path: root/src/ne_request.h
diff options
authorjoe <joe@61a7d7f5-40b7-0310-9c16-bb0ea8cb1845>2004-10-02 18:47:02 +0000
committerjoe <joe@61a7d7f5-40b7-0310-9c16-bb0ea8cb1845>2004-10-02 18:47:02 +0000
commit0294ff3d3282d1b1c5497f00ea25e5e55e6f4338 (patch)
tree978af6f81c7b7715597871b1e89a9ad083907f1a /src/ne_request.h
Import neon 0.24.0 to begin 0.24.x branch.
git-svn-id: 61a7d7f5-40b7-0310-9c16-bb0ea8cb1845
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ne_request.h')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ne_request.h b/src/ne_request.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f626402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ne_request.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ HTTP Request Handling
+ Copyright (C) 1999-2002, Joe Orton <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ MA 02111-1307, USA
+#ifndef NE_REQUEST_H
+#define NE_REQUEST_H
+#include "ne_utils.h" /* For ne_status */
+#include "ne_string.h" /* For sbuffer */
+#include "ne_session.h"
+#define NE_OK (0) /* Success */
+#define NE_ERROR (1) /* Generic error; use ne_get_error(session) for message */
+#define NE_LOOKUP (2) /* Server or proxy hostname lookup failed */
+#define NE_AUTH (3) /* User authentication failed on server */
+#define NE_PROXYAUTH (4) /* User authentication failed on proxy */
+#define NE_CONNECT (5) /* Could not connect to server */
+#define NE_TIMEOUT (6) /* Connection timed out */
+#define NE_FAILED (7) /* The precondition failed */
+#define NE_RETRY (8) /* Retry request (ne_end_request ONLY) */
+#define NE_REDIRECT (9) /* See ne_redirect.h */
+/* FIXME: remove this */
+#define EOL "\r\n"
+/* Opaque object representing a single HTTP request. */
+typedef struct ne_request_s ne_request;
+/***** Request Handling *****/
+/* Create a request in session 'sess', with given method and path.
+ * 'path' must conform to the 'abs_path' grammar in RFC2396, with an
+ * optional "? query" part, and MUST be URI-escaped by the caller. */
+ne_request *ne_request_create(ne_session *sess,
+ const char *method, const char *path);
+/* 'buffer' will be sent as the request body with given request. */
+void ne_set_request_body_buffer(ne_request *req, const char *buffer,
+ size_t size);
+/* Send the contents of a file as the request body; 'fd' must be a
+ * file descriptor of an open, seekable file. Current file offset of
+ * fd is not retained (and ignored: the file is read from the the
+ * first byte). Returns:
+ * 0 on okay.
+ * non-zero if could not determine length of file. */
+int ne_set_request_body_fd(ne_request *req, int fd);
+/* "Pull"-based request body provider: a callback which is invoked to
+ * provide blocks of request body on demand.
+ *
+ * Before each time the body is provided, the callback will be called
+ * once with buflen == 0. The body may have to be provided >1 time
+ * per request (for authentication retries etc.).
+ *
+ * The callback must return:
+ * <0 : error, abort request.
+ * 0 : ignore 'buffer' contents, end of body.
+ * 0 < x <= buflen : buffer contains x bytes of body data. */
+typedef ssize_t (*ne_provide_body)(void *userdata,
+ char *buffer, size_t buflen);
+/* Install a callback which is invoked as needed to provide request
+ * body blocks. Total request body is 'size' bytes: the callback MUST
+ * ensure it returns in total exactly 'size' bytes each time the
+ * request body is provided. */
+void ne_set_request_body_provider(ne_request *req, size_t size,
+ ne_provide_body provider, void *userdata);
+/* Handling response bodies... you provide TWO callbacks:
+ *
+ * 1) 'acceptance' callback: determines whether you want to handle the
+ * response body given the response-status information, e.g., if you
+ * only want 2xx responses, say so here.
+ *
+ * 2) 'reader' callback: passed blocks of the response-body as they
+ * arrive, if the acceptance callback returned non-zero. */
+/* 'acceptance' callback type. Return non-zero to accept the response,
+ * else zero to ignore it. */
+typedef int (*ne_accept_response)(
+ void *userdata, ne_request *req, const ne_status *st);
+/* An 'acceptance' callback which only accepts 2xx-class responses.
+ * Ignores userdata. */
+int ne_accept_2xx(void *userdata, ne_request *req, const ne_status *st);
+/* An acceptance callback which accepts all responses. Ignores
+ * userdata. */
+int ne_accept_always(void *userdata, ne_request *req, const ne_status *st);
+/* Callback for reading a block of data. */
+typedef void (*ne_block_reader)(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len);
+/* Add a response reader for the given request, with the given
+ * acceptance function. userdata is passed as the first argument to
+ * the acceptance + reader callbacks.
+ *
+ * The acceptance callback is called once each time the request is
+ * sent: it may be sent >1 time because of authentication retries etc.
+ * For each time the acceptance callback is called, if it returns
+ * non-zero, blocks of the response body will be passed to the reader
+ * callback as the response is read. After all the response body has
+ * been read, the callback will be called with a 'len' argument of
+ * zero. */
+void ne_add_response_body_reader(ne_request *req, ne_accept_response accpt,
+ ne_block_reader reader, void *userdata);
+/* Handle response headers. Each handler is associated with a specific
+ * header field (indicated by name). The handler is then passed the
+ * value of this header field. */
+/* The header handler callback type */
+typedef void (*ne_header_handler)(void *userdata, const char *value);
+/* Adds a response header handler for the given request. userdata is passed
+ * as the first argument to the header handler, and the 'value' is the
+ * header field value (i.e. doesn't include the "Header-Name: " part").
