
+ $r['l']['y'] = $c['y'];
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ $r['h']['x'] = $c['x'];
+ $r['l']['y'] = $c['y'];
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ $r['l']['x'] = $c['x'];
+ $r['h']['y'] = $c['y'];
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ $r['h']['x'] = $c['x'];
+ $r['h']['y'] = $c['y'];
+ break;
+ default:
+ $done=true;
+ }
+ $x++;
+ }
+ $tilecontent = fread($fp, $tileinfo['zipsize']);
+ /* Area inside box, save it! */
+ if (contains_bbox($fetch_bbox, $r)) {
+ #echo "In box. ";
+ #echo $filename . " ";
+ $zipheader = $buffer;
+ #echo "\n";
+ /* Area outside of box, set zipcontent=0 */
+ } else {
+ $tileinfo['zipmthd'] = $tileinfo['zipcrc'] = $tileinfo['zipsize'] = $tileinfo['zipuncmp'] = 0;
+ #echo "Out of box";
+ $zipheader = $tileinfo;
+ $tilecontent = '';
+ $zipheader = pack($formats['ziphpack'],
+ $tileinfo['ziplocsig'],
+ $tileinfo['zipver'],
+ $tileinfo['zipgenfld'],
+ $tileinfo['zipmthd'],
+ $tileinfo['ziptime'],
+ $tileinfo['zipdate'],
+ $tileinfo['zipcrc'],
+ $tileinfo['zipsize'],
+ $tileinfo['zipuncmp'],
+ $tileinfo['zipfnln'],
+ $tileinfo['zipxtraln']
+ );
+ }
+ $put = $zipheader.$filename.$tilecontent;
+ $files[$filename]['header'] = $tileinfo;
+ $files[$filename]['size'] = strlen($put);
+ $zipcd = array();
+ $zipcd['zipcensig'] = 0x02014b50;
+ $zipcd['zipcver'] = $tileinfo['zipver'];
+ $zipcd['zipcos'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipcvxt'] = 0x0a;
+ $zipcd['zipcexos'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipcflg'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipcmthd'] = $tileinfo['zipmthd'];
+ $zipcd['ziptim'] = $tileinfo['ziptime'];
+ $zipcd['zipdat'] = $tileinfo['zipdate'];
+ $zipcd['zipccrc'] = $tileinfo['zipcrc'];
+ $zipcd['zipcsiz'] = $tileinfo['zipsize'];
+ $zipcd['zipcunc'] = $tileinfo['zipuncmp'];
+ $zipcd['zipcfnl'] = $tileinfo['zipfnln'];
+ $zipcd['zipcxtl'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipccml'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipdsk'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipint'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipext'] = 0x00;
+ $zipcd['zipofst'] = $offset;
+ $zipcd_data .= pack($formats['zipcdpack'],
+ $zipcd['zipcensig'],
+ $zipcd['zipcver'],
+ $zipcd['zipcos'],
+ $zipcd['zipcvxt'],
+ $zipcd['zipcexos'],
+ $zipcd['zipcflg'],
+ $zipcd['zipcmthd'],
+ $zipcd['ziptim'],
+ $zipcd['zipdat'],
+ $zipcd['zipccrc'],
+ $zipcd['zipcsiz'],
+ $zipcd['zipcunc'],
+ $zipcd['zipcfnl'],
+ $zipcd['zipcxtl'],
+ $zipcd['zipccml'],
+ $zipcd['zipdsk'],
+ $zipcd['zipint'],
+ $zipcd['zipext'],
+ $zipcd['zipofst']
+ ) . $filename;
+ fwrite($sp, $put);
+ $offset += strlen($put);
+fwrite($sp, $zipcd_data);