+ */
+void ne_add_response_header_handler(ne_request *req, const char *name,
+ ne_header_handler hdl, void *userdata);
+/* Add handler which is passed ALL header values regardless of name */
+void ne_add_response_header_catcher(ne_request *req,
+ ne_header_handler hdl, void *userdata);
+/* Stock header handlers:
+ * 'duplicate': *(char **)userdata = strdup(value)
+ * 'numeric': *(int *)userdata = atoi(value)
+ * e.g.
+ * int mynum;
+ * ne_add_response_header_handler(myreq, "Content-Length",
+ * ne_handle_numeric_handler, &mynum);
+ * ... arranges mynum to be set to the value of the Content-Length header.
+ */
+void ne_duplicate_header(void *userdata, const char *value);
+void ne_handle_numeric_header(void *userdata, const char *value);
+/* Adds a header to the request with given name and value. */
+void ne_add_request_header(ne_request *req, const char *name,
+ const char *value);
+/* Adds a header to the request with given name, using printf-like
+ * format arguments for the value. */
+void ne_print_request_header(ne_request *req, const char *name,
+ const char *format, ...)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+/* ne_request_dispatch: Sends the given request, and reads the
+ * response. Response-Status information can be retrieve with
+ * ne_get_status(req).
+ *
+ * NE_OK if request sent + response read okay.
+ * NE_AUTH user not authorised on server
+ * NE_PROXYAUTH user not authorised on proxy server
+ * NE_CONNECT could not connect to server/proxy server
+ * NE_TIMEOUT connection timed out mid-request
+ * NE_ERROR for other errors, and ne_get_error() should
+ * return a meaningful error string
+ */
+int ne_request_dispatch(ne_request *req);
+/* Returns a pointer to the response status information for the
+ * given request. */
+const ne_status *ne_get_status(const ne_request *req)
+/* Declare this with attribute const, since we often call it >1 times
+ * with the same argument, and it will return the same thing each
+ * time. This lets the compiler optimize away any subsequent calls
+ * (theoretically). */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__ ((const))
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+ ;
+/* Returns pointer to session associated with request. */
+ne_session *ne_get_session(const ne_request *req);
+/* Destroy memory associated with request pointer */
+void ne_request_destroy(ne_request *req);
+/* "Caller-pulls" request interface. This is an ALTERNATIVE interface
+ * to ne_request_dispatch: either use that, or do all this yourself:
+ *
+ * caller must call:
+ * 1. ne_begin_request (fail if returns non-NE_OK)
+ * 2. while(ne_read_response_block(...) > 0) ... loop ...;
+ * (fail if ne_read_response_block returns <0)
+ * 3. ne_end_request
+ *
+ * ne_end_request and ne_begin_request both return an NE_* code; if
+ * ne_end_request returns NE_RETRY, you must restart the loop from (1)
+ * above. */
+int ne_begin_request(ne_request *req);
+int ne_end_request(ne_request *req);
+/* Read a block of the response. buffer must be at least 128 bytes.
+ * 'buflen' must be length of buffer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * <0 - error, stop reading.
+ * 0 - end of response
+ * >0 - number of bytes read into buffer.
+ */
+ssize_t ne_read_response_block(ne_request *req, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
+/**** Request hooks handling *****/
+typedef void (*ne_free_hooks)(void *cookie);
+/* Hook called when a create is created; passed the request method,
+ * and the string used as the Request-URI (which may be an abs_path,
+ * or an absoluteURI, depending on whether an HTTP proxy is in
+ * use). */
+typedef void (*ne_create_request_fn)(ne_request *req, void *userdata,
+ const char *method, const char *requri);
+void ne_hook_create_request(ne_session *sess,
+ ne_create_request_fn fn, void *userdata);
+/* Hook called before the request is sent. 'header' is the raw HTTP
+ * header before the trailing CRLF is added: add in more here. */
+typedef void (*ne_pre_send_fn)(ne_request *req, void *userdata,
+ ne_buffer *header);
+void ne_hook_pre_send(ne_session *sess, ne_pre_send_fn fn, void *userdata);
+/* Hook called after the request is sent. May return:
+ * NE_OK everything is okay
+ * NE_RETRY try sending the request again.
+ * anything else signifies an error, and the request is failed. The return
+ * code is passed back the _dispatch caller, so the session error must
+ * also be set appropriately (ne_set_error).
+ */
+typedef int (*ne_post_send_fn)(ne_request *req, void *userdata,
+ const ne_status *status);
+void ne_hook_post_send(ne_session *sess, ne_post_send_fn fn, void *userdata);
+/* Hook called when the function is destroyed. */
+typedef void (*ne_destroy_req_fn)(ne_request *req, void *userdata);
+void ne_hook_destroy_request(ne_session *sess,
+ ne_destroy_req_fn fn, void *userdata);
+typedef void (*ne_destroy_sess_fn)(void *userdata);
+/* Hook called when the session is destroyed. */
+void ne_hook_destroy_session(ne_session *sess,
+ ne_destroy_sess_fn fn, void *userdata);
+/* Store an opaque context for the request, 'priv' is returned by a
+ * call to ne_request_get_private with the same ID. */
+void ne_set_request_private(ne_request *req, const char *id, void *priv);
+void *ne_get_request_private(ne_request *req, const char *id);
+#endif /* NE_REQUEST_H